xt7djh3d282p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7djh3d282p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1984-03-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 07, 1984 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 07, 1984 1984 1984-03-07 2020 true xt7djh3d282p section xt7djh3d282p  

Vol. lXXXVI. No. I29

Emmett? if

er 1121

Established l894 University of Kentucky Lexington Kentucky Independent Since t97t Wednesday March 7 I984


Board, U. Senate endorse governor’s tax plan

B) i\\l)RlC\\ ”PP“ \\\
Hdlitit‘rllH 'hiei

The Executive (‘oinmittee oi the
Board of 'l‘rustees and the l'niyersi
ty Senate (‘ouncil yesterday en»
dorsed (iov Martha Layne ('olltns
proposed tax package and her plans
to improve primary and secondary

In separate documents. each orga
nizatton cited damage to all levels ot
education caused by the state's rey
enue shortfalls and the tieed tor iii
structtonal enhancement along with
praising t‘ollins initiative on the

The Board s iesoiution adopted at
yesterday s livectitive t'omniittee
meeting, ta\ reyenues iii the
state are inadequate to meet the
demands ior continuing the nec
essary le\el oi support tor essential
programs tn Mutation and the
need tot' tniproyttig the quality oi ed


SGA officials announce
ticket for spring election

Hy l~1l.lZ\HF ”It \It \s
N't‘iiiil’ \ttati \Kr'ter

l’rotiiising the increase oi student
seryices and ensuring quaitiied stu-
dent representation 'l‘tni l‘i'ettdcn
berg, .Ioitn t aiii and Jim l’Usttitger.
announced iast night their candtdi»
cies tor the top three ottices tn the
student tioyernment ,\.\.\4K‘lttittiit

l‘teudcttberg, now serving as MM
\tce president \\tll be \t‘t‘klllL‘ the
position oi president ('atii and His
ttnger yytil seek the posts oi senzor
yice president and I‘\t\'ttt!\e pl't'slr
dent respecttyeiy

Running under the slogan oi expe
rte ice integrity and commitment
i‘t‘eudentwrg and l’ustingei'
reyealed some o' their taii.patgt,
promises it. about so supporters at
the student t‘en'ei‘

‘ttll‘ t'atlse Ls test‘xitis tile sitttit't'
leadership and our purpose is
make sure that our taiise peinieates
the Mix l‘tt‘\' year said l‘l‘t'tltit'l.
berg a [liliilt'al scieni e and English

lr'reuiietitwrg has been .iiyolyeti at
student ginerntitent tor two
sei‘ytng as last year s Arts 8; Science
senator and t"tlll‘illllilllll' oi the sin
dent Hrgaiti/atioii t'ont-

\ treshniai: azti program a
amising program :ncreaseti dorm
yisitat;oi; and student printing
service are some of ’he services pro
posed by ’atit a itnance (.er
man tunit tr






t'atn has been a senator at huge
for the two years and was a
ireshman setiator lie is also chair
man ot the campus relations com»
mittee a Sit-tic member and a
member oi Sigma Pi iraternity


f’ustinger an economics atid agri-
culture economics Junior. proposed
the development oi a teacher eyal
uatton catalog and the expansion oi


mg a


secondary editcat it it. s t sfetit


oltlttott states

pert-d .
youth to prepare tor 't'it'

or it

Hi iat‘

-\li t tit/cits


quality and exretlettti

on tn Kentucky is
tid recogiit/eit

ts undentatiiy
sub standartt

song \'ttll(l
“New luvcy are essential In provide desperate/i
needed i'ni/iroi‘emciily {H llie i/itu/I'Iy' of primary
M and secondary (’(/l((’(1//()N and to prevent serious
e/‘oy/o/i [I] the (/Htl/l/l o/ /Il'J/IUI‘ education in
Kentucky . .tly ("Hitch/Ii teachers, ii'eurc
acute/t on are of [he need for lie/ler/irt'lnt/Iji
um/ yct'mii/iu'i t’l/1(((/.'/()ll_ “


aiti ti.

.itiectetl 'tie i‘tltlltllllli

th oi Kentucky 'ta- l‘wttt‘t‘t :es
’l.t.“ lut'f.
ix"? ’ltt‘is.

