xt7dbr8mgh9m_6 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dbr8mgh9m/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dbr8mgh9m/data/65m131.dao.xml unknown 0.45 Cubic Feet 1 box archival material 65m131 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact Special Collections.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Hilton family diaries 1896-1899 text 1896-1899 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dbr8mgh9m/data/65m131/Box_1/Folder_6/Multipage2069.pdf 1896-1899 1899 1896-1899 section false xt7dbr8mgh9m_6 xt7dbr8mgh9m  










Irv f‘n nnv



" a}: PUBLxlSHE'r) 921‘


























4 In. make r Hand. 3 Feet make 1 Yard.

7.92 In. “ 1 Link. 5} Yds. “ 1 Rod or Pole
18 In. “ r Cubit. 4o Poles “ r Furlong.
12 In. “ 1 Foot. 8 Fur. “ 1 Mile.

6 Ft. “ 1 Fathom. ()9 [-6 Miles make 1 Degree.
60 Gengraphical Miles make 1 Degree.
1760 Yards E __ 1 Mile
5280 Feet _ ‘


144 Square Inches make 1 Square Foot.
0 Square Feel “ I Square Yard.
30} Square Yards ” I Rnd, Perch or Pole.
40 Square Rods “ I Square Rood.
4 Square Ronds “ 1 Square Acre.
10 Square Chains 1 Square Acre.
640 Square Acres 1 Square Mile.
(Sumer's Chain equal to 22 Yards nr 100 Links,
272} Square Feet make r Square Rod.


43,560 Square Feet I Acre.


1728 Cubic Inches make I Cubic Foot.
27 Cubic Feet “ I Cubic Yard.


27H Grains make I Drachm 1dr.) or 27 } Grains.
16 Drachms ” 2 Ounce (01.) or 437 “
16 Ounces “ 1 Found (11).) or 7000
28 Pounds “ 1 Quarter (qr.)
4 Quarters “ I Hundred-Weigh! (ch)



20 Cuts “ on.
2240 Pounds “ Ton,
24 Grains make 1 Pennyweight, or 24 Grains.
20 Pennywts. “ 1 Ounce, or 480 “
1: Ounces “ 1 Pound, or 5760 “


20 Grains make I Scruple. 8 Drachms make 1 Ounce.
3 Scruples “ r Drachm. 1: Ounces “ xPound.






The following Tabl: shows the number of pounds per
bushel required, by law or custom, in the sale of articles
specified. in the several States of the Union.
















7a" 2: :‘rc‘l
u 0 u - . 3' .
.: . '1 U: >-
STATES. S“: ”.2 E 8 7.? ,3.- m’ ale.
.2114 CdE'U.E:‘C

Maine ........ 4848 56 so 52 3060 ‘60.. 50'64..

N,Hampshirc.......5650..30605660.. 6o.-
Vermnn! ...... 48 48 . .. .. 31605616070 . 646041
Massachusetts. 48 48, 565052 32605660 .. .. .. ..
Connecticut“ .. 45' 56 . 326056156 .. .. . .
New\'ork.... 434% ‘58.. 32605660....626044
New Jersey... 4850 ‘56.. 306056§60u ....64.
Pennsylvania.. 47 48 156 .. . 30 56 56.;6085. ..62.
Delaware ..... .. .. “:56” .. .. .. ..60 .. . .. ._
Maryland ..... 4848..156.. 573:6056l6056..626445
Dis! Columbia 47 48 . . .56 48 57 32 56 56 6o 50 55 6: 60 45
Virginia... .. 50.. 326056.60..56606445
West Virginia 52 48.. 32605660..60606o45
North Carolina 48 50 ”15446 .. 30.. 5660.. . ,. 64 ,.
South Carolina 48568056 50573360566050 .6060..
Georgia ....... .. . 4857 35 56..6056 ...6045
Louisiana... ....32.....6o
Arkansas.. 50 57 3:6056,6o 50 .606045
Tennessee. . 5o 56 32605660.. ”60..“
Kentucky” . .. 505733 56 566050 .606045
Ohio ...... ...32605660....606o45
Michigan .. 54 3260566056 5860:6045
Indiana 5048 32605660 50 .6060..
Illinois 48 57 3260566050 .6060.
Wisconsin. . ...3260561600 ....60
Minnesom. 48 42 .l56.. . 326056460 .. .. .. 60 ..
oyva ..... . 4852..156..573360566050..6o6o45
Missouri. . 4852..|56..573:60566050..606045
Kansas . 5050..56505732605660505560..45
Nehmska.. . 4851.. 565057346056605055606045
California.. .5040. 52....32..5460..........
Oregon....... 4642..56....36605660. .. .60..















