xt7dfn10s35c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dfn10s35c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-09-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 03, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 03, 1999 1999 1999-09-03 2020 true xt7dfn10s35c section xt7dfn10s35c lEP



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Student interest

For the

Assuming that you are
not going to the
Faculty Club,
Wethington's place
off Rose Street, or
those great luxury
boxes with the built-
in bar anytime soon,
you can't drink
before the game on
campus. Soto fight
off the the ill effects
of off-campus pre-
gaming, follow these

First off, alcohol by‘
products called
congeners seem to
increase the severity
of a hangover. Gin
and vodka have few
congeners and are
least likely to
produce a hangover.
Brandy, champagne
and whiskey are just
the opposite.


Time is the only sure
cure for the
occasional hangover.
Other than that, here
are some things that
you can do to help.
Take aspirin,
ibuprofen or
acetaminophen for
the headache, drink
fluids to offset
dehydration and eat
light foods high in
carbohydrates, such
as breads, cereals,
vegetables and fruits.
and fructose (a
natural sugar in fruit
juices and honey) to
calm nausea. Never
drink alcohol to cure
a hangover, unless
you are on spring
break. Even then,
alcohol only
compounds the
symptoms, usually
with a devastating


Moderation is the key to
preventing a
hangover. By drinking
slowly, you give your
body time to get rid
of the alcohol before
it enters the blood
and your brain. Drink
on a full stomach to
slow the rate at
which alcohol is
absorbed. Avoid
drinks high in
congeners, and avoid
mixing alcohol with
beverages: The
bubbles speed the
alcohol to your
bloodstream. The
less you weigh. the
less alcohol you
should consume.


Never take aspirin
before drinking, as
this combination has
been known to
damage the liver. the
pitfalls of trying this
greatly outweigh the


Co-rail editors Sam Essid
and Ron Norton

THE 411



Enjoy before Sunday.


VOL. “I05 ISSUE “008




News tips?

Call: 257-1915 or write:








.9444 mgfiwumm -_-" I: -









New renovations


season opener

Top notch: Hal Mumme’s Wildcats
have a newly renovated habitat to
prowl on their quest for a bowl

By Matt May
Senior Staff Writer

The UK football team is
preparing to open a new lair to-
morrow, as they welcome rival
Louisville into a refurbished
Commonwealth Stadium.

Building on the success of
head coach Hal Mumme’s first
two seasons, UK officials brain-
stormed and have now complet—
ed a plan to expand UK’s pigskin
home for the future.

Playing to the needs of more
season ticket demands and the
suits around Kentucky who
wished to View the games in

style, the University built 401ux-
ury boxes and added 10,000 seats
to raise the capacity. to 67,500.

For the average fan, not
much will change. except for the
atmosphere. With the new
bowled-in structure, the biggest
difference for students and fans
will be the noise factor. No
longer will sound escape in the
vast openings in all four corners
of Commonwealth. Sound will
be swell on the noise meter, with
68,000 people creating ridiculous
sound levels.

The fans have been moved
closer to the action, putting
them virtually right on top of

UK gets too big for

By Mat Herron
Em» sin wniirn


The number of new research projects
has become so great at UK. that the Uni-
versity has almost turned people away.

But. says Fitzgerald Bramwell. vice
president for Research and Graduate Stud-
ies. that‘s a good problem to have.

“There‘s always a disconnect between
the amount of space requested and the
amount of space available." Bramwell
said. “That‘s a better problem to have than
one in which there's no research being
done at all."

To solve the space problem. UK has
several construction projects planned to
make room for the researchers coming to UK.

The researchers are coming to campus
as part of the $66 million UK received from
the state as part ofGov. Paul Patton‘s Re-
search (‘hallenge Trust Fund. This fund.
billed as a “bucks for brains" plan. gave
UK $66 million ifthey matched it with the
same amount.

Among the key projects are a new me-
chanical engineering building near Ander-
son Hall. renovations in the labs in the
(‘hemistry-Physics Building. and a new
plant science facility.

