xt7dnc5s8z81 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dnc5s8z81/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1947 athletic publications English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Programs University of Kentucky vs. University of Georgia, October 11, 1947 text University of Kentucky vs. University of Georgia, October 11, 1947 1947 2014 true xt7dnc5s8z81 section xt7dnc5s8z81 A· = — i pl,
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GA — _. .» COB TENTS .
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* I I A Bwr $¤¤¤’ --—·-—---- S T
, A Ilon. Simeon S. Wlillis, Covernor of Kentucky- . - - 6
U A _ . Dr. H. L. Donovan, President l,`I1l\'l)l`51l}' of lxcntuckv - - 4
· _ ‘“ A‘*=‘ I Wildcat Sketches ------- 8, 1], 12
‘ . .· '‘'‘` ,~ ‘ _ Paul Bryant, Ilead Football Coach ----- 9 A
I — -· .r v _- _ .» . . . .
I · ’ _ . 4 ’ I _ · Bernie A. Shxvely, Athletic Director ----- 10
)___W,._ _:_; _ \ A `Wildcats of 1947 ------- 23. 24. 30
,»» ¤;~w vj .}> , T ... . ,t W , ., , T. ,. \g· _ ’ ‘
. L `V_ :34,; —A`°'A”`I“`°"`7""""’F"fI'€"T‘$"·$"‘·**T’rT7·1_¤¤* Campus Scenes -—---—-- I3, ]4I-
j_ · _ V University of Kentucky Roster ------ 15
. I . gy} _ {gs ; y gp `?_` <"` · The Starting Lineups ---··—-- 17
A ` V ., Ag A . ‘ A ` \ {H University oi` Georgia Roster --—--- 13
·. A A _ A _ IAQ (}c0rgia"s Bulldogs -----—- 19, 20 `
A A. , I Y '``v ‘A · * A .. (}cor·*ia`s Head Football Coach —-—--- 21
.. , _. A; · Q Wij - · The \Yildcat Coaching Stall` ------ 25 I
~...,_ » _ Eg, " \VilrIcat Sketches ----— 26, 28, 3l and 32
’ I AA‘—€A—·A `,’· IA ‘A’AA A Q ]9¤l·7 Rule Changes -------- 27 I
A ji “ ji? { A ~A ‘ 1. OFFICIAL FOO'I'IIA—lLL 1'ROGRAEII
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Dine In
The New i i
fexeaqtaa foam
of I
Tii€ i<@I1J[LICi , entuclq s play this season has
been spotty. In losing their opener to the University of
W llcll Cllllcll wally Bulls, glllllllloll gl“‘l“""“ wont lllississippi they lacked the fire and determination which
. .‘ . . * ‘. · . 4_·· f- .. _ _ _ _ _
down to defeat bcfore l\orth (.arolm.1, 14 1., \Yll(lL.1l ia Sa aaaaniiai in victoria Tha foilnwina wack against a
Sllllll°l`l°l`$ Sllll lllllll ll°Il°= solllcwllcllc lll lllc backs of tough Cincinnati team they played an entirely different `
their heads that their blue-clad favorites could give an- brand ai- ball, displaying balk Snacil and fight, Only in
other General bherman performance tonight. fall back into ihcir nifl ways aaain ihia past waalaand in E
their encounter with the Xavier Musketeers.
t But when the Ccorgians unleashed a Trippiless tor- ?
it 1;;:5.1 l.·t t l·t·';1.bt l; i',.n , _
H H 0 l` 1 HN lll O no on l lit? ’ ; 3 `O Ha 1 There have been lIlSlHIlC8S·—-{OP :1 few short minutes
` .l l. r f k t ` tl 2 t·`l* the ioui:`;na tate , _ _ _
(mum func 0 uu S In U dl I O h all { ——- when the \V1ldcats showed a brand of ability which ·
T' —- -9:: f:‘ `tlt -2t· ,1c·1cc , _
lgmls pre Qlhml llmll Cb GLU); L m ru could make thcnt a threat against any tcant in the ·‘
···—.lll ei`.·kKt , ,
Ulmu ll mln Orion cn uc l `m` South, but have never been able to tie this type of play
` _ __ together for 60 minutes.
Wlhile hope has flown, Wildcat well—wishers are still ‘
clinging to faith and charity. _
I F Numerous minor injuries have prevented Coach ‘
’ t Bryant from fielding his most iowerful unit and he hai I
']`h(¤y huyc faith {hill Coil;-h Pau] Bryant and his play- ' I f I U. ; I `l 1 L I I I I { l
_ _ _ user res IIIICII; xarticu ar y tac ·; —s iarinv y a t l()ll" 1
ers will unfurl their battle flags and go all-out against I I _ `_ _1 ° B
_ _ he has several who might prove effective before the end 5
the Bulldogs —— and are charitable enough to admit that
F _ _ _ _ of tl1e season.
the Ixcntuckians have a tough—uph1ll fight on their
hands even to keep from being baled up like so niuch .
k,`t .`z` slr
, nniinn by ina Bniismmn Everything ta cn in o considcrtuon, the Kentucki ms
l do have tl1e potential ability to make things very lltl—
l Insnnni Ol. honing for vicinryl they nm nraying ann comfortable for the big boys provided thc) can iron
` Fate, with its multitude of ntethods and miracles, will out in few kmks and work together with thc sliced and
land ina Wfiidaais ani ni inn bniirnshns and ihrnngn inn precision which they have displayed at tlmcs tlns fall.
line-rushcs as they take the field tonight.
