xt7dfn10s311 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dfn10s311/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1995-02-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 20, 1995 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 20, 1995 1995 1995-02-20 2020 true xt7dfn10s311 section xt7dfn10s311  







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IIIJOI‘IIUII training already IIBI‘B, ollicials say

By Perry Brothers

‘ I he tnediLal


lL’y could mean loss111.1..11'1lit.l'

tenures and make 1111lgeinents

plans 111 adtnst the


lttllllk‘tl to s.l\< (1' 1211' 111 111'.

'1 [51/11111 taught to manage iatients with tion. which teaching institutions .11111111 1111s1 111.1111'i's." (11enaoi said. 11111 11111.1.11s 11111 11111111's11 111111111'1'
k . . . ‘ . - ‘. , , I . I
routine unscarriages are taught to need to quality lor federal i'eini— s.1i.1 “1§1.'1..1'.1~.1' 11 s likely. during 1,1.111- 1111-11'.111'1-1'1111”1 \1'1111'11'1' '.' 111 1 stud'. releasco
.'\lthollL’ll (’K's (lollege 111' .111 gyticcolouistsm the ('5'. They hursement tor seriices 1'1-11111'11-11 the . 1:1s1' .11 1111'11' pia 1111' 111.11 1!1' \'.;11'i'11an 1111.111] 111 111 1111' \1.11.(11111111.11111'1 11.s1111111'.

Medicine offers no separate .111111' are
tion training courses, the medu .11
school is in compliance with .1
new, 11. itiotiwide accredit 1ti11n
polic\ 1e. tpiiriiig sLhools to te aLh
.11111rtion skills otfici. i'ls sa\.
Kentucky law piohihits state
hospitals 1111111 pL rfor1111111r .111111'- the

used to induce .111111'tions," said
(lollege 111‘.\Ie1licine. in a state
ment teleased last week.

1111' new policy, effectiyc 1.111.
1‘ 1‘)‘)(1, was .lppioyed last week hy

the same 11asic procedures

A. \Vilson. dean of L'Kis

I'CIIL’It 111s

.-\L'crcdit'.ition (:tHIIlL il tor

to patients 11y residents
Although there
names for schools with 111111.11111


.lt‘L‘ lI\I("l .llIL'l’

executive director ‘
(iienapp said all doctors should 111'
trained to deal with repioduLtiye
coinpliLation cases.

“It is the helietof the ol1stet1'1

Ill('\.«l 11.1'.~ 7.1 111111111111 these (111.1111
'\qte'si \1'1111t
1111's1- .111 (11c lit‘sl standards


1'111 (11111'1111111.}_\.. the
111 (IIile'li’1.'s
.11111_1y.111d the \111111


.1 11111111111111 l't‘jtltt'ltltiflt‘ ~s111's
11'sL'aI’L11 231111111. 1111' 111.111111'1' 111

doctois a\.111.1111e 111 '.11'1111111'1 .111-11

111.11 spe1 1111.1lli mention .111111'111111 can \11'1111 .1 .\ss11ci.11111n hate 1..111\l1,.-.1115.11 111 .spt'1-_1-1.1s1111c
(1, 11111111111'. 1 111-11.1ppsaid. 1'11'11111 this 11111 11‘11'11 siippoil f111'thcncw 111'ss
pol:- '. 1'1,'.il itions ic11,'1'11'11 111111 ntazi 1111s lihe studj. also s111 11'. 111.11 1111'

t11fa112111 ,1.1111111:1
11 '11111 11\ will 11.'1111 11'1tL'L1 1.111

on [is \\11s11ti said 11.

'1. '11.1pp said the pimiary lllitll'
lot 1111' policy came 11'11111

1111111111'1' oi 11's11lc111. 11: 1'1.111.s
ti’lL'llIl'J .11111'111111 s1.1:1s 11.113111111

11.1sd1'111111'.111\ 13 111'11"11t~.111.1'

ti11iis111111sstliL' mother s lite is 111

(11".1duate Medical 151111131111111. .1

.1'1s1'tlic illitti i'111s. 11pot‘ls that doctors

danger 11111 L K medical students. .‘1-111e1nher
learn the satne surgical piocedtiie

troin unscarriai'e11.1mm”.

hoard that goycl‘ns
graduate medical education.
Failure to comply \\lI'l‘. this pol»

cians and gynecologists in this 11-si1l1'a.
country that residents need to skli»

know how to do the technical pro


\c k1=ow there 11'1'1111 111'111is

‘The Greatest’ makes stop in Bluegrass


To THE TOP . 111 ~11 111 '1"

111'/1117111111240 .1111 111.1 1/11' lwn'l' .1'/1111M ( 'K‘v 7:171.

