xt7dfn10qh99 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dfn10qh99/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1940 journals kaes_circulars_003_325 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 325 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 325 1940 2014 true xt7dfn10qh99 section xt7dfn10qh99 ` ,;' Pi: r' V `r—> , , _ -? I; _Y_!-I I _ ` _' » I V _
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n ` THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director 1
Published In connection with the agricultural extension work carrled on by coopera-
tion o! the College or Agriculture, University or Kentucky, with the U. 8. Department of
Agriculture and distributed ln Iurthersnce of the work provided for in the Act of Con-
gress of May 8. 1914. A »
l. Rurul boys uml girls between the uges ol` lt) uml IS muy en»
roll in this pro_ject.
2. Enrollment muy tuke pluce ut uny time recommended by the
county agent.
2%. liuch. member must linish ut leust. six urticles. lollowing in- _
structions contuined in this circulur. The urticles to be mude should I
be selected by the club member uml pro_ject leuder uml upprored lmljc
by the county ugent. llmdl
·l. Euch member will keep u reeord ol the muteriuls, their cost. the S
uml the time required to muke euch urticle. lmllll
5. Euch member should exhibit the linished urticles ut u luir or wlmi
show. llmul
ti. liueh member or group ol members should usk the leuder [or lng L
i suggestions with regurd to buying tools uml muteriuls, orgunizing m P1
the work uml setting up the workshop. lmm
7. To get the greutest umount ol development lrom ·l-l·l Club
work, u member should utteml ull meetings ol` his club uml tuke I
purt in its uctivittes. .r _
Before u prospective club member sturts this project, he should 2
become u member ol` u project. group. l·`ix‘e or more boys who ure list c
reud) to sturt muy lorm the project group. They should elect one T tuils,
boy us cuptuin uml then lind some older person lor their project the r
leuder. This leuder should ugree to help the indiriduul members the j
with their problems such us getting tools, working spuce uml mu- \\`he
teriuls. uml gire udrice ubout the work. The group should decide lur s
o11 the urticles to be mude. uml ull should work on the sume kiml ruric
ol` urticle ut the sume time. il` possible. The leuder should upprore mute
euch urticle us completed belore the member is permitted to sturt 3
work on the next urticle. Spuce lor leuder's upprorul is provided in (jun
the record. \\’or—king us u group mukes this project more interest» W10]
ing. The project cuptuin will report progress ol the group ut regu-
lur club meetings. when usked to do so by the leuder. ‘l
it pl
to gi
Circular N0. 325
By J. B. BROOKS and E. R. YOUNG ~
The purpose ol` tl1is project is to encourage club lll(}llll)€l`$ to
have well-equipped [arm shops i11 order that tl1ey may learn tl1e
l`undamentals ol woodworking, tl1e identification of 11ative woods.
tl1e selection, care Zllltl ttse oi tools, tl1e readi11g oi plans, and [ill`
painting or finishing oi woodwork. .\rticles ll2l\'C l)(2(‘ll selected
which lllily bc 111adc witI1 the iitnitcd lllill('l`l2ll>. tools and ctjuip-
. ment commonly found on the [arm. Knowledge gained by master-
_ ing this project will give club members more self-reliance and ability
i11 planning and executing the more diflicult jobs ol repair a11d i1n-
provement needed in the llOl]lC and on the i`arm.
I. Read carefully the requirements and organization sugges-
tions o11 tl1e second page oi? this circular beI`ore enrolling i11 this
2. Before beginning work on an article, study the drawings. -
list of materials and directions. The drawings give dimensions, de-
tails, and 111etl1od of assembling parts into a [inished article. Altho
tl1e materials needed are given i11 exact sizes, it is 11ot expected that
tl1e pieces will be purchased in these sizes from a lllllll)Cl` dealer.