Two other big projects the new Gill
Heart Institute on Rose Street. and the sec
ond part of an Aging Allied Health build-
ing at the corner of Rose and Limestone
streets will cost about $60 million. said
Ken (‘levidence. senior director for Pro»
curement and (‘onstruction Divisions.





cums nosclmul | KERNELS‘IAFI’

Workers put the final touches on the score-
board only weeks ago. It will keep numbers
for the first time this Saturday, when the
Cats meet the Cardinals

the players, especially in the ex-
panded end zone areas. The ef-
fect is the feeling that the stadi-
um is twice the size it used to be.

The expansion did not move
the Cats in the standing of
largest stadiums in the South-
eastern Conference, still sitting
at eighth, but UK is in the top 35
in the nation in seating capacity.
Also, the project allowed for fu-
ture expansions if UK needs to
enlarge again.

The whole project set UK
back $24 million, but the cost of
the luxury boxes is expected to
alleviate construction costs.


I 8 section




Services funded after
summer hiatus

By Jason Johnson

After suspending legal service this
summer. the Student Government Associa
tion is bringing it back.

At a Senate Committee meeting
\l‘ednesday night. SGA officers voted to re-
new the contract that would allow attorney
Mark Rucker to advise students on legal
matters. The meeting also saw the debut of
this coming year‘s budget as proposed by
President Jimmy Glenn and Vice President
Whitney Speaker.

Senators said the lack of legal service.
one of SGA‘s most popular programs. has
frustrated students.

“Not having legal services has been a
handicap to our student services,“ said
Keisha (‘artetz Arts and Sciences Senator.

Glenn suspend-
ed the service July 1.
saying he wanted to
turn the service over
to law students in-
stead of paying for a
professional attor-

ney. Hut senators
raised concerns
about the effective NOt
ness of allowing °
thirdyear law stu~ havmg
dents. with little or
no expereince. to legal
provide the legal ser- SBI'VICGS
\ tees to students.

(‘arter endorsed has been

the job Rucker has
done. a

"He really works

hard. plus he was a handlcap
student here so he
understands a lot of to our
the problems stu-
dents face." she said. Student
The other com ' ”
mittee members seerCES
agreed. unanimous»
ly passing the bill on — Keisha Carter,
to the full Senate Arts and sciences
with a favorable rat- senator
The committee
also approved the

SGA budget for the upcoming year after
two hours of debate. One of Glenn‘s new
ideas included the creation ofa paid Execu-
tive Assistant position. Glenn feels this is
necessary because “this year SGA is going
to be very progressive in the ideas that we
go forth with." and added that he could use
the “extra manpower."

The budget also included plans for a
"Get to Know your SGA" activity. which
would involve having students attend a
Senate meeting and meeting their repre-
sentatives to see what happens during a

The Senators felt lhl‘ funding would be
of more use in the Senate's annual alloca-
tion down some thirteen thousand dollars
from the year before.

By the end of the night the budget was
amended more than ten times in just over
two hours. Many funds allocated for Execu-
tive programs and discretion were re-rout
ed and deposited into the Senate allocation
for the coming year. The Senate has aug~
mented their available funds by some twen-
ty thousand dollars from what Glenn had
originally given them.

it’s britches

()n the Allied Health project. l'K will
reconfigure Rose Street so that it forms an
intersection with Limestone Street and
'l‘ranscript Avenue. (.‘Ievidence said. A
traffic light will be installed.

The new buildings and renovations
are in various stages of completion. The
Gill Heart Institute is under design and
will be bid out to a company in the spring.
The plant science facility is in the final
stages of design. and will sit directly be-
hind the Agricultural Engineering Build-
ing on (‘ooper Drive.

UK has also sent a proposal to Frank-
fort for a $65-million biomedical sciences
building. State legislators will look at the
proposal when they meet in January. UK
officials said.

As a tradeoff for new buildings and

new equipment. though. students and pro-
fessors will have to endure months of torn
floors. broken walls and the clack-clacking
of machinery.

Many professors say. though, it‘s a
trade-off worth making.

“We have to teach those classes. so we
know how it is.“ said Boyd Haley. chair-
man of the chemistry department.

The renovations are needed so the re-
searchers who are coming to the. Universi—
ty can have adequate space to do their
work. he said.

But Rick Hoyle. chairman of the psy-
chology department. said the new drug
abuse and prevention lab that will be built
in Kastle Hall won't get in students‘ way.
“It's out-of—the-way space." he said.


