xt7dbr8mgv0v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dbr8mgv0v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-10-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 30, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 30, 1986 1986 1986-10-30 2020 true xt7dbr8mgv0v section xt7dbr8mgv0v a I ’
I Vol. XCl, No. 47 Established 1894 Umversny at Kentucky, Lax-noton, Kentucky Independent since 1971 Thursday, October 30. 1986
Ta C al't' n d7SC 8885 SGA f d.
30 landowners problems - - 2. ,
.., c o _ ,r
o o “ é- . . , ,.r
concerning corporations " * " ' " 7
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l.\ .\I‘L\\' \\I)l‘l|t‘SU\k tiottetl were located outsttlt‘ hun‘ \ 7,, . B) .|.\\' Bl,\\'l'(l\ llttllt' it: tlt'ptlt .ntmli-s than .1 (mm “mm H”,- moth ”A ”yawn”, k. M: r 7 ' IL '7
.cpi-t'ldll [‘1)](‘('l~ lullllttl tuck} lie [but thosi examples to \ l. News ”mm. l’dl’” “UNI!” "Wm“ \HHK m ‘1 Hmpw “MI 1' .. ._ ,1 . , ‘. g
demonstrati- that lIlllt'll Ul 1h" land ,. ’ 77' 7'7“: I,\()l1\ .ttltlml llld' 'ltt‘ 'llll‘llsl Ill fl.“.|]47 7 .‘7 77 7 ~77
lht' ht’ll"tt'l\_\ l‘u‘l' lit\. (Itillllll’ll tm‘nt‘tl ll). t'ttlll})£llllt‘.\ ts lltt'Hlubl)’ A i i]: ('7‘ The Student (imt‘t'tllltt't‘d _\§_\tt\7ic1 the llldthl/llit‘ A,“ little!" trom the . - .. "
”Nib DWI)!" l'l‘t‘t‘t't ”1"” ”"VWSL‘ owned'n A’N'ttlt't'k")tttl)d|tlt'~‘ .1» t7 l ,' 'l H mm lust night unnnnnoush \tllt'tl to 1N “WW,“ Winn-“mm lhe ttttigd/tne .\ ltixnut and ‘it‘wih t ; ' '
tit-1811131 Ihx‘ tl‘ltll‘l'tll‘ "l UHH'L‘P‘W‘ 771hh .\ .t \llllitllltll where «low . '7 :7? if :7 7 ‘L ~’t \ allocate 51.228 to ltll'll.\l}lt'.\ mm; 7ltll'l,\l\:i-» .itii t.i- .t nttli- more ”MW “”7"” ”“11”" W1" “ML 'l'“ .L 1 I 7. . ~
M\"€('t)lpill‘ulltIID \lHll‘ ore litttllt' litI’ .t\\i.l).7 5/.ikos A. . 7, '3 74,; [I l H {t7 “ ' uunetorpublishingltlttl)‘N‘-\ pointed, 7?lt.n. t5. 7’1“ p.20 \llt‘ mat *“‘l‘“‘““”‘ "‘ tunds 7“" “““~’“’7"7“ \ 7 7 '7 . 7 7
Fhat \Hb \Kttatl JtN‘ Ndk‘l‘. ”A“ Lind .ilmitt the \.\.t_\ land is used He ,1 ‘ E77 r j‘ ' M / The tttuL‘n/tne. lttl‘tltt’l‘l} named [! .ttll also deni .t..tli l\\llt'.\ that «x ”‘7‘“ “7‘“ ”'i’d.‘ 1" ”Wk“ 71 1117“"th 7, 7‘ v.7' ,
' ”dedl'” "1 M77“ » “'M 34 IX‘UPlt' .dttm‘ tho .is HI 1079. 83 pen-em ot' ‘\ t? 77 $497”: #7 (7“ml’UN “"1 ”ll” t't‘dttt'tdl “NHL maxilla-mud'ttet .tvztttnxm-nn .. “““l‘l ‘LlLtltit‘PUMH'dll'"; » -'. 7_. 7 f
. List llILlhl ..l the llt\l tin-ettttg ot the llll' m.tier.ilL .ll ”11- utsIt-t'n eountles - . w ‘1 . f: “T?« ) last M‘i” ttlli‘l' puliltslnnu onl} two \ti \ SUM”)! ‘l. Lug, l);i\nl lint , .‘ .» ‘. ‘ I Z.‘7 13.