\\’hen selecting materials from which to make these articles. regu-
lar stock sizes should be obtained oi such lCllglllS and widths that
variotts parts oi tl1e article llllly be cut o11t with tl1e least waste of
.»\ecuracy, economy ol` time, neatness, ntechattical skill a11d
clear thinking are sotne ol` tl1e things one should strive to de-
velop in this project.
~l. Upo11 completing work for tl1e day, the shop or work space
should be cleaned ZIll(l all tools pill away. Club members will hud
it l)lC2lS(llll to work in il well-kept sl1op. The old saying, "lieep your
sl1op and your shop will keep you." is a good motto for every club
n1e1nbere11rolli11g i11 this project. .\n orderly work space also leads
to greater success in attai11i11g1l1e {lllll 2lll(l purpose ol` this project.
—l l{r·r1lt1c}<)’ Extension Circtt/ar No. 321
Even tl1o El well-equipped lillllll Sll()l) is :1 very profitable invest»
ment, it is 11ot necessary to have il sep211‘:1te building lor il sl1op 111
order to do lllC work required 111 this project. \\’orking space may
be found lll :1 school building, b:1se111e11t of tl1e house, or lll one
C()l`ll€l` of il l]l2lCllllWCl`}` shed. tobacco barn. tobacco stripping shed,
or other outbuilding. Any well-lighted. well-ventilated l`(')Olll hav-
ing suflicient floor 2ll`C2l lor :1 l)Cll(Tll 2lll(l work space 111:1y be used.
l’rovision should be made for l1e:1ti11g tl1e work space, since most of
tl1e work o11 tl11s project may be (l()IlC during cold or l`2llll)' weather.
'l`l1e brick brooder stove illustr:1ted 111 Kentucky Extension (jircular
No. l57 might be used for this purpose.
Club niembers will not necessarily have to buy a large number
of tools 111 order to €l`ll`Oll in this project as SOlll€ of the111 111ay be
_ already available o11 tl1e [arm. Those that are out of order should
be repaired a11d sharpened (see tl1e section 011 care a11d repair of
tools o11 p:1ge 5). If tools 1n11st be p11rcl1:1sed, select well-know11
111:1kes, of good quality :111d proper size to use for g`CllCl`2ll repair
work o11 tl1e liZll`111. Tools 111ade from good lllfll€l`l21lS 121st longer Illl(l
:1re easier to keep lll good conditio11. If tl1e funds for buying tools
:1re limited, buy those which are most 11eeded. Additional tools
llllly be acquired as experience is gained a11d tl1e more diihcult jobs
are undertaken.
The tools shown 111 figure I will be 11eeded 111 making tl1e articles
described 111 this circular. They may be l)lZl(`C(l o11 il rack 21s shown
in figure l.
The following is :1 list of tools wl1icl1 :1re desirable and should
be added to tl1e sl1op as funds permit. ’
l4" compass saw Countersink
26" rip saw, 5% point Nail sets
Back saw for miter box G" combination pliers
Coping saw with metal handle l2" half-round wood rasp
l0" dl`&Wl{1llf€ l2" round wood rasp
Hand—axe lO" flat file
Sp0ke—shave 8" triangular nle
Sliding T bevel G" slin1 tapered triangular file
8" dividers Oil—stone, l" x 2" x 7"
Marking gage Emery wheel for sharpening tools
to 3" expanding bit Saw set ,
Saw vise
4-H l/V00rIzv0r/ting Project, Uni! I 5
Sp Club members should cultivate a desire for good tools and learn
in how to keep them in proper condition. lt is easier to do accurate
Eu. work with clean, sharp tools than with rusty, dull ones.
.1;, Tools should be kept in a clean, dry place convenient to the
d workbench. They may be placed on a rack, in a cabinet or in the
\._ drawers ol the workbench. The space lor each tool may be indi-
(L cated by a painted picture of the tool where it is to be placed (see
O[ hgure 1). At a glance one can see where each tool belongs and miss-
,1. ing tools can be easily identified.
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Figure 1. Tools needed in Unit I, each in its proper place back of
ld the work bench, except the saw which has been taken down. Its place is
showin with the black paint.
