Minates of the regular quarterly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky for Saturday, June 1, 1929. A joint mieeting of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee of the University of Kentucky met in President 1ic- Vey's office at the University at 11:00 o'clock, Saturday monning, June 1, 1929. The followving members were present: From the Executive Committee; Judge R. C. Stoll, Mr. James Park, Mr. Joe B. Andrews, Mr. R. G. Gordon; from the Board of Trustees; Judge R. C. Stoll, Mr. R. G. Gordon, Mr. Louis Hillenmeyer, Mr. E. B. W7ebb, Mr. James Park, Mr. Joe B. Andrews, and 71 1. J. Webb. 1. Adoption of Minutes. The minutes of the Executive Coimzittee for May 22, 19,29, at which there was no quorum, were read and adopted as the minutes of the Executive Commit- tee at this meeting. 2. ReDort of the Business Agent. The report of the"Bus- iness Agent was received and read and ordered incorporated in t'e Minutes. The report was as follows: EXHIBIT t1Bu Statement of Income and Exnenditures 1929 -- Month of April Previously Reported General Fund Income Federal Appropriation State Appro.-New Ed.Bldg. Vocational Education Bd. Special Agri. Appro. State Tax Int. on Liberty Bonds Int. on Endowment Bonds Student Fees Student Fees - Sum. Sch. Student Fees - Un, H.S. Student Fees - Univ. Exten. 42,750.00 11,005.64 10,120.87 26,004.25 856,729.65 850.00 8,644.50 116,849.19 31,985.90 3,471. 50 20,607.75 42,750.00 7,080.57 18,086.21 10,120.87 26,004.25 42,357.44 899,087.09 850.00 1,700.00 8644.50 827.95 117,677.14 31,985.90 29.00 3,500.50 2,386.97 22,994.72 Current Month Fiscal Year To Date