To say that they might accomplish this task in their
AS ihi, scusim has pmawssnfli ihc Bulldogs have lm_ seventh meeting with the University of Georgia on Stoll
come stronger and stronger with Johnny Rauch, their Flillll l°lllglll¤ wlllllll bc wlslllllll lllllllllllg‘ l°l> S°lll°` _
aerial—minded quarterback, rising to such heights of wlll`l`° (l°wll lllc lllllll lllcy llllc llillllly °°l`llllll lll slllrl
hi.llllmi(.c ihai Trippi has lwmi all hui forgoiicii at clicking——and thats when hope will again walk hand
Athens. And week after week the great Ccorgia line in hand with faith and charity for Wlildcat fans. I
Make Use Oi Our Convenient D1rive—in Facilities 0
is pen cnn: nisceuni an ALL cisn Ann may a
Laundry - · Dry Cleaning l
lll I
Phone 2000 265 Euclid Ave. `
r_ i;_NHI ; _
tldcat Sue 1 B ar Poss1b1l1ty
W` cess s ° e ’ ` ' '
By Zipp Newman, Birmingham News Sports Editor
Kentucky can’t go any way but up in football. That Black, one of Birmingham’s charming belles in 1935.
is if Paul (Bear) Bryant gets anything like his share They have two children, May l\Iartin, nine, and Paul
* of the breaks. And he will make a lot of his own Jr., two. They are looking for Paul, Jr. down at Al-
; breaks with tremendous will power. abama, counting on hint at least making the All-Con-
l ference team twice as his Dad did——and playing in a ‘
Q This columnist wrote when Kentucky signed the ROSE B0“,lgan1c-
Y former Alabama star: “Kentucky is most fortunate in '
obtaining the fittest young football·coach in America Paul stayed on at Alabama after graduation. He 1
l today.” That still goes. lIcre’s one former Kentuckian became a line coach and on the side got some busi- i
I who is much concerned in Paul Bryant’s future. ness experience in operating a dry cleaning business
with his old side-kick—Don Hutson.
Paul Bryant has every qualification of a great grid
master. Ile was the most fearless football player I Bryant was a fine line coach. He turned out two All-
ever new. He has a thorough knowledge of football. Americans, (LeRoy Monsky and Taran Wlhite) and l
f He has a flare for imparting the "know how" to three All-Conference line1nen (\Vhite, Mcnsky and
{ players. Bryant is a tireless worker. He has the pa- Bostick, who coached at Kentucky). Paul went back `
g tience to rehearse a play 100 times. He not only to the Rose Bowl as a coach with Alabama in 1938. V
l knows how to handle players on the practice field but
off the practice field. No coach has more personality. Red S““d"rS employed Paul B"Y““'~ **5 his line
HC was always popular, “,iih ihc players as an assish coach at Vanderbilt in 1940. The next year Vander- I
mu coach ni Aiabumih bilt beat Alabama. Alabama supporters attributed
some of the credit to Paul Bryant talking the Com-
Coach Bryant was schooled under one of the great- modores into believing tl1ey were better than the
est teachers football has ever known—Frank Thomas. Crimsons. It was one of the hardest played games in
He learned well Thomas’ way of running a football the history of the old series. j
team with the pressure on. i
Paul Bryant is a man of action. He wanted in the
As a rccruitcr—and a football coach nowadays war in 1942. He went to Wlashington and camped on s
must know how to get n1atcrial—·Paul Bryant is in a Tom Hamilton’s doorstep for days. He finally talked 1
class by himself. Hc could sell gold bricks to bankers his way into the Navy—spending 16 months in the
and they would like it. European theater. And he loved it. {
[ ;
1 Paul Bryant was one of the finest ends in the his- Paul had a fling at coaching the North Carolina `
1 tory of football at Alabama. He was one end, who Pre-Flight team. The Pre-Flighters twice defeated E
` could not only catch a pass but rack up a tackle in Duke, 12-0 and 35-13 in practice games. North Caro- .
l cellophane. He gave one of tl1e greatest exhibitions lina was beaten twice before tl1e team was disbanded. Y
J of handling a bruising tackle in Alabama’s great vic- l if
E wry (wm, Sinnforrl in ihc 1935 ROSE Bowl gumc_ Maryland signed Paul Bryant to a head coach"s ¤
l contract in 194-5. Maryland had won one game in the _,
l After Don Hutson, who went on to become tl1e All- two previous seasons. Under Bryant, Maryland’s foot- Y
{ Time professional end, left Alabama, Bryant was ball stock took a terrific rise. The Tcrps won six, lost
. switched to left end. He was switched because he was two and tied one, winning for the first time against
i a good pass receiver. Virginia in 16 games. i
i Bryant played his greatest game on a broken leg Kentucky was looking for a football coach for the ·_
` against Tennessee. lf you don’t believe this, there are 1946 season. Kentucky was told by Southeastern
X-ray pictures in a doctor’s office in Birmingham to Conference coaches, hire Paul Bryant if you can get
prove it. Alabama beat Tennessee 25 to 0 and Bryant him.
