xt7dnc5sbf3v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dnc5sbf3v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-02-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 03, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 03, 1972 1972 1972-02-03 2020 true xt7dnc5sbf3v section xt7dnc5sbf3v ~ I( .
The Henluc g sNOW
Forecasltor Lexington and Vicinity. Travelers
warning for Thursday morning, rain turning to
snow with pmsible accumulation up to one inch
. windy and colder with snow ending on Thursday '
night. The high Thursday will be in the low 30’s
Chances of measurable precipitation are 50
percent Thursday and 10 percent Thursday
1' ' efne night. .
VOL. i.xui N0. 82 LuciNGTON, KENTUCKY 40506 THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 3. l972 - 1‘
O 0 ..~ ' '_ 1 I
, mg etary 1g ts w -
UK 'd 1' ' «a . ’
1 " "-:v 1
pres1 ent moves to lmlt 11 _. e
U o s growmg strength , ' 1
By LINCOLN R. LEWIS, JR. Education. universities by specifically defining the ,
Kernel Staff Writer Singletary said he is seekingaclearer roles of each.
President Otis Singletary took his first definition of UK‘s role as the statewide Senate Bill 54 soriginlal restricltions oth 1
1 strong move in Frankfort Monday to limit institution for research and serwce. gt Lt wear] reitnoveéd :tttuéce ”my titne ‘
the growing strength 0f the University Of The controversy has developed over the ena e S uca ion .om- ' e .p p .g . '
. . 1 1' 1 h . . Singletary to make his first appearance in ‘
LOUISVllle1 Wthh grabbed the 10" S S are efforts of U of L to attain equal status With the ca ital to rsonall take a stand on a *
of budget increases to state universities UK in the realm of research and service. piece 3f legislamlion y 1 .
f m the overnor this ear. ' . . ' .
NAT” g y h Most observers View the battle as a matter The Lonisvdle Courier-Journal reported
IS state can barely afford t e one of prestige rather than of money. U of L - -
. 1 1 1 d I . . . . . that Singletary met With Gov. Wendell
stateWide UniverSIty it already has. an offiCials, however, claim funding is the . 1 -
. 1 1. . Ford and Senate Majority Leader Walter .
question whether it can afford two, issue. (D ) H ddl t M d t d' th
1 1 Singletary said of his move in Frankfort . . . . . ee u es on .0" ay 0 lSCjUSS. e 1 ‘
. . . . Smgletary said he has no intention of bill. He then met With James Fleming.
_ yesterday to add definitive language to , _ , , , , _
S . restricting eitheonfL sfederal grants or director of the Legislative Research
enate Bill 54. . . . . . . . 1
' ' ‘ . . state money for certain progects in the Commissmn. about drafting a reVismn of j 1
1 The b'llh Wthh originally 1‘95"}th the health field that U of L is already engaged the bill‘s research and service provision. 1 .
. 1 UniverSity of Louiswlle’s researcb“‘and in. Singletary said yesterday the language 1
1 . . serVice functions to. its immediate Legislature should decide of the revision is not firm yet. He does not '
geographical area, is designed to The UK president said the legislature know when it will be ready for Senate
.- restructure the Council on Public Higher should decide if it desires two statewide action. he said. 1 ' 1 j
' '- By KATIE MCCARTHY nearly 20 million dollars of UK in three weeks to discuss the 1
. j 1 “j, Kernel Staff Writer contract funds. situation and to review the
\ W ?” '1 ‘V . , it ~ . - l . I
e Representatives from the Contractors are reqmred to 31‘ “mauve “19°" Pans
. a 1.‘ :1- 1 ~. . . .. . . written by the administration and 1
‘31 -1~..~:2=.-..1.:21’11-.;.1;.:11:3: 1: Department Of Health, Education have a written affirmative
1- ~ . .‘ s’ one ' - - n - - - CWC- Shomd the Plans be “n'
1 .»; .1, and Welfare (HEW) Will be on action plan on file which details .
.._-:1. '1' é~ ~§§§>awstI 1. ff satisfactory to HEW.they could 1
. ‘_ >- .1_. j ‘_ 1111;»? .- campus today and tomorrow for e OHS to remedy P85! '
_ 1 , .1, . . . d’ - ~ 1 delay federal contracts until a 1 _
‘_ d 11. . 1 . preliminary talks thh the ad- iscrimination. UK does have a . .
j - . .- _. 11 j . .1 1 1 .1 . . . . suitable plan is worked out.
1...“ 1 _ ministration and the Council on plan. I t Ik' t CWC tod d 1
‘ ' 1. we '1~- . Women’s Concerns (CWC)about " 8 mg 0. . ay a'.‘ - .
1 j . j 1-H";- 1 .1_ .. the complaints filed With HEW However. should the tomorrow. the investigators Will
1 1' 1 :-= «i1, charging the University with sex representatives from HEW find receive copies of complaints ‘
. i -1', ‘ 1 discrimination in employment. sex discrimination at UK. they registered .W'th CWC 0‘ 59X
1 f .‘ Will give specific details to discrimination inCidents at UK. .
. . V ' . The Women's Equity Action correct the problem. This Will A grievance committee set “P
_ "1 i ‘ League (WEAL) filed the necessitate a rewriting of the by CWCishearl_ng complaintsof
, ”j g _ complaint Sept. 27 with HEW “affirmative action plan" to 59" d‘$?r'mlnat'°"- Those With '
.- 11‘ 1 .1 V j .. after receiving it from the local include goals and timetables for complaints may contact Karen
.7- i . _- j 1 - WEAL chapter and CWC. If the correcting the discrimination. Flanders by €311th 257-3171 10 ’
. 1 -' :5 1 1 . .. . . was s f complaint is upheld, UK, as a After the preliminary talks, the discuss the complaint or to make 1
2-. {E ' 1 ;§‘%3§ 3' federal contractor. could lose HEW investigators Will return to an appomtment' 1
' “E? V '1 . $3“. P ’ ° l.
j . , . ,1 ; .. ,, . oor A me ricans m ust radioa ize
ddl l 8 [Al it
~ 1 ... Q 11. mi 9 c ass, says au ins v . 1
- 1 :1 his: .1, g
- . ‘ . fiefie ’ ' .1 B.» RALPH ('1 LONG To gain ower the poor must 1
' New “ a3“? eggs-1., p
. . ”a h“ $.22; Assistant Managing Editor radicalize the great bulk of the
z»: :3 tr” ’3 “Power and organization are American society. the middle "5'".
j 3.: .. I. . i? .1 synonymous. Repeatedly class. Alinsky said. 462: in.
. f"? - its pounding that point home. Saul if every black. chicano. Puerto ' Q at fr‘ 1 .
1 has“: , D. Alinsky. professional radical. Rican. and blue collar worker ‘fs ’ N
.1}??? staffig spoke to a capacity crowd in the were organized separately to ' 1': ' .._ . .
‘Wfis " Student Center Ballroom last form a coalition. the middle class .111“ at? - ’
" “$213M . 1 night. would still be needed to “get 1‘jg A
not: anything donc
‘ 1 ‘** ‘ Alinsky. who for the last 30 Advantage of communicating '
j years has boon involved with Speaking to campus radicals. ‘I II) \I' 'k'
'1» ,15 organizing thc lizivc-nots. Alinsky asked them not to turn 5"" ' ' 'm 5 .
_ strcsscd the MCI! that the poor their back on their middle class 1 ~
. . “M have to turn to the middle class background. because they “have ('(lllSld9_rS "WWW“ 0f the middle
. . ' - for hpr in obtaining powcr to the advantage of com- ("lass IS necessary ‘0 3”?“
>1. influence the cstnblishiiicnt. municating" with the middle change.
, - jN‘r ‘Lousy bastards' clziss. Alinsky explained that af—
. 1 ‘ The establishment or “the You can't communiczitc unless “TUNE-’1 change h) usmg ”WW"
— . 1 Iousv bastards" have always you have thc cxpcrienccs of the and “Mics is domg what 3'0“ can
(Kernel Photo by John Hicks} . - - - ~ _ 1 1 - 1 , .,
A" unidentified A" I'm"- mm been at odds with the people sincc group you are trying to com- With what YOU 80L 1 .
N 365 9 student «"5" ”0"" very happy the beginning of the country. municatc with. he said. llowvvcr, Minsky did manage
0. o "Shame”? " IN "I draft lottery Alinsky said. A “free and open Alinslly said this ability to refreshing ”U‘h when he said. ,
:mflnrnlf s!" til“: """""'"5':' society nccds power to thc communicatewithtthStotll per "M.“ organization is being Wm
H" l "'h' ‘ ” 5"") 0" page "‘ pcoplc"to function. be continued. ccnt ol' Amci‘ican society that “W lh'S 0" I wouldn‘t be hm“