Ants. tut r

lltt‘ tililai‘. ‘ii
i pursue higher wtztta' oi ‘.,v
d resolution sax s

I litters/'0' .Senule ( omtci/
policy ylulcmwir

ttt't’l tlili tit
stiottii: ttotrtti'e
llfltlt‘lr'ti'.‘lt't; .ta'

icttot; and

,if" "\\".'t',_t.

tti all leyets oi whit ti‘ o:


Lllllili l't'ttf‘.\

The pol'a y s'a'eiiietn

the c


.l ti' 'lt"..


tilt" tltt l‘t'tist'.»

through Tahiti; faxes .m:

Executive Committee
approves tuition hikes

support n :-

stutter.‘ sery' ‘-

'ii! ll‘ .\t



lie Is i t,

(lamina ltiio tra'er:

lishiiiei:t ot a relier’t ;.

insured r'etieia,

\otcz‘ 'v-L s'3a'

I ‘,-.j ‘
‘ntpieiiten‘ra'. t-i 1' ".t
yaitce l-‘uiiii l’tlitn a 1 '
tli't'l' it! .
allows studet.‘s to :ept,
ii: installments ' '
checks attet‘ gt‘aittta' o:
Freudeitlwrg sa 1
approach will be a \i't’:
’l,et s rut: this iaiitpa git takrt "w
high road. stressing the t\,\‘lt‘\

{lisltiti l'Lir 's'

mitnient to stutter! wranes a: .1 'l_i'
new programs we hay» 'o itftu' He

said ”lA‘i s titii'tthla’r‘ 't'a‘ :Iits." .
and coiicenttxite on
team can do tor s‘tiitei 's ' «.rst'

\H’ can fit" lt'tittt Titt'l'.

ATLI’ 4,. is l

l'p against the w all

llw. .' i ll:

l’t‘» \\ltl{l \\ 'tl'l'\l ‘-t\\

ili‘l\ \ttisixiis

Gov. Collins, Medical Center declare Organ Donor Month

H) \\(il‘lli() B. lll-I\l)I‘IRSU\
Senior Staff Writer

Shari l-Ildot may not live to see
her 22nd birthday uitless she gets
another heart

tine month ago. doctors at the [K
Medical (enter told her she needed
a heart transplant In order to stay

l‘Ildot is Just one of the many peo»
ple who needs an organ transplant

But. lildot may be in tor a long
wait - even though she is presently
undergomg tests because the
number of people waiting for organs
surpasses the number of organs

The demand for donations depends
on the type of organ needed The de-
mand for some organs is so high ,
such as that for corneas. which are
not directly life—sustaining __ that it
Wlll never be met, There are ap<
prox1mately 10.000 people waiting
for kidneys Only about 5.000 trans—
plants are done each year

Because of this tremendous short-
age of hearts. kidneys. corneas and
other organs. Gov Martha Layne
Collins. Lexington Mayor Scotty'
Baesler and the Medical (‘enter
have joined forces to proclaim
Organ Donor Month in March.

Tom 'l'hrelkeld. Medical Center
transplant program manager. said
the goal for March is to increase
public awareness of the need for do
nated organs,

According to surveys taken by va-
riom polls. 'l‘hrelkeld said. approxi-
mately 75 percent of the people in

Kentucky are \\‘lttftL' ‘1Iiht'i‘ iii.
organ aiter they tlze

“it the 73 percent 'tta‘ say I ':
ia\or oi organ donatntg
low through. then tha' aoitii
the problem ‘ he said

"What is ii'tisti‘atinc ‘s 'in :~_t::.:-.:
oi donors haye lt‘\i'.i'=! oit a .v
transplants are a lot mote sitt t 1 ss
tul than they were a ntiimni i‘t
years ago.‘ he said

The reason some peoplt
sign a donor card he
cause they either ha\ e iieyei cons ii
cred donating or they are scared
that their essentia: organs would be
removed beiore they are dead

“There is no disitgurement and
normal funeral services take place
after the donation. "l‘hrelkeltt said

“People ask. "Am I really going to
be dead when they take my or
gans“.' and the answer is 'l)eitiittely
yes.‘ “ he said “We take measures
to assure there is no conilict oi in

"The physician inyolved with the
patient care and declaration ot
death is not part oi the transplant
team." Threlkeld said ’“e are
very careful to make sure one is e\
pired before the organs are taken

"L'nless there is a religion that be
liey'es you must be whole when you
die. there is no religious. moral or
ethical reason that people shotildnt
donate organs when they die.‘ he

Even though l-Zldot has been ac
cepted at the Medical ('ollege of \‘tr
ginia. she has come to realize the
need for organ donations as she
watts for a heart from a matching

Awhl‘i T


t t'


donor "i didn't think about donating
tiiittl l ioutid out I need a heart. ' she
said l realised it is important and
there is nothtitg better than to gt\e

“There is a lot oi need that
been going on for a long time
said ‘l’eople must be aware
need is out there

