xt7djh3czt6t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7djh3czt6t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1943 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 14, 1943 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 14, 1943 1943 2012 true xt7djh3czt6t section xt7djh3czt6t ed, `
ter l`
nly LL ,_. _ _ ., _ _ _,_ _  
Bri` · .§:Egizi.E;153`5if;:;§;5;E5.;:.E5E;I5E;;i;5;;555:5:55.5;:;;E5£5Z5:;5;€j€;£;E5:5£;£=E¢.;:555Egigi=£5i;:3E;E5E5£g$?iB5=22;:;=;=;:c¢2:;:;$¤i:;€=%:=zz; • , . ~ ,» ~:» L  .. .
Sh'?     Field House To HOHOY    ”  L   
loci . .s%5%s%&%2;;éa:¤=r;&§if#*5·:¥‘§;¤F‘¢  ‘:‘‘ ‘  ‘ ‘ ‘‘’‘;=   .  
{SCS  . .ee¤;·¤»;-.V; ._·.   lviliwln Ljl in .   Dead   World War   Q  FH,   .   ‘
§{§; .; i i . ‘vL_ .         The eudl¤0¤um-¤ed house to be built by i it /
nm] ‘   -·v° VIP 1; »’`*·_   `   the University after the war was described  
S ‘ 5   3; · ‘     by President Herman L· ¤¤¤¤v¤¤ as e me- . »‘“‘ ‘  - * ‘ V
       Qj.:§;’ morial to Kentucky’s dead in World War II. _ 4 "      .
   gg: I EE iE ;$ §;g:g;j5Q:g;__ g. - » · ;i.·__>_ .*f=  ;§`;_# Dr. Donovan pointed out that Memorial   W .~ _,
M y   Q;·"j;i‘j§_ _i‘’   ‘‘‘’‘‘   ‘‘’. .   . hall, which was dedicated to those who lost      I _
QQ .4  L     I``'   their lives in the last war, had been a V   _
Mg         L S<>¤r¤¤ Of pleasure amd i¤S¤ir¤¢i¤¤ to the ..  iif g zi-*
*_    ·     students but that the University had al- j  gg    
Sc ?     ‘`e” ` ready ¤¤igr¤W¤ the buildmg-   `eiol _ .  = s 'ii‘i  L ` °
·_ `Z `?;§§$§$;?’:’i’:`i?=F.  N   The proposed auditorium-iield house, he  ° Y   ,_ ,   .
Ulll 3.;, __   ,_._ ,_ _,;;.:,;,;,;,;..,..:,  , 4 ~ a. { ; a .  
mm xg =;;·‘ ;_.j;·jgE_  °*2g;.,_   . _ stated, would be a million dollar structure     ’-,Vr n ‘    is  — _,yj ii   
Tm._ 7-  f "’*¤“‘ `     capable of seating around 6,000 spectators   ’ · V .·  fee    
Rpm ,   ‘`'‘  ...;;E_;_ ____ __;_e i‘j§g§g§$§S?" with room for expansion. It will be built  —     ¤ Q_  r _ 
{mm   .      with the possible rapid growth of the stu- J , . ‘   ~
° Y   %;;i—§$ ¥?"" `  dent body after the war taken into con-   ·   · V3.-  
A  ” :5,.  n sideration. 7%  ' .` a · ‘ ( *’
  _·    ef  It was thought that Memorial hall would ’·
m' H       geieriimodatettng Univeigiity for;  gears, Captain Dave Rogan
dipd  y 2;;* u 1 was ou g wn in ve yea s .
after v z  Q  Tentative plans include a stage large Captain Dave Rogan of Middlesboro, who .
‘ - €¤0\18h for 3. basketball floor, and an audi- has for more than two years been overseas,
juca. “ torium capable of seating 6,000 on one side has returned to the United States and been
lam   Kenneth H_ Tuggle with basketball iloors and handball courts assigned to Westem camps as an instructor
from ee on the other side. in dying.
