xt7dfn10pm6p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dfn10pm6p/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky 1979 Rupp Arena, Lexington (Ky.) athletic publications English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Basketball Programs (Men) UKAW University of Kentucky Men's Basketball (1979-1980) University of Kentucky Women's Basketball (1979-1980) programs players coaches Hall, Joe B. Yow, Debbie Rupp Arena UK vs. Baylor University (December 8, 1979) rosters statistics schedules cheerleaders Wildcat mascot Wildcat Tipoff: Kentucky vs. Baylor University, December 8, 1979 text Wildcat Tipoff: Kentucky vs. Baylor University, December 8, 1979 1979 2012 true xt7dfn10pm6p section xt7dfn10pm6p Crescent rarm 3800 Bryan Station Lexington, Kentucky , J** fir IMC Coal Lexington, Kentucky A Subsidiary of International Minerals cCChemi rporation UJILDCfl TIPOFF Government Officials........................................................................... 2 University Administration.................................................................... 4 Coaches.............................................................................................. 6 The Wildcats....................................................................................... 8 The Golden Bears...............................................................................11 The Boilermakers................................................................................15 Feature of the Week...........................................................................22 Scorecards........................................................................24, 25, 26, 27 The Mustangs................................................. ...................................28 UK schedule, statistics........................................................................34 UKIT Records.....................................................................................36 The Last Time, SEC This Week..........................................................37 Wildcat Stats......................................................................................38 University Features.......................................................................39, 40 UK Sports Information........................................................................41 Cheerleaders.......................................................................................43 Wildcat Records..................................................................................44 Lady Kats Team Photograph...............................................................45 Rupp Arena.........................................................................................46 Wildcat Tipoff Editor............................................................................................................Walter Johnson Editorial Assistant.........................................................................................Tom Shropshire Editorial Consultant.............................................................................................Russell Rice Photography...................................................................................Bill Straus. Walt Johnson Ad Sales...............................................................................Kenneth R. Adams. Fred Young Printing by.........................................................................Thoroughbred Press. Lexington. Ky. Wildcat Tipoff is the official Lexington Center program for University of Kentucky basketball and is published by Lexington Productions. Inc.. 120 Kentucky Avenue. Lexington. KY 40502. Kenneth R. Adams. General Manager. Telephone 233 3533 Our 83rd Year JOE ROSENBERG 126 South Upper Lexington, Ky. Highest Prices Paid for DIAMONDS AND OLD GOLD Wildcat Sweaters Vee-neck and Cardigan sweaters made exclusively for Dawahare's from IZOD! Each style features the embroidered Wildcat. Made of 100% orlon acrylic. Available in marine or white. Sizes small thru extra large. CARDIGAN - VEE-NECK $27. $26. Gardenside Fayette Mall and Lexington Mall dawahares 1 the honorable JOHN Y. BROWN, JR. Governor of Kentucky JAMES G. AMATO Mayor Lexington- Fayette Urban County Government JAMES G. AMATO took office as mayor on January 2, 1978. In doing so, he became the second mayor of the consolidated city and county governments. A native of Lexington, Amato has been a practicing attorney since 1964. He is a member of the Fayette County Bar Association, the Kentucky Bar Association, and the Kentucky Law Enforcement. He formerly held positions as Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner for the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Director of Citizens for Judicial Improvement, Inc., Municipal Court Judge and City Prosecutor. As chief executive of the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government, the mayor is authorized to supervise, administer and control all departments of government. The mayor is elected on a non-partisan ballot every four years. He is assisted principally by the Chief Administrative Officer and commissioners of the six departments. JOHN Y. BROWN, JR., became Kentucky's 59th governor on December 11, 1979, succeeding Julian M. Carroll. Born on December 28, 1933, Governor Brown graduated from Lafayette High School in his hometown, Lexington, and obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Kentucky in 1957. He graduated from the UK College of Law in 1960. The Governor served in the U. S. Army from 1959-1965. He has been named the Outstanding Young Man of America by the National Junior Chamber of Commerce (1965), as one of the Outstanding Civic Leaders of America (1967) and Louisville's Outstanding Young Man by the same group. Lions Club International named him to a recipient of the Outstanding American Award (1974) and he is the youngest person to be named to the University of Kentucky Hall of Fame. He has three children, John Y. Brown, III (16), Eleanore (14) and Sandra (13). He is married to the former Phyllis George. They attend the Walnut Street Church, Louisville. 2 o c 3 O o c Si JIM TODD At-Large, Vice Mayor ANN ROSS At-Large JOE JASPER District 3 ANN GABBARD District 4 DON BLEVINS At-Large CHARLES LIVESAY District 1 MARY MANGIONE District 5 HARRY REAMS District 6 BILL LYONS District 8 BILL RICE District 9 JAMES WILHITE District 10 PAUL ROSE District 11 BOB FINN District 2 ELEANOR LEONARD District 7 DAVID MOSSBROOK District 12 Practicing Perfection Building a great Wildcat basketball team into champions requires the dedication of both players and staff...to set and achieve goals game by game. You can reach your financial goals with the help of Second National Bank. After all, at Second we practice our "helping people first game plan everyday. Member F.D.I.C. 7 1 Second i f National Bank I Administration DR. OTIS A. SINGLETARY President, University of Kentucky The University of Kentucky has become one of the major institutions of higher learning in the United States under the leadership of Dr. Otis Singlctary, the eighth president of the University. Dr. Singlctary was named president of the University in August, 1969. He had previously served as executive vice-chancellor for academic affairs in the University of Texas System and director of the Job Corps program for the Office of Economic Opportunity. Dr. Singletary, a native of Gulfport, Miss., holds degrees from Millsaps College and Louisiana State University. As president of the principal institu- tion of higher learning in the Commonwealth, Dr. Singletary is greatly concerned with the University's role as a land-grant institution, a "people's university" accessible to all who can profit from education. In the nine years he has been president, the University has grown to where there are now more than 22,000 students on the Lexington campus and more than 17,000 students in UK's 13 community colleges, and the University has become one of the major research institutions in the country. Recognition of his service to the University was evidenced by the UK Alumni Association, which presented to Dr. Singletary its Alumni Service Awardan honor rarely bestowed upon a non-alumnus of the University. Dr. Singletary is the author of two books and several monographs. A Navy veteran of World War II and the Korean Conflict, he is a commander in the U. S. Naval Reserve. He and Mrs. Singletary, the former Gloria Walton, have three children: Bonnie, Scot and Kendall. The Singletarys live at Maxwell Place, traditional home of UK presidents. Athletics Department CLIFFORD O. HAGAN Director Expansion of the football training room and addition of a beautiful player's lounge at Shivery Sports Center, new carpeting in the stadium football offices, a new basketball office complex in Memorial Coliseum, re-arrangement of the baseball fences and a new surface for the running track arc just a few of the recent improvements that signify the continuing progress of UK athletics since Cliff Hagan joined the Wildcat Staff seven years ago. Recognized nationally as a progressive, business-oriented and promotion-minded administrator, Ilagan has seen and overseen vast improvements in all phases