xt7dfn10s21g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dfn10s21g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-09-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 11, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 11, 1986 1986 1986-09-11 2020 true xt7dfn10s21g section xt7dfn10s21g \ \
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“.4..- ‘W
b E P ‘ Vol xcf No. 12 Established 1894 University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky Independent since 1971 Thursday, September It, 1986 1 ..
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A. ["111 S leBd reactions
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s ' House members “a ro em mus e cur ed : ' ' "
, — . , . . ‘ 5‘ a lti l..\l{RY.\l.\R('-\S,\K ‘.l.i.ii lll \lll $134! million would be l-Il' the program .Utlllfl total 8646 g" n" '. '_ I.
, l l ‘ :\S\()(‘l£ll€d Press , ui'vll‘lttl .i neii druu initiatiie ' llllIll and should be .l\;1ll'dlIlt' ‘ . - ' ;
: s - . 2 ~ " ltic ~peakcr said he hiter rem-next t‘ Ill? current l‘t‘\t‘llllt‘\ ‘ -- : i' .I ‘I .
3 A. , I , \l'ashington The lloiise been: .i «2.1 iroiii 'llt' \Vhitt- llousI- .i: The --p--.ii».I-1 wad he .Iwiuld tie .iill ’ ..
A. 7 , “l . I , : . debate yesterda} on a lllllllt'llllllllll ,m i, he he WM llzt‘ llL‘Ut‘t‘ ( tlt‘tt PI} :4; I.. break out of 'llt‘ Ht‘amniltud " " ,‘ 1,! '.
' I - 1}, x _ , dollar drug bill a day after Hoiisi- \lilic: director oi the lllllt't‘ ol \l.in tiiai: l).il.illk't‘(l tiudue' guidelines or ,- . "
2 f;- q ‘4‘ Speaker Thomas 1’ H‘Neill .Jr xL‘I'tt‘etit and Undue! \\.l\ ltliltl'u. t‘st‘f. raise 'axes To t have the drug I. s “.I- . ,
; ' , if; 'I ' ~ bluntly told President ltcaaan the V-llt‘li .lini film-z .slat'lt-tl LilKlllL’ llttiui‘dn‘i I , ._ . ~ _-I
w 1 g ,‘ ‘ ' elloi‘t \"lll cost much more than 'lii- .eva um izzzllini: l \azd Ii‘ou coulrt \ml lti-p l‘hllrll“ l'. ltangel . I
E . N...” f 5 I ' *- administration appears “thing to \Wl: the lirouian. I: that s all will clunrizniii «it the Home nelec? tom at . 5' "-
i V ‘(1 I spend la it 4:. :pizi: ll \cii: soul \‘stiei; lt.i"t't' oi; \ irao'zi \ \li he and t on .- '5 1‘
7 . HI. 1.. _ ’ ~ "‘ 'l)‘ q .. f ‘k" l ..v I. [I N \l liei spoke the l)lt'\1llf'l1l will It'I-I said the piituii ecoundes that V I. Iv ., ..
i 'I x . Iu‘“ “‘11 m U“ ”Mal" ‘1" lit-llllllL’dIHlii' I: one. it‘ltlllitllldl tau-s Hut:- ln-rii,Iu-~sar'j. ' I ‘- . ,~ I.I
" ‘ \ . -:? (MEWS) means l)u.\lll(’.\\ Rep lllx' l'otiui'essioiai: lit/lit" Mince 'lhe trione} iiill conic from ~' '. " I
t , . 4 _ * .llll:ltl§ Qiiillen.l{-I‘eiin .siiint t'I‘l)ltl"I'I‘ lmqid 'hr t MUM WU .alltI'i' :t \wulc. ”mud“ come ll ,‘ : -, ‘. _I _
' ‘, '3 ’ A 4 .1 £3 - llousi. ’ftlaiorit} Leader .J;rii I" .4 m ?I1Hl”i‘."r:oiiul: 1w: .1 .ili \r" PM . M“. order mum: from a . , ‘. .'
t A i “right. I)-lexas. admitted the liiil WW. I: ‘\ 1" I'll-I. ”NW” ”A 31 My,“ “mm“ l' Mb “mm from V .4. f ,
. 4 ,i f '; if I “.1“ not who all of the pio‘tilt ms. HM i‘llltif't't-ttwl.’ personnel “In“ 4,“, Hull-0"“ m NM “N“,mm m ~ . . 5' s‘.
' " k" . 1‘ i V I , k f hm mm, 1! “mild permit m I“ in "“.lillf“l ii 't"'\l(“-\ oi; 'hv I‘l’m .\l.i'11tlg ‘ l I ‘
. ,1 {I . . I». L , make pli)L{l‘L’5.\ iatliei than l4)\lll}_’. H, ' ‘ _ ' ‘ . 'M I“ . \wh V 5 . .4 -, . :2”
‘.‘ ,4. -- .4 « i t ‘- ‘« " wt': :1\ ii‘ Y ‘i:\i.t ‘ . I, ‘ ~
it ‘ 4" ('1 n: 7573-,” K 4 a glittllln Hm} ”min” AI,“ \lx'ml It: 1“er ‘[ :itlt :Ptltimrti: y:',;1'ltil):'t Vl‘l‘ia' (ter s‘ ',l . |_ r- .h. ,:
y“ 3;; ‘3 T .. ' ‘ () .\eill said that .it a White House (llitIs not _‘Lit;!‘i:';li'e that t'tii.u:.s.\ “\\ “Til thL’ -\: l," f‘fi‘, It”). W“) t: - . ‘1 V ‘I
. . _ ‘ ; .wfit -, ( ~. meeting: Tuesday attended t._\ l’resi ,- l. .ipprc; : .-'e ail thcnioiic; “I?" “H‘1 1 l ' “" ‘ “ ““ “‘Ws\” ; .~ I -_ .
' I ‘1 {all “" I" ' “I" . ,4 dent Reagan. budget i'lin'l .lazzo-s -I\c; ~.1‘Il’_’II'fl\l appvopr 1 4.: " “ ’ “"' s. in iHiI t';,_ z ' I i . .
- . - \4 - AIDS-infected child banned
V » . > ' \ . . 'u‘ '
I = s» , from attending kindergarten
' J . g j is; *‘ ’l‘iii- \sxtit'ldh'dl'l’t‘ss iimi irxfri’liited a tIIr' o2 tit-li,i_ioi~ 'lii ~tll)t'll[1lt'lltl(’l.l ot 'tic {nonsm- . ,~ _‘ '
H ~ g, V ‘3‘!” - , ”r“ ‘ Iit‘t essitntcricoi‘t Meme-i: rlct‘.‘ tistrict saiit '~ _
, g“ ‘ i: \N \lirilto i...i: \ your ii,“- who ii : Ii .IIA t' , . I ' M VP 'WM‘ (W , _ , .‘ _
L 4 ch” :4 I MI} ”with \lllh \ias --ii.\p~-nilert is. .- I.i,; .u- i.» outwit: ui pinna- -. "“_ ‘ l:1d"“‘l‘ 11‘ “" “ l‘i.‘ ‘. . 1 ,
. ,4 4 , trial: \t'l'm‘il lit-('tiUM‘ he :le tillu‘llt‘l' ,. fililtic ‘v-.it‘lii" ‘liii ?. A a\ X" M.- .k ‘ (I’M-d! «UVIMM v |llH‘m_\‘ “If,“ . V ,
‘0 b ‘- lllil‘f inst \l\ Ilais after his parents gnu-s; \inm ”in \i-s‘enia: \\e “WM" ”'3 “I "y “l' ”mm“ I'm" _. ; I ' .'
' ‘ '1“ . . ‘ .‘ .ittwt hill} in the hack xi.th his .. ,.
