xt7djh3czt32 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7djh3czt32/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) McDaniel, J. M. 1896 v. : ill. ; 38 cm. Monthly during the collegiate year, September-May. journals English Lexington, Ky. : State College Cadet, 189u- Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The State College cadet University of Kentucky. Kentucky University. State University, Lexington. State College, Lexington. The State College cadet, vol. 6, no. 10, June 1896 text The State College cadet, vol. 6, no. 10, June 1896 1896 2012 true xt7djh3czt32 section xt7djh3czt32 Ei ,N°· IQ; ·· w. r 2;/ tr" - AA . r ' Y N _ ·- » / 4 V W Q '\Z J r4 ‘ . ‘ ' ¤ 6 \ C O LL . ·x' · \ K °‘ r< A “·.. L 11 V 6 ‘ UC V-·!,,.` » W L gv ” °??’¢‘· ` 4 W a·· " ` ' Q "W; ` A , WM . 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J; 2. 2 ~ , :12.-.&_ G , I; Q ·—·#{·=¥, ,, » .*.:·—·— Q V g m it 2 — A: ¤`Z 5* · Ei} " * ” . _ ·# . ._ Vl . .,' 1* ”¢ L' Z #~ ` C . ‘ wg ~ ‘ . = ·:=•;2;¥¤# —~ I ,+;$·‘g4 . ·¤*1L!·1*· . gefi}? LQ; _ ,..,~ L?. ·V»»_ ‘:` "=¤:,; — ~. 1: 1 1 L._ _ { ? _ W ` AJA , / g ·s—-Q1-ii, —_ { 4 ° \ $:2.* ·».·.» = . ` ‘“l· ‘-‘32;’· ° “‘ ‘‘‘· ¤q , , >—· " * # *· kflffsir; J .:4% , ` — A" Y ’ Y . - % 4‘,·» . ‘ ,·»j."¥$"?`.·+Vi.‘¤_ · ‘ , , `Q'. e V ·; ` I i ( _ — l it ` I V I l @112 grtaie Qiellege Qliahet. . ll Q]. ..,, e I 3 J V01,. 6. LEXINGTON, KY., JUNE,_1896. N0. 10. 2 tis ‘ K » ·_ \./F\L.EDlOTORY. j Lanins AND Gnxrtnmnnz p The honor has l)C(3l1 conferred upon 1ne of givi11g utterance to tl1e tl1o11gl1ts £Ll1(l feelings of bllé members of n1y class i11 this hour wl1e11 E we part from our fellow-students, Olll‘ teachers and our Hllllit mater. i " It is witl1 pride tl1at I accept this duty, though conscious of 1ny inabil- I ity to do justice to tl1e occasion. How infinite and varied are our emotions, l1ow Vitlll the attempt to express them i11 language. XVhile the birds are singing the sweet melodies of their souls fllltl \ all nature appears to be 0111`3.])i3l11`€(l with l1€1‘ OIV11 l12t1‘H]011_}' this morn- V i11g, our hearts, too, are ringing with the music of joy a11d gladness, for I Q to—day we realize what l1as long been tl1e object of our l1OPG and the I * goal of ou1· a111bitio11. YVe tind ourselves standing like vietors upon a summit toward which we have often turned with longing and anxious eyes; upon that lofty eminence which, when viewed from the low I station of a Freshman, is wrapped witl1 tl1e alluring mists of e11cl1a11t— mc11t a11d delight. Though tl1G stern realities of mathematics may come, though vain struggles to revive the obscure passages of dead languages maybe encountered, yet will tl1e faithful student, inspired by those magic fietions of tl1e imagination, press on that he may clothe I himself with tl1e glorious halo of graduating day. By overcoming all opposition and ascending step by step we have at last eomeyto this _ climax of college life, where to our joy tl1e vision is clearer, tl1e view i more sublime thanwe had anticipated. N Resting upon tl1e sweet recollections of a11 enduring a11d ever-livi11g , past, trusting i11 our ability Hlld tl1e fortune that awaits us, we gladly hail tl1e future that greets us now. Buoyant with the vigor of youth, faith and hope, our g11idi11g stars poi11ti11g to glories to be achieved, e we fearlessly embark for other €lll(l (llSbill1t shores. \Vith joy would we be lulled by these blissful St1‘HlllS ot fancy 1111til we should be oblivious y of all other sensations ·ot` this l1our, but lll1£ll)lB to withstand we are _ borne away to more solemn meditations. 