xt7dnc5s821k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dnc5s821k/data/mets.xml Wildcat News Company 1988 Volume 12 -- Number 34 athletic publications English Wildcat News Company Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Cats' Pause UKAW University of Kentucky Men's Basketball (1987-1988) coaches Sutton, Eddie assistant coaches Casey, Dwane players Chapman, Rex Bennett, Winston Davender, Ed Lock, Rob Riley, Pat Manuel, Eric Sutton, Sean Mills, Chris;NCAA investigation (1988) University of Kentucky Football (1988) Claiborne, Jerry Correll, Ray University of Kentucky Baseball (1988) statistics schedules recruiting Cats' Pause Combs, Oscar The Cats' Pause, July 30, 1988 text The Cats' Pause, July 30, 1988 1988 2012 true xt7dnc5s821k section xt7dnc5s821k Chapman, Three Other 'Cats Selected By NBA. . . University Archives Margeret I. King Library - Hp$4hlTY-FIVE CENTS PER COPY University of Kentucky 25590 The Cats' Pause "SPOTLIGHTING UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY AND SOUTHEASTERN CONFERENCE" ATs, z < n - * o xn 5 p 7J x o ^ ^ j. < o -t *i a v Jcr > u m n-i rn Q5 rx x> o 33 e < 0> VOLUME 12 - NUMBER 34 JULY 30, 1988 LEXINGTON, KENTUC! , ..' .Can UK Football Team Survive '88 Schedule? <7h& (Sate' &cm&e> PUBLICATION NO. USPS 707340 Published B> WILDCAT NEWS COMPANY P.O.Box 7297 Lexington. Kentucky 40522 Second Class Postage paid at Lexington. Kentucky 40511 and additional mailing offices Editor and Publisher OSCAR L. COMBS Associate Editor NICK NICHOLAS Associate Editor MIKE ESTEP Staff Writer JIM EASTERWOOD National Recruiting Columnist BOB GIBBONS Columnist LARRY VAUGHT ' State Columnist BOB WATKINS Columnist RUSSELL RICE National Basketball Columnist LARRY DONALD Columnist TODD HALLUM SEC Columnist STAN TORGERSON SEC Columnist ELMORE "SCOOP" HUDGINS Kentucky Basketball Recruiting RICK BOLUS Contributing Columnist JAMIE VAUGHT Columnist DAN BRANDENBURG Contributing Columnist BERN IE VONDERHEIDE Business Manager DONNA COMBS Staff Photographer GARY CROMWELL Staff Photographer DAVID STERLING Circulation Coordinator WANDA HOOKER Crossword Puzzle Editor DAN KRUECKEBERG Published Weekly: Sept. 13-April II Monthly: May. June. July. August Advertising Representative WILDCAT NEWS COMPANY 2627 REGENCY ROAD LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY 40503 Subscription Price $25.00 per year in USA $35.00 per year in Canada Phone: (606) 278-3474 Postmaster: Send Address Changes to THE CATS' PAUSE. P.O. BOX 7297. LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY 40522 To find out how former 'Cats (clockwise from top left) Rex Chapman, Rob Lock, Ed Davender and Winston Bennett did in the June 28 NBA draft, please turn to pages 4 and 5. The Kentucky Prep All-Star Festival returns to Lexington's Memorial Coliseum July 15-17. For more information, including a tournament bracket, please turn to page 6. July Means Prep Recruiting Starting To Heat Up The weekend of July 15 will once again provide Kentucky hoop fans with some of the best high school baskeiball as Eddie Ford stages his second Kentucky Prep All-Star Festival in Lexington. Ford's project was a big hit last summer when he showcased the likes of Chris Jent, Don MacLean, Shawn Kemp, Sean Woods, Pat Graham, Chris Mills, Richie Farmer and Damon Bailey, among others during the three-day festival. This year should be no different as Ford has entries from Georgia, South Carolina, Ohio, Arkansas, Tennessee, two from California and Indiana, among others. As you can see from the list above, Kentucky coach Eddie Sutton and his staff recruited very nicely from the festival last season. More on this event is listed inside this issue of TCP. ? ? ? Just as we were going to press on July 8, attorney Joe Bill Campbell filed a multi-million dollar libel suit on behalf of UK assistant coach Dwane Casey against the Emery Worldwide freight company. The suit came at a time when rumors were engulfing Lexington that both the NCAA and the University of Kentucky-were on the verge of nearing their conclusions of separate investigations into the alleged incident of a package containing $1,000 was shipped by Casey to Claud Mills, father of UK signee Chris Mills. There has been much speculation that the NCAA would wind up its investigation and make its decision known to UK sometime this month because of the impending eligibility of Mills. At the same time, there have been widespread rumors that UK officials, namely president David Roselle. are prepared to make sweeping changes within the UK athletics program if Roselle's independent counsel should find any wrongdoing by any members of the basketball