xt7djh3d2683 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7djh3d2683/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-10-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 27, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 27, 1972 1972 1972-10-27 2020 true xt7djh3d2683 section xt7djh3d2683 |(e' I1UCky Vol. LXIV NO. 42 an .ntfependent student newspaper
Friday-Saturday, October 27, 1972 Uttlwt‘miy (\f Kmtockv ‘
Twenty pages Lt‘X'tTQiOH. Kt‘fliUCky $0506
U s l b l l ’*
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O 0 g I 3! :9 _
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Ixon says In As land 1 —
By RONALD l). HAWKINS nickname of Blazer's athletic teams) are “I believe,“ Nixon said. "we will suc t
Kernel StaffWriter number two in football. There's nothing cced in achieving these goals We must 1‘,
.»\Slll..»\Nl)—~Making his sixth visit to wrong with being number two in football. achieve peace with honor and not " “
‘ Kentucky in the past five years. President and possibly you'll be number one soon. surrender.” l}
Richard M. Nixon told an overflow crowd “However. we must never let the USA be Nixon said honor was a key prerequisite
at Paul Blazer High School gymnasium number two. to peace “because you may lay the 7.
last night his administration is committed TIIE REASUN THE US. can't be second foundation for not having another 1 g,
to making the United States the most strongest is that the danger of war would war...We have made more progress — ... _ _ .
powerful nation in the world. be tremendously increased." he said. toward world peace during this ad- .L
About 3,000 people filled the inside of the Nixon said his goals in the Vietnam war ministration than any time since World ‘9’ ’-,' i‘ I I .
gymnasium as an estimated 25.000 were to achieve a cease—fire. to secure War II. « I" V
mingled outside. listening to Nixon's release of American prisoners of war. and WE NH(‘.l)TlA’l‘I~Z ll.\Rl) and talk about ': “ ..
speech over public address systems. to be able to account for all US. soldiers our differences. Now we have at least " w ‘ I- 3» ~ ‘
Included In the crowd were some 30 UK missing in action. He added that he hopes developed a dialogue...’l‘he chance for this f if
students demonstrating against Nixon. to achieve these goals while insuring the new generation of Americans of not ex» '.-, V._ , ' —
In the gymnasium, Nixon told the South Vietnamese people the right to periencing war 5 better than any “MOW » .
gathering. ”1 understand the BObCBlS (the determine “their own future.“ and we want to keep it this way." ’ '1 as“ b.
(‘laiming pride in the record he has t” ”VI-“3V V ‘
M e n o n 'y ? compiled since taking office. Nixon noted “.?\n V .
. the implications of the 18-year~old vote, ”gig“ . ,3
. . He said Kentucky was a pioneer in L“: ’4 i3 ‘ .3,
NO women recelve SpOf‘I’S Old; allowing 18—yearcolds the right to vote and in)» ii “
0 that he had never lost an election in ‘L‘r a
men reap 250 SChOIOrShlpS Kentucky. and added that the youth vote. :"r‘fififflé Ease gggw I
B." (”L ARMHJ) not sanctioned by the Southeastern Con- despite what many analysts say. would be §*%L:;’i'% 3! H. ‘
Kernel Staff Writer t'erence tSEC), under which the m 31115 column “h” It was counted. . ’E‘Véflfiflw L" I} a 2 a j
Although the Athletic Association Association operates. reasoned Lancaster. “M“ “AS introduced by former ('OV' §}t‘§i‘ V‘ 1‘ V s» V V; I
PFOVidQS approximately 3300.000 for 250 Instead they are funded bv $4,000 from Louie Bj Nunn. candidate for the Senate is»)? 5;“ ‘ rid: ’ »- V ;
athletic scholarships, none of the campus recreation. according 30 W.:eat left Yacant by retiring Sen.'3Joh3n
recipients are women. according to Johnson director V“ ”mil man (ooper. If ("S say Nixon S Heaven '5 above
Director Harry Lancaster. . ‘ .V - HS" may have been prompted b.‘ polls
3 3 . Women 0“ recreation-sponsored teams showing Nunn trailing Democratic can- .~ .. - ,; I k' , f . h“ - _
The entire budget for mens sports 15 cannot receive athletic shcolarships or didate Walter “Dee" Huddleston in the '1“?!th ‘ m) m“. 5'.” m ‘ '5 “m
u. » - 3. structlon worker at l l\ s new annc\ to
somewhere around two million dollars. financial aid for athletes. said Sue i-acc. ”N. ““1,“ I King “hm“ 1‘ m.