95 96 THE CADET. , ‘ We are to take our leave of you, beloved teachers and school- _ mates, to go each to his destined end and appointed work in life. » This is enough to make us serious. But from this unpleasant scene of Hnal separation,memory transports us to the most pleasing retreats T of our former associations, where our hearts find unmixed comfort and · i repose. t Ah, Memory! kiud,·appeasing angel, thou that doth soothe us by j renewing our richestjoys, who can estimate thy worth to man '? Yes, { q 'tis sweet now to recall that first day at college, when we, timid and ¥ forsaken, were the victims of wild phantasies. How deep were those longings for the familiarity of the old places at home! How tender 3 then was the thought of every field and grove, of every nook and haunt of ehildhood’s days! How barren life would have been to us h then, removed far from every dear friend a11d·pleasing spot, had we a been denied the charms of memory I But the loving Creator has given us social tendencies and capacities _,_ so that we can nowhere live unto ourselves, unblessed by friends. Ah, e yes l friendship is a flower that blossoms in every vale, on every moun- in tain top, ever shedding its heavenly fragrance upon man as he pursues his earthly pilgrimage. Thus happily endowed we soon became attached to teachers and students, and have for many months enjoyed that fellowship of kindred souls that redeems life from despair and crowns it with bliss divine. Our affiliations and experiences here will T be a source of joy and profit to us until time shall be no more; and in ‘ the future, whether adversity shall frown or fortune smile upon us, this l period will he a fond remembrance, an oasis of perpetual delight. A To sever connections like these can not but give us pain. It is like waving an adieu tothe old homestead again. By numerous assoeia- . tions, rich treasures for future reminiscenee, these very walls are Y endeared to us. They are witnesses of so many of our happy incidents I that they speak to us a language, though silent, yet rich in pathos and . tenderness. This beautiful campus consecrated to the interests of learn- ing and adorned with these buildings that are to us monuments of admiration, the accustomed walks and retreats with their mingled coin- eidents, all, all of these, make us loathe to depart. V Though we eagerly dwell upon these recollections, yet they do not ‘ all spring from joy. Some of them are sweetened only by their sorrow. Q Again and again during our stay here has the Angel of Death shaken the fatal dew from his ebon wing upon some of our numbc1·. We A ` have seen that the young, the beautiful and the buoyant, as well as the aged and the weak, must succumb to this appalling conqueror. WVith T l THE CADET. 97 saddened heart and tearful eye we have marched to the beat of our T muffled drum beneath the folds of our mourning Hag. We have _ brought solace to the bereaved as best we could by word and deed. We l ; S have laid the fragrant roses tenderly upon the graves of our bosom· friends as we honsigned them to the loving keeping of Him who arose " victorious over the grave, and through whom we can say, O, death l` where is thy sting? O, grave I where is thy victory? And as we saw' , f love and sympathy ilow from heart to heart in those moments of gloom,. l Q as we shrank from the thought of an eternal sleep beneath the sod, we- ‘ 5 embraced a living joyous faith in the brotherhood of man, the fathcr—· A Z hood of God and the immortality of the soul. Fellow-sehoolmates, as we part to-day never again to be thus hap— V g pily united on earth, may the blessings of that faith attend us. Nov ` more will we look into your faces as students of Kcntucky’s State` ` V ;- College, nor shall we be blessed by those acts of kindness and good;. will. Though henceforth we shall be far removed fro1n each other in space, yet we feel that the most tender chords of affection will bind us B l elose together, and that wherever we may meet in the doubtful future, we will gladly greet one another with a brotherly hand of true friend- S ship. - We sec many friends from a distance to bespeak for us a peaceful B and prosperous voyage as we set sail on tl1is untried sca. WVould that l A we had time and words to thank you for this demonstration of human y benevolence and sympathy. There are those present from the city who l have added much to our happiness while here. To you we extend B our sincere gratitude, and I am sure that every member of this class would cheerfully drink to the peace and good fortune of this fair city, = " the Athens of the YVest," the center of science and letters. Yi To you, dear teachers, we can not fully express our obligation 21.11tl .1 g1·atitude. You