staff and/or athletics department. Fueling that theory on was the speculation that Sutton might leave UK and take the head job at Kansas where Larry Brown won the national championship last spring. When Brown announced his resignation, reporters quickly listed Sutton as a possible successor, but the UK coach answered '"not really," when asked if he would be interested in the job. Since then. Kansas has hired North Carolina assistant Roy Williams as the head coach. There are some who claim Sutton would have accepted the job had it been offered, considering the uncertainity of the UK program and his status here, but the UK boss has always insisted he is happy with the UK job. Whether or not the Casey lawsuit will have any affect on the timetable of NCAA or UK action is unknown, but there are some close to Roselle who insist the UK president will take immediate and firm action if UK is hit with probation by the NCAA. This is the biggest month of the year as far as college basketball recruiting is concerned, more so this summer than in the past because of a new NCAA recruiting period which limits college recruiters to just three weeks for evaluating prepsters in person. The week of July 10-15 has coaches flocking to Princeton, N.J., where some 200 of the nation's finest will be competing at the Nike Ail-American Camp. Sandwiched in and around the Nike event are camps put on by the super czars of the business, the B/C All-Star camps in Georgia and Indiana and Howard Gar-finkel's Five-Star camps in Pennsylvania and Virginia. Kentucky's recruiting list is being secretly guarded this summer according to UK assistants, insinuating more or less, that a war between the coaching staff and media outlets has already been launched. It apparently comes from what the coaches feel has been unfair reporting over UK's problems of the past three or four months. Said one assistant, "We're not going to comment on anyone," referring to UK's recruiting this season. Asked if two particular high school players would be playing in the Nike camp, Casey answered, "I really don't know. We don't even know who we're going to be recruiting. We haven't even sat down and made up our list yet." Those comments were made on June 30. If the UK staff hadn't discussed recruiting by this time, they're in a whole lot of trouble for the future. I've got to believe the coaches had a very good idea of the people they'll be looking at this summer, but perhaps Casey's reaction was just a warning to the media: No more favors here! To a point, it's understandable Casey has been on an emotional rollercoaster, but... I hesitate to admit it, but the conversation was with this reporter. Yes, it appears like it's going to be a long hot summer. ? ? ? Back to the above. It's obvious some people around the Kentucky program are irritated that local media types have not come swarming to their defense. We said in our last issue it would be impossible, not to speak of being completely wrong, for us to accuse anyone of a wrongdoing we have no direct knowledge of. At the same time, 1 cannot in good faith and fairness to all, insist a person did not do something if I wasn't with him at the time. It's no secret we have a warm spot for UK athletics or we wouldn't be publishing a sports weekly on the Wildcats, and we have no ties or loyalties to any other big-time university or coaches at other schools. But we'll not polish anyone's apple just to become an insider with them. That's just not our style. Having said that, let it be said that no one has been more supportive of UK athletic programs and officials than we have. But any decent news publiciation must be unbiased and fair, especially with you, the readers. That's the way it has been since we began publishing in September of 1976, and the way it will always be. TCP has never been a puff sheet for UK as some of our critics would have you believe. When we have evidence someone has been wronged, we'll be the first to defend them. I would love to believe Kentucky is completely innocent of all charges, and they are innocent until proven guilty, but I'm not about to shoot off my mouth to say "such-and-such" is a lie when I have no evidence. If this doesn't sit well with people I consider to be my friends, then so be it. Thankfully, the court will now get to settle this once and for all. If there wasn't a $1,000 in that package when it left the UK basketball office, Casey is going to be a mightly wealthy man and he certainly should be. He's entitled to every penny of the millions he'll get. On the other hand, if there was a SI ,000 in that package when it left the UK basketball office, Roselle