of an ever-expanding operation that has encompassed 16 sports since the men's and women's programs were merged in July of last year. The merger, under Hagan's direction, has been orderly, with office space remodeled and in some cases created to make room for the women's coaching and administrative staff. The indoctrination of Hagan into the UK athletics administrative structure came in 1972, when he was named assistant to Harry C. Lancaster and given the task of implementing the Blue & White Fund for 57,600-seat Commonwealth Stadium and later for Rupp Arena. The fruits of his labors in this area have provided the additional financial support that has elevated the UK athletics program into a first class operation. Hagan was named Athletics Director in July 1975 following Lancaster's retirement. Hagan also has been an advocate of a .strong scholar-athlete program, feeling "a genuine commitment to provide all the academic support and encouragement we can to help our athletes leave our campus with a college education and a degree." On the personal side, Hagan received one of his highest individual honors last May when he became the first University of Kentucky basketball player to be installed in the Naismith Memorial National Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, Mass. He is married to the former Martha Milton of Owensboro. They have four children: Lisa, Laurie, Amy, and Kip. 4 FRANK HAM Assistant Director of Athletics FRANK HAM became Assistant Director of Athletics in July 1975 soon after Cliff Hagan succeeded Harry C. Lancaster as Director of Athletics. A native of Scranton, Pa., Ham came to the University in 1969 as administrative Assistant to footpall coach John Ray, and was reassigned to the Athletic Director's staff in 1972 when Ray resigned. LARRY IVY Assistant Director of Athletics for Finance Adding a new dimension to UK athletics was the appointment three years ago of LARRY IVY as Assistant Director of Athletics for Finance. Ham graduated from high school at Niles, Michigan, and completed his undergraduate work at Indiana Universitv and coached high school football and track at John Adams High in South Bend in 1944-46 and then returned to Olivet as athletic director and head football and basketball coach. In 1951, he became assistant to the president at Olivet, with responsibilities in public and alumni relations. He was in private business from 1954 until 1968. Ivy, who came to the University as Director of Housing in 1969, is involved primarily with the administration and management of financial aspects, and develops and initiates policies for accounting procedures and related business management activities of the department. SUSAN FEMSTER Assistant Director of Athletics SUE FEAMSTER joined the athletics association July 1, 1978, with the merger of the men's and women's programs. Feamster had been the director of women's athletics prior to her appointment as assistant director of athletics. A native of Frankfort, she came to the University as a graduate student in 1970, was named assistant director of campus recreation in 1972 and director of women's athletics in 1974. Feamster graduated from Franklin County High School where she was an outstanding tennisi player and athlete. While in college she earned letters in tennis, field hockey, basketball and track from Indiana University and Kentucky State Universitv, where she earned her B.S. degree and graduated with honors. News Sports-Weather Entertainment 55 6ol 70 80 90 110 140 160 wLp*AM670 Keep up wkh LExiixqTON ancI jUe Wmld. Coaching Staff JOE B. HALL Head Basketball Coach JOE B. HALL is beginning his eighth season as coach of the Wildcats, coming off a year in which he took a team depleted through graduations and molding them into a contender for the SEC title and receiving an invitation to enter the National Invitation Tournament. The team finished with 19 wins and 12 losses. Since becoming head coach in 1972, succeeding the legendary Adolph F. Rupp, Hall has accumulated a record of 154 wins and 54 losses. His eleven year coaching record stands at 230-110. Broken down, it shows a 57-50 five year mark at Regis College, a 19-6 1 I <>\ VHP II Will.ION i, I" -miiin:; his sixth vcar at Kentucky after serving three years as assistant coach at Austin Peay. An outstanding recruiter with seemingly tireless energy, Hamilton has contributed heavily to maintaining a high level of young talent at UK. Specializing in coaching defense, Hamilton has had a positive impact on Wildcat defensive JOE DEAN, JR., played against the Wildcats for three years at Mississippi State University, before