have borne with us patiently and have labored earn-- iv estly for ou1· good. Some of you have almost iinished your labors, ' others are just beginning, yet let tl1e close come when it will, you will all have the assurance that there is no grander avenue of life in which A man can walk than the one you have chosen. and may you remember- “ to the last syllable of recorded time" that many alum11i over this . . ` state a11d country esteem the moments spent in the class-room with you Q as the most precious of their lives, and that with grateful hearts they ‘ will evermore be with you in spirit and keep your memory green, = By virtue of the degrees conferred on us to—day, we are to be S numbered with that honorable host of alumni of the State College. · Before we leave, dear alma mater, may we not speak one word to thee ?.' { ( V 98 THE CADET. _ Thou, fair daughter of Kentucky, fostering mother of our spirits, thor; shalt ever be cherished by thy children. Long mayst thou stand like 7 a proud queen upon this scene of endearment and beauty, and may j thy light be glorious as the mid-day sun. May the people of Kentucky, . the state of boasted liberality and true manhood, never' fail to foster A _ and support thee as thou deservest. And of the many fountains whose T waters shall swell the river of man’s knowledge in the future may L thine be the purestland most sparkling. Already I have detained you too long, but fondly, fondly does the ` heart linger upon those things that are dear as life itself. As we go, kind friends, dear teachers and beloved students, we leave with you . our warmest afiections. May heaven deal gently with you and with i us, Finally,we must utter the word that has so often been spoken · with a tearful eye and burdened heart, that tenderest word that iiows · from mortal tongue to one and to all, " Farewell." PRO PH EGY. · BY J. w. GARNAHAN. - There was a time far back in the twilight of antiquity, when the movements of certain of the heavenly bodies determined mens’ prophe- cies. Therc were otl1er and later times when men prophesied by consult- _ . ing oraeles and observing omens, wl1ile their minds were still bound _ and fcttered by superstition, but in this, the light of the 19th cen- tury, I tind it impossible to prophesy either by observing the move- ments of the heavenly bodies; consulting oraeles or observing omens, __ but I now proceed from a purely seicntiiic standpoint. p Curiosity regarding the future and a desire to penetrate its mys- teries, are dispositions which excite a powerful control over the minds .» {of men in every stage of society. The restless spi1·it of man is ever anxiousto know thc future. The custom of prophesying or looking ,· into the future is as old as man himself; since the very twilight of his- , to1·y, nations have had their seers and prophets, whose duty it has been to unfold before their admiring countrymen the destined glories of their nation, to name the great soldiers, legislators and statesmen, who = ` were to play the leading roles in the dran1a of their national lives. This custom is implanted in the very nature of man, and comes fdown to us from earliest times. \Vhile we recognize the present as the child of the past and the par- g ·ent of the future, while paying just tribute to the wonderful deeds _ THE CADET. 99 ` ofthe past and the marvelous opportunities of the present, our long- I , ings and expectations are ever summed up in our eager desire to lift the § 1 shadowy veil and discern the coming events that are already casting V their shadows before them. ° i t It` ever an occasion demanded a prophet to foretell the future fame · I and honor of those who participated in its exercises, certainly this oc- ¥ ‘casion justifies me in telling you of the future achievements and occu- Q patious of the class of ’96, the highest intellectual product that has been i ' evolved since the dawn of time. I am sure that you will agree that I. the forces of evolution since they iirst began to operate have been en- gaged through all the ages in the special task of evolving the class of _? ’96. In placing before you this brilliant array of brain and beauty, the