1. 10" ratchet brace 14. 1 lb. claw hammer
2-3-4-5-6-7. auger bits, 1/4", 3,-t8", 15. G" try square tt )
1/2", 5/S". 3 '4", 1" 16. ll" jack p ane tl 3/4" cu er
8-9-10. ginilet bits, 5/32", 6/B2", 7/S2" 17. wooden mallet
11. 2 ft. boxwood rule 18-19-20. wood chisels 1". 1/2", 1/4"
12. framing square, 24" x 1G" 21-22. screwdrivers. 6", 4"
13. 24" hand cross-cut saw (10 point)
All metal parts of woodworking tools should bc given a thin
coat of oil to prevent rusting when they are not in use. Rusty tools
s may be cleaned by rubbing theni with oil and powderctl punnce
stone or hne sandpaper.
6 Ken/itc/cy ENf€7I.YI-OIZ Circular No. 325
Literature on sharpening and repairing woodworking tools may
be obtained from the various tool manufacturers or from local
hardware dealers. lt is advisable for the club members to have an {
experienced person teach them how to sharpen and repair the tools l
they will use in this project.
The grade of lumber and kind of wood to use in making an
article depend upon the strength and finish desired. Oak, gum,
beech, hickory, or other strong wood should be used in making ar-
ticles such as milking stools and hammer handles. Since unusual
strength is not required in such articles as the bird house, tool box, E
flower box and feed hoppers, such woods as pine, cypress and bass- I
wood may be used. In making book ends, door stops, or other I
articles to be used in the home, woods that may be given an attrac- K
tive finish should be used. \‘\i’oods such as maple, walnut, cherry
and gum are considered among the finer furniture woods which ex-
` cel in strength and beauty when properly finished.
The first thing to do in finishing an article after it is assembled
is to prepare the surface. The wood should be planed and rubbed
with fine sandpaper or steel wool to remove all mill marks and i1n—
perfections. All the smoothing processes should be done with the
grain of the wood, as cutting across the grain mars the surface and
shows in the Hnished work. Stain, wood Filler, shellac, varnish, wax,
enamel, or a combination of these may be used to Hnish articles for
the home. A Hnish should be chosen that blends with other pieces
of furniture in the house. ,»\rticles to be used outside the house
may be given two or three coats of paint. Local paint dealers can
furnish information regarding the selection of paints and hnishing
materials and their application to different kinds of wood.
l. Bench hook 7. Tool, nail and bolt box S
2. Sawhorse 8. Milking stools s
l-Iomemade saw 9. Chick feed hoppers i
#l—. Hammer handle I0. Bird house
Cutting board ll. Book ends _ 1
6. Hog trough l2. Flower box
.’ i
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.. Figure 2. Bench h00k. ·
2 1 pc. ** x 9%* x 12**
I 1pc. ‘?i" x Ni" x 8¥é"
_ 1pc. G3" x 1%" x 9’*
% G, 1'.:I", No. I0 Hat-head wood screws
At least two sawhorses are required in the shop. The sawhorse
should be made o[ material surfaced on all sides and edges. Before
starting to lay out the material, make a careful study ol the draw-
ing to determine angle cuts. Alter sawing and chiseling out slots
(A) in the beam, hold the legs against the beam in the slots and
mark the cuts (B) with a straight-edge laid on top oI` the beam.
Alter the legs are cut, screw them to the beam holding them at the
correct slant. Then mark and cut the Iour ?%4" x Bl//Q" x l2" l)l`2l(Q_C$
8 ]\,(’}l/l(('/Cy Exlezzsion. Cfrczzlur No. 325
. V . . . 1 .
(L). lhe sawhorse should be lastened together with wood screws. t `W
lt is not necessary to use paint or other iinish on the sawhorse. l
_ l t ~
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Figure 3. Sawhorse.