1‘1..\' A11) 111'1'~1"1‘;'. ~1111:
.\1n?1111\.. 111111 1011‘: 1 \ \;1111
”11.11.11. 11111111111111111. x1111 1 121111111 11

N11111- 1. . 7 \111111:
\1-111-121 1-1. , 1 1
,‘\111111 ‘1.... ,.. ,. 11 1 1.11111
111111111-11111111111111111' 1' , 1.11.11:
[11"11‘11'111‘12‘ 1-1111-~ 111111 11 1 1111.11~1
111111-.:.. -1121111111 1 ., ~:1‘11r11'1'.
10111111111111;11111131114 11.... 1' ~1 11*:
1111 11 ... . . 1 1~11111*t
111r11-1I1111111 1111*111~1111111 1 1. 7111 «*1.,1.1.1\.1..1.1111, .1 1 ”1111-01
| 1*‘111111~1-11111:x11\1~ 1 _ 1 ~111-r1-t
_ 111111 1 ~1-1111\1*1 \111111: 1:1 1 111111111.
1(11-1r11111.\,_ 1‘111-11.11111111'~-111-1_1 1 1 111111111.
1111111~11111.1 1.11111111111111111111111»: 111 ~1111'c:
,‘1'11111' . .\'1111('1:. I. \111111111.
311111-1111! 1'111'111111111-1-11x11“.11 . 11 ~1111*1 1'1
.\1“~ 11111141 . .\'11n1* 4. . . . . 11\111;11.1:
.\ '111111‘111'l‘4-f‘111'1\( .1 1 x11».1-:.
\11111-1*~11I:1 ‘ 1111111111111'11 l 111*111211 1 714'11ur1‘f
.\11.~<1~»111i11. l111{1-1111r1*1111111»11~1 11' 1'1 111111-r1‘z.
.\l1~111:-1 111r11111111~11fr111111 111111111 1‘. {111‘ 1'1
\l111111111:1 Nunv 11111111111
N111v-1~|- '11.. ,Mrw 1\11111: 111.
, . N11111>111\... . . . .. )1\11‘:111111.
11 1111- 1111-11-11 111' 11111 ‘1'111'1121'111111 :1 11 “11111-1
' 1111111 111111111. 111 .\ 1*11111 111 1‘1 11111-11-1.
r 1111 111 ,_ , . 1: 11111-1-1'1
M11111: 11111111 11111 11111111111111 41-1 1'1 \ 1111- 111
N1111‘1 1).1k111 . 1111* '111111-1111'1111! 11-1 - 71:111-111.
011111 ....... .1 1111*11-111111-1111111“ 1111. ., 1) 15111111
1111:1111, . 1111'111111111-1111111111-*11.11.\1111 111 ~1I1111>r11t.
1’1>1111~121111111. 1111—11111111-1111\11~--1111111 1:1,. 1‘, 11111111
“1111111-1111111 .\r1111' 1:1... ,. . , ., . . . 4'1\111n11l



51111111 1|1|.11
'1'1111111 .KR1‘1'


1'111 .. .




(111 Gram.

111111111111 111111111111111111-1-1111\1-11111111111111
)Iunhhulfl 1‘ 11s 1111:111-111w11111r

1-1 1w111nm-
hchnul 111ml












1.511801: Il‘L
















1111'11-111111‘ 111111111110 1:1



111111111111111111111 111111111-1. . 1 1:111-11-1.
1111-11-111111111111x1*11~‘1111111. .111 1'1 1‘1 11c1-1't.
‘1111'1-111111-111111111111;111*11~11 _ \ 111111'r 1-1.
. .\'11111- 111‘. . . . < \111111111.
.‘ 1111111111111111"1'11 -1 111 1; 1: 1111- 111.
11111111111~11~‘.~111111*1;1111-1 111 1. 11111-r1't
Nunv 411* _ 111.\11'1111n'r.



