xt7dbr8mf379 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dbr8mf379/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19900302 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen. Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, March 2, 1990, no. 568 text The Green Bean, March 2, 1990, no. 568 1990 2014 true xt7dbr8mf379 section xt7dbr8mf379 Number 568 1ar:ch Q, OUTSTANDING INFO. SYSTEMS EMPLOYEE Information Systems is now accepting nominations for its 1989 Employee of the Year Award. This annual cash award will be given to that employee who best demonstrates excellence and commitment to the goals of the University. The Information Systems sector includes the areas of computing, communications, libraries, in- structional resources, postal services, printing and duplication. For information and nomination forms, contact Andy Spears, 257- 8489. LIBRARY DELIVERY SERVICE The University of Kentucky Libraries will be offering a campus- wide service designed to provide handicapped patrons of the lib- rary system the convenience of access to library materials with- out the necessity of visiting the library to retrieve them. This new service will be available -beginning February 1, 1990. All handicapped library users on the Lexington and Medical Center Campuses are encouraged to submit requests at any library on campus. The Library Delivery Service will provide 48-hour maxi- mum turnaround time (Monday - Friday, 8:00-4:30) upon receipt of each request. The Library welcomes all comments and suggestions. Please contact the Coordinator for Handicapped Services, Carla Cantagallo, at 257-8397 for additional information regarding this service and other services offered by the Library for handicapped patrons. (Submitted by the Intralibrary Loan Committee.) TOP FIVE MONOGRAPHS IN THE OCLC DATABASE 1. In search of Excellence, by Thomas J. Peters. 2. Megatrends, by John Naisbitt. 3. The Closing of the American Mind, by Allan David Bloom. 4. A Passion for Excellence, by Thomas J. Peters. 5. The Chicago Manual of Style. O I E Newsletter of the Umversnty O I of Kentucky Lnbrarnes § Q SECOND CALL FOR PET PICTURES! ( Pet Lovers/Owners —-- The date for the LSO—sponsored Pet/Owner Matchup Contest has been extended! We know that there are many more proud "pet parents" on the library staff than those who have submitted photos to date, so a new deadline for pet photo submis- sion has been set for March 9th. 1 You can submit your pet photo(s) to any of the LSO officers (Judy Brown, Mary Geyer, Kathy Noland, Maggie Johnson). Please remem- ber to include the names of both the pet pictured as well as your name on the back of each photo submitted. It should be fun to try matching up the pets with their owners, but we need a lot of entries to make it more challenging! Match- up of photos with staff names will be open from March 14 to March 23. A special Morning Break will be sponsored by LSO on Tuesday, March 27th at 9:30 a.m. in the King Staff Lounge to announce the· answers and the winner. Complimentary refreshments will be served. So don't delay. Send in your photos NOW! (Submitted by Mary McLaren.) * WORKSHOPS AND CONFERENCES * CENTRAL/EASTERN KY ONLINE USERS GROUP A Date Title Contact March 13th BIOSIS Veronica Johnson, 800- 523-4806 March 14th Advanced BIOSIS " March 15th BIOBUSINESS " Chemical Abstracts Mary Vass, 257-1351 March 16th STN Searching Basics " INSPEC database Lynn Andrahovitch, 201- 562-5549 May llth PsychINFO Mary Vass, 257-1351 SOLINET-EPIC SESSIONS AT UK March 19th EPIC Open House 800-999-8558 r» June 5th EPIC for Novice Searchers " =· June 6th EPIC for Experienced Searchers " 2 WOMEN WRITERS CONFERENCE I The 12th Annual University of Kentucky Women Writers Conference r will be held March 28-31, 1990 at the UK Student Center. The Conference provides a forum for women writers and scholars, read- ers, and students of literature to meet and discuss historical, literary, and creative contributions by women. Pre—register before March 9th, or register at the conference. For details, contact Women Writers Conference, UK, 106 Frazee Hall, 257-3295. POWERFUL PRESENTATION SKILLS THAT WORK i CareerTrack announces a one~day workshop on speaking skills for Q meetings, large groups, and oneeon-ones on April 4th at the Holi— i day Inn-North in Lexington. Tuition is $95.00 per person. For more information, call (303} 447-2300. ACADEMIC LIBRARIES B§§§Q§Qi_ WOMEN_AND MINORITIES Don't miss the Kentucky Library Association/Academic Library p Section and Kentucky ARL Spring Conference, April 5-6, 1990 at Lake Cumberland State Pary, Jamestown, KY. Registration deadline is March 20. See the green_§egn, no. 567 for details. _ ` .5-P E....C.I.A.L. L..I...BRA..RI. E. §_.