xt7dfn10rx3x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dfn10rx3x/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky University of Kentucky Chemistry Department 19910418 A brochure for the Naff Symposium, an event hosted by the University of Kentucky Chemistry Department supported by the Anna S. Naff Endowment Fund. This brochure belongs to the University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Records collection, accession number 2014ua075. archival material English University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Naff Symposium brochures Seventeenth Annual Symposium on Chemistry and Molecular Biology: "Initiation of Protein Synthesis in Eukaryotes" text Seventeenth Annual Symposium on Chemistry and Molecular Biology: "Initiation of Protein Synthesis in Eukaryotes" 1991 2017 true xt7dfn10rx3x section xt7dfn10rx3x _————————_————__— l" to E i? Seventeenth Annual 1991 PROGRAM >5. 2- s __—__—__—_____ 3 .0; 3 Symposmm on i—p Ln ' O 5% AM. PM. P o :5 ,_.. 9:00 Registration and Coffee—Room 137, 12:15 Buffet Lunch, Faculty Club (Please return . 7: H‘- O . Chemistry-Physics Building card by April 9, 1991 for reservations. Cost ‘6 7: H“ em‘s ry $6.00 to be paid at registration.) 4; g 0 9:30 Welcome by Dr. Robert Hemenway, . O Eo- :3" Chancellor, University of Kentucky, Room 1:30 Dr. Richard J. Jackson, University of g n g I 139, Chemistry-Physics Building Cambridge, England 0 ,5 5- The Novel Mechanism of Initiation of b E? 9:40 Introductory Remarks—Dr. Robert Rhoads, Translation of Picornavirus RNAs Q \C Department of Biochemistry, a M lecular University 0‘ Kentucky The selection of the correct initiation site for translation of o 9:45 Dr. Michael B. Mathews, Cold Spring Harbor mfessenger ENA isha k'eybstep, crucial for accrii‘racy and efficiency . Laboratory, New York 0 protein iosynt eSis y ribosomes. l-‘or t e vast rnaiority o 7' Viruses, Interferon, RNA and the Control of eulgaryotfic C8211)“ mRNZ‘isdand r30“ Vlral WRNAS 1:15 appeahrs imc‘ ‘ M '0 0 9y Protein Synthesis. to e ac ieve ‘y an en - epen ent scanning mec anism, t e +£L. ribosome binds first at the end of the mRNA and then scans the (—5 The initiation of protein synthesis can be controlled by of the sequence until it finds the first AUG trinucleotide codon which I \JYQ’I‘C/l'l phosphorylation of one the initiation factors. elF-2. that catalyses is used for the initiation site. Picornaviruses (eg, poliovirus, an early step in the pathway. Cells make use of this mechanism common cold virus, etc.) represent an intriguing departure from g Q C K80’J to regulate the translation of their own mRNA. In the presence this normal mechanism: a ~450 nucleotide segment of the viral / " I. of interferon, they also exploit this mechanism to establish an anti— RNA causes ribosomes to bind directly to a site situated just m1G WAUGANVV viral state which prevents virus multiplication and limits the spread downstream of this region, without scanning from the end of the WWCVSS of infection. Several viruses have elaborated countermeasures to RNA. protect themselves against cellular defenses, These counter- measures include inhibitors of the protein kinase .that 2:40 Discussmn . ‘ established in the memory Of ’ phosphorylates elF-2. Both activation and inhibition of the kinase _ . . are regulated by viral RNA molecules, presenting interesting 2250 Dr: Robert E' Thach, Washington Universrty, Anna S Naff : problems in RNA-protein recognition St' Louis I Mechanisms of Regulation of Individual _ . t 10:45 Discussion mRNA Translation Rates 10:50 Dr. Hans Trachsel, University of Bern, Various mechanisms which allow individual mRNAs to be se» “gr/Cl QR". INITIATION OF Switzerland. lectively translated at rates different from the average will be ;c\ 911:4, Mediators 0f mRNA Binding to considered. The regulation of ferritin mRNA translation will be Q”) \) \DEO PROTEIN SYNTHESIS Ribosomes discussed in detail, Three or more elements regulate ferritin mRNA ® 1 I . . _ . . translation in response to the iron supply. The first element iden- LON-m QR %<€RS IN EUKARYOTES In eukaryotic cells the binding of ribosomes to mRNA is mediated . . . . . ,/ . . . . . I tified was a 28 nucleotide sequence which confers iron respon- , '3 ___.__—.