a G L S o N E W S
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SPONSORS: WE HAVE MET by Margaret Christopher Cartwright Peter: p]tayl00@ukcc.uky.edu
THE ENEMY AND HE IS One of the most popular biblical Elizabeth: bee@mis.net
reprinted from the Washington Feminist Faxnet. quotations used to denounce the gay and Tammy: sappho@mis.net
Republican presidential nominee Bob lesbian lifestyle is Leviticul 18:22 and 20215 g
Dole dumped wife #1 who nursed him through They state “YOU shall not lie With a male 215 laws given to Israel ”i the Old Testament.
near-fatal WWHwounds. Rep. Enid Greene (R— with a woman; it is an abomination." This Galatians 3:22—25 says Elm that. Jesus never
HT) is divorcingloe Waldholtz, who is accused QUOEG 1195 SOEEEY in the HOEEHGSS Code Of said anything condemning homosexual rela-
falsifying campaign finance reports and other Leviticus, a ritual manual for Israel’s priests. tIonshIps, bUt 531d a'great deal about love.
shenanigans. House Speaker Newt Gingrich The 11162111ng can OHEY be interpreted With justice, mercy and falthf Come see US! We
(R‘GA) asked for a divorce While wife #1 was consideration of the historical and cultural talk about tlnngs hke [hls at church. V
hospitalized after cancer surgery (has also context of the ancient Hebrew people. Israel,
admitted to having adulterous affairs in the chosen 3-8 the people OfGOd were 10 flVOid the ., ’ " ‘~ ‘ ‘ ' . ’; ‘
backs 0f automobiles), Rep Bob Barr (R—GA) practices of other peoples and gods, , CALENDAR, CHANGES
has been married three times, was caught Hebrew F€ligi0n remained in Beginning thlsmonthr
licking Whipped cream from the chests of two competition with the surrounding Canaanites Peter Taylor, y» ouresteemed
buxom women who worshiped the multiple gods of their editbr, f’lstaklpgovertho
Rep Wes Cooley (R—OR) allegedly fertility cults. The Canaanites idol worship responsrbthttesofmamtanung
:oncealelzp his wzddilEg date so his wife cpluld feattudred bgth tfemale andZISane (prostitutiolna: thenewslettercaieridatxf
eep c0 ecting ene its as a veteran’s wi ow noe 1n eu eronomy : you can 00 . 'y j 7 -. j ‘
Rep Bob Doman (R—CA) has been the subject of this 0116 up... it’s WOFth it!) This repeatedly andPlegiiiooiSEfjxhtfiemmg
four divorce actions from his wife, claiming threatened lsrael’s loyalty to God. The Hebrew i 1:1,, .3’ , ya;
spousal abuser word for a male prostitute is “gadesh” which accurate“ If anything needs a
Herewith a couple of reflections on these iS miStfémsluted Change" _0I.¢,1f.iyou 'Weutd‘dik¢5~ to
data: it’s so sad that all of these stalwart as “sodomite” in some versions of the Bible. sub'mlt anewhstmg, contest
defenders of a moral society have had such An abomination is what God found to be Peter at 273-‘58450f‘eémaii'iftifil
rotten matrimonial luck. And to think it’s all unclean, disloyal or unjust. Several Hebrew at p3tay100@ukccukyedu
the fault of queers in loving, committed rela— words were so translated, and the one found ' " I ' ’ ' ' V “‘5',” f
tionships of ten, twenty, thirty or more years! in Leviticus “toevah” iS usually associated ' I ’ ' E L” .14. 7’5“”
With the current shortage of family values in With idolatry as it is in Ezekiel, where it occurs
this country and these gay and lesbian couples many times. Given the strong association of
. consuming the entire available supply, what‘sa “IOVRh” With idolatry and the Canaanite i " ’ " ‘ ’ ’ E
politician to do when there simply are no practice of cult prostitution, one can only E l
morals left to buy? Clearly there’s a need for a deduce that the scripture is condemning male E GLSO Sponsor of the Month
government study to quantify the scope of pfOStitUtiOh. it does not refer to loving, E E
this problem. Now Mr. Hyde can speculate that responsible homosexual relationships. E PC ga S U S Tl’a VCl E
when Barney and Herb fell in love it destroyed T0 COHCEUdei we are “Oi bound by the E E
continued on page 2 ‘E """‘ " "