. , ”5‘ V w $2"; u‘ll‘i .t letiioiith battle o hm»: hm. inn . ‘i mini“. 1,: lflt‘l minor .. ' x H ”I *l l-‘ , - l‘ .~ f‘tl . , i I _
’ . "‘y " s ailttrillt'tl. lllt‘ t'lllltl \ liillii't‘ >.l“l Kt“ I‘m ' issm’i ‘Itiit ul'c". of Milt st;; ‘1' “ L‘“" )U 0“” “I“ d' . II.
_ '- ' “.14“ I, ,_ .«.:~:s'w. fin; to thi- t.ooi' lhonus . ‘ _ .
" . ‘ ~ ‘ , I . .
‘ l f "3" I ’ (- ° . . lightii Thomas, \tlio contiaitml the ‘i- :1” s. i: . tit-aims- litrititnol ‘ ‘ " , _ '
. - j . “' ”KI ‘lt‘r-N‘ lhI‘IIUtll?‘ II WW“ l"~'1. - rm s i? Wt is lieu: . .miLi» lil‘i , I '. j ’
' A; — 1' 4 V ., "'\ ltdll’ lll>|t)t. \hiil‘ll‘i tillt‘l’ lirll"l‘i '.\li. ‘f'l‘ ltl I'm-w ti! .1 1i_\:l'i(I li\.t'llii:II ..'«: lul l-ill. H“. 'l'lit'l' luv} til} fht‘ ‘ , ,I- 7'.
, l at ~ - ' . , ”H" Wk JIM“? "U L‘” ”W“ "‘ \l'l'ii 4. ~‘ ItH-I-‘ufs' _i:i.. d" ""“f\ I "L’ " let hit: L'o l'hliit.» said .‘ v . ' .1
A " “T ,l “"M “”3" Ht'lllt‘milt'} N'llmtl UH court» health otticer. a ".ictiers He «tut not wreak the shit. ether ', ‘ '. I -
g4?,,,.._. II: ‘ J \ ‘ .- less a special placement coinniitti-i :‘evriw-si-Hldli‘tt' .. Pl". rigi'wseri‘a lt ”Ii- :iIiioii i-iIo-Iign mike ,i . - '-
‘ ' ' ~ , - - " s .illltl‘fltN his reminiissioi his In .\I ,v fli'ig'\( hum tux .i k ‘, ,
1 mm. "MUM” ”l'" “W”? I‘lll’llub \H‘I i ’ciI‘ l'31cmititiiittee lt‘t'tilllllh'li'h'll car . -‘ .v 1
i ln\p(,ken truth l‘h‘ml' l‘bct ’lm? llic 'to_\ he allo'uetlt _:l‘it‘l‘.‘j \H mm“; to im. “in” :iei'her : - .1 .
1 . 51" ‘t ””“I ‘hr :m s parents nor ”he teacher .' . I , >
3 I , , \llllltlll} \\'lti.t. suierinteizdent Ht .ii-i - oncerned atioii' 'lie eiisode ,~ 3 ;. ' ‘
l ' ' "“ a UK graduate and KWO 3W :1; "m student center 80th are members of ‘IIc \uisoirtlero l llll‘lt‘tl N horn ltis \ir ..re taking ?hr \."ilctlil‘ll l'tlk’h i;:I~( though Mm The Wm,” 2mm“ :, ” ' .
' I ’ . ”"3 Gospel 0‘ the bible l" mime Two, the Christian Church t mild he asked 'l'lioiii. s to keep " ”lt‘ Htfutwlllt‘t' ’1' I’lt‘lt‘ts'iottt‘ pIi .Iiilml .‘sloiid.i\ t“.t‘.".ll‘.l_’. and told I‘ . " .' 7 ',
l_.,.. H- -_ l: .att a! home dim-“UN. lllt- coup: .~ llt‘lllt‘t Ilii- pliict‘ltieti‘ :\ "ill l‘bf‘? i‘ I“. ‘>t‘.tii.' 1:: u}. lmt‘h vIlMihlml , 1.: .,' s, "A
951 en S commi men 4 r -— a. a . WW OllnCl O ers S ll 6 S . ,I ,.-, .-
‘ _| 4 ' " 4.64 e e 1:" j
strengthened by funds - ‘- . chance at fund-raising .. II
. ~ - . g ' Ch?" . .’ 'V ' 'I 7‘ . .-' . ‘ ,
. . praise. ' 3-.“ ~ . . M .
f t t l l t I ;e..._. .,_.., . . ... . r» I Hi ( .\ Ill \\l‘.lltl\lfhll 'lll‘ l outlet reall} took off in the I ; I; .
r()m S a e egls a ure 3 i} ‘r\ ”“3 ' z 5322:; ' - Natl \\riter spI lllL‘ \aul Ken “alker Sl)(‘ \ice ‘ ’ A. i" ,r .‘
I- l - M '7’ H l iil'lll.tli rinsing morethan$i.l.wxi x f. I‘I : '
“H \ \ l'lll \ \. |I\l.UR.\IO \ l'l)l‘i()l)('.\‘ ooiiti-i-I “high t'arter Q .' L.‘ :’7"" M> ' \\llt'li 'il Clifllt’\ to llil>lltrl‘ nioiiex Vialmn tel med the first iear of [I I ’ . I. f '. L.
”y“; .. l-llitor Mm supports (MI Martha Layne -'I_3ww_ ‘h '4 f 3’ ‘ twt‘ the l lll\t‘l‘\ll} one tends to think ‘llf‘ t ourcvi .h .i \eri successful I. .- . 'I‘ ‘ :
“Mm“ HWI‘UmH de\ elopiiient *4. 4‘} :":-vfi""§ffiéi‘."‘“ :: a-» ,1. a? - . ot \\t‘.tlll\ .llllllilll mixing fund: but my \\l?ll\ef~i tout tif'lilflf‘ftfis ‘ . -. ‘1 i. 1,.
.\. , :‘ w million in this pocket :lll'llhl.\\lllt'tlr~ldlitlll‘ Sloniillioii. ‘32,. _ ‘ ' ' - _ ”1”“ ‘ 1‘” ‘ll'SI‘lIl/I‘Il“”3 ”"I l'I'l‘I‘Il‘U‘ \V‘f‘ll‘" Id“ 5“” Jill'mdl’d H N“. I‘ . " I,, _ '
‘ i ‘ ' ' ' I'ttllsll'llfllnll the school .-\bout $11 inillion mil in touard a ~ ' that Illl'm" l“ >l‘1‘ll’lll»‘ I" it” 1” ”H ”It” .(. hr‘lll’m-f“ “ht'rt' members ”l V - ,' -‘ " :1.
9 z -. , » ~in t‘lti\(\i‘ to satisfying iie\\ agriculture t'llL‘lllt‘t‘l‘ltlL‘ bUild- L“)? 1",”, ' ‘ - ' mad“, I m" l ""5 ”I 8“ “P“: asked 1” con- ' r VI . _' ’3
‘- t‘w- merit (His ,\ Sin inf.“ rind 3:3 llllllittl‘i ml! be spent on .. a} \ ‘ .\ llie Muitent l)e\lelopnient (ouncil tiiriute :zzoiiei to l l\ oxer a three- - . I. . '
i an agriculture t‘eIL’tilatot'} seruces .. ., . h ‘ II a}? 1‘ ,4 .3,- ‘y‘-‘ “WV-"M LN “‘1 l“ h"'lll?""”‘“l" ”'IITlMM" ' ' ', '. g; i . ,
_ ,i, I, \ ”QM-”W5 point h budding 4 ’. .. ‘ the positive qualities of lh. raise \Edlht'l \‘dld another highlight of f _~. ‘ o.-
l , > s t.ipil.il construction About $31 llillllllll “ill be spent to . . . . . ,_ ' - _ "I”m‘} 1”! lUilIHH did and ilet other ltllla-Rti ioi thot ouncii this the Little . - - v; I,"
.' I, . 4 ti” “WM“ funding from updateeqiiipnieiit ”mueintswt‘ campus oruamztions inmlied \\‘llll hentucki l)eibe_\ (iolt Tournament - . V
z s? .; l'l\' further dovm the II The mining and minerals building on Rose Street is one of the “mm“ M donating monei m m“ m “hm“ alumni donated '56» to par» - ". f