——_ by translation initiation factors of the elF-4 group. They gurde the . . i . I . II . siveness to a downstream open reading frame. The second ribosomes to the 5 region 0f the mRNA, fac111tate scanning Of element found was a 90 kDa protein that binds specifically to the the mRNA by the ribosome in the 5' to 3’ direction and selection . . . . SPEAKERS . . I I . I . . Iron responsive element, where it prevents translation of a of the correct AUG for translation lnlllathn. In an alternative ini- . . .i . . I . h 'b b' d' ll RNA h h downstream open reading frame. A third element, the ferritin . halo“ pat watt r1 osomes m interna y to m. t “3ng recog- inducer,” has recently been investigated. This is a metabolite of MlChael B Mathews nition of speCial RNA structures. To study ribosome binding to , . . . . . . . . I . I iron which interacts With the ferritin repressor protein to relieve Hans Trachse] mRNA and its regulation in more detail we have chosen the yeast the repression of ferritin mRNA translation . S. cereuisiae as a model system. We have isolated yeast transla- ' Richard J. Jackson tion initiation factors, cloned their genes and developed cell-free 3.50 Discussion Robert E. Thach translation systems which are dependent on a mRNA binding factor for translation initiation. These systems are suitable to study the 4:00 Mixer. factor requirement(s) for translation of individual mRNAs as well . ‘ as structure-function relationships of translation initiation factors, Thursday, April 18, 1991 11:50 Discussion Dep‘artmént Of Chprrg-Stry UniverSity of Ker‘ltu'ky Lexington, Kentucky 40506—0055 Seventeenth Symposium on C h e mistry & M l cular Biology established in the memory of Anna S. Naff Thursday, April 18, 1991, 9:00 a.m. Chemistry-Physics Building—Room 139 Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky ————_—__—___________ INITIATION OF PROTEIN SYNTHESIS IN EUKARYOTES —————___..___—_—______ I?” . We . V” 4355 . {’52 % M J55 Michael B. Mathews, Ph.D., University of ' " Robert E. Thach, Ph.D., Harvard Univer— Cambridge, England. Beit Memorial Fellow, sity. Woodrow Wilson Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, ' MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cam- Harvard University. Professor, Washington Uni- bridge. Senior Scientist, Cold Spring Harbor versity, St. Louis. American Chemical Society Laboratory, NY. Visiting Professor, Weizmann Outstanding Young Investigator Award (1961). Institute of Science, Israel. Editorial boards: . John Simon Guggenheim Memorial fellowship Genes & Development; Cell; Virus Research. (Geneva, Switzerland, 1969). Guest Editor, Topic: “Viruses, Interferon, RNA and the Con— Enzyme (1990). Editorial Boards: Journal of trol of Protein Synthesis.” Biological Chemistry; Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. Topic: “Mechanisms of Regula— tion of Individual mRNA Translation Rates.” ”2’2. / CW 'r I (\ ~%W/. , ”If?“ to" Hans Trachsel, Ph.D., University of Bern, I Switzerland. Postdoctoral Fellow, Northwestern Richard J. Jackson, Ph.D., University of University, Evanston. Member, Institute for Im- Cambridge, England. Postdoctoral Fellow, munology, University of Basel, Switzerland. University of Geneva, Switzerland. Roche Research Associate, Massachusetts Institute of Research Foundation Visiting Fellowship, Technology, Cambridge. Projektleiter, Depart— Geneva University (1977). University Lecturer ment of Biochemistry, University of Basel, in Biochemistry, Cambridge University. Fellow Switzerland. Professor, Medical Faculty of the of Pembroke College, Cambridge. Topic: “The University of Bern, Switzerland. Topic: “eIF-4, novel mechanism of initiation of translation of Mediators of mRNA Binding to Ribosomes.” picornavirus RNAs". Parking available free at Commonwealth Stadium on Cooper Drive. Shuttle buses run to the main campus. Additional parking (for a fee) available in UK Medical Plaza Parking Garage, located approximately one block south of the Chemistry—Physics Building; this garage can be accessed from both Rose and Limestone Streets—look for Medical Plaza Parking signs. For addi— tional information, call Mark Meier, Department of Chemistry, (606) 257-3837. Symposium supported by the Anna S. Naff Endowment Fund.