s l ilt\'t-;g~,;l_\ tint-its 'Hlt' t'uut-t’tswts N, . ”Linn l'.‘ (Uri-,Hl-ahnll,‘ ontttde ,, “5“” hr.» NM, ”1“ “MN“... “0 bum d . 77777 - tint”: .77777 ..)~..t- m; g .1 ‘. 7.; v”
I part (it ”“7 LYNN“ (Ullltl) hi7 H ”"51"!" "("7” SIAKUS “5‘11" 14.‘"”‘» m" ttlittl;t/Itlt*7\ “‘1‘ 'tutlt'tttilMuntil: \Uillttllillltlll‘illltlll 777777'7 77 77777 777 777777“ 77'" '7'77 7 7 I ‘1'7 r ‘ r ‘7 -’ '.
,. . u» L I 7 ‘ ‘ l 7 ' ' " ’ 7' 7 77 7 7’7 7 7
I t'hupter Hits \llliilllttll led M H In worn.” tor lltt'lllt'l, said the llltltg’d/lllt‘ tautknx ,,:,,, t 7!“. pronutw I *“H ” p‘" l"""l”" -- “ht - ‘ ;‘.', . , ', -
' -' . . - .. t . ‘ Lt. 'tt t‘txh '7 ~’ . -7' 7'
’ hi‘vlt l.\ tht time w|ltt‘t.lt 7777:7777 lltlL legislation to l‘t‘t'lll} the pt ohlem in NM”: hill .m‘ pmwd WW7“ through needed the ntone} lwt'ttuse it locked “MN” mi ”N. ml ~...«l gm. mug- ‘P" l" "‘ ‘ "“ '. .- - ' ‘
. ple together til mum. um o wot toning corporations to pit} .i tnirer .h‘, ”Mk I” i,“ ”rub/"ill,” 7l7llt' .in dtht'llhlllfl litht‘ Ilttlll which to Mm, 1mm“; \i; L‘ vi L,» U“ 'ht- lltttlllt‘l'lttl>;lit'\\ '~‘ L" . :'
, on the Issues \\lllt'h .tllpt't tltt'ttt Jill, t.i\ on lltt‘ land the} t'tttltt‘ol Though M] . L..\ ditttllm‘tiv't‘L more N“ m publish :t otmd -. . - ‘; .
their~ community 5/.tkos sdtd the hill .\.is killt'll in t'lllllllitlli-t- in m. um.“ d, N, . AN.” M Hillil).l7l1it',\ "lt hasnt ltt'Cll ”Millage-(l well ill “(hunt on: mutt my}. -.t_,, not he ./,\t..\ aimedw-i: ‘1 me u, v;,. We L,‘ 7 - ,‘
. l\l“T( \Ads lttl‘tltt‘tl ”1 W?” h) t'lll' wlint Sltlktlh stud appeared to he .t ‘lllt now. it“ . “Ht." rights“ the past. l‘_\t)ll.\ soul v'\\t‘ know Nthe'optt‘ utt' _1l)llltl.t'.il‘ttt1 attu'ott tommunt}. tummy \' Nip-y) ,7 .‘ ‘:'_
It'm tn 911510!“ N‘Hlm'M ("'“VVHW‘i eonlltt't at tlllt'l't‘\l on the part o1 “ltd! ttt‘t‘thl'tlk‘tlt'ttt‘7 \I't‘t the Yl.t't‘7tl.L\ the i-dt'ot‘s ot ‘ill\(‘l7l‘trllt‘lt' l'tt primary» ' .- . w ' ’77 m .7 77 '
' about lhl‘ "IX "ll ”limmt'd ””“t'rdl‘ some legislatotsu he \itltl Kl‘7'l7t llt' \{lltl l\l‘7'lt pron. lilt‘L ., tut-um Mutts. ti iout‘ntiltsnt iuttmr. mitt 7171H‘ll\t7:\|t'~ .-\.pi.-\\...1 my” dptfl't‘t m nxolu-dw.ththzntt;twttt then-n: _»77 g : M91717. '7
. llesuld thw \‘ttt‘l"’l'~““'”‘ "“1“”3 ”1" continues attempts to m' a mom tn .\lllt'll mt mind. \li«t}lrt‘.\ tll‘t'ltlt' lltt' Itttttll'} “111 MW“ ”10 “HEM/t“? murmux ’ . . ‘ -
.. mineral 77.777777“ pa) 7777377177? 7771777777 ”Wimbpq‘,‘ 1;,“ t)‘1\\(ttl ‘ ' mm}, l” w ;,_ '-.1Lwl N”; loud Um to l)(‘ published and t‘\t‘ltltl;tll_\ work “We M“: \t, \ ‘7’} dl‘l’lmtlltl ”1,. ml’mtkttts “Maw: ,2“. Wm” ”I? " '. . , 7.'-._' ,'
, ldl “7777779777 777777717 i-\ _L. 77 t' Md >(l\ lltt' t-ttnlilmt. \ ““1 “"11““ ‘7' It" Lt‘l' \ i‘ it illt't i' \t.;>titill limit tillt l“ ”“7 pmlll ”1 ln‘lllL’, YW-«W'titlh ltlllfidg luv: t.t apt-=1 'l.o ILd.‘a/;l.t' 'llt' \lttIUs it! lltt' tttllltttts ti» wlwt 7‘7 _ 7. 7. 7 7 .