serving as Bulldog assistant coach while earning a masters degree in physical education. An outstanding student, Dean was named to the 1976 Academic All-SEC second team. A native of Baton Rouge, record at Central Missouri, and 154-54 record at UK. Hall became Rupp's top assistant in 1969 when Harry C. Lancaster was named athletics director. His record as fres'hmcn coach was 60-15, including an undefeated (22-0) season (1971-72) which resulted in the Kittens being crowned National Freshmen Champions by Basketball News. A popular personality on the clinic and convention circuits, Hall also has had much international exposure. In addition to the Globetrotters tour in 1951, and the "Down Under" tour in 1974, he has helped conduct basketball clinics for the U. S. Army in Anchorage and Fairbanks, Alaska (1968) and at Ramstein Air Base, in Frankfurt, Germany and the RAF Base at Mildenhall, England in 1975. He also was Olympic Trials coach under DICK PARSONS, in his eighth year as Joe B. Hall's No. 1 assistant, returned to the University as baseball coach in 1969. Before giving up his position to join the basketball staff on a full time basis, he molded a baseball team (1971) which established or tied 15 school records. He is a graduate of UK where he played guard under former Coach Adolph F. Rupp. Parsons came to the University in 1958 after an outstanding career as a four-sports star at Harlan High School, where philosophy. A native of Gastonia, N. C, he lettered three years in football and twice in basketball. An outstanding collegiate player, he starred at Gaston Community College in Dallas, N. C., and at University of Tennessee-Martin. He is married to the former Claudette Hale. They have a son, Lenny, 7. La., he attended Baton Rouge High School where he earned letters in basketball and football. In addition to regular coaching duties with the Wildcats, Dean's primary responsibilities will be recruiting and scouting. He is married to the former Ellen Elizabeth Anger of Jackson, Miss. Hank Iba at the Air Force Academy in July 1972 and was a member of the 1976 Olympic Basketball Committee. In 1978 he coached the U.S.A. team that hosted the first International Invitational Tournament. he had a three-year basketball scoring total of 1,276 points. He was a two-time (1960-61) recipient of the coveted A. B. Chandler award, given annually for the player best exemplifying the qualities of leadership, scholarship, character and ability. Only four other Wildcats have twice been so honored since the award was originated in 1951. He is married to the former Celia Cawood of Harlan. They have a daughter, Kathy, and a son, Ed. Success in basketball requires plenty of training, good coaching and team play. And it requires a game plan. At McDonald's, our game plan is simple. We have the team to produce winners every season. Game plan. Winners like Quarter Pounder, Big MacTGolden French Fries, and Triple Thick Shakes. And our game plan includes careful handling. We never drop the ball when it comes to service. Prompt and courteouswhether you're home team or visitor. So, before or after the next battle on the hardwood, include McDonald's in your game plan. Nobody can do it like McDonald's cam M HOUSE Now In Our NEW HOME At 418 West Short Street LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY (Serta) Fine Home Furnishings Famous Name Bedding 'Where People Shop For Quality And Don't Mind Paying A Little Less" 8 Talented Cats Growing, Learning Like the thoroughbred colts that bound around the pastures of Kentucky Bluegrass Region, the Kentucky Wildcats have the potential and eagerness to become champions. Bred with a mixture of raw talent and seasoned veterans like Ail-American guard Kyle Macy, the Cats are learning and growing. At times this season, they have been awesome, winning by such margins as 126-81 over South Carolina and at times they have had to scratch for victories as their development had not yet matched the rigorous early schedule. Facing a strong UKIT field, Kentucky will be trying to continue its maturation into a consistently solid team and regain the tourney's championship trophy which went to Illinois last season. After losing to Duke in its opening tilt last month, Kentucky put together a string of six victories through last week's scrap on Kansas' homecourt. The Wildcats have used a starting lineup of four veterans and 7-1 freshman center Sam Bowie. Waiting in the wings are more veterans and four freshmen that Spirited play has produced a winning start for the Cats. were among the most sought after high school players in the country last year. Joining