xt7dbr8mf95f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dbr8mf95f/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1972 journals 206 English Lexington : Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.206 text Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.206 1972 2014 true xt7dbr8mf95f section xt7dbr8mf95f ‘ KENTUCKY
· K. O. Evcms 206

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The authors are grateful to Mr. john Byers and Dr. Paul
Cornelius, Department of Agronomy, for their assistance in sum-
marizing the results presented in this progress report and to Dr. A. -
S. Williams, Department of Plant Pathology, for evaluation of the
corn leaf diseases. Also acknowledgments are made to the follow-
ing persons who aided in the conduct of this year’s performance
Charles Tutt, Research Specialist, West Kentucky Substation, A
Princeton. "
Paul Appel, Superintendent, West Kentucky Substation,
Dr. james Herbek, Extension Specialist in Grain Crops, West
Kentucky Substation, Princeton.
George A. Armstrong, Superintendent, Robinson Substation, \
C. E. Wyatt, Area Extension Agent, Mayfield.
Stuart Brabant, Area Extension Agent, Henderson.
john Kavanaugh, Area Extension Agent, Hartford.
Clifton Taylor, Area Extension Agent, Franklin.
Dr. Morris Bitzer, Extension Specialist in Grain Crops, Lexington.
Don Kessler, Extension Agent, Franklin.
jack Snyder, Extension Agent, Elizabethtown. —
Clarence Bayes, Extension Agent, Irvine.
William Hendrick, Extension Agent, Henderson.

_ 1.—Pedigree of Experiment Station Hybrids Tested in 1972 .... 8
` 2.-Hybrids Tested in 1972 .............. 9
3 3.—Agronomic Information Pertaining to 1972 Test Locations . . . 12
4.—Annual Summary, Normal Population, Lowes, Ky. ...... 13
` 5.—Annual Summary, Normal Population, Princeton, Ky. ..... 14
6.—Annual Summary, Normal Population, Henderson, Ky. .... 15
` 7.—Annual Summary, Normal Population, Hartford, Ky ...... 16
8.—Annual Summary, Normal Population, Franklin, Ky ...... 17
9.—Armual Summary, Normal Population, No-till,
Elizabethtown, Ky ................. 18
._ 10.—Annual Summary, Normal Population, Lexington, Ky. .... 19
1 1.—Annual Summary, Normal Population, Quicksand, Ky. .... 20
·~ 12.—Armual Summary, Normal Population, All Non-Virus
Locations, 1972 ................. 21
13.—Two·year Summary, Normal Population, All Non-virus
_ Locations, 1971 and 1972 ....... . ...... 22
14.—Three-year Summary, Normal Population, All N0n—virus
~· Locations, 1969, 1971 and 1972 ............ 23
· 15.—Anr1ual Summary, High Population, Princeton, Ky. ..... 24
` 16.—Annual Summary, High Population, Lexington, Ky. ..... 25
1 7.—Annual Summary, High Population, Princeton and
Lexington, Ky. ................. 26
18.-Two-year Summary, High Population, Princeton and
_ Lexington, Ky. ................. 27
19.—Corn Leaf Diseases at Different Locations in Kentucky, 1972 · · 28
` 20.—Corn Virus Test, Normal Population, Irvine, Ky. .... . . 29
21.—Two-year Summary, Corn Virus Test, Normal Population,
1971 and 1972 ................. 30
( 22.—Three-year Summary, Corn Virus Test, Normal Population,
1969, 1970 and 1971 ............... 31