has no alternative but to take drastic action with the basketball program. Such a stupid situation would demand it. ? ? ? HITS AND MISSES ... Bad news on last year's recruiting front. Sean Woods missed the magic 700 score on his final SAT test and will not play in a Kentucky uniform this winter. His mother, Vicki Williams, told the Louisville Courier-Journal that Woods might now go the junior college route. . . No one is saying, but we have good sources which indicate that Shawn Kemp may have to follow the same direction. There had been no official announcement as of July 8, but sources close to the situation claim Kemp, too, failed his last test. Rumors persist that Sutton has been unable to persuade UK to admit Kemp without passing the test, a la the Johnny Pittman story of a year ago. Pittman, if you recall, was denied admission when he failed to qualify under the core curriculum section. Pittman ended up going to Oklahoma State, where he compiled a nifty 2.85 GPA his first year. If Kemp and Woods go the junior college route and if Mills is not permitted to enroll by the NCAA, then Kentucky's recruiting class (once hailed as one of the nation's top five) will be reduced to just Richie Farmer, the kid UK really didn't want in the first place . . . Former UK guard Rex Chapman's dream of competing in the Olympic Games is over, at least for now. Chapman was not among the finalists still competing for a spot on the 12-man roster that will compete in the '88 Summer Games in Seoul. South Korea. Chapman was deeply disappointed, but says he still has hopes of playing in the 1992 Olympics, should the United States Olympic Committee allow professionals to compete . . . Our prayers go out to UK football player David Scott who was critically injured in an automobile wreck in Lexington a couple of weeks ago. Scott is in serious condition at UK's Chandler Medical Center. He underwent surgery for a lacerated liver, and also has serious head injuries and a broken left clavicle . . . Former UK coach Joe B. Hall is recuperating nicely at his home in Lexington after undergoing surgery in May. Joe B. Hall Joe B.'s hospital stay was about two weeks longer than anticipated when he developed an infection after surgery, but he's back at home now. You can write him at Beechwood Drive, Lexington. Ky. 40502 . . . Reports out of the South have it that several SEC signees, including Chris Jackson won't be eligible. Jackson signed a grant with LSU, but his mother wouldn't co-sign it so Jackson reportedly is waiting till school starts and will then enroll without his mother's blessing . . . The recent decision by the SEC to ban any athlete who does not meet Proposition 48 by 1991 will have a tremendous impact on the qualifty of play in the SEC unless other conferences follow up. It'll be interesting to see if the league presidents reverse this decision before it becomes effective . . . Lexington is one of the four finalists for the SEC tournaments being planned for 1990, 1991 and 1992. The other finalists are Nashville, Birmingham and Orlando. The tourney next March will be staged in Knoxville . . . If Kentucky should be banned from post season play as part of any NCAA probation (if it should happen), we wonder if the SEC will force Jefferson-Pilot to live up to its original television pact or allow the network to renegotiate the deal, considering that its biggest television drawKentuckywon't be involved. 4 (jots' &out&& Charlotte Hornets Make Chapman Their First Pick; UK's Lock, Davender, Bennett All Selected In Third Round For only the fifth time since the NBA began drafting college players in 1947, four players from the University of Kentucky were selected in the same draft. Rex Chapman, Rob Lock, Ed Davender and Winston Bennett became the latest foursome to earn that distinction when they were selected in June 28 draft. In 1949, four members of UK's Fabulous FiveAlex Groza, Cliff Barker, Ralph Beard and Wah Wah Joneswere selected, all in the first round. In 1975, Kevin Grevey, Jimmy Dan Conner, Bob Guyette and Mike Flynn were drafted. In 1978, Rick Robey, Jack Givens, James Lee and Mike Phillips were selected. And in 1984, Dicky Beal, Sam Bowie, Jim Master, Melvin Turpin and Tom Heitz were taken. Chapman, who completed his sophomore season at UK this past season and then indicated he would waive his final two years of eligibility and make himself available in the draft, was the first Wildcat selected. The expansion Charlotte Hornets, who will field a team for the first time during the 1988-89 season, took the Owensboro guard in the first round, making him the eighth player selected in the