xt7dbr8mf94v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dbr8mf94v/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1955 journals 032 English Lexington : Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.32 text Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.32 1955 2014 true xt7dbr8mf94v section xt7dbr8mf94v ’ Progress Report 32 August, 1955 _ YIELD RESULTS OF SMALL GRAIN VARIETY TRIALS IN KENTUCKY, 1955 By Verne C. Finkner, J. F. Shane, and Leo A. Link A (Preliminary results) ° YOUR EXPERIMENT STATION RECOMMENDS: I Dubois, Atlantic, Forkedeer Winter Oats y Knox, `Vigo, Thorne Winter Wheat _ Kenbar Winter Barley Balbo Winter Rye Kentucky Certified Seed Chemically Treated Seed l ‘ A 9 For Fall Planting in 1955. ° AGRIC UL l'URAL EXPERIMENT STATION ` UNIVERSITY OF KEN FUCKY LEXINGTON - in cooperation with the Agricultural Research Service U. S. D. A. and the Pennyrile Grain Improvement Association I - g - ~ YIELD RESULTS OF SMALL GRAIN VARIETY TRIALS IN KENTUCKY,1955 \ On the following pages are summarized the yield data for named varie— , ties of wheat, barley, oats, and rye tested in 1955. Yield data for these varieties are also given for 1952, 1953, and 1954 if the varieties were- tested in those years. ’ T l`he winter was mild, but some winterkilling occurred in non—hardy y varieties. Where fair stands were obtained in the fall, spring tillering was I sufficient to thicken stands. lhe spring moisture supply was sufficient, and good yields were obtained where stands were adequate. I Diseases and insects were severe only in isolated cases and caused relatively little damage. Late freezes following a warm period resulted in A severe yield reduction in Kenbar winter barley and Knox winter wheat. . Conditions for harvest were fair and the quality of the crop was good. _ I Two new varieties are being recommended by the Experiment Station for farmer use in 1955. Kentucky Certified seed stocks of these varieties . are available in limited quantities. It is suggested that these varieties be tried only in a portion of your acreage this year for your individual eval- _ uation. These two varieties are described below: Knox winter wheat: — A short—strawed, early—maturing, good quality soft red winter wheat. It has averaged about 10 inches shorter than Vigo and heads about Z weeks earlier than Vigo. It has a good yield record in Kentucky with the exception of this year _ when it was severely injured by the unusually late severe freeze. The variety is winter—hardy and usually escapes the common leaf diseases because of its early maturity. It is susceptible to loose smut, but this can be controlled by using Kentucky Certified Seed. Seed—borne diseases can be controlled by chemical seed treatment. Knox was developed by the Indiana Agricultural Experiment Station and first released in 1954. Dubois winter oats: A short—strawed, medium—maturing, smut- resistant winter oat variety with good winter-hardiness. Dubois heads a few days later than Atlantic, but ripens about the same time. According to our data, it has had a stronger straw than Atlantic or Forkedeer. Dubois averages about 6 inches shorter than Atlantic. While Dubois is resistant to oat smut, it is always a good practice to chemically treat the seed before planting. Du- bois was developed and first released by the plant breeders at the Indiana Agricultural Experiment