1'1111'111'11'1- .


{1113511 (‘



(1% ’1'11111- 1111151111111 11-

(1') 111111111111111111~11f11r11itslt\|11r11~111.11\011rt1)
{:1 2111 1111111» or dcmsiou gr111c allowed by
custom of banks 111 most cities.


1.111 11,111 fl

(1‘\ T max 111' 1HN‘P1‘-[ 11“ 11111110“













IN [I115 Almanac the rismgs and settings at the Sun and
Mnon are gwen in local mean time, as heretofore. The
Tides are given in STANDARD T111111.

To change to STANDA 1m T1111; add or subrract the
mz'rmtn as given below, accordmg as 1111 y are markcd flu
or mini“.


Correction for the following Cities.





Eastern Standard. Central Standard.
75° Longitude. 90" Longitude.

MInIItel. “human.

Bangor, Mb. - 25 Cleveland, Ohio .. - 33
Augusta, Me. . . - 21 Columbus, 0h10 .. 28
Portland, Me . — 19 Detroit, M1ch. . 28
~— 16 Toledo, Ohio.. .. 26

. H 15 Dayton, Ohm .. . 23

— 14 (1nci1mati, Ohio 22














. . ~— 14 Imuisulle Ky 18
New London Con-11, — 11 Ind1anapolis, Ind 16
S \nngfield, hlass. .. . -—— 10 i 'x! 21"), Ill 10
Montpelier, VL, — 1;: 1 \I duh-,8 VI 15 8
Hartford, Conn. -- g I Springncld , 111.. W . .. 2
MjmrcaiN, Que. . — 6 Mcmplns Ieun .... o
Ainan .. ~ 5 \cw (Hears, La. .. 0
New YorNx N. Y . — 4 $1 14011.5, Mo 1
Utica, N. Y . + 1 Rick 'sland, Ill. . . 3
Yb. ‘az‘lelphia, -+ 1 . .- . . 3
C ' -xxse, N. X 15 5 Imrlmgxsn, Iuwa 5
La 11110re,Md.. .+ 6 St. Paul, Mum. 12
\\ 11311111111111) C .. + 8 Des Monies, Iowa. . . ‘4
Rochestcr, N. Y.. . j 11 Kansas (Iuy, Mu . . . . 13
Buffalo, N Y.. , 16 (3111731011, Texas. . . 1g
Pittsburg, Pa. . 20 Omaha, Neb, . . . . . . . 24
Mountain Standard. Pacific 8131121111101.
1050 Longuude. 1203 Longlmde.
Denver Col. . . . . . Sacramento, Cal. + 5


Salt Lake Lny, U1al1, + 28 5.111 Francisco, Cal... + m



amnmmummu WWW»... .





Drowning. 1. Loosen clothing, if an . 2. Empty
Lungs of water by laying body on its stomach and lifting it
by the middle so that the head hangs down, i{erk the bod
a few times. 3. Pull tongue forward, using andkerchie ,
or pin with string, if necessary. 4. lmitate motion of res-
piration by alternately compressing and expanding the lower
ribs, about twenty times a minute. Altemately raisin and
lowering the arms from the sides up above the hea will
stimulate the action of the lungs. Let it be done gently but
gemistently 5. Apply warmth and friction to extremities.

. By ho ding tongue forward, closing the nostrils and
pressing the “ Adam's apple " back. (so as to close entrance
to stomach), direct inflation may be tried. Take a deep
breath and breathe it forcibly into the mouth of patient,
compress the chest to expel the air, and repeat the opera-
tion. 7. DON’T GIVE UP! People have been saved
after HOURS of patient, vigorous effort 8. When breath-
ing be ins, get patient into a warm bed, give WARM drinks,
or spirits in teaspoonfuls, fresh air and quiet.

