Z 178
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’ d, Feb, 2, 1924 »
Q From»—Louisville Post, February 2, 1924
° lhs. Zudie Harris Reineche, rms one of Louisville’s most noted
; musiciuns.
Q She was the daughter of one of Louisville’s most distinguished
g families. Her father, the late Theodore Harris, was the founder of
j the Louisville National Bdnhing Company and was its president until '
3 his essen.
l     .` . L. ,-1 ,
; imst oi nr!. Heinceke’s musical cureer wes s enc in Lure e where I
, J
· also the majority of her works were published. ln this country, how-
_ ever, she played with some of the most important musical orgdnizstions, ~
§ One of hor Louisville appearances was os concert pienist for Welter I
§ Domrosch*s orchestra in which she played s concerto of her own compo~ *
; sition. She also occupied e similar role with the Chicago Symphony F
! Orchestra. She scored many successes in European nusicdl circles, `
1 v ?
Q Pony of her songs were sung by Luli Lehnenn on her European 1
{ programs, ond by other funous singers, Ls o pianist, she vos e
{ pupil of Leschetitzky end for one yeer studied also with De Pdchmann. Q
{ Z
{ Tron--Louisville Post, February 4, l92é
{ Among the musicisns of Europe the work of Zudie Harris Reingghe
: had gained its place, Her songs were included on the programs of T
i such u singer us Luli Lehmann, and her compositions were played by S
i ecnnrwtnhu. ln this country, her native country, however, her giftS ;
; us u nomposer had not vet become so widely known ns in Europe.
i Yet hor fame wus growing, Louisville, especially in the lest few »
5 yvors, when she again mode this her homo, has shown its appreciation-
j “rogrwms devoted largely to her compositions have been given by
' it \¤ '·—·*··— ‘ ` · ‘¤A-» ss s I ·» ·. TA · ¤ . .:.   ·
5 »t» hits tluu, the tedncsduy Morning nusicol Club, and che uusic
I rw ~· . . . -.
i ¤~udy blub. A sercmdde for violin was played publicly for the 11TSt
‘ ;;mo but two nights before her dcuth and wss received with greet
{ spontunoous enthusiosm,
j J"~`.ill”t~.l~‘11lll Y(ei`ere:‘n·e; Eientucliy Artists Scrnpbooli, Louisville YTGG
g ruvlio L orurv, »
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