 2—11”: Kicx'rl'eky Kl'lltNEl” ’l‘hursday. February 3. mg ,.
-4 film for adults made by” adults
’ “Sunday Bloody Sunday’ depicts future shock
g . ' ‘ ll) "‘1‘ l‘II..\.\l (rushing into today and [mum-1'0“ syncopated time. Future shock is here. The times
‘ Kt‘l'm‘lSlalle‘l‘llt'l' In those films Schlesinger captured sides of ill'(‘ changing and the people are changing with
4 ‘ ‘ l ‘ British direetor Juhn Schlesinger has always been society most of us would rather pretend we didn‘t technology alternately opening and closing the gap
I‘ y a man 01 the moment with vision as contemporary see. llis camera became a socio-historian crashing between the two.
,_ ' g _ ' as his art. ' today into tomorrow providing a timely culture Your number. please ':;;::j:.
. _ “Darling." his first major film success in shot-k, rl‘hen. if telephones become our extensions to
f '. I America. was a pop culture masterpiece. lt cap~ humanity. ('Od‘ 0‘ course, '5 an answering serVIce. , f
4' .i ' . ' ~ lured perceptlvelv "swinging London" at the height 5“ it is “'“h his latest film, "Sunday Bloody ”NW“ Alex and Daniel are forced to put UP With the '
s ,- _. p . _ i m its popularity {15 seen through the eyes of Diana Sunday." now playing at the (‘hevy (‘hase Cinema. arrogance of automation,.not to mention the human
, . ' .’ . Scott ”Thellappiness (lirl"—whose favorite sport "Sunday Bloody Sunday" is the story of Alex arrogance of an unkindly operator. 'l‘hey share by g
g . .~ g- i, was a quick game of musical beds. (lrcyllle (Glenda Jackson). an intelligent 30~ish coincidence the same answering serv1ce as well as
-' '. ' '- llls next major film was "Midnight (‘owbov“—r~a divorcee. Daniel Hirsh tl’eter Finch). a middle- the same lover. As always, Schlesinger adds the -. ~
,V - , . 1 . 1 . painlul look at Fun (‘itv and a rude awakening for aged Jewish doctor and Bob Elkin (Murray Head), depersonalized touch which has come to symbolize
. , . . ._ " . ,1 innocents who believed that Ruby Keeler still taps the young kinetic sculptorthey both love. Welcome certain ways of life.
‘ g g 3 , , down 42nd Street in old Busbv Berkeley musicals. to a reality which they accept with no jealousy and All aspects of cinematic art—acting, directing. .. .
' ' llcr old hoot'ing grounds had‘new inhabitantswthe ”“ ""‘WWSS- , , , , writing and photography—immune brilliantlx In F
‘..-. .- ‘f »‘. Joe Bucks with love for sale by the hour and the The scene is London. a C't-V thh m the 1,970 5 has “Sunday Bloody Sunday" 10 provide, finally. a film
1 V . I - ' t I Ratso ltizzos with life for sale l)vthe second. stopped swinging and is just barely grinding on m {01‘ adults made by adults.
1,, '- _‘ . . Catholic Newman Center - a
. ~ - .: ‘ I A break for the bored
_ .: 1 , ; p when , rown en en mix it up
. I , Old Porter Memorial Baptist Church, By slnltox (‘LEMENTS "0“,,de by handicaps theme and style 'migm require a
l 'l ‘ 730 S. Limestone- Kernel Sta” “The" Unfortunately the show is beset break in rhythm from the 33532;???
. ; ‘ > . . I "You can find us in the Yellow b . , h d‘ T k ..B b " ‘ ' 1 th Effiéizzér
‘ . ‘_ k H use _ g . . y numerous an maps. a e o sox orlglna s. ey
- , ‘ '. (opposne Perk.” 5 Panca e O ) Pages clasSlfled ‘UnelaSSlhed - note of your Activities' calender demonstrate musical en-
34.2'. , j SUIIdIIy Masses: Surely 1‘ 15 the goal 0f every for this week and consider the tertainment plus showmenship.
: 4 g . . group of musicians to establish throughfares 0f Haggin Halls 3%
14,: ' i i. W ‘ 9' 1 0' 1 I ' & I 2 ' O'm ' 8‘ 5 00 p’m ' itSOWH unique identity bOth in the second floor lounge. Consider the . 2.;
H " " . _. ————————————— world of music and in the minds transit to the Student Center Grill “3’90” WW1“ rap"! ”
.y '2'. : 4 '. . weekday M05888 of its audience. for the Wednesday, Thursday. A” Chm”? ablde‘ one cannot ~
. I . -' ,‘ l 2 00 & . Agood sound is not good unless and Saturday night shows. help but‘get into the sound with
-, ; . . .« .i ' 0°m' 5 '00 p°m - it is remembered. “Brown “Brown Jenken“ overcomes the Jenken S enthuSIasm offering
r i Where. Jenken” are truly individual “noise" factor and pleases the an escape from the sterility and ‘
. -. _ .-. ' ° keying on their audience and following audiences. embarrassment too often l
, _ ' , , . 444 Rose Lane presenting a cross—section of The three part harmony of Bob associated Wlth small audience .
‘ f . —————————————-—-—-———————————— talent and instruments in Bowersox, Bob Vance, and partIClpatlon. and thankfully .50 ,
. _ ,5 1- -- ‘ 1‘ , .- REV EDIER \lOORE 757—4605 orginials and borrowed “Stones". “Bones" Watson is further offset for mUSlC' demands not attention e33
'2' ' " ‘ . ‘ ‘ ,v K ‘ . : ‘— (HlS Redding. and Church Berry by an unusual, tight two part buE reaction. $2:
. - s .v . . RU - LARR‘ HUMAN “54'1544 while um lously Keynoting the harmony. fantastic percussion, For those 0f you who have "Qt 13%;" .
1.,‘1 -‘ _ f : PRES. JOSH O'SHEA 255—0467 influences of the “Buffalo lead. and wit. Though one must yet heard the good reportsf on g
- _:'j " j‘ : _ - Springfield" acknowledgea greater varietv of campus or. attended a C9 fee m
- V. . .. . y ,- .' _ ‘ . ' ' llouse. now 15 your opportunity to 0%!
, " _' ' -. . ~ prove its merit as an entertaining 3%,.
g .-_=. '_ ‘ _' 8 Loc TIONS CHEVY CHASE and free facet of university life ; 35%:
_‘ > > '. K; A ' offered as a much-needed break A f
" . ' . ‘ .‘7 LANSDOWNE for thebored student. ”Brown . ,
f I ' ' fl: . -~-, WINCH ESTER ROAD Jenken” will be performing in the m
.’ , .. .v j. -r @’ ON€ HOUR NORTH LAND Student Center Grill Thursday
i. g ‘; : ,. . ' ‘ y' - ' and Saturday nights.
f 5 -_ . . . . SOUTH LAND
: : a - ,. l '3 ‘ DRY CLEANERS * TURFLAND
' ._ [.2 . t ‘. ' I , ,' -' keep your clothes fluid as a rose ‘ VERSAILLES ROAD 1972
: peaa s or U Students COMPLETE
d F If *1
. .‘ . 4 . 3: o . ‘
’._.: . _ " ~, ” DRESSES TROUSERS ‘With $300 down cash or trade and 36
. , ‘ y‘ , .‘ ginths'with APR Annual rate of 12.83 »
\ .. 3 l - , 2-Piece SUITS c SLACKS c Pmchbgck.fla"omn
. y : f ._ . ' RAINCOATS SWEATERS Willow-con Sam, Parts & Service
:i =: - .. . 233.0551
~ . ' : -' '. h SKIRTS mo omrd Circlo ‘
.. . ._ -. '1', , f . , 2n: Versailles ml. (Cardinal Valley) ‘ '
.. 3/4 COATS J 9‘“ SPORT COATS each .
' - " .
‘ l ' ... l o
-, ‘ _ Z Drugs—DRUGS—Drugs E _
., . . -.; . . { . 3 80 Drug Center— 0
y . ‘. . . .' o . o
Shirts- Laundered : Mme-W :
. _ ,‘ ,- ‘ _ 0 Health Serv1ce— g ,
v. g , . 2 233-5823 3 i;
-. f ' Y j . 0 . ‘4 .
._ , . g ,- . . Folded Or On Hangers for $ 00 * g Christ Center— 3
. , 0 .
_-' '. Never any limit on quantity ' 3 231 W. Maxwell 2 ,.'._.. W ~