-l»yv‘;l .



The Low-down

It is my
that he
SOC 1-
ety ’ 0
Kentucky State
Police Lt. Henry
“Sonny" Cease.
who investigat-
ed the Carrolton
bus crash

involving Larry

Maryland Teen Admits To Strangling

'l‘ltll. t»\\'l\'. lsr:iel \ Mn .\ lgiiid teen (lth'l' admitted in (Ill
lsi'deli court todzn‘ thiit lie striiiuled .nt ill'tlllillllltllll‘t‘ iii l‘lttT.
iisiri til :i iilezi h;ii".11liii lllllit'l' \xlnch he \\lii serte 31 tears in Int
lsrtteli prison l'iider tlie de.tl lit \edi old Saniiuel Slieiiiltein
liit‘dlil‘ti audit to the killinu ot ,\ll'i'edo 'l‘ello. .lr Slieiiiliein tied
to lsinel ~~lioi'ti\ lifter 'l‘ello \ ltiiriied (lllli disineinliei'ed i)tlli\ \xzis
i'lllllli iii .i Silltlil‘ tie.ir Slieiiiltetti's lioiiie 'l‘he l nited States h.id
detitnitleil lie lie e\tt':idited to the 'l'l.li it ick hotiie \\ilt'l't' he

Bush Advances Education Agenda

\\'.\\'lll\'(i'i‘()N \Vgidintz iiito the school \onclier deltnte.
Hepiililicqtii iii‘esideiitilil t‘.‘tll(illi.lli' tit-oi th' \\, litisli sititl tolltii' iii
lios .\ii:eles. iederzil moiie\ uill no loiiyet tlou to f:ii|iire ” lle
sziid his tltilllllllsll'illlllll \wiild i'eqiiire stzites to test lilsiliikzlll
tugged students. strip federdl funds li‘oiii the u'orstscorinu
schools .nid :liitl\‘\ [)l‘lVillt‘ schools to get the iiiililic money,
'l’hoiiuh :iides sillli lhish tiitetitioiiiilh (Hitliil'li Ilie politiczillt
chiirued teriii school vouchers“ iii an (ltitil'ess liliil lziid ottt his
tirst educzitioii proposals for Ilie ‘Jtltlil c:niiit.ii;'ii. his iilzni \xoultl
pump federal money into iii'ii'dte schools ;i colicettl lleitiocrzits
s;i\' \\'tlllili hurt the piihlic school svsiem

U.S., China Schedule Talks

\\';\I\'ll|\‘(§'l‘(t.\' l'.S. :ind (‘hinese ltiiit'lith \\ ill hold trode
talks iie\t \teek for tlie first time since the tie: ideiitril .\K\'l‘(i
ltoiiilnii: of the (‘liinese limhiissy iii lteluiziile 'I‘lte mote t'it'.’lt‘\
the \\;t_\' for (1 meeting between l’resideiit (‘iiiitoii 'tiidt liinese
l’resident .iiIlllL' Zetnin. ill-[)llIV l'.S 'l‘i'ele i\'~*lll‘t-sl‘lli1lll\t‘
Richqird Fisher stiid todzu the technical le\'el meeting uill he :i

stocktzikinu" of Where the t\\o countries stiniii on negoticitioits
to hint: i ‘liiii.t into the World Trade ()rgznii/tnioii

Measles Practically Vanishes in us.

A'l'l..\\"l'.\ ltnl} liltlr‘ust-s ofmetisles uere reported lit
the l‘niteil states inst \'t‘.’ll', Ilie :oternineiit \t‘liti totixit, 'l‘lie
niiniliei is the lones' on record ‘lllti suggests the iizition ii'ls iil
hut \Illlllill‘li out the lilsi‘it\t', tlie t‘eiiters tor illst'Jlsl' t‘oiitrol
.itid l’re\eiition sznti