' ‘I ‘1, ”In.“ recognition," said llie conimuniti college >_\'_\l(‘m re- many buildings under construction at UK, l lll\(‘l'>ll} ticipateintheannualei'eni I, . I >.' a1,”-
. . I . «\ng, Hm, president cen'ed $28 million from the state, , V . A , . . lt _\ \Hniellilllfl Hood to benefit the The l ouncil also formed an inter- , " _. . .
‘V - , ‘l mini tiir planning and lh is putting.t up $12.) million to funds The remaining 34.) million. m‘“ intensnecare UH” .ind Mll'fltt‘dl l‘ll|\t‘l\ll‘\ sari .\loll_\ m-hrand, n.il organization to ser\e as a , ,
4 build a communit) college campus “lllt'h “in be 59“" on renoiaiion \llllt‘ and a parking structure .\l)(‘cliair\wman ‘iIiatch-doi.I kind of a committee. ‘I , " , ' ‘
I " ‘ inttwensboro and expansion in the medical center. All these new features are "a kei Last year. the 51M am off to a \‘lalker said, to keep track ol ho“ ~ ,_ . I i I
‘ >1 “ 'lll’ stoo ”“Hm” “"11 “I“ come from the sale of hospital to continuing President Singletarrs l'-llh(‘l' sloii start, but .il'ter iiading much mone\ \arious organizations . . -' . ‘.' - .
' ' ' *"l‘l’mlt‘ 1‘5 expansion \m‘” 53' million "l ”W capital bonds commitment to the t'acult\ here, ’ through the normal problems an) donate to llx' Those groups who do ”I . , ‘ . ‘.
, ‘ ' “”“film'mm ““1 “”“W‘ ”0'" state Major construction “1“ include a t'artersaid V tledgling oriiani/ation e\periences. \cuil \(’ll.Pagc} , § 5"
_.______._.....,. . '
as 0 g l _ . .
The UK gymnastics is hop- . , . . . . ' - ‘.
,i ‘ l H . .
- . ~ '0." "."”'V"” ”m" M.I. ng s new computer system makes it easrer to find reference material . - . - ,
. (ind 0 Winning year overall. ‘
i r i ,__..__‘._-.__.____AM #__. _ .
I; r d prewew see seam. Bi Jul: HEELER There are four different step by The fourth package is a \ariety or t 7V5 I ,2 4’ i I II
> ”9” ? (‘ontrihiitiiig Writer step packages to guide the user in printedAusage gutdes. Powell said It i A ' —_ _ ,
procedure (me package is a coin also explains procedures and gives ‘ ;, 'flf , ,7 '
. the University Artist Series ll you‘re been spending your puter-assisted instruction package helpfulhints I ¢ 20/] ///// I ~ .
l - ham“ another star-studded nights looking .it millions oi refers on the Prime Computer li -. a self "the Ls 2000 computer makes i - : a til "”4 («7,1 ‘ ,
hump with such performer; eiices cards at .\l 1. king Library explanatory guide full of helpful checkout easier: enhances k9} “70rd 3. IE gm“ I
I there “1“ soon be .i lesstime con» hints for the [512000 searching techniques and is always t I H
(7" ”l“ ng Singers, 10"" summg wa} to dothe same "Beginning this spring the com- up to date." said Brad (irissom. who we h .
B"£’“““‘9 and Roberto Pot- The 1.8 2000 Unline Public Access puter-assisted instruction iiill be is in charge of the reference depart t ’— @P— a = l. .
ms for more. so. Dm.~ (‘atalog is no“ operational on 20 used for all English to: classes." ment t {a} ‘
‘ SIONS Page 5_ computer terminals in the .\l 1 king Rein said "This WI“ reach about 90 The public catalog records a liter- 1 kg
reference department percent of the freshmen ary item in a particular location and 1 ‘22:» £3 fir W,
l . I,” _. I . __ The LS 2000 is an integrated auto . , tells the user whether or not the t ; 1; “fix 1,4144: ,_,,_,
m». .133: I, I 1 mated s)stem “thh can incorpo- _ Another procedural package L‘ d item is available The [52000 com l h ‘49 a“! ‘ H
m . I?" ' rate basic materials into .i multiple nil-minute presentation on " large DUI?!” terminals are located 1“ V3 ‘ I.” 5 (95‘ o‘ " ,
Ski-TI ' of functions It can combine catalog “T9”? ‘monitor Anyone affiliated rious places on campus. Each loca- i 69/ , "' W" - ‘ “——
h ' l V records. book titles. authors and “mm k may attendthis “Swm tion has at least two terminals. Rein : _/__—____"— .4... ‘ ' ‘
Today will be mostly cloudy EoLrouers for computerized circula large-screen training sessions m” said i 4-“- ,/,’ .2: .
wuih with a high arm‘s. II , I lK‘OflCrf‘dt)“lh(’f0”()“lng dd” ”(‘5 13 libraries across campus § "
. Them is a 50 percent chance The I“ 2000 m" "‘9 am") ‘0 4Sept 17at6 30pm “I” 9"?n‘ltlalli haw mm“? access , -
‘ I 4 combine terms and k9) word % t 26at2'00pm to the 1.812000 from rCSIdencc balls 1
0‘ thundershowers W searrhes and to eliminate certam "‘ 2'1 ”0min“ to offices and departments. Powell l ,.
i and tomorrow with a low In publications and language.” said “(k a said I
«he upper 60; and o hid! Laure Rein. instructional biographic Another package is a promotional l
around 80, coordinator in the reference departs Video-tape explaining the hlsl()r_\ of Within two months. all branches of '
menl “It gives the user only what automation along with a guide to the library should have terminals
heismterestedin finding " usageofthe computer and printers "~—-——"‘“—‘~—" "‘-"""‘-"~—"'—#_ mm «ma I