draft. Chapman was the first underclassman selected in the '88 draft, and was the third guard taken, behind Kansas State's Mitch Richmond (No. 5 by Golden State) and Bradley's Hersey Hawkins (No. 6 by Los Angeles Clippers). It was no surprise that Chapman was among the first 10 players taken, but it was a surprise that he was selected by the Hornets. When it comes to building a franchise from the bottom up, conventional wisdom says to start with a quality big man. But Charlotte took Chapmanwhen centers Rony Seikaly, Will Perdue and Eric Leckner, among others, were still availableeven though the club had already selected a pair of slick-shooting guards in Dell Curry and Kelly Tripuka in the earlier expansion draft. "Rex Chapman signifies everything our franchise stands for. . youth, excitement, ex-plosiveness and talent," Charlotte general manager Carl Scheer told the Associated Press. "I think we have started with a great young player." In the days after Chapman announced he was leaving Kentucky, speculation had it that he might go as high as second or third in the draft. Indiana, which had the second pick, and Philadelphia, which drafted third, both expressed interest in UK's leading scorer of the past two years. But the Pacers decided to go after center Rik Smits of Marist College, and the Sixers were apparently turned off by Chapman's poor performance at the Olympic Trials. "To tell you the truth, the 76ers would have picked Rex had he not gone to the Olympic Trials and just hid. Just hid," Rex's father, Wayne Chapman, said. Even so, neither King Rex nor his agent, Andrew Brandt, was too displeased. "I'm not sure Charlotte expected Rex would still be available (for the eighth pick)," Brandt said. "But it certainly worked out really well for us. It gives Rex a chance to start fresh." It also gives him a chance to begin his pro career in friendlier surroundings. Had Chapman been the third player selected, it would have likely led to more money. . .but it would also mean that he would be at the mercy of the ruthless Philadelphia writers, generally regarded as the toughest in the NBA. "There'll be a certain amount expected from me," he said, "but the fans will know the team needs time to develop. That should help." While Chapman's placement in the draft was a mild surprise, the real shocker involved Lock. About the only chance most observers gave the 6-foot-ll redhead of catching on in the NBA was as a free agent. But he was not only draftedhe was the first player chosen in the third round, and the 51st overall by the Los Angeles Clippershe went ahead of teammates Davender and Bennett, both members of UK's illustrious 1,000-point club and both projected to go as high as late in the first round or early in the second. "I was surprised," Lock said. "You always hear the one thing you can't coach is size. I'm more blessed in size, they're more gifted in the skills for the game." Davender and Bennett were both selected late in the third roundDavender 60th by the Washington Bulletts, Bennett 64th by the Cleveland Cavaliersa position in the draft where only 13 percent of those taken in the last 11 years have stuck around for four years or more. Davender, who fought for national recognition and respect during his entire Wildcat career, said he wasn't bothered by the turn of events, even though he turned in one of the better performances from a point guard at an NBA-sponsored camp earlier this summer in Orlando, Fla. "I prepared myself for anything," he said. "I didn't get my hopes up. I wanted to be able to roll with the punches." Bennett, on the other hand, had anticipated being picked earlier. After rehabilitating a blown out knee and having a solid senior year, he had fared well at an NBA camp in Chicago. "I was very disappointed I didn't go higher," Bennett said. "I thought I played very well in Chicago. I thought that helped me a lot." SEC Leads Way With Thanks in large part to the four Wildcat players, and three from Auburn, 12 of the 75 players selected in the draft were from the Southeastern Conference, more than any other league. Four SEC players were taken in the first round: Auburn's Chris Morris (No. 4 by New Jersey), Chapman (No. 8 by Charlotte), Georgia's Willie Anderson (No. 10 by San Antonio) and Will Perdue (No. 11 by Chicago). Southeastern......................................12 Big Eight.............................................7 Big Ten...............................................6 Big East..............................................5 Metro.................................................5 Atlantic Coast.....................................4 