By Nicole Heumphreus
.51‘11'1’11’ \IJII II " llt‘i

Dressed in a red iiiuscle-man ’I‘Ashit't and haggy
red shorts. .1 grade school student raL ed around the
mingling adults to get .1 l1L'ttL'r \'iew' ofthe champ.

ll‘lL‘ red I \L‘l‘last 1111x1111r “loves laLL'tl

1.1111111; 1/11-11~.. 1 '11' 1.11 111.1 1111111.11.1111/1111- '11-.

JAMES CRISP [(177111 11:11

ings that are here tod.1y,"said Sha~
heed. an imam at a mosque in
Georgetown. "The whole human

ity emhraces Ali.“
17111' lilnora Russell, 51‘", this was
the fourth time she had seen .-\li,
htit never had heen



securely to his hands testified that he
was .1 true tan ol .\11ihammad ML

The threevtimc world hosing cham—
pion \isited the Hunhar (lenter in
downtown Lexington on Saturday
morning.r to spread good will. soothe
racial tensions and promote “ \11," '.i play
hased on his life.

;\li, a Louis\ille n'ati\ e, sat in the midi
dle of a mock hoxing ring with people
crowding around the ropes.

“\Ve hai'e greatness in our midst
today." said (ieorge .'\. Brown .lr.. as he
presented .\li, 51 with a key to the city.

“If we could emulate his courage we‘d
11e11etterotfasa communit\.

'\.s .\li accepted the key 1rom Brown,
he joked that after all the 1rreat things
Brown had said ahout hiin, the key
(ahout the size ofa lapel piti) was awfully


LVe have great-
711111171 our
71/1111! today. If
we could emu-
late his courage,
we ‘1! be better

ofl‘ax a commu—
”1‘01” background and

George Brown
()1! .llubammud . 11f.
Mir/1' giving him the

key to 1)): city.

close enough to meet

She was '.ll)lC to
have her picture
taken with him. get
his autograph and lis—
ten to him pity the

Russell said Ali is
an itnportant role
model for young
people heL cause he
came from a poor


tiiade sotttething out of himself.
‘He encourages young people to see
w hat they Lan do with their lI\ es _. to
see what they can accomplish through
hard work," Russell said.
\\ alterjohnson. 3-1, grew 11p thinkr

festiy 1111's.




1111' fans who crowded into the gym»
nasiuin to see \-li we re as diverse as l e \ington itself.

Bl. 1Lks and whites, (.hristians and Muslims.
infants and teenagers and retirees stood in line for 'an
autograph. .i handshake or just to touch the former

“I wish eyeryone could experience the good feel:

ingofiAli as a hero and a role model. He
never imagined he would he ahle 111 see
him up close.

johnson said Ali's visit was itiiport'aiit to the com
munity hecause “(it) means someone cares .11111ut lls
,,-_ that we mean something."

‘Iohnson's son. .~\keem, said he and his friends had
heen talking ahout Ali's \'isit all week. Although he




JOSEPH REY AU A1111. 111'/,7

Rift/111” Rnlvie 111771111 111111.1/1 June .1' lung/1
on the L Is 111"}711 1 1110':er \111'1'11 1111' 1' ( ls 1111771111 gm)“

had 111'11'1 seen .'\li 11;r1'.t,.'\keem had heaid his father

(1L'1111rey I wing, the aLt'ot who portrays \h and
co wr1'111 1111 play‘ \li,

" w as not a11l1' to .1111' 'nd the

(illt'sit'l (irundy, director for '\ll'lt‘dl‘l'
\mericni Student .\ll;lll‘s .11 ('K. showed .1 \1111'11 clip
froiit the play.

‘lhis Is the story of the |otit'tic\ of this great

(irundy said. “\Vc .111

tortimatc enough to call 111111 our own."

\11 also attended the l K 11.1sketliall game and .1
111.1'ptioii at the 11) 111 RL‘L’t‘ltL'}.\ I’attei'son 1111111111111
.11'131' the game.

AII'S VISIT makes sitting IlEIICII a II“ e more bearable

By Brett Dawson

51111711 ['.‘1111117'

He didn't 111st sit on the UK hench he sat right
in the middle sandw'iLhed hetween assistant Loach
\\ inston Bennett and the L K players.

