xt7djh3czs1b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7djh3czs1b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19280920 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1928-09-sep20. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1928-09-sep20. 1928 2011 true xt7djh3czs1b section xt7djh3czs1b 

     iMinutes of the regular quarterly meeting of the Board
of Trustees of the University of Kentucky for Thursday, Sep-
tember 20, 1928.

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met
in regular quarterly session at the University on Thursday,
September 20, 1920, in the President's Office at 11:30 a.m,
The following members were present:  Governor Sampson, Judge
Stoll, Mr. Gordon, Mr. Turner, Mr. Andrews and M1r. Hillen-
meyer, MrAi Park and Senator Froman.  Meeting with the Board
were President Me.IcVoy and Wellington Patrick, Secretary of the

     1. Approval of the Minutes.    The minutes of the Board
of Trustees for May were approved as published.   The minutes
of the Executive Committee for July ,were read and considered.
Certain corrections were ordered by the Board and motion made,
seconded and carried that they be approved an corrected.

     2. Business Agent-s Report.   The Business Agent reports
for July and August were road and upon motion, duly seconded,
were ordered received and filed.



                              EXHIBIT "1B1a

Statement of Income and Expenditures
        Month of Aumust 1928

Previously Cur rent
Reported   Month

To Date

General Fund Income
  Federal Appropriation
  State Tax
  Int. on Endowment Bonds
  Student Fees
  Student Fees - Summer Sch.
  Student Fees - Univ. Ext.
  Miscellaneous Receipts
  Men's Dormitory

  Adm. Expense and Maint.
  Additions and Betterments
 Excess of Expenditures
    over Income

          42,750.00  42,750.00
          46,380.58 46,380.58
          4,322.25  4,322.25
   116.45    62.83     179.28
32,078.65   215.30  32,293.95
1,003.30   763.50  1,766.80
   530.22   270.00     800.22
   210.00   450.00     660.00
 1,240.00    (2. 501) .1 237.50
 35,178.62 95,211.96 130,390.59

 42,850.68 33,547.03  T,397.71
 15,944.49 16,756.75  M,701.24
 132,738.12  4 7463.72 31,3201.84
 72.533 .29 74,767.50 147X300,79

(3,54P 20, 44a4.46 ( 16, 910. 21)

Patterson Hall Income
M4iscellaneous Receipts
  Room Rent-Summer School

  Expense of Income over

General Fund Income
General Fund Expenditures
  Excess of General
    Fund Expenditures
    over Income

   (70.0oc   71. 00
3,908.75   282.00
3,864.75   353.00

1,4 i59. 88 2,75.35

_23404.87 ( 1 , 822

39,043.37 9,564.96
73,493.17 7T6942.85

4 190. 75
_, 217. 75


   582. 52

134,608. 33

(34,949.80) 18,622.11 116,327.69)



Excess of Exoenditures
  over ReceiDts for
  General Ledger Accounts  13,445.36  (16,299.82) (2,85/41.46)
Excess of Expenditures
  over Receipts for
  the fiscal year to
  date-General Fund        (21,4504.4   2,322.29 '(19,182.].t
Excess of Expenditures
  over Receipts for the
  fiscal year to date -
  General Fund                                    (19,182.1l
Cash in Bank July 1, 1928 -
  General Fund                                    63,957.75
Cash in Bank August 31, 1928-
  General Fund                                    44,775.60

Trust Fund Income
  Student Loan Fund
  Student Notes Paid
        Total Receipts

  Student Notes

Excess of Receipts over
Excess of Receipts over
  Expenditures for the
  fiscal year to date -
  Trust Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, 1928 -
  Trust Fund
Cash in Bank August 31, 1928 -
  Trust Fund

Experiment Station Income
Hatch - Federal Appro.
Mik and Butter Cash. Rec.
Beef Cattle Sales
Dairy Cattle Sales
  Sheep Sales
  Swine Sales
  Poultry Sales
  Farm Produce Sales
  Horticultural Sales
  Seed Test
  Fertilizer - Fees