 Tm; KENTUCKY KERNEL, Thursday. February 3, .972 3 f '
. , 1 ‘ . ' | .

:e;;f§;:§§:- W's: ‘ ' gf, - 1
Ck @- i. . ,. r. '_( . *. -
t , if» 1‘ '1 ', '..-".‘ " -.
\mes «g ,' K ' 3.? A
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H as ' ————_ __ ____.. . «. t . 7"
; the ..- a.
.ing. ._ ‘ fl
film ' ° ' ‘ 915';
Shir-[s Combination Sgecial Double-Knit 33-;
l-Pair of Button-Fly Jeans SlaCkS I":
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.1 eny- Navy P-COOTS
nenship. \
$1900 -
leather Jackets ..~,- .>
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offering 300 PAIRS OF SLACKS .
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main: SW 00d Knit Shins Corduroy and Brushed Cotton 0’ to 3.;- :1
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ports on ii; ow 7 1; €-
Coffee % . ’
tunity to ; "3““ , '
riainipg 32%" *‘mww ‘ g, ‘ I ‘~
”Brow" ' -, FOR THE GA LS0 ° ° . .7 3-. I”;
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hursday ' . ‘ ,1‘,
J Pant Coats mm HOSE ‘
E eans Regular s100°° .
IE . Regular $250 " g I;
i .- :” x . a.
’ 11.. $ 90 ~ 2.3:.»-
’ " ' NOW 99°
:. , I»,.3.f7,;,.;:i-jt_-:;f-_33-9,:
' ' 1, Li '1 .»-:’- -. xiii-_-
>f 12.83 ‘s‘ re s s e s A" ..‘ W 5 "us"
«via R99” "" 5‘ ‘°° ' Regu lor 530‘” ":t
1 may g";- it; .-

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E . Regular $15” and ‘16” WOOL SLACKS — Now 5 and 8 ~ .

