xt7dnc5sbg0n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dnc5sbg0n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-12-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 13, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 13, 1979 1979 1979-12-13 2020 true xt7dnc5sbg0n section xt7dnc5sbg0n fi
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Vol. 1.x XII. N0. 33 Unlveulty of Kentucky
\ Thursday. December 13.l979 Lexington, Kcmucky
, an Independent student newepnper
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“W“ 5 iCarter announces spen m9 rise
. . - a - - ~- ,. ' TO r a rmed O I'CGS ' t0 Increase
s. - » ififlh‘o f;;'f""§’ff t O I '0 n I n IS ca yea r
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. . E. i -: 2 E :5 By I‘RANK (ORMIER . -‘ . Espeed American troops to such
I . '» WW; ‘ , ' Assticmtcd Press “riter t 3 E..‘;. * ’ troubled areas as the Middle East and '
r :2 ;.\\... - t E t . .. - .. ,5 Persian (’u“
. ‘ mg. 1 WASHINGTON President (‘ar- \' “ The first will be a new fleet of mari-
- -., ‘ M . . t ter said yesterday that the Iranian cri— " time pre-posttioning ships that Will
. . WW . ”M . it: t sis is“a vivid reminder of the need fora ,. ;. .:. 3mg. carry the heavy equipment and supp-
$3., " k3}: w .55 j . ._ ‘_ _ .. ‘ . 1 strong and united America" and pro- \ t " it f?“ it; ‘ lies forthree Marine brigades.andthat
. i M “v . »> . , \Q. » posed a fiy e-year boost in defense . , t. 3? can be stationed in forward areas
' . . 5‘ : - -.- ..E. H N: l spending. §\. ' 35‘ iii where U 'S' forces may be needed.“ he
i . . “‘ Carter said his proposal is designed h j 'g said in his text for an address to the
t \\““ ' f . sgs ' . to meet Soviet challenges and allow ‘ . '~ Business Council. “With their supplies
t ‘ ‘ . ( .v } quicker l'.S. reaction in remote trou- . already near the scene of action. the
t . ’ ~~ ' ,. _' . : ‘ hlc spots. _ . troopsthemselves can moveinbyair."
. _‘ g . . 1:.“ .. t In his first policy address since the Jimmy (arter (‘arter also said he envisions a “new
. t? . l crisis began. (‘arter said the l'nited upgrading units in Europe and the fleet of large cargo aircraft to carry
if : .~ g t». .. .\\\\ . .. T‘s}: ‘ States “must be prepared to deal with PaCIflC. modernizing the Navy and army tanks and other equipment over
‘8‘:\\\\s‘\s‘*§ ' hostile actions against our citi/ens or taking new steps to permit “rapid intercontinental distances." Bv
Etfiuswgw __ g" .. our \ital interests. deployment of the forces we already increasing defense outlays, C artcr
i \\ .§§§E: ' ' ' (‘alling for annual increases ofmore have." hopes to win broader Senate support
: t‘hh ' = oasis“ than 4 percent abmc the rate oil infla- Without referring to the situation in for ratification of the Strategic Arms
5 . . : . ' \ tion for defense spending. (‘arter pro- Iran, the president listed planned Limitation Treaty with the Soviet
t _ :3 - . - .. posed improving strategic forces. moves of the kind that could help Continued on page 9
t > the“ 5:... r
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. .- \ sh? \ "s1:- - .. Br ( Am Vb [Ills new governor will be all that was reasons Kentucky voters elected
l :-:~; . -\ -»\'.»;Eg:‘:g:;-sr;:=_.=,. _.s;::;-i::.\:=a"**‘-.“_.E-"’=3§:~:E: : ”a ' ' ' - - : H ' ‘
r - EENt‘X :- Managing ldlltll promised in hlS many television Brown were hiscontinualclaims to be
i ., _- \\s§&\\§“ commercials. businessman rath er than a politician
i SN ' Most Kentucky votersthoiight they "These next four years will be very and tilt fact that Brown seemed to
i _- . .. \“\§\ , went to the Polls on Nov. 6 to elect a interesting ' from an innovation want [0 take away the state‘s image 0f
3 - \\§§> governor. but Bill Beam said they standpoint. Not ewryone will like having “a washing maChinfi 0" the
é l . » __:_;:g.\.\~..s~:-:‘t\-E;‘ “ ' . ' . ~ .,
:j s§§§xi ' bought a "package. everything he does. Some state seryi- front porch.