::;:'(:rx?5;::ett:cf:ig?: for SChOIaTSh‘pS :Eamster, who heads the women's teams. 121:3": hflvl'tf‘FR says3thls '5 “30‘ ”‘39 case; adjusts a form which will soon be filled
' 9." Operate under guidelines set by the ; l e “éltlng for Nixon 5 speech. {ht with concrete. (Kernel photo by Dennis
THE ASSOCIATION does not support Association of Intercollegiate Athletics for “WW“? “Stened ‘0 Speeches by Cooper- Russ)
any women's team. Women‘s teams are ('Ominued 0" Page 20. (‘0l. I WWW?“ 0“ "at-’3“ 3"- (VOL '
'- v. '. . 0f 0 'C S ‘
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i :_. t if L " '; '5; I}: ' $9? is; irroyn my i-:\s 3
3 " If ‘3 V' > 3 : V ‘:V3 Kernel Staff \\ ritcr
. ‘g "i g? t. ' l‘.\ctlt‘lll(‘lll fills the air at the new
33 - ._ 3 3 'g ‘2‘»; 3 333.3333 (‘atliollc 8000.000 Newman (‘enter as the
. 333:“ fifiéy 33 i g dedication cert-monies beginning Satur
. 2; s . f‘ ”5% ' it - . ‘. ‘ ' 3. .9 -i 3» » t -l :- 3 t i «
; . s was '. e - “t H H U H;
as . “W a ,, “min. mm win” it w- «mm ~
a: .. Ebemagey‘k raw 3‘ 1 . - been wanlin ' to do ‘V
g ...,.;.;:.;.;.;:32 -§3A::;;3...=5§3:a:;z... .33:».33.» 3 3 3&5 =2; 33 3 lVK [tl't'sltlt‘lll (NH 3\ 5Hflllt‘léll‘} ‘3‘
3% '. ' 3 g? g? .2. speech. 10 a in _ Saturday morning. starts
. 3 3g; ' .333 the events and .‘l reception follows Tours 3. V
- . " ‘ . . 3 ‘ . " " ' I of the facility till tllc afternoon
llls arms spread Wide. Presndent Nixon takes In the crowd at Ashland Thursday night. (Kernel NW!" h.‘ 10"" "it‘ll“ ('ontinllcd 0" page 303 (‘0'; l
INSIDE , 3 _ About 30 antiwar demonstrators gathered O UTSI DE H “l” "t“ ("With "'1‘! ”HM “WU ‘
.a‘. ‘ " $1 in front of Fayette ('ount)‘ (‘ourtlloilsc “"h “t‘t‘l‘l‘md' "film 11“” YWL'.‘ .
_ 9 .. W 33¢ VI yesterday. but the peaceful spccchcsat the and if‘tHL‘lll l'ht'l'c |\ a chance of
3 fi‘ 1-"! 3. 9 midday rally were eycrsliadowcd by .i tcw showers tomorrow ”01h
.V 3333333 .9! 3.33333 #9 :. rumors of a truce in Vietnam Four “‘“lt’t‘l -'7““*" ML” \"1H‘t‘lllfllt‘
gigs V } t V , 3 Lexnigton antiwar groups toilit'd ill the H].t1t.tis_”1t1 mph.“ “in tn- m the
I » ' ' 'I at events (‘olnplctt- til‘l.lll.\ are on page 1 ”NM 3“ ‘ "h:”“’"‘ “t m‘” '\ 3"
tn‘lt‘l‘li' iott.l3\ .znd MI perm-lit

 . ' , t
Tha l l.ilr- l--tl I‘IJ its-whimMatiaqitiqttitiot Kilt” Mtttiithy Edor I I h
.. h”, ,,,,.. M,“ “H... r. .. t...-t anoinu ttltlol N..o “Mi-H
Kentucky ,,:.:.;"'...“.';;.t‘;‘..- 23:11:::2::.::::t::::::':::; t::::‘:.i:::~.:"n l OTICI 5 v
Kernel tau-u. tmtot Mm- lin‘lt‘rl tot-u i.ll\ lupin-m tin women it "h it"'-" "‘ "" “"“" "
o f t
.» Nvif‘nv' .7 UK gets tanks for sparing ores U.
ba‘h xiii-2;” ’W m; ‘l . . . v 't and built of prestressed eon~
‘ hilt}. '9 t'fi . h We have complainedinthe past that The l lll\'t‘l'51t,V illitt tht‘ llt‘Mht-tttih thithl ‘ l .3 th' ,I . n .i d I, d“ WA
,ghfi‘w .' / the I'niversitv is bureaucratic and Water (‘ompany planned on two tittt idtiei an ugy iro an gir u arour
. $38 ,4" ngtl slow to react to criticism. But this Slitl‘ilgt‘ tiillkh‘ With it t'til’tit'tt.‘ It’t “onsnilwwlli " lBOthi. “:1“ be there
a; 3:41.} it'lllhlk isn‘t always the case. and we feel the 3.000.000 gallons to fill the demand, lo tamouflagtc wit I ‘grct nxdpaint. The
; _,_;,‘_:,__x‘ i few administration‘s successful the local residents this conjured up It should'also it note that the argui
l t it I {Md-i... resolution of theAg Farm water tank visions of" gigantic metal towers, residents of the south campus area ”the“
i I." “ti-hf, Jul, {Motif it"; hassle deserves praise. ripping up the landscape like the will be getting more than increased What‘
i i. :38 J; Iii“: il‘ , ’ , The problem surfaced at a citizens” Martian war machines of H. G. Wells fire protection and a natural preserve ‘12:"
he! «:tfhlfi“ ptltl @f meeting Wednesday night. Residents and turning the area into an ”in- in the midst of the city. The citizens Eheai
“kw )7 ’1 l ill.“ of the area around the south end of the dustrial slum." “'h" rattled spontaneously to save. the were
, _ ,_t hT‘H L37“"’ Ag Farm were worried that a H—acrc F S it re rieved litll‘t‘h't "iii." htin’ laid the foundation rolls.