Such is the kind of respect Muhammad \.-li Lom~
iii' ands

He got that respect on Saturday. reLeiting a w artn
()\.]llt1n when he formed the “1 in the L K Lheer-
leaders spelling of “Kentucky. .-\1111 Ali, perhaps the

most famous athlete in history, certainly proi ided a
s"peLial something for L K 5 players during their h1~
T, w in 11ier I lorida

“In that kind 111 game you re definitely 111cused on
what s going on out on the Floor," \\ alter \IL( ar'ty

tliei c

“I mean.

R111lr11'thodes said.
,\11.s \'isit w asnll .111 positiie, though
1 K coach Ritk l’itmo managed to 111111

exery now and then. you‘d look out
and think ‘,\1an. that's .\Iuhainini11 .1\li.'

“It was prettt mcredihle'

.11 leist

said. ‘But sometimes when you wereon the hench, one downside after his team finally won .1 1111se

you 11 look up and see him. It was a great honor. game
“That's something that all of 11s will rememher for
the rest ofour lives."
That was pretty much the sentiment among the
majority of .\IL'( Iarty’s teammates.

“1111' only prohleni now with superstition is. His
11111111,: to he near itnposstlile to get .\Iuh:11ntn.1d '\11 to
sit on the lieiich eycry 11.11111.
illlliklll'1.llttilll it."

' l’itino 1piippe11. “111"s

Gonterence gives women scholars chance to Gltllw

By Stacy Schilling
Stu/HI '1'/m

(1row'th Research ()rgani7ation for

“omen is offerinLr female scholars a “11111611.“

“(£R()\\' provides 'a non-threaten-
ing environment for female students
and faculty
research in

said (§R()\\'

gist ( arolyn Karr said. ‘I wanted to
contrihute to findings in women's
to present papers on issues."

areas of interest to Karr is one of the student keynote
coordinator speakers and will he presenting her

forum to express themsehes 'aLa1le'mi~
cally this week.

(In ’I‘hursday and Friday. a confer—
ence sponsored by ['K's
eduLational/Lounseling psthol11g\'
and women s studies dcparttneiits wt 1
he held at the KentuLkv Inn on 525
‘1 aller Ave.

H- --.....

(laroline Francis, an education gradu~
.ite student.

GROH' allows women to present
and discuss their research on the topic
or issues related to women in general

“I joined ( RU“ heL 'ause I wanted
to he part of' conierence ahout
women's issues," counseling psycholo-

research on “Perceptions ol Role ( Lon
fliL‘t and I’ossihle I'utiire (ioping

Karr said she heard .ihout (1R1 1\\’
through the counseling ps\1h11|o1._r\
department and Ironi 15111111 is

Karr said she likes doing resear1h
and thotight (1R(1\\' was a good place

to stall.

“(irow is important 11e1 .iiise it
lorced me to do additional research .
to present and discuss on the topic or
issllcs related to women in general."
I'rancis' said.

I‘II’JIH‘lK.IINltsllltI (1R(1\\'isago11d
place to meet other wotnen m the state
and 111 see what topics they are
researL hing.

1.111 in"

can henetit women In the

s11 WOMEN 1111 Back Page

.1111 1itions



s .1'ain alreadi l.-.1:11 these we11 11111111111111' with emergency 1‘11“
1111.11 11 1111'Le"duiLs for sponti [1:
111' 11111.1 pL'i

I. III/1'71 .. I I "‘1' .1'/'.'.11 .11 1 ...4'1

111/[1'17111 1". //'1 ,1.1..1.1.'1..' /‘1111.

Em GllP honetuls

debate abortion, taxes

.\1.'\.\'(.111".S’11Cl\’, N11. .\‘
ioting 11cgins. the Reptihlicans who would 111' 1111 ~-
identstaecd1dlylonude11.11c\est1'rdiy 111.11 w i
mostly politeI .1111 oftered glimpses .111 111111.411.
oiei .111111'tion. t.1\es.1n1l 111st how 111111'1111111'1
\I'ashington should surrender.

First 1111 the national news shows, 1111-11 111'. .1
New Hampshire '1 \' torum and finally at .1 siatr'
Repuhlican 11111111'1. the (1111’ pt'osp1'1 ts sought to



'.eat'l11'11:r:' 1111'


positliill lllL'llisL'l\L's as 111-st suited to takc 11'.
dent (‘111111111 111 .\'11\1'ml1er 1‘1‘1/1

11'11 c ..1ndid ites hope '11 to make 11.11111 11111 1' .111.
impression in \ew Ila-,mpshiiL \\lltl:‘ tht 1L 1 1111
prim.'11\ 111 th.