 C ff (1 ‘ ' ° 1’ ' ‘ ' ' 9
_ an we a or two prlnmpa Instltutlons .
' Round One in the battle of the ' _ . .
_ universities is about to be . functions meaning that for UK by SBS4. whether it can afford two.”
. . ’ . gin. Uhlvel‘SIty could, like UK. set up And while UK administration -
Senate Bill 54 a much-discuss d .. ' rr - Until the days when the state
- - - ft d d td {I . e . extension bureaus and other officials say Uof L’s prestige isa can affordflr needs—a second
I .I I 3f $135215; :1“ lizntuilim’rslghimli): stateWide services now reserved big reason for the fight over 8854, “principal” institution the
‘I . I education 5 stem is a y i. for IUK- . . President Singletary’s General Assembly should con-
I II I I th Se y . pproac mg Singletary believes that is assessment of the reasons for centrate on present needs
. .x e nate floor for a vote. wrong, and we agree,. Besides limiting Uof L’s jurisdiction seem . . . '
.. . ., And Tues da President 0t” . Both this UniverSity and the
I I II , I S’ l t {I dth . IlS escalating the dollar war between more reasonable. University of Louisville have
j. I. . r . ' I"? e akry "'9 9 opening 5? VIO our univerSities yet another step, “This state can barely afford plenty of house-cleaning to do
. . ,. I. in ran fort as he sought to limit such a move by the General th t 'd - -- - . .
. I . . ; ; e one sta ew1 e university it before in h
. I. 1 the bill from adding too much to Assembl th t t t n - u - uc expanSion 15
II I -. I h . l' y rea ens 0 was e has, he said, and I question warranted.
. . I ,- .» . , {J9 Spll‘ a 1an0 POWIEIH‘S UOff the badly-needed education dollars on
‘1 I , I‘ i ‘1 I niversity 0 UlSVl e. 0 is services we don’t need. ‘2 > Q
g , ’r ,' new to the state system and has °’J OS I ;
-. . . . .1 j taken the biggest cut from in- The University of Louisville,
I. Ijli i' creases in state aid to higher With a long history 0f apparent °
' I a education. financial irresponsibility behind F amlly squabble
I 1 I I- ' Singletary’s main concern it, was forced into the State
' I f . appears to be that the U of L will system on the brink 0f
- . . : someday gain “equal” status with bankruptcy. With its prestige as O\ . /
.' f: . UK as the state’s foremost in- one Of the COUhtl‘Y’S oldest . *- : 7' “91/
.II fr ,_ 1' stitution of higher education. municipal universities shattered, / [X \ 7 7’34 ~
j W - . . . -, Already,SBS4 proposes to remove it now seeks parity With UK as ‘ A \ SJ i ’/
_ , _ , Ken't k i t‘ - - 1y.- '1:/_\\r E; /
I ; I geographic limits from . “C y S prmcnpa L i...‘ \sr ‘- . . /
- .v , Louisville‘s research and service university, a right Still reserved ,3/7» r“ (6&le Qg‘tg‘g / ‘\\
,, ‘ g “lug gfng as i / in... . ni Hg.
. . - I; f ' Establishedim LEXINGTON,KENTUCKY r i w a! \ \ "1;} ll h.” gih I"
,. r. , f e . 9.? "r ii “’ $33M 1”
I : 4 '. I‘ 1 Anindependentnewspaperpublished bystudentsatthe Universityof Kentucky 3; (“y ‘ ‘ i' ":‘g? 287: “”111“
1 ' '- . ' I rI Mike Wines,Editorin ChielzJane Brown,Managing Editor 35¢??? \ I: o. 7/ /%{4‘ ///\ ”"0th
’. . I Jonnoray.EditoriaiEdiior;Jerryw.Lewis,AssociateEditor Oh. ,I 1&4“; —- " t ///”/// “°o
I;.I ,' II - . - I Tim Ballard. lIBonm Brockman,IGeorgeIGibson,Greg Harimann,Ralph Long,Assistant Managing Editors "a k ‘3 \ \Xx-l/f’ '
II I MichaeiTierney,SportsEditor;Dicanornton,ArtsEditor; Ken R.Weaver, PhotographyEditor ,’ ’v .2‘1. 1 / by! O '
II I . . . Dave Caitanan,Campus Editor:DaleMatthews,Nationallmairs Editor % .\ % 1"“~'=-.‘-.._'-._"/.; é
II. I I , I I John Eilis,Production Manager 33$ ‘~.; * '5?” E \\\V l 4 p
" “T ' ' vii-1's ll AK \.-:.\- ions: . ”7”"
.' . Published by The Kernel Press,lnc.,anon-protitcorporation composedot 1’ ‘ i ‘7 I t ‘7‘: V. L ' //l/’
, studentsJacultvandadmimstraiorsaitheUniversityofKentucky {‘ \uI \. I “1.?" ‘i‘LUi’E % :3/
-: bI FOUNDEDl97l \‘ l .\ .\ \ \ 'rr' ~62