‘/ I; '-'5;;al ; \ ‘iif-“ul “'00de area would be destroyed m are p ' H - . I()I‘2I ”(‘lgIIIMH‘hOOd organization. IalkO
74" ill?“ I a ti" ol‘derto build two new water tanks for But thdllkb‘ til i h S WilhligheSS t0 the successful Woodland
tittifr it; t ‘tlir.’ l'K. l’reliminarv surveving and soil listen in its neighbors. the Wiihlllt Association" on the west side of Ch
Whig/ zitlLaggt 5‘ i '\? testing work had already meant lOI‘t‘St has ht‘t‘ll Séli’tidi At't‘iii'dilltltti campus. the McDonald Road—Shady It
2 . Lat, K3: is cutting some of the trees. and the Larry Porgy. -h‘~~ vice president t9" Lane l01k5 t'htttd expand the” efforts -ost‘
l K. " g”] i-“ . 7“ v.5 people feared the rest would get the business affairs. who met with it to monitoring zoning changes. utility To n
.11 VAC]? jiiflyiuw “If axe too. citizens‘ committee Thursday. the easements and better overall plan- my;
5.1" \ .L-g ~‘ 971.5% ill ‘ i ”4,; The need for the tanks in the tanks will positively not be located in ning. peop
2...,‘w i' 'l ; Viz ,ifi‘fl‘ general area was obvious. as the woods. Instead. alternate sites so it seems to us that UK has done Ta
’ ff“; ‘ “if“.j’ pi: '\ _\,g ’3; everyone admitted. The present farther north on the Ag Farm will be the right thing in this case, With good ' rec“
.. .l ‘ t/re "ego lh/ water system has needed continual considered. results. We hope that if future con- hust
. I- So. i i N expansion in the last 20 years. With In addition to protecting an f'licts of this sort arise. the pipeline tosp
iJEZ-‘fiég \ i n) "Ni ; the addition of the Complex. 3 new ecologically valuable area. the into I7K's top administration will be mail
L the! ‘ Tf' irrdl veterans hospital. a new agriculture University is making sure the water as open as it was this time. And if' facil
- 7 » .,c_.....,->_aev_e 3—J science building and more southern tanks won't blight other locations. anyone ever says that complaints mor
Water tank? expansion planned. it became even The two structures will be low can‘t get fast action. well, they‘re all Bl
WI'IOI’ water tank? more inadequate. perhaps 25 to 40 feet high at the wet, 2:;
S more o'ce “it ran in enure
tudents deserve v i i g t g t 3:;
The newsthatthe L'niversity Senate tenured positions because they put going to be educationally short- teaching and FCSCBI‘Ch it engenders. klnc
has appointed another committee is more time into their classes than changed. Wt‘ ‘vi'lllild like t0 see those protected “:2
usually greeted with the reader research. Another recommendation we‘d like by it more open to review by th“”' w N
yawning and flipping to the sports to see the committee make would be colleagues and students. But with a l f
page. But in the case of one new Find standards using more student evaluations in ("Ommittee C("“905th 0t 11 dd- h?“
' committee~~-estahllshed to review ()ne of the chores the committee considering a person for a tenured lllihiStrdtOFS and faculty members aln
['K‘s present promotion and tenure faces is to decide among these fac- position. In spite of UK's mid-60‘s tilld only tWO students, we have our ms
systemmwe had to linger for a tors. It could develop standards to shift towards emphasis on graduate doubts about the possibility for ma
moment. eliminate the mfferehces that programs. we'd like to think that reform in that direction. lev<
Certainly the issue of how to judge a presently exist with each college and undergraduate teaching is one of the ent
teacher for promotion to a secure departmental unit setting its own major roles of this institution, and Worth a try
tenure job has been kicked around criteria for advancement. For that as such student feedback would Trving to change a svstem as ex-
often enough. A letter sent out to example. if professors in one be of major importance. tensive and amor hous as UK‘s
iiit'Uiti' members and administrators department are expected to spend Already the committee has decided promotion and ten‘dre isetu may
”i 1953 set d‘m’h the basic criteria: three-fourths of their time teaching if to accept the tenure system as the prove to be as futile as 1,“:ng a
teéilelhlllt-i. research. (jtihit'e;5it}'_ and they want promotions while those in framework within which to operate. pillow. Butif‘ the committee can bring
u>1c service. an ro . . -. ' . ~ - ' . ~ . ~ . .
p .. N
The lights come when vou trv to P . p would be who a feather in their cap.
decide how to weigh these. Students 0 It
would like to see more emphasis on The TWO Sldes Of tenure. o 0 art:
teaching; faculty members. on the tha
other hand. win their professional —_ 8f 3 ~ w abc
status and peer-group recognition 1 l Jm
through research and publishing / C0]
papers. As a result good teachers ? -/ 5 org
often end up without the securitv of I J I 7" /~ no
. - v, 1; ‘t.