Burns and Scalds. Cover with Cooking Soda and
lay wet cloths over it. Whites of Eggs and Olive Oil. Olive
or Linseed Oil, plain, or mixed with Chalk or Whiting.

Lightning. Dash cold water over a person struck.

Sunstroke. Loosen clothing. Get patient into shade,
and apply iceacold water to head.

Mad Dog or Snake Bite. Tie cord tight above
wound. Suck the wound and cauterize with caustic or
white.hot iron at once, or cut out adjoining parts with a
sharp knife.

Venomous Insects Stings, ac. Apply weak
Ammonia, Oil, Salt Water, or Iodine.

Eainting. Place flat on back; allow fresh air, and
spnnkle with water.

Tests Of Death. Hold mirror to mouth. If living,
moisture will gather. Push pin into flesh. If dead the
hole will remain, it alive it will close up.

Cinders in the Eye. Roll soft paper up like a
lamp lighter and wet the tip to remove, or use a medicine
drapper to draw it out. Rub the ether eye.


First. Send for a Physician.

Second. INDUCE VOMITING, by tickling throat with
feather or finger. Drinking hot water or strong Mustard
and water. Swallow Sweet Oil or whites of Eggs.

Acids are antidotes for ALKA LIBS, and vice werm.


ACETIC. SULPHURIC (Oil of Vin; Snip—suds,tMagnesla,
nol). NITRIC (Aqua Fortis). Ime.wa er.

- Ammonia in water. Dash water in

Prusuc Acid. {am

Carbolic Acid. Flour and water, mucilaginnus drinks.

Allin-lies. POTASH. LVE. } Vinegar or Lemon juice in

Arsenic. RAT POISON. } Milk, nw Egis Sweet Oil,
PARIS GREEN. Limhwater, iour& water.

Bug Poison. LEAD. SALTPKTRE. Whites of Eggs
CORRosIvB SUBLIMATB. SUGAR or or Milkin large


Chloroform. Dash.cold water on head and chest.
CHLORAL. Artificial respiration. Piece of ice in
ETHER. rectum.

Carbonate of Soda. }Soap—suds and mucilaginous

Iodine. ANTIMONV. } Starch and water. Astringent in-
TARTAR EMETKC. fusions. Strong tea.

\Vhitcs of Eggs. Milk.

Nitrate of Silver. LUNAR CAUSTIC. Salt and water.
Opium. MORPHINII. E Strong coffee, hot bath.

Mercury AND ITS SALTS. }

LAI'DANUM. PAREGORIC. Keep awake and mov-
Son'rmm; Powrmks or SYRUPS. ing at any cost.

Mustard and water, Sulphate
of Zinc. Absolute quiet.

Plug the ears.

Tmcr. 0F Nux Voch.

WwWW.W_.W‘-um MW“.-





POSTAL CAR DS, 1 cent each. :0 \vxthnut further charge to
(1'1 p:nt.~ uf (1w l'mtnl St- «a. Cnnzuiu and )l«-' '0. "Hr ly
“Mal Funk." “1th ('urd innit-hm! tuv' pznzl n-yv cvnh vm-h.
(‘nrlds for l'ormgn cuuutrlcs (wnlun (1w l'mtul L'mon) qunla
L'HL' 1.



nmlu and


LETTERS to all parts of the United States.
Menu». :3 crnu Mr can-h mum-c m' {rm-nun z‘m-xuut.

LOCAL, OR “DROP” LETTERS. (hut h. for the mty or
tuwn “hm-4' xlvprmlml. ‘_’ cvms \AlH'H‘ tho 4 rrh‘r system 1:

udnplwl, mul 1 mm “In-re tlu-rc IS no cumur nywtum.