Bowie and Macy in the starting lineup are LaVon Williams, a 6-7 forward known for the all-out effort that he gives each game, Fred Cown, a 6-8 forward that is showing the benefits of (Continued) NOW, tailor a total communications plan just for you ... Meet the new GTE Business Sales Center. . . where you'll find answers to virtually any communications question you may have. In as little as 45 minutes, you discuss your needs with a communications expert. . . and then try for yourself the very latest and bestjr^gj|^|^^^ns equipment and ales Center, you'll find munications ... from a dsets, to intercoms, data apmerrt... and much loess Sates Centereverythtn ged to know about communications is. for business people only, and only hOfaJMpne. _ Kentucky Roster No. Name Pos. CI. Ht. Wt. Age Exp. Hometown 4 Kyle Macy G Sr. 6-3 188 22 2L Peru, Ind. 10 Dirk Minniefield G Fr. 6-3 180 18 Lexington, Ky. 12 Bo Lanter G So. 6-1 175 20 Tr. Versailles, Ky. 15 Chris Gettelfinger G Jr. 6-2 190 21 Sq. Knoxville, Tenn. 23 Dwight Anderson G So. 6-3 175 20 1L Dayton, Ohio 25 Jay Shidler G Sr. 6-1 187 21 3L Lawrenceville, II 31 Sam Bowie C Fr. 7-1 219 18 Lebanon, Pa. 32 Derrick Hord F Fr. 6-6 210 19 Bristol, Tenn. 33 Tom Heitz F Fr. 6-8 215 18 Hamilton, Ind. 34 Chuck Verderber F So. 6-6 220 20 1L Lincoln, III. 40 Fred Cowan C-F Jr. 6-8 210 21 2L Sturgis, Ky. 44 Charles Hurt F Fr. 6-6 215 18 Shelbyville, Ky. 52 LaVon Williams F Sr. 6-7 220 21 3L Denver, Colo. head coach Joe B. Hall's conditioning program and training; and Dwight Anderson, a 6-3 sophomore guard with blinding speed and quickness. Senior guard Jay Shidler has looked like the "Bomber" of old this season, firing his high arching jumpshots from downtown and continues to pair his shooting abilities with tenacious defense. Chuck Verderber, a 6-6 sophomore forward, continues his intelligent scrappy-play in a substitute's role while veteran guards Chris Gettelfinger and Bo Lanter round out the tipper classmen. Joining Bowie in the freshman class are Tom Heitz, a 6-8 forward, Dcrrik Hord, a 6-6 forward, Dirk Minniefield, a 6-3 guard, and Charles Hurt, a 6-6 forward. Together, the team has prompted comments from opposing coaches such as they could become the best college team ever, but Coach Hall realizes that numerous college teams arc multi-talented and is quick to remind Cat fans that his squad is young and needs to gain experience. Growing into a skilled unit, the Wildcats have brought an even more feverish excitement than usual to the Blucgrass. Couple that excitement with a great deal of personal popularity and the Cats are creating a fun, exciting year of Kentucky basketball. how do you get to be number one?^^ In athletics, being the biggest or the friendliest doesn't make you No. 1 it's how well you do the job! It's just the same with banks. BC & T is big enough to serve all your banking needs professionally and with a smile too. But most importantly, we do the )ob for you1 MNK OF COMMERCE and Trust Co. 318 E. Main St. 720 Euclid Ave. 1975 Harrodsburg Rd. 2500 Nicholasville Rd. 252-4971 10 has the spirit Last minute gift ideas... young men's terry tops. Warm, fashionable, great-looking polyester/cotton terry short-sleeve tops, just in time for winter vacation. Choose from our large assortment of styles and colors to suit those on your gift list. Sizes S.M.L.XL. 15.00 to 20.00. University Shop, mall level, Fayette Mall. Sorry, no mail or phone orders. 11 California No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. CI. Exp. Hometown 5 Mike Chavez G 5-9 155 Fr. HS Downey 10 Phil Wilhite G 5-9 160 Sr. 2V Oakland 11 Walt Gillespie F 6-3 185 Sr. 3V San Rafael 12 Carlos Addison G 6-3 180 Sr. Sq. Oakland 14 Brian Guinn G 6-2 160 Fr. HS Berkeley 15 Darrell Haley F 6-7 190 Fr. HS Los Angeles 21 Bob Owen G 6-4 170 Fr. HS Lake Oswego, Ore 22 Kevin Sparks G 6-1 180 So. 1V Compton 25 Kevin Singleton F/G 6-6 180 Sr. 3V Oakland 30 John Ritchie F 6-9 215 Fr. HS Downey 32 Doug True F 6-8 215 Sr. 3V Pleasant Hill 33 Mel Holland G 6-3 195 So. 1V San Jose 42 John Carson F 6-6 200 So. 1V Irvine 44 Michael Pitts F/C 6-11 205 Fr. HS National City 55 Reid Poole C 6-9 235 Fr. HS La Crescanta Quick Facts Location: Berkeley, Calif. Founded: 1869 Enrollment: 29,000 Conference: Pacific -10 Nickname: Golden Bears Colors: Blue and Gold Arena: Harmon Gymnasium (6,600) .FoodCost Energy ' Inflation Tax Cuts Schools m i We Report \ The Stories I That Affect l Your Life! Don't Go To Bed In The Dark! 12 Cal Prospects Brighter As California head coach Dick Kuchen and his staff plan for the 1979-80 basketball season, prospects certainly have to be