1 pc. 1*%/’ X 5l§" X 42" for beam °~ I
4 pcs. 1% " X 3%" X 24" for legs P ‘
4 pcs. @3 " X 5¥&" X 12" for braces »\
2 doz. 1% No. 10, flat-head wood screws t G,.
8, 3", No. 14, flat—head wood screws rl
The homemade jig saw shown in Hgure 4 is used to cut curved or {
irregular lines where a hand saw could not be used. This saw may
also be used for cutting enclosed curves such as the 2%" entrance 1 A
holes for the bird house shown in Hgure l2. For such enclosed
curves, a small hole should be bored with an auger bit, one end ol
the saw blade released and inserted thru this hole, then the saw {
blade replaced in the saw arm.
All pieces except the M/’ x 3l/I" X SO" upright and the saw table A
should be made of hard wood. The saw table may be made ol` ply- (
* Plans and directions for building the homemade jig saw were furnished by Mr. Ray-
mond Layne, leader of the West Union 4-H Club. The saw was demonstrated at Junior
Week by this club, in 1938.
—/-H I/’II00¢Izum‘/cfng Pmjcril, Uni! I SI
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Figure 4. Homemade jig saw.
ll) l{1·11I11r‘/cy [EX/('llSi()lI Cll'I`Il](l7` No. 325
, 1 .. . 1
l he pg s:1w may be Cl2l1Hl)C(l to :1 Sl2ll1(llll`(l 1]l2l(lC lor the purpose E Ll
:1s hll()\\’l] i11 ligure 5 or it 111:1)* be screwed or (jl2\l]]l)C(l Lo any suil- ’ b1
:1l1le bench, box, or posl in 21 eonvenienl l()(j2lllOI]. The slirrup rope 1 Ll
should be 1l(l~illSlC(l so 111:11 \\’l1Cll the upper s:1w :11`n1 is l)llllC(l com- *
pletely down to the s:1w 1:1ble, the stirrup block just Louehes the I 111
floor. 1 Ll
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if 1 1111 [ Q1; ‘
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Figure 5. Operating thc homcmzulc jig saw.
\\,l]CIl stalling Lo 111:1ke :1 eul wiLl1 the s:1w, the l1old—dow11
should he 1l(ljllSUJ(l lor the l)2U`ll(Zlllill` 1l1iek11ess ol stock. To sel
1l1e hold-down, loosen Ll1e (1 (`l2ll]il) enough so 111:11 the hold-down ~
ill`I]l 1*:111 be pushed up sligluly. l)lll(`C 1l1e piece ol` wood Lo be szuved `
llC2l1` the l)l2l(lC :1nd lower 1l1e l1old-down until il nearly Louchcs
-/-H l”l/()O([`lU()’)`/{./llg Project, Unit I ll
l . . .
; tl1e work. '1 ighten tl1e C clamp 2lll(l the wood being cut will then
i be held on the table and not permitted to move up 2Ill(.l. down with
1 tl1e blade.
` \/\/hen large pieces or difficult designs are l)Clllg sawed, two
l members can work together to advantage, as the person guiding
, the work can then give lull attention to the saw.
ll a discarded sewing 111acl1i11e is available, this saw 1nay be
mounted on it in such a manner that the saw is operated by tl1e
1 pc. ‘i!l" x 3l§" x 3D" upright 1, 4", iron "C" clamp
1 pc. *}:2 " x Ԥ/1 " x 13" hold-down arm 8, 3_/16" x 2" stove bolts
1 pc. ’E:i" x E1 " x 20" saw arm 1, 3/~l6" x B" stove bolt
1 pc. i§¤i" x iis " x 11" saw table arm 1, 2", No. 8, wood screw
1 pc. lt" x 6" x 6" saw table 1, 18% No. 9, wire
1 pc. %" x 2l»&" x (Sli" hold down 1, 12" baling wire
» 1 pc. %" x ‘§:;" x 12¥.&" saw table 1, 30" clothes line rope
brace 1, 6'N coping saw blade
1 pc. *?/1 " x G1 " x 5" stirrup 1, screen door spring
For a ll2lllllllCl` handle. select a clear, well-seasoned piece ol` hic-
kory which l1as straight grain extcmliiig the lull l(‘Ilglll ol the
llilll(llC. Shaping lllC ll2tll(llC 111:1)* be started \\'llll a saw aud llZlll(l
5014/ CZ//5\ ·
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/4. SIDE /26 /%, _/ __ Mr /@ {
,, ,1 3.. l . ,,
5 ZZ /i’l*Z2 ’l*2é%l L
- %
/ EDGE Vs ___4: ___ 6 _____ _ ___.. ,;.4*
i Figure 6. Hammer handle.