1923   Kenneth H. Tuggle of Barbourville, who The Kentucky legislature Wm be asked to Captain Rogan, who became a Life Mem-
l tlu 5  was elected by the Republican Party i¤ Yh€ appropriate $600,000 for the new building ber of the Alumni Association while over-
n was   November election, to nll the office of Lieu- and the Boamd of Trustees will Supply the seas, is a former student of the University
[ Bn.  _ tenant Governor for the next four years, remainder of the funds_ Governor Keen who had made a name for himself and the
 was graduated from the University of Ken- Johnson has already Supplied me Univer- University in track. When he decided to
  lucky with B· A· and Law degrees in 1926- sity with $400,000 toward the project, which eo into the wer he enlisted With Canadian
  Returning to his home t0WH after gfadua- has been partly Spent gn the pu;-chase gf Air Forces and later after going abroad was
te-  ¤<>¤ MF- Tussle became associated with his the building site on Euclid avenue and transferred to the aeyai Air rome. He was
(ned   father in the law firm of Tuggle and Tuggle. Adams Streeu in the raid over Dieppe and was wounded
Pike   In 1935 he was made president of the t t. .11b . ·b1 and was honored by membership in the Cr-
Versm.   Harry wusoo, sx, Irvine cm. Albert s. Dabney of soda has ow, aagh at
A   i lggreuengiig McI·a¤zh1i¤ -»—-—--Fifiiiitgva   Pfc, Joseph Justin McGinnis, Ex, Lexington awarded the Legion of Merit for exception- W1` tr
. A   *=¤ B   S · LL William A_ Bowling, Ex, Covington ally meritorious conduct in the perform- a_n°“'
. * ,€ S., Kem Johnson COL B` E. Brewer Lt_ pour M_ Horgett, Ex, Maysville ance of outstanding service. Colonel Dab- _   F0
§ .   , Marshsu Barnes L. K. Frankel Lt. Reynolds Calvert, Ex, Lexington ¤€Y has been, Since January 1, 1942, assist- A ymg
° t ?*   i§§I.‘$2J”鑧;o. $mit1¤?“€$?'sis¤t¤¤ Sgt- William WESRY S“*°’· Ea °am9""“S‘ imt °°"‘“"“"E"”` F’f °“".M"‘“°*“ Field Se"` gigrgsn
A ; .g   Lulle Logan Bernie Shively burg 106 School with lmmedlate charge of train-  
‘ Q E- 299;;; ,,I‘géC§I;$I* Ig];-E?°gf¤gg§nn,ck Lt. wmism Frank rmwau, Ex, Covington ing Medical Corps officers. **:5 @1
3 T 1   Dr. C. C. Carpenter Mrs. T. R. Underwood Missing   Q) yslol
,· L     Dr. G. Davis Buckner Dr. George H. Wilson Lt- Henry Patterson Steele, EX, Lexington DR McvEY,S BOOK 1;:·;III€;I]
~ A ‘   T/Sgt. Jarvis Allen, Ex, Pyramid ' ·
4 A C   VOL XIV DECEMBER 1943 NO‘ 2 LL Sam Robinson, EX, Owensboro A letter sent to Alumni about four weeks i Falls A
 A _ _A E,   Seaman Vernon Rice, Ex, West van Lea,. ago told the interesting story of a publica- · _
{ _   With the publication of this issue of the S/Sgt_ Rollin M_ Fcesey J1-_ EX, Columbia t10n of a book, compiled by Mrs. Frank L, LISUV
g   ;—   Alumnus the present form of. four pages Ensign Tom Clay Hedrick, EX, ML Sterling McVey, containing the writings of Dr; Mo. , POIt€dA
¤ 1 bi ;, with three columns on each will pass mto Lt. Jackson B_ Lewis, Ex, Fg Mitchell Vey over a period of twenty-five years, The . at Fart
‘.       the discard and hereafter a much larger edi- LL William Rh Bailey, EX_ Exington book will come Off press during the month { who Wa
_, t   tr tion will be published quarterly. Lt. Burr F_ Harford, EX,Mi1t0n of February and orders are being received was gi'?