  657. 34




894. 34-  

271.00   1,845.96

47.00       94.00
 47.00      334.00

 224.00   1.511.96





   67. 75

   131. 2c5

1 , 324.* 18
4 477,20
  126 . 00



4,477. 20




4. z

Feeding Stuffs - Fees    3,193.00
Adams - Fed. Appro.       3,750.00
Serum - Sales              287.40
     - Virus Sales          14.25
     - Live Stock Sales
  I  - Supply Sales         17.80
  I  - Miscellaneous        11.54
Creamery - License Fees  5,541.00
        - Testers Lie.   1,006.00
        - Glassware Test. 113.67
Purnoll - Fed. Appro.    12,500.00
St. Appro.- Patterson
   Farm Purchase         20,000.00
Nursery Inspection -Fees     30.00
Cream Grading             1.050.00
          Total          53,772.04

Additions and Better-
  ment s

Excess of Expenditures
  over Income



7, 99. 95

735.28  46,153.91

28,176. 25
28, 911. 53


(11258.12)   (3,558.17)

Excess of Expenditures
  over Income for the
  fiscal year to date -
  Experiment Station
Cash in Bank July 1, 1928 -
Experiment Station
Cash in Bank August 31, 1928 -
Experiment Station




Extension Division Income
  County and Other


  Excess of Expenditures
    over Income



(24,439. 23)

   265.81     315.81

35,147o12 59X636.35

(34)881. 34(j5920.3 54)

txcess of Expenditures
  over Income for the
  fiscal year to date -
  Extension Division
Cash in Bank July 1, 1928 -
  Extension Division




  522. 38

  27. 81

17 ,653.41

    23. 85
6, 153.00

 71, 425.45


Cash in Bank August 31,
Extension Division



General Fund Income
  Trust Fund Income
  Exp. Station Income
  Exten. Division Income

  General Fund Expen.
  Trust Fund Expenditures
  Exp. Sta. Expenditures
  Ext. Div. Expenditures



95,564.96 134,808.33
     34.00     951.62
17,653.41  71,425.45
    265.81     315.81
113,518.18 207,301.21

't, 4~.8 5 150,936.02
     47.00      94.00
 28,911.53 74,983.62
 35,147.12 59,6360.35
 141,048.50 235a649.99

Excess of Expenditures
  over Income

Excess of Expenditures over
  Receipts for General Led-
  ger Accounts

Student Loan Fund - Notes

Excess of' Expenditures over
  Income for the fiscal
  year to date - Combined

50,818.46) (27,530.31 (78,348.78)

L3,445.36  (i6,299,82) (2,854.46)

  417.34 4    3327.00    654.34

36,955.76)  (43,593.14) (80,548.90)

. Excess of Expenditures over
    Income for the fiscal year
    to date - Combined Fund
  Cash in Bank and on hand July 1,
    1928 - Comb ined Fund
  Cash in Bank and on hand August
    31, 1928 - Combined Fund



18!14-5. 75




Abstract of item shown on Statement
of Income and Expenditures as "lrx-
Cess of Expenditures over Receipts
for General Ledger Accounts,
            - 2,854.4611


I Accounts Recoivable

Insurance Paid in Advance

Sundry Accounts






22,046. 30




7 .

  3. Purchase of Lot on Limestone Street,    The Business Agent
reported that a lot on Limestone Street abutting University
property was for sale.   The matter was discussed and motion
made and carried referring it to the Executive Committee with
power to act.

     4. Audit of University Books.   President McVey present-
ed to the Board a report of the audit of the accounts of the
University by Marwich, Mitchell, Peat and. tonoany.   The au-
dit was examined by members of the Board and a motion was
made, seconded and carried that the report be received and
filed and copies of it distributed to members of the Board.