1111' 1\1111s .111111
monial start 1111111-
polls put the s111.1-s in peisp1-111'11' 1 11L. s1111w1.
Senate .\l.1111iit\ l.L'a.1er11ol111111'11 Kansis w .1-.
1111-1111111”.111111-1111 1.111.1'11e111 \.-11 1111111111111-

111 1-1 111'. '\\ 11111

I‘M/1 1.1znpaign i. sthevliilei 11:11'

unpaiyniin: ‘I as 11'1- .1':1

1‘I‘I’11'1Le. .111.11'1111..1.'1'1.1'1:1

Kepuhlicans. 1111' '.1'1'1 '111111~.w1111
ll'illst' 1111111's ill l‘Ihfi.

[tiers-Williams pledges return to roots
\1'\\ YURK .\l'. 1111' 1 \1'1'1 \Villiin . 1111'
new '.'11.11rw11111an1111111' \'.\.'\(:l’.111.1d1'i= 111-.11 11's
tet'day 111.11 she intends. to take the i1c11'.11_,"1.cr1'11 1:111
rights group hack to its grass roots and 1111' 1:111.
l1:lr\'[1e11plt‘\\11(111.1'11'kept 11.111'1

-\n earli priori'ty is 111111 111 .11'11 w 1111L! '1'11111
tltcclta|t\\t1lll.lll to 111 the r'.n'.' 111.1 tile know
what s goingon.shes.11.1 1111'1'1' will 111' appeals 111
corporations to donate to .\ \'\( .1’ piogranis
and reports to the 3.31111 111Lal 111'.tnL111's who “:11
run them.

Ihe ope r atitilr theme is 11111 1\1'1 \‘1'111' 1111s
ed the .\.\\(1’1111alrd1111111111111L1111-11-111.1-11s1ts
new 1ea1ler. succeeding \\ 1111.1111 ( 11.11.1111

Nebraska boy dies atter tall through ice
(’\I \ll. \, NLli — .\ l3 \e'lr 111 l 1111\ who 1Lll

through the ice as he rode his 111cy11e 1111 '.111'11 en
lake died \e'.sttrdiy' hours attLt a man drowned

Ryan Harrison 111(larterl..1k
spending the night on .1 respiiator t 1
11reathe. .l hospital spokeswoman said

llarrison '.tiid KylL l’hipocn also 13.11.111111'1'11
ridinLr their new hikes Satur l.'1\ when they 1111
through the ice on the (hiiiha shore 111( 11111'


I’hippen pulled himself out and s111 .111 his
stomach to shore, .11111111 1211 feet. witiic- .1.
He was treated .it .1 hospital 1111 shock .1111: Luis.
then released.

.\liLh.1el ’1arrow. ii. heard 1111' 11.1113 -.1"1'.1111.s.
and tried 111 saye them lint 11'11 11111111911 1'
111'1111'L' he Lould 11211 11 them.

It took diiers "1 minutes to locate 1'1 1'11 . who
was pronounced dead .11 a hospital

Elli! M80, Alexander settle contract

\Il'lx’R. \\ \Iore than seyen months. 1111-1
Kctn \.-le.\itidL1'oL1.:an work is \ltii'r.1\\1a'tL(n.
\(‘I’HU \ IIILI\I\I(I1I. lllt' ~( 1111111 s I'L'L' 1' ins li.l\t
apprmed a four year contract that will pay 111111

.-\le\.1nder will TL‘t‘t‘Ht' .11111111 111 pe1'1ent more
than was paid to his predecessor. Ronald Kiirth.
whose contract e\pirc1l last summer and was not

IIIIIM [dropping

1'. Iowa. died after
help 11m:

's s.11.l

renew ed.


I".l.l)().\'. Iowa ’l'om Arnold liuilt the Big
Food Diner so he and Roseanne would have a
place 111 eat when they \isited their

( ustomers pound in 111 the
thousands. .itid when I om and
Roseanne were in town. liiis'itiess at
the diner oierwhelmed this south-
eastern low a hamlet,

But the marriage collapsed and
now, so has the diner.

l)an Swig 'um, manager of Roseanne
Roseanne aiitl Iom‘s Big Food
Diner. said ’I om .~\rnold is taking over the diner.
hut has no intention ofsai'ing it.