, , ,,   vliiecause of limited space and the fear of Lt. Walter R_ White, EX, Manchester dai1y_ at the Alumni onice in the Union tucky IJ
 a R Q if'; dIScI`IImmII·IOII many Items af IISWS have Lt. Leslie Morris Gross, 1940, Louisville bulldmg The Interest SIIOWII in the Publi- econom
F k I;   been reduced in content and others omitted, Lt" waiter Thompson Kem, 1g41_ Bagdaj C&ti0n has been inspiring but not surprising _
` Q _; -4 however, in the future the subjects will be Captain James Arthur Estes, Ex, Stearns HS D1`. McVey has dedicated the beck to stu. A MISS
.     Q- more general and each story developed more Lt. Charles Leland Smith, EX_ Winchester dents of the University, past, present and   was Om
A_ .   {Q; fully. Articles of a feature type will be print- Lg William Malory Taylor, EX, Macao IUt?UI'€, and the profits, when the cost ci _ mved rf
3 _   .   ed; news of Alumni Clubs of other localities LL (jg) George S_ Brooks JL, EX, Wim D1`0duCti0n has been repaid to the Hsggio K, II B€d_
, ,g   will be asked for and it is hoped that the chester Fund, Will be given to the Alumni Associa- mamtal
V   ,.5   Alumnus will be far more interesting to the Lt" Martin Graves Sham-E1-Y 1940, Susie UO11 “ Graves
K   gi J?. readers. Lt' Kenneth Cyrus Dutton, EX, Lexington `"Thc University-A Place—A Spirit" will  . Umvers
; ’     In all probability the Alumnus will be is- imprisoned be fO1`€V91` a treasured possession because ti . M
Q   ; ,_ . . ` I _ ·t . · · . r ; l`S. ]
_ I   · sued in January, April, July and October Jack M. Owens, Ex, Cynthuma I S aUthO1, its compiler and the value or {li,  V from U
` ; Just how many changes will be made in the Samuel Eruck Levinson EX G1, E envme ¢OmDOS1t10n. Such a tribute to the Alumni ;
A f ;   publication will depend on the interest shown . . . ’ ’ _ of any institution is iiattering and of vregi  ` Detacm
_     in it and the trend of the times. For more IS`;t;é;¥11g?,;lr;é ];,aV,;ii;n’EEx’DI;;;2;S 01,0 1`€mUn€1‘ative consequence. Order ycurbccpy AA Engle “
A A .   than a year the great volume of the com- ' ' ’ ’ by Check through the Alumni Office, Kentuct
E ‘ j   position has been concerning men and A   .
1 , if j women in the various branches of the serv- MAJOR PHILIP ARDERY ‘ MISS
s A A it . . . . STATEMENT or THE 0wNEasrn1> MANAGE ` h s ‘
  I i {ij ices. This of course W111 be COnt1nu€d and RECEIVES SILVER STAR MENT. CIRCULATION, ETO. REQUIRED BY- ` Lcuplml
` * ni; much more of interest added. Major Philip Ardery of Paris, who was a THE Aqflfp CONGRESS OI` AUGUST 2%  _ Kondou
, A · iii; ...-»·—·-if Car-itaia at the time Of the attack <>¤ the or Kcntucky*JA1un?rTl11; m1;5i:;o3`q$§33grry at or “ sheemuck
‘ P   LT WILLIAM M HICKS Ploesti oil refineries in Rumania, in which Easton. Ky.. for Nov., 1, 1944, stats or kentucki  Y Schogllai
- ' ' , · , oun I F ‘ .
A ,;·‘· awaaaaa THE PURPLP HEART gi ‘°°}§ *°”‘·,,,““ “€“ 3“gm.dgd $.S“,(?1   mZ’Z"§ta,A     and or the   _
.   LL William M- Hicks Of Lexington, a al" S Squa You gomman SI ap au] l- Mild C0l1¤tY 8.fOl'€Said, personally appeared Mrs, Eli`
I. i _ _ _ ` _ dgry lgd his f01·mg_ti0n_ Major- Ardgry was RIX. who, having been duly sworn according to liv i HODGE
; _ : ilot in the U. S. Air Corps and a foimei _ . . . de uses and so s tha s · · rs: ·
E V P graduated from the Unwerslty In 1935 D y t he is the business mam, .