, : €35) $ i \ (,ol
..;.:-‘-.\i; VB; I i; “x l M.
Policy on letters ,é‘ \ 7:2“ 1/ » " \f( IQ ; (a) .
't' i ‘. l N“ {'00 ’
In order that everyone may have fill, R It |“~‘\-' TENURE Q ’ "‘\ l ’i .itt'tt.
equalaccess to this forum.letters to ‘ttidtfiqs ' ' ' ' .9 "l ”C ‘ LORI/*u t \i’l'i'il'tt‘ttti
the editor should not exceed 250 ; l /'/'. ”illfl b é‘GJ' W's; ‘n. \\ ‘31::
words. Issues requiring more ex- l ‘ld/w' 7‘-'.\.\\‘\ 4/ - / Ql [I ":57 ”I! ,-
. . . hex \ /\ , I «r/ // /
tended discusswn shall be run as in g. $\ 9 ' r \ ’ ;
itcomments“and should not exceed I fill; '0’ t . '37 :giu' .\:5\\.—.f’ l c l org
750 words. All submissions should . El“ . ' fig 7 l ’0 iiit I wo
be typed and triple-spaced, and ' I‘ll (it; Zlé "f” w, ‘3 , ,3;iill ca,
must include the writer‘s name, till i. 2‘ l ; tigif W ll (/1- 2.; pm
classification and an address and l="' I: 774:3 “, ":1. I it iii/C 5’} del
telephone number where she or he . . _‘ Hi) £614.? ”hf/{5 ' - J x ' llit.\~t "uh-tum /, ‘ch/ : i
can be reached. Material to length i " - ' ‘ \ tightetm r/Z_ 4" ‘ 5:3 ' \t‘" " Shwgrd we
will not be edited except for m i \
grammar. Spelling and “bet Protecting the controversial and shielding the incompetent :2

 'I‘III‘I KENTI'CKY KERNEL Friday-Saturday. October 27. 1972—3
Nicholas ""‘*
t, i . .—
VonHoffmon . fl t k ,
U.S. needs more peeple on welfare student Discount F
Write r hone !
WASHINGTON—So many people are runniii and blocking the installation of automated —
around the country denouncing welfare mag: equipment are endemic. Less easy to document \ l 83 N ' Upper _
there has to be something to be said in its favor. is the keeping 0f superfluous White C0113“ ’ .. EN ' ’
The first and most vehement] advanced technical, and managerial personnel. ’\
argument against welfare is that i); costs “too The time may come when we’ll have to declare Phone 2 54-8083
much.” “Too much” is always defined as that unearned income or welfare is all right. but
whatever we’re paying in taxes to Support the that certain categories of work are henceforth to ‘ ..
welfares stem at them m . be treated as a rare. earned privilege. Under - ~ - .
goes on tyo proffer the ogofgdnTrfl‘ifnizkgf‘ :2: we" a system people would be hired for the SpeCICl|Z|ng In COnlOCl Lenses
cheap it would all be if the people on welfare better, more interesting jobs on a two-year
were off it, working and contributing to the tax probationary period. At the end Of that time, Let US fell YOU
rolls. those who didn’tcome up to snuff would be called . . . -
in and told that they are barred from plant or Of our COHdl‘l’lonOl GUOrOnlee —
Ch h d I office but that they will receive their full ‘ '
ea er on f e 0 e paycheck for the rest of their lives. Then the
P people in the remaining group, those who showed New BOUSCh and lamb
It sounds convincing until you start trying to they were the kind of good workers you want,
cost out the price of a full-employment society. would be called in and offered a choice; im- Soflens
To my knowledge no one's ever done this~but mediate retirement at full pay or a 20 per cent
my guess is that it WOUId be cheaper to keep pay cut for the privilege of staying on the job. ’ ,
people on the dole. Or we might try to cut the costs of overem- Park free across Street ;
. Take the largest. category of welfare ployment another way. People holding down the 01. F ealh er$lon S
reCipients—women With children and Without good jobs might have to go onto mandatory .n. 7
husbands. If they go to work, we’re going to have welfare on some kind of rotational basis.
to spend hundreds of millions of dollars building, ‘ . J.
maintaining and running every sort of childcare Mg} 50 n Ufly
facility. We will also have to spend X millions __. .