     5. President's Report.   President McVey made an oral
report to the Board in substance as follows:

     (a) Attendance.   The registration of the University at
the present time is 2,355.   By the end of the registration
period for this semester the enrollment will reach probably
2,500 or i 600 students.   The attendance last year was 1,309
in the summer session, approximately 2,700 in residence.
Counting the number enrolled in extension courses and corres-
pondence courses the total enrollment was for last year

     The University has had a steady growth in enrollment for
the last ten years.   In 1919 the enrollment was 1,047; 1927
the enrollment was 2,423, and in the next ten years we shall
expect a similar growth which means that we shall have in the
neighborhood of 5,000 or 6,000 students.    In fifteen or twen-
ty years we should be prepared to handle a student body of
8,000 or 10,000.

     (b) ;oasl and Girls' Club Work,    The boys' and girls'
club work has reached considerable proportions.    The organi-
zation has a total membership of 25,000 throughout the State,
In Junior Week we have from 500 to 600 boys and girls that
come to the University every year and this number would be
considerably larger if we had room to handle them.

     (c) Deaths.   Professor T. J. Barr, Head of the Depart-
ment of Mining, and Professor C. W. Mathews, formerly Head of
Department of Horticulture, died during the semester.     Motion
was made, seconded and carried that the following resolution
respecting the death of Professors Barr and Mathews be record-
ed in the minutes.

     (a) On the Death of Professor Mathews. The Board of
Trustees learns Tw-thregret ofi-' the death of Professor C. W.



Mathews, for many years Head of the Horticulture Departrnenti
For more than a quarter of a century he has given of his time
and energy to the work of his chosen field in which he has
made a distinct contribution.   Identified with the institu-
tion in what may be thought of as its early history, he did
much for the growth and development of the University. The
Board of Trustees sends sympathy and condolence to his be-
reaved family.

     (b) On the Death of Professor Barr.   The Board of
Trustees hears with regret of the death of Professor T. J.
Barr, Head of the Department of Mining.   Professor Barr was
devoted to his work and did much in the State in the inter-
est of the development of the mining industry.   For many
years he has given his best efforts to that work and has
done much in the development of mining instruction and in
furthering the work of the University -in that direction.
The Board sends sympathy and condolence to his bereaved fam-

     (d) Resignations.   There have been several resigna-
tions received from members of the faculty of the University:

     Professor 0. B. Jesness recently resigned to become
Head of the Department of Markets at the University of Minne-

     Professor S. E. Leland, of the Commerce College, resign-
ed to accept a position with the University of Chicago.

     Dr. J. E. Rush and Mr. B. S. Ross, of the Department of
Hygiene resigned.

     (e) Building Program.   The new Recitation Building will
be ready about Christmas time.    On authority of the Executive
Committee we have transferred the heating plant from the
Chemistry Building to the new Recitation Building.    This
building will house the Departments of Mathematics, English
and Journalism,in the College of Arts and Sciences, the Cafe-
teria, and the University Book Store.

     Plans are practically completed for the new Education
Building, the funds for which were provided by appropriation
from the Legislature and a gift from the General Education
Board of $150,000.   The plans and specifications for this
building should be ready to submit in the near future.

     Plans and specifications are in process for the Agricul-
t'ural Building.  The Legislature last year appropriated
$125,000 for the erection of a Dairy Building.    A study for



the proper location is being made and a report on this matter
is to be presented in the near future.

     The last Legislature passed an Act authorizing the Uni-
versity to erect dormitories on the amortization plan.   We
are preparing for the erection of two men's dormitories and
plans and specifications are being drawn.   We hope to have
these ready within the next ten days.   The plans provide for
two dormitories which will house one hund- d ;- .ns seventy men.
One of the dormitories will have in it a small hospital and
offices for the superintendent.   The plans provide for a
cost of something like $170,000 for the two buildings.  The
money will be provided by the Security Trust Company of Lex-
ington, and the buildings erected in conformity with the plan
provided by the Legislature.

     It is possible, also, that we should erect at the same
time an addition to the women's dormitory as the two projects
can be financed more advantageously if the three dormitories
are taken together.