_, student of the University, has been awarded `     ;‘;"·;‘;*;1¤;rA:{*;l‘g";‘;ISi aaa *21***;*)*1,**}** f°€l°“`i“§ 
; . . . . / . 6 , B2?  ‘
_ ,• the Purple Heart for injuries received in ment or the ownership, §o?i2gsr:s§t, itoitmoi as Lt W
V · · acti0n_ MERITORIQUS SERVICE AWARD FQR, afwcsaid publication for the date shown in the ab¤‘= ». m€I`Hbe1·
  { A   LT, CHARLES C CARPENTFR gggggzn-il;°g“;;Fd 91%;**; **5*1 9i A¤H¤9¤d2§ 19%  ‘ to the {
' ’ e ion , os a aws an egua19‘  _
:- L MAJOR LAURENOE SHROYSHIRE First Lt- Charles C· CSII’€“t€I~ B°‘”““g t° ivigrhat the names ood addresses ofthe pond-  Y ggvaijh
  CQMMENDED FQR, SERVICE G1'€€I’l, S. g’I‘&dLla’(A€ of l'»h€ University of KOH- editor, managing editor and business m nagers   un at
· ?_ Major Laureate K. Shropshire ot Lexms- tacky in 1939A has been eivaa the Oak Leaf K,‘?“‘;;§i§,°,‘· N’}§‘$§I,2§,$SiL’ri§§`,E{§’“,;,,‘i· §i,,L‘§¥}“"ti A tr S°“
,   , ton, a graduate of the University in 192*7, Cluster for activity in the European theatre torQ' G. Lee. Mocioio; Business gMoIo1igor? la/%rs.gEU‘ Odge “
{   has been commended for "outstanding serv- of Wal`. Previously Lieutenant Carpenter §;;inL§g*;¤HI;9}°i KY-? *A9S¤¤iat¢ Editar. Haha KI  . gm? am
¤ V)? ices during combat operations on Guadal- had received the Air Medal. 2. Ernst tris owosr is Alumni Association, uw   O1pS‘
', , t   canal from January 20 to February 6, 1943, —————-——————--— gg 9f Kanwaky. Lexington mon-stock c<>ro¤r¤**°’, _.  —
A S · __ icers are H. ID. Palmore, President; Dr: Eb
Q E , q ' ' ‘ ' " ' "' "`“'*" ]_,']‘_ W_ M_ PRESTON Elliott, Vice-President; lvlarguerite McLaughl1¤.ef  DUTT0]
A A_ A N GEORGE S- BROOKS IS vm·mtAN or 23 AIR imms K°$3ii°Q‘ riZ§ZZsrs§i"°psh`r°’ Tr°°s`"°r (Haw KL A
A { A, K A, _»`jV   V MISSING IN ACTION AI SSA Lt. w. M. rreston, who was graduated ,,,,,i·,?§Q‘,i§,,§§°,,‘§{§,’;Z‘; f,’,‘;§‘,§’,§‘§‘°},i’s;,0§‘§$§;““ig°§Zt§¥ A  Lt. Ks
E *1         George   EYOOES, of LCXIHQI/OY}, fl'O]]] the University in   wears the OY more or total amount of b0ridS, l’l10I`i'»g8EC5·  a CO-pi],
 . ,_   {,1 ,    been reported missing in action at sea. Purple Heart, Distinguished Flying Cross, °“"" S°““"“°s ""* "°“°·  missing
~     .¤   Student of tthe gilversltig the of- the Air Medal with three Oak Leaf Clusters, Mas. ETHEL mx, Business Mami —2B. Ligu
tl .   { l      _J »_ een on ac ive u y in t e Pacific and an assortment of campaign ribbons. His · ti i  PAPFU 194
5  .    13 I I sg ji  E  1943- Ha eatarad the s€I`V‘ raids W€1`6 0V€1' France and numerous Ger- of gzgggersc and subscribed before me this 15 1_ and lgf
, 4, It ‘r,·.i·4*;s’-`.:5»~*"]*.‘,,¤'Yl"‘<.EJQ.  www JANE NICHOLS t
pil   ,>"· ` Q_ :    man p0rtS' My Commission expires July 24, 1947. }943'
·‘ ¥ - i F  i  ZJQYU   · A4 A.=. .  