brighter than they were a year ago. Last season, the Golden Bears won only six games, with 21 losses, for first year Coach Kucken, and started a lineup which included a front line of 6-7, 6-6 and 6-3. This years California team promises to be much better. Of the 15 man squad produced at UC, seven of these players are freshmen. "We had an excellent recruiting year, and I think the young players in our program are going to develop," commented Kuchen, "but it's going to take them time. I don't think anybody should be so short-sighted as to not take a good hard look at the other players in our program." Having not compiled a record to brag about since the 1959-60 season, in which the Golden Bears finished second in the NCAA, Kuchen will depend on the leadership of Doug True and Kevin Singleton, to bring his California team from a tenth-place finish in last season's PAC-10. True, a 6-8 forward, is entering his fourth year as a starter for the Golden Bears. Last year, he averaged 9.3 ppg. and 7.3 rebounds. Singleton was the only double-figure scorer for California last year, averaging 16.1 points. His 5.7 rebound average ranked him second to True. According to Coach Kuchen, "Doug will be a factor as an excellent frontline basketball player for us, without any question. Singleton really developed during the course of last season and he's been working hard on his game this Doug True Kevin Singleton We salute the Kentucky Wildcats ON ON U OF K On, on U of K We are right for the fight, today. Hold that ball and hit that line, Every Wildcat star will shine. We'll fight, fight, fight for the blue and white. As we roll to that goal, varsity. We will kick, pass and run Till the battle is won and we'll bring home a victory. Jack Hall "Babe" Ray INSURANCE FOR YOU AND YOUR BUSINESS LIFE GROUP T. 0. Jack Hall, CLU Suite 600 Louisville Trust Bldg. Louisville, KY 40202 (502) 587-0936 1 DISABILITY RETIREMENT Leonard "Babe" Ray, CLU 506 Security Trust Bldg. Lexington, KY 40507 (606) 255-8722 PROVIDENT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA 13 summer. He can be an outstanding player in this league." Other returnees which hope to bring success to this season's Cal team are Walt Gillespie, a 6-3 guard, converted to forward, 5-9 guard, Phil Wilhite and Kevin Sparks. Gillespie averaged 7.4 ppg. last year in 26 games. Off the bench, Wilhite averaged 2.0 ppg. As a freshman during the 1978-79 campaign, Sparks started all 27 of the Golden Bear games and scored at a 7.6 clip. "Guys like Walt Gillespie and Kevin Sparks will find their roles and they will 111.ik' contributions, as starters or coming off the bench. Mel Holland was the most improved player on our team last year and he's just started to scratch the surface of his abilities as a player," states Kuchen. "Down the road, he's going to be a very big factor if he continues to work and improve." Holland played in 2 1 game. as a freshman and tallied 3.8 ppg., including a season high 11 points vs. Oregon. To help in the small front line that started last season, the Bears will have to rely on freshmen. Of the seven signees, Kuchen got 6-7 Darrell Haley, 6-11 Michael Pitts and a pair of 6-9 men in Reid Poole and John Ritchie. Pitts averaged 28.1 points as a senior in high school and hauled down an average of 16.9 rebounds. Also capable of playing the forward position, Pitts is the most publicized player to enter UC since Phil Chenier. Haley averaged 14.0 points last year, while Poole tallied 27.7 and Ritchie, 18.5. "Whatever we do this season will provide a base for the future. Our freshmen this season will have three more years, and we don't have any juniors," Kuchen says. So what does the second year Golden Bear coach predict? "If we can be effective defensively and on the boards, then we can compete with anybody in the country and it's important that our younger players realize this." Hoping to improve on last season's miserable performance, the Golden Bears may see a small turnaround, but not one wheih will bring them a PAC-10 Championship. DICK KUCHEN Head Coach Dick Kuchen became only the 11th coach of the University of California last season, and compiled a 6-21 record. Kuchen came to Cal in 1978 from Notre Dame, where he served as an assistant to Digger Phelps, and brought with him a fine blend of youthful enthusiasm and energy, along with excellent knowledge of the game. Known as a major factor in the Irish's recruiting, Kuchen brought in such players as Bill Laimbeer, Bruce Flowers and Kelly Tripuka to Notre Dame. As a collegian, Kuchen played center at Rider College, where he established many career rebounding records and scored over 1,000 points in his career. A native of Ashbury Park, N. J., Kuchen and his wife, Georgia, live in Berkeley. WE'VE GOT YOUR RTS RED... MJ0 UK Wildcat |Wt Ba/keti WfCYT-TV 14 Standing from left: head coach Lee Rose, assistant coach Billy Keller, assistant coach Jeff Meyer, assistant coach Everett Bass, Keith Edmonson, Drake Morris, Ted Benson, Joe Barry Carroll, Mike Scearce, Arnette Hal/man, Steve Walker, and senior manager Jon Stevens. Seated, from left: Lee Cummings, Jon Kitchel, Roosevelt Barnes, Brian Walker, Kevin Stallings, John Anthrop, and head trainer Denny Miller. On floor: Purdue's 1978-79 Big Ten tri-championship trophy. 