l, F
12 [ict:/ttr/cy Extmzsioit Cir;/·ulto· No. 325 `
axe and finished with a draw—knile, wood ras) or a food, shar 1,
.. , . I 5 . 1
pocket knile. lhe handle should then be smoothed with sand-
paper. Soaking the handle in linseed oil lior 2*1 hours ensures long- I H
er service. The handle is held in the e ie ol[ the hannner head with y
V. . cl
a metal or wooden wed »·e. Make a slot tor the wed re b t sawm the
5 _ _ > S t
handle alon<¤‘ the low diameter as shown in it rure tn.
D D 5 `
1 pc. clear, well-seasoned hickory, 1" x 1%" x 14" y
The eutting board should be rnade ol yellow poplar, maple,
cherry, or other elosegrained wood. The board should be [ree `
from eraeks or dents which would make it hard to keep elean.
Finish by sandpapering the entire surface. Do 110t apply paint or
any other finishing preparation.
X: "
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_ ll
Figure 7. Cutting board.
1 pe. x 9" x 12"
·/·l[ II¤'omlzurn‘/ting 1'rojcc/, Uni! I 15
l A hog trough is easy to build and is a uselul article for club
1ne111bers who raise hogs. The trough should be built ol strong,
1 durable wood, such as oak. No linish is needed.
/3é '·*·l*5é·1
i 2 ' ii .4 H -
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I Figure 8. Hog trough.
~ 2 pcs. x 11%** x 24" ends 3 pcs. %" x 2%/Q" x 16" braces
Q 1 pc. 1%" x 91/Q" x 6’ side 2 doz. Gd common nails
1 pc. 1%” x 11%§" x 6’ side 2 doz. 10d common nails
; This box is handy for carrying tools, nails, bolts, and staples
' needed lor doing odd jobs around the farm. lt should be made ol
light wood surfaced on both sides and edges. In making the handle
shown in the center piece, bore Out as much of the hole as possible
with a %," bit and complete the operation with a chisel. The box
_ nray be painted or given a coat of linseed oil.
2 pcs. ‘Ei" x 4%" x 11lé" ends
2 pcs. $1 " x 41Ȏ" x l8" sides
1 pe. %" x 11%/é" x 16%»&" bottom
1 pc. Qi" x 6%" x 16%&" center piece with handle
3 pcs. EQ" x 3*§1" x 5¥g" partitions for nails, etc.
4 doz. 6d finishing nails
5* ji" -
. { .L yilbz
"··~+ 6{ T] {X6; {
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Figure 9. Tool, nail, and bolt box. [Ju
1vnLK1NG sroons
liither one ol the two milking stools shown iu ligure ll) may he
built,. They should be made lrotn heard wood. such us ouk, ltiekory,
or gum. ltt iuukitig the hole in the sent lor the one-legged stool, bore
out us much ol the hole us possible with ;t Y}/L" hit, then complete
the operation with ;t chisel. Use il I" hit iu mztlaing holes lor the
three-leggeor;u‘ily uztileml ou the under
z•· A ’ I
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l *3
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\ /Vari/Sc L 0/ 5
Figure 10. One- und three-logged milking stools.
-/-H fV00¢fw0r/tivig 1’r0j<¢cI, Uni! I l5
side of the seat to guide the bit. The ends of the legs that go thru
f the seat should be sawed off flush after legs are nailed. Finish the
* stools with two coats of paint.