FIRST CLASS.—Lrttvr< and all nthur wnth‘n mutter. wheth-
(‘r waxln «A m' UHN‘JINL 11ml all niln r mum r w ' .xmh wu'wl.
tlwl. m' Hurr‘nrd 1n :mv mxnmm‘ >0 Hm! 1L mm! In: Cilxll)’
exunnnL-d. ~ \wnh1mouchuunccurirm'tmn flu-run}



SECOND CL ASS—Far puhlvshnrs and Hows warms only.1
(‘I'Ht lhl’ pound. .\};\V~I'\l'h1:,~‘ and PI IIIUUH'ALS mogulur
1mm mmm mm M- mum (I m m- puhih‘ u! mu rutu 01’ 1 (out
im' ('1 k,“ lunnm n or (rm-Nun then-01.




TH|RD CLASS.~T‘rintmI mum‘r. in Imwulwxl wrnmwn wnh'
(all Inuth‘r (-m'hm «1 HI nuh'hwl emu-1011M mus: pm‘ loner rnu-~ ),
] ('ont Iur u\«‘]\ 3 mun-xxx nr inn-nun HH'I‘kHL \\']\H‘|l hllltl bu
jully pwlmi‘l. Tln~ Hu'lmlw: lmukx. kulxnx rhvnmm, un-
gralanm hundlnllr. hthnzruphx muxw. pumphlotx. proof-
shovthumllllxlu\v~vruyt1|(‘l'mll1um_\'ll\: Hu- ~2ll|\\'. It‘lH'lHIlH'UUHx
by the ('lw-Lrvc 1u-n. hr-ktnzrxwh. Himallnzrxlph, punvrnxmph,
and, in Hunt. any rvprmlucuun “{me jlel' by MW prom-w
('xcr-pt humlwrmnz uml Hu- (mywnugrlxrvu. I mm 4-1 wulghbi
1b.)” except 10ml Muglc bunk “1111‘“ “my “ugh more.

FOURTH CLASS. All mmhlhlr' muttvr nut im'lmll'd in the
thrvt- prvm tlmz cl- MN. which n m prvpurud lur mullmg 1H [n
he uunly wnhxlv" u'n 1mm Hu- “rumwr :Iml «\"munwl. l ('(‘111
pvr UHHH‘ (rl‘ inn-tum thm'vull ant M “right 4 11.. Lu“
prt-payxm-nt ('mnpuhory,




REFORWARDING.iImm‘rs w‘H ho furwuuh-(l from mm
past-(mite to :mnthvr ulmn Hm \\"‘l‘l|'l\ rwlmnxt wt (kw prrwn
nd!1r('.~.~l'(l.“Itlmlltudthtlmlulthan: Inn um'lmmwl pun-kuzvs
cannot Iu- Nun-11mltnthcbcndur until pumps arc lurmshul (0
pay the return puatuge.



REGISTRATION.~LDttor< nr puckuxrs mm hr‘ registmml by
nddmg Mumps to the amount 01' A cents to the wgumr rate.

SPECIAL DELIVERY STAMPS, n! 1') cvnk om‘h. usrd 2n
mlxhtum In rt-zuiur mm, inrurt's (lvhvmy mmu-tlmrrly «In
urrxvnl uh flit-o oi durtmution. There Mumps can be used {or
no other purpmc,















1"11r4)r111‘rs 11111 1-\1'1'1-11111: $1.31 111:1'1 r1111t>;11\'-1 r a}
11m: 1xu111-11111L: $-,11\'11111.1~: 111111 #1111111 1111: 11111-131111“ $111
11.:1111'111L.~: 1111-1' 1111111111 111111 \11111111‘1: it '.1<11 11 Mb: 1,111

11111111111111-x1111111111{111111111 11111 1111:11II111111 1.11111-
1111-11111; {11.11111111111111: 1,11-r 11111111111 11111111;1\1~1-11111 $11
1'-1;1111-111111111\: 1111-1-111-1111111 11.11 111-1111111111; 111111 11111111 11111.1:
1111r 6111111111111-11111111111 11111111-111111'11111; mu {111:1 11
111>chu1-11111:1; 1-1111».