§1€iE;Ql@.-l?@i·§lil¥;¤i ' The KY Special Library Association and the KLA Special Libraries 1 Section will hold their Spring Meeting, "Management Issues for a New Decade." The meeting will be April 19-20, 1990 at the Boone Tavern Hotel in Berea. The cost for the program, including I Thursday's banquet, Eriday°s breakfast, and refreshments during the meeting, is $50.00. For registration or information, contact Maggie Johnson, Chem/Physics Library, UK, 257-5954. COURAGEOUS VOICES: _§ CELEERATIQN_OF WOMEN'S HISTORX The Women's History Coalition of Kentucky presents a conference celebrating National Women's History Month, Saturday, March 3, 1990 at Midway College in Midway, Kentucky. On~site registration 'I is $15.00. For more information, contact Linda Buchanan, women's y History Celebration, Midway College, Midway, KY 40347. j RLS CONSPECTUS WORKSHOP The Research Libraries Group's CMDC is sponsoring a one~day Con- spectus workshop prior to the 1990 ALA Annual Conference in Chi- oago. Collection development officers and selectors from RLG ` institutions and ARL libraries participating in or considering NCIP are invited to attend. The emphasis will be on how to com- plete the Conspectus assignment at your library and how to use local and consortial Conspectus data in your collection manage- ment program. The registration fee is $50.00 for RLG members or $75.00 for other institutions; this includes materials and lunch. For more information, contact Joan Grant, 212-998-2566 (or send electronic mail on BITNET to bm.nuc@rlg) or Jim Coleman, 4l5-691- 2228 (bl.jwc@rlg). PROFESSIONAL DEYELOPMENT FOR WOMEN Clemson University announces their 36th Conference on Profes- sional Development for Women to be held April 18, 1990 at the Omni Netherland Plaza, Cincinnati, OH. Registration is $l65.00. Call Debby Brown, (803) 656-2200 for information on this con- ference or additional Professional Development for women con- _ ference locations. yQM§N_IN HIGHER EQQCATION ADMINISTRATION l Bryn Mawr College's Fifteenth Annual Summer Institute jo; women in Higher Education Administration will be held July r~LJ, l990 at Colorado women's College, University of Denver. The onrricu— _ lum prepares .participants to work with issues current V facing higher education, with emphasis on the growing diversity of the student body and the work force. Participation is limited. The cost for the Institute, including tuition, room, ana board is $4200.00, and, in addition, a $75.00 non-refundable ayplleation fee. Deadline for application is April 9. For furthe t..·‘ informa- tion, write HERS, Mid-America, Colorado Women's Colleoe Campus, University of Denver, Denver, CO 80220. 4 ' INFORMATION, FREEDOM OF ACCESS, AND PERESTROIKA A free teleconference and panel discussion featuring Dr. James H. Billington, Librarian of Congress will be broadcast Friday, March 23, 1990, 10:30-11:30 a.m. PST. To confirm your institution's participation and to receive technical information, please con- tact Center for Regional and Continuing Education, California State University, Chico, Chico, CA 95929-0250, (916) 895-6105; FAX (916) 895-4020. * PERSONNEL NOTES * STAFF ACTIVITIES Corporation who sponsored the award. The winning entry is a catalog maintenance and search Toni Powell is coauthor with program written for the Audio Zainuddin H.R. Lenggang and Visual Library. (Submitted by Chan Sirdi of an article titled Omer Hamlin.) "Management Techniques for Developing Libraries. The article was published in the IAALD Quarterly Bulletin, ABOVE AND BEYOND _ XXXIV/4 (1989), P. 167. ` Clay Gaunce, Instructional An article by Miko Pattie, Resources Audio Visual, has "Database Reindexing at the received the following letter University of Kentucky Libra- from Jon S. Hesseldenz, Pro- ries," appeared in Technicali- ject Director, HRS Project: ties, 10/1 (Jan. 1990), p. 7. I want to thank you for your prompt and effective action on The Medical Center Library is our behalf in locating, pro- pleased to announce that Jon curing, and setting up the Hagee, Admin. Staff Officer, color projector we needed for has won the third annual Lib- our demonstration on last rary Appreciation Software Tuesday. Your people did an Department Award which will be excellent job in calibrating presented in Washington, D.C. the projector. It was as good at the Computers in Libraries an image as I have ever seen '90 Conference, March 3-7, in such a projector. It was 1990. Jon will receive a check very short notice. We ap- and plaque from the Meckler preciate your efforts greatly. 