` One-legged stool Three-legged stool
` 1 pc. X 51/Q" X l0" for seat 1 pc. 1%" X 9" X 10" for seat
1 pc. l" X 31/é" X 10" for leg 3 pcs. 1%" X HQ" X l0lé" for legs
2, 8d Hnishnig nails 3, 8d Hnishing nails
Two types of chick feed hoppers are shown. 'l`l1e hopper built
of lath strips can be used for chicks up to three weeks of age. For
older chicks, the hopper built of %_" or l" material is recom-
mended. No finish is needed for the feeder made of latli, while a
paint finish is recommended for the larger feeder to facilitate
/ 9..
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3 bij; ··f
Figure 11. Chick feed hoppcrs.
Lath feeder Board feeder
4 laths %” X %” X 4B" 2 pcs. 3f" X 5*/Q" X 6" ends
4 doz. 3d lath nails 1 pc. Ԥ1" x 5%" X 48" bottom
2 pcs. %" X 1% " X 48" sides
1 pc. 1%" X 1¥é" X 4'7l»5" reel
4 doz. Gd finishing nails
16 Kcniur/c · Extension Circular N0. 325
’ u
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lu O Q ~4 ¤: \
Q; 2 ··` Q 2
Figure 12. Bird house.
1 4-H Woodworking Project, Unit I l7
1 For the Purple Martin
f Since purple martins nest together in large numbers, a house of
1 several rooms should be provided for them. The house shown on
y page 16 has six rooms each 6" square, 6" high inside, with a 2%"
diameter entrance l" above the floor. More rooms may be added
if desired. Fasten the house to a pole at least 15 feet above the
1 ground using screws thru the back. The front should be fastened
l with screws to facilitate cleaning. Brown shades of paint should
__ be used in finishing the house.
2 pcs. ‘?A" x 6‘%" x 40" sides 12, 2" x x {Q" corner irons
1 pc. $6/ x '7%" x 43" front */1 lb. 6d box nails
1 pc. %" x G" x 43” back 'A lb. 4d latch nails
7 pcs. LQ" x S" x 6" iioors 4 doz. %", No. 4 flat-head wood
1 pc. @3 " x 5‘?4" x 11" roof screws
1 pc. %" x 6%Ȏ" x 11" roof l doz. DQ", N0. 6 ilat-head wood
1 pc. 3" x 12" roofing paper screws
6 pcs. PQ" x 3" x G" perches 3, 2", No. 10 flat-head wood screws
g Book ends may bc made of oak, walnut, clicrry, or othci hard
i wood if a natural Hnish is desired. Soft wood may be used if the
zi ¢ _ _ _ ·
g 5/—/[,57 T prf ' A We ,-- No
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sqretwx . _ /B/PADS
$37 \ l /—
Figure 13. B00k ends.
I8 lx'a2*1t1tr’/ry EX/€21Sl'O’>1 Cirrulnr N0. 325 A
book ends are to be given a mint or enamel finish. \i\’hen roundino
. P . l . . ·*
the corners of the pieces, for book ends, plane or saw in the direc- .
tion shown by arrows A and B in figure I3 to prevent chipping the
edges. t~\f`ter all parts are assembled, the book ends should be sand-
papered until they are smooth, then painted. stained or finished as { P€·
desired. ` Wi
2 pcs. ’?f " X 5lQ" X 5*54 " for C 2 pcs. 4" X 5l~§" heavy sheet metal Y0
2 pcs. {N X 3¥:f" X 4l&" for D 2 pcs. 4" X 5'.;" felt or heavy cloth `
2 pcs. EQ" X PQ" X 4" for E 4, %" No. '7 flat-head wood screws del
1 doz. 1", No. 16 brads I
The flower box should be made of deeay-resistant wood such as
cypress. However, if it is painted and proteeted during the winter,
it may be built of any wood available. \\t’hen assembling the parts.
the joints should be painted to make them water-tight and to pre-
vent their rotting. The sides should be securely fastened with wood
screws to prevent. warping of the boards. Sandpaper the entire box
and apply two coats of paint.
ryzotpxwe f
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Figure 14. Flower box.