1 . Q§QV§ l Ht thinks the people of the (om ce may be cut and that will irritatea Beam showed videotapes of I}
t h“ “st ‘ monwcalth got a good deal. though. few peopie, But the budget Will he -~ . ., , . .
i . . » \\ "Y . ld , I *k' . nd Sou balanced — niown campaign spots. they por- .
t » tng . . h “Uh“: WI {"1 Ef“ dgf ‘l 'd y “l l k f . d t h f trayed the candidate out meeting the
t - -. gfigggs‘git *5r',._. 3 QUE I I .c r” ‘ k 0-“ W. 5‘“ ' 0° 0W” .0 .l e "CM our voters. walking through coal mines
. “\e. Beam is more than an interested years. John will be brilliant a lot of the d 5 b' k h
1 I :‘V\\‘§\:\‘ “A: ; . , . . _ . I , . , . an pastures " getting dC to t e
i___ Ehhhtttvtt \\ obsener of lseiitiicky politics. He was time. and he ll be naive some of the baSlCS Theobjectofthistypeofadver-
*. 7,, . “a“. ... .-.'q'_.‘_"ifii;_a....w.c._ , 7*V_..__._.-__.__._c _.___c-cc-‘.._..- _. .. __,_.__._,_ g...“ _’H M_ . v ‘ ‘ , 4‘ . . i ‘ > ) , . — ' ' . 4
~\ _ - By l)\\|l)\l.\\\.\H|) Kernel start 7“ dd;‘fl;‘f"ll1 “I“"V‘UI‘SMI‘W ('9“ “m“. | hi“ 2:”?th 2:16;?!“ rising. Beam said. was to portray
Flnl .ohn . town .r int c c tctlon. mercia‘s s owe e was. sat team. Brown as human. honest and inter-
He toltl a group of about 30 adver- executive Vice president of the ested in people
. tising and journalism students yester- Zimmer. McClaskey and Lewis adi er- i '
Kathy Smith. advertising sophomore. readies herselffor notes. She was studying yesterday on the second floorof d“) that despite 1h“ image-making “5mg 33699" m Lonisville. “ hm) his candidate'spent more than
, the upcoming final “mm as she browses through her the My King library. imolied in the Brown campaign. the According to Beam. the primary Continued on page 3
I I a I
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' collector s adiaon .
By KlMBERI,\' (‘IARK chances for getting space in a dormi- lhe girl. whom she called Shirley. Nest. she had to obtain a mealcard. using another person‘s name and If we weren‘t so modest. we'd tell
Reporter tory were poor. was going to cancel her housing It was simple. She went to food Seryi- Social Security number is a class B you this is a collector's edition of
Susan. who liyes iii the western l'ni- because she planned to live in her sor- ces and claimed she lost her card. and misdemeanor. punishable by not more the Kernel - the last one of the
_ ted States she wouldn't say exactly ority house. “I had trouble conuncing the people there took her picture and than six months injail and a$500 fine. seventies. . . . _
“I live in fear of being caiiglit."said where said she couldn‘t take a Shirley to let me use her name and issued her a new card. She said she had Susan‘sarrangementisalsoayiolation lhat's Tlghl.lhlSlSlh€ last [\W'IP/ . .
Susan chance of returning to [K in the fall Social Security number." Susan said. no problem forging her false name on of her housing contract, which says. OfIhC semester. After all.we have 10
Susan (not lici real name) is a l'K without a definite place to live. “I was She found a solution. though: cash, the card. “The student shall not assign this con- take finals like everyone else. But
housing imposter. She has the liniicr- desperate." she said. “I would do any- “Money does talk." Susan said. Although she says she is "very cau- tract or subletany premises covered by we think we have hadagood semes-
sity housing office fooled. liiing tinder thing to find a place to live." “She couldn‘t wait to to help me out tious every time I use my card."Susan the agreement." ter; W“- hOPC )0“ agree. _ ‘-
another person‘s name and Social She began asking around for some- after I offered her Slim.“ Shirley was almost caught in the‘K-Lair grill "l reallydon‘t think lwould be sent- (100d. WC" if) 'everyone during
Security number. although she uses one who was considering canceling a agreed to let Susan take her place on when an employee recognized that she enced to a jail term." Susan said. finals “99k Well be back ”5’“ i _
. her real name Ill classes. housing contract. Susan planned to the list and use her name and number. really wasn't Shirley. laughing. semester. Happy holidays. .
Susan‘s meal contract Isalso phony. take someone‘s place on the waiting However, all the problems were not Susan had a quick answer: “Is there . , .