_ was the spearhcad. "The Bcar” got mad and the Vols
couldn’t handle him. llc forgot about himself and Thcrcls “ diffcrcnt Spirit at K¤¤¤¤¤k>’· Pwd Bryant
what rihiiiliiiriiig ihc log might moan to his foohhull had his players playing like `Vildcats last year. They
cm.(,cr_ didn’t go into big games with any inferiority com- !
plexes. Kentucky is on the way to becoming a power »
. paul Bryant was horn hl Fordyce, Arkansas 33 years in Southern football. Give “The Bear” a little time
iig0_ Ile entered the University of Alabama in 1932 and the Commonwealth of Kentucky will again thrill .
and was a hellion on the freshman team. He lettered I0 the ewlvits of the g"idi"""• {
in football in 1933-34-35, receiving his B.S. degree in ·
physical Erliiciiiimi in 1936_ Alabama will keenly follow the fortunes of the ¥
Kentucky Wrildcats. Paul Bryant is home folks, des- 4
[ Paul married his campus sweetheart, Mary Harmon tincd to become one of the great coaches of football. `
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Wlldwt Sketches
‘ LEFT mos
Dick Hensley, 19-year old six—fect four-inch .l95-
pound \Yrllll{1I]l5()l1. Wiest Virginia product returns for /_._sQ/,
his junior year this fall . . . Ranked by Coach Bry- _’ r/'- 7 /yY§
ant as his best left end . . . Lctlcrcd in both his _ `(£¥'
freshman and sophomore seasons . . . Considered an _; 7
outstanding pass receiver and a fine defensive player. — i /
. . . Nvas an All-Slater in high school . . . Should be Q/\ (
ends this season. l //
George Sengel, six-feet one-inch 179-pound senior lc) C)
from Louisville, is considered one of the ronghest de- g U
fensive players on the squad . . . Lettered in `¢l·2 and _ j*.\
again in ’4-6 after returning from the Army Air `;
Corps . . . This being his senior year, Sengel should _Q /
have a good season. ‘, /
A /
W/ash Serini, six-feet one—inch 2l5—pound Tucka- _ I
hoe, New York native, returns for his fourth season _ K -
‘ with the Wildczits . . . Played for Kentucky during - \ EXCELLENCE _
the war and earned All—S.E.C. honors . . . His sheer _ , , _
deterniination won hint a spot on Coach Bryant`s _ ,’» WITHOUT -
first eleyen last fall .`. .·Yoted the most popular man _ EXTRAVAGANCE _
OH [IIC Clllllllllb • • . bCI`]III Sll()[1ld bl` Xl llllllllblilf III
Kcntucky’s line. _ iyl =
Doc Ferrell, six—feet 198-pound sophomore from _ ` C _
neighboring Richmond, displayed great improvement _ Orrect _
in spring practice . . . He’s being counted on heavily - Clothes
to help the Vllildcats in one of their really weak spots _ _ _
, this autumn . . . lllajoring in business administration _ Cufflculcxr _
‘ Could be Kentucky’s No. 2 left tackle. _ _
Bob Gain, a giant-like six-feet three-inch 220 _ —
pound freshman from Wlierton, \Vest Virginia, is rated _ College
as one of the best line prospects to ever enroll at _ N _
Kentucky . . . If he had so1ne game experience un- _ _
der l1is belt, he would prove extremely valuable to the -
’Cats this fall . . . l’le°s fast, aggressive, and extreme- - _
ly agile for such a big young inan. _ ANU COMP?} I-‘·€~
- , G` -
ilmcr comms _ 6McO!&»fy _
. . s . . Qwsx / -
Leonard Preston, a six-feet l96—pound _|\1Ill()l` ¤ #\_/
from Louisville, is another one of those boys who was _ g
never given serious consideration until Coach Bryant - n
arrived at Kentucky . . . A veteran, Preston last fall
had trouble in conditioning his legs . . . llc°s in top - fi} m
form now and should have a great season . . . l’rc— .. "` il _
maturcly grey . . . Married and has a two-year old i I E I
son . . . Should hc Kcntucky°s starting left guard. _
· - · - Q l n Y
1 [In! Jones, six-feet one-inch 196-pound senior Q l y
I from Corbin, Ky.. plays either at tackle or guard . . Q \_