I, I' : . Editorials representtheopinionsottheeditorsmotthe University ¢//// r ‘ ‘2‘“ if“ i ,l a
Camp us park mg 59 a/y/Z/ . l I” i“ >
_, . -‘ -' \i 47 72 ' l l 5 . a
1 . ~ 3"?" 14/ / 77 .£2?€?fiéibiif§?;..Egééiab- \\ i r' ' <3
1 ‘ L E' ' ' ‘ 0/ G ' Q i “-Eiiié-S...l2..:§.:2§s§2§2§:§2§" \ \ X
. - ' - ., ', Very mommg they ‘nvade our you can rest assured that at least ’{ \V \ l?
. '. '- II .' campus like an army of ants. one other driver has and that he "u“ 0 ii) Z
g I .I ~ . They cough, spew smoke, honk, will run over anything to beat you 1 ”310’ If {( '11???” My 11v i ii\
-I I . screech and fly with reckless to it. 0 I." {i " "”512 fit . ‘ M r I
I- ‘- . abandon to fit into one of the over Parking lots are no place for I 9 i
'. 8,000 parking slots on this cam- pedestrians either. Cars race Uh’ ’19,,va he 3 young, IfIyou wont to sport YOUR
- I pus. Marshall McLuhan calls through the lots like they were and u s only , Child (sniff) that 3 perfectly
I-I I I . them the Mechanical Bride; they just starting the race at Le Mans. fOIII‘ a ,wh‘ all right b'But when he grows u
' 1. .' I ' ’ . 8r; of automobiles. Even if you are lucky enough to ~--.-.- .
f I ’ - " 31‘ ing at UK is a total disaster find a place and put your car in it ,- K o “71.1. if
.‘ " ., , I II -- 'I and trying to find a place to park in one piece, you’ll probably find ernel Forum. the readers te‘ii
7 ‘. - ' .. ' 0“ or near campus is a death- that the Central Kentucky Potato - b p -
I I . I , , 1 a ers mitted fth UK td t h
. I. _ - .I defying struggle that only the Salad Eaters Association has Pertwtlla ;y_ p placatddial'lyoomefhowesvzr,eint is 232,332
I‘ I bravest should engage in. taken over the Coliseum So you Pl tbeIlIiItBVIfI ygur dectswn to $253432: both to my sense of morals and respon-
\ I, I I . er W] a y apers was a l ‘b'l' ~ - - -
II '. I II 1' To get a place to park one must have to pay a dollar to park there. has caused many peoples. opinion of the 11$: :1er: fiffltfirhiif giggflgahot:
_I iterally fight. You ve got to It doesn’t matter that you could Kernel to be considerably lowered. Don enterfiven thought have been tnvitgb
', I, -. .I '. outrace the sports cars or out- care less about the potato salad Rosa‘s strip added color, satire, and a resident. The entire policy is in effecbf
’ 1 ~ 'I'~ , maneuver the big cars and if by eaters and potato salad, you still uniquel‘ess ‘0 a Pill"?r m,“ was We" saying that the students of this university
,. cancer you snot an open nace, have to pay tnongn you own serrate; 5:3. °°r° rrrrrrrrrr
In .I II: II.. I. v . a sticker that theoretically en- cancel“The Pertwillably Papers" and get
II ' ., -. II '. I 'I titles on] ]e with that sticker Rosa’s artwork back in the Kernel. Larry Jude
i" I.I -' .‘i »I (J orrBCthn to park $1233? Bob Ramey Architecture Sophomore
.I ~I I An editorial in Tuesday’s The problems go on. The Mmmuuiflg'
. ., II I . Kernel referred to a Kentucky situation only gets worse. But I . I T K‘ I I EDITOR‘S NOTEzAll letters to the editor
- ' ' General Assembly bm backed by besnannbrrn bbene a soubron 22:: it:..‘35“‘i..‘i:“i’.'igi‘gifi“i..:“3.i§t
. I. 'I , "t f . Governor Wendell Ford as HB134. We can all simply install TV sets of The Pertwillably Papers from Ray must sign the letter .and give
I , , H854 is the proper number for the in our cars and thus enjoy the Foushee and Terry Ligon. classification. address and phone number.
I I I. ‘ bill while H3134 is actually a bill beauty of our Campus and get an Dorm . . . Send or deliver all letters to Room ll3-A of
’ . . visit l . .
. I » sponsored by the Kentucky education in the comfort and at .0" "‘e Journahs'.“ B“"""'.“‘ The “firm
. , . . . . . ltappears that by extending the number reserves the rightio edit letters whiout
'. 1 . Students Assomation. splendor Of our MeChamcal Brlde- of hours during which open house is per- changing meaning.