 ‘ I
‘ t
' .~ IKENTUCKYKERNEL mired-y, September! 1. I986 - --.___ _....__..-_- _______,,__“__ ,_,__-..__ ._.._ ________——_————————~
~ . -_ _,_-L____.__._———————-— » -- - - - - --——-—-—————-———-—-- --> __‘ “' Andy Dun-stod
‘ a I 3 PO RTS W' Educ,
“‘ \ --:-. L. -- -- ., ~ m==s:§»:;..: ::.5:§-35:-':§%1“‘1':-- ‘
~ '- 1 1 1 . 1 2 . - - -- » \ . wen ‘1 “s . . - . a $1
' - "its: ““223: \\\ " \V‘W ’ " ‘ :.533~‘::E:\«7‘-"2=2.a ' -r' M yi;;;:i§:,'_.,- __ 1,353 :~-..~. .;.£‘&s”§‘a
-‘1 ‘ - .' “s11?“ , - s ~ “ M“ .
- , - . New Red Sox battle
Coach has high hopes » 1.. - tl i QI East historv
. _ ; : 1,} ‘ .1“, — , «We. V . . e r -
. - “is ‘3‘, ‘ ”EM 3 1 j- 1 '~ ;1» f and. Baltimore and the final (0|!
tor - gYm nas s 1 « -» . WWW...
, i ' ’x - * ' 5." as” Boston has won four of sevai
;-.'-;1‘_."‘-i‘,2 ‘ 1. 1 1; ., ‘ ‘3'“ (AP) _ Darn those Boston Red {times against the Blue Jays this
_.',' ',‘ rs“ 1'1 sll \ t ltt sll 11.1111 1- 1 l\ .'.'-~' . \11111111 11 t‘nnneet 1-3.1 ; Sox mson and 13 of 20 m the lug' two
.7 .; ‘1“ \ , ,, '.1';11;;\\1'ltei' .1'11' \',.1. 1 , 2.. x .\ 1,1”. !\ (Nut .1 “1‘8; ¢ \ s@$1;1 1 , .. ‘ . - . years.
.1 ‘ . . 3 .. g . 1., .,» ‘,,, 31,311.. “11 is? Just when it “d5 time {or a linal- .. . ' .. .. . ‘
‘1 1 ""-.-‘,"; . . " ‘ ‘ ‘ " “" ‘ “ ‘r’ 3““ ». L11 ' -1“ " 1 ‘7} month t'I‘ee-t‘or-all in the American \te re the better‘ttam. R‘d 50"
..\,-_‘s,.*._ \ 1.411 the t1rst meet 1s 111111 \\1 1 '11; 11.121 ,1s-1\1.1111 mach . * w.“ 5 .i‘? ‘ . $5 , ‘ Lea u“ F!“ the Red Sox wrecked outfielder Dmght I‘A'ans said “To-
1'.‘ ~ " » 1.1.11 t’\\'llt’lll(’lll .s runnmL‘ .2 . - 1 .1 ‘. 11. :1 \2111 \.1111 "He saw 1&1? ., ‘ ‘ . 3 - , ' ,' _ I! g “' ' ronto‘s hitting may be :1 little better.
_-‘. . - 1 1 K \ 15186-87 i;\¥'.‘11;l\l1t'~ .1. 1 n 1.1 1111' pro- . "‘1 . ‘ 1 . - 1 but our pitching is better than
1. . ~ ., - . . with a ltl-game “inning streak , .
i: ‘2‘ ‘;"1_\-;" ' 'nit lhtl‘t‘ 1n 1111 1‘1 ‘\ 1 1 '11 nu 11111 A Q s “f I through Tuesday. Boston hOIdS its m‘e'llrlb gomg ‘0 “m“ down I“ their
. _1‘ . 1 . ‘ 1 ~ 1‘ : :1; Us 11-”.1‘ 1-1.1; . 2. ~ . . ‘ . l. S . .
. L _ .1 .. ,\_‘, 5 , .4 W \. 1 .,_ . .5 .L , largest lead of the season. eigh , .. .1 ‘ 4 _ '_ ,., ,_
.- 1" "-1‘“.‘ ' ‘ '2 A, ‘2' 3:32: {00:211. .4”; f! ‘ ‘ 2 ‘ '1‘ I ‘\ p10 F g” , :1; 5. gamesoversemnd-place Toronto. Elle“ “gran? “:1 lp‘l‘h‘”g “Hut:
‘g ~.':';‘. ~i » _>'_.I!l.. ‘ L‘, '55 '> t 11 MN; 7.1:" 1 .1. ‘ "‘ :‘1‘2- an , " ' ‘ "Z ."
I "1" ‘ “4“"; ' l (-131 l‘llllt‘ ltlik‘n' '111 1 \ 1 1 11 ‘ l l\ '1 ll l\t‘ liven ‘ I H‘s-7 it“ 2 f“ NOW. It appears the Red SOX may Seelx‘ifllwr II: hits: it‘ll]: ”NET“!
1 ‘2’ 1 .. I ‘f ‘ ‘ l" ‘ ‘ ' , W 1‘ l .- i?- ‘ 3.. :2; haveto hold ot‘lonly history. p e “ ‘ , ..p "g
- .;?:“.‘;“i-j‘ 2 V‘ “51111- ,1. 1 1 «.1 1 .,l ‘ ,, ‘ l I “Ll. ”“'.l;"‘1.“;i ‘2, \ 2‘ ‘2;- ‘1 "It seems that e\e1‘y time some~ takes 0“" Ihafiennavnt "“g’d B 1
-. 1 _ .‘ 1.1.11» 11111.1; satin; 11“ .11. 1 .2 . - - 1 1. . 11111111 1, ~; . ‘33; body makes a run, we‘ve been able .Unl) onu. t is Rear 1 }0s 03
51$ 15,-}; 1 _ti.s sum”. 113111.1- ‘le 11:11 \ 1'1. .. 1 1 , 2" ) . 1 ~kl11' a, .- 1 3‘; R to respond." second baseman Marty weaken. “hel‘,““(nt;'“ :11 ie‘en .
2313.3. _T‘v‘f-‘Ji' “Mm “AW.“ Hum .11; I; .‘ -, I ‘2 I d “I 2” 22‘ 1: .t ‘ I f? ,‘ s“ Barrettsaid of Jul). That s 111th t e 111 1.1 hams
.-; Kiting.“ 111‘ “1:0" 11 11"? ltuts‘ :1 3:. " . ‘ .. ‘ ”‘1‘ T221}; f”:- " , ‘s 5 Ever since the Red Sox moved madetheir motes . h . |
“2.3;"; 5‘17,“ 2 I My“) 111.111? 2 2"; 1111.} ‘0 n“ , ' 2 U ‘. All, I”: ‘1}: :il “ I] ' 1 : . ~ “2-2 ”rig-11:. into first place May H, the rest of The» ”1 111les‘ pulled “H 111 1 2- 3
If.” "3.! l', ‘ 2 I .1“, {hil‘PHZ‘1,,‘3_']..1,’},‘h,_; - . ‘. ‘ ,V ‘ ”If; “1‘ if m» 1‘»- > - ' 1 ,. , , 1' the Al. East has been waiting for Elmes 1n the lirst week 01 Angsu‘st.
1,".,".:‘-,’1,"~_. .' «3229111‘1-1‘ “11111111111111 1 1- ‘ - 1 1 ‘ 1‘1“ 1 . ~' . them tot‘old. When Baltimore tell on the page.
"- -'21'“1."1"J:.22., ‘ ‘ “ ““1““ 31““ :n "k: 1111111111 11111 2“, H ‘ ‘ ‘ W .- «on But this is a different brand of the Yankees gm Wllhln 3-;- games
- \1‘\ 1» ~1t‘. n; : 1..- 1- 111211-1121 ~ f . - * 1 '
‘- .'*{-~.""'l 1.1.1111r1.1.11re. 1,1 ‘11111 11 , 1 . .. . ‘ , ,. . ’1. ' 1 in; Boston Red box. No “Pelh lateri’the Figeirs grog-9:
1- ' ' ‘ ‘ “H ‘0“ “mm,“ A”; 1:11) .l‘,‘,. ‘, .‘ , ' l ' ' ‘, l , "‘3“ ‘1‘“ . The biggest difference '15 pitching, season—long ma «1159 .1111 1 1111
1‘53. ,. ,,‘. “““lmf‘l 1m“: (1- 11111.; In”: . . ':\vlll:r:\‘l . as~ particularly the C)- young year of Within 41:. ‘ h- i s‘ t
1‘5-‘1 '1') 2.: “ I W V 3‘0!" [sauna ‘Jp‘ H ‘ ‘ ' ' . . 2 2 7‘ 11 1‘23: ' Roger Clemens. hreezing with a 21-4 0):“ llhlrlfi‘gnme:d “Sufi“; 3‘13?!“
-‘ *- 2 ‘ * 1 117 1 ' ‘ -'~ ‘ \1‘ ‘ ‘3,- " 2.3.1 .m.- was? .. w «>- ; (‘ :1 en 0 111 1 1 on- e