Her computerized meal card has her list by using his or her name and Social immediately solved, someone €156 0" campus With my .lean Lindley. housing director. hf” '
real picture hiit carries the assumed Security number. A week passed with When Susan returned to school in name‘,’ What a coincidence." her doubts about SUV.” 5 story. h Health seerce
name and SUCH] Security number ”0 [UCk’ Sh“ “'5“ ready to 8ch UP- the fall.she reali/ed she would have to That incident shook her up. Susan would be eatrem'ely difficult to do. It '
lhe deception began last spring. But when Susan mentioned her pay her room and board fee. $748. in wonders “hill “0““ happen if she would obyiously become known bi t h. h marks
, whenthc housingofficetold Susan she problem to a woman in one of her cash. since her real name is on her were caught. word 0f mouth If nothing else. she ge S '9
would be on a waiting list and her classes. her luck chan ed. checks. Accordin to Student Le al Aid. Sd'd'
g g g f t d t
I . .-
, . O a}!— in SHAC survey
. d h t“ h f ed' h . f -h h is not breaking diplomatic relations with lran and said there are no BY JIM CAGEY 3‘
State ctlilused; f“ ."c'. c.0rchpfucé Irtg on to l dc qUESlIOn 0f “ Cl er plans to order the Iranians to closetheirembassyin Washington or Staff Writer _
a egc e iCichies int c wiringwerc coicre up ymanu acturers. their consulates m four other cities. ".
GOV. JOHN y, BROWN JR” mneemmtmg on “muting a - , Reston described the move as one ofa series of“measured steps" “Contrary to the beliefs that a lot of 1;
black and a woman for his remaining cabinet posts. spent his first natlon to demonstrate American concern oyerthc holding oftheAmerican people have. those who do use the i
full day lnfOffthC y‘elsterldaybin Frankfort interviewing more than l5 hostages in Tehran. Health Service‘really seem to like it." ,
!. prospects or lg eve in s . . . . said Bob Carr 3 business administra- 5‘
‘ . In line with the philosophy he has expressed in campaigning, PRESIDENT ,( ARTERS CAMPAIGN STRATEGISTS are ~ ‘ d b — fth Student .7?
Brown said. he believesihc promotion ofminorities would be better convinced that h'5 phenomenal ”5° m the public opinion polls '5 v E d l - t'd l tion semoran mem e. o c ‘7‘.
_ served in the fields of education penonnet and justice based on the precarious situation in Iran. but acknowledge that it A STRONG PREDAWN EARTHQLAK 3“ "f“ ““8 ' a Health AdVisory Committee, t:
._ . - ~ ~ - “Ciild hl on f .. waves w'iped out a half dozen Villages along Colombia 5 southwest I October the committee con- '
The governor already has appointed secretaries of the depart— ‘} 9“ ”P m r aces. . . P 'f" t d and left more than I l0 ersons dead ormiss- n - ‘ . a;
'- merits of Human Resources. lransportation. Development. and (ampaign manager ltm Kraft said the public WI" not tolerate a 4 a“ " coastlylcs "but, 'd p ‘ ducted a survey of students attitudes -.
. Finance. and he said most posts involve supervision ofthousandsof WNW!“ “and“fl 0‘" Americans helng held hostage in Iran. and '"3- P'OV'M“ 3‘" on m “l ‘ . l on L'K‘s Student Health Sery'icc. The at .
, employees he conceded that any political benefit from successful resolution of The quake was measured from 731‘ to 8" on the man“ 5‘33ch ! results tabulated last week. show that ‘
‘ the crisis probably w.” be §h0n_|i\vcd sent IO-foot—high waves crashing into the shore. causing flooding ‘ j '
; - ' . . - to f h k f H - m. r the next hour 80 to90 percent ofthc morethan l.000 -
. ,‘. The latest Gallup poll shows (‘artet running ahead of hisleading during the a ters 0c 3 0 owmg c . ' d t' d ted the service 3 i
,5 DEFENQF A110“ ‘ ‘ , . rival for the Democratic nomination. Sen. Edward Kennedy. bv 48 Officials said in radio-telephone reportsthatthcy feared thctoll of ilu cnts qnues lone "ca . 51 '
.1 f ‘ . _ NEY‘S DISPl TED yesterday ”l C0"'"8‘°" percent to 40 percent and leading Ronald Reagan the Re ublican dead and injured would go much higher as rescue teams reach 50- excellent or good In all categories. if
j that aluminum Wiring was used in the area they contend was the ' ‘ p ' C r saidthc survcv rated reception- 5
5 - front-runner. by 60 percent to 36 percent. lated Villages: a r. - , . *2,
startlheig pomt of the I977 Beverly Hills fire and they argued it could ists. nurses and doctors on qualities él , '
. not considered a cause for the blue which killed I65 persons. weather such as courteousness. promptncss, '
i Inconcludingopeningargumentsforthealuminumwmtindustry. world confidentiality attllUd€ and ‘
.i currently on trial in federal court here. attorneys said the fire started l i
f in a concealed space of the north wall of the Zebra Room-Alcove TODAY'S RAIN SHOULD END tonight Highs today in the "film“ 5 . . .