Station. Some other unnamed experimental strains of small grains performed outstandingly, and it is believed that additional new superior varieties will be available to Kentucky farmers in the near future. - 3 - I Winter Wheat Varieties - Lexington _ (*Recommended varieties) Yield in Bushels per Acre A Variety 1955 1954 1953 1952 4-year Av. 3-year Av. American Banner 29.9 47.0 41.9 35.4 38.6 39.6 Clarkan 35.8 45.6 34.0 39.3 38.7 38.4 Knox* 24.0 48.1 35.4 32.0 34.9 35.8 Thorne_* 22.9 39.9 38.2 44.8 36.4 33.6 Trumbull 38.1 42.9 36.8 39..6 39.4 39.2 Vigo* 28.1 33.6 35.4 42.5 34.9 32.3 Dual 27.7 49.8 43.8 —-—- ———— 40.4 Vermillion _ ——— 35Q`6 -—~— 42. 4 —·—#~— ——-— The recommended varieties for central and northern Kentucky are Knox, Thorne, and Vigo. The recommended varieties are superior to the older varieties,American Banner, Clarkan and Trumbull, in strength of straw, disease resistance and other characteristics even though they show no yield advantage in these tests. The hard red winter wheat varieties, such as Pawnee and Triumph (Oklahoma) and the white wheat varieties, such as Genesee, should not be . grown in the state since Kentucky is a soft red winter wheat state. Other varieties, such as Royal, Saline, and Seneca, are satisfactory but as yet offer no great advantages over the recommended varieties. Dual and _ Vermillion are new varieties released by Indiana, but seed supplies are not available this year. Winter Wheat Varieities — Hopkinsville, Princeton (*Recommended varieties for western Kentucky) Yield in Bushels per Acre Variety Princeton Hopkinsville 1955 1955 1954 1953 1952 4-yr. Av. 3-yr Av. Clarkan 30.0 33.2 26.8 27.5 39.7 31 8 29 l · Knox* 28.6 13.2 32.4 ———— 35.6 ——·- —--— Thorne 26.4 31.8 23.8 31.2 31.6 29.6 28.9 Vigo* 34.8 29.4 25.7 25.4 35.4 29.0 26.8 Dual 43.0 31.9 23.8 —-—— —-—— -——— ———— Vermillion ———— 39.0 —~—¤ 37. 7 ·——- -··· l` °' ‘ Winter Barley Varieties — Hopkinsville, Princeton (*Recommended variety for western Kentucky) 1 . ' · Yield in Bushels per Acre Variety Princeton Hopkinsville 1955 1955 1954 1953 1952 4-yr. Av. ' . . Hudson 41.5 36.6 63.0 40.0 47.6 46.8 Kenbar* 39.2 19.9 56.5 48.5 48.4 43.3 1 Kentucky 1 34.9 35.4 66.3 44.2 53.7 49.9 Mo. B-400 ——-- 25.8 52.5 42.9 52.2 43.4 Reno ~·--— 34.8 59.0 41.8 67.9 50.9 Mo. B—475 40.1 40.0 67.0 41.6 53.4 50.5 . The recommended variety of winter barley for western Kentucky is Ken- bar. Kenbar has not shown as great a yield advantage in this area, but because ‘ of its stiff straw, it is generally preferred to the other varieties. Hudson . also is a stiff-straw variety that is satisfactory but does not appear to be V superior to Kenbar. Mo. B—475 is a new variety of which seed is not yet available. Winter Barley Varieties — Lexington V (*Recommended variety) Yield in Bushels per Acre Variety 1955 1954 1953 1952 4-yr. Av. A Hudson 37.4 67.5 61.3 54.2 55.1 ~ Kearney 23.6 35.5 32.5 48.0 34.9 Kenbar* 38.5 52.3 66.6 62.6 55.0 Kentucky l 40.5 40.1 49. 5 60. 0 47. 5 Mo. B—400 35.7 44.7 52.0 50.6 45.8 V Reno 37.4 26.7 43.4 49-9 39.4 Mo. B-475 37.3 40.0 42.3 55.7 43.8 I`he recommended variety for Kentucky is Kenbar. Kenbar is still the outstanding winter barley in Kentucky. The variety Hudson, recently released from New York, has been very good but not superior to Kenbar. '1`he varieties such as Jackson 1, Kearney, 1\/lo. B—400, Reno, Brier, Wong, Ward, Pueblo, Dicktoo, and others have been inferior under Kentucky conditions. - 5 - Winter Oat Varieties — Hopkinsville, Princeton (*Recommended varieties for western Kentucky) “ 1 Yield in Bushels per acre Variety Princeton Hopkinsville - 1955 1955 1954 1953 1952 I 3-yr. Ave. 4-yr. Av. Atlantic* 63.1 46.7 73.5 57.8 37.4 59. 