Signing a donor card. on the back
of a Kentucky drtyer's license. is
important. Threlkeld said biit inst
as important is talking with family
members tn making a (lt‘t‘lstmt "so
they won't be hit all of a sudden
With the idea


II N\\s k

'\\'hen you sign an organ donor s
card. you have to haye two \yit
iiesses. and iteither has to be a iaiiit
iy member but do let the next oi kin
know 'this is what I want to do
he said

The donor card is a legal docu
ment. Thrclkeld said so legally the
organs can be taken ‘But practical.
ly' we realize the time the family is
having and we give them total cor.-
stderation.” he said

"We talk with the family and let
them see that the deceased had

w'tll‘ .yzshes ‘
toerd ia'
\l‘itiil: lliitn
;itityi.i liti'
Sutt’ai espei
‘ti~ ones ':i.:‘ L‘c
-l." “til" i. t‘l'i'
tot ‘ta-‘i h tart: s W
l i..:ke
cornea rlci‘atmiysa:

be :re til‘l'iL "
pie .«ho woitii :ioi
sittttt‘i'. .‘ti'
“item a li’t’stii‘. st't‘alt‘hi‘if "ti' s.;"‘.t. i
of the tornea
sight a transplant wottini iio' be pus
sible because oi the ilt'nitlllil in more
Scrlllu.‘ ('il\t'.\

\ow however we are
to get enough tissue '«I it” 'hese
other types be There are
13,000 cornea transplants >lotte ii: the
l‘nited states and we would do an
other 13,!!!) it we had the "tssilt'

titttl i‘tt'lds



, ‘

it'i\'li_tt"tl\ i“: '
’..i'yt‘ lfl't‘." .
tide lit s.i‘2 l‘ ~Y I
i t.

shin ...1’ ti’ ritii '.'Ti

.l \t‘.tl

t'tll’ si':i lite? [iiil",ti



More and more people are star?
mg to take the tirst nioye in donat
iiig organs instead ot waiting on
their decision he said "That is en
cotiraging because we are finally
seeing the message getting

The program is also becoming
more advanced Threlkeld said
“Within the last three or four years.
there has been an increase of people
donating hearts livers and pan»



la lraitata should

\JllL‘lll t‘l‘Cl‘JL‘t‘Us l‘i‘uillhl‘ ll

:ntctcst n'zc
will he
:7L‘\L‘nl6k.l in l‘llgllsh hit a \ompicts

i‘lL'\"\'“. sec PAN} ARI- page h

\tcording to a spouse abuse »0tlll
scioi. a Ear-3c tiaitibei oi sllldt’llh .iic
puttinii up “tilt .latc abuse lor the

\oinplcte stoi \. see page 2






Today wtll be partly sunny With
highs in the mid-30s to midAOs To
night will bring increasmg cloudiness
with a chance of light snow or flur-
net atter midnight, lows will be in
the mid.20s to lowJOs. Tomorrow
will be cloudy Wlih highs in the
upper-20s to uppereltk.




 2 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Wodnoodoy, March 7, 1984


x y



< ,L .v


“L Ol“s

iii matrix-tits
~ri op‘ihivsm

"(ti-(iii iirsmnemie

fl‘r' xii dt' ‘1
‘I '<‘\i‘g'"..'t‘\ Illul
ili'oil‘i '1.“


'i tin-s tired:

'i IIsI‘tdsi‘ H

s net: ~litl'if
'. J bt-z'icr'

u ,. heip boost the number


EARN $35.0°



new congestion and

Winter cold

Mon -Fri

e/seiim lured needed a
trump/m1! to survive.
ee.’ 1!." Sign your donor

lien Pierce
a transplant recipient

you can earn
by oortmpotinq in o 3 hour medical study.

rhsre information coll 257-5266 or 257-5276

Keri Pierce lt‘t‘Ht-il ti
transplant tour \e.irs .igm

Betor'e l had ti transplant I run:
not thought about it or uiis inure i:
ttie need he suiiii
imn t‘\}k‘t‘lt‘ttt‘t' him I mark \Lll thi
Kltltlt') Foiindnrni ‘rr m-tt'ig 'h.

but xx :tt‘. rr:\

I‘ierce usuolb t’ltih hides hzs l.i.t‘\‘
about denoting .ii: urge \\I'.". tries.
words 'It _\oii or surnisiizt --Is« .
lmed needed .t Ilil'\l‘lttl.v n sti:
\rxe \muld (hm In ii: = n gt.