Independents......................................4 Pacific Coast.......................................4 Pac-10.................................................4 Southwest...........................................4 Atlantic 10..........................................2 Mid-American.....................................2 12 Players Drafted Florida's Vernon Maxwell (No. 47 by Denver, then traded to San Antonio) and LSU's Jose Vargas (No. 49 by Dallas) were taken in the second round. Third-round selections were: Lock (No. 51 by L.A. Clippers), LSU's Hernan Montenegro (No. 57 by Philadelphia), Auburn's Jeff Moore (No. 58 by Charlotte), Davender (No. 60 by Washington), Auburn's Mike Jones (No. 63 by Milwaukee) and Bennett (No. 64 by Cleveland). Ohio Valley........................................2 Western Athletic..................................2 American South..................................1 East Coast...........................................1 ECAC Metro........................................1 Missouri Valley...................................1 Sun Belt..............................................1 West Coast Athletic.............................1 Others NCAA Division II...............................3 NAIA..................................................2 Foreign...............................................1 ROUND 1. L.A. Clippers......................................Danny Manning (6-10, F, Kansas) 2. Indiana Pacers...............................................Rik Smits (7-4, C, Marist) 3. Philadelphia 76ers...................................x-Charles Smith (6-10, F, Pitt) 4. New Jersey Nets......................................Chris Morris (6-8, F, Auburn) 5. Golden State Warriors.................Mitch Richmond (6-5, G, Kansas St.) 6. L.A. Clippers.................................y-Hersey Hawkins (6-3, G, Bradley) 7. Phoenix Suns...............................................Tim Perry (6-9, F, Temple) 8. Charlotte Hornets............................Rex Chapman (6-4, G, Kentucky) 9. Miami Heat......................................Rony Seikaly (6-11, C-F, Syracuse), 10. San Antonio Spurs...........................Willie Anderson (6-7, G, Georgia) 11. Chicago Bulls......................................Will Perdue (6-11, C, Vanderbilt) 12. Washington Bulletts..........................Harvey Grant (6-9, F, Oklahoma) 13. Milwaukee Bucks......................................Jeff Grayer (6-5, G, Iowa St.) 14. Phoenix Suns...........................Dan Majerle (6-6, F, Central Michigan) 15. Seattle SuperSonics...............................Gary Grant (6-3, G, Michigan) 16. Houston Rockets.............................Derrick Chievous (6-7, F, Missouri) 17. Utah Jazz............................................Eric Leckner (6-11, C, Wyoming) 18. Sacramento Kings.............................Ricky Berry (6-8, G, San Jose St.) 19. New York Knicks.................................Rod Strickland (6-3, G, DePaul) 20. Miami Heat.........................................Kevin Edwards (6-3, G, DePaul) 21. Portland Trail Blazers...........................Mark Bryant (6-9, F, Seton Hall) 22. Cleveland Cavaliers...................Randolph Keys (6-5, F, Southern Miss) 23. Denver Nuggets.............................................Jerome Lane (6-6, F, Pitt) 24. Boston Celtics..........................Brian Shaw (6-6, G, Cal-Santa Barbara) 25. L.A. Lakers.....................................David Rivers (6-0, G, Notre Dame) SECOND ROUND 26. Portland Trail Blazers.......................Rolando Ferreira (7-1, C, Houston) 27. San Antonio Spurs...............................Shelton Jones (6-9, F, St. John's) 28. Phoenix Suns.....................................Andrew Lang (6-11, C, Arkansas) 29. Sacramento Kings...........................Vinny Del Negro (6-5, G, N.C. St.) 30. Detroit Pistons..................................Fennis Dembo (6-6, F, Wyoming) 31. Philadelphia 76ers...........................Everette Stephens (6-3, G, Purdue) 32. New Jersey Nets........................Charles Shackleford (6-10, F, N.C. St.) 33. Miami Heat................................Grant Long (6-8, F, Eastern Michigan) 34. Charlotte Hornets.....................................Tom Tolbert (6-7, F, Arizona) 35. Miami Heat..................................Sylvester Gray (6-6, F, Memphis St.) 36. Washington Bullets.....................Ledell Eackles (6-5, G, New Orleans) 37. New York Knicks.................................Greg Butler (6-11, F-C, Stanford) 38. Phoenix Suns.....................................Dean Garrett (6-10, F-C, Indiana) 39. Milwaukee Bucks..............................Tito Horford (7-1, C, Miami, Fla.) 