15 Purdue Boilermakers No. Name 11 Keith Edmonson 12 Steve Walker 20 Brian Walker 21 John Anthrop 22 Joe Barry Carroll 23 Mike Scearce 24 Lee Cummings 32 Kevin Stallings 33 Drake Morris 35 Ted Benson 41 Jon Kitchel 44 Roosevelt Barnes 45 Arnette Hallman Pos. Ht. Wt. Age CI. Exp. Hometown G 6-5 197 19 So. 1L San Antonia, Tex. F 6-5 211 23 Sr. 1L Lebanon G 6-2 188 22 Jr. 1L Lebanon G 5-11 178 21 Sr. Lafayette C 7-1 240 21 Sr. 3L Denver, Colo. F 6-7 210 19 So. 1L Lexington, Ky. G 6-2 181 21 So. Tr. Chicago, III. G 6-5 194 20 So. Tr. Collinsville, III. F 6-6 198 20 Jr. 2L East Chicago C 6-10 223 18 Fr. Atlanta, Ga. G 6-5 193 20 So. Galveston G 6-3 197 21 Jr. 2L Ft. Wayne F 6-7 205 21 Sr. 1L Chicago, III. Quick Facts Location: West Lafayette, Ind. Enrollment: 31,000 Conference: Big 10 Nickname: Boilermakers Colors: Old Gold and Black Arena: Mackey Arena 1 6 With our compliments. Long John Silver's Seafood Shoppes present the portrait of the 1979-'80 University of Kentucky basketball team. The 1979'80 Wildcat basketball team consists of (from left, seated! Assistant Coach Leonard Hamilton, Head Coach Joe B. Hall, Dirk Minniefield, Jay Shidler, Kyle Macy, Chris Gettelfinger, Bo Lanter. Dwight Anderson, Assistant Coaches Dick Parsons and Joe Dean, Jr. From left, standing, are Trainer Walt McCombs, Equipment Manager Bill Keightley, Charles Hurt, Chuck Verderber, Fred Cowan, Sam Bowie. Tom Heitz. LaVon Williams, Derrick Hord, Manager George Fletcher and Graduate Assistant Coach Dwane Casey. Big Ten Tri-Champ Returns 4 Starters Purdue's Big Ten basketball tri- championship (shared with Iowa and NCAA champion Michigan State) last season was accomplished in head coach Lee Rose's first season at the Boilermaker helm. "Four returning starters (center Joe Barry Carroll, forwards Arnette Hallman and Drake Morris, and guard Brian Walker), means nothing," Rose warns. "Basketball today is played with eight, nine, and even 10 players. We have a long way to go to be in a position where 10 players can contribute game in and game out! "Our depth is very inexperienced; we drop off considerably after our first four players. At this time, it appears Joe Barry Carroll will have to shoulder most of the offensive responsibility, but one player can't carry a team through a 27-game schedule." Bclore worrying about his bench strength. Rose first must find a replace- ment for Jerry Sichting, the feisty sharpshooter whose ability made him a fixture in Purdue's backcourt the past two seasons. In the eyes of a coach, he was Purdue's glue; in the eyes of the fans, he was one of their all-time favorite Boilermakers. "I have to believe it will be impossible to immediately replace a scoring guard like Jerry Sichting," Rose admits. "A player who can average 14 points a game in the Big Ten (13.6 overall and 13.8 in Big Ten play to be exact) is not easy to come by." However, despite Rose's concerns, Carroll just may be one of the nation's finest pivotman this year as a senior, and a good 7-1 center can remedy a lot of ills. The Denver native's list of accomplishments is as long as his 85-inch frame: Big Ten's leading scorer as a junior (429 points or 23.8 per league outing); Purdue's all-time single-season rebounder Purdue center Joe Barry Carroll looks for a pass. with 336 caroms; third team all-America choice by Associated Press; unanimous all-Big Ten center; Purdue single-season record holder with 105 blocked shots; double-figure scorer in his last 41 con- We'll turn the rooms in your head into the rooms in your home. Because when you're ready to decorate, our Ethan Allen Gallery is ready to give you help. Free! As much or as little as you want. We'll create a floor plan and color scheme to your taste and budget. Even work out a step-by-step plan that will allow you to furnish with the sure knowledge that what you start with will be what you end with. If the kind of help you need calls for a visit to your home, we'll be glad to do so at n