xt7dnc5sbg17 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dnc5sbg17/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-10-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 09, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 09, 1979 1979 1979-10-09 2020 true xt7dnc5sbg17 section xt7dnc5sbg17 voi. Lxxu. No. 3: K E r 2 l l‘niversity of Kentucky
Tuesday. October 9. 1979 an independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
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N 'thd | I' Brown definitely out . ‘- '- ‘
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approve y enate 0 SC 9 u e orum _. . . I _Q . ,
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Copy Editor Associate Editor «‘2 ," ‘ Q- ‘1 if“ Q{;‘:' - ,Q Q -,
They have done it again. For the second time in five months the UK Student Government unanimously approved a new format for 'i . i f . i i i - ”2 _:. w ,.
withdrawal policy at UK has been changed. its previously scheduled Oct. 25 Gubernatorial Forum after learning ‘ Q ‘ _Q , Q with)”: 5", ., . ‘ ' ht.
The University Senate yesterday passed by a vote of 57 to 32 an that Democratic candidate John Y. Brown Jr. would be unable to Q Q (:2. Q“? 3 it Q -. Q t -‘ Q Q QQ ' . 'fi" Q ...
amendment allowing students three weeks to withdraw from a class attend at the proposed date. - .- X iii; .233; Q it .- - = i ’ iii
without receiving a “w“ beginning next semester. The bill sponsoring the new format. which passed at last night‘s . \ " ' " -..Q s. Q .a‘“ jh
in April. U Senate changed the time a student can dr0p a class meeting after a lengthy and often heated debate. 53‘” 50 President J “ ' ~ "i We " ‘ ’. t - .
without receiving a mark of any kind from five weeks to one week. Mark Metcalf charge the senators withletting politics getinthe way of _,, _ s News ‘ ' ,- 1% _ .
The policy was presented to the U Senate by Arts and Science their decision. " [if i i i i {it .
Senator Mike Breen on behalf of Student Government. Breen urged I in the new format. h°th Brown and Republican candidate Louie ,, - 2 i .. -
approval of the amendment saying that the seven-day withdrawal I Nunn will be sent an open invitation to attend the forum at a date \Q K. "." _, Q ft: ' 1
policy did not give freshman adequate time to properly arrange their . which is mutually acceptable to both parties. if a mutual date can‘t be {Q hi: 'Q. " ' $1? ' “so. . QQQ
schedules. He also cited “poor quality advising“ for freshman as I reached. then each candidate will be allowed an alternate day to Q tics“? ’ ;',QQQ-..Q::. Q’ alt» . “can“
another reason for the policy change. epreSS their stands on the issues. Q o": " . \
_ Breen said the one-week policy placed UK students at a I The original Oct. 25 forum called for Brown and Nunn to meet and Q -. ’ QQ Q . ' ...
"competitive disadvantage" because other colleges in surrounding answer questions from a panel of students. faculty and media \ s Q_:' “more“ rift“ *j‘“ ‘ Q .
. states allow as much as six weeks for students to withdraw fromaclass i representatives. § I .' x Q "
, without receiveing a mark. I Debate opened on the floor when Lynne Crutcher chairperson of Q ' ' , ht Qo a: it
College of Medicine Senator Bob Culbertson said.“Students willbe l SG's political affairs committee. recommended that the scheduled »_ _QVQ ‘ J? QQQ Q t *QQ _. .. .
making uninformed decisions if they have to decide to withdraw from I forum continue Without Brown after announcing that Brown couldn‘t ' I ”5.2...m t a V . < , i
a class in the first week. Students haven‘t had enough time to evaluate l attend because of “scheduling difficulties.“ She said Brown could then _:Q QQgQ ,QQggi Q2. Q g, QQ 5 ,5 Q
a class in one week.“ I be sent an open invitation. which would allow him the opportunity to Q Q ”‘ it Q... em -’" in ‘Q "3-,: ‘3‘ A
In other matters. the University Senate considered. for the second I express his stance on the issues at a time which would be convenient k " < . » . I~ f-$.- s$§ Q '
time. a proposal requiring teachers to inform students “in writing" i t’Ol' him to come to UK- 5 Q \t 3“ ‘t : -,
about course content and grading criteria. As it now stands in the U i “The point Of this recommendation.“ Crutcher said. “is 50‘s i ”<3"_.- , i ...,
Senate Rules. teachers must informstudentsabout soursecontentand I committment to provide students With political information on 3' < . ,5 ., . .