; area 0' the CIUh- THE STATE DEPARTMENT yesterday ordered the expulsion low 40s and lows tonight in the mid 305. Sunny and cold tomorrow We were really surprised with the §
i i Presiding U S. District Judge (‘arl Rubin has determined that of [83 Iranian diplomats from the United States within five days. Wllh highs in the low 40s. PreCipitation chances arc90percenttoday ' rcsults._ ( arr said. You hear so many ”I;
‘ attorneys bringing the suit must first prove the aluminum wiring State Department Thomas Reston stressed that the United States and 30 percent tonight. complaints about the Health Semce at
i Continued on page 3 2’
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 KENTWKY Debble McDaniel Mark Green '
er . 6 Editor in (hip! Aisotiute Editor Jay Faucet Thomas (‘Iarli John Clay Guy Lander: I
' p". Mann Entertainment Editor Sports Editor Director of Photography
(‘ary Willi Lla- Douurd “Ch." MCDOMM .
Managing Mm” Editorial Editor Cindy McGee Cynthia DeMareue Brian Rielierd Davld Maynard
' Klrby Stephens Asmlam Assistant Sports Editor Photo Manager
V O . t Steve Mmey Tm“ You.“ ("Pl ’54"!er Enmiat‘nmmi Edr'm, '
edltorlals & comma” s (hm/Wt mm" Special Editions Editor -
_____________—___.___.______ ,
M"'“‘”_—“—"—__————_n_ ,.
Letters ('0 the EdITOI' 3:
Nuclear threat trage. Ctlllsltlt‘llllg the recent excom- great price to learn theItruth. We may Incompatent toTahe“lfgifipaZIfEEefifi‘trvfisallfigtenfriih :lanscnIIS lICtICCrI ofIDec.I l II.1 NextTues: :f
mu nicatiiin o' Moimon Sonia pay a greater price to ignore it. Iwould like to take issue with whatl .- y J P Iay mg tIin incmnati.t eCity coun .3
In the last few weeks anti-Iranian Jolzmin lot liui .,-_.pih-it .it the ERA. think was a particularly incompetent offensive. . 1 Id l'k . t Cll is holding an open hearing into the II
sentiment has reached the level of .h Einson‘s CMJIIHllUflICIIIlOIl has Jerry W. Goerl movie review. I am referring to the In conclu5ion. W0" | CtIO POlIh matter of the deaths at the Who cotIi- 3..
“Nuke Iran“ and “lest the Neutron cut liei off hon: communion with a 1975 UK graduate review of Star Trek * The Motion outthatStar Trek— The M0110" [hf- cert.This meetingis opentothe public i
Bomb." It is boasted that our nation cliizi ch which Iii generations of her ._ _ - . . It”? has JUSt broken the top-grossmg and anyone who attended the concert
. I . II , I . . . . . N0 8 0'0 Future. which appeared in Tuesdays re ord for the first three da 5 of is dt d d . h' I;
has not exhibited such may of spirit family belonged o. helped to divide p 9y Kernel. C I yI urge oIatten an givet eir story 1.
and purpose since World War II. llk: liiniily. and. in the opinion of the I do not feel that I owe you an apol- First. I‘d like to say that in myopin— release. It wouldbefoolishto attribute; about the incrdent. r
However. in maintaining [his “”3" “mm” (‘hl‘l‘lh d‘m'md her to be 08)’ for expressing my views.just as I ion. Star Trek is the best example of 3.1115 $0M): to the enthu5iasm 0 If you really care about this and ‘ ‘
0g) “6 “5k becoming "tCtlmS 0’ 01” Wl‘ii‘lltt‘d ”W“ l "' him”) in heaven. dont expect youtoapologizeto me for “optimistic futurism“ in the visual Trekkers. think that you have pertinentinforma-
own anachronisms. This is not the (‘o'raidei-ing this recent action of the your views. Nor am I an apologist for media today. Both the TV series and . tion which will helpthe council inthis
Second World War. and we are not Mid, ion (‘liiucl I find it ironic that Israel. In fact. when I defend Israel. it the new movie stay true to the theme: Jim Wanipler lll investigation. allyou have to do is call
dealing with conventional weapons. Sani‘f. Mill-ii closes her opinion is in pride. Mankind has its faults butwilleventu— Art Studio freshman the councilofficesand have yourname I
The use. or even the contemplated use again" thc i R \ by quoting a Mor- I am not suggesting that Israel is ally conquer them and create a better _ placed on the agenda for the meeting
of nuclear warfare is mad. It is difficult mon .irticli of hslief that states that perfeci‘ it is not. but it is no worsethan society. Merry Christmas or arrive early and sign your name on
for anyone to imagthtthCHnlnathlh htt‘l'lllt‘ll‘ "ht‘ht‘lt' th being h0he5t- mostothercountriesintheworld with, Second. I disagree with Richard . _ theagendaasawitness.lfyouarewor-
‘ of e\erv living thing otithis planet true. chaste. benevolent.virtuous.and aminority p0pulation..lust look atthe McDonald's claim that the movie‘s This is the last Kernel of the ried that the “real“ reason for the .