Telecom Italia To Cut 13,000 Jobs

RUM C i.\l’i in an effort to reduce lt\'l'l‘{lii costs in $3 1 illi
lion. lt:ili:ni phone gitiiit 'l‘eleeoiii lt:ili:i Sim lli(i(l\' s;llti it \\tilliti
eliniincite lilfliooiolis. Rolierto t‘oliiiiiniio who \\.l\ named 'i‘ele
com‘s cliziii'nizni :iiid chiefe\eciiti\'e oliicer follou inu tlie comm
iiy's hostile t.ikeo\er hi ()li\'etti Sim iii Mitt; \illii tlie cuts uere
[litl'l of Ion: term restructuring illinis He said lilltl mum of the
l.;.tillliioiis to he cut over tlie next two years uill he through re
lll‘t‘llit‘lits. \\ itli tilili‘t's t‘iilliilltl through layoffs




Further prool
that teen-pop
will define the
year in music
sales, Christina
grabbed the No.
1 spot with her
self-titled RCA
debut. accord-
ing to sales
data for the
week ending
Aug. 2“. Her
disc, preceded
by the chart-
topping single
“Genie in a
Bottle," sold

‘Gangsz' t
For the past
several weeks,
studios have i
been kicking
the tires of
“Gangs of New
York," the peri-
od gangster
drama being put
together as a
vehicle for
director Martin
Scorsese and
DiCaprio. The
already set up
at Disney for
foreign territo-
ries, and Fox is
interested in
possibly becom-
ing a domestic


By Peter Crawford


To most ftins. the sight of
ticket settliters oiitside (‘oin
llltlll\\t‘(lilil Stndium on uznne
dirt is liltllllllL.’ out of the til'iil'
nzn‘}. lii fitct. [illi‘t‘iltlsiliu ii
ticket from u scziliier lll£l_\’ he :1
common e\iierieiice for ititnit:

"At the time it seemed l‘t‘ilr
sontihle. but later on 1 nuts (in
noted l iiltti to pay so much."
sziid .ietl~ Eriins. :i junior major
hit: in meclitniiciil etit’ilieet'ilitz
\\ ho once mid Still for on $28
ticket to see l‘K itlzn‘ l"l' in Ten
Ili‘SsN‘ zit Net'lznid Sttidiiim.

Settliiinu is against the low
iii Kentucky (although legzil in
Ohio. liidiznizi :ind 'l‘eiiiiesseei.
[inch l'lx' footltnll ticket lists .‘I
hos of illil‘ print on the hack,
which warns that the stile ofzni
:idniission ticket for tiny
amount over the face \(tillt‘ is (l
itiistleiiieznior pllllhiiilmt‘ i)_\'
stiite low Willi ti fine of fifty to
otie hundred dolltn‘s

Rodney Stiles. Director of
Adniiiiistrzitit'e Serrices for
Athletics sziid the police (ire
:i\\;ire oi sczilpiiiu iirolileiiis :nid
initrol ezich gillllt‘ with under
cover officers. These officers
:It‘e instructed to :It‘t‘esl :lti)‘
person ciiiitzht iii the net ot seil
iiiu ini admission ticket for
greater than face \‘zlillt‘. lie snid.

'l‘lie l'tiirersity lizis only re
quested police to iire\ent
scttlpers from selling tickets in
front of [K ticket booths \(llti
ticket inztnztuei' litirlitn'n ()5,
home, She knew nothing of po-
lice elforts to prevent scziliiiiiu
in other :n‘eus outside the stodi

"I see only it iiiiiiimiil
amount of enforcement oi the
sctiliiing ltnvs :n the games i .‘li~
tend.” Evziiis siiid.

earn money

for taking notes in your class

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LA GRANGE. Ky. inmate No. 103364 left the Kentucky
State Ret‘orinatory on \Vt‘dlitlSday quietly and without incident.
much the some way he set’Ved his 9 1/2 years.

But Larry {\‘iahoney was no ordinary inmate. The night of

May it. 1988. he crashed his pickup truck into a church bus.
killed 27 people and injured a dozen others. Mahoneys blood al-
cohol content was three, times the legal limit.

A fourth of Mahoney's sentence was automatically knocked
off. most of it for what is known as "statutory good time.“


Study Smarter



‘T _,...
























—‘—————.—~-._ .. -1 .