FOREIGN POSTAGE. '11111 mto= {111 11,111.1:\' 11111 fur tho
11.111 111111c1- 111' 11.11::1111 1111111111, 111111 1111131- 1111 )1 \\ >1111'11.:11xr

111 (11111-11: 11r111111 111111 1111111111 1r11111‘1‘..\‘p:\1n1 1111 11:111- 111
hrrmum 111111111111' 1\11~l11:. 11111111111“; >111t/u1'1z11111, 1111)
Ribsin \11111' \', 511911-11. '1')111k1" 1111111111-1111 111: 11 1\1~1-1t'11').
1: 11111. 111111111 1 1-11:~.111 11~11nj111<1111l1t111r 1-111-11 2111111111 111»
. 111.—\11 tr11‘111.11t-111r~ \111
11‘11115-11111 ~11
\111:r11111~1 111111111 .1111111-1». (11111111l1~tt111-~' \'1:\ 511111111111
01111.71 11-111 1m 11111111“ . 111 1~1~111~= nhwqmlwr' 2 mm- 11.1
1-111-‘1 '11111111'1 <. 1.11111 1111 11-111:111"11111.11-11111' 1'1111. ':1111\\'I, July 4,1I1a11ksgi1ing,
)cc. .. '1

I()\V \- J..111 1, M211 30,]11l1 7%, Thanksgiving, III-.c 2'7.

KANSAS Jali. 1.31.1y-5U J11; 4, public (.131, lliank»

_ ring, Dec. 21'7.

KL. IIK.K\*J.111.1,I‘¢.2L’, July 4, public fast,

LOI'ISIAN \— J.111. 1 and 9, Feb. 22. Manli (iras,
Mar. 4111 New ()rleans, (Bond FridJy, July 4, Dec. 2:7.

M AI N F. AJan. I, Fel7. May 30, public fast, July 4,
'I‘lianksgiving, Dec.

M. -\R\I. .\.NU »J .111. 1, Id). 22, («1th Friday, July 4,
Ihdnksgiiiug, I)cc.21'1, and general and Linugrcs—
511711.1l clzxtiuu  St. Augustine, l‘la. . “ o 17 4.2
2 Key \Vest, Fla. .......... add 0 54 1.2
'3: Tampa Bay (liqmont Key), Fla. . . “ 2 4g 1 4
:, Cedar Keys (Depot Key). Fla.. ” 4 52 2.6
J ~



 The fulhm'ing estimate. h)" thu Director of tlic
Mint, of the Values of Foreign Coin.» is pm—
claimed by the Sm‘ictury of the Treasury, in
pursuance of the pruvisiom of scctim 25 of the
Act of August 2» , 1594, to lit: thc \‘aluc> of >ugh
twins in tcrm< 0f the mum-y of zu'cnunt of the
L'nitcd Mutm, to he follnm (l in estimating the
Value Hf :ill fnrcign lllcl’k‘llnnkllSC cxportul to the
United .\[Lllt‘_\ «m 01‘ .iftcr lint I. 1893‘ expressed
in any of such mctullic currwt‘ics:




('utx‘rmu Srn‘ntizin, Mun-mun" l'xiri \'.\i,ir:.
WV 7 7 "7 V i“ «7", i ’ 7 it 7“. 3|,
“\XQL‘llllllA‘ quu‘m (iultl & Mlv. l‘uxo ............. u qty 5
.'\\l\lTl.I-l‘|l\lg.\r)' I'mltl i . Crown. t 0 2t» 3
{ciuium ........ (inhl &.\ll\'. l"l.\lH‘ it. n It} 3
“UlhiA i, .. .. . .i Hiiwr iiiii l'mliviauu, . o 45 5
’nxl/il ,,,,,, . Guiil .. . .\li ['('2\ .. H 5; 6
lliiii Siln‘r, ‘ l’em . n 45










k‘lnli..i.u...... thl& |\'. Pew. u t)| 2

l } \ll;\l\ull;ll.. 0 (i7 3

China ........... Silver ..... 'l'.\vl.. Huikw.\n.. o 74 g
‘ (Customs).