hope of Kentucky and the expectancy of the old State College, we are g X sure that you will not be disappointed, we are certain that when the l members of this class lay siege to the great questions that are perplex- L r ji, _ ing the statesmen, philosophers and scientists, that their mighty brains- 1 " teeming with original space"——will afford an easy and just solution for K — them all. I see through the parting folds of that mysterious veil that e · separates the 19th from the 2(lth century, the class of ’96, each member reigning supreme, the monarch of all he surveys in the realm of his chosen profession, efiieient and useful actors in the eventful scenes of V life, sharing the honors and blessings of a glorious triumph a11d so act- _ ing and distinguishing themselves, as to reiiect honor on themselves . and the institution from which they graduated. at I see Dean standing forth a mighty champion in the profession of law, by his gifts and aequirements he is naturally one ofthe leading at- torneys of the state. I can see him as he stands before thatjury plead- if ing earnestly for the life of some great criminal, and as he becomes ° - greatly interested in the welfare of his client he waxes eloquent and ad- dresses the jury in this manner : ig · " Gentlemen of the jury, the wreck of God’s image is now before I you, under trial for murder; he entered the threshold of manhood with the hopeful prospects of a long, useful and honorable life, richly W blessed with personal graces and mental gifts; he cast his lot among you and began his professional career as you all know, under a clear ·. ‘ sky beaming with gilded promises, but how deceitful often are the i I brightest hopes of men. Already he whose horizon was recently so. bright and promising hangs on the precipice of a yawning gulf doomed ` to an ordeal rare, if not unexampled in a land of Justice, Liberty and . Law," and so he goes on pleading with such force and eloquence that r 100 THE CADET. he has the jury at his mercy. He will graduate at Ann Arbor in 1899 ; Q he will then begin the practice of law in Louisville, Ky. s I see Kerrick (who so distinguished himself as an astronomer during J; his stay in college) old and bald-headed and beginning to totter with the weight of many years, I can see him as he looks through that great telescope discovering new worlds and observing the movements of the Q heavenly bodies as they iiy through space. Kerriek soon after his grad- .f nation from college, and while yet a mere amateur_ astromoner, will i prove that the planet Mars is inhabited, by the invention of a telescope _ of such power that he can actually observe signs of human life on that planet. This will make him known to all the world, and he will after- wards be employed as chief astronomer in the Lick Observatory. ·_ Alford will enter Yale college, where he will become one of the greatest athletes of the world ; he will win the hundred yards dash in the Inter-Collegiate field day, and will afterwards be appointed as a representative of Yale College, in the international field day which will p be held at London, England, in 1900. 1 Davidson will be employed as chief engineer in the construction of a bridge across the Mississippi River. This bridge is to be one of the largest bridges of the world, it will eclipse the famous Brooklyn bridge. Soon after the completion of his bridge, he will marry a young lady _ that once attended school at State College, and will then go to the WVorld’s Fair at Paris, France, on his bridal tour, where he will be rec- I ognized as one of the great engineers of the world. - Dunlap and Lyle will go into partnership and sell patent medicine, l Lyle will sing and dance, while Dunlap sells the medicine. Me thinks I can hear John Jehosefat Dunlap’s melodious voice as it - rings out on Cheapside : “ Only one more bottle of the great lightning relief, it cures all pain ; apply immediately before and after; come - ` right along, gentlemen, only twenty-five cents a bottle." He then an- nounces to the crowd as they surge to and fro, " we will now have a song by Mr. Lyle." Mr. Lyle, face black and shining, banjo in hand, comes forth, and by his charming music and melodions voice sets the crowd to howling. Miss Duck will marry a Mr. Courtney of Chicago, a very wealthy I and iniinential man, she will be connected with the VVoman’s Aid and . Helping-Hand Society where she will be known to all the world by her I nume1·ous donations and her kindness to the poor of that city. McDowell will be a great poet; his poems will be read and appre- ` ciated by all the world. e ‘ » ‘ THE CADET. 