77777 7777777777 77.77777 7777\777 77 7777777 7777777“ 7777'7'777‘77' t‘l~ ltv' ti . 7llt' l"»ltlll.tl7 opinion that >t'll'\tltllk‘1€tll 2mm» ltll7\\tlf<: .l. t:.w'1t.._‘ :ln- ell. l\\llt‘ llt- said a :ette: ‘lli7t : .r... 7 , ‘ z 7 ' -.7
. He 0p‘7‘7“'" 7"” ”M'H’ltl h} ”5km“ ”liter 0””: "’1‘ "1 ’4‘“””*l7"l7‘ lK'Hitlt' .=H' Jim'ltlli 7" ttt'wlm': L th' The mafia/me. l.)ott> stud. will 'nt‘~ ttltttt.tt‘nL:Iui-s \tiv\ \ resolution \MD uttdt'wi .1! .1 .7‘ '7 .I .77 ' ‘7
,‘ people lllt'l l.t' o' itt- \\Itl,\l cot— rights hm‘ "W!- l'lldtitltl‘tttt'tl it) mlJl there .tl't‘ pimptr ill-tr}; wrnr otter things that other txitttptts puhlt 7\7\"ll the imp «:1 ,st.\ t'\})~‘t'lttll:~ ~1‘lll to acting \ m- {lutfn elm: :r . 7-7 7
lmt‘atton .nd lljtlxl ot those men l\l-'l‘(' Male» Laid the ltltmtl tot'm thingaliottt t cations cant 'l7ul‘ttst}lt‘> ‘MH have ltd: ‘1 H‘tlk‘l-* W33 trt' AMP to \ltl'lt't.' \ttdtt'slnst'lttzl$.t:- :. .7 - 7 ‘7
. ’ 71' *7 -. 7. g '5»
h, ' "—g‘ .-e~ » J W'TW-"'m' ~__.__.'_..,._._..., t ~~c - - i - N, ._ . ' ~ ' .
_ _. ._ , _ W exm ton 5 ma r » ,
. f > '— ,. _ gut—nut . '4‘ ~75} «Laura. J -. ' " .1 -
-NN. . «a "‘ W . 7'5". ’ 7 ~ . V 7
~ 7 77‘ 4 Ne— .. .= 7. ‘3.” 7 '" . ,* . -. :
. « ~~-—----~ . ~ lscusses problems
« . . N s: 2 ’ . . .‘f. Suzd . _‘L -, ~. - .. - i
m 1. k Y Ma - .
~ 3‘ “'7‘ ‘. ' ’5’!‘ z it. ~:- L—»~- ‘ * ' ’ i
. W! V at ~ *- “$3.4 N» O t 7 ; ~ .7’»
. ' ‘w L' 7 iy 7 ..>:::;3§'i“ y 17": X . w “’3' "W! i -. . . , - . ‘
. I~ may ' __________________ _____. -W*:____‘ “ _'_. , t t . . . " n . . a ‘ -
7-. , H": ,‘_ - 'I‘ .7 a ._ * ‘ . 1' i : . 7..77 .~ \ .7'
...;..t. - ,', .4!“..’ N. . «c. _. .. .‘ ”fi‘ " .4' ’ - 7" ’.
. . V . . t - «7; . . ‘ ‘_ p . .