(jump/led from a'm' report.


 2 Mom/11), I'i‘ffl'lml': _W 1' 7‘11 l‘\1 11.1.1. (1 [\1 rr11.’

lllt walking program gets rolling


‘l/ll/l ,




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\..,'r‘.’ri{1 r.'

1'11‘ 1 11 \\'1‘11n1‘\s 1’1111111111 1s
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101111.111$11111111111s111111111 \\'.1111


(1.1:::n1,1 .111.

\11 l 1\ 111111111110» 11111:: spun»
1\.11'1111 11111111‘11111111.1.1111111111111
111111111111111111111111-111nm 11.111111111
11 1111;11111 11111111111‘s1111‘1 .1 1(1

\11t‘1111111: 111 3111111111: 11:111‘s

1111111111111; “\11 \1111 1111-1111
11‘11.'L11111‘1 1111.- 1111111111111.

1’.11111‘1p.1nts pct 1‘11‘1111 1111 .1
1111111 111.111 1117111111‘ 11‘1‘1‘11 .11111 .11‘1‘

L'llt'nulflgui [11 51111111 1111‘1r

111111‘.1u1‘ 11111 111'1‘1 .1 111111111111111 111~

11111‘1‘ 1111s 1.1111‘111

\\111.‘111111‘1 1111133 rcgtstm»
1111111‘1s 11:1111‘11--111 \‘111111111 111

l1:1‘111[s 111L311L'Lh1111c111111 :11‘111
.11‘111111111111141011111 lun1‘ -

I 1111)]11111s 111111 11.11'1 1‘1111111:1‘1~
111 1111‘111‘11g1.111111111111“‘-111\1 1.
111r1s 11111 .111 1‘11g11111‘ 111 1111‘. .1
31111110111111‘1‘11111111111‘1111111 ('11111-
111111111‘1‘31111 11111-1 l‘tnpimc‘u'
1‘11111111‘11 .111‘ 1‘11 1.11111‘ 1111 1111 1.
\1111'ts.1)llt 11111 1111‘ 11111 1“1111t11.111‘.

11‘111111.111‘ 1s pent-1.11111 11111111u'

1111 \‘ 1'1 I111 1’1‘1 11.11: "11 1 till
11.11111. 11.'11 .; :11 11 1.111;; upru
.1111, "11111 1118\11
1‘11111111:1 1111111111111111‘1.111111.111
1111‘ \\‘1‘13::1‘sx 15111111111 .11 337‘
\\'1‘11n1‘xs 111111‘111\ 1.1111 11
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111 .111 11111-1 111.11: 41. 1111-1 411111111


111‘. Li‘L.

1‘11111.111.11111151 :1..:1 111-11111411111111

111111: 1121‘ 11111131111

NASA BIIIBT tours campus engmeermg labs

By Joe Godbey


\'\\7\\ 1111111 .111:1::lll\11.11111
1‘111 1.111 11111.11.11s11111111111‘


1' .:11 ..1:11:1\ .11111 11.1111.1111‘ 111-11‘1
1:11;‘ '1‘\1‘.1:1‘1‘1111: .1 '1111111‘11111‘11117
‘:11'~ \111:1‘\'.11'111.'1 1x 1111111111111
1 .. 1

1 .

"1"1‘111‘21 u1111111111111111‘1‘1s1111‘x
11111‘11‘ \\\\ 1\ 11111." 1).11111;1

“\\'1‘ 11.1111 N.‘\S‘\ 111

111. 11111111'11111111:.1\.1:1.lL’L'llt'Vt'l’L'

(1111.1:1‘1 \.ll11

5111.111): \3'1'11111‘11 1511111. 12 K1.
111111 Is .1 111111.1-111111‘ 3111‘1111 111
(:11111111. 11111r1‘11 1 K 111111 1111‘
\ \\\ .1111111111511..11111
\11/11111 11‘ 81111111. .1ss1st.1111 11111
tt-wn 1111‘11141111‘1‘11111.1 1111111111115.
11‘1‘1.‘111-11.1 111.1111 1111111 \‘1\\'.‘\ 1111
111-111111111 .11111 I.111‘.1111111 1.111
(1.1111111y811‘111‘11‘n 1).(.1“11n11‘
11 .11 .1111 .1111 Horn 1111‘ [1‘1 1’1‘1111111-