1 Kentucky Hybrid Corn Performance Test
_ 1972
` ; By C. G. Paneleit and K. O. Evans
The objective of the Kentucky Hybrid Corn Performance
Test is to provide Lmbiased performance estimates of hybrid seed
corn sold in Kentucky. This information, hopefully, will aid
farmers as they select hybrids for use in the following season.
Environmental conditions in 1972 were generally good for
- corn growth. The average corn yield for Kentucky was estimated
in November by the U.S.D.A. statistical reporting service to be a
record high of 85 bushels per acre. A wet April delayed planting
t somewhat, but most corn was seeded by the end of May. A dry
_]une threatened the corn crop, but rains in july provided suffi-
cient moisture to produce the record estimates. Frequent rainfall
¤“ and poor drying conditions starting in mid-October hampered
., harvest of later maturing varieties and may cause a serious reduc-
V tion in the total amount of grain harvested in Kentucky.
Southern corn leaf blight caused by race T of Helmintlw-
sporium maydis was present in 1972 and caused some damage to
. susceptible hybrids. Although ratings were not recorded at all loca-
tions, yields of the check hybrids, Ky 105 and Ky 5921W with T
cytoplasm, were reduced below normal expectations. All other
hybrids had 100% normal (N) cytoplasm and were not affected by
the southern leaf blight organism.
Complete 1972 data are presented for each location where
a test was conducted (Tables 4-11). Two-year yield averages (1971
and 1972 data) are also included in each of these tables. Readers
are encouraged to consider these multiple-year averages and the
average over all locations in 1972 since these are better estimates
of a hybrid’s yield potential than data gathered at one location in

 one year. The 1972 summary over all non-virus locations is pre- O ¢
sented in Table 12, and similar data from 1971 and 1969 are g 
presented in the 2- and 3-year summaries over all locations in
Tables 13 and 14.
Comparisons between yields or other characters of any
two or more hybrids should be made only with data from one `
table at a time. The testing procedures employed do not allow •
comparisons such as comparing a hybrid grown at one location
and population with another hybrid grown at a different location
and population.
Ky 105 and Ky 5921W (Table 1) were again included as
check varieties to compare performance over years. They had
100% T cytoplasm and provide an estimate of the severity of the
southern leaf blight infestation in 1972. Seed of each commercial ’
hybrid (Table 2) was obtained from dealers in Kentucky when-
ever possible.
Those hybrids grown in the maize dwarf mosaic virus test
and high population tests are indicated in column 2 of Table 2.
The hybrid corn companies were asked to nominate only those
hybrids known to have virus resistance, for inclusion in the virus
test. Hybrids grown in the high population tests were also selected
by the parent company; thus, not all hybrids will appear in the
virus or high population test results.
The map on page 2 shows the location and Table 3 shows
pertinent agronomic information for each test. The Lexington and
Princeton locations had both normal and high population tests,
while all other locations had only the normal population. The
Frankfort test site was specifically chosen for the presence of corn

The seedbed at each location except Elizabethtown was l
- _ prepared by conventional tillage methods. Fertilizer was applied as
indicated by soil tests. The test at Elizabethtown was planted in a
4 fescue sod using recommended no—tillage practices. The test areas
{ were treated with herbicide and supplemented by post—emergence
cultivation when necessary. Table 3 shows the specific treatments
for each location.
s Uncontrollable variability of soil types, fertility, and other
_ factors was sampled by using three replications of an 8 x 8
_ balanced lattice. A separate randomization was used for each loca-
` tion. Yields presented in Tables 4 through 20 are adjusted for
t block and replication differences when shown applicable by statis-
’ tical analyses.
All plots except those at Elizabethtown were planted with
a conventional four-row corn planter modified for small plot
5 work. The planter boxes were replaced by special planting heads
to permit clean-out after planting each plot row. A conventional,
no-till planter with cone seeders was used for planting the
Elizabethtown test. Each plot consisted of three rows 38 inches
apart. Population was varied by altering combinations of row
length and number of kernels per row. A normal population test
had 20,000 kernels planted per acre, while the high population
test had 26,000 kernels planted per acre.
. All plots were harvested with a tractor-mounted one-row
pieker—sheller. The middle row of each three-row plot was picked,
shelled, and the grain collected in a metal container. The grain
weight and moisture content of each plot were then measured