more “motivating" the women to want to work. But what would this do to the work ethic? Only *
But suppose we say the heck with that people who like and enjoy their jobs partake of
motivation business. That's just professor talk the work ethic. If you have a crummy, hateful Z
anyway. We just tell ’em: If you want to eat, you .lOb you do it only {01‘ the money. But there's tOO
work. So who‘s going to hire them? They’re much money around these days so peOple who F R E E M O N E Y I
unskilled. Nobody who’s trying to run an ef- USBd to do ratty IObS With great care and energy °
ficient operation will let that kind of worker in now jUSt t9“ the boss to go love Off. The P909]? .
the door. That means there‘s nothing left for who love their work 80 0“ doing h as best they This Cld WOFll’i $2 Off on any .
them but domestic service. Do you want that can.
kind of worker in your house? Do you want that These strange proposals wouldn‘t sound so PU rchose Qf $ 1 0 or m ore On
kind of worker as a low-paid hospital attendant nutty if you recall that jobs have two un— . .
when you‘re the patient? connected purposes in America. We have jobs to O U r S pec I C] I f0 5 h '0 n C I 0th 8 S
No, welfare is cheaper and less troublesome. get WOI‘k done, and we have lObS that we use as a fo r m e n O n d W O m e n . O n e
In fact, one of our problems may be that we don’t gimmick to distribute income WithOUt hurting 0e r. C U 5 to m e r
have enough people on welfare. Look around and people's self-exteem by putting them 0“ welfare. ' °
almost everywhere your eye fans, you’re going We‘d find it cheaper to junk the distributive Expires Oct. 28
to see a plethora of people holding down useless. income lObS and make welfare a nice WOTd- .e
make-work jobs. We know this is the case at all Otherwise fu“ employment may 10b US all into //:::;\\
levels of government, but it’s also true of private bankruptcy. ,/'/ * \
enterprise. Featherbedding, mass goofing-off (C) 1972. The Washington P05! ///:»3:j=1i*;:1\71 7_ 7 7 .. \‘\\
/ ,, . J: . , ‘ - \\
Cmmcni » ,5: a? «if
. :22:— tomato. = m "“
III I: . é t“? Y‘ I. il
N' ° d - .. ' 4
man is scare , not McGovernites 1‘1““. ~ gs .- . " -
By NANCY TOMES for the debate among his fellow Republicans. ,::,, fit‘ggixf'éi ;.’.“ .17
In last Friday‘s Kernel, Oct. 20, there was an I assumed that this meant that there was little 'I!:%.‘M :3 : ’/ ._ .
article about the College Republicans‘ meeting chance of anything materializing, so I cancelled .6.“ 3“ ’- H." 3“. p71"; ‘—
that contained some misleading information the reservation. UK Students for McGovern went '! p" on.’ ' K ' C ,- ‘1’ r. :1 ?‘3
about a debate with UK Students for McGovern. on and planned other activities for the weeks left j ‘ .‘ .2, 2.! t , -
Jim Williams reported at that meeting that the before the election. When, all of a sudden. “a" ‘ ' ° \, t
College Republicans had challenged our Williams called last week ready to debate. I '2‘". ’ 1’ -.
organization to a debate, but that we “had taken could only tell him that we had other plans and 3 ‘e’ ‘ , ' "
no further action." This was not the case. that the College Republicans had waited too .3...”
UK Students for McGovern first challenged the long. fifi‘91.‘
(‘ollege Republicans to a debate. On Sept. 27 at a UK Students for McGovern is in no way afraid J. jQ‘ ' .
McGovern meeting Williams challenged our of a discussmn of the issues. Next week we have —0‘ .i’!’ ‘ ,
"'__—_. planned a series of informal discussions. at .‘ fig?“ ~~~ - ,H,,_'_ l \ —,
Nancy Tomes IS Keeneland Hall on Oct, 31. and at the Student '3" ‘5'“ l 4
. Center, Room 115 on Nov. 18; Nov. 2. all at 7 pm 81* nzw NA
co-chalrperson 0f the (‘ollege Republicans and all members of the ’
University community are invited to attend. “ark ‘ ,
StUden's for MCGOVGI‘" There is one person who is afraid to come out - ’ '
. . . and debate, and that is Richard Nixon. He said in -*
pUbllley com m'ttee 1964 that “I believe that television debates tlmcs J ‘
organization to a mock election. Feeling that this contribute significantly '0 four major OhJQ‘Clly'PS —* 7“"
would be a waste of time when there was real Wthh 3"? in the PUth IMHO-“l? a bigger V0t9~ . .
campaigning to be done, the McGovern sup- better informed voters. lower can‘paign costs.
porters present challenged the Republicans to a and. in the (‘hd‘ a better president. .
debate on the issues. So why does Nixon refuse to debate in 1972'? It
I talked to Williams several times the first must be because he l5 scared that the American ' ' ..
week in October about arranging the debate, and PUth WI“ become 50 m‘K‘h better informed Open 6 nights h” 9 l.
