xt7dfn10s14p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dfn10s14p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-02-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 07, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 07, 1980 1980 1980-02-07 2020 true xt7dfn10s14p section xt7dfn10s14p 7 "71.7.; i s \‘t.
voi. Lx xu. No. m m mama“. mam mum," l'vIImIstty of Kentucky , I .~:.
Thursday. February 7‘ [980 .ctlngton. Kentucky . i7.
' h sensus " x“ ' t“ ' ‘7” - .
. ,A udlence s ows no can t‘ttt .III . . .
' fd ft 'nstatement -~
Hz» ' mitt ' 7
By MARK GREEN an approximately 50perccntrcsponse. draft has the effect of “supporting a 3 7 . {- u I “I y, \- WK .
Assoctatc Mitor ll‘ltf \oluntccr army was CfltICl/Cd system of murder." This was met with ‘ . 5/ V7 v . . k 777.
for “placing the burden of defense on cries of “It‘s not murder; it's defense." 7 :k 7 ' 7 if i V. I?- > ' ..
Will the smellofburningdraftcards the lowcr classes" by Guy firk. a Capt. Charles Mudd. a UK ROl (‘ . 7" P _ 7 ' _ 3’" 7 I "
return to collcgc cumpusm" former lTK student. ()thers criticized instructor who specified that he was '7 7. ‘ fi g 5" 7.9 7 . W ‘
ll the draft I\ rcrnstitutcd. the the draft for thc saint: reason. saying speaking for himself and not the . ‘ . ' 1&7; ‘7 ’ X 7 I21 . 7 f ‘ {(7773
answer may hcycs Hutforcicryllam- that the rich avoided it in Vietnam. R()7l(‘ or military. said. "l‘m not a '7 ' . i777 ' .7 3. t _ § Y:
ing draft card there will he at lcust an Korea and the American Civil War. professional killer I don‘t want a " .3“. “e _ .- s 7"- ' ‘3‘ .I .I .‘ 77 . 0 «3 3-. - . ..‘
- equal numbcrot new rccrurts it ycstcr- Aysc lamkoc. a political science draft. I don‘t want my little boy 1"? v ‘R . N :3; '7 _I , t: _ -. 3}“ v I». , “7 ..
day‘s Brown Bag forum was any sophomore who liycd in Turkey bcforc drafted.“ . 7" ' ‘ . 3-, t I \ ‘Q g
.. indication. coming to the United States in I978. But the l'nitcd States. Mudd said. {”7” 375;“ I .» [34; '~«. I. XII... . IQ *3 .7
(Prcsidcnt (’urtcrcaillcd lOfil rcturvi citingthclrccdom ofspccch and other does need a standing army and he 3"“ ‘7 '7 5:" 1977* If: y 9* y '18 «$.52; .s I ..
. to registration for lX- to Zl-ycni—olds rights. and “People ought to defend would supportadraftifthat isthc only : 7 $7» is}! <77. ‘fid‘7 i’ .7 I‘ . - ...»~ : 7:3
in preparation tor u pmsiblc rcturn to this freedom (by serying in the mil- way to obtain an adequate one. ~> 2% .7 \ ..t‘ . it . - . 77 {not (if;
the draft during his recent Static ol thc iturIv) “With rights come responsibili— Economic incentives in a volunteer g 7 $6“ 7 “.1 g 7 _ _. 1‘7 i 571%?
llnion speech). tics. said one student. a former coast army were mentioned as a means of A. ,. ~§>:-7777i:::;=1-7 . 1&7 ... w§; ’ . .7777 , fi‘" I. 2;. k
Thc forum. cntitlcd “lhc Draft.“ guard serviccman who asked notto be raising the overall quality of enlisted . V . ' 7 .. 7' 3-. w- v ‘9‘, f3 ’5: I § ‘I at
was sponsored by the Student ('cntcr identified. men by increasing the appeal to . ‘ 7 it . . ' l - «I» - 7'7 "’ Qty: -
Board and wasthc scincstcr‘slirst in '4 But this argument was met with those who could choose a higher pay- . -‘ .- it 0",“ .1. §$~t' . r 9: . - Ar. \ .
series of weekly. opcn dcbritcs hcld claims that rights aren‘t cqu....y irig job. “A private makcs(only)about ‘ 7'7 7‘7 7 7’ II , ‘,°' “7 , fr} . .- .. y
every Wednesday at noon in the Stu- granted to all. such as women and $1000 a year with his benefits." he i» . 5.77 ~. 7' 7K . _ " “’jt _.h": "'7 "l! i ' .