· ···. ·· »·Ar . at ` -  A =, —` ¤.*%a;; _T'#¤A  t., · - R
' u-..s· .. A -...4.,,,,    __ W H -

C0-EDS COMMISSIONED IN . , .V , ..} my     V.,    .,_,(; MRS_ HATTIE KNOX WEED‘ ` I  
        '';.?   _ ` . I ` W: -··v sr'; 
RY WACS’ WAVES AND RED CROSS /·,» /V,»   Q· f . 'V/`“ .   Mrs. Hattie Knox Weed, a graduate in thefgsgee 
ea-  . Ensign Elizabeth Jolly of Lexington, a   A ,~,V     class of 1925, died August 13 in Orlando,.-QI?.} 
m graduate of the University of Kentucky, took   -2*;   F1¤¤¤¤· She was 3* namvc °f    
me _ her Navy officer training at Smith College, · i’',    .7 J »   KY·· a gmduatc _°f tfhc OW€“$b°Y° high  
the , MasS_ and was one of the mst Women to I ,5;;     school and the University of Kentucky. Her,   `
in . be given a Specialists Officer rank in the , [    _ ., ‘     husband, Dr. Walter.Weed, a reentgen0lo-· ··-» .l
- m 1 Navy when she was appointed recently to .   `__, ..     gmt °f Or1‘md°· survwes hen °  
the L me hospital corps at San Diego, Cal., and   ··   ·, ·` ‘
she is an instructor in the Wave hospital F · “   , .   “ ERNEST A. WELCH  
_1 corps school at the San Diego Hospital.     if     » AE;·¤ist1?l1$nt1YVeghbg5gof Lelzingtloln, died o Z
» _ _ _ A A; "    i»//     us a. e o amari an ospi a 1
JCT { Miss Grace Pitkin Blrge of Burdett, N. Y.,     . y        fgiwmg a heart attack during the early
and alumna of the University of Kentucky . -# ' , I ’° ' ’ part of the day Il
Fen with the class of 1937, received her wings as V   .._»  is A ., 2;; ML Welch had been affiliated with the  
mn- ¤ ¤°¤·c°mb¤”a¤* Civilian mer Of the Army Q   .e 4Q Q s? Lexmgtou city Engineers mice since 1933. `L ’
gg; Air Forces at graduation exercises at the     sr VV  ..  _' fi ? shortly after he was graduated from the i
.t FlYi¤8 Training Ccmm8·¤d’S Schccl fc1‘ ,   ’   4,     College of Engineering. He had received
SIS ` Women Pilots at Sweetwater, Texas. Miss   , s; b___' A -»·‘ A A    = both Bachelor and Masters degrees in Me-
€¥v` . Pitkin did her masters work in Kentucky, A    is -— M   Ii   chanical Engineering. Mr. Welch Jihad re-
m` ¥ was a graduate assistant in amwmy and   ° Q ti',t     eeivea wide recognition for his work in
physiology and after graduation in 1937 1* L   "’ " ’° t photography which was his hobby. He Was
lcamed to Hy at Willoughby, Ohm and was William R. Dallas past president of the Lexington Camera `
_ later manager for CPT program at Chagrin cmu _
. lls Air rt in Ohio. Ma'or William R. Dallas of Paducah, a
leeks Fa po J t k ·  
_ ‘ —; graduate of the University of Ken uc y in ANK PRESTON FARLEY ‘
Ec? Lieut. Gladys Kilpatrick Schreck has re- 1935, has been promoted to Lieutenant FR ted
° ' ' ported for duty as a mess and supply officer Colonel and is assistant chief of staff in Frank Prcstfm Farley, who was gmgia
    at Fort Benning, Ga. Lieutenant semeek, charge of personnel fcf the Sixth Air Fdrce from the Um"°"s"°y °f §g‘§t‘g’ikgrD °w“
mf; _ who was commissioned in the wAc June 5, in the Caribbean area. then as AgM· $19HfE in 4616 C;  
9 E; was graduated from the University of Ken-   ber FL 19 ’ gt 1sCh°mc’M langvygftessa
BW tucky in 1941 with a B. s. degree in home ROBINSON INJURED IN ITALY. B°“ °"?”d· C BW asc ey · e
lmoll . · short illness. The announcement was sent
rubll- ` €c0nOm1CS` UNDER TREATMENT AT HOSPITAL recently to the Alumni Oifice by Mrs. Farley. `
`i$l¤€ _ · . · . First Lt. H. Clayton Robinson, who was in-   `
M A K th G { W h t-
'smi _ WaS1i;€I;?a6q a§l€(§yr£]r0;;)V\i;i)r(;{€rS1‘l;;({]O€Sa;]; jured while taking part in the Italian in- ALUMNI MAKE HHPORTANT CHANGES
t"““;  ‘ rived recently in calcumi to help starr me V_¤Si0¤7_$cPt€mbcY 12, cas `¤*>€¤ Fctumcd ti Miss Eleanor M. Snedeker of Freeport.