101 1 Woods will be a great statesman, he will be elected governor of y Kentucky in 1908. Trigg and Orman will go into partnership and E S have a peanut stand in New York City. Case will go to New York to cultivate his voice. , T And so you see each member of the class is to take an active part Y $ in the eventful scenes of life. The happiness of the living, their own des- tinies, and the hopes and expectations of their friends rests upon them l as upon the labors of early dawn, and will urge them to be in all things and at all times zealous, active and true. Enlightened reason, perfect : justice, comprehensive patriotism and benevolence shall be their cardi- “ nal guides, they now go forth as the winds to scatter over this great Q country the seeds of knowledge which they have gathered during their Q ‘ stay in college, may these take deep roots and be watered and nour- 1 ished until they shall grow and fructify and cover all the land with a richer moral foliage and fragrance of a more perfect Liberty and Truth. ’ i ¥ - · 2 · e @he §tutz Qlullzgz Qlahzt. e Published monthly during the collegiate year by the students of State College, Lexington, Ky. Subscription price $1 per year, payable in advance. To students 50 cents. i' EDITOR—IN·CH|EF. BUSINESS MANAGER, _ i T. L. CAMPBELL, - - Cmnmon, KY. I T. G. Rosen, - ·· I Fnrxron, KY. _ I ‘ E D I TCD R I AL. < Bureau leaving our " sanctum sanctoruni " or laying down the - editorial quill we wish to state a few words to the public. Our past year . I has been one of moderate success. Inexperienced and with but small p • means at hand we undertook the publication of a modern collegejournal. We went to work, sparing neither time nor labor, to achieve our - object. \Ve improved the CADET until the verdict read, " The best ever published at State College? Of this we are but justly proud. We ’ claim no honor, but say the students and faculty helped us make it so. The CADET is published in their interest, and we want them to realize if A it. Let us all pull together in the future and not get tangled in the harness. ti From time to time we set forth the advantages to be enjoyed at our college, a11d point to the avenues of honor open to the ambitious student who wishes to cast his lot with us. iVe are thankful to all who in any way have assisted us during the·year. iWe ask the co-oper- . ation of every one for next year. We make our bow of respect to the . college for the aid she has given us. The aid was timely and highly ’ appreciated. _1 NVE are highly indebted to Mr. G. F. Blessing for the artistic designs furnished for this issue. The drawings are excellent, showing originality in invention. Mr. Blessing is the best draughtsman in . school. He will graduate next year, and then will go forth to do honor ° to his college. XVe wish him much success, and hereby publicly thank y him for the favors he has done us. NVE do not forget our advertisers, the ones who have stood close by I us in times of need and have helped us, above many others, to make · our paper a success. Our list of advertisers is the best of any other I college paper in the city (there are three others). WVe have given our advertisers low rates and a good medium. They have given us much . assistance, and we appreciate it. \Ve thank them all for their patron- age, and hope to servo them even better in the future. 10:2 1 1= ' ‘ . . `T _ 2 2 1 V s in t s - l ` 1 i § _ THE CADET. 103 g 2 i EZ p` O i I I Z 5; W Q c A0 G 7 1 cl · B ° 3 l ’ 3 A ; 2 1+/+1 = ‘\\ ~ \/ be .. \ t 1 1 — gw . ‘~x~· ; 1 ~@~. W (1 1 !@* is 1 j' `,_r,’,j » ,‘ lily:. y,.r fl `;_'l?;;` Z4. E `A M ‘ * ` ' A $— ' ‘ll:*;_`;§F; U _ V lib'? W- 1,/J`j{4i`!' . Fi ' · .· " .Y' 1 E n ‘¤j..