dcnt (‘cntcr (next Wednesday wiil hc minorities. and those without full said. “Nobody is volunteeringto bea 851%.“ I. 777757.» ,fl‘: 73‘ «At ‘3 . 7y“ S
the only cxccption for the rcst ot the rights shouldn‘t be made to serve. poor man." "r o n ”It” («If V I7“ . 7 n?“ i k
scmcstcr). lirk. who was registered for the Practically the only idea presented % . _. , 7 , 77 . \ . - [777* (.f“ ‘ ,
lhcrc “lb certainly no Conxcnsus draft before it was dropped in 1973. at the forum that was not rcfutcd in 7w- _. 7 ‘ ~ 7 77 7 '- *7
. among the 7'5 or so in zittcndtincc. would still fall within the IB- to 26— one way or another was Vietnam \ctc- 7 . an; " g
When a reporter from WKY l -l \' year-old range that would be required ran Dennis Shepherd's statement that 717's ’ ’ . . 172.7?
' asked for a show ot hands liom those to register. Hc said he would rcgistcr there should be a national debate to ' 7’ ...... § . 77 g
layoring thc driift. hc got about u 50 again. 77l17o my responsibility. I have a decide how the US. ghould deal with ‘ ' . ' _ 7- " 7 I .. 3},
percent reaction lhc rcytwcrcaguinst lot 01 rights here." he said. the question of a draft or volunteer - "7\ ‘ g .7" . ' ’7 .
it. But whcn he asked who layorcd any Bob Nelson. a mathematics gradu- army. “We don‘t need cnsis politics." ' \ . . ... ,. ' . ., -
kind of altcrniiiiyc 5}\lt‘m.l1t' \llll got atc student. said public backing ofthc he said. .a Q t7 i- I I
. I I “ ~ f . l Q ~. -
Selling drug paraphernalia illegal 4* + - ., ‘- - “ ~
Bi hum “AWARD/Kernel sun
I I . Wildcat center Sam Bowie soars and gets ready to ram Mississippi. Much closet to the ground are l7l\77§ Fred
If pend lng State house blll passes home one of six dunks he had in last night‘s game with (‘owan (40) and Ole \liss‘s Roger Stieg (52). . ‘
7 By not JONES LI 1 “—- W 1‘ ’7 l ‘ S/al J I dunk
Reporter ‘ 7.7%.“ m
EDD” :8 en“ ‘7 l I . I . a I I I
. W a“ ”it We “In W .... «act BOWie, Macy lead Wildcats past MISSISSIppI .
. pipes you want it is perfectly legal to . .I cg.“ _. A. w“ .
7 7 own them in Kentucky for now. u l 777’ “Mu ‘ d e; “"
Presently. therc is no state or city m . :\ ‘77 . c- 7 By DONNIE WARD guard Kylc Macy Mild their problcm Stioiid‘x tottil of :7 Stroud t.\ cur~
7 . ordinance against possession of drug . J— .J ““ _ ‘ . . Stiitf “mm was with rushing the ball up the floor rcntly the SH' scoring lcader Veicr- .
paraphernalia. lhcrc are plans. how- ___; ‘ hi ‘ . _ w I ., f “\\'c tricd to hurry llllngk and thclcsu. it win \fucy who kcptthc ball
. ever. that could change all that. . “‘ “\(t \' It didn‘t take the ()lc Miss Rebels started making mistakes It was our rolling and the nets burning H15 7
7 House Bi|l4l9wasintroduccdinthc ~£n ‘t I‘7I‘ (J “ w“. 1 ~ long to find out what “HN waiting for own lllllll.77 Mricy said npcrtisc tront l5 tcct enabled the
Kentucky Home of chrcscntzitiycx . ‘ c.1‘7\7\7‘\ a. 7‘C-I‘ ..i" ‘ -~ them in RuppArcnti last night. lnthc Macy managed to lllll‘ll with .t \\'ildc.it\ to tuck away their third '
on Monday. It passed by the House. ‘ 7 MI cl: m ‘ ~ 1 opening seconds. treshman center gumc highonX ptilnl\.tilli\ oncpoinl \lfdlL’lll SH' win_
. Iht‘ bl“ COUld 5160010 \étlt‘ “I 11“) 119m "“."._. - 7 . .. _ - ’ 1m 25M! Sam BO\\IL‘7.\ slam dunk l'dlllcd thc .ihoxc Mixyisxrppiscnioi toiw.iiJ .lo'in (ontinued on page 8
' used to plant. process. test. weigh. silt. '-: ..I *l * l ' ‘- rims all thc way back homc in ()xlord. .