*' « * ’7' «CL; . .1 ,7 ‘ . . ‘m-fi‘ff'Q ‘ “.1: “N ,l \H “H I Hi :et' th',\ the wt} must motel; .' am .. a . L -.
. ”a. .- ., : ‘7 _.’.".“.‘f.t.2!".‘.'“'ts... . (um: mtf : . ‘.‘.: "i-t \" ' ‘ 7 7 ‘
.., ‘ ,w . . 5' . ,n' “my WWJ ‘ -"” 5* . - ' .i _
d .‘7 , . r .7” . «y: is» a ' .v ‘. . . .'
~‘f ,..;..l '_“7 ' 7 s 77 7 N,” 7 ‘l tt’. EJ-Lii >~t'\7x'!~ltt\ l,t'\.lt-.;ltt[; \\(‘ Nit‘o- l1)\”‘lgdhi)ut $7‘ ll. i.‘.‘t.'. .t ’. \ '- ,. .
~' _. .. . ,7 . . A 717' ‘ ~:‘.“" ~ . .\lt;‘wtt’ NW":- l'im'swt' 'll\til>.\t‘t‘. \t‘dl l‘ntt'sltrt' said I‘ \ “1th p - 7 N
' ~ -. _ 7 . - "" m» . sottm wt. 77lit' twttz'ntttnt} L tntm tilt‘Ltpt‘t Vot‘dlldtal) . . " . , 3 .
. .. f : ~33» .. . , pl7ltlllillt‘ltl l~~ttv‘> with l hstudents . g, ' , ,-
‘7 7 7’7”? "\ \ ’ “ ”"77 7 7'7 “1%" e '.u I! it-u t' no \ltltlv‘li'x 'l 1"77“‘7‘7'~77*"l ‘~‘ all tittltttzi'itt,te tum i ' . 7 i ’L
t .‘1‘ *‘ 7 l 7 . 7. , 7, ... 7 7 .77 ‘tli."-tllill\ t . s .1 v' . *7 '76 ~
v‘ 17777 .7 . i777 V”! :7 Whig-”she N lllt' \ttltli'ttr ll‘ltit‘: ttli lamil‘ud ”it 't' Y vi . .7" 77 1‘“ - if“. W“ t‘t" ‘: v‘ , , .7 .
.0 ,- ,,_. . ' \L . p» '- . - ”mp.“ . in_‘l1.,\ ,1”. \t'hunt l l\ ..t .tlt tl _. would tn llQ‘lit mot» . ,
Q ~- -‘**.9"!I§’ u i’ i ‘ (7- _- :7 ' ’7‘ L7, 77 7 7 77 7_7 7 7 77 -, .t v i. -.\' l i. ., 7 . 7
. . J r I m», L ’1’ 17 ~ .i ._ X: t‘. tit't'tttlv' l l\ L‘ \t's so {tritt'lt 'tt '7 7’7" H 177‘“ ML“ 7 » , ' 77
7 3t 7 \ fl/7 3: . u y_"' ' ’ '} _. ,t,’
‘ 1% _' ,1 ' - \ ~. . . ~ . Mm -~l“'L ‘ 177 LL‘ "L“ \Hit-t; the dl>t§U>>itrlt tinned ‘o 7glt’ N . .
‘ “:7": “ i .7 “{3} 7, ”1"”‘7 l”7““‘i"’-‘ “1 l h 75‘7“] ‘7'" h" um ot .llt‘l)h”l on Nurtdaf» lint-sir: ‘ . ' 7 , ' ~
s l , t ' ‘1 ‘0. amt N -[ l M ll‘ y . . , H . . ; a
* ‘ M I I a . ( < . .mt. (on. llih i ~\.ll ”mitt an
“L " c \7 la 9 77 l - 5..” “‘7 “"k 7“ n" “"‘1'7‘7‘ L“ ‘7‘““7” t'llllt't‘ ol littlet‘t‘nt'v it At- ltztxe- .\\”t 7 7 j ’ - '
-» . . \ L f“ ltttl- ‘tt‘t'ulbt' 'tt.t' is tltv tittttt‘e .1“; cm” ”rupmmt _ 7‘ . ' ' '
R” ” . ' _ t -. . N ‘ t...” [)Il‘\2'lt“‘ ll'\ ~ pt't‘sntt'tttldl st'ttl’t‘ll. , 7 7 «.