Mun )oiir‘ donor i .Il i:


$2.00 B‘Z‘i‘oiz’icé‘é’i’i


won» Ana Son 9c.

liamo " on fiio It


Ul"ol.h.ully vow. n

4 >1
'hullgwsvi.“ PG

Ago 'u' A 0661 I?





Our new Wolff System Tanning Bear 9.

au.ckly and sotely

Sign up o‘ter vim; ‘ is'

o'rd get SM? 0” the regulcr 54° 'e'i \OSric


disuse F URBS


A. x, Iii



Y i I i l_
I It 5 M:




\ _-

s‘ \


~ ‘ ~~»\\s§\§\\s%*\\“‘


Mid-State Distributing Co.
Urges Your Support
Of Alcohol Awareness Month


(Boosting Alcohol Consciousness Concerning Health of
University Students)



% Date abusing often a student outlet

to express frustration, speaker says

It\ .ll I II \t IHIII‘I

He l\'\l'\ me He hits me What do I do”"

I'll:s is i- si t‘Il.|I‘IH thilt is becoming all too familiar
\lllt‘l'll'ull according to Carol Jordan
Iteri‘. .i counselor ti' the \'\\'t‘;\ spouse abuse cen
'er iii-i :\ spoke on "Violence in Dating
llt'lti'lJl’isll‘Ih It (tin Happen in Any Family" re
the student i enter as part of Women's His-
'tll \ \Ir-t'h \liii't'll I III


ltlill'. i.‘

\s iiizr its Islet .t \\.I_\ assumed by socxological
lt'\~ .lIi 'lt i~ that xiiilence rieter occurred until after
- Y'i? ii .\ill‘.'i.il'. h.id been married." Berry said
‘.s t We iii‘ college campuses in the last two
dilute ‘imr Hit It) .is many as :15 percent of
.I\ flinr \‘.Ii“.t'}t‘ll had experienced some sort

it :thii: ii dating relationship "
xiiihin .i dating relationship can take
ii: 2:.s 1' iitll be shipping. hitting. pushing and
A; I: t: \.tll lltkt‘ the torm ot assault or threat-

1.issii i.l Will] .i ‘lt‘illll_\ \\e;ipon
Herr) \Irllt‘llt" mthin a relationship
. it: ilnli\lilllitl s being unable to deal With
‘. \'l‘t'\~ " l.:‘lliilli)Il tlI‘ tillgt‘l'

‘ more than 75 per


,is ’tie tnitniduuls
i or I ~. 'ltIt‘ll', relationships have grovm up
'i ' 1.; i. nieizce oI' l1;t\ e themselves. expert

si-izic form or .iniither Berr} said "Vin
ll‘lliflllll‘ The message comes

'ni :riilix‘diidi 'h.il Violence is an accepta»
‘ i‘ \ {‘lillll); t‘llll‘llllll.‘

Mum's .ili sociix-ciiriiirnic barriers and has

1 .\:tl. more} or religion and is not asso-

s' . léeirx said Research has shown that
it ilvral by 'hi 'uirlt'r‘iends‘ and Wives
. .i..llll in abuse relationships
. s iiiiwr' ‘r'm, ii pai‘filt‘l‘ is something that

.t iirrieit

, ,t
A till,» .



many individuals seek," Berry said
contusmn resul ts from abuse

Many women blame themseh'es tor the .ibiisi rim
receive The male Will say something him I' .m
hadn't talked to those gins at the part; t'rmni. r Lr.’
I wouldn‘t have had to do “hat I did \llt‘li in »\p .i
nation relieves the offender trom ll.t\llIL‘ com I
Sp()nSIbIlIt}' for his actions ‘

Isolation may result tor those liltlIHllii‘iii‘
in a \'I0lt’nl dating relationship l’l
someone has to present a ntlll'lhl‘t'dlt‘lilt‘it. ...’- in v
for the abused indiridual,” Herr} soul

“Above all else. do not llllllh the him it ,.
form the abuser l'nless the abuser .ir.i '~~
receive some sort of counseling the iii» I"
time and research has shimn ll‘ul' "i
sodes Will become more requeni .ind .'..'I."
time passes "

Berry also said an III(Il\ltllldl hgis -. ';.i ,. 'v .
vation to change his or her llt’hiflllri n. ' .~.
irig can affect the behm IUI‘

“More and more. iudges tire iri.ii2it.il.uL I
rather than ~iail sentences tor .ibiisriw 1 . '-
“In damn: this it is hoped that niiiiix .i- i- .
port \‘lOlt‘tll behavmr. \thtiul (“31“,; '3 ,. - ,.
their mates reaction toa potent“; Le. ’

For those iridix'iduals uhe tire imw. , i:
relationship and unnt help. Herr} mi i:
to call the YWCA hpoiise :\llll\t‘ i ('I‘. --
line The telephone number :s 3;» - rum.
ot the center is kept st‘t't‘i-l 'll prim-w '-
seek shelter there

\}\tl ‘.