and yet that is the result of nuclear in doing good to all men . . . UWSSR Iraq. Iran (both pre- and special effects were too extensive. semester. Unfortunately. there WIS deaths will be covered up. then I urge .
“i"- . .. post-revolution). Thailand. and yes. When I saw it. I saw a very majestic. “0t enough 5P“? to print "I ofthe you to take an hour‘s drive north to .
Granted. there is greatinternational Barbara (”"dm' b even the United States. well—paced movie. One might as well IettersI "“1 opinions submitted. make sure that your story is heard.
irresponsibility on the part of a small M'l' lung “a" mem er The ties betwen Israel and South claim that there was ‘00 mUCh singing T[helices :h‘ivttiyriall‘etliisffmwsi‘selires all Maybe in this way a tragedy Of this
hand Iot rIeyoluItiIonaries iIn IranI II he SCIentlflc eVIdence Africa mentioned in your opinion are in West Side Story or too many loca- readers a happy break. type can be averted in the future With-
. eturity (ouncil s resolution certainly . I . more economic than olitical tion shots m The Sound of Mustc. out undue restraints on the concert-
confjrmg this. And yeL is not the (ring \lt't'lx (kernel. DEC. 4 opin-- . P . (NOIC' Robert WISE the director for going public.
Haunting of our nuclear capabilities ion) might be encouraged to learnthat Granted. the diamond trade between 8:! T k _ The Motion Picture also Deaths investigated Th G dh
tor the sake of national unity and dozens of other people in Lexington. the toncountries '5 blg‘ BU! so '5 the A or re . - . ‘ - I ‘ ' G 9")“ 0.0 ew
. _ _ _ _ ~ g . ,_ . . . . .- . trade or cheap toys between the US. directed these films.) This etter IS in response to reg Political Sm"cc sophomore .
pride. in its own way.a form of techno- including ttpresentatives of the medi- ..I. , ,
logical irresponsibility? cal. engineering and scientific profes- and Ilaiwan or Hong Kong. all eco- I I
sions. agree that the scientific evidence nomic. Since Israelcannotgetotl “9'.“ I
(‘ath' A d son su ortiny the theory of creation of the Arabs. ".5 closest source.forIpoliti- I
i n er pp 5 . , . . , .
MJ. King staff member the world and of mankind (as opposed cal “”9”“ “ must search for 0” from
to evolution) is substantial and should C‘mnlnes..Wh0 do Elm mix trade and M. . I ' d
NO women be presented in the classroom. While politics. Since Iran srevolution. Israel [sconceptlons exp a’ne I
I think that Sandy Miller's opinion this evidence has no direct bearing on $:::?ilyt‘oivgi1100k to Venezuela or . . I
on "Why Mormons opposethe FRA" the question of the salvation of our ‘ ht a 0 t, d I
does a good job ot glossing over the souls by the crucifixion and resurrec- How can your opinion be taken welg pr gram u Ine
~ fact that Mormonism is built on a tion ofJesus Christ. it does make the seriously when you saythatlsraelsupf . . . .- . T «d d'l‘h d " Y
strong patriarchal structure that gives (ienesis account ofcreation believable ported regimes such as that of ldi Although b0dl'bmld'ng '5 gaining adaptedIto someonelmale 0F female) It“ aysan “t5’3I35-f 0“ can mt} .
limited authority to its women udhcr- and supports all biblical references to" Amin of Uganda‘,’/\min was one ofthe public acceptance as a legitimate who desrres onlyafairly high degree of two or three other days 0 the week i . I
ents.just likealmost every other major (iod the Creator. most anti-Zionist leaders to date. He sport.Ithere are still many misconcep- both strength and endurance, To you want more endurance and are not .