.' *‘ ' ;L‘ ’ . out“; not . l,e\'l‘l<.\\ \llli I rt: tn-I'wn-tlh 4min»? mom;- .1 ' = '
L ,. . * 43.. 7: ,“17‘7 it“ ”“1““ mt.“ My: cut-,4 ”Mpg“ it .ot‘ stilt-s tx't'dtlse HI l't‘ilLL."LL\ I'm , .. _\ ;.
- - 7 *5: 77: (a. tin ‘ 'ltt'tWi 'ltt' ‘ttplt'\ .tl tllsi'thxtnt. “”7” “L“ ll“ ”"t L‘ttlllg; T“ ”I‘M“? 4 77 7. 7’ 7 7-. 7
.. 7 . . _ intuit-t: Ltttdent lhtlkll‘tfl. is it 'lt'll n1} ‘lll’m‘lli ”l“- (‘Vt'rF‘L'V “3‘“ h“ - " _ t, 7
77 7 'S__7.;‘, £8". ~ , ‘ 7'7" L t‘..lt ltlttlm’l‘ ltli7 lint-slot xttt? ‘ltt- ‘i‘l’i Th“! ‘ 7"h.\ 7*“7 3" \“Y “F7 “'7‘ . 7' L7 7-'7 ’ * ’, 77
fins,- 7 77 7777: 7777733“1€«g;a€%. 7 T“? ‘ 7 barium ptolulettt :s sittttit‘. wtnt- 1 . . ' 77
‘ ‘ ' - 7.x“ “it 7".77“771‘7‘§ 7 7‘“s 7 7 . . - “a w L? _ . 7 * . t I.
w; tat-«aims - Luv iv, . gwf :‘ I - . ‘\ ' .ywsw v. §~ **< thou llt‘ \ at. t t'ottttm . ‘ - ,
ma» «\‘fib’swx- ' . . . - ~ '- “N" . I - - .i ' ' ‘7
1,7" *L}: w§‘..,~w=z~g: g “a ill“. > « ' ‘ "7‘7“"?— ‘}ii...£“".w I no.3 LllU' jun: din, ri-ttt-t or. l’*“““‘ “h“ h“ ”WW” ’ ‘ llit‘ ' 1 ,7 ‘ '
7‘77" “ 773:9, .’ $5 . '7 “”37‘7 g . “77' .1 4%“ 7 7i 1:77.; thm. t th-u llt‘xttlti “’7‘? thing 'Lh‘“ mmtl‘ l""’l’7”' "1‘7 "t * ‘7 ‘ .1]:
‘*’ LIN" “'7’"““"m-'7‘“* ._ \. ' 41,-». '7 ’37 . qua-MW 75.7” ffika': .», t ozltlt d t.‘~ l‘ in“, ttt';__ltiwt L 'w ’ttt ‘ 7' 7, ' 7 t
I. ~ . “litzti‘afijfw .Y {1:17 , “1‘ - polu» .tlmtt' ~'iltlt'1.l\ pntktza tr'. ‘ltr 7 ' ' 17' ' .
-.~~d' .‘ ‘& _ '- ¢L"._ . ' 9., «a»: L... t“*‘l‘«::, L , . : '. A , A
c» ,4, a: we? =m»»---« ’ " ..._.. , so “an ’ wewatNL' x W, :1" l‘Ltlml-‘L “Wit“ W ”‘4'! “NW <4Ut‘>twhwt wott' int c - .' ' x; ' ‘.'~.
,_‘ “ *‘ x 7 ‘ 3 7" 4, “ ' 7 7 7“ . “ mold-H. 7th mat ’ota s street people. l‘i;tt“lt‘{ lt‘lt‘ll't‘tl : _ ,- v , "
V 7 -~ - us m4- .» * 7' “77““ ' 7 “W“ 7 7&7“ ‘7 7 v u -, ‘l » t » . 7 7 - 7 t
. . , . . , , ,. ,. ‘ . l \il.:. \ tt‘te puree :zu- the otto't «. o the ptottlt‘m us .itt (‘llttllllllqh ‘i ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘
-~- .. {Me-mm" . i *- w N. m . - I ‘ , . , L - - 1 .- 3-
“2.14:9: ,. . ‘ .g; V. 33‘7“ ‘ .. .: . t‘l’ ti utlllzll; .sth-t he lust eon. oi: . . t. _. "r“.