5 * JOB OPPORTUNITIES * ¤ 1 ‘ UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY ASST. LIBRARIAN FOR SYSTEMS AND AUTOMATION, Univ. of Ariz. Salary: $42,000 min. Dead- LIBRARY TECHNICIAN IX, GRADE line: Mar. 30, 1990. 13, Circulation. SCIENCE-ENGINEERING LIBRARIANS . (2 positions), Univ. of Ariz. LIBRARY TECHNICIAN IV, GRADE 8, Salary: $20,000 min. Dead- Acquisitions. line: Mar. 30, 1990. ‘ CURATOR, CENTER FOR CREATIVE LIBRARY TECHNICIAN III, GRADE PHOTOGRAPHY, Univ. of Ariz. 7, CSR. Salary: $29,000 min. Dead- V line: March 19, 1990. LIBRARY TECHNICIAN I, GRADE 5, CENTRAL REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Cataloging. Univ. of Ariz. Salary: $20,000 min. Deadline: March STAFF ASSISTANT III, GRADE 4, 15, 1990. Microfilm Center. ASST. DIRECTOR, CENTER FOR CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY, Univ. of If interested in any of these Ariz. Salary: $35,000 min. positions, please contact Ann Deadline: Apr. 13, 1990. Howell, Directors Office. CALIFORNIA ` ARIZONA REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, MUSIC _ HEAD, REFERENCE SERVICES, Ariz. LIBRARY, Univ. of Cal., Ber- State Univ. Salary: $38,000 keley. Salary: $27,360- min. Deadline: until filled. 39,276. Deadline: Apr. 13, PERSONNEL LIBRARIAN, Ariz. 1990. State Univ. Salary: $25,000 min. Deadline: until filled. LATIN AMERICAN SPECIALIST, SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Ariz. State Univ. Salary: Univ. of Cal., Riverside. $22,000 min. Deadline: until Salary: $27,360-30,144. Dead- filled. line: Mar. 31, 1990. CURATOR, HISTORICAL FOUNDATION REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/coMPuTER · COLLECTION, Ariz. State Univ. SERVICES COORDINATOR, Univ. of Salary: $23,500 min. Deadline: Cal., Riverside. Salary: until filled. $27,360-30,144. Deadline: I RESEARCH SUPPORT SERVICES LIB- Mar. 31, 1990. RARIAN, Ariz. State Univ., CATALOG LIBRARIAN, Univ. of Phoenix Campus. Salary: Cal., Riverside. Salary: $22,000 min. Deadline: March $27,360—30,144. Deadline: 15, 1990. Mar. 31, 1990. 6 ‘ SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN, JAPAN · Univ. of Cal., San Diego. - Salary: $33,444-39,276. Dead- line: Apr. 6, 1990. LIBRARIAN,. Southern Illinois REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/INSTRUC- Univ., Carbondale in Nakajo, TIONAL SERVICES COORDINATOR, Japan. Salary: none given. BIOMEDICAL LIBRARY, Univ. of Deadline: March 15, 1990. Cal., San Diego. Salary: $27,360—35,016. Deadline: Apr. 6, 1990. MARYLAND COLORADO BIBLIOGRAPHER, GERMANIC AND SLAVIC LANGUAGES AND LITERA- TURES, RELIGION, PHILOSOPHY, SERIALS LIBRARIAN, Col. State JEWISH STUDIES, Univ. of Md. Univ. Salary: $26,000 min. Salary: $28,220-39,405. Dead- Deadline: Apr. 6, 1990. line: immediately. BIBLIOGRAPHER, BUSINESS, ECO- NOMICS, LAW, CRIMINAL JUSTICE, Univ. of Md. Salary: $28,220- FLORIDA 39,405. Deadline: immediate- ly. BIBLIOGRAPHER, GOVERNMENT AND ARCHIVIST SUPERVISOR, Univ. of POLITICS, JOURNALISM, PUBLIC, Fla. Salary: $20,600-34,000. AND URBAN AFFAIRS, Univ. of Deadline: available immed. . Md. Salary: $28,220-39,405. I Deadline: immediately. INDIANA MISSOURI MUSIC CATALOGER, Ind. Univ. Salary: $23,400 min. Deadline: HEAD, DEPARTMENTAL LIBRARY no earlier than March 2, 1990. SERVICES, Washington Univ., St. Louis. Salary: none CATALOGER, HUMANITIES/MEDIEVAL given. Deadline: Apr. 1, STUDIES, Notre Dame Univ. 1990. Salary: $23,000 min. Deadline: until filled. NEVADA IOWA INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES LIBRA- RIAN, Univ. of Nev., Reno. LATIN AMER. COLLECTION DEVELOP- Salary: $32,000 min. Dead- MENT AND CATALOGING, Univ. of line: May 1, 1990. Iowa. Salary: $21,565 min. Deadline: May 1, 1990. 7 '\ NEW JERSEY ELECTRONIC_ INSTRUCTION LIBRA- RIAN, Univ. of Va. Salary: $22,000. Deadline: Apr. 2, CATALOGER, ROMANCE LANGUAGES 1990. TEAM, Princeton Univ. Salary: none given. Deadline: Mar. 30, 1990. CATALOGER, MODERN HEBREW AND WASHINGTON - TURKISH, Princeton Univ. Sala- ry: none given. Deadline: Mar. 30, 1990. HEAD, UNIV. LIBRARIES MEDIA CENTER (temp. position, Mar. ‘ 1, 1990 — June 30, 1991), Univ. of Wash. Salary: VIRGINIA $28,000 min. Deadline: Apr. 6, 1990. ASSOC. DIR. FOR EDUCATION, CLINICAL AND RESEARCH SER- REFERENCE SERVICES LIBRARIAN, VICES, HEALTH SCIENCES LIBRA- SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LIBRA- RY, Univ. of Wash. Salary: RY, Univ. of Va. Salary: $32,000 min. Deadline: Apr. $22,000 min. Deadline: Apr. 2, 30, 1990. 1990. NEXT GREEN BEAN: FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1990. DEADLINE: FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1990. GREEN BEAN STAFF: Lew Bowling, editor and typist; Cecil Madison, printer. 8