S In  l1 Red Cross centers and the mobile units thc Umtesl States and ls at Stark? Gcncmt   I., who was graduatedifrom the Umver- V
?g?‘ maintained by the A.R.c. in india. Miss H<>SP1f¤l· m Charlcstowm S; C·_L1€ut?nan sity of Kentucky ml933,1s m charge of tile
>0°1a' _ Groves received an M_A_ degree from me Robinson entered the service immediately preparation of food m the Navy V-12 dmmg
_ {_] ’ Unjv€1—Sity of Kentucky in ]g42_ after graduation in 1942- room at Hobart and William Smith College, _ (
W  1 ———— — Geneva, N. Y. She had complete charge of
lien; I Mrs. Mary Bach Engle has received wings CHARLES FUGAZZI wgrrgg the Purchasc Of equipment for the cife and
iimmi  , from the Army Women‘s Flying Training FRgM JAP PRISQN CA]\[P thc D1`0J€c¥5 1S lmdcf h€1` ¤1¤¤3E€m€¤·-
greg; · g;;?;h;;;n;r;gul;:§;i_i®mF1€;i’ lgiiiigitylsf Cpl_ Charles Fugazzi, United Sli3»t€$ Al`l'¤Y» Mathews Takes New Post
` com ’ Kentucky in 1937 who is a DHSOUET of the Japanese at the Dr. Paul W. Mathews, for the past ten
' Mukden Prison War Camp in Manchoukuo, years Supervisor of music in the Lexington
· . . . has sent a typed prisoner of war card to his bu h ls has been named State Su el-- L
M El Ku1— Wl ,Rdc— _ . . Pu °$°°°· , P · 
is;. ¤ h¤Sl§tSal1‘e1<;‘eat?o1i€w;;$ ·1 A p°St°“`d mm LL R" P‘ Wamen 1`°p°rt` pn D- li - { tn U ‘ ’ it r Kentuckv
of  · · I · ° ge °*m€*`Y ° M S» *‘· gd missing since August 11, has been re- . · · ‘*g‘°° “ ° ““’°” ‘y ° ~
ie mu-1 . member of the 1940 class, has been returned i cd I his Own handwriting the Officer in 1931 and who was a member of faculty
Ziiléi  , t° the Umtid States md is 8 Pa“‘*“° at The igpzried that he is a p1·1s¤¤e1· in Rumania in the d°p*““m€¥” 9f physm his been °1°°t'
 , Naval hc$D1t¤»l at C01`0¤8, Callf-. after being nd is in ood condition except for Wounds ed to a fellowship in the American Physical _
  wounded while on duty with the Marines in gunered Wien his plane was knocked out Society as a result of his research on molecu- _
google the South Pacific Wal thc9·tl`€· Lieutenant of action b the enemy during the raid On lar structures. An authority in his field, Dr.
  ` imgge was active ill $D01`tS at The U¤iV€1`Sl'¤Y the Ploesti im fields August 1 Warner was Cleveland has written more than 30 articles
En    = gorpgftex gmduamm Bnhsted m the Mamie a senior in the College of Engineering at the on moleculal stmctures‘ »
Uni"`  ‘ ' University of Kentucky when he entered the
oragle ·   Army service in January, 1942_ Miss Jane Lewis of `Lexington. a graduate
{ini;  ,DUTT0N ivussmc. AFTER ——  2; Ph? ¥LI°m‘; IE;°°*;°“;°S fd*’l’g'§1‘:‘°;t °g *2**
5** L · rmonr ovlm uoLLANo xmzarm Aon cms Jars m"€‘S‘ Y ° En “° Y °’ °‘ er .a° `
ees 5; , elor and masters degrees, has been appointed
F pent  - Lt Kermctlh C- DUU201'1 of Fayette COUDW, First Llellt. J0hI‘l L- JOHBS, H3Z31`d, has supervisor for the Kentucky school lunch
;¤gvS· &•C(l-DIIOE on a Flying Fortress, has been been officially credited by Lieut. Gen. George program in Central and Eastern Kentucky
I gllsslllg Since a flight over Holland on July C. Kenny, commander of the Allied Air and took up her duties November 1, Miss
Mlillii _ 8- lldeutenant Dutton entered the Army in Forces in the Southwest Paciiic with bring- Lewis. home economics teacher at Bellevue
my April 1942, while a student in the University. ing down his seventh Jap plane. Lieutenant . high school for the past six years. will make A,
MOL; agi left for Overseas about the first of June, Jones was a graduate of the University in her working headquarters with was State 1
J Xgi 1942. Department of Education t l°u¤¤*l" if-
  ; e    ;,,     

 —,, `  _\ _ ..1:_ ,L_,__  >        A)   V r _# A i V
V ·’¥
r . Z .’,‘   .:<` :1 F »*—` * “
1 it    · `  
gi -       ._g~f.3 ··4 ‘ .  