 x 1 , , ' .' l,“-"'> _I_. 17’
. . I . 4 _ . I " I ,V . '1 i A ~ 4 . 9 , '1
V, I. .'1 I \ . "
'l‘llt‘l KENTUCKY KERNEL, Thursday, reoruary 3.19’72- 5 - .f/ . ‘
,Vi'J ; ,
O -. _"‘.f f.
9 . '4 ' '
are ll' 3 n ”C m ra 0 8"
' . ~ 'i."'.'."’.l'
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WASHINGTON (AP) —— By Draft Director Curtis W. Tarr do expect calls to be lower than It land has said there will be The lottery Wednesday af. -_; ‘- ‘. a.) . ’
rare coincidence. March 6 drew started the drawing by saying: they have been In recent no calls at least until April. lects only men turning 19 this ‘. 1 :rn'q':

,, No. l in Wednesday‘s draft lot- “We do not as yet know what years. In contrast to the first three year Those m previous lot- , .: i

' tery and the followmg day. the draft call w1lI be In 1973. Secretary 0‘ Defense MCIVID dralt lotteries. there were no terles Wlll keep their numbers ‘3. ,, WI

9 State March 7. NO- 2. putting men “Nor." he said. “do we know m protesters outside the Com- until they are no longer eligible {,4 j , *1. i’:

second born those days in 1953 first in as yet what the call will be for ~ h 1917311 1ft 1 u (alen meree Department auditorium. m m drafted Ii. ,7 7. .x .1

. . . ,1 . ra 0 er " - HUN

n the line for "8X! year s callup. the remainder of 1972, but we ‘5 l e y where the lottery was held 1,. i, ,. y :1

(i C0 dd“ UM" ‘ ‘50 2 32s 3 42 2a 5 3313 Inside the Hymnsphtire was Farr told newsmen the l’enta-

- .nN : . , ,4 , , . . . ‘ .. ~ , ,. I. 'i"-,.'-.'1'_

n 6‘ 36' 7 111. a 206, 9 197.10 37‘ 11 174.12 more relaxed than m past gon- hasnt told him what the . .1" ;!_ =. ,

- s n ca p us .2""':-:'."51.'3-'?:iii-'5'"i?f:E--.;;I;._.§7E§;IE:5;23:3:1:if:§:{<€35§5?{?$§%23w&5fi3 l26, l3 298, ‘4 3“, l5 22L I6. 309, l7 23]. la years‘ appdrenth because this d ldft needs \A I“ be becaust' de' .4_-‘ i ‘ ' ,- "
72,19 303,20 161,21 99.22 259.23 2 . 4 62, ‘ ‘ _ . -. 1.. . , , '1' ~.

nd the 25 243. 26 311,27 110.28 304. 29 283.833 114, (“Mid he the ’35! year for a 10“ “n“ ”mud“ may not know 7: -' f ' ‘ 5": f‘