Columbia . n. . i . ‘Silvcr ..... l’esn ......... U 45 5

(Zulu .. ....... Hultl& silv, Pew 0 1,2 (\

llt-nmzu'k i. . H Hultl .. . ('im\'i\.. u 26 X

Smut-u... 045 5

l’mth|1xi,l>.iie.~)4 in 3

Nliirk... .. u it, 3

‘IIICL‘V. , .. ‘ '- ' . ‘v . t .u m 3

‘ inmii limpiic. r» 23 S

(luau lirimmi i .. Hui 4 Sn (wk

(ii'cccr .......... (inhl& il ‘llmt‘lmu . n) It; 3

Hayti, . .t. . (inltl & silt (immlc ., n 9“ 5

[mild Silver .. . u 21 0

Italy, . (inl(l&s ‘l.im ........ . u If) 3

, , ‘ . . , Hmld ....... o 99 7

Japtui . ....... (mld &sxl\. \ui l Silv-r ‘ ‘ 0 40 I


Liberia ......... ‘(iuld..uninullm'.......t....L1 o




.= l

014x11..- own» omwwwm wou- ouumoo














AN111\1:11.1 Mann-11. ‘ '. . VALUx.
¥— 7 fih‘ 7W 7 W [11. c: u"
\Iexico ......... Silver ..... Dull 1r ........... 1o 49 5
Netherlands” .. Gold& 511 .ll‘lurin







llmln :1r

Newfoundland” (501d. .. J11ll;1r.‘1 1 4
Norway......... Gold ..... (-11.1111. 1126 8
Peru ..... .Sllver..... $01.... 1145 5
Portugal. Guld 1\I1]1eis 1 S o
- , ,, 77 2
Russm . . . ....... hi1 \er .. . .. [\uble { :1 36 4
Spain ......... i (i11.d&5ilv. Peseta ..... ,1 19 3
S\\ede11.. C.1rmn . .1 26 b
S '. lxanc. .0 19 3
\[z1llbubo :1 41 1

P asue .. o 4 4

1 o 9 3

1 u


Epiphany . . . . 1 . . . . . . Jan. 6
Septungesima Sunilm . , . . . , . Feb. 2
Quinquagesima~ Shrme Su11rl1y . , . . . Feb. 16
Ash \V etlncsdav . . . . . . . , . 1 . Feb. 11)
1111'st Sunday 111 Lent . . . . . . . . 1 l‘el). 23
St. Patrick . . . . . , . . 1 . . Mar. 17
Palm Sunday . , . . . . . . 1 . , Mar. 29
Good Friday . . . . . , , 1 . . . . April 3
Easter Sunday April 5
Low Sunday April 12
lwnatinn Sunday May 10
Xscenslon D1\ a Holy ll1ursday May 14
l entecnst— \Vhit Sunday May 24
I'rini1y Sund1v May 31
Corpus Ch1isii . June 4
St John I’.1ptist . . june 24
Michxl lmas Day . . Sept. 29

First Sundayin Advent . . . 1 . . , . Nnv.2
St. Andrew .

Christmas Day












A\IERCL‘R\' will be Evening Star about January 23, May
16, and Suptumlmr 13; and Morning Star about Much 5,
July 3, and October 24.

Vtzxm will he Morning Star till July 9; and then
Evening Star the rest 0f the year.

JI'I‘X’I‘ER will lyc Morning Star till January 24‘. than
Evening Star till August 11; and then Morning Star again
the rest 0f the year.

A $0100.“



Emu" Sumluhl. Central Stundunl.
Vernal liquinnx.... Mar. IQ, 9h. A. Mar. n), 8h. A.
Summer Solstice. June 20, 5h. A. june 20, 411. A,
Autumnal Equinox..Sept. 22, Sh. M. Sept. 22, 711. M.
\Vintcr Solstice... .llcc. 21, 211. M. Dec. 21, 1h. M.

Mountain Stand-n]. Pacific Standard.

Vernal Equinox.... Mar. xi), 7h. A. Mar. 19, 611. A.
Summer Snlsticc...._lnne 20, 3h. A. junc 20, 2}). A.
Autumnal Equinox..$cpt. 22, 6h, M. Sept. 22, 5h. M
Winter Solstice ..... Dec. 21, oh. M. Dec. 20, uh. A.