Christian religion. Portions of Craig Meek‘s article supported the PLO in the hijacking tions In cxrstenIce regarding competi- achomIplishIthis: all Y?“ need to do 15 trying [0 Sal" bodyweight. In your I‘
If the Mormon Church really were excerpted from Dr. Henry Mor- that forced Israel to free its own hos- “‘I'? t’Odl'PUItd'hg as well 35 weight train 1n acrrcun fashion. gomg from weight tréiiningprogramf. do two Fe:
believes. as Sandy Miller states. that ris‘ current book Scientific Creation- tages in its daring raid on Entebbe. training m general. . OnCI exercise to another for a certain (group 0 repetitions) 0 six or eig t ,
"women should have every educu- ism. one of several locally available When Amin was in his final days. who The prevailing assumption th‘?‘ period oftimelanywhere from 20t040 repetitions 0t ”Ch “em” after one I
tional. economic and political oppor- texts on this subject. As Dr. Morris supported him'.’ Israel? I should say hodyhuddersI are "0‘ athletes '5 minutes). Thls can blhtd much higher hghl warm-“P Iset 0f ”Ch exercrse to *
tunity without discrimination“ then points out. ten years ago we learned not. It was Khadaffy of Lybia.Toeven 'hl’al'q- Admittedly.theactualcompe- than average levels 0t hOth strength httll’ prevent '"lur3{".Whe'l you can do
“hl- mete than '00 .Wiirh after its that moon rock is not chemically sim- suggest that Israel supported Amin to ““0“ '5 not lh ltSCItt an athletic event. and endurancerut because of the law hm? IIOF ten repetitionskincrease the -.
founding. are there no women among ilar to earth rock. yet students today power show your complete disregard Bl" the training 9t bodybUilders. and 0fIspeciIfieiiy discussed iasi weelf‘ Clr- weigI t atIyour next wor out. . .
the Church's highest officials? I am are still expected to believe that the for facts. the physicalIachievements produced CU" tralhlhg W1“ ”Qtibt‘ltd the highest I Assuminegou have IacheIss to aIuniI- i
also not impressed with Sandy Miller‘s earth. moon and other planetar," by ”“5 training (strength. endurance posstble levels 0f either endurance or versal machirg. here 5 t e fawn”; . '
aggcrticn that the Mormon Church bodies all coalesced from the same Steve Goldstein and fiexrbilty).IclaSSifies themIas ath— strength. If you want in bUlld your recommend. onotchanget eorIIer , .
wasan Cilrl)‘\upportcrofwomen‘ssuf— rotating glob m. gasses. We paid a Architecture senior letes in the highest sense. Further- endurance to the mIaXimumI, run. If of theexercisesintheroutine.there iIsa
“we“--.w .wflfluwm____.~,__.,A__i~ _ -v.____..._..___.__._._.~-__l more. a high degree of muscular mass you are interested in building your reason for it. I)Leg Press or Squat (for :
i does not qualify its possessor as mus- physique and strength to the maxi- thighs and lower back). I2) Leg CIurl
I clebound (meaning inflexible). Many mum. read on. (back 0t legs). 3) Calf Raise. standing .
"’T‘ pl? 7 . .I i‘>_. top bodybuilders are both flexible and M or usrng leg press machine (calves). 4) I
' l 'l I ‘ agile. A muscle tends to be soft unless Steve Bench Press (chest. back of arms). 5) ,
. ‘ I) m ’* \ h) I it IS tensed which means its Size in no - arten Pulldowns (upper and middle back). :'
’/ v 't.’ /. vi" i way limits its fleXibility. . WEI/lg 6) Press (shoulders). 7) Curl (front of V,
l 3 . 'l “ d) . A “Bodybuilders look gross“ is a com- arms). 8) Sit-ups (stomach). . 1
[I \ ['7 ‘ .- / A / Xv, mon pronouncement. I think it is The most common mistake made by This routine should take no longer I ~ .
ti 4, I" #3,, “(J ' fairer to say that an extremely well- peopleinaphysique building program than 45 minutes. The sit-ups are ‘
‘ . I®\X/ 1 g ‘ I (IN developed male body is rare in today‘s is overtraining _ doing too much optional. The only thing sit-ups do is '
i W ‘ ”/ J l . society; consequently bodybuilders work too often. At the sametime. most strengthen the stomach muscles. and .