7.1. 5.2, ‘1 ,. , 1, .1 ,. , 1. ,. ,, y , , . __ . 1‘15-” ._ , M recon. ‘
"1‘." air-11:? ., . ‘ ,. \lt'llt ‘3'. “lit l'li‘Ltli‘lx 11,11‘ “1; , 1 ‘ ~ 1 ‘ .l ‘ K. .1 '1” tresh. ”a“? Laws»? , “ '. . . g . ‘.. 2' . II \\il\ pgtghlng‘ along Wllll a fa. lead. ‘ ,; k ) ; ".1 . ,
‘ .‘ .1". ' ‘ ““"fi‘li‘T‘TH"+1"; ,T‘fi, ' ' $22 “v 1 . .. ' .. , .- . 1 vorahle schedule. that the Red Sox ,w'ms 11} 1:411 1111 111%» M11119-
' ”Si-‘1 1' I ‘, 2 I ,‘1 .11111d1t.11 1“ “31W: ”I V . I , 2 2"" 2. ‘ N, .H‘] ‘ °"°"" “WWW" lielieie \\lll carry them to their first thug ne\\ ewr} “‘71:“ ”if 9,1313"
I”; _y‘ .25; .‘ .1; ,1,.11.11n.~ .1111. 11... s _, ,_ . ' , ‘ _ divbion clienipiorship since 1975' nated hittu Don Ba} Lr.-t L this
.1 11;; g. . 11 «new. . 1 _ - - 11.111. x .111. Sophomore 010719 51!! one oi UK s returning gymnasts performs Bastun plus its final 10 games a! xyldlng “m"? Thlil“ My a ”nu...
“ ~ , .‘l v 1"..11: 111;;1-111'111'1- .1\:.\1.111 .. 1 . 2'.lll'.‘._‘ durmg a home dual wees at Me'nonal Coliseum last season. home, three each against Toronto die 25:111. It s 1:232:11" character
.2" ;‘, r ‘1'- ‘I‘ lALilM l.LlLlI‘\‘1\ 1'211'. '- ' ,1 n ,. m "in“ y.
7'- {€3,13ng 1 11” --1-1 111 1111- 1K 11111111111. ' 1 - 1 .1 .111 —-—-———-——--~—--—~‘ mmmmmmrvnmmrrmwnwmuanrmw
I ' ~ '-1--:~v:11\ '- ' v 1112111111‘ l UK COUNSELING AND TESTING
it; ‘ "1‘1>'*""““”’ 5"” ”‘2'“: ' ‘ 2' ' "1“" If you've ever wanted to get involved with the 257-8701
UK CHEERLEADING PROGRAM ’°‘ ""°°"°" Presents
Rock N ROII 151.5 could be your chance. Posntions for both male MUCH?“
1.‘ .‘-.J 1 .30 ‘IOI‘II III 0 . and female squad members are available on the La AN .' .v.‘
0° 9 dyKat cheerleading squad. Interested students need SRE'AIBEBGTFO': iPEEID2 li\Q , ,s/
~11" . e . , es. urs. - 1-'1 1 ,’
f.-fl"-.‘.i;:‘~-’ to see Jeff Fossett at the Seaton center gymnastics p5] SC117 U .' 111‘.) 1.11
‘ room, Se t. llth or 16th at 8:30 .m. Bring work-out ' " ' Y
domes p p NOTETAKING
-‘ ‘ ' Sept. 15.». 17, Mon. &Wed., 11.12 -
_ ”-m.. _ __ pm” sc 117 "
" Sept. 15 ii 17. Mon. 8 Wed, 34 p.m., CB 235
1““- ., o
,13: 5‘“ H; Register and pay mtime SlO enrollment fee for all classes in Rm 20! Fruzee
_-'.’.-,-1'f__._‘i-',. -——~——" Hcll.
JUMJ.LUJ_LUJWMMIW£ 9.931.951.9319.
,r. _- 7.3.1,! KD Pledges.
(’5 -.'2 ‘:~ . 1 ‘. ‘
,“:.;.t',..',‘.f1'_ .‘ ‘ , ‘,» “ m UnisShahun’s
We're No. 1 . q 372 Woodland Ave. EilCE/[Egl/MENT WOMEN & MEN
l on Campus , 253-2202 ‘ l. , . CALI.
Keep the ' ._._.,..-.-. , L, ...._.L._...1...1 W- -\ - 278 2318
If“! “ ‘ 1‘1 1’“; ' o ?1 . ‘ -
Tradition! A M . a 111.111: altitgucugim l . .
,:- _,‘ r-;_ /, - j. 1.} ' . '1'
Good Luck g L (_DEWARS _ , , 1 |
1' in 1%,? White Label. L , Bacardi Rum T1 M-F 9-10 New y
V .211“; 1' . . ts", , A ‘ .2 1 L.‘ ‘9 light or dark ‘, SCI. 9-6
Sigma Chi u /l 5 )n Scotch 1“; $5 99 .2 Remodeled
7‘723‘13'35— I ~' I . _s' _- . -
$1.1“ 5) xii-"3‘ Derby. ‘y\:‘)\>_r':'"* $9099 3“, 750m. wars » “Lurd. --'"-* "‘“’— AT' 7" 1' 7 '
'3;‘~.I-."72“‘ Love. M1 a] 750ml “’ n 1.x “ .5. I ‘ .' . ~ &
The Actives fl ’ . F , _._...__ ,W_w.m «M...» We... — 'Tl‘a m 1 1 11 '. n a
. - 1 - ~ we 191119 » ‘2 '
_n--. . a}? _Equ/ 11;! - 1 . -
'. '1 1; H ////'/,///x // \\k‘\k‘n,\ _cs 5 I 4 i I 1‘.
‘-‘ French Wines . w' wb/ . . -
Kentuckv Kernel {'1 4 99 P'°""""‘ "‘e " ‘
’ is? $ 5 - Cooler Free‘ Kick .
. 1 thet' - h S ’ a, .1 \
gag-11:; \" Editor in chief F ::1 :~‘ Lg: $2.99 4 Pl“ We‘9// " ' 1 _ ..
, Managing Edisor ~- : 1 .mm . -._...._.__ / -\ s ‘11: 1
I,“ News Edlfor .03» P. 7' ' ' 7 J/fi _ NaU‘I/g/ W _ '- 1s; 1-, I, ‘
~9‘'-“.".15."'-"1“":- Assistant Nows Editor ‘13- a : 'I . 1 ‘ W 2 '/’K sew _. L , '
s . , . 1 ” 2 . as). "ts-“W. 1 ‘ .
.‘51-“-%;1.2;':_4.'.,;... Editorial Editor 1 1 1 1- , 1 ‘ w Old Sfer :33 "f (\é; Tannqu :‘L "1"“? _ - .1
-‘--‘="‘~~ fins.‘ - - M. iii 1; .s . .,, ~
'2...‘."."-i-1'r. ‘2 ::?;;Sdf'd;:0f . ‘p- v 8'FO‘k // \\\) ' Bed/S/ W‘ _ é “L . v «1'.» 1
‘11:": Hap-:3: . . 1. . o ’/ L g . .' 7- ”14-:
‘ f.;._‘ Special Prolocts Editor 31 1: 1i 1» - 1- $2.59 MIIIel' Beer . = ' - - ‘~ Eli - »
;_".-‘..1..!;1;;j-.-‘;‘; Photo Editor A r; ;: $7.77 per case $4 99 Let Us Keep You Tan and Fit Year Around
s1.- 1 .
"‘{FJII'IQfi‘i' Adviser ;~ . u a. .f‘.. 31.," 12 k 12 Cans
1-1-- - - p . oz. .
Advertising Manager - - 1r - 1 7 . , sruoem 5 BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL
_‘r,,~'.'¥.‘l,,?',-'1 Production Mana or H1 “,7 j wan m, _.._... -._1..L.,....1..1,... ...... .... 1.-....“ m Chris Shahan's
'._l_ ._4 I_, ,5. 9 my h
2"... cite-1.5.1 ‘ 1' ‘1 U Se f e
.';‘f‘ I " ., Kentucky Kernel 1s publ shed ~ . r ; 1- g a 1. -1 _ ”or 1 v t 2 ”£5 k K 'I BODY
:7; '-:;.-I‘I.Ii!_‘.~’., r11 -M-eklv durlng the summer sesslar‘ Ti“; ‘ s. (‘0 KentUC Y erne s INVESTMENT 590° SEMESTER
- ;,-;“—",a"l| I: 11’1ass postage pa1d as Lexmgtor‘ 1‘ ~ .1 * 2‘ 2 -. '.[‘ . row; VJ ‘r- >* "~ Ads 1330 E. Plcadorrte- 27812318