. mix. packagc. or lllgt‘fl .in illcgal suh- . .‘7 9:3,.» typical of the context w liich cndcd in ' ' ' ' '
' - stance. the bill. introduced by Rep. .= it" 7 L5 an 86—72 Kentucky victory, 0m” Bumh alters thket d/Smbmon -
[)ayid 'lomason. l)—llcndcr.~on. and . - ‘ ‘)t7‘ ‘ Thcturning point crimc curly inthc '
. Rep. .loc lllington. l)-Puducah. has :7. 7 m :~ E 7 77777777777 7777777 777777777177 777772777777 77777 7777777 f UK, / b8 k tb // ameS
been rcfcrrcd to ‘d lUdlL‘tdr} committee _— . . the \Vildcats 0th roaring out (It [he or 8 ast rm 8 e a g .
‘ for review . 7 ' 7l I I 7 . ~ I 78'“ o g locker room witha l4»l)scoiing spurt. . _ '
Sgt. John Bl/litL‘k. (’oninirindcr of W‘w‘EAI . .7 l 7 i M“ L “We just got curclcss. thcy madc Dunn ot Studctih lot lltiich Mud-..nis not dcyiring to participatctn
the Metro Narcotics Squad, said then: '7 . -.-- ~ some plays rind wcdidn‘t.".\.iid “mic. :iiinounccd ycstcrday that the Iaxt hm tl‘t lot‘tciy may go through the lines
. ' are no plans for any kind of crack- BY ("ESTER Sl7m'ETT/K9'""§"" sippi coach Bob Wcltlich. whosctcam itil‘élil ticket dltlrihl'tt”? W” l‘brilit toil may? ttl‘l‘ik't’ “WW “3315 hcginn
down on paraphernalia unlcss llousc dcnt oquecial Media. Inc. the largest est leicl (keeping it between the stu— had won six of mm lust \cwn you.” into two dfxll'lhlli oi. 1.7.. ‘. llt‘.‘ Emir 9»? .7 I" n‘ lilwi \L‘dllng IN b0”! '
' Bill 4l9 is enacted into law distributor of paraphernalia in dent and the resident advised." she including wins o\cr both lt‘nticwcc Chant? £1th to d tr-I‘ itiw‘ '-' .i Ft‘u'tfti zlili‘r“ ‘ “iii “7*? 1‘73“" 4“ “‘U‘dl {mm-l
. Some attorncyx question the consti- Lexington. said. and Alabama. bclorc coiningto Rupp. ntcndation mtidt by \l udc nr M 4 l‘ ”1 'IW Mmt‘ d3}
. tuiionality of such legislation. Alyin According to ROsemary Pond.dcan JeffGreer. assistant head rcsidcntat "When we got that ll point lt'dtl in fitth‘l‘ntticnt I“ 37"! '~"‘l Ill‘i ”“mbcr “I *ll'dcm“
(ioldmiln. professor at thcl'KCollegc of UK residence hall programming. Holmes Hall said. “We advise them the second half. it was thc hm wc‘tc (ti Sunday lt-h iii. Hm: .v t'j in. .. .‘ i3? i3: 7“ l Wit?!) t'M‘Cc‘dsthC
of law. pointed out that many com- the campus residence halls have no (dorm residents). whcnthcyfirstbring played." Hall coil “III” II 1.», .I..-_-: Iikc “1' 3 it» litki“‘»l i ‘ 1 ' ‘ - 'l -- ~ I, " i _- and the aboyc arguments. I refer you standing {”353th by thd KW"?! ‘h _
i .i y. (t W. \othirig in my esperience as a to The Practice of Death by E. W. "5 editorial on abortion. (Jan. 24.
i‘ '. 'I: - '2 it" W JIMMY human being has suggested to me that Kluge.) i980) There '5 another “he to ‘h'5
.fll. .‘ y ’ i 9 '” lite Ill and of itself. detoid of quality 1 sympathile with Mr. Hitler‘s 'Ssue Wh'ch the ”"191 editors have
4- ~- '.-. . Gilli-PP) fim HIM ct'llsltlt‘l‘itlltllls. is absolutely and preoccupation over where his monies chosen to ignore. .