_fi. . , ——— fl) //A / I look different from the norm. “Differ- people don‘t work our hard enough. the other exercrses in this program ‘j 5
V 1 w ‘fl‘ué—t‘ “ ‘ ’ i“ ent“ people are almost always misun- Confusing? Not really. Working hard work the stomach fairly well. ‘ =
- . ”D i " t \‘g “EE\ ‘ ' . derstood a nd rejected. But (intensity) is not the same as working Do not add any more setsto the pro- ; l
\ / -‘ r ' i7 “a bodybuilding involves the attainment too much (duration). Again. if you gram. _To do 50 COUId reduce the ' i
' IT... \ w " ‘ ~. of the ultimate potential the human work out r00 much and too often. potential results. You do not want to f
V n , V ._ ." g. I % muscular systm is capable ofachieving you‘re depleting your energy reserves. be dead tired when you finish a wor- i
I \ f.’ “ 9) in» T”. if it is worked hard. and hard work is and if you do this your body has kout. Rather, you should feel some: ' 'r
: ' :1 '4' : 0. ‘ N i l ”I what the system is designed for. In nothing left to use for growth. For a what energetic and high. If youIdont j (-
‘ ,. ' 0 ”I W} 37‘ / Fi/M ,s‘. \' actuality then. it IS the fat and skinny muscle to grow. it needs to be worked understand why. reread "“5 article or ‘ i
j d5 .f‘ EL...— y i — "t' ‘l people who are “different;“ deviating as hard as possible and then given a have someone explain 't to you. 7 l
l ‘6 J. T .- ._ ' \ ‘ from the potential that nature few days to rest and grow. All this is a I‘ve left 0‘" a 10‘ 0f other explana- ‘ ‘.
i '4‘ . .1 "I P ‘ ‘i . . a“ endowed them the ability to attain. simplification of fairly complicated. tOTX data.Iboth for lachofspace and to
'1 A. 3:, h t have to stifle a laugh everytiIme but proven. scientific findings. So. av0id gettingtootechnical. BuIt.Igua- ~ ;
\l . M someone tells me that ifl quit lifting keeping the preceding facts in mind. rantee that if you follow the instruc- i
Q - ,1 ‘ . - 3 weights. or when I get Old- my muscles we can begin formulating an effective “0“5 as I nave written them. as well as l
l '61.) 'fi: ———-T:—" ' . m Will turn [0 fat. MUSClCS cannotturn l0 {raining program_ ThlS information is {OHOW a PTOIPCT diet and g8! enough i
. ' u 2i? ( . I \\ ’ fat. just as fat cannot be turned into intended for people who have been sleep. you Wt“ improve your strength i
It). ( \Q l‘ . muscle. Any dOCthl can verify thtS- trainig continuously forat leastacou- and physique beyond your present 3
l . \ _, i' i What happens in many cases is that a ple of months. If you are a beginner. condition. However. Icantguarantee .I
i \' person quits working out. but eats the don‘t push yourself too hard. you any specrfic amount of strength or ' I
1 - same amount 0t t°0d he was eating Strict form is absolutely essential development Rims?!“ levclyouca" l
while working OUt- Since he is how for bothmaximumstrengthanddcvel- eventually achieve '5 determined by ' t
“fix—v burning less calories daily then when opment as well as good flexibility. heredity. ThOUSh a It“ Of what you've l
Irma An»— - he was training. the excess calories Improper form leadstoalack offlexi- read in this article contradicts what ‘ . -,
#-___ .________~.___.___ then are stored as fat. Meanwhile. as bility and possible injury. in addition you might have heard oIrIread before. i. i
i ©t97OThNe-Iulm pointed out in last WCCk‘S column. hlS l0 incomp|ere musc|¢ development. I ""5 a" proven. SClfinIlfIC “CL “0! g
i M Wmnmm l muscles shrink from lack of use. recommend that you question a merely an OPlhK’h- 000d tUCk- '
. \' i ‘ W Many PCOPICththk 0t h0dybUlld€rS knowledgeable source to be certain "0 . .
‘ l as mental midgets. To prove the ignor- that you are performing your exercises Because Igraduate nextheek. this is
i . ance inherent in this belief. I‘d like to properly. Ihe best person io ask for my last column for the (kernel. (I can .
l ‘. 2‘ i; V , ,r point out that the top bodybuilder in advice. by ihe way is nor rho mosi hear Ithc cheers now.)ThIs column has '
i .. ' ‘ . ' " ,_. . the world. Frank Zane. holds a docto- muscular one you can find. Many big, prowded me an opportunity to get a
i 3“ _ .oe ’ " rate I“ psychology and IS a former strong guys got that way through lift- '0‘ °fthm35 0“ my chest. Ifl‘veIcome .
