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miniatures thick A·,- the world gecognizes as nastorpioces,·ras laid if `
aside forever yesterday when Cornelia S. Fering, eighty-three, the t§ Q
last nenicer of the Perrin; l‘a;;ily, died at the   l1o;.1este:.i, A   r
2l7 West Walnut Street, · `l
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Miss Cornelia, the only daughter of Professor Cornelius ter- li *
ing, noted artist and teacher, had devoted her life to.ert. Her ri j
miniature paintings hung in the art galleries of Dresden, Gernanj; fl E
Paris, France, and other noted European galleries. She studied Q? ;
among the old masters of Europe and wxs the teacher of nany suc- ll I
cessful artists of today. . ll i
J E 1
Her father, uio died many years ego, was equrlly talented and iQ §
had gained recognition in art circles in this country and abroad. it l
Nearly a half century he conducted an srt school in Louisville and , 3
drew students from.all parts of the country. Following Dis death, 7 {
Miss Cornelia Fering became master of this school and later convert- Q f
ed it into an art seminary for girls. lr .
Thirty years ago hiss Pering opened Pering and Saunders irt M Q
School in the Pering honestead. dere she taught art for nearly ; 5
twenty years. The last few years of her life had teen devoted to K E
the painting of miniaturss of Ler relatives and friends... f
hiss Pering was awarded iany prizes for uaintinjs she submitted {
· for display at European galleries, and received the loner of having i
one of her miniatures on display at the Dresden, Germany, gallery. l f
This is an honor that is awarded only artists who have gained uni— l Q t
versal recognition. » g
Many eccentricitics marked the life of Kiss Pering. Aside from ,· j
her teachings she never sought to co nercialize her talents, ani her g, ;
portraits of friends were always painted for gifts. Followin: the { -
death of her father sie ignored several excellent on ertunitics to { Q
gain fame and wealth by tainting, and cane to Louisville to continue l §
ber fatner’s work. Iot once during her life did she have a picture, , §
or portrait made of herself. W Q
I I {
Kiss Pering was born in Bloomington, Indiana, but moved to l
Louisville when she was ferj tsung, Frofessor Pering gurcnascd the l E
homestead at the Nest Walnut Street address when it ras one of the 5
finest in the citf. he converted it into a studio to develop the ’ ;
talents of his daughter... é
1 P
_ Additional Reference; Kentucky nrtists Sera;} o], Louisville Free Q
_ Public Library. g
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