    4‘·_‘ ; yi    ON ATHLETES OF i  `>. V     }4:;.   V;  _ __  L, — ,       _    _  DR. MAXSON nms m snmp AS _ l
      is FORMER DAYS 1  1 .qWq    '&;   » RESULT OF HEART ATTACK
~     i  1 L   · . _ `;`; ;"* 1   1
`   I   iiyggix   tligugic iT g `A·A   D"‘ Rglph N°1S°“ M“"S°“· 62* 8 1"°1‘*sS°1` .#
» ‘ y   _‘.’ ¢· fx     · _ » _ ' _ ;__     of chemistry at the University of Kentucky I
_ é   ;._iegiiry.~.e¢1x<>¤1ei Few Bemimei Ge- ¤ei>¤¤·i¤ *·       _   since 190*1, died at imo nm. November 18 1
j       S¥l¤I2§9{1_W:·$ f>0mm9~¤d€¥` cf °¤€ cf the 1°1IS1· 1 ._ ' _   at his home, 366 Transylvania park, follow-
1 in ge, »e—— eempesiiee ¤ 1e¤¤¢¤» . · ~  w ___ *   ing e new attack wmen he gunned wnue
l E?   ;`y1a.st+.Novernber and was decorated. "   -—_» *'   j   he S1€pt_
i 1 ip *€*§·` ”r_e   ·;~ » ‘—"‘ `   · * *1*   $*11  Du M b · · W t ·1 1 )
} I l si.   ,·»·. < _,_,   .E¤Sie¤ Jee Rupee Pee been essiened ie » ` § 51;  .   Decembezjyzélllifggé H;1I;v;§ed§;ai;§’ix1?—the ,
1 ; i·Ti   =€111‘?Z1U· N‘*"Y ?*€·F1*g¤i S°h°°1 ei 1“1‘°¤S·   1     Rhode Island public Semen and gradua,t,ed (
’ ; __    %;;i'§'1°g1° §011~11S1;m€“g11“§h§ 1`1?"§’g€uW¤S .    A``   Ax     from the state college in 1902. He renewed
» l yn   _, f.°~ ° amt, 1 ° es eg 1151101 if dmé  __ i        his Ph. D. from Yale University in 1905 and
‘ E 5   i€;“—‘\a·1‘1“ E¤Sig¤ 1 “1°‘g1`1‘;"‘*° 8 1* V {     1 —‘ ` became affiliated with the University or
_ z ··   aa.-_c lug Hlgh Sc 09 ee a er was a ij! .2   __ Kentucky in 1906 as an instructor in the
1 i   — varsity coach at the University. r . chemistry department
‘ \ `iL*\` "J ` s' , · '
‘ ~ ~·   €i`iY@‘, _· ·     _ - e X Appointed head of the department in
  ,1     ._     Lee l1;1`11?b1€`; germ? é11€1€1b;;‘_01 I Q 1934, Dr. Maxson voluntarily resigned that .
 · i i jr.   _  , he .;i_   CVM mg S a i an ev · any . _ position in 1942 and resumed his old title of _
‘ . gf  Q f ~ Gamag'? fermer head 10911bau °°a°h· had , ‘ _ _ \ professor of inorganic chemistry, which pd-
· T ·‘ E.   n *¤ eeumee ¤¤<=e¤¤y ei SMX 1“a11S’ S- C- . . · simon he held at the time of his dem. i
i · _. .-{ QA, . Captain Gamage, now on leave from duties . , _ . _
; i E.   as eeeen an the University of South Dakota, i ‘*   ¤ f D1`- Maxsm was a m€m1°€1` ef the Am€Y1· 1
A   gig: [ which hassuspandad football fm, the dm.a_ can Chemical society, the American Asso-
» 1 *   ‘ tionyhas been in North Africa as special 1 Major Theodore R. Creech $1a·§;0¤E¢§ U¤1V€1`i11·Y Professors, the Ken-
_ . i   .‘ .- V. . . _ uc y ucationa Association, and Sigma
1 14 .   —$°*}"°?°11‘°‘*¥ 111 °1‘*“g"’ °1.A“ F°“"* **111 Mem Theodore ·a. amen, a graduate of Xi and Pi Gamma Mu Scientific O - — .;
. h ld t , s cieties.