l ‘ "l‘ l. s ’ \\ I g ."" " math teacher. In addition. Mike ing weights. but that doesn‘t necessar- across as “God JrI.” it wasn‘t inten-
i >339:- ‘ V y? \\ ‘- Mentzer. ”“5 second ranked W)“ ily mean that they knew what they tional. Personal improvement and ' -
i (fig-n3“ (3‘ P .\ . \\ builder in the world. had finished two were doing. happiness arethIc spices of lifc.anId I‘ve l
i a. .// We]. \ \, w ‘ l4 . i ; / r>~\ ‘ \ years of medical school before he Most peopleintercstedinimproving tried to write primarilyaboutattitudcs .
l I“ D will .' ‘x 9’ r is. g .3 I i. Ci; f ' devoted himself to bodybuilding full um, Simon, and physique do no. pe0p|e_h0ld and things ycalltendto \‘
i l ’ I I I. d". - ‘7“ /_ ~‘0’ ,- . ,1 .» 7;: . time. (lncrdcntally. lIClle Mentzcr‘s train (“ft weights) properly. As agcn- do which in my opinionlimit personal .
I \ {it , ' 1'... -, \Q I I . i); /// case to those who claim they are too eral rule. proper form involves going 81’0““h- I I I,
I . 5 . . ‘. ., %11 M Q: . . . -. .. //\\ l busy to excretse. Mentrer was able to all the way up and all the way down on Ofcourse. anyone is free todisagree :
p. ‘ 1.], ’ J / i . it _ . -., ~ \ put in thetraining necessary to winthe each repetition in a fairly slow with me and many of you have voiced
.. ‘ 1-. ~ / fl/O / 20‘ - - Mr. America title while stillinmedical cadence. Don‘t arch your back on yourdisagrccment.That‘sfinebecause
‘ /.. ~ ' . _- ’7 7 .a - school). Arnold Schwarzenegger hasa bench presses and don‘t bend back- the conflict gavemethe opportunityto
~ ‘ ,' ,f ' yxsi f‘ "/ ' .I‘ ‘2‘ business degree from UCLA. The list wards and heave the bar while doing reassess my opinion. Isn't that part of ‘ _
. ' /' I I I x A ’.‘ 8°“ 0“ and 0“ ht" I hope I.“ PYOVCd curls. what education is all about? ‘
‘ "x . > r $1 ‘1 '. a. ‘ my P°l“t- _ ' Unless you‘re interested in physique Have a nice life. ‘
. / I , “A The assertion that bodybutlders are Pompetition. you should train your _ 1
, \I \\.___s-.41 I, W . all gay is so stupid that l wont‘t even entire bodyeacli workout.two orthree Steve Welngarten h a film I
‘ “ 11‘ -/2/“” attempt to attack it. timesaweek on alternate days-either Education senior. riii- II hh tiiiiii -
I : “4—_fi__ ,,______,_,~.*_ g__ M“ Weight training can easily be Mondays. Wednesdays and Friday: or column. ! I
_’ I" ~ . p-’.o~—.. ‘-A--h'~DK~~-ia ..I-.. -u.¢»-o-l‘ ‘
. . _ . ....w.....-i-- _, _ . . ....._....,._ I..-‘ ”run... . .t l .
‘ t' .A ‘ A! ‘ ‘.' o ' 4 .. . . ,ugnui. ,’ .tz‘flw soil." ‘ ' ' h j V
. . r t. ' ‘ I ~ ’ '. I," . . I ,l‘vj I_’ C. r“; t" *3, .J ‘ atta- XVIII. vi'sgpv'fl-U % Efi‘ém ' L ”1"?“ 5".th 321-.
I / ' . ‘ "t 'I‘ . h V “ . "V . . [5 '11-‘1:\‘1\.V)'> -- W 2’ Mi;?w~‘:_:‘:fih.‘i§‘

 ' ——v- "- - "--'-——- -____
‘tlt “h l' ' ls'i 'rsi l(\t l. lhursdiiy. December ”JON-t
F t ' ' d t d 1: U K h i I
By ”I BRYAN Croke called moving “a tre- [he first timea man cameto said she found the Canadian twofand-a-halt ytrlls “Ulllit‘ . i \g . 3.. ii “Hum“ MM“ haw
Reporter mendous educational CXPC' clean the chimney. her mother five-year high school program (‘hristmas and summer tact .. . - .. : ; ; . . sum... .-
rience.“0nething she says she did not know who he was. more difficult than the pro- tions, she returns there to hr ~. . . . .
has learned, forexample. is the (‘roke recalls. ..We got excited gram in