.iii ”7



t At'riiu. ti brict
I m :ictoii poIiLc \gt

L unrcbur)


.it «1' thc






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All the Spaghetti & Garlic Bread
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house. [he procrtnn. simizsiv'wt '
lloosi »\lLutmi tuzm
the llctilrh ot

nigh! tiriJ “Ill not bc tnizac'"

limcrsi'i s‘


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 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Wodnoaday, Mach 7, 1984 3


Miday Panorson
‘19,]... {,1 t

Andy DumsvorI

Ass, s‘J' ' ‘lp- " r1'


SEC tournament next obstacle for Kentuck


l‘lie Southeastern t'onterenee Tournament has not :atheti', did not help though as the ('ats dropped their ”hr .11 '14 'ourhdrheyfl target: .d' 'n 1 ~ ,.v
tw-ngoixltot’h‘ t i‘~' game in the tournament roar. to Vandertint 'l'ho 'het it's All." 'iaraterhil' pun": a vow-t lpse'
Sinee the tournament \\.is reinstated after the 1978710 post season drought continued when Ker;tuek_. lost .r Kern“ K; aer' o: A.’ 'A‘ gar-ms
season Kt‘llltlk'k} has tailed to Wlll the same Bruce ‘h~ 5:»! round ot the \t'AA n, Alabama litrrianghaih toie 'nang ehrxirh'w: t); Lam». H.
ehainpionship it ilainied 1‘; times between 1933 and KABALEN mu; \lziteas' lieg mi. Aime, how‘s."
1593: Starting tomorrou mght tn Nashulle. this season's l‘txl s: I K shared Slit honors Wllh an ll 3 llial'h' the v... ’i! : ~pears for 'ci—g
tournament site the t‘ats once again W1“ go alter an .‘ 1 otxanied to the tournament finals alter 'Ains ow! mer' Am :e:.v.sta'ed Kt‘ll'ath ~
aiitomatie hertlt to 'he \('-\.~\ playoffs. set to begin next not". and \ltssissippi Alahanla stopped the t'ats 484: pm} A , ltie l a'~ are S.
“Wk —_————— ' 'he lilatl‘ The loss to Bama set up one ot 'he mos' \l'l an: .as' seasz - rarzre'
Kt‘ttlttt‘k} “1” MW 'h“ ‘it‘ttrfllaMtsstssippi State Villl MOTH-79 Alter \Kllllllllg the \t \.\ '.‘le 'r.» ,2: w aruisstzlg .osses in H‘Cé‘lllhlblttt‘} tor Kertuexj. \1:dea~‘ a i~ p '11." , - '
ltt't‘ at ‘,t p in toiiiot‘t‘im The question is What's better tore. Kentuek} struggled to a 1km hair‘s tr ‘t.e \lt 'v . 1'. I a's .wre sent to the Mideast regional and were ..i'a e
mnning oi losing Mire the moneys good tor the ular season Hall voted against the reinstan .. -:’ : ” :. lana- aua'. tron: playing state-rim] lA)U15\1llt‘ to! lot 'ner'l- p'.
ert‘ setiools. hut einotionall} and physical!) what does postseason tournament hut round ;’ to he 'lze : ' : , : zs' 'ha- 1:; more than I; )t‘at‘s The onl} prohleii .- ‘
llIlttllil‘lllt‘tilltllht'Kt'lllllt‘k}" totheNt'A.-\this season \l.dd1e lennessw 'l‘he Raters erased the tat:
Kt’ltltlt'k} eoaeh .loe H Hall "It can he an emotional ’l'he t'ats‘ det‘eated Mississippi rt; '7, Mai/an a ‘ 'llt pzi ture wtlu'i itH-tvh
drain on .tour players hot it s to our advantage to he and 151' 80437 to mow- into the tinal against Ee: - mag-xi .Joe Halls squad win Keiitueie. s Htt. slit
pl.i_\111g good at tha‘ time ot the season There are dit l’l;l_\lllbl its tourth game 11] that lllgllls Key ' 1, ~ -.-L l, o season title xuzth a lit 3 record Being seeded \i
let‘t‘ltl theories oi: tilafittig it: a [Xistseason tournament the \'ols to overtime hut lost 7’» o. t K rue ‘ ’
Nttlie toaehes aan' to lose and get it oxer “till I \mulil hid tor its shouting 11; the ski 'tltll‘lnti’lit‘l.'
llke to an. The \llt' 'l‘ournament It‘s more ot a eonti t’lemson in a ame )laxeda' tin , '\l't‘.’iti
denee taeto: although .tltllllllL’ it is not a real hoost tor 1979—in lientuil‘kt txninimtpiiaek and AH! " i - §TONE PHOTOGRAPH‘ INC' 1I
to Hi: 'oarhan‘a-iit s aluaps an underdog tourna t‘t'flulttt‘rst'zislm title 'vkllh a in: mark 1', ha : m ' h H h '
men: iials ot the Slit 'I‘ournament tor the \I‘t oiat ~‘r : . . -h‘ .
\lir. lose or ‘ll‘u'A Kentuek) \Hll receive an Nt‘:\.\ stillilllt‘l"»t111.\ti\t'l' Auhurnand \llsslr\l[.‘l'. 1' Goadbye Lexmgton!