\11111 1,..111111‘111111 11 \‘\\\ 111s
:1s1111111111.1\ \1111111111\1‘111':1111_'
.1111L1111i\1l1111L‘ 1’111111111n1“\1‘:
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\1111t1\1\\ 1111111. (111111111 \.:1'11
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111..1111L11‘1 1111 111’“ \11.111‘ .11111
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91.1111111 1111111111111511111311111111111-

‘ (1 \1'lls 111111111111

11.1 (111-11‘ 111111

.1211 111 \".11'1'

.11;11\\ "'1'


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111111." ( 1111.11: \.11..1

\ \\ \ 111.113 1111.1.12211‘1 1111‘ 111v.
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\11\1':"‘11" 1""31

"\11- 111:1: '1111111“: 1111\11111‘
“$11 111‘ 1111‘ 111111-


11‘11:1111‘:.” 111-\1111
\11.l1t' is ..1 “(111111." ilixtt'11111117t111
1111111zx1'11.1\1‘1‘1:1 111111115“


1-..-...‘ .14



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YIHIFN ”MM Armu’ 11.1"
NASA ADMINISTRATOR I)1llllt‘/ (1111/1/11! 1f1111(‘1 11111 111/7mm Milt/11711 1‘ l‘711/1IV. [It‘ll/111 Irrllr‘t'tf ( /\ 1111117111 r‘rrng /rl/'l

.rm/ 111111/11‘ :1‘111 ‘11/1'1111/rlriy 114r;17‘1.11'1/‘ .1! 1.12111! /11‘ 141;".






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The Campus Calendar appears in the Monday edition of the Kentucky Kernel. All organizations

wishing to publish meetings. lecttues, special events and sporting events. must have all
information to Student Activities room 203 or call 257-8867 1 week prior to Publication.



NESW 2/ 21

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Mr- -1 1.11:1; (131111111 Firn 211.1 0111 Student
(,tr . W
-A1111a E1 slion Delta prt.‘ St: 1115 Dr Eiarnc‘
R11 1 Fiillll 1y Pract: C12 81 UK A 11111315111111.
C11‘11m.. 7 (10pm, R111 ltlti [3:1 111911.111
St;.11111,e<,‘. Eyeryrt‘lne w(:it_;1;11111.'

swam lUI NIS

“611.111.1111.Night41918011111111, Newman
Lento-11"] Tillpn .,(;A.L,1,2.5" (15121 7


f. RI (klnl IIIN

Badminton Stnqles 81 Doubles Entnes
Due by 4: 00pm Rm. 145 Seaton Ctr.
CALL 25141584 .....
UK Ballroom Dance 301 lety Dance
Lessons, 7:00 8: 00pm Beglnners 8 00-
9:00pm Novice. Buell Armory Dance
Studio. FREE CALL Beth 2117-2873.
Latin 81 Ballroom Social Dances- Partner
not requ1ged_ p111 helpful


UK M1115 8 take tball vs A'111an1a
£59111) ‘ r1131




111111 [1111' 2/ 22

rARlS 1". SCll‘NCES WEEK 1pm “What
W 1:1 1'111‘1111'1111111 Supposed to Achieve?”
Rm 210111-11 81111113111011 1111111F1|m
[ "Cmnstderatlons 1:11 Class in

N11111: Hutu ‘Center Theatre-Student
(31111 .iOpm Fllrn DisCuSslon‘ “Jolly
Fellows."C1‘11t(:-1The1‘1tr€.‘1/ 3090013111
8111 Nile [3111111111131 Stilé‘llt‘tfs
Bldg/1'1 (1011111 D1stlngu1shert Professor
11‘1111111 (FHE E 8. Open 111 Public; CALL
Dfillfl. 2.57.;1 51.3.1) -
College of Arts 81 Sciences .
11151111111111.11811 Professor Lecture: John
(..‘1w1‘lll "Searching for Scarlett," 8:00pm.
Recltal Hall Singletarertr; FREE


Tax W11'kf1110p For Small Duslness.
1.111111%)1911 by Ky Small Busrness
Development Ctr. 9 30am 4 00pm, 4th
111,111 Rm :1 Lex Central t1brary. FREE:
CALL217 7667”“

Ynt 111 F111 111 Resume Sponsored by UK
( ”11111011 tr 2 00 2 5.011111 Rm. 201
M.1t’10W‘1 Bldg CALL 257 274§

(21111111.11111111111'1110111'1: Solences pre-

11 111 .K1-11 Fe1L1u 'Ouarks. Gluons and
01111111111 ( hr11r11odynam11:s,' 3:30pm,
Rm 327 McVey Hall (Reception at
«111111 1'11) 1",,

A A it worksl, Every Wed. 5 00pm Rm
4 Newman Ctr

111 sidence Hall Mtg 8 00pm Rm 307
Cur-191w Commons


Alkrd 1 (‘Ia‘ s 8 00pm, Alumnr Gym Lott,
CALL 257 3988 _..