40. Miami Heat.................Orlando Graham (6-7, F, Auburn-Montgomery) 41. Golden State Warriors.............................Keith Smart (6-2, G, Indiana) 42. Utah Jazz.........................................................Jeff Moe (6-4, G, Iowa) 43. Denver Nuggets......................................Todd Mitchell (6-7, F, Purdue) 44. Atlanta Hawks...................................Anthony Taylor (6-4, G, Oregon) 45. L.A. Clippers.................................Tom Garrick (6-2, G, Rhode Island) 46. Dallas Mavericks......................Morton Wiley (6-4, G, Long Beach St.) 47. San Antonio Spurs..........................z-Vernon Maxwell (6-5, G^Florida) 48. Detroit Pistons.................................Michael Williams (6-2, G\ Baylor) 49. Dallas Mavericks..........................................Jose Vargas (6-10, C, LSU) 50. Phoenix Suns............................................Steve Kerr (6-3, G, Arizona) THIRD ROUND 51. L.A. Clippers...........................................Rob Lock (6-11, C, Kentucky) 52. New Jersey Nets.....................Derek Hamilton (6-6, F, Southern Miss) 53. Portland Trail Blazers.................Anthony Mason (6-7, F, Tennessee St.) 54. Atlanta Hawks...............Jorge Gonzalez (7-6, C, Argentine Nafl Team) 55. Phoenix Suns.................Rodney Johns (6-2, G, Grand Canyon, Colo.) 56. San Antonio Spurs.........................Barry Sumpter (7-0, C, Austin Peay) 57. Philadelphia 76ers...........................Hernan Montenegro (6-10, F, LSU) 58. Charlotte Hornets........................................Jeff Moore (6-7, F, Auburn) 59. Miami Heat.............................................Nate Johnson (6-8, F, Tampa) 60. Washington Bullets............................Ed Davender (6-3, G, Kentucky) 61. Indiana Pacers........................................Herb Crook (6-7, F, Louisville) 62. Chicago Bulls.....................................Derrick Lewis (6-7, F, Maryland) 63. Milwaukee Bucks.......................................Mike Jones (6-7, F, Auburn) 64. Cleveland Cavaliers.......................Winston Bennett (6-7, F, Kentucky) 65. Seattle SuperSonics.............Corey Gaines (6-3, G, Loyola Marymount) 66. Denver Nuggets............................Dwight Boyd (6-4, G, Memphis St.) 67. Utah Jazz...........................................Ricky Grace (6-1, G, Oklahoma) 68. Atlanta Hawks...................................Darryl Middleton (6-9, F, Baylor) 69. New York Knicks...................Phil Stinnie (6-8, F, Va. Commonwealth) 70. Dallas Mavericks....................Jerry Johnson (5-11, G, Florida Southern) 71. Portland Trail Blazers.......................Craig Neal (6-5, G, Georgia Tech) 72. Detroit Pistons..................................Lee Johnson (6-9, F, Norfolk St.) 73. Indiana Pacers...............................Michael Anderson (5-11, G, Drexel) 74. Boston Celtics......................................Gerald Paddio (6-7, F-G, UNLV) 75. San Antonio Spurs...............................Archie Marshall (6-7, F, Kansas) x-Smith was drafted by the 76ers, who traded his rights to the Clippers y-Hawkins was drafted by the Clippers, who traded his rights to the 7bers. z-Maxwell was drafted by the Nuggets, who traded his rights to the Spurs. REX CHAPMAN Drafting {earn: Charlotte Hornets Round taken: 1st (8th pick, overall) Projected position: off guard Chapman's reaction: "I haven't talked to anybody in Charlotte yet, but I understand it's a great and growing city." "I'm starting to get comfortable with (my decision to go to NBA early). I'm glad I did it." "I think I can play with them. I don't know if I can be a superstar for them from the beginning, but hopefully someday I can be." ROB LOCK Drafting team: Los Angeles Clippers Round taken: 3rd (51st pick, overall) Projected position: center Lock's reaction: "I feel good, real good. A lot of people have said I shouldn't have even played at Kentucky. Now, to be drafted.. .it's kind of ironic. Satisfying. That made it all that much better." "I was surprised. You always hear the one thing you can't coach is size. I'm more blessed with size. (Davender and Bennett) are more gifted in skills for the game." "Usually, big people mature later. I haven't reached my peak. I'm definitely not through improving. That's probably why I went so high." ED DAVENDER Drafting team: Washington Bulletts Round taken: 3rd (60th pick, overall) Projected position: point guard Davender's reaction: "I prepared myself for anything. I didn't want to get my hopes up. I wanted to be able to roll with the punches." "There's nothing I can do about (the fact that only 13 percent of third-round selections go on to