     The present library was built in 1907 when the Universi-
ty had a student body of about four hundred and fifty.   Our
library facilities have become inadequate.    We have been com-
pelled to use the old chapel for library space and certainly
a library is our next most essential thing.    We hope to have
plans ready for a library within the next three months and
I hope it is possible to make a beginning in that direction.
The library should be built in sections and in such a way
that it can be added to from time to time so that within the
next twenty years we will have a building that will house a
million volumes.

     (f) Floods.   There were two floods in Lexington during
the past summer.   In one instance the basement of the Gym--
nasium Building was flooded with nine feet of water, and a
few days later a second flood came and three feet of water
rose in the basement of the Gymnasium.    During the two floods
the University Book Store suffered a loss of from $20,000 to

     A motion was made, seconded and carried that the report
of the President be received and filed.


     S. The Erection of an Addition to the Women's Dorm-.itory.
The BoarT~iscussed-the erection of T-o-niens cormi-ories, and
from the discussion it a-oneared desirable at the seine `5.rne
to erect an addition to the wonien's dormitory, recently erect-
ed by the Security Trust Company, to cost approximately 860,000.
Whereu-.on the following resolution was offered, seconded, and
unani:-ousl-r adopted:

     BE IT RESOLVED: T hat for the purpose of providing a
new d-rmitor-,.r for womren stude:Lts of the University of Kentucky,
the C:1airman of the ExecutivL; Com-ittee and the Secretary of
this Board be, and they hereby are, uoon receipt of -ayrnentt
in cash of a consideration therefor satisfact-ory to said Exe-
cutive Comrmitt-tee, au-thorized and directed to execute, ac-
knowledge a--d deliver a deed co-vcoring a site for said 'orm-
itory, -th'e site to be desicna-raed and defined b-r the Executive
Co;.mnnittee, writh covenant of general warranty of title, to
such cperson or corporation as will immediately enter into
a contract, to be approved by -he Executive Committee, for
the erection on said site of a dormitory of a character and
design and according to plans and specifications to be ap-
proved by said Executive Committee, and will immediately
execute, acknowledge and deliver to the University a lease,
leasing each said site together with the dormitory to be
erected thereon, for a ter-m of one year from the time said
building shall be completed and ready for occupancy, with the
right and option in the University of Kentucky to extend
the term of said lease for a term of one year from the expira-
tion of the original term of said lease and for one year
from the teron of each extended. term thereof, until the ori-
gfinal term of said lease shall have been extended for a
total of twenty years, including the original term, at a
rental which, if paid for the original term and each of the
full number of years for which the term of said lease may
be extended, will amortize the total cost of the site and of
the erection of said dormitory and appurtenances on each,
which said rental shall be paid at such times as may be pro-
vided by the Executive Committee, and said lease shall further
provide that the University of Kentucky shall have the right
and option at the expiration of the original or any extended
term thereof, to purchase said leased premises at a price
which shall be stated therein, and which shall be the balance
of the total cost of the site and of the erection of said
building and appurtenances not amortized by the payment of
rent theretof re made, said purchase price to be paid at such
times as the Executive Committee may provide, and said lease
shall contain a fur-her -roxrision That in the event of the
exercise of said option to purchase said leased premises, or
in the event said lease shall have been extended for the full
number of years whtich it is agreed -hat the same may be cx-
tended, and all rents and payments provided for therein have
been made, the . lessor shall thereupon convey said premises to
the University in fee simple with covenants of general warranty



of title, and said lease shall provide that the University
shall, as additional rent for said leased premises, pay all
taxes anqessed against said leased premises, and the cost of
insuyinag the building erected thereon against loss or damage
by fire and windstorm in such sum as may be provided by the
Executive Committee.

     The President of the University and the Secretary of
this Board are hereby authorized and directed to execute
such lease for and on behalf of the University of Kentucky;
and their acts thereabout are hereby ratified, approved and
confirmed by this Board.