- K QN   1°°‘°S· '·°“1’“““ Gammge ‘s S° .€‘1“" .° the Uiiiversiiv and ermece er ie22—26. is He was a conn-ibm- to Sm-ai seiennne l=
· i _,     Z hecome aninstructor at a specxal service now in command of a large air base in the bumals and Ou b _ t d _ th _t_ f ,,
Q = E   gi ·i -‘ school in Lexington, Va. . 1 _° Aa Om ° m E Wu mg O
· . » r . » Q ~- . Seuiliwest Pacific eree where he has been "Medern Scientxiic Knowledge or Nature ·
‘ _ V y.  ~· ’‘_, Mr.Pr1bble, former football player, Ceann on duty for more than two years Major Man and S _ t N U · ,
T i   ;, , n andiemember or the eunecie eeuneu, as now Cm h is mthusi t. b L h. m · nd hi we Y·
. I » e4 .‘_;{i—._j V_a_-Ugéneml fedeml agent {OI- the Mutual hcb t 1 fas lc a Ou   eete d S Su1`ViV01‘S include his wife, Jessie Taylor  
;_   r   ·T=, jtjgemht Lifé Insurance Company at Sioux p°S_ “ Bugs 01 m°"€ BXC1 *1111**11 **11 *1 Maxson, and two sons, Dr. William Maxsen rg
- _ M;    ns A . more decisive chance at. the enemy. Since Shreveport La_ and Charles Maxscn
g ,     ?   ·' graduation from the University with a de- ` ` 4 f '
  .; Q : “ V ‘ gree in Mining Engineering, Major Creech ‘  
. ‘ __  ie];. · . _ ·}§:rn;a1 Allen, former University half back, .has been in business with his father in the n masters in 1932, 1,; now 9, Iieneenant K
 j       helped lead the 300th Infantry to a victory management of their coal mining interests colonel and is located at Washington, D. 0,,  
· 1 1 {jg  ·‘0vg1j_its"ir1tra-camp rival, the 124th Infzm- in Eastern Kentucky. He was one of the with his residence at Arlington, Va. Colonel  
Q ig   ` [try at Dough Boy Station, Fort Benning, first of the many young Kentuckians to of- Troutman, who was reared in Newport, Kyq ‘
· ti ;—.j {5j5_______Ga,, Sunday, October 3, before 18,000 sol- fer his services to his country in this the has been on active duty in the War Depart-
; ·   1* % diers. Allen made a 52-yard rim in the second World War. ment for the past three years as Chief oi
S g {       fourth quarter for the winning team.   Army Library Service Special Service Di-
1 i \_   ‘ -  ,    _' · j —{—- _ vision, A.S.F. x
  Y _      i _ »Pau1 McBrayer, assistant to the head bas- THEY ARE LIEUTENANT COLONELS -———— "`*~ I
 ° j L.,     ketball éoalch, Adolph Rupp, was accepted Eldred E. Adams William N_ Boaz ’
. · —   T by the Army and reported Tuesday, Septem- Eldygd E Adams Of Louisa Ky_ a gyadn- . . ,
.  e · . · r * 11 .
  ·   2;%-   ber 26, ei °F¤Y¤ Themes fer esSie¤me¤i- ate or the Arts ceuege in me end or me UW1 mi? I`; Bm °f L€X‘“g°°“* f°"“°'
'1 F "  Paul McBrayer entered the University in L T mversl y S udem and football 1°1ay°r* has Q'
r_ pe . . aw College in 1930, was promoted from the been promoted from mam to 1. t nt
5 i 3 {Cgi  _ . 1926 end wee cepieiu ef the beskeibell squad rank or Mejor to um or Lieutenant ceiener comm and is at me Air 1S€_v. (fu emnd
. Y g »  _ in 1930. After graduation he coached bas- by the wm- Department on October 1g_ Be- " 1 we °mma
‘ . were _, . . _ _ Post, Great Falls, Montana. Colonel Boal
»   t ; ketbell at Morten Junior High, Keveneueli fore enterm the service Colonel Adams was . , . .
, · ] s·~,. V . . g won the S0ld1ers Medal m 1942 for helpmg
: gi;}  . High. end iheii beck fe his Alme Meier an attorney-at-1ew1n Louisa. to rescue crew m mb _ f b . 1
1 , ·    _   {until his enlistment. ..-- *1 ° 61 ° 3 ummg Pm
.` TT   l "_'— J *1*. L tt
4     i  ‘ ~Ab Kirwan, head coach of football at Uni- A t_ K t0ek_ ove T { _ James A' Wa"°"’ JL
  if     versity—.o£ Kentucky and star athlete during _ ;1af1"‘; thenls/?1_;an* J°€ T Lovgtti °;m" L1€111€1111111 @*101181 James