have NBA careers). I know I can't chase a dream all my life." Bullet assistant Bill Blair, on Davender: "We're sort of open at (the point position). So he's got a chance. It wasn't a throw-away pick at all." WINSTON BENNETT Drafting team: Cleveland Cavaliers Round taken: 3rd (64th pick, overall) Projected position: small forward Bennett's reaction: "I was very disappointed I didn't go any higher. I thought I played well in Chicago (at an NBA camp). I thought that helped me a lot." "(My agent, Norman Blass) will fill me in on what the Cavs expect of me and what I should be working on this summer." "It seems I've been trying to prove myself since I've been playing basketball. I guess I'll have to do that again." cTTie (oats/ &am Second Annual Kentucky Prep All-Star Festival Set For Mid-July Two teams from Kentucky will do battle with 14 others from around the country as the nation's top high school basketball talent returns to Lexington for the second-annual Kentucky Prep All-Star Festival July 15-17 at Memorial Coliseum. The 16-team, single-elimination event gets underway at noon on Friday, July 15, and concludes with the championship game at noon on Sunday, July 17. The Kentucky Junior Ail-Star Team, which recently completed a successful tour of Europe, will act as the Kentucky No. 1 entry. Two 5-foot-ll guards, Travis Ford of Madisonvill-North Hopkins and Michael Allen of Lexington Bryan Station, will lead the way. Ford led the Junior All-Stars, who compiled a 6-1 record on the tour, with a 19.0-point per game average. Allen was the only other player to finish the tour averaging in double figures, with 12.0 ppg. Kentucky will also have another team in the field, which includes two teams from California and Indiana, and one team each from Ohio, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Colorado, Arkansas, Alabama, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia and Florida. The tournament will be single-elimination, with the losers advancing into a loser's bracket. Each team is guaranteed of playing three games. Only players with high school eligibility remaining are eligible. Each team must have at least 10 players and no more than 12, and all must be from the same state. All games will be video taped and available to anyone interested at a cost of $25 per game. College coaches from coast-to-coast will be on hand to watch the country's best high school talent. There are 12 games scheduled for Friday, 14 for Saturday and three for Sunday. There will be an MVP selected for each game, a 12-man all-tournament team and a tournament MVP. Individual awards will be given to each player on the top four teams. The tournament will be played under the rules of the National High School Federation, with the following exceptions: ?Each player must play in his team's games. A team must play a five-player unit during the first quarter and a totally different unit during the second quarter. Teams with 12 players must use a sixth player on each unit for at least three minutes during the quarter. There are no restrictions during the second half. ?Each game will consist of four 10-minute quarters. ?Two timeouts will be allowed each team per half. There will be no carryovers (a team can't save a timeout from the first half and use it during the second half). One additional timeout will be allowed for each overtime. ?After a team on offense crosses midcourt, the defensive team must play man-to-man defense. Technical fouls for illegal defense will be called after the first warning. The Red Roof Inn, New Circle & NicholasviUe Road, ph. (606) 277-9400, will serve as tournament headquarters. General admission tickets, good for each one-day session, will be available at Memorial Coliseum. KENTUCKY NO. 1 ROSTER Player, Ht., Yr. High School Jerry Hurt, 6-8, Sr......................................................Morgantown Troy Smith, 6-8, Sr..........................................................Fort Knox Dan Hall, 6-7, Sr..................................................Marshall County Travis Ziegler, 6-7, Sr..................................................Jeffersontown Scott Sivills, 6-6, Sr....................................................Trigg County Mike Burd, 6-3, Sr......................................................Hart County Greg Franklin, 6-3, Sr..................................................Central City Allen Tolley, 6-3, Sr.............................................Louisville Eastern Travis Ford, 5-11, Sr.............................Madisonville-North Hopkins Mike Allen, 5-11, Sr...................................Lexington Bryan Station o 0 0- 0 - OHIO KEN