UK Men's Tennis vs Louisv1lle.2 00pm.
Lotnswlle KY

UK l arty K 11s Basketball vs EKU

7 701le Lexungton KY



iHURSDfll' 2/23

mus f. muun S

Wlthout Mmutes Sundlals. Waterclouks
81 Telling Time 111A111,1ent Rome " Rm
2in Student C1112 311111111 "Einstelr‘1's
Universe. Escher's Art," Rm 137 Chern-
Phys BIOngrn "Stistalnitblc
Development Anning Calrn's Prior
Making .‘1Future 11 r the Chlltirr‘n' "
Presr lent 5 R111 Slngietary C114 ppm
d1sC111sure “Unwrapped," Gaines Ctr 1111
the Humanities 4pm Poetry Reading
Philip Levine Sm Ballroom Student

(:1 tr 4 30pm W1ll1am S We ‘61) Museum
Ceremony 81 Reception Latierty
Ha||18pm Magnetic Resonance —Too
Many DimenSIons of inner Space Rm
102 Classromn Bldg (FREE 81 Open to
Public CALL Dana 5

-SAB MOVlE: “Much Ado About Nothing,"
7:30 8. 10:00pm. Worsham Theater-
Student Ctr, $2 w1ttr UK ID

UK Theatre "The Uninvited," 8f00pm,
Gulgnol Theatrthrnr,‘ Arts Bldg; Tickets
59 8. $6

running a ucturzes

‘Pre‘ Busmess Orientation. sponsored
by Ky Small Business Development Ctr.
10 00am-12:30pm. 4th Floor Room 5-
Lex Central Library. 815: CALL 257-

TheflIaster Student Program: Learn to
Study Smarter Not Just Harder spon-
st trad by UK Counsellnq Ctr 12: OO-
12. 50pm (1/24 3/01 Tue 81 Thur) Rm. 201
Frazee H ll‘ LL 25?: 87
'CBuncr on gin onovan ars
Pro ram presents Dr. David Wekstein
Up ate on Alzheimer s Research 4:00
500 m, Rm. 230 Student Ctr: CALL 257»

-V1$1t1ng Writers Series: Phiiip Levme
Readin 4:00pm, Sm Ballroom Student
Ctr FR E CALL 257— 2901
-Home mmrsts in Education Mtgfl
4. 30pm Rm. 202 Enkson Hall; CAL
257- 1210

SAB PR7Cam us Networl? Committee
Mia. 5:30pm. m. 203 Student Ctr.

-Badm1nton Brackets posted at 2:00pm,


—UK WOmen' 5 Tennis: USTNITA Team
Indoor Championships, All Day (thru




iRlDliV 2/2'1

RRTS E. moures

Gallery Series: Harlem Stride. Richard
Domek-UK School of Music. 12: OOnoon,

Pfigrlggllga-Kra §1b1fi5¥ Nogthr‘n FR§§_

'Detached Doubt " Pearl Gallery- King
Library North/7pm Physucs 8. Astronomy
S ectacular Rm 155 Chem- Phys
B dg/B 30pm Chemrst ‘Reactron
Attraction Rm 139 C em Phys Bldg
FREE 81 Open to Public. CAL Dana

57- 1541 5+ y__, _ __ __
Ron ors Chorus 700pm1§0ncert Fla

Sm leta Ctr FREE
STAB M817 E “Much Ado About Nothing"

7 30 8- to 00m Worsham Theater
Student gr‘mgwE/Ith UK IQ

Theatre éUnrnvnedYB—OOpm
Gurgnol Theatre Fine Arts Bldg Tickets


$98136-.. ... .. .-...
Contra Dance-New [.11 ulanlic tylt Barn
Dance E1 (101)111, [311411411111 D 1111,21
Studio. 83. Nupar.11311x111111(:11C6‘11£‘od-
ed. All dances an: tan-11M. Musx; ls IIVL‘.