7. 77 77.7.“ 7‘“ “' 4-5377 4 £7 . 7 .-‘“:,-"i ' TH; 7 .. . 7 . ,. l‘lL“m "V 7th“ ““"Wl "ll“ ”1“,": \\e are not 2mm: 2.; ll.t!\t' 'he 7 7' .. 7 77, ,- '
”z 7 ,t , . 7 L :fl“‘&j ” -‘ 7 .. Wyfix‘ Kg. :97: "”5"" WU" M “’“TNH‘! l" “‘“m‘l : nest social ox‘uatttmttot: tot’ tropie ' , 7: ‘ 7 . ‘ ' ‘
. , . ’ -' ‘ . w . :— . "77"7 .. 77 Y‘T’Rmfl‘ l l’i'”\”1t—‘l“'ht’* li-It'dt‘tV‘ditl tint-ed . 7 s 7, ‘ 5’
a; g . ’ 7 _ r U >. 5.: L ' . N_ 7 . " '3' '7 7. u 7 ‘7 4,
ffio '. . :, N .\ 3‘" M ~ . ., . . .. . ., f ~‘ ‘3
f; ; "* 3715 '...-:~L — - (fr .2 ax!“ .. ,777 7' '53}- 7 . 5&3 .5“ L ; ‘ ‘ fl 3 ’ ' 5”” “ ‘ ‘1‘““1‘f‘m‘h “’1 “a 'lt‘s not a simple l\.\llt' he \itltl 2 _ .' .'.
. ,. «aw—u.» . . ~ uiAquwsou T"... students on llt'. twine Lise L‘JHN. “_\t lull games as much ‘»\hl\kt'_\ - I ' t7'7 1 .7
Pl ‘t“\;«"l | I \ I ‘ . 7 . v
. “mum” h‘ "“"‘ illltl lwor is spilled on me .i~ \lt’t't‘l t L: - ' 7
, -. .
Hang'ng OUt .\ttotlt<'t I.\\llt‘ l’itlt'\lt'l addressed ”777p“ ”"777“ on ”WP.“ on 7h“ 7 ' 7 '. . 7 .7 . m
wasthel.t-\|n;_‘to:"lt‘attstt >)\lt‘lil “HON“ . .‘ 77 7C7 7 7
7 Jt tw Ctooccmo left and Mark lshmoel both thitdr ear or r * \ ~ . . ~ i 7' t '7 77 7 ;7
t ' ? '7 t d ' r d t f :’ possi [shy L x they sit on a ledge cf 0 Pence Holl wmdcw Tues I’l-Hmtnm need to lw l7t'('\ttlllillt'(l tau-n so. tie sdtd the H” w“ ', ~ ‘ _ y, 3“ .
i r s 1 ' 1 1 ' '
‘ ' m U ‘7 U 9' s tove o 58‘0" S cry ““9““ O 0 e“ 00' not to make the routes more t‘llt‘t‘lHt‘ lt.t\'t' more securtu because ot the , . ‘ .
he \lltl l‘7ot‘ i-\et_\ token u ptissenr lint'asstttettt trotttstreet people ’ . ' . ‘ .5 ‘_
, ,« _. .,
BflChClOl’S bachelorettes 7 7 F t hld 11 t0 ha e 7 7 7 7
0 .~ f 77’; 7,7,5“: {'7 ’1" '. -. ~ , 7' . _ 7‘
plc an ac ros ects ~ ,7 .. ._ '
p. 377:1? ~ V . .
"a ' ' - ~ 21 OWBCH on campus . - , '-
., ~ ...A.. .
.2 ' ‘ a ti . 1 i7
In I l.\\('lt(tl'(‘llfll{ .\s l mingled through the aisles. l ., t; Q» 72"} i -=, b ‘ , ‘ ,-
_ ,- c - x . , h .. ’ ' ' \ll x n s L .. _. v t . ' ‘ ‘ .
.\t.ttl “NIH. t-Itt'outttered d“ ”P” ol people: . . t ‘ i ' . . . ._. B) l)\\ ll\s.\l,l.| .il in (ll‘ltfittl .1) lht ttati Ill}. 1 ‘ ._
)ttttnu. old. dnot't'ed. tittt‘at‘tn'e and .7‘ . ST’ - ‘ 7 _ 7W) - ’ Matt ““7”” N7} ‘7‘“77 - '
A \ , ‘ I A .. . ‘ ) . .‘ l .‘ _ _ : ' ' . ) “7 , .6 .v , " _ , » .‘ .
l ' l ”‘th H th‘ I ”1““an I“ “l‘ ‘1 ' “h“ P“” “h “ mut. Ih‘ “‘ a t s a * _, “mph.“ ot Tm hi tpt “NW. l)t*p(‘lltlll‘.LI on the hurt) > \uut'ss. -.