3 53.8 Dubois* 70.8 60.4 88.9 57.3 —-—— 68.8 ——-— Desoto —--- 44.5 78.5 62.1 17.9 61.6 50.8 Forkedeer* 67.8 46.4 83.9 51.0 62.9 60.4 61.0 Fulwin 58.0 41.8 88.4 49.9 66.7 60.0 61.7 Leconte 66.3 50.0 86.9 53.3 11.6 63.3 50.4 Mustang —--— 34.5 88.9 53.5 48.3 58.9 56.3 Victorgrain —-—— 44.0 84.0 61. 4 -—-- 63.1 -—-— The recommended varieties have been superior to other varieties in this test primarily because they are more winter-hardy. Many varieties yield well in years of mild winters but are not hardy enough to yield consistently high (note DeSoto and LeConte). In addition to the recommended varieties, the variety Mustang has per- formed well in this area, but it is doubtful if it is superior to the recommended varieties. None of the other varieties are considered satisfactory due to their lack of winter—hardiness or strength of straw. 1 Winter Oat Varieties — Lexington (*Recommended varieties) Yield in Bushels per Acre ` Variety 1955 1954 1953 1952 Four year Average At1antic* 76.7 62.2 85.2 36.8 65.2 Coy 76.4 81.2 86.6 41.5 71.4 Dubois* 80.0 69.2 73.2 64.1 71.6 Forkedeer* 78.1 35.2 86.0 52.2 62.9 Fulwin 86. 7 38. 4 65. 3 60. 5 62. 7 LeConte 74.4 51.1 84.4 49.4 64.8 Lee 79.2 57.8 81.2 55.6 68.4 Mustang 65.2 74.8 95.8 30.3 66.5 Wintok 74.1 46.1 54. 4 65. 9 60.1 Cimarron 61.6 59.1 63.0 49.4 58.3 _ The recommended varieties of £all—sown oats in Kentucky are Atlantic, Forkedeer, and Dubois. The varieties Coy, LeConte, Lee, Mustang, and Win- tok have been inferior to the recommended varieties in yield, winterhardiness, or l strength of straw over a longer period of years. The variety Cimarron is a new one released by Oklahoma, but does not appear to be suitable for this area, - 6 - Spring Oat Varieties - Lexington (*Recommended varieties for Kentucky) Tiield ildBushels per Acre Variety 1955 1954 1953 1952 4- year Average Andrew* 54.3 59.2 49.8 41.2 51.1 Cherokee 49. 2 46 6 44. 8 33.0 43. 4 Clintland 43 5 51.8 —·—-—— —-—- -—-·- Clinton 59 55 5 58.6 32.7 32.0 44.7 Columbia 61.5 63.4 48.1 32.0 51.2 Kanota 54.3 61.9 45 1 40.5 50.4 ’ Mo. 0-205* 61.0 59.2 44 3 35 2 49.9 . Nemaha 45.9 54.4 38.9 33.7 43.2 Osage 8.4 40.5 43.0 33 6 31.4 l E _ The recommended varieties are superior to others in yield, strength of straw and disease resistance. The older varieties Columbia and Kanota have - yielded well but have weak straw None of the newer varieties appear to be _ superior to the recommended varieties Rye Varieties - Lexington (*Recommended variety. ) nlm _—_—Yiel-dfgin B1Ts_hels per Acre T Variety 1955 1954 1953 3—year Average Balbo* 23 3 44 9 45. 8 38. 0 Tetra Petkus 23 1 57 9 49. 4 43, 4 von Rumker 24 4 54. 5 55 8 _ 44. 9 The recommended rye variety for Kentucky is Balbo Recent interest has been shown in the two new imp o yted rye varieties, Tetra Petkus and von Rumker. 'I`hese newer varieties appear to offer possibilities of being superior to Balbo in grain yield but not for grazing or green manure. They have been tested only a short period of time under limited gggiditions More testing is needed before a definite recommendation should be made.