
George Bush

My l‘\ \'l‘lll \ ”£le
Stall Writer

l K li‘esliinan t'liris v\.slllt‘\ was Ill the
lout‘th grade in Louisyille when Itonald
lteagan was \Vyttl'll intoottiee

Ashley who grew ttlt ttt
:\lllt'l‘lt';t said he thinks
done more good than had

'lteagriii s
lteagan has

“I think hes done a really good iob
because eeonoinieally and politii'all'y
he brought the eountrx through it tot ol
ti'oubledtiines \shley said

l't'llt‘tlt‘tl what
\Iillllll ltrxitlati.

Ashley \ eoiiiiiieiits

many students belieye


Ronald Reagan was out stumping for his Vice presrdent
in Loursvrtle last September


Bush Is: ‘Jltiltll'y

who gate his l.it‘t".\eil addre~ o the
eoiiiitry last night
~Students iiieiiiioiiert
Iteagaii :idiiiiiiistiurhori
\‘Hlil lteagaii as 'he
dent siiiee lmmlit
ti'iotisiii has
the \miet tiiioii li.i‘.l'

liar tilttlt'l Elie
.\ll|l‘ll reaU's
most popular" pt'esr
l‘Imtletilirityei pa
.ei.it;oii> .i.;th
‘lltltl"t\t'ti ind

tllt'l't' l‘st“i,

mod ;Iiti llt' t

'l llllllk llt' s tltlltt t
llltpl‘tnt'tl the ltlllltttit' it 'lie
said Kristin Sheets t etieiiiistr'.


I think

lteagari has

illl'y ttl

poplitai it ».

'lie «unidats lie »

credited to the success of Reagan
‘atkur: ‘trlt tit that success in his tarewell .t(ltltv‘*s‘,


sumo» wrrrrmsrm
last ti'tf'i

U.S. flourished during Reagan years, students say

lltttl‘ ' said .loliii sp.iittiii,:
trig suplltilllltlt'

'tnerall, the nation 3i..-, ,.
result «it ‘lteaganoniie-
t'.inipliaiis_ .i riiiaiiee iriiiio;

"I thought he was 1 good
seemed like he tll(l l :oi tr'
generation~ said l'ett “illIEtt‘r,
nil st'tt'llt't'stipllttllltilt'

.s‘oiiie students illltll'.
trons Willl the Sow-t t
better .iiid toii gliri ‘ti .i.

.ii his lt'l'lll.
ology iuiiior


s. i)t't'tl .i til it ‘Ilt'
said lN‘t"l.t 'tiir


didn’t forsee
large turnout

liy Ili ’lt'
!.ltl‘ll‘lt' ‘ii 'ftt'

»lir l'tl'i Marisa-iii

‘l.l;i 7r.si‘litr'r‘il'tt‘tt'tmll

niisi risiis :i be »oiiiiri.i'et
no}. 'llt' it ‘tit
'll'l \.l\ 'llt' rlr
’aru' i ittiltilm

'-tt .‘\.\t s "a
in. Htllll .1 1th t ostei
rt it 'lit

\“lM', (Illl Ititli

'ill'll‘ltl it! "tolt'
Kt‘llltlt'h) m.

flu tln

'\.l‘l ill

‘itr'il ‘l

A‘tl‘l 't‘


tl“ll|.il \\eiiiteil thonias
taiiitat‘ds til the
‘in .oiiriiiittei went beyond the
ltlt'i L'Intls

Ha IN N rias .l philosophy ol roiiiirig :t[)
\.:i: he tiriiiitiei‘s. but the ('oniiiiittee is
*:i- t "t.\ w. ,i ‘llllt‘l'i'lll illl't't'llltll, and needs
"ttlt'ttnlt‘ (true!) than number
Ill'l\ti’l holdsteiiisaid

‘\ly t)l‘tllt‘.\.\|ltllitl \ith is that this is no
longer .i 'l‘itle Nix tttt‘lt goali eoinplianee

this i'oiniiiittee has moved beyond

that. he said A

t K l’resident ltatrd Roselle said UK is

what 'llt
r- 'rs‘mittoirs .ill' said roiiiiiii;
it lti
lit'lt .tttil
issue oi 'hr

lttt .ttlttittp;

'u Tn lllttlt‘

\(‘c t "la. page ‘



Sonic Youth album
walks fine linc



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