xt7dfn10s651 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dfn10s651/data/mets.xml Historical Records Survey (U.S.) Iowa Historical Records Survey (U.S.) 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1940 84 (i.e. 85) l. 28cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number: FW 4.14:Am 3/2/no.15 books English Chicago, The WPA Historical records survey project This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Iowa Works Progress Administration Publications American literature -- Iowa -- Bibliography Printers -- Iowa Iowa -- Bibliography. A Check List of Iowa Imprints 1838-1860, 1940 text A Check List of Iowa Imprints 1838-1860, 1940 1838 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1940 2021 true xt7dfn10s651 section xt7dfn10s651 ‘ . V . ~ $441¥¢|s¢1i2< f: «(\Afi.'t¢ae\t txv..1yqlt. . L((((tu‘l\.!: .41. . ’r!.t4\..o,.uutu.vu. v . 1 ‘ V .I dul. A: n(2:.a5...a I.~<..l...1c.«.!|. , 5. .15.:3‘! (first . 336:5»! «(\l\ 2"? v “93.2.! thn. ctr... .90. .1: ..l,tot.: At¢: u. 9.1. . .V . v. .I...t\. .rhufwrPngr . . v , (EN-.1, 1 x , r . r. Vista .\.\||.K:¢L.\ «v19. :23 :1:L..:I W.:}..;...uu. DO NOT DISCARD I ..__1____ I" , ’5 / ,/ ERVAT‘ON CON \ _/ E‘RES :x \ \ UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ’lfiflw'iinlb2..‘.:.:.u....x:1w5pfiifi- -.. in «bikini-33"! American Imprints Inventory The WPA Historical Records Survey Program Division of Professional and Service Projects Work Projects Administration -m'~“~:::.:.mumw ’ auxin-amt») 'i;.;;.;.‘....:,:;:-_~;;V_r.‘;.' ~ No. 15. A Check List of Iowa Imprints 1838-1860 In mpplement to tboye recorded by Alexander Moflit in the Iowa journal oinrtory and Politics for january, 1938 xxx.- gmwiMW .-:;.::L;:;;;ua.nu~;-..‘..;;; , M: PUBLSCATIL usveesm or :{ériwox‘ LIBRARIES Chicago The WPA Historical Records Survey Project 1940 _ -'...:‘..:E:;:'-l;.~ L! “ '.“' -« ,...,...'_i.‘. .. ‘ ,..,._.,._ " ‘ ' a. WLMWNNH-w—fi‘54mmfiM—me; / =-.G I/"Q" 01? 'flf‘fgflm DISCARDI PRESERVATION :\ a The Historical Records Survey Program Sargent B. Child, Director Thomas R. Hall, Illinois State Supervisor American Imprints Inventory H p. P. d O "S Douglas C. McMurtrie, National Geraldine Beard, Chief Editor Division of Professional and Service Projects Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner Mary Gillette Moon, Chief Supervisor, Region 4 Evelyn S. Byron, Illinois State Director WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION Howard Hunter, Acting Commissioner George Field, Director, Region 4 Charles E. Miner, Illinois State Administrator néé'fiENT PUBLICATIL. HVERSETY {AF KENTUCF." LEBRARIES “mié-khE-i-mwg‘iGfii ”‘2- no»; flit-n11:.;44t..,.-;- ,. ' ' ‘.,. ‘ ' “ - ,. _ V " < - I .- ' _A ..-.p-u_s.4.muamuuu¢m« -...“ “an..- .. A ..i,_v “HUM . r .. - , Mm thWo—dmmm"&” :.,4~v-~«.~m.........._.'-‘ .‘ ....u.' ~ g..." “.3 .. ‘ ' - -; - - Donoghue, T J , comp. The Catholic Companion, containing instructions and devotions for confession and communion, to which are added the Holy mass and vespers, with a selection of hymns and prayers. Compiled by the VerJ Rev. T. J. Donoghue, V.G., Dubuque, Iowa. Dubuque: Mahony and Dorr, Herald Bock Office. 1853. 286 p. 15 p. Eé IaDuCl (95 p. ) . IaDuitt-c . Dubuque County Agricu tural a Horticultural Society. Proceedings of the Dubuque County Agricultural a Eor together with the Constitution, Bye—let's a nd «.rticles At a public meeting held at the Court Eo ouse pursuant to previous notice, on the 12th Feb. 1853, ... [n.p. 1855?