I went so far as to book the Student (‘enter about his record as President that they will vote Located Fayette MO“ h '
Theatre for it. But on Oct. 8 he informed me that for George MCGOVPVhr Let‘s hear the
he was having trouble arousing any enthusiasm Republicans “"5“” ”mp -

 O O
i—rnr: KHNTl'(‘K\' KENNEL. Friday-Saturday. Uctober 27. m7: 5 O OCfIVIst m a rc h
,\ midday anti-war rally by . M~4.,-- 4, 4,-
[our Lexington activist groups - i s'V, "- . 4 4:444 ”43
SCUba lessons by Aqua Shop Inc- attracted about 3o people g“ ’
.. . w - - , i‘; '-tte (‘ountv .. 3' : V ’9’ ‘ w a
.. 00 o . 4 yisttiday .it tht I tjvt , 4,3 :4 f A. 4 w
(t 4” $30 fatal pr'ce InCIUdes courthouse ll?" V!" 4 ¥
.w. '1... The r..ll_\. sponsored by the {A ->
, Lexington l’eace (‘ouncil. the , rm , 4»
. 0 pool and IGCIUI'C sessions Young Socialist Alliance. New 4 ‘- .4’4‘ \4 '
W 4 . :\ltlt‘t‘l('itll Movement. and ; w. to; t’ 2 ..
'44? 33;: 44:4,," . two open water dives Disciples l’eucc Fellowship, ' ’4 .13M” 4' - '
, _ presented two speakers opposed : ‘ - .
Vt . (III EQUIPmeM fUI'IIISIIed to l'nited States involvement in f "A : ‘t .
.81 H . ' , . V" I. , w, {i v ' 9,33
s. . except mask, fins and snorkel \Mmdm _ I. ‘ . 3%.. = .
., John Sullivan, a member ot the 4 4, up" >. ‘- ..~ 44
.. . . . , . , 4. | 4 .44 4. 4 . . _ .r. ,- o ,_ . 4 4:44.
9 full cerflflcaflon course lnited I‘llitndh Mliviu t(omd “:‘vi; - :4, .
- mittee am recent v re urne '..“3 'f
call or III" SOSSIOIIS OI YMCA trom a trip to Hanoi. vowed tn: _. ‘3;
. , “ s .11).,
. . . strong opposition to the war. = 4“:“.‘- ' ,
. n c . 4M
stop by SPECIGI dlSCOUfl‘IS on eqmpment “l was in Vietnam in 1968." he 2 2f " > E's-3:3 3]:
for our students mid. “and i had the opportunity 4444
. to talk to ambassador Ellsworth “'
Aqua Shep - free transportation to and ”um... . .
4 f I f UK (I U ' 4 4 _ After a recent trip to Ilanm.
829 Euchd mm C 055 0" SI" ents ldtold him that the onedthmg activist John Sullivan. right.
stan ing between peace an war .. ,t l - t , ‘t d' .
266-4703 ° classes start Wedne N v t , .1 . ' . ““"‘ 0 “"‘g °“-“‘“" d3 “'
Sduy 0 IS “"5 hth‘ h1 hitudrtgimt’. l\owh I attend an atni-war rally. (Kernel
' - 0 'at' t . Tiav Stow tis . . . .
. lexmgton’s only professional dive shop “ ‘ . ‘ ‘ who!" hi "am Bdmtlstdd-t
morning and tind that the
reporters are starting to agree." will be a good thing. But they
- 4 When a settlement does come. haven't. The basic issue is still
it should not necessarily be unsettled. that of President
respectable tor “5‘ 4but tor the 'I‘hieu. It is our responsibility to
\ ietnamese people ”1 he Job is not get him out."
tel?) h“ 9' “I19" the(O‘bo-fIrOCDmOS' Sullivan was asked if he had
' (J‘ldld;d‘ 4 4 4 _ _ seen any of the IRS. prisoners of
d; " ,: “‘14“ 1‘ 4drot4f‘. d \oung 509th war and whether they have been
\‘ 4 44 . {h ialnc: spca er.4charfa((;erized treated well.
tt‘ ‘_ ' , ”$3” "(th 4'}; ' 4‘3“??th to m peace “I DID NUT get to see any ot
.. F}? 4’; 41." gr? "HA/i “'44, t ‘ (I’d! ”m???“ hke the prisoners."he said. “Butasa
~\_ ._ i 4 ' " . a ~yearo man pom mg a gun 4 4 4 _ ,4 . ,
'.\ v '2' it , at the head of a to-vearold bov “ mattcr 0f fact, we did talk to
, ‘\ .\ .. 3:; . 4 4 4 -' some correspondents who had
.' . .54 3 4.; ' '4 ”I“ 1"“ h‘ H“ man. tanh. seen them. They report that the
4 4, \ H“ . 1 ~ pencil sharpener and bomber '5 prisoners are treated quite well
4. . \ ’4 t u ,, " w , . . _ _
‘ ' "\J; l .4 {if - g . ignimcd ”3:“; tetnam l;,th£hdd} Despite rumors of a cease-tire
. ‘5} . 4 /: 4 ch(aii 1rdwi th£ over. (44?“ Sullivan s preference in the
x1e), _._“::s,\ ‘ niovg(1t 4 ‘ 4 "PW???" upcoming presidential election
J 4,: 19¢"Ctmtn ”4”“44 d .mmg’7r' 3 4:" lay with the Democrats.
