To All to Whom These Presents Shall Come, Greetings:

(Mow ya that

W. and W5. marsfiafl CWeHJ

wfia am celcémlilzy Mei» yflifl/fi OVnddtfiy CD/mie/amaay; Ma's [Ital/£9 a
jayows (”all momcnlows Mikado/m, a undo/t W/Iuaywlilzy at lief calla/1y of
”ladle! (la/01w]; and (Ir/livahb/z; and

on the motion of
Senator (Dan My

am Maw (lamp/l 45/ Mix Mama/Ala 5014/ (paddy p/ its uymyno'lio/z.

[fin/u? (1/ Vanni/file! {/51’ /d‘//i (lay (/l‘J-péulaqy in M0 ypaz
(1/ 0w Mord one Mama/1!! nine MIN/mil and ”they—sewn.

0%; KW

Preyidenr ({f/hc Smule


Member of the Senate