“It arm-er) WW“ hundreds 0‘ hun- Margarine 31“” and the Q'B‘rd ( ' Jr 7 7 ’ 7 7 ' 7 ' 77 7t 7 7 . .7 Km stud it mm become an tinnuol '
L‘t'} singles shopped tor romance u made special aptwarnnees tit the hit: I, ‘ , , lltllt‘l hit) and Aetn 77.777 Alptd will”. Ht.“ ~ . _ _ . . -
limtte event ' 4 ' - 5.. It) \\ttl pin} th‘ pntw «it the (neat .
_ _ . ) ~ t l c - .. s 7
“MN and Me For eo-stxmsored ()ne lad) brought her son. who ‘2‘ “" lumpkm ”I‘m“ 1‘" ”H” "H" m .. NW». ‘ 7 ‘ '
. .. ~ * x . . -t I 9* "Wit.
.i stimles night that lured Lexmg- spent the ewnmil trapped In a sh0p- “at“ . ‘“ “’fh'm‘f“ _ . a ‘
ton _\ most (*lltllltlt' bachelors and ping curt \\hllt‘ 5m. [X‘t‘itmhulated < -. ‘ l-tottt ) tn .» pit: the titttttntti LN”? .
lmehelorettes out ot the bars and trommnntoman 7’ , _ . ‘ apd sororit) will thtow ti paid} tot x; .7
into the market to search for the There were all kinds of games and 7 ‘ 2*“ ””‘i‘7{l""'k{f‘7‘.: '“7 “7 “3““:
twrleet mute festn'ittes Volunteers from the ' ‘.- . ~ 7777777 77 777-77 7 ““7777 1777 77:77 77777777 77t777 “I. UK swim team is
"I eame because I‘m looking for crowd participated in The Dating a m. “”“L 7‘7t77l‘7kli777 77717777777777“ “’Pl” looking forward to its "’86 .
\llss Wonderful." said Brad Buck. u Game. The Price Is Right. Bowling ‘p... ~ 2", “77717 ‘m7 ’7773777 777 M h 7 7 ’
23-}enr4tld bachelor ”He had for Bounty ‘mnmg paper towels mm ~ . , : 3 , I , , he) ‘dltl menu-u m the lmterm seam. w c opens Sutur-
enough of Miss Right and now I'm canned beanstandagrapetruit toss " ' . - ' ‘-v-» . ' . ti] and ""7““? “l” (""1 “N“"W‘L‘ tor d°Y~ 5.0m". ’09. 2. ‘
ready tor Miss Wonderful,“ Tables full of free samples were v ’ -— '4‘“ _ . s r I viptnt}. \\ 111th will leatute treats
. . ‘g . ~‘ . y . , . .
The Miller Beer was flowing and set up to help satiate the hunger of \ . a II 4 ‘g " "‘ fi‘ \ “m Edam“ "m “1]"le 1“” hours ’leck or Ito-0' im't just on
spirits were high tand. perhaps. so the tarnished singles But some 4" . 1 ‘ \L .l , . A , All“ l“ WHY I t'} “I“ ldkt‘ the 0mm“ ”a" "3 a rot
.-.- t ‘ h ,. . , Id . f d 'h' h,. . ed 1 L i."‘ ' . I . children on .i lI‘ICkrm' treat tour of ‘ p 'y
“(H sotmott egutstst, (0U nt m w att c) want , , _‘ ‘ . . km. W. m 5.. 9|
As I entered the meat market. I _ . .. Auuuuio .. L M l b“‘lt‘7”m”7*‘“”d"‘"“““‘“" ' ' '
was handed a prewritten name tag ' l in shopping tor prime rib, said “t‘ T“ ”Wm H “TAU-‘0 m“ k‘dL‘ m.'0906.