` Soi
1 pc. 14 " x 7%** X 28*2// bottom 2 pcs. =>t " x ‘3»f." X 31¥&"m0lding
2 pcs. *5/t" x 7’/Q" X B0" sides 2 doz. HQ", No. 10 wood screws GN
2 pcs. ‘§f" X '7‘/é" X 7‘,é" ends 2 doz. 6d finishing nails
2 pcs. GA " X ‘?f" X 9" molding
`j 4-H Woodworking Project, Uni! I 19
` "Essentials of Woodworking," Griffith, Manual Arts Press, Peoria, Ill.
2 "Woodwork for Secondary Schools," Griffith, Manual Arts Press,
Peoria, 111.
~ "Farmer’s Shop Book," Roehl, Bruce Publishing Company, Milwaukee,
, Wisconsin.
l "Farm Buildings," Foster and Carter, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New
York, N. Y.
j "Home Labor Saving Devices," Scott, J. P. Lippincott Company, Phila-
3 delphia, Pa.
1 Circulars of the Extension Division, College of Agriculture,
University of Kentucky
No. 107 Housing Farm Poultry
111 List of Farm Building Plans
128 Building Plans for the Dairy Farm
131 Septic Tanks for Sewage Disposal
157 Brooding Chicks Artificially
198 Sunlight Movable Hog Houses
266 Home Storage Structures and Equipment
276 Hotbeds and Cold Frames
F3,l`II`l€1‘S’ Bulletins, United States Department of Agriculture
No. 810 Equipment for Farm Sheep Raising
927 Farm Home Conveniences
1452 Painting on the Farm
i 1456 Homes for Birds
1 Magazines _
Home Craftsman, Vwalker Turner Company, Plainfield, N. J.
, Home Craft, General Publishing Co., Chicago, Ill.
{ What to Make, Popular Mechanics, 200 East Ontario St., Chicago, Ill.
Popular Mechanics, 200 East Ontario St., Chicago, Ill.
Popular Science, 353 Fourth Ave., New York, N. Y.
Fellow Crafters, 739 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass.
1 Other Publications
12 New Plans for Low-Cost Damage—Proof Projects, Douglas Fir Ply-
wood Bulletin, E, W. Camp Plywood Company, Inc., Commerce and Plum
Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio.
100 Handy Helps, Southern Pine and Its Uses, S0uthe1·n Pi11e Associa-
tion, New Orleans, La.
"You Can Make It," United States Department of Commerce, Govern-
ment P1·inting Office, Washington, D. C., 10 cents.
The Farm Workshop and Woodlands, E. C. Atkins & Company, 402
South Illinois St., Indianapolis, Ind.
Manual on Wood Finishing, Dutch Kraft Corporation, Grand Rapids,
Better Wood Finishing, Grand Rapids Wood Finishing Company,
Grand Rapids, Mich.
Literature on Saws, E. C. Atkins & Company, Indianapolis, Ind.
Literature on Saws, Henry Disston & Sons, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa.
20 l{1·n/ur/cy Exlmision Cirmz/m' No. 325
Article ......................................................................................................................................................,_,,__________ EIIMCIQ
Hours required to make this article Imrs mq
I I I I I I I I I I ‘
Date I .....,.,.... I ............ I ............ I ............ I .........,.. I ............ . ........,.. I ............ . ........... . ..,........ . ........... , ,,_,,__,,__ me
Hours I ............ I ............ I ............ I .,.......... . ......i.... I ............ I ....l....... . ........... . ........... . ........... . ........... . ..,.,._,,,, {Ours
Total hours ......,................................,.........................,...... Cost of materials .......................................,....,_,, IOM hou;
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iticle ......
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