 with a portable scale and moisture meter. Later, acre yields were ,,
calculated and adjusted to No. 2 corn at 15.5% moisture. Dropped
or missed ears were not gleaned from the plots. The number of .
plants remaining in each plot at harvest and the number of root i
and stalk lodged plants were recorded immediately prior to j
harvest. i
In addition to maize dwarf mosaic virus, a second virus has
been found in Kentucky corn fields. Both the new virus and maize
dwarf mosaic virus overwinter in johnsongrass, and both are
probably present in all areas where maize dwarf mosaic virus had
previously been determined as the major disease. For this reason, "
the Irvine, Ky., test (Table 20) will be referred to as the "corn
virus test" rather than the "maize dwarf mosaic virus test," with 1
the understanding that resistance to both maize dwarf mosaic and 4
the newly discovered virus is being evaluated. ~ i
All hybrids at the Henderson, Hartford, and Princeton test
locations were rated for corn leaf diseases. Southern Corn Leaf
Blight (Helmz`ntl10sp0rz`um maydis), Bacterial Vlhlt or Stewart’s K
Disease (Xanthomonas stewartii), Rust (Puccini}; SO7'gh2) and ’
Brown Spot (P/tysoderma maydis) were identified by Dr. A. S.
Williams, of the Plant Pathology Department. A summary of these
ratings is presented in Table 19.
Table 1.—Pedigrees of Experiment Station Hybrids Tested in 1972.
Hybrid ceiee Cross Pedigree
Ky 105 YL21l.Ow ex (T8 X Cl2lE)
(18.11 X Oh vs)
Ky soziw White ex (Cree X 31-16)
(ry 201 X cies)

- Table 2.—Hybrids Tcstcd in 1972.
Hybrid Test* Color Cross** Source of Hybrid
Asgrow RX 100 A Yellow ZX Asgrow Seed Co.
RX 115 A " ZX Des Moines, Ia. 50310
B & B 9-2 C Yellow ZX Broadbent Hybrids
- 10-3 C " 3X Route # l `
11-7 C " 2X Cadiz, Ky. 42211
. Bo-Jac x1-83 A Yellow ZX Bo—Jac Hybrid Corn Co.
X -91 C " 2X Mt. Pulaski, Ill. 625A8
Cargill b88 A Yellow 3X Cargill, Inc.
9éO A,C " ZX lQ33 Cargill Bldg.
· Minneapolis, Minn. 55LUZ
Dekalb XL6& A Yellow ZX Dekalb Ag. Research Inc.
` XL72A A " 2X Dekalb, Ill. 60015
XL7b A,C " ZX
XL8l A " 2x
XL390w A white 3X
XLAQ C Yellow 2X
XL66 c " 2X
» XL37A B " 3x
833 B " Ax
Exp. 1927 B " Ax
Funk's G5757 A Yellow Ax Funk Bros. Seed Co.
G&76l A,B " 3X 1300 W. Washington St.
Gh6&6 A,C " 2X(Mod.) Bloomington, Ill. 61701
GQSUS A,C " 2X(Mod.)
G5708w A white AX
Exp. 25760 C Yellow 3X(Mod.)
` ensue B ·· 2x
Exp. 2&831 B " 3X
Gutwein 80 A Yellow ZX Gutwein & Sons, Inc.
65 C " 2x Francesville, Ind. b79é6
Holdens 1022 B Yellow 2X(Mod.) Holdens Foundation Seeds
035A B " 2x Williamsburg, Ia. 52361
Hulting X877 A Yellow ZX Hulting & Son, Inc.
X77O C H ZX Geneseo, lll. 6l25h
X8775 C “ 3X
McNair X2l0 A,B Yellow ZX McNair Seed Co.
3838 A " Sp. P.O. Box 706
` X300 B " ZX Laurinburg, N.C. 28352