     AND, WHEREAS, it appears that the Security Trust Company,
of Lexington, Kentucky, is willing to enter into a contract
as provided in said resolution; and

     WHEREAS, by resolution of the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky this day adopted the Executive Committee
was directed to convey land and proceed with the erection of
the woman's dormitory in accordance with said resolution of
the Board

     WHEREAS, the University of Kentucky has heretofore enter-
ed into a contract with the Security Trust Company for the con-
struction of a girls' dormitory, which said dormitory has been
constructed and paid for,

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Executive Com-
mittee of the University of Kentucky, that the Chairman of
the Executive Committee of the University of Kentucky be, and
he is hereby authorized, for and on behalf of the University
of Kentucky, to enter into a contract with the Security Trust
Company of Lexington, Kentucky, substantially similar to the
contract heretofore entered into with The Security Trust Comn-
pany for the construction of said dormit-ory for women; that
the plans for said dormitory be approved by the President of
the University.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the President of the Univer-
sity shall designate the location of said dormitory, and the
Chairman of the Executive Committee of the University is di-
rected to convey to the Security Trust Company, in accordance
with the provisions of the resolution of the Board of Trustees
and of the Act of the Legislature adopted in 1928, such land
on the campus of the University as may be designated by the
President of the University for the purpose of erecting the
said dormitory thereon.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED., that in the deed of conveyance
to the said Security Trust Company the Secretary of the Uni-
versity shall attach the corporate seal of the University



     7. Prevention of Damage.  Motion was made, seconded and
carried that Mr. M. J. Crutcher, Superintendent of Buildings
and Grounds, be requested to make a report to the Board on the
possibilities of preventing a recurrence of floods such as
the University experienced last summer.

     8. Bids for Buildings.  Motion was made, seconded and
carried authorizing the Executive Committee to advertise for
bids for the construction of any building- oh13h are contem-
plated in the near future.

     9. Purchase of Equipment for Memorial Building.   Pres-
ident McVey sta-ed that the Memorial Building would be ready
about the first of January and that some authority for the
purchase of equipment for that building should be grant-ed.
The matter was discussed and a motion made, seconded and car-
ried authorizing the Executive Committee to provide for the
purchase of equipment for the building.

     10. Architects' Bill on Men's Dormitories.   A bill from
Warner and McCorna.ck for drafting plans for the men's dormi-
tory was presented.   The amount of the bill was $2400.   A
motion was made, seconded and carried authorizing the payment
of the bill,

     11. Election of Member to Executive Committee.   A motion
was made, seconded and unanimously carried that Mr. Joe B.
Andrews be elected to membership on the Executive Committee.

     12. Leaves of Absence.   Motion was made, seconded and
carried that Professor Otto Koppius be granted leave of ab-
sence without pay for one year.

     Motion was made, seconded and carried that Professor E.
J. Wilford, be granted sabbatical leave of absence for eight
months on one-half pay on condition that he return to the

     13. Annual Meeting of Association of Governing Boards.
President McVey called attention of the Board to the annual
meeting of the Association of Governing Boards of State Uni-
versities and allied institutions be held at Iowa State Col-
lege, Ames, Iowajon November 15 and 16, 1928.   He suggested
that some of the members of the Board make it a point to at-
tend the meeting.

     14. Payment of Salary of Professor Ba.rr and Professor
Mathews.   President McVey stated that it had been the custom
of the Board that in case of the death of a member of the
faculty that the salary be paid to the widow until the end of



thc year.  He stated that Professor Barr had been ill for
the last six months and that the University had paid his
salary duringc that time.  A motion was made, seconded and
carried that Professor '.athews' salary be paid to his widow
until July 1, 1929, and that thea widow of Professor Barr be
paid his salary until January 1, 1929.

     15. Report of Athletic Association.   The following
report from the Athletic Association was -    End on motion,
dulyr seconded, ordered incorporated in the minutes.


Balance - July 1, 1927.....................
Cash - Student Activities less refunds......
Cash - Rent on Basketball Building.........
Cash - Miscellaneous......................


- Football games - Varsity ...........
- Football games - Freshman ........
- Basketball games - Varsity ..........
- Basketball gamnes - Freshman.
- BasdiM-    games ....................
- Track meets ...................
- Gridgraph .............,.,..
- High School Tournament...............
- Football Program .................