that presented me as Tatum. My Nancy lshell of Lexington And she Dovud Thompson a computer science senior talks to Amy ”Wt! Rtllditm‘t‘ on ”RHMWS‘" 1 and
smiling hostess Instructed me to find said she would stay there until she Graves and Mary Ann Patrick during singles' night at Pic-Poc ‘1‘“ ‘7‘“ “1‘7 7777:1777 d“ ”Ll“ “t7" 77:77
my mate. John McEnroe. For fear foundit ‘. . mk“ "7777mm ”p077 “r m
that John may not be my idea of the The woman-toman ratio leaned a ”“797” *‘n.l“.\|”tl ”‘9 «”mofiph"? 0‘ 57"“ WW“- promotions director “‘7“ *
, [X‘rfect date. I crumpled up the little to the men's side or maybe it thew-holeerowd " for “kQQ, was: very happy wtth the Spt‘lldltltl Halloween with college ..
name tag and put itin my purse. Just seemed that wa} heeause the N0! ever_\one shared 1n shoemak- turnout students “people who they «the 7% N” .0 my with a
men were all qithered in the beer ”750 tlmiSmthouah “It 8 great." she said “We had no . . -- ' .
John must not have been too excit< 9" , , p idea wh't t . Id be I k 1 d t" thildrent can look up to will Mfl! h 1“ M '0 M 6“.
ed 'bo ‘ . _ line or around the llx majorettes. _ _ . " ' “0“ ' 9- J" ‘ 5 make this "an evening that the\* vull 1' w .0
a u meeting Tatum either be- “'h0 Performed a routine to “You 7' ”mm H ‘7 “ad that theres ‘70 gone realwell 77 remember " s' d Winkle an n3 lish W M Mr
cause I never saw him. (I kept my Better Shop Around .. much loneliness in this town,“ said Brown said that as soon as they 'ndfi n sh sii777homore 7 7 g 7 M 0 h I!” a. Tm-
eyes peeled. thinking that if he one lady who unaware of the party. got through this one. the\ will con 77 .pa 77 7 p M W“ 7k W M g ’
turned out to be Mr “onderful. [ t'We like‘to meet new people. eame to get groeeries "l'm Single. glder whether to make it an annual The night will he a "fun expert- ”m‘
might reconsrder) said Dene shoemaker of Richmond too. but I'm not lhl$l()n(‘l),77 thing enee“ for the children. but it will . . .

. ~ 5 ‘
'_ . ~ Andy “mood
' ‘ > I ~ ‘ sports Editor
s . ~ . |
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‘ . ' _,_._._.2-.;-..;:;:;:;5;€:;;~j¢-_\§_‘.\:.~-,\ \ckflx
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.~. : ‘ -' ._ _. :.: “ ' fty D[.1 .1 times said he.
‘, i." 1‘ 5 :2. ‘ “>5. . .. \ A , . : 3' 5 ' ¢~ e Slaughter 59":Lihtv for probler‘h:
- r, .-1 .2 . , mk tun r9590“b bin in answe‘ .
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[Q‘s-'55.: ' ' ‘ gisécnated Prebb - 2 F1 quele” dulmg :2:- he added‘ I
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“23$“ "WM“ ‘ 5 ‘ “But-2 ; _ ‘ , . baskt‘ h . ,, ”nu-n 10 ' ore 1n$l ..
w: . 9 aVeS p€ner Saturday , A Jv ”('ng lost his Jogtclbof Maryland ha}: Ifimuld have “ailmthe lime.
‘ 2“" " V“ ~ 0 " ~ h Hive” ‘ -h or his ‘ . ~11uzmon . drug
NW "D M akin ' ) gCaSOn , 1 mm“ ’ ' ‘ - 'ch u“ e .5 ed mm 1, 11ml 3 . ..umng l0
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‘R :1! \. 2 ‘ UCk \ 5 2 . , . ~ 2 1." mod L . 111»: n‘CI'UH” ‘._ mm \ ~ 3. , 1551513111301 t _' ted deal. [)rlf' ‘ _ gkclhi‘” pmgm . m “3.95me
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“;:".,7".<“.\';E ' . . L N ‘ Km hm .111“! ,1 our uqunU IF» t :4. , in; '2 5, ', maxilla four years. and fiwlded \mmnt 1mm 1 “you!"
*'.'_‘_y.‘4 1 ' ~11 .,.~ - --’ 1-1:" ' ~ 1,.“ *j ‘ .. ,. ‘- .
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 KENTUCKYKERNEL Thursday, W30, 1986-3 ' ‘ .
Beer barrel ' ‘ ~ ~ I i hts out for Cor ell. '
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