llltl llali still sees llo‘ tournament as a waste ot time ‘M‘t‘e the same. homoer as [>1 ad'...i:eetf ‘ 2 K ' t Hello Spring Vacation
and energ; 'lii' hopes lax team EH“ lookon it tatorahl} ti ith a rut TH uni HH'I' the t 'ats

'ite .wr.‘ ln- ltNIhlllL’. has: 1 hope It's important Kentuek} teteated l‘lttl‘ltla s'a'e i.‘ . - , ‘ , Bring in that vacation
for tis to do 'At‘li .llo‘l :::.1>ro\e as a t)alleluh.' Hall said round ot the \t'.»\.\ and mine home ‘1 ti ' film and get 0
Hon ate go t- : x.,.1 Late a lot to do \Allil hou \At‘ plat ltuke The Blue ltexils spoiled Kev". , - 1 , ,
t-onmotitw: .' ot its sixth \i \.\ eto'ai. tloariazg tta aw ‘ ~ 0
\ look a” :mei1' histor‘. lil'litt'\ playing in the slit last seeondshot hf. K}lt‘,\l.it'} missed /° ‘ ‘
l’oiii‘ttaiiier' Has heel; a deterrent in Kentuek} s quest Him-hi Kentuek} s 13 a regula: seaso' ':t a ' . ' ’ ‘

tot tor'hei glitzy» ll. post season pla} Slit “as good tor swond place The seeding .7 ”1 . ' . V V‘STUDENT DISCOL’N";i
,. -' ‘ I W ‘ '35mm Fitrr Processmg caiun COOking

t" 'Ektochrorre Slides
‘- / '8 at‘kand NhtteCCiwp'



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wzoa'd twins» “.tlkct goes tll‘ tot tuo against Mississippi, :as' If‘: . s 1..

HUNT} “allu't was named '4.» second Team -\?ir\lt won't» V I > FIGHT BACK and Begin a course

warned, lawn: in the tits: feati} and How»; it's; '

'o: .t'h‘ktieoigai \lissassippi \taiega'tietrnmrroo :' \JV‘et‘i‘V‘ '-~" Now, WOrk On it afld FINISH it

, . , over the summer.
UK 3 ticket manager to retire x
in May after 33 yearS’ service 5:; '35::‘tLZ'Tséli'tssz‘fitbstJSS
nmmwn m to m m ta - ,1 PROGRAM Room 1 (Basement) Fra-

ltepoi'ei haskettiall games \H‘t’t' :r: demand operate the [Q‘f'llflfuli‘ a-

as muehthenasthe}ai'erioxx cons l'taske'ttaii 21mm . _ lee Hall between 8:00 and 4:30 or
He has semi"? par" '~n.e and full Morgan rememlx-rwl ail .Ilt ident ‘rzttutedto eompiife:
time tor ’in l K \"aotu \ssoeiation that happened one \tlltt‘tlti} night tine dilHll} ‘ha' \1i~:‘-_‘t' . ' cuII 257-3466.
tor half o: h;s tile 11» Inil‘lt‘ is not a during a game against l'enhessee l1 tzeipate 11. hetoie tie :e' 'v
household .iord am he prohahl} was \‘er_\ “arm in the lohtt} \then =_ll\l1‘litllllttlt ot Hem-ts 'o:
\Hltlltl 'ltt' draa :zaiii. attentntii in a suddenl} he telt a dratt He looked Final Four “hill: .\-}1 14
t'ro'ad ltii' .x\ l l'\ meet nianagei up and saw an open uindim Stu liiipp \reha \ii ‘Lekef apt
:\l \li't'giii. proxi les 2.1.1: servn'es dents had been climbing up an e\ must he postmarked M \pxa
tor nianji \‘rtdiat :ats tension ladder and through the “11‘. this _\ear and Mergai pr: 1%
doxk to see the game Morgan said \er) hits) da} litt"ltt';x»s'
that "we put a stop to that alter so t'hn Hagar. airie',
long" praised Morgan toi Its
Morgan “as promoted to supt‘t‘H thel n:\ei‘sit)
sor ot' student athletie admissions in "l‘he \thleties »\ssoi -'
1962. his tirst tull time Jttlt 111s math rel) iii;ss 'ltig »\. 11o t