Total Receipts ......................


Football - Varsity
       Games and other expenses ..
       Coaches ...................

......... .

Football - Freshman
       Games and other expenses ..........
       Coaches .............................

Basketball - Varsity
       Games and other expenses............

Basketball - Freshman
       Games and other expenses ...........
       Coaches ............................

$ 981.48



33, 151. 33



  9 27 .._6-25



Baseball - Varsity
        Games axid other expenses .... ..... 2,690.23
        Coaches           ..... 1 675.00

Baseball - Freshman
        Games and other expenses ..
        Coaches ...................

........ 157.44

Track Meets ..... 2,844.96
        Coaches ......  .......... 2 ,175. 00
                                            5, 019. 96

        Expenses.. 261.90

Football Program
        Expenses .......

High School Tournament
        Expenses .......

..................  1,414.56

..................... 6,200.42

Total ............................ 66,469.45

     Miscellaneous Disbursements

Secretary's salary .......
Labor...............     .
Conference dues ......
Printing, stationery, e-tc.
Field exi~ense ............
Convention expense.
Tennis  ...........  ......
Payment on notes ........
Interest on notes ........
Scouting .................
Telephone and telegrams ..
Office equipment .........
Water ....................
Doctors and hospitals ....
Training room supplies ...
Publicity - salary .......
Laundry......        .
Custodian of gymnasium ...
vAiscellaneous ............
     Total ..............

................ .



1,366. 68
2,063. 50
  459. 55
1, 781.17
1,277. 85
  194. 56
  188. 89
18,620. 87

           Total Disbursements  ..   .....      $85,090.32

Balance on hand and in bank June 30, 1928.....         3,535.82
           Total .............................      88,626.14



       Statement of Notes Payable as at June 30, 1928

Balance note due Fayette National Bank to cover deficit,
     July 1, 1925 ..................... $ ;3,500.00

Balance note to First and City National Bank as at
     July 30, 1927 .0....................  ,000.00
     Paid during current year ........ . _ 2,000.00
          Balance  ...............................  8,000.00

Balance note to Phoenix National Bank and Trust
     Company as at June 30, 1927 ......  16,756.75
     Paid during current year .........   2,000.00
          Balance ................................. 14,756. 75

Balance notes outstanding as at June 30, 1928 .      26,256.75

     16. Appointments, Resignations and Leaves of Absence.
The following appointments, resignations and leaves of ab-
sence were presented by President McVey and on motion duly
seconded approved:

     Appointment of Dr. J. S. Chambers, Professor of Hygiene
and Public Health and Head of the Departmentat a salary of
$420 a month.

     Appointment of Wilbur A. Heinz as instructor in Hygiene
for the year 1928-1929 at a salary of $2000.

     Appoincrment of Mr. Gladstone W. McDowell, graduate as-
sistant in Mathematics1at a salary of $600.

     Appointment of Miss Mildred Rue as student assistant in
Art for the year 1928-1929 at a salary of $50 a month.

     Appointment of Miss Mildred Shute as student assistant
in Art for the year 1928-1929 at a salary of $50 a month.

     Appointment of Miss Ethel L. Parker, Professor of Home
Economics Education, at a salary of $3Q00.

     Appointment of Mrs. N. T. Hooks, Librarian of the Uni-
versity High Schoolat a salary of $110 a month.

     Appointment of Professor Robert D. Haun, Assistant Pro-
fessor of Accounting, for the year 1928-1929 at a salary of
$2800 a year.

     Appointment of Mr. Colvin P. Rouse, and Mr. M. R. Sullivan
as instructors in Economics at a salary of $1800 each, for



the year.

     Ap-point ment of Dr. C. H. Pinney, as Assistant Profes-
sor of H-rgiene for the year 1928-1929 at a salary of $3000
effective Octobe! 1, 1988.

     Appointment of Mr. Joe Nageotte, Field Agent in Dairy-
ing, effective July 1, 1928 at a salary of $2500 a year.