&. > {Z l "S ”i lll X l‘1·1‘·1·e· 1 _____ .. '= = -1 {I; E, . ;` {T i .·i-·i - if _W Tr _, »•-#’—’ . it • **:1 " i?’“ VA- ··*1.; · ‘--»— i“”f/ _ yi; M"' . as * 1 me P e S S M _ To be a Prep or 11ot to be, tl1at is the question; wl1ether ’tis nobler Li 1 i in 111i11d to suffer the scor11 a11d COl1t€111 it of the eolle<>·e )l`O wer or to . ¤ 1 ‘ take 2ll`lllS against. tl1at sea of trouble and by fiuuking Cll(l it? To 1 Hunk; to tail; no more; 2ll1(l by failing to say we Glltl the inisery and l 5; : . . . , s tl1c thousand natural zeros tl1e Prep 1S l1e1r to, 1t’s a COI]Sllll1H12lJ[lOll I - devoutl * to be wished. To tr * : to iass ; to wass : ierehauce to tail · L { . Q I aye, bl1€l`C’S tl1e rub, for 111 that failing what hopes of hfe are blighted when we have started on o111· journey hoine. You 11111st give us pie. _ lVe have pulled tl1e old 1/11a11’s leg till our eonseiences make cowards i ·ot` us all. Q Sott you now! The stern wrofessorl God in tl1 * orisons be all thy ’ .1 7 . , sins reeounted. g l CAMPUS EGHOES. lVritten never to be erased; enacted never to be recalled, is the past year’s history of State College and hcr students. The year opened i .` witl1 bright prospects and in lllillly instauees l1Cl` brightest hopes were i realized. The lllllI1l)01` of students showed fill inerease over past years, , " and the student body was of good fiber illlll tone. The work done has g been gratifying to all. y · BCgllll1lllg with the inilitary dcpartnient, we eau say that for the i past year it l1as been quite cttieieut. The 1l1llltfll`_}' rules we1·e enforced i 1 1l10l`G strietly 2`tllll the drill, in some respects, was iinproved. Captain iS\\'l\"*l`Cl`i' is a line oilicer i11 ll1{ll1\' res ieets and has done a iairlv ood j Pjfi .1 • g year`s work tor the college. The Infantry was divided llltfl three eoin- ‘ panies, each having its 0\\'ll eaptain a11dstatl`oHice1·s. The .Al‘i'lll(!l‘)’ under Captain Lyle has done a good year`s work. llc an exee‘11a.1; _ reaptain and will be missed next year. W ! . . 1 Q c . 104 THE CADET. The new annex to mechanical hall has been of great interest and ; benefit all the year. It is fitted with new machinery and contains all A the electric motors. The nice hall on second floor has been the scene ; A * of many pleasant hours of feasting on rich viands. It is he1·e that we- have spent happy moments with the brightest, fairest and loveliest daughters of Kentucky. The students especially enjoyed the splendid . reception given them last fall by the ladies of the faculty. It was p largely attended, everyone was royally entertained, nice refreshments . . _ were served, some spicy speeches were made and, everyone felt happy , among the large crowd. • A During the year the members of Professor Miller’s class in Biology ° and Botany were treated to a nice excursion to Pilot Knob where many _, _ nice and valuable specimens were gathered. Professor Miller is quite kind to his classes in that these excursions are at a. minimum cost and verv often free. Professor Miller also gave an interesting lecture on thei scenery and geology of Kentucky. The lecture was given in the , college chapel and was illustrated. The views consisted of some beauti— \ l ful scenes along Kentucky rivers. The lecture was enjoyed by all " present. Professor Miller was also instrumental in getting Dr. Wrigl1t», of Oberlin College, to deliver two very interesting and instructive lectures. ` ’ The iirst was Greenland and its Scenery, and the second, the Origin and Antiquity of Man. · Professor Fallis, Ph. D. (Munich), has been giving a series of in- structive lectures on the archaeology ofthe ancient classic lands. The Y archaeology of ancient Troy and Athens was a special feature. The . lecture course was profusely illustrated and was - quite interesting throughout. V An improvement to be much commended is the fine stereopticon which has been placed in the chapel for the purpose of illustrating t lectures. The instrument is one of the finest quality and most perfect adjustment. It throws the picture on a large screen which is in front. of the audience, where everyone can readily see the picture. It is a valuable addition to the college. l Professor Anderson, of the mechanical department, gave his senior V students a free trip to Cincinnati where they spent several days of study A in the various machine shops, foundries, factories and manufacturing centers of the city. The trip was highly beneficial and of course ejnoy . able to all those who went. t ` s Q § . - 3 L A g . = * { A ` . -, ;;,·JjA;~ . ,.1 :.4 » · » X . a. A ,. r., Ay; _ » { . ,A ;’ 1 - ./‘ · . . A Q Q3? . 