 Table 2 (continued)
Hybrid Test Color Cross** Source of Hybrid
Migro M—07ll A,C Yellow ZX Migro Hybrids
M-7lOl A " ZX Box 7
M-7701 A " ZX Mitchell, Ind. A7h46 ·
M-7072 C n ZX
M-50&5 C M AX
M-73A0 C White ax
M-Q6 C Yellow ZX
Moews 101N%/ A,C White ZX The Moews Companies
303N-/ A,C " Bx Granville, Ill. 61326
Muncy sx662 A,C Yellow ZX Muncy Chief Hybrids 4
Chief Muncy, Pa. 17756
Northrup- PX6ll A,C Yellow 3X Northrup, King & Co.
King PX6l6 A,C " 3X 1500 Jackson St., N.E.
PX67U A,C " 3X Minneapolis, Minn. 55&02
KTb80 C H ax
X35 B " 3X
X36 B " 3X _,
X37 B " 3X
P.A.G. SX 39 A Yellow 2X P.A.G. Seeds
SX 83 A " ZX Box Z8l3 `
SX 70w A white ZX Northstar Station,
SX 520 A Yellow ZX Minneapolis, Minn. 55402
6bbw A,B White 3X
SX 17A B Yellow ZX
Exp. 22003 B " ZX
Park 708L A,B Yellow 3X Park Seed Farms
Seeds Urbana, Ohio 43078
Pioneer 3lh7 A,B Yellow ZX(Mod.) Pioneer Hi-Bred, Inc.
Brand 333fo A " ZX P.O. Box Z78
3368 A " ZX(Mod.) Union City, Tenn. 38261
3369A A,B " ZX
5llA A white AX
3571 A,C Yellow ZX(Mod.)
3516 C M 2X
35lB c " 2x(x~1¤d.)
3179 B " ZX(Mod.)
Exp. 05071 B " 3X(Modl)
Princeton SX 850 A Yellow ZX Princeton Farms
SX 836 A " ZX Princeton, Ind. b7670

Table 2 (continued)
Hybrid Test* Color Cross** Source of Hybrid
Southern 55698 A Yellow Sp. Southern States Coop, Inc.
States SS875 A " ax Z600 Durham St.
. SS750 A " Sp. Richmond, Va. 23220
‘ Stewart SX 71 A Yellow ZX Stewart Hybrids, Inc.
S-10lw A White 3X Route 1
V S-877 C Yellow 3x Princeville, Ill. 61559
Stull`s 809-SX A Yellow ZX Stull Bros. Inc.
2 877-SX A " ZX P.O. Box 7
807A-SX A " 2X Sebree, Ky.A2A55
85OW-SX A white ZX
555w A " Ax
911 SP B Yellow Bx
56OW SP B White Bx
Taylor- Mastermaker A Yellow 2X Taylor-Evans Seed Co.
Evans E-20-YA A " Ax 1*.0. Box A80
Exp. 6935 A " ZX Tulia, Texas 79088
Exp. 6930 A “ AX
VR»20-Y B " Ax
- VR-20-Y B white AX
Thompson T—l20Y A Yellow AX Thompson Hybrids
V Hillsboro, Ky. AlOA9
· Trojan TXS lll A Yellow 2X Trojan Seed Co.
TXS 119 A " 2X Box 367
TXS 122 A " 2X windfall, Ind. A6076
TXS 117 A " ZX
TXS 113 C " ZX
’· MDM lll B " 2X
x6712 B " 2X
, XZA B " 2x
K.A.E.S. Ky 1052/ A,B Yellow Ax Ky. Agri. Exp. Station
Ky 5921Wg/ A,B white AX Lexington, Ky. AU506
* Test A — Performance Test, B — Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus Test, C-High Population Test
** ZX = Single Cross, 3X = Three-way Cross, ax = Double Cross, MX or SP = Multiple
J or Special Cross. °
1/ Formerly Schenk Hybrids, 2/ Tcms Entries, all others “Normal". NOTE: The name
Pioneer, Dekalb, Funk, P.A.G. A ctc. refer to the company and the number is the
hybrid designation.

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