grading criteria. but not in writing. I pertinent issues. This will be the first time in years that $0 hasn‘t - _ $§ ' . QQ -
The U Senate had discussed the policy on Septmeber 8‘ but referred I provided the student with pertinent information (if the forum isn‘t :' § . . ' 3,5- Q j I Q; ' . ' Q
the Proposal back to the Senate Council. i held)" ' i i ~ .- ée'whi‘ , " i -' - i , . '
UK Ombudsman Jean Pival. who presented the proposal. said that I The focus Of the debate stemmed from the recommendation that i Q 3" ‘3. “m , "i Q . __ ‘1 i ' ‘ _
' 50 to 60 Percent of the complaints she receives concern teachers not I Nunn be allowed to speak at the forum WithOUt an OPPOSinS View. i i t ' ‘ f « ' s” 5‘» iii ’ .
telling students about course content and grading criteria. Steve Nunn. the candidates son who was at the meeting. said it would I By DAVID MAYNARD/Kernel Staff
. Pival said many of the cases brought before the ombudsman have I be unfair to have Brown substitute a replacement since his father had Ran] bonnet? '
Q no merit if the grading procedure is in writing. agreed to attend.
‘ Several members ofthe U Senate opposed the proposal because it i B‘" the senators disagreed on having a forum “him was "0‘ The newest fashion in headwcar for Lisa yesterday while she and fellow band members
, did not allow exceptionswherecoursecontentandgradingcriteriadid I objective. “Having one man (at the forum) is like hearingthesound 0f Ricketts. agriculture sophomore. is the practiced at the field next to the Student .
not have to be given. specifically in graduate level classes. I one man clapping “- it‘s a total distortion.“ said Jana Floyd. College “trombone hat.“ Lisa was trying to keep dry Center.
Because the proposal could not be agreed on by the U Senate ' 0t Nursing senator. '
members. it was sent to the Academic Standards Committee for ' Mark ROCK. student affairs committee chairman. disagreed. Roles vague
. further consideration. I “We've already made the commmittment (to have the forum) so I
Q' The U Senate also discussed and approved three other proposals, I think we should go ahead and have it. And if Brown doesn‘t make it — I - - - n
A recommendation defining the term “center." which has recently ‘ fine.“ TA 8 responSIbI/Itles f r Gadom vary -
Q been a source confusion among faculty. was approved. The term I And the debate continued in this fashion until Metcalfinterrupted I -
“center.“ as defined by this new proposal.“may. in some cases.beused . the discussion and asked the senators to make a decision without
as a synonym for research inStitutc.” I letting politics get in the way. “Let‘s not decide if we‘re giving someone By TERESA YOL'NG There is a little more freedom in choosing
A policy stating that students purged from the Student Senate I support ~just determine if you(SG senators) want to send an(open) Assocratc i-‘dtior books for classes in the English department. .
cannot serve on the U Senate was also approved, I Continued on p... 6 lfa TA wants to use a book otherthanthe one , -
‘ Last ofa series chosen by the department. they can ask Ken '
Davis. supervisor of English TA‘S. for approval
- l I The role of teaching assistants. as it came into of the book. both for grammar and literature '
Handlcapped stUdents adjust weII to U K llfe question last spring in the English department. classes.
. brought about one main question. WhatQare the They also have freedom in classroom Q '
actual responSibilities and freedoms given to . . .
. . . teaching. DaViS said.
Q- Q Q teaching aSSistantS.