Rob Ouan
Scene Editor
Phone: 257-1915 E-mail:






ctassle Barter trauma-yamsmms


tree-spirited style of move-eat.



from all

Brooks’ latest
fails to a ‘muse’

PINS“, "“93"?!
Slhil (”illC

'i he goal of recent contedies
seems to he to get cheap laughs
by pushing the envelope on the
ollcnsiye atid outrageous. i
guess tiic studios figure there's
no point in making a dialogue
driven cotnedy examining the
neurosis anti inttit at 1e of
e 11‘ 1yday life and telationships
when you can tinow bodily flu
ids 111 11s halt gel ()1 teach a 5
year old to trip rollerbladers
and make $100 million dollars.

lf~ comedies aren't shocking.
crude. or featuring someone
having sex with baked goods. no
one wants to see them. Hence.
Woody Allen was banished to
the arthouses years ago. If the
empty theatre where i saw The
Muse is any indication, Albert
Brooks won't be far behind.

The high poitit of The Muse.
as in all ofhis movies. is Brooks
himself. No one makes a pathet-
ic and self-absorbed individual
as likable as Brooks. This is the
quintessential Brooks charac-
ter: neurotic. self~deprecating.

The Muse begins with
Brooks being “let out" of his
studio (Otittact (i. e. fired) by a
slitny studio executive The
tailspin that ensues is some of
Brook's best work. full of Holly-
wood iii-jokes and cameos. In
fact. if The Muse had concen-
trated on the struggles of find-

ing work. it could have been a
fantastic movie.

Unfortunately. for the first
movie that was written. direct
ed. 11nd starring Albert Brooks
it isn't fantastic. The Muse
takes a turn for the worse when
Brooks consults a writer friend
(Jeff Bridges) about his trou»
bles. Bridges confides he thinks
he has found a modern day
muse (the Greek goddesses of
inspiration). and that if Brooks
spends time with her it will dis-
solve his writer‘s block.

At this point. Brooks and
frequent collaborator Monica
Johnson abandontheir sharply
written characters and fall back
on well-worn plotiines. ()f
these. the worst is a subplot
concerning Brook's wife (Andie
McDowell) trying to open her
own cookie business. Maybe
this portion falls flat because
Brooks and McDowell are about
as believable together as Jen-
nifer Lopez and Ernest Borg-
nine. or maybe it‘s because Mc-
Dowell is about as fun to watch
as a plastic fork.

One pleasant surprise is
the performance of Sharon
Stone. Stone deliver s an excel-
lent performance as the moody
hard to please muse.

Even though 7he Muse
doesn‘t live up to Brook's high-
standards. it‘s still a welcome
departure after a summer of toi-

let humor.
Grade: 6+



Sharon Stone (above) plays a heart-wrenching and salt-absorbed nose in

Abert Breaks latest Illa.




Start running now
to check out the
adventures of Lola

Run, Lola, Run is an action-packed feature
film with plenty of surprises

By Max Sturgeon


Run Lola. Run tnay very
well be the best (ierman film
export since Wolfgang i’cter»
son‘s has Boot back in 15181.
The film was a smash at the
Sundance Filtn Festival. win»
ning the audience award for
best film.

This success was matched
at the Seattle intern1'1tional
Film Festival. where it also
won best film.

its one of the most antici-
pated foreign movies to be re-
leased in the i'S. this year.
and it doesn't disappoint. its
relentless pace and innovative
camera work help make it one
of the best films i‘ve seen all

The movie wastes no time
getting underway as even the
opening sequence is eye candy
that has you glued to the
screen. Using a combination
of special effects. animation
and tricky camera work. the
film has probably the most
original 11nd interesting
openings of any film that l‘ve

The plot kicks in when
Lola (Franka i’otente) re-
ceives a phone call frotn her
small-time criminal boyfriend
Manni (Moritz Bieibtreu).
Due to her moped being
stolen. she missed picking
him up.

As a result of her forget-
fulness. he manages to lose
100.000 Deutschmarks that
don‘t belong to him and if he
doesn‘t come tip with the
money 111 twenty minutes a
not-so-petty criminal is going
to make him little more than
a memory.

So Lola. fire-red hair and
all. sets out to get the money
quickly in order to save her

After going through a
mental list of people to bore
row the money from she de-
cides on her father (Herbert
Knaup). who works at a



Franka Potente (above) stars as
Lola in this entertaining feature
film about a woman who knows
how to run from everything but


Of course nothing goes as
it shottlti and chaos ensues.
i’uising music and crafty cine
matography follow Lola on
three separate quests to find
the dough.