'4‘. 1 1 S 5 per semester and $30 per year ‘\L.’ A) L . 1cm Southland o: Boulnd Mldns Mame. __ ‘ _
21'.-,ur_"_'.‘~- Kernel t erupted 01 Standard r v' - 1 ‘21.- e1 .w-m ' f? ’ to shot) before running
2.25.7;3‘3‘2“! '~~’ shepherdswile KYAClb5 1": ’7 9“ Que[ IQIMD| , . .
fi‘gjivflfitg,” "rwpm‘denre should be adores-w", ‘ " Kentucky Kirrnel R .1 1126 W M A.“ _ _ .2- “In-1 _ H. _w‘: ~Ns~»—- _____,__.__. _.. _._- __.-.. -..... .-. - --..
ling,“ '3»ij ; Bu-ldwg Unwers ‘. 0‘ 1‘1; k ' ’ . V. 4 Max 113.121 ..._.. L- .m.- ..1._ ....,L. .-..._ W .- .__...-... _. . . . .
:4, 1‘-.=?
',;z'."".".s,tt, '
2" '1’ i '
1:1 ' 31.1",
. -,‘ :1." 2.5:?- —-7z——-————————fi I
-.I:-"t: . '3 :2 -.‘ 1.! . I _ .
22"?-';V'-’2=‘5"fr"1'l ;=. .- L1: gonadal 7,: :1 3 (,5) HEWLET r lhe hardest rltinu ahout lwrmlv 111 40 pertormanLes :1 month, 1th R s rmd music, pL rlt1mllniim Int Arnix
1-127:-,‘.-.’-',f1“3.- .:;eeeg=::' 1 ; L L : ” ”ACKAF‘D 11111 ”1,5. . 1‘11 11;“; 111.11 - dlsn tlie upportumtv tor travel could be your hit: 5108 '- ll 1116-
.173. ,;,I.'-- » 515m- .. A __' '- . . ‘ ‘1 . - . 4 ‘ ‘ 1
'1‘, 5-..." - fl”—"—‘% ' — n»- L— -— 11111~1c1s m-E}, int-1‘; » 11111 11an across AlfiCl‘lC-l, hut possihlv Chief, Arrm Bands Ohm. Fun 1
5.5;, 51-11“ _ ‘ . 1 ’ ‘ -, - , -, . 7 ”' ~
I "f. 1” Swarm 3-1506 -. .. .1 3;. 11 11114111111111 1l1'xs11 111.11 abroad. , Bunamm Hammnfl £5. :49le 31:1 3.
~'.:’/ ‘ ‘“*e“""c ’00 1 '1 90 . -\ 1 s‘ 1 1 .1 - 1-. Most important. V1111 can Orcalltalltree l'bLL'L-bA'ARi ll
'2’“. ,. 1,1_ i use? Vnerrnalprmter 5‘3 00 .2: ,L L ,5 _ \ 00 ”Ill lt . t l \ l i A .
-’ "1".-' "11-1 '2 ‘2 . ‘17 3“" L‘, 1 ..'1 ' . .21 .. x " —. -. - ‘ , . . , .
2212 L. ‘J . 2233 ‘ l“‘l‘”"~’l““"‘1‘1"“ -' ~ ' ‘.‘l.“‘<‘l”" m“ 1““ 1
1:17,. L“?‘.E?";"{’If £282 ”p.11 ,1, 1 . . .. '26110 l 11111111;111t.1r1=\x 1.:r ‘ - tevsnvml t‘ll\'lrt1l1nlt‘l1l &,
’1’,:,.,‘ 1 51m 2 1. «rd-r...“ . .. : .. .-~-.r;1 170m 1' s s ‘ , ' n
: 1313238; .ggg 1. 1, 11900 11111~11;.11 1.111-111 11111- fis' [WP-1_111Ul”‘~‘.””““‘r‘ , 5/ -. 0
;'.'"',1,', 3-1:? ‘ ""“ma'SC'e'Wm “0C :3 4:: 23583 ;i lllll'lllllt‘ 1'1L‘11111'11- \ - l.lL‘lllllL‘.\ .letelltm' ' ‘ 1 1v 9'.
.1 {I 1,1111 m PURCHASE . , , , ,. _ ‘ y], ' -‘ t 1 - y
. . TEXAS . .MOMMMWLNW,1, . ‘ mg L .m 1 1. 1.1th 11 s .5 5 , '\lllLl\l}tl.ll1\i~l lie/M11111 “ 1 a. ‘j, ,
" ' -- ""'""" "M" “C W 1‘ "' 1 ' . 1 .1 1~- ' 1 . '- 111\ CL llL‘illltlllil -
‘,’- .'-.' 1-; : INSTRUMENTS .n we u 1.. 1 ”“21”“1‘“ ' “ gt; 1. -.~ a! 1 , . h' . I . 1 '~ .
1‘ , ._- gm... 111...... Arnn' XK' - ' , 1 ‘10 , programst 1“ 1 V
’ i It's 11111 I -- \’ T 1-. ~' ~ can help wu .1 " . 1'...“ .
II ' .'- ‘,,;' ' 1F§1W$0IarSCionttt1c 3'800 ‘. ‘ '\ 5 . 3e 2', , "y, 45 . ‘ "‘ ’ ,-’*
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' .- :v 2,1 'hp'm Ipnnt r 6900 . ‘ ? "~11 . - - - ~ .
- " ' 1‘ (IV-“~311- o 3300 . ”ml 1iiitll11h1'1l‘l11ln‘ { .11- 1 V 5- , thm lllSll‘UL: ., f 1.
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1_ -. . mat-Inn“: ‘3 ”I 33% ;- ‘- ', *1 «.m.. 1120031 511nm :‘xrtm‘ - ,2 « , x ' _ [11111. and if é Q
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1- 2.- . 1.41.1: ,. .. 1100 ;l\\\'t‘ll1l\ 111.11‘111 ' ' , ll‘ll‘ WU
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' ‘ Mm Ova P Ch k12wkst c1718)" n COC- Masd v ‘ Hemstaaadd'ls Do _ 1 ,; 1,.“ '. 1 , ,, _'
' 1 113;»; Shotg'tsolL sarcassogrhta. gangs son-S 'a'q» ,- .V'sty (3131199693) 9 Lllt‘llt L'\ .h \\1 l1 . 73:,» 511': .‘1. _, ‘ It LlLl'illly lnSUTCd ARMY mo-
‘ , , Nnmma WRIYEtnocsllsHoHroocstaI 304131 W :~. - .1 - tn'ettwe merchan 130 5 ‘ 1 . .‘ _ ;
, 111w ALLELEK-TEK MERCHANDISEISBOSAND NEW 13' 11111-1 1. mo COMPLETE «1\ \Pt 1 1.1.11 1“ ll“! ‘1'1 ., “1.1- If‘rUL‘ m laagis. Bi mm” “N BE
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. ELEK TE.(JHC. 131215314300 (312) 577.7550 \\ [ll ”7 1\ ‘ ,l _“7‘, __._ ______,. _,-, . u______._y__.___..£_ _,..._.-..._.-.....-...1——-———-—-—----—————‘
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 ‘ .
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KENTUCKYKERNEL "punchy, September 11, 1.986
m (‘,\|{()|VJ_ \Hl.l l \\|\ Pmmi 1n l'l'\|)1vll.\(' In ”M‘ Zukharnv ur —-—-—-———-—--—-————————— . 3. , , , I' , , . . ..
.-\>.\I>cmlt'(H’n-s.\ 13-31 H r ' , , - . . , ' "‘ " ‘ " ' "' “W " “‘ ' " ‘ "1 ' “ ‘ ‘ “ . .
.. ' ‘ ' ’ l- .3 .». . ":.-.’~"1'.i .. .,3 ;. n"'.',, 'V V... 3
m.” 1nw.»t1gnlurstold mm,“ a \A hat 1511“de 1x .1 .muhm: mt pumd. Ihm 3 - ' '3; «HM ~ V 'V ' .3 ;
. . _ _ . . , .‘ . '. . A '. ~ 3, . \ . -_ 'v '3 \‘rl,[; 1w.
“1”“ W "“1"“ *"M‘W‘m W ‘“58““”” ”W h‘ " M “W1 PW I.» no need to: a nun». l c: » m»: gm nursclw» 7 3.2; .w h.- -mm 3 .. mm. mm 3. 3 3 3. ..
pnru-r Nicholas [)umlml mui \¢‘>I('l' ‘11”?! hi‘ ”Ii” "“115 0 good Idea. - ~ u l ‘ H ‘ | , ‘ ,‘ \\ l ,1 ' . P ‘ h ' ‘ '
‘ I , - 3 . . .3, v ' 3 \ y .\ .n 3.,,.‘ 3‘ _ .