——oo:ot’tl1 America. Visible entire ti) Eu-
rope, Asia and :‘itiCJ; and in pm: to Australia, the eastern
extremity of South Amerit‘ l, and the Atlantic Ocean

111. A TUTAL l‘igUi’Mi OF THE SKIN, August 9. In-
Visihle to North America, exclusive of Alaska‘ Visible to
the Arctic regims. caxtern Europe, the northern half 01
Asia, including.' China and Japan, and the western portion
of the North Pat‘itic Ocean. The line of totality running
through Nnva Zcmbla, and Yessn, Japan.

IV. A PARTIAL l‘It‘ursE OF THE Mnmt, August
22—2 . Visible entire to Nurth and South America; and
in part tn the \icfitern CXU'L’nllliLN' of ICumpc and Africa,
to eastern Australia, and the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
Occurring as follows :—-







Mann ('ntt'rs l’onumbrn
Mfmu Hm \‘hmluw
ll|)>t'., _
Moon louver Slmdnwn.

Moon leaves I’vuumbru





First contact of shadow, 70 degrees from south point of the
Moonis limb towards the east.

Magnitude of Eclipse : 0.735, (Moon’s diameter : x.)






The Calendars for the Latitude of
Boston and Chicago

May he u!.d, Smith
I);ikut.i, and \Vyumiug.

The Calendars for the Latitude of
New York and Philadelphia

May he usenl for Southern New York, New Jersey, Pour.-


Vrn'theru Ohio, Nnrihcx'u Indiana. North-
ern Il'inmt, Southern 1mm, and Souzhcm Nebraska.

The Calendars for the Latitude of
Washington, Cincinnati, etc.

May he mad for Delaware, Maryland, the Virginias,
Southern ()hin, Smitheru Indiana, Soulhern Illinois,
1, Kcuturky, Missuuri, Kansas, and Colorado.


"flu Ionp
Mediterranean ................................... 2,000


Caribbean. . . ...],800
Red ..... ...1,400
Black , . , 932
5 Baltic ........................................... (500


Pacific .................................... 80,000,000
Atlantic .. .4o,ooo,o00
Indian... 20,000,000
Southern. . 10,000,000
Arctic ................................... 5,000,000






' , .m- u'" «1,1.(0'.
11 1 , g 1 g 1'. 1
> (1‘; $1151 \i.'l‘r£,3,f:) 1 EASTERN omsmu.

1.11:: 14111111”. . . . 711, 1011. 25m LII.
New Mann, . . . . Md. 9.. 13111.11...
Firs: varler. . . . 2:4. 911. 12m ‘31—.

Full Moon. .


Kid. .5









1? g: 11.. s. 11.1 5. “19. 1111.115. 11.123 ‘ 1111..
91:5 Lu, 11.111. Morn'x Ln. [11114. Morn"
xfWe r7 30' 5 30‘11 45 ;r; 25‘ 5 36 8
2"Th 54 39' 6 49 0 o ‘54 44 6 31 9
3‘Fr 117 30‘ 8 7 05011-7 25‘ S 1010
4,531”, 41} 9 :4‘5 1 47 ‘54 4019 2(1 11
51S H730 046233 r7 25104011
61341115; 131135 3111 54 “1153 o
71TH H7 30 mom 4 8 17 25 111mm 1
SWelsg45111o 5 3 s4 50 ‘2
ol‘l1‘r72112256 4 r72 ‘3
m Fr S4 47; 3 39‘ 7 9 54 52 4
11521 17291451‘81211724 5
12 .5 ‘5449 55991315154 549 0
11111 ‘54 51 sets, 111 1 :4 5!» sets. 7
Sun Moon
11.1: s. 11.3: s.
h. m. 11. m.
17 '9 5 43
S4 49 0 59
r7 11) 8 14

‘5451 928

17 19110 41
S4 53 n 53
r7 11) mom
54 55 I 4
r7 1() 2 1h
5‘1 s7: 3 23
r7 19 4 37
S4 50: 5 41
1'7 151 (v 36
55 1 sets.
17 13 5 50
‘ 0 w
‘ 7 56
i 8 55
I Q 56
7 IO 52
1’7 [5 H (0