All three of the 211-
tnitiute alternative reality .se
quences follow a different
path with each of them coin-
ing to equally different con-
ciusions. The movie manages
to be tragic. fttnny and bril-
liant all at the same time.

Written and directed by
Tom 'i‘y'kw'er. the movie never
lets up. His visual style has
undoubtedly pttt him near the
top of almost every major stu-
dio‘s want list.

Though the movie clocks
in at 115 minutes. it rooms
along and is an incredible
movie that shouldn't be

Run. loln. Run st ’ltls
playing today at the Kentuc ky

Grade: A-






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Hang Tor.


recent weeks.
visitors have stopped
by the Pulaski County
courthouse just to
examine the 4-by-4-
foot plaque of the
Ten Commandments
posted on the wall.
The county has only
received a couple of

The southeastern
Kentucky courthouse
is just one of several
public buildings in
the state - including
schoolhouses -
where the Ten
Commandments have
been posted in
recent weeks with
little opposition.

The move toward
posting the Ten
Commandments in
Kentucky stems from
the 08. House
passage of legislation
in June that would
allow the Ten
Commandments to be
posted in classrooms
and other
buildings. The bill
now goes to the

Last week. the Ten
Commandments were
posted in the Rowan
County Courthouse
after the fiscal court
voted unanimously to
do 50. Just a few
weeks earlier, the
Ten Commandments
were posted in
Pulaski County's

Monday night, the Pike
County Fiscal Court
unanimously voted to
ask the Attorney
General's Office
under what
circumstances the
Ten Commandments
can be posted in
county buildings -
particularly it public
funds aren't used.

The Ten Commandments
have long been
displayed in many of
Russell County’s
public classrooms
prompting few

The Harlan County
school board recently
voted to allow a
committee to go
ahead and raise
money to post the
Ten Commandments
in the eastern
Kentucky school

When students in
Jackson County
attended the first
day of class this fall.
the Ten
Commandments had
been posted in every
public classroom by
volunteers. The
plaques were
purchased by
community members.

Compiled from wire

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Kentucky Kernel

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35 Enoch J. Grehan

Journalism Burlding

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THE Reusioue
Rieur 6TRlK56






Students should ex-
plore all theories

To the Editor:

l atti writing iii response to
your article in the Sep. 1 Kernel
”Keep ‘em separated." Although
the writer has some witty points
antl has written a creative article. I
hope the writer knows that it is
full of contradictions and false

The writer's statement. "Sepa-
ration of church antl state is in our
Constitution for a reason." is com—
pletely false. Actually that state-
ttient is not iii the (.‘oiistitution.
The statement was written by
Thomas .letl‘erson in a personal let»
ter. And so. for altiiost two t‘l‘ilr
turies now. we have been basing
our interpretation of the First
.»\mendment on otie statement by
Thomas Jefferson.

Secondly the writer‘s stato
merit. “The fact remains that it
(church and state becoming inter
twined) is completely contradicto
ry to the fundamentals upon
which our country was founded."
is unfounded. Throughout the be-
ginning of our country‘s history.
the forefathers have stated time
and time again that we are a coiiii
try that was founded iipoti

.liideo (‘lii‘lstiaii ethics. ()ne has to
look no further than the motto em-
blazoned on our currency: "in (lod
we trust?"

Lastly a contradiction is pre
sented by tlte statement. “If you be
lieve yotir child needs to be taught
iii the ways of creationism. then
share your faitiily‘s beliefs.” This
is simply wrong. If you want your
kitl to be taught creation. do it at
home. but if you want your kitl
taught evolution. then it is okay to
be taught iii school. Why not teach
creation iii school aiitl let your par
ents' if they believe it teach
you evolution.

The fact is. no matter what
creation and evolution scientists
say. both are theories and not tact.
'l‘herefore l liclieve that we should
either teach both or neither.
School is about it ii'illll‘J You iit'r'
sent knowledge to children and
they decitle if they want to accept
it. Teach both and any other forth
coming theories

i am convinced that the stu
dents of this institution ‘llill others
are intelligent and able to decide
for lhi‘liiselves what they believe.
When they are presented with all
of the data. students can choose
what they believe is iilll'.


