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Volume 59, Numb I November, 1988 _ I ._
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: After a chain of fires and explosmns that took place Thursday 2; Iggy E gr % fifzy’we I .2 .. v r , ,
r November 10, at The Standard Gravure C'Orporation, it was I” .: ,1 ww‘afiz it; _ . ,M /4 - , y 1
s- ' - surprismg that The Courier—Journal could publish their Friday 4% :.Ig§2.:"...‘ 54% , " I. v *4“ WI; . I _ ‘:’ ;
: edition. .w,~ ,I , w_ / 2a)}. " r .' ' it»; ' mi“ ' '
I Late Thursday night, newspaper editors decided to put out a It’bgfac an} Aggie,* 22...: f’ ”W" w .v ' .- ‘
truncated edition without any advertising or comics. é gm‘ié‘iffié — yaw E ‘) :5 " ., . L r , I , A t:
‘* lisher, George N. Gill and other top'editors that it was unlikely “~ ég”;%§fl~€: f ’ fl gig? " r _ . ,3“ ‘
, ' that newspaper employees would be able to enter the building . I . 4‘ng ‘ . m I. . ' v i:-
. :4. II that night, an alternative plan was put into action. The Courier— $8“ng ’ ~ : ‘1»! . .I . . r I ‘*
. III-1; Journal turned to the LeAington Herald Leader to print some It . 34:5. . I
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'Ih‘b'r’d‘e'f'fé‘ri'tfiéHérél‘détéaderxto‘provide printing capability f " x ..w I » ’: 3 A», ”f ' . .
. for The Courier—'IOurnal they decided to print one edition instead N423 .. " 1 v. a. " :2. = ~ VI 7:".
I of two. Electronic copies of news stories had to be edited and be ”I”; i 3 ,_ r ' 5"‘5'3 1/ " 351' I;., - , jil; I i
‘ sent to the Herald-Leader for the Courier-Journal to be published " Mm :. it
. - in Lexington ' . ‘ ' “tam .
' fIIi; " By 11 p.m. all Courier—Journal employees were allowed back in I 'I ' 13 s: t I; 332;, {iii
: thebuilding; however, plans continued to have the paper printed a #1 VI." ” '7 v .:"j j? I ’E " V ' ' . . f;;i__::§
in"Lexington and employees in Louisville began working on * ’ ' :I . I .7- ' ' ‘ ,4 Di: ~ i
is. I. advanced sections for Sunday's paper. It later became apparent t . I . $4 ‘ 3"" ' r ,. f =i .
.I-Ij. ' that the computer problems were going to delay production in Hriétn ’ I, v _ I I ’7 73,-» I.
I. : Lexmgton, therefore, the Courier-Journal stopped printing the Winchester SUI? ShQWE fo HEW QI’QSE . ' . ’ -‘ 1-; wk;
. weekend sections and began working on Friday 5 paper. . . ~ , if“;
’I i . L The fiaperzsgérted mlhfg w the przsses (airountd 2345 a.rn. m The Winchester Sun showed off its new press to the public Sunday, November 20 with an ‘I -I'_
'_ 9‘115‘” 6% an a‘m' m 93mg 011' ccor mg. 0 J 1m James, open house for Clark Countians. The Sun has installed an Atlas Web Leader eight-unit press. 14; .
, _I I. director of pre-press operations and transportation at the Cou- l B tt B said the ress located in a new annex to the building ‘ in-v m“
f ‘ ~ rier-Iournal about 70,000 Courier—Journals were printed in Lex— Genera manager 1e y Ierryman P ’ ' ' v 5
. ington and about 190,000 in Louisville. cludes a quadra-co or unit. _- 5-; " I III
.- Satu rd ay ISS ue By David T- Thompson.;.9
, . , . . KPA Executive Director I
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. of OJ features Scott County weeklies fin go in po 11CSI
' ' The Saturday, November When the dust has settled and the mudslinging stops, don't One other issue. Merger. Merger of the city and county'goy; 1 :1 I
12 99““0“ 0‘ The Lou‘s‘flne be surprised iftwo Scott County weeklies come outwell ahead of ernments. Spurred more interest, and a lot more advertising;
Courier—Journal was a htfle other. Kentucky newspapers in the amount of political adverfis- dollars, than all the other races. Combined. : 'I I :ufiw'i‘
different than usual Saturday ing dollars spent for the November 8 general election. And thatissue COUM meanalot ofadvertisingdollars inqthgfif New;
morning.- . f f“ The ballotin Georgetown and Scott County was almost iden- counties down the road. Only one county '~ Fayette "hasaxtI‘IIIg
Because of the seneso ires tical to ballots in every other city and county throughout the merged Clty/ €011th government. And during the NIoVernbeit :15
, and explosmns Thursday Commonwealth -— presidential, congressional, county judge election, only two others attempted to combine city and: county IvIgI"
night November 10' at The executive, the two state Constitutional amendment questions. Operations '- 5C0“ and Franklin counties. . Ii ‘ I}:‘i ., III I}
i Standaird GET/“i: (Eprporeb So why the difference between advertising dollars in Scott AS 10Cal governments face more finanCial problems m the I¢Isfi
if tion a iacen 0 e ourier— o and olit'cal ad rtisin s ent elsewhere in the Com— . I ' L .7“
‘ ' . . Enoliilithalth? p 1 we 3 p . v Continued onPageSf
a a Continued on Page 8 - __._——_-—————-——————'————_— 7 ' ' .v I' i :33;