.4 4 ) . . . 4 4 4 4 4
I 4/ , S4444); ( d majori 5 m l 2‘ e ‘The American Friends her»
Who Ids . ’1' ‘ Sullivan rit' 4 d th Th' Vice Committee isanon-partisan
. , t " c iCize e ieu ~ ~
° ‘ . rou and othIall su orts no
the "108‘ unique regime and US. armed forces for Sandpidates n hey ”Sip “but
their involvement in the fighting ‘ ' . l i -
j ° . . ' ' rsonallv I am gomg to vote for
'lothes. ' _ lm and ~~ ' . ~~ ~ - - I?“ -
( Ildlr 5t} g When the guns stop shooting it Sen. McGovern.“
o o I O
ambiance In LEXIngIOII! F d . d
. f I t' h I'd ’
er me °' ”W" °' "Y I
4 By nos Think The bill. signed March 25. is '
. Kernel Staff Writer scheduled to go into effect Dec 1 1
._ Students (‘Xpt‘Cllth an election Governor Ford recently *lg’w‘l .
: day holiday on Nov 7 are in for a “ memorandum placing ”l“ ‘
Of COUFSG. " dis étpttttttlllt‘ttt4 Governor years election date under the
4 at 64] East Main Street ’ \h-ndeli Ford has rescinded his Jurisdiction ot the hill 5
. 4 Where the story includes cosmetics, hair COlOt’inq, mi i‘ziorandum concerning St ate Wednesday Brenda tluuhe: (
.4 hair styling (shaggs for instance) boots galore, bags teweir .4, _.4.:f somati- llrli in.» \* nit-ii mil make ‘~(*(‘t‘vt.'ir_\ it) im- special ”who: L
KI’SSQFIO‘) and ClOi'hefg, ClOIheS, ClOthS ’ LL39 ttt‘cst'lctatizd election dates state to the Lionernor for legal atm» n
:‘ you’ll love 4 Lon“. (40“ $1: oltdgo s said the governor has resrzuit
. ‘ ’ q ibr nu-tnorandum
I‘;’Iff?.‘"’5m3‘” i 53417:" 7-73 3 "-i " ‘"",‘nn,:¢4,,’~ .. 5’3: . t; 4, ---- .- '?;:.'B:',”V.“. w:‘. * ;.. «Him-v.44 1‘ -' ""‘""""
.«n .45 h .. :_‘.‘ _4,_f£_4_,. 4» ,4, . ,., 4 . 4 44 K “4: 4 _"'4‘..‘ ‘S’{:<"'~~}...,.~ $14.2).z f “'54 “4 III ‘ III'I\ », \II) 4.4 H44
. . .. ,\ ,.. {'4 . . ‘fl 4‘ ‘ I , l t
._________________ In“ KenIUCky Kerne' possibility the governor t.-
N‘-—v~—-——m~, ~ ..__‘_ ,‘_,___._~ _ .
‘“ ‘ ‘ ~ , . , make the day a holiday tor
o d i . . If I. , *léitt' employees except at rtat~
HaV'ng a DEVI, \’ of a time finding ‘ 4' '- »- 44‘ 4' 4'4 44 4 colleges and universities
gs ' 4 4 " 44 liruce Miller. t'K's director o‘
, i'. -- t 4,., . ,. m, til/i "4 personnel. sa.d the state ('olh‘tlt"
”'9 "9’" Person for ‘ that iob? ‘ x J ‘ 11:3,? «wt t me" e
° w ‘ - - , . in. ,« tr’mmtlrt mi eluded trom the memorandum
. _ 4' I """‘ "" "’ ""‘m‘ because they would be unable to
\ ~; Wt it , Human.” rearrange their schedules in
.. ~ 4, . In"; 3.: 44.34; order to make up for the lost day
KE KERNEL ruzeuones Miller said there are mam
RNEI. CLASSIFIEDS lfi144F44"‘F“4‘4’44’:4‘ ‘41.?" ,4 4h 74:: 2’43: state holidays UK does not ob
‘1 he" a "(a (home's: ‘ (tVtuIatton SPFVO because OI. II‘S acadvmlt‘
“Wk NDMWW £3338 schedule. But, he added. the
“'e'warm 25a 5600 l'niversity does take some d8."S
“” ""—"— u 0” that are not state holidays.