5 ‘ } A! r. ‘ ¤ ° ; t " Bn-i,,; ,_,. W ` g _ ~ A A . S A} ,4 A V J 'ggft _ r |¢[ - A Q , vyg g -·-;;r c rf ?} · . , pq . !,~ ···· , ; Z ; ,. ‘ » :2 1 ` ~ ' Q z K . · fs ` · · ps , · " ;- Q / ’ I {K >—>Av;v •` , 4 r » 1 - ,· i 3%. Y , "` 'igl > , i‘;‘ ' A Y ` Z"' F: f?i W ? ' _A A ‘ ‘ —> x_\·; · V ‘ Z ii .4, 5;,; 4% { Ji._.4_..._L....D¤ >\AR_. pq ;, *,1 * Al \ .:.> Q, — . _ ; 0 ‘· .. A :¤ · fi 1 · ,. ·» .;z ‘ r m av ' ‘— Fm} - r > lbiy ,i». ...,,, _ _ , 4 V. 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Manufacturing in the Eastern states II F had already been elevated above the plane of y ·r g mere trades or handicrafts, and had been system- . _ I . `_ atized, Scientitic methods and scientific princi- _ I lE{?i·:II-l“Fi, V. _ ples were now essential to the management of I -II‘ every well—equipped establishment, and this de- ‘· _.Iv I mand for a higher knowledge of mechanical and _, I engineering principles gave rise to the introduc- _ tion of the great technical and engineering schools that have sprung up throughout the country within the last generation. The iirst scien- titic and technical school of modern times was established in France f I more than a century ago, and since then, schools and universities of I l this class have been established all over the world. The charac- ’ teristics of these schools vary considerably, and they include everything l from mere manual training and trade schools up to the highest class of f scientitic and polytechnical universities. ` I ¤ I § OON the resources of our country began to · 1 ““ ~ I , become developed more and more, land as ‘ _ manufacturing and engineering enterprises g I have been placed on a higher plane, higher , V I I classes of technical schools have been estab- I · JI - lished to teach the underlying principles and _._., , ‘ methods governing all engineering. 4 . The national government was fully alive A ‘ IIII —- I to the fact that this country could not remain _' a great agricultural country always, and that · the future wealth ot` the nation must, in a I I large degree, depend upon the development of the other natural resources and the upbuilding of manufacturing industries, so as to make us, in as great a ilegrlE·IaIs possiblIe,Iiiidependent of the nations. · To this end she has donated vast tracts ot` land and given large sums ot` money to the dit’r`erent states for the purpose of establishing and assisting the state to maintain scientilie and teclmieal schools. I · 2 l L i THE CADET. 107 jY"·Y Awe .`_ ' `T `- I E . _ OLLOWVING the example of the national gov- g - dpi, A · ernment, the various states have contributed ` i according to their ability to maintain and ` ij, enlarge these colleges and universities so estab- _‘ if . »~ lished, the result being that every state has now at State Agricultural and .M€Cll3l11C&1l Col- · g z; lege. Many ot ltheni are among the largest of 3** sg., 1 the educational institutions of the country. . i’Y` < '\Vhen this college was iirst founded—nearly P { lf. ifi. ° i twenty years ago—a mechanical department ` 0 ii V A was organized as a part ofthe school, but it = consisted only of a certain amount of practical work in wood and iron l · and a superiicial training in engineering. This department was not a j success, teaching, as it did, only an elementary knowledge of this pro- V Q fession, and in this respect being only a trade school, in which was Z taught a good and liberal education. ° t ‘ Y- N June Q4, 189], the ]]1€Cl]€IIllC{ll €l0P€U`lm€Ul3 WHS ; * reorganized under the name of the School of - i —·.» i » , Mechanical Engineering of Kentucky State Col- g s 0 yd ` P lege. Following the example of the highest. ·»·;·< class technical schools i11 the United States, a