(LN 50““ lln't‘sllgatulix Ilkt'd the ”MM \khul 3M” “flak.“ Is a (.mmngV [filo d [110] C LUIHIUI [dhlg \,)()[V .~ n. In... VIVM V r [LIV mi. and V x HHVFVVI)! V: «V V} V
‘ ‘; .~ ' -.3 1;. .' '» . p '. ml 0- r ' ~‘.3' '3._

Him ()1 rt-lmsmg hlm In [hr (‘letuh 3n! pvnmi. lrlmhlc- quult-d his ml~ \‘ ‘h l‘ I)‘ .I - ‘ '41. ‘ I. 1 I“ w” H I H '

‘ > K (I J‘ A”. “I" ‘ .l' ‘3!‘ I» '7 'Ht' 3pm”; nHllunYo- \pH‘\ twinmgmfi \«n. 0"» 1- _"m' ' . ,
m Ihv l S .unl>u~.~.uim' wndmg m.» l“HL‘U‘HL‘ NW”): - - - - 3 v} y 1 1 I w \ 3 ' ‘ I
‘ " ‘ '. f .'."“ I1\_ ‘. '. '3 .‘3”. ' 3 ‘ .

H‘ml (m spung ('h.ll‘).1|‘\ u (1,111.de IMIHIUH. [hp .nl-H‘urflld 3105“)“ Amt-nun jnunulm t n ‘ "‘, u 1 3 .