 ’l‘lll‘l Kl-INTl't‘KY KERNEL. Friday-Saturday. October 27. 1972—5 _‘
UK student vies _
for School Board at -
t . :64)
ex By PAUL (L’RllAN Herren approves busing only 5);
- iv:- Kernel Staff erlel’ “if it improves the quality of the m l *5 . \ . ‘
.. Charging the Fayette County child‘s education." I {:5 -__. . ‘5“- :7
k Board of Education with ANOTHER ISSUE raised in ‘i;.'/.z~"""““i"k"-"“" If g '1' "
operating under “a crisis men- this election concerns the . l ,5 3 ‘-
tality " Marjorie Herbert is establishing of public kin- » “la ’ l "/ {9"
a trying to unseat fifth district dergartens in the county- '1 ® “' 11 ’ "k/fl‘ ma,“ V0 GEN
"1- incumbent Donald Herren in the Children need the benefits of “the - ‘ *‘"‘ ""15"” ' 7—5 fl —
., upcoming school board com- socialization process, Herbert New Circle 8. libeny Rd. 255-238l €—
. mittee elections. said. . v
. Herbert, a UK law student, tfhedadded that many children ;—~,
singled out the issue of busing in 2 fen private tindergartegs
Lexington,saying “the posture of e dor: en ering tked first gra e ____.______...___._
51“ the board has been one of an at: a mag]: a vangage \l 4
reluctance to desegregate the overt osef. C l. lien “£1056 1
.1 -( schools in Fayette County.“ parsnt: aret "Lansia y una e to I! m
my: The board has been cautioned sen em 0 m ergar en. 3: c
by the US. Department of Herren disputes this statement, ‘5 0 #
I Health, Education and Welfare, saying “environment” is the V Dd / \ \ a‘ ,0 77 ——
she said, and has had ample time primary determinant of \ ‘ //": .’, ‘ ‘ ,_ ’6 ~ , ' -\ t. .5 /G ’
. to begin to change the racial academic success. “ l j //’ \\ “it; K I,.‘,\))lll\\\ r../x/r
I. l ’ \ ‘1“ -' “H," , .
t. makeup of the schools. The board Both candidates agree on the / K ‘ \ Q1‘15) Q ,1 -5‘. g .‘
“I failed to heed HEW S warning, need to re-draw school districts / \J" 3, “t t' ‘Ziul t} '{J ,’ l
M She charged. in order to provide residents of / ‘ m, \ )I‘Mt l3 3 ' i , .
HERBERT SAID, however, the inner .city with stronger / /‘ C? a) :5 e i',‘ ‘3 . .m 53 7; "> {1415‘ ..
that busing is not the issue. She representation on the board. / %M‘0 N ' - It ‘1‘ (I o a" it . 4;; ”c; ‘Ar - 293 ( ks
advocates the re-drawing of The race for three of the five '\ t( 4:13.71. :53?" 9t g i I ‘ g I; ' P“ .,
1 school districts and a revival of seats on the school board will be \"’l§--" :::l"/ 11336, H “gt ‘ f a ”'
I the neighborhood school concept. decided at the polls Nov. 7. "g‘fzfia \ V ‘ ‘\\\‘ I I C {‘3 LS \
, .:.'.i;3;:; I m i‘ a , ‘ *
Student senator claims . :-:=-:-:-:- \ ‘ \ . @‘9 |
‘ :-.-‘ tint-1:23 / " I g r,
. '::::U.l:::| ‘\\ , ,. . / ,
merger WEI, benEfif UK i--"5'~':!7'-'J W i" ' ' E
‘ '52 'Ehli . ‘ ’
. ,‘~'\‘i"TI!/Illl3i‘.!m v . j ' {
By BILL PINKSTON would have the opportunity to "lb-"I'Iilnllmn m . . . .
Kernel Staff Writer elect one representative of the 15 I'lLI'l'liiII-iiiili-‘. , _ , . ‘ I
City-county merger would give on the council. [lgliiiiuu .-.-l!ll . ‘_ .- g ., . . . .
University students a “much This would make the I! I “w!"lllglll‘ . ‘
better shake" in local govern- representaive responsive to I i' , Ills“... "ll ‘ I
ment. said Michael Ryan, a UK student needs, said Ryan. and fir I' a lil." \ I I
student senator. to discuss the give the student voice in the .!!l I I ii ll z—x’ / ’
merger issue Wedensday night in government. "I, "l\\ ‘5‘ L . // i
the Student Center. Ryan admitted there have been H i I ”Hi ' 5‘“ v' \,_ { ‘
.rhe city-county merger objections that the boundary of l' I I "I “\ a! If \‘r‘ _\ .
proposal. which will be presented the district four would split the l. I' ' ' ll ‘3‘ ‘ / \\/ 5 be 7“ l
to voters in thegeneralelection on University community in half. . .._. l “m . / , :
Nov], would replace the city Rose Street is a western edge of M" ' I l" Al ", / I : .
commissioner and the county the proposed district. {'Ifi- 0 In “l X /" *'*~~- J \ ——‘—' I "
fiscal court with a 15 member “1.; SA") most UK students !’ I m w' \_ I :j-
urbancounty council. don‘t live in the large portion of "'I'i ' u‘ I” PU ' ON [ALL
lNSTEAD of electing com- the Uiversity to the west of Rose n... !!_! "" - 'f // .
mission or court members at Street. “Rather than split UK III" II l, /
large, the urbancounty council students," Ryan said the III. I " ‘II PHI Oil the trech It 7., l“ d'i
members would be elected proposed district wou