-UK 61/: '11:.td‘ 111‘» 11111'1'51'153t111‘
Mt,111r1n:11(25111111111111“. KY
UKMUsTHl sNJtt t11<-
4. ill-1.7 511111111' .I'sILIII ( 111111"r11111
1111111'11 \1111111' Ir11111 1I11'1.1\\'s111
1IL'I1'.11..1s1111 s:1\'111Lr Lr111's .1111I \\'1111
their first 1111111 11.1111L' s1111"1I11'.11111Ll
II11II:111.11111 I)11' 1.

IhL' (1 .11s \IL'rL' I1L'LrII1I1111Lr 111
111111I11 “he-IIILI 1111'1'I1111I 11 III

“Y11III1L'.1r s11111111'I1'1I111IIIIIIL
1111s1'g:'11111s.11111I111“ we s'IIIILILIIL'.
.11111 11111 s1:1rt 11111'1111111'1." I K I11r—
w 11r1I \\ 11111-1 \.I1( :1111 s.111I

I his Is11 I111; \1'111111111111'1'111111—

C:111 1I1:11 rL':1II\' I1L' true? .-\11 1%-
410.1111 111111111111Lrits :11111111 11111111
the [1 11111111"


“\VL' I1:1\'L' 1':111I1. 11111 s1III. “'1'
11151 IiflVCllI 1111111' well." R111Ir11'I1'
RI1I11IL'ss11rrI {IIICI’ 1111 game

\\ hLI1 Its :1 1'I11sL' g:11111.\\'1"rL'
11s1111II\ 1111 1I1'1 11111111 s11ILv I'ILIIII
111111111 1111w.

I1 IUUKCII 1111 3.111111 1.11 .lI'IL’r‘
11111111 :1s'1I11111L'h I K 11' .1s 111111111111
be 1111 1I11'1I11w11 sI1IL'1'L't 1L1111
I I11r11111 (l _-1 >1. 7-5) IiLrhIInLr I11r11s
.\'( .'1\\ I11IIII1.IIIILIII IIIIIIIL'. L311
:111111sp1r1'1IL'If11rt tI1:1Ih:111111Ii1:1I1'L'
.\I11I1:1111111111I \II.s111111L11111hL' I K

1I11-(1:1111rs 1111 W 11L'rLL-11I 111‘

their sh111s 111 the firsi h.1II :11111
IIL'III 1I11'IL'111I 1I1r11IIL'I111111 that

IhL' sL'L'11111I II'.III \\'.1s 11111IL' 11f
the some the s.1111L'1I1:11 I'K saw
I u1s11111 wIIL'1111111s1111 \IIssIsst—
11181.111'771—71 111 RIIp11.\\I11111hL
(.11s111:11IL'.1rIIII. 1I1L'(1.11111s 1111c
tI1cBuII1I11Lrs sIIIIL'1I II with .1 Mg
shut 11111s111'tr11111 1:11:1r1I I):Ii1
Cross wh1111L-11L'II :1 L':1rL'1'I'~ high
SI) 11111111s 11r Irirw11r1i \I'IIIrL'w
I)1'CIL'r11. who fiIIisIIL'II with 33

“I w:1s1I1111IL'111L'. ‘()II. (11111. here
we r11:1g11111." saI1I RI11111L's. wh11
IL'1I 'K “111121 11111111s. “\\'L' were
111s1 1IL'IL-r1111111-11 11111 111 la 111111
happen agnin."

I’:1r111'uI:1rI\ 1I1'11'rIIIII1L1I \vL'rL'
1I11 Cats' in11111111Lr 1:-1111ILII1 111'
I1111\ I)L'II. 111111 (hris Hum—

IIL‘IICVL’ iIi‘.It. 11111.

II'11rris1111's 1':1rL'L'r- high ll
111111115 were perhaps IhL' higgest
spark 11I'tI111111\ I11r IhL'( (.:11s.

IhL sL'I1111I 1111.1r1l 1111111'L'L'1I
11111111 :1 pair of huge tIrsI—haII
three-pointers 111 he 11 I'K sI11'L'
111111 :111 ll-111111111IL'111'11.


UK 87, FlflllM 77

tit (77): Tromsso" ‘12, 0-02 DeCerc 8
6922.“ “22‘2.C2W 8"‘52122
7 C"$$7 ‘3. ‘6 630. A1 de's“"‘ ‘ 0-02.
-W ams‘ 2-00 2.. WWIBMSCCO-

G'“'"SO-C. T