     Appointment of Mr. W. M. Inkso, Jr., Assistant in Ani-
mal Nutrition in the Department of Animal Husbandry at a
salary of $2100 a year effective August 21, 1928.

     Appointment of Mr. Don Graham, Assistant Football
Ooach during the football season,at a salary of $1000 to
be paid by Athletic Association.

     Appointment of Mr. C. H. Phillips as assistant in
Marketing in the Department of Markets and Rural Finance
in the Experiment Station, effective September 1, 1928
at the rate of $2100 a year.

     Increase in salary of Mr. L. M.. CaldwelL, assistant
at the Western Kentucky Substation, salary increased from
$1600 a year to $2000 a year effective October 1, 1928.

     Appointment of Mr. E. M. Emmert as Instructor in Horti-
culture in the resident teaching division and assistant in
Horticulture in the Experiment Station, College of Agriculture,
at a salary of $2200 a year effective September 1, 1928.

     Appointment of Miss Elizabeth Weissinger as graduate
assistant in Chemistry at a salary of $500 for the year 1928-.

     Appointment of Miss Helen Moore, clerk in the Graduate
Schools at a salary of $40 a month.

     Appointment of Miss Mabel C. Harris, clerk in the De-
partment of Farm Economics, at a salary of $85 a mohth effec-
tive August 1, 1928.

     Appointment of Miss Martha Pence Duncan, stenographer in
the College of Commerce and Bureau of Business Research, at
$85.00 a month for the remainder of the year, beginning Sep-
tember 15, 1928.

     Appointment of Muir. Joe Hurt, Assistant County Agent,
Boyd County effective August 23 to December 31, 1928 at a
salary of Wl00 a m-nonth.



    Appointment of Miss Myrtle G. Jackson, Assistant Hormie
Demonst-1-ation Agont, McCracken County, effective August
27% to September 30, 1928 at a salary of $100 a month.

     Appointment of Mr. H. C. Brown, Assistant County Agent,
Harrison County effective August 28 to December 31, 1928
at a salary of 4100 a mionth.

     Appointment of Mr. Gilbert H. Karnes. Nssistant County
Agent, Allen County, effective August 20 to December 31,
1928 at a salary of $100 a month.

     Appointment of M. F. Goff, Assistant County Agent,
Franklin County effective August 15 to December 31, 1928
at a salary of 4100 a month.

     Appointment of J. W. Michael, Assistant County Agent,
Laurel County, effective July 1, 1928 to December 31, 1928
at a salary of $100 a month.

     Appointment of Mr. Harvey Arnold Edge, County Agent,
Hickman and Carlisle Counties effective August 16, 1928 to
June 30, 1929 at a salary of 4250 a. month.

     Appointment of Mr. S. A. Porter, Assistant County Agent,
Shelby County, effective July 1, 1928 to December 31, 1928
at a salary of $125 a month.

     Appointment of Thomas Edward Ford, Assistant County Agent,
Owen County, effective August 1, 1928 to December 31, 1928
at a salary of $100 a month.

     Appointment of Leslie Calloway, Assistant Home Demonstra-
tion Agent, Campbell County, effective August 8, 1928 to
September 30, 1929 at a salary of $100 a month.

     Appointment of Hubbard K. Gayle, Assistant County Agent,
Henderson and Webster Counties, effective August 6, 1928 to
August 15, 1928 at a salary of $200 a month.

     Appointment of Sadie Wilgus, Home Demonstration Agent,
Calloway County effective July 1, 1928 to December 31, 1928
at a salary of 150 a month.

     Appointment of C. L. Goff, County Agent, Rowan County,
effective August 1, 1928 to June 8, 1929 at a salary of
$233.33-1/3 a month.

     Contiruation of employment of S. A. Porter, County Agent,



   Campbell County, effective August 1, 1928 to July 31,
   1929 at a salary of 191-2/3 a month.

     Continuation !of employment of J. W. Michael, County
Agent, Knott County, effective August 13, 1928 to June 30,
1929 at a salary of $116.66-2/3 a month.