m1 . tum-m rim-1 ul (8‘ Vvus &- umul rwpvt'! w :nmh..»»miur» lmmM' 1* HM"! ‘ - -' ' 1'

H . _ . 3 # 3‘, VVVV .3... . “.1le “A“... \ 3 . , . x .- ‘

\mwl .lUIh1)l'IH('.\ Ilmdt‘ rlmr R3133 '. \m» 41l‘l’(‘>l('(i Aug .50 and In; ' "' ‘ ' V" ‘ ' ' . V ‘ V V ;)', L" ‘ ‘ ' . ; .
“' ' '3 : i ',‘ . "!‘. 'x H. 3H..‘. ur». '. \3 _. . _13. '3 . .- ..

hmu-u-r. Ihul Ihv n-ImN- \muld «in-1M un Sunda) [1 munch-d. he ”mm,“ ”1... mm {hp [we 3 . y. Wm!“ H.“ . V 3V,VV , 3..“ . " ‘ ' ‘ ' V” V’ ‘ ' V . V ,

. 3...”: . . 13:.:. 2.- 1 u: .: 3,.‘rr: ' ' - ‘

hmv I" “0 "‘W'IIW‘WUL thv ("‘“(Hfllfl' “"“M “W" ”'9 death penalty ”9 ““5 tit-hm- l .\ 5'me lvnxwr. : r3 ‘ \ \' 53.1 wring ‘x:'.'.. H, .3: ., 3 w , o . 3. ' Vt ‘ ‘1” / ”I 1' .3 z . I ' ' I." " 'k

.. . ,n '.!'\".‘..1!.- ».g { .. .n ’ . ' _ ,
,Jvl: lnmhlv. qunlwi [MIHIUH a» ‘it'mwithvullt‘gutlnn.» ..rn-\I wmid M' In n-lmw r3: '~ ' 3 V " ”V " \r. . VV _. . V
' » \3.3.3:".:.'31'-‘:-.w~ . .; .

Nun; Hv Hmdt‘ hh (‘IHIHIH‘HIS In a phum- M1,; /...kl1.nrn\ ppmlw w. 3 ' l""“ ' ‘ . ‘ J 3 -

. .. 3 . " '. . ' _v, .34; ;.' ': .'.. go :3; ' . .3 \V 3
\mhnnlw» dm Hut HWIHIUII «lur‘m'l M“ 11W“ L“‘""“"'” ““5”” I” “1* '1 rumble-and ‘1 ' l " ' " . . . . V ‘ ' . I .. ‘ V .. V .. -. . _- 'v . T ;

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\mwr lmlmi \uIlUlh t-mplmm- .u‘ \3 \M A “MW vawr‘! V"" "' ‘ ' ~».. I - I ’ ’ L" V V ’ ’ , . . V ..

. l‘t'slml la»! month 1n \ou \M'k .md [”\(““gdl()l'> 01 the [\(.B secret "\Hmt 1,» m-vdvd 1» .. mm. 2.- 3x: “ ' .- -V ‘- ' ' ;- w 3 ’ ‘ . V . V ‘ . 3 r' f. "
‘ -; 3 I‘. '.. 3 \ n.3,... 3 ‘.’.'.‘x J. V 5.3;; '.o .3393, JV <'3';.u .\1' . \ »'n. . y . . _ _-_

.mhn'tt-ri vvslw'dm (m thn-u ('(|[1[,l\ pnhm- \H'H' mlh DunllOH when he po-rmd lht'H' I» nu m-wl My . .- 3:;- I ‘ “‘ "L" ~’ h' I:' 'Y .. ‘ V" ‘ " ' "‘1 I ’ ' ' . 3

‘ ‘ ,. - ',..». _.V '. '.. “mg; .IIII 3'1." V'V‘” Yut' 1" "3. 1'3‘ t,. ' .‘ '. 3 3 . _, - «._
3n (mpltumgu 'I‘rmmh- (“mu-.1 “an. pmu'd the null. lrxmblc. vulh xm- Lrt 5 ms! gm must-1w.» mu. .. .‘,.3.(. - ,- 4 ’ ‘ ’ ‘ V . V 1‘ . ”V ‘ 3 .- . . V . ‘V

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ml] .1 mung 4|vH\t'H’ n] [hr Hamlotl,» lenvd In wumnrmlwlt- ‘W' m: m. bu, .;. I‘m V ;3V VV . V, ‘V' /‘ _"" ' "' " ' . 'f 'V' ‘ V V 'V . . ' V .. . ‘-.'
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