. have 84. 97. 115. 253. 262. 262. 318- guard Kevin Grevey. His 31 240 “in. that counts. themselves since so much dew . .“f '_~," .1! 1.
Those seven numbers are of number is “5. just under last gb‘fifiuf'il; 31311171913318}: 5:614:82: The administration hopes to pends on the economy ' i: 1.1 ‘53.,715»;

t0 d0 monumental Importance to seven year's ceiling for draft calls. I? 195, I3, 263. 14 343,15 3oa.16 227.17 46, have an 3114-01“an army by i it L.-
on 18 young men heldlnhlgh esteem on Three guards and a forward $21”2'5‘°220’72'6’°51‘°:7'21‘863‘2‘; 72157043 74”“ June 30. 1973‘ when the current i .'glhlr
this Lexington campus. came away with relatively safe MARCH: 1203.2 322,3 220.4. 47.5. 266.6 draft authority expires, t Ph t S 116:7:

The numbers are military draft lottery numbers. G. J. Smith, a 6- 4'44] 331375311: 133:2 33"];‘323911333' :3 There are plans to hold a POSSpOI’ O O ; , ’.-

lottery numbers and the men are feet-7 cornerman from London, 356.20.262.21 3o.22.317,23. 22. 24 71,25 65, standby lottery next year for Wall t Ph 1 4: ‘_ -

UK‘s seven scholarship freshman Ky, landed number 318. Guards “iggh‘el‘iff 245$: ills: 3131:3373“ 6 those turning 19 in 1973 e 0 OS .‘ 5 _f., .. ,- ~vi‘.‘

. . : ,. ,. ..4, , ‘ _V».-.‘,-,,-‘.‘--'

basketball players. Jerry Hale and Jimmy Dan 88, 7.163.8 50, g 234, 10272, n 350' ‘2’”, A licaflon Photos -_ x

Yei,o..e wonders what reaction Conner who will celebrate their 1:1 1:. 2132-3421;:1131;321:211: PP . '-

. , . . , . , , . , V I ..h'~‘ 27‘ { .7 .'

a husky 6-foot-8 center has when 19th blrthdays 0" March 201 301 25. 255.26. 29.93.3069. UNIVERSITY ()1? PHOTOS ( ; w, . ~. 4‘71 ,

his birthdate matches number 84 262' Flnallyv ”005"" 14m:3”2ii"1?2ii313°fio‘il’iiis‘iitiié' KENTUCKY "mm“ 1 -

out of the drum. Mike Flynn took a high and dry,15.165, 19. llll.l.l€l. FOL‘NDATION 3 for 34.50. 6 for 35.50 f'; i _' --‘ ‘ 11"".
“It doesn’t really bother me 253- :33: 31:3; 33'212'1132921'ag‘63521523' :3 i5 Sponsoring 'd ‘ 1t

. , . . . I ~ r - I » i . r I - t , ' -.~; , 1 ‘4' " a

much," said Bob Guyette. the It 5 Interesting t0 “Ole that If JUNE: 1.15.2360. 3. 245,4. 207.5. 23. 6. a7, CONFRON'A‘IION WALLET PHOTOS i
talented pivotman from Illinois Coach Adolph Run were .0 turn 31:53; 1:12 13123-211 11- it 1;. 12' 1: Beiween : . .

Guyette’s roommate, Steve 19 this year, he WOUld have a 20. 77. 21,315, 22. I46. 23. 212. 24. 6l,25. 143. JEWISH STUDENTS ti Wallets 56.30 f 11,2;

_ _ draf l m . 26.345. 27.330. 30. 142. . . , ‘ ‘ .y ._ ..
isochliluciller. a 6 “if”: forward Un' teottltiry nuprlemrdof :32 05:.“ JULY: 1, 39, 2. 297. 3. 109. 4. 92, 5. 139, 6. AND BL.“ kb . j. 1 , 1 ;.- s : 2,1

Iv rSI Sl en . 1 1 ', . ;,

mm It lana got 97 In ast year s . y ' 18 32336225' 30:552'59‘3229'160'3' 1171123;, 1‘: 3;? MONDAY E EBRL‘ARX 7‘ SPOIIQICI' StU‘IO . i ‘ 1 .‘_ ,1 .

lottery. Singletary wouldn t be as lucky. 193322333 21 5 222116 23 36-5 24' 324 25' 8 p m 4 » "i n;

. , 2 , . , ., . , . , . , - 5 \ ; >415" ’. ‘. ,-

Two inches shorter ls forward- He WOUld have number 10- 35, 26. 204, 27. 60. 20. 135. 29. 222. 30. 200. 31. CO M pL E x C0 M M () N s 222 s. “MOS'OHQ -- ;‘ j» ,‘ ‘

253. . .1 . . ~. 7'

1 AUGUSTzl 323. 2. 27, 3. 3, 4. 313, 5 63,6. BLILDHVG Room 3063 252 6672 . ~11. ,1; , .
208, 7. 57,8. 131,9. 7, 10, 249. 11. 125, 12. 19s. , 1 . 1 , . « - a" -‘ -. '1 ‘
13.329,,16. 19, l7.8,18. 113.19 (ll L" T" ""3 i l “L" 4 _ .' - . ;. .‘

0 a an t0m0rr0w 3o. 22. 140, 23. 302. 24. 138. 25 --__-. = ‘i i '1‘- .;1 1=,_

:3: 290, 26. 76. 27. 34.23. 40, 29. e4. 30. 1132 31. 21s. f._ . “v. 5

SEPTEMBER:1 219,2.17,3.226,4 356.5 TERMPAPERS .1 11; 7 .