} 14 p. 20.5 cm. L 55 Caption title. lalii. Iowa Central Air Line Rail Road Companb. Articles of Incorle c re.tion of the I owe Central Air Line nail Road and laws of we in relation to corporations ... Cedar Rayids: C03” tycl 3:]; J. "Era" OffiC‘. 1853. Printed at the 20 p. 22 cm. C‘ I Jenkins, John St ilnell. The Heroines 01 History. Iowa: 1. h. Burnett. 1855. Vi, [4], [ll]— ~520 :. Frontispiece port;ait. By John S. Jenkins. Copyrighted, according to the notice on verse of 1 t Beardsley & Co., Northern district of New York, 1851. An Ccit printed in 1851 for J. E. Beardsle1, Aucurn and i Auburn and Lochcstel, both prooebly piinteu i: Aucnrn, also doub l.<" orL ina1e in 1852, Where this edition fins 0 V“ yTh c J =Vés annihiéfé. "mm-.MuuaukvfifiQG-MH , -_::::¢:M:Mm W. ” " é~...""...‘:-'..., “w: ' "rm—am W’ " " ’ r ' H 1853-1854 ‘: :zaam' ' ' {vi-r. M'Donald, J M The Reviewer Reviewed. A Reply to William Parker' rev iew of sermon on Infant Baptism, by J. A. Ifl‘Donald. ... Lorg:n, K enr y & 00., printers, Burlington, Iowa. 1853. 18 p. 22 cm. L 58 J y;;;; IaHi. OCHP. rJ— Lount Pleas nt ficadeny, nouns Pleasant, Iowa. 'vm1mMHFweifi-héfi ‘ Ninth Anniversary. flount Pleasant Academy. retruerv 22, 1853. Order of Exercises. Music. [20 lines, contents] [n.p. 1653] 1 36 1. 21.5 or“ [ 59 J 3 ch in the U.S.A. Synod it its ~sbytrr on Ch mi Iinutes o: the 1 "U ... ‘ '1 Tm ., ' J. Cuqun 01 m scan L naven.orte,lowaz Sanders e Lavis, Prin ~13 40 18 GET.- » . . -. — ‘vess, selivered at the Thir’ Annual Lees one deiibition of 1 t ‘ , 1852, by John H. Co., Printe;s. 1855. 22.: (”1‘ H V L '61 ] 11 Iorxiliort1CHl‘1H l “00' 1.8:- Baptists. Iowa. Davenport Association. , Minutes of the Thirteenth Annual Meeting 01 the )a venport Baptist Association, held with the Baptist Church in C ama nc 1m ,September 15, 16, & 17, 185:. Rev. L. Carpenter, Moderator. Rev. E. K. Niles, Cor. Sec. Rev. Geo. Scott, Clerk. West Union: Printed by chowell & Gharry. 1854. 16 ’ .. sungi—‘fi;suwu_~.w .. . Jiéaagv gam- _‘ as; Central University of Iowa, Pella, Iowa. First Annual Report of Executive Committee, and Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Central University of Iowa, held June lst & 2nd A.D. 1854. Fella, Iowa. Keokuk, Iowa: Printed at the Daily Whig Book and Job Office. 1854. 16 p. 22 cm. [ 63 For an edition printed at Oskalcosa, see Moffit 148. In. PCA. Congregational Churches in Iowa. General ASSOCiaTle. Minutes of the General Association of Iowa, at their sessiOn in Davenport, June, 185%. [n.p. 1854?] Cover-title, 12 p. 22.5 cm. [ 64 The minutes for lq55 were printed in Boston. IaCrM. Dixon, George C Address delivered before the IOWa State Agricultuzal LsSOCiation held at Fairfieid, Iowa, in October, 1854. By Geo. C. Dixon ., of Keokuk, Iowa. 48 p. 21 cm. [n.p. 1854?] C—Su. Dubuque, Iowa. Charters. Charter and Amendments to the Charter, of Dubuque County, Iowa. Official publication. City Printer, Dubuque, Iowa, 185%. 15, [I] p. 24 cm. IaHi. WINNIE. Dubuque, Iow*. Ordinances, etc. Ordinances of the City Council of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa. Official publication. 1554. A. W. Hackley, Iowa. [1854] 33, [5] p. IaHi. VRHWHEL 24 cm. Estes, J M The Book of Reason. A Sure Cure for the Nineteenth Century, showing