Fifillllflll S‘llle lRl‘sHMAN

Rose not so inno-
cently banned from

To the Editor:

A recent column about Pete
Rose‘s eligibility for induction into
the Baseball Hall of Fame left tne
shaking my lieatl. One can tell that
the author is a true fan of ‘(‘harlie
llustle.‘ atirl is speakitig from the
heart. i noticed a few glaring mis-
takes antl omissions that l feel
should lie correctetl to properly
discuss Rose's situation.

First is the issue of character.
As the author ofthe article pointed
out. “The Hall of Fame does not re-
ward moral character." Morality
is not the problem in Pete Rose's
case. llis offense was against the
bylaws of Major League Baseball.
not against sot o ‘y or (iod. Under
these- by-laws. gambling on profes-
sional sports is punishable by a
lift-time bar) from baseball (just
ask 's'hoeli-ss Joe Jackson).

Another important issue that
was illlsi‘t'jn'i'o'llll‘ll iii the “Happy
.‘\lllll\'t‘l's.‘ll"\. Pete Rose" column is
Rose's agreement to a lifetime ban.
Why did he really agree to this
ban? Rose admitted to illegal gain
liliiig through a bookie in 198E), The
Flil had Rose‘s fingerprints oti bet-
ting slips. The agreement was
reached between Rose and (liar
iiicinti to keep these findings and
other evidence coinpiletl in the
l)owd Report (Major League liase-

intteu i it 3% .

Christopher Emmick, dialogue editor
Mark Vanderhoff, editor in chief




Kimberly Glenn, asst. dialogue editor
Matt Ellison, managing editor
Gary McCoiIum, asst. scene editor

| o



Luxury boxes exempt from rules

We can't wait to wake up Saturday morning (er. afternoon). ;
We can‘t wait to don our favorite UK shirts and hats (or in g

the case of Blue Man. our favorite body paint). and take to the


And most of all. we can‘t wait until the UK administration

opens their eyes antl realizes what a hypocrisy it is to permit
suite holders to enjoy the alcoholic beverage of their choice in

their suites.

it's hypocrisy. Plain antl simple. No other way out.

Their argument: The UK Athletics Association states that
since suite holders are. leasing the suites from the University,
they technically do not violate the state law that prohibits the
consumption of alcohol iii public places without possession of a

liquor license.

()ur argument: Since all other ticket holders are leasing
their own seats for the entire game. they technically do not vio-
late the state law that prohibits the consumption of alcohol in
public places. This includes the student ticket holders.

Their argument: Since the suite holders have to provide
their own alcoholic beverages. UK isn‘t in violation of the
NCAA policy that prohibits the sale of alcohol at college sport-

itig events.

()ur argument: If we bring into the stadium our own alco-
holic beverages. we aren‘t forcing UK to violate the NCAA poli»
cy that prohibits the sale of alcohol at college sporting events.

Their arguments fly. Ours don't They get to bring their
cases ofJim Beam in on a silver platter. We. depending on the
moods of the security guards. have to lift up our shirts and turn
our pockets inside otit to prove that we are dry.

Last year's unreasonable search at the student gate ended
after a few short games. We‘ll see whether or not they’ll try the
same thing again this year. Anti if they do. just keep on walk-
ing. They‘re the ones who are iii the wrong.

But we'd rather not witness the hypocrisy itt person. We'd
probably get sick to our stomach.

Atiti then we'd be kicked out of the stadium on suspicion of

being intoxicated.


ball's official inquiry) out of

the public's‘ hands.

is Pete Rose a changed
man'.’ No. The first step in
overcoming any addiction is
atltnitting that you have a
problem. Pete Rose has thus
far avoided admitting this to
the world of baseball antl to
himself. Rose has made nua
inerous public appearances
and endorsements of casinos
and racetracks.”l‘hese are not
the actions of a changed man.
He needs to come. clean about
exactly what happened anti

ask for forgiveness. As evi-
tlencetl by national politics of
late. we are a nation that loves
to forgive.

Rose recently opened his
own museum in Cooperstown.
Until he decides to be mature
enough to accept resp