7:306. TODAY M‘ _ 354, 6. 173, 7. 144.8. 97. 9. 364. 10. 217, 11. 334, .w .

0 ’ .'_ -. 4 . .‘ ~ .

LEXINGTON WOMEN’S POLITICAL SCELLANEOUS l:$3613§2§29é124631531232325326;22::12; 3: "We have them—-all SUbJeCtSH said 31-00 for ~ ".4 . .-‘

' CAUCUS will meet 7:30 p.m. at the Can- PROBLEM PREGNANCY - ‘ ' ’ ‘ ’ ‘ ' ‘ ’ ' ’ . ' 2 g 5'

and abortion . . . .1, . . . i. .‘

gig“; LigfllJomeHouse, 472 Rose Street. All women counseling, call Kathy at 2549055. 33 2122' 25‘ 29" 26' 29' 27' 24a. 28‘ 70' 29’ ”6' your descrl pt 1ve Catalog of 1 , 200 qual 1 ty ,, ; T . .

r» on . . r ‘ ¢ . ,

"1::ooo ’ . . $19 Glenrock Ave Some 203 \_ « . . g .1

EXHIBIT and sale of prints by Joseph OCTOBER. 1, 79.5.86, TERM “pen . , 3. ._ y

Petro, 3 to a pm. in room 119. Student 6 41.7 129, e. 157, 9. 116, 10 342.11 319.12 termpapers - ARSENAL West LA, Calif 9001‘ .. . "2,1; ,5

«000‘1 Center. FOR ANY INFORMATION, call the so 171, 13. 269, 14 14. 15, 277. l6,59, 17 177.13 12131 477—3474 .'T i; ,fl ._ 1

“° FILM SERIES 7:30 and 3:45 p.m. in the Referl'a'Seerceat258-853ln’orn106191108 352.21 288 22 191,23 193, 24 .- ,. ; ,.
' Student Center Theater. Films include ”8 Dim: weekdays. 256.25 9,26 78,27 32523 327,29, 34930 346, f, _;' _ 4 , .. .' ;_ '
, Flags tor (”cents.” "The Hole," and "The 3] 10 ‘ . ,,_~, = ~ ;.
Lan a e of Faces.” Adm’ss'on 50 cents. _ , I ‘ :1
9"" 6.: ' A Home . ”linens; 11212111102227.1311; ..
d l'n entbo or 'rI. A es from 12 tO 18. ’ ' ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ 0 _. , :.. .‘_'.
YOUNG AMER'CANS' 8.15 p.m., Tile saillutionto’progb'lems sgtemming from the 17 66’ l3 124’ H 237’ ‘5 17""6’209'” 284’ Fr'day 3:00-6:00 Ha "our 1 ,4": .‘ .i'.
. Tuesday. Feb. 8, in Memorial Coliseum. home and community '5 in me home 0, l8 301.21 287,22 102.23 320. :1 ‘
Admittance by activities MD cards Part of someone who cares Call Hard to Place 24 180,25 25, 26 344, 27 US. 28 130, 29 in, ‘1 ,’ 4
Central Kentucky Concert and Lecture P . t ’2521725 ' 30 l34 {fin-1" " : .-,.'
series. mac 8 ' DECEMBER: 1 170.2 90. 3 56, 4 250, 5 II . II .. " f. ~- .
31.6 336.7 267,8 210.9 120,10 73,11 8212 Ha Iness . . ‘1. -
p 85,13 335,14 38.15 137.16 187,17 294.15 13 ffom lOIlISVI'Ie . , :_ 1‘ "
' ’ 19 168.20 149, 21 so, 22 188 23 252, 24 155. . _} .4 ‘
p . . . . 25 6.26 351.27 194.28 156.29 175, 30 281.3l . . i”
, a S SI 16 S ~--' - 31 164 , F". and Sat. nlgllts ~. .. ,1 ., ) e g
'1 .1: Q". Viv. ‘V_."_r>». 4
' W e goofed m 9 P-m- to I «.m. .: r
mo~""““““"” WANTED RELIABLE PERSONto tran _' .1 1‘ , __,: g: ’
FOR SALLE ,O'O" scribe 80 odd hours lecture tapes within 30 , , . . . H's. . ., .mn ; _j‘ 1. ‘. _._.~’" .5
' W~,--,,- m days. mo paid piecewom Non In tht ll( 11 anal) s1. concu g 540 SOUTH BROADWAY r if
FOR SALE chk 63/ Stlcksmih 545°00- mathematical, nonscientific, nonfootnoted the (olle e of Arts and belences . y r '2 f '5,
’ (4BI k Bh dS d C " ‘-
, Excellent shape Must sell Call Carlos. Must have cassette player and typewriter Faculty (‘ouneil's degree ‘ oc 3 e In fu ent enter) “1"”."2' 9' I ‘
27775021. 31:3 _ _ Write Room 111 Journalism Building. 3F5 , 1 t . ‘ l " ,- -’ ,v .I " '2: '
-—-'-—-——~—-———-—-— rec Ulremen s. It was err