‘ . J" . .i '1' i\\ V' q?) (:on .7” Wk) iiitiactably sacred Here. quality con- are going in terms of state-paid abor- First. the editors have mistakenly
1 ' ‘1 ‘ . . - ‘ 3 O ' ‘ i ' yiderations and consciousness become trons. lam nottoocralyaboutthe idea stated that certain churches. have
r ' . ‘ ‘ ipJOfiu-o inextricably yetched i\s concerns that. as a non-parent. l have to pay a attempted ‘0 define the. beginning 0f ‘
.. ‘ 4' .4 i (Q) abortion of a fetus and I would tax forthe children ofFayette County hfc “3'15 earlyas Conception.:'Conecp-
"( _ ' P y [I - ' ‘ point both \liss Jones and Mr (‘och- to wander to and fro in high school “Oh ‘5‘ '_h fact. th? scientific-medical
. g" ' ' “Iii” * ‘ rarie to a good dictionary and ethics halls and such. But thereitis. Consider commun'rtys dehh‘hOh of‘the bhg'h'
, I ’ ‘ ii “ seminar lor their confusion over abor— this: economically speaking. when ntgn 9f hfe- The Supreme Cod“. ‘h hs
,. . .' i ' "if " trorr \erstrs infantrcidc as a definition you: Mr. Bit/er. start taking responsi- dccrsron 0f Jan. 22. i973. did hm d's‘
, i . i. . ‘I‘ and a reality it tit-\cr attains con- hlllt)’ for the many healthy and per- pute this fact. Rather. the 3‘19"“?
1:1 I“, F .i. ”I' e stiotisness as we know it in utero, haps not so healthy growing fetuses Courtdid "0‘Chhfselo."°whf“hlh°
. , .’ V , f . y l" - illt‘lt'ltllt’. aborting rt lot reasons become babies become Children. your first if'h‘?516rhs_ mchm‘hgfhl humah
'_ . ..l . r? i l‘ 7 (“(3979 3‘51)? v in H wk good. bad or indifferent. is not an act taxes Will be used to pay for Child sup- hfc- This“ acriticaldlsttnctlon;rather
.’ ‘1 . ’ i /\ g _ lt§9 , (““3 ii. -. . “in”. NW”) wk“ something port and orphanages and welfare than denythathuman lifecmtsatthis
, . I’ ' ’ ‘i i ’ («if . i 13% (”I“) - ' ".iw-iy" llotr) the reins needs for the next. say. twenty years. stage. the Supreme CCU" mic“ that
; ‘r 4 , . i i l a” '4 .\ t/ 3 . o , _ Hm .\ WWW“ beam“. ”k. mm One} cognizance 0" money can con this life was not sufficiently meaning.
in i ' W: v i i M 131 \ s7, "ov ' ' ne\cr knows that it is nine. thus its tradrct one's already obscure moral fUI‘ah‘d ofvaluetooutwcightthcwom-
' ‘ ,» l‘ , .7), / W C . . ‘. particular right to life is a mute con~ arguments sometimes. . . ans "Ehl ‘0 anaCY- .
' fh ’J' fit? ”5’ ' if . tept lhis concept also usually [hat I Should be able to mandate Not S'hgthcsuPrcmccouriSDnd
' - \ .. W) 0', 'l ‘ .isstirncs that death isan eyil. which is. that another's body is mine to com- 590" dccrsron 0f I857 has the Court
'i . ' ~ ' ' a; a i .i W. —‘ (Qt. emphatically. ti gross assumption; as mand and that she must give birth to attempted ‘0 place a value on human
. , ‘ ‘i .0 5-)?- i - » ‘ it sin-h. It should not beallowcdtocnter an unwanted conception. is tanta- hf°~ That-same Dred 500" “951°"
. . ' i, . 7g. .‘~..'“.'l|.‘ ii i arty rational argument concerning mount to moralistic totalitarianism. placedadiminishedvaluc onthchfeof
.’- ' , Q? ‘ g 2° ‘liih. ,5; \ .I.- i. 1 abortion lhis point. however skepti- lhat grantingawomanth