“-1; it‘oL‘t‘atiis. '1 K Tot 'liall ‘atttt's . I
'i ‘ h eoncern “as eheeking student llts He is one oi the :{xis‘ 1. ‘ 9
\ tr:e:.d wt i:,;~:e was in iliarge til at athletieevents and hardwmrking people a "- ‘
‘ . k I\ ‘ l A A 1 I ‘ I ‘ I

Morgat' .1l‘l‘ rev-or. as ll'g :\l
itill retire .11 \l e. ,itter wrung the
»\thletn \ssoiia‘ tr tor ts". \ears all
Hi 'uliie'i as In m“, t:..iti.igt't Hts era
t-egai: ‘n lull tune-i. he .\.is hired to

progtaitis lti' mot Ht' MN ihkt‘tl He served in that eapaeit} until partinent
the it I aomd to'lii ttitti ittttl llldl \ llarve} Hodges retired in 1973 when Morgan “1“ he ieplaeet: ' \ _ ,1 . 4
him 1 got started \Uil'KlltL‘ toi‘ .Mhlt‘t Morgan “21> oftered the pustion ot Woods who has also t-eer w " ‘ ‘ '
ies .\ssoet.it:or: ticket manager ;\.s ticket manager. ticketstallcmeelusl \ \ \ewh ‘
. , Morgan is in charge ot the distrihu Morgans one i'atherine s i 'T i > R , d .I . y ’ 7; ~ ”l'7ax _
~i‘kttit'1tl. ' r., _ , , _ (n10 e‘d < K . u I ‘1 n s
Mutt itii tlst 111 l M .Lle t mm of all “lttlk‘ill £md lidskethdll chine operator J: ”H. i WIPLT ;: \L . ‘ ‘ Q <> Sdldd BUITKI (+471) BrfidkdeI
eeittlx opera-d when Morgan “as V _ .1 ‘ S‘eak ”4‘ 9 our , \ v,
' tickets rieulture and will also it‘litc tr \.1. - » \\ .7 it [- K V7 ‘77.- BUITCI
hired andheuorkedthere too .. , _ . ~ I ,. _ H _ ‘&7 ,t I\ltl - V”
“e have more student I1t‘ht‘i> tor Morgan said he on: lean» , 0089 k t, ,7 with \“up ‘\ 1/ .
‘ . v‘ , r t ‘ A - . . .
"l‘he hrst lot. 1 had here at the tootball than “e do tor tuskethall. pleasantmemories , ,~ . . . K \\\ \\ e ' ‘ /, ‘ . . . .\ ‘¢\‘\\\ \ ‘ I, ‘ ‘
('oliseun. “as standing at the back but the procedure is hash-all} the “I in sure that the goon ‘l‘l‘ig‘ , t . v \ 't/ . , v \ \ ’ ‘ ' t \
ot the building and making sure same,"hesaid and the good letters In int-med r-_—--‘--—- r----'----_1 r---d-----

‘ v \ k \. '
_. . [l s“ v ‘
\\\‘\“ . . y ’ , “/1 » § . ' ’ ‘
\9“ P ' e \e“ ‘l -



‘ 7

notvod} got in that door.~ he said The Athletics Association is cur! from students ha\e tar Ull"\\t‘t;;ltt~1 . ‘0“ on (”u on
"You had to make sure that some rently switching to a neu automa the negative he \ttl there s , ( oupon I I ( p I p - I
one standing there wouldn't lean tive ticket system With Ticketron. a been a lot of hard work hot 7 s new. | r-Bone 54.49 I | Regular I Breakfast 309 I
haek against the door. eoek it a little ticket outlet firm Morgan said the worthit I Q’mvlk Dinner ' L U "Ch 50C I I |
__-_W—w——~ ‘ I | l Buffet off |
a t n t t I {‘1 e nu 0” I I |

I \||\vi._.ii'..'

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THCD JOHN S Brochures . B , | I Dinner Wlih | I (‘omplete Ireats I
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Wildcat basketball:
tournaments bring
a chance for glory

In these dreary days of I' S invasions. deficits. unem-
ploy tnent and high taxes. it is good to have something to
cheer about


Today is the first day of the Southeastern Conference
tournament Tomorrovv night the Kentucky Wildcats will
face the vvtnner of tonight's Georgia-MissisSippi State
game Although Kentucky seasons are generally the stuff
dreams are made oi. the SEC tournament has been a thorn
tr. the t‘ats' pavvs lately

I see the tournament as alvvays being an underdog
tournament said I‘K head coach Joe B Hall "It‘s a very
tough tournament Theres no vvay you're gomg to get
through :t vvtthout playing some tough ball teatns The SEC
deserv es more t re lit tor its quality of play

tin the subiect oi quality of play there is another insti»
tutior. so tie cre it After slumping a bit to-
vyard the end or February. the Wildcats have turned them-
selves vvtnning handily over their tvvo latest
opponents Hie .\l;ss and LS '

The turnaround came after Hall instituted some "boot-
canip style practices Sources have said the practices
vv ere soinevvhat rough on the team The results of the prac»
tices have been rough on other teams


There are some teams that have to vvin the SEC IOUFIILL
rnent order to move or. to the NCAA tournament . 7 tile
Miss. Mississippi State. Georgia. Florida and Vanderbilt
Kentucky vtill be in the NCAA no matter what happens in
the slit But that does not and should not matter The t‘ats
have to keep a killer instinct throughout the tournament. tn
ord r to stay sharp for the NCAA

They have been called the greatest team ever They
have had ainazmg triumphs and embarrassing losses
They have shovyr. flashes of brillance and moments of
Weakness But the regular season ts over novy. and it is
t: .te to get s ‘I‘ltllab It the (‘ats' performances in their last
fvto games are an tndtcation. they are serious

1}“ l his

Kentucky 's a tug basketball state The Wildcats: are a
nag basketball tean: The Nt‘AA is a big basketball tourna»
Illet‘il out nezther the team tor its fans should look past the
\EV tournament

We W'it‘.’ Tie liNiKil‘ii past tt. I hope." Hall said "It‘s
tn‘.portant :w:‘ as to do vv ell and improve as a ballclub Him
‘ xvii. flave a .ot to do vtith hovv vye come out of


’ftu'. tle‘tst‘t‘v t’ts


. J






'v'yt’ git ‘uut

, o


but golfats

.v» :lv 7 Hunt






—__._ __~-,





|I\"|I\III<\I.‘I\II l


H‘iHIHt lshIk
oHMl' Ht. \

iims “my H.‘ L. “t




stirl'u‘tuiil‘ \,


A\ii\ivi\4si iui \ .
MAMUutiinls v t
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tin upsiuustix t,“ d-






t'!\' H" ti'\ DIN/MA

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'aysstPHUU‘ .

l|I\\\\‘IHll 7'
l \IIII\\III‘I\4“












Good Luck Cats.’


Religion in schools is not a simple issue

The recent controversy over
school prayer has brought back into
the spotlight an extremely popular
scapegoat oi ilie religious right
namely the much maligned menace
of "secular humanism

Since no one else really seemed to
challenge the assertions regarding
"humanism vvhicli vvere made by
various vvriters see especially
("lemma Alcorizs editortai oi Feb
1.? and since I otter run into people
\\ht‘ take the tllll‘ilx‘tlllst’IWgilIHt‘ tun
darnentat‘ist analysis tor granted I
have taken it upon myself to expose
vyhat I tic-.ieve to be a number oi talr
"" all too popular vyorld


seiiimds 1t.

\ 1v“

lh‘s‘pzfe the
ra‘.or: o: church
so the arguna-nt
ported religion Secular

a relzgor. oi athetsnt
autonomous mar.

doctrine for the sept’i
has a ta\ sup
humt nisn:
"he ahst‘ni‘t’
.slt pt‘l‘
government and
and ti:


.fIixl \ltlll‘

. ull\

tt‘iot‘ti. imstiltiles
meates our media
.vhere :' is stientiy
tibtlllv‘ali} Ilt‘sir'tylflg The

This uiidertnin‘ng has resulted :n
crime drug
(ion and .t‘.
rai iils
hti.‘ a ‘lelpit
gy of

ti' titlr st NU": ‘.

arid t1.kllll"l titilise

\no;-- va: slit'tttx’tlll'tl

The entire crisis or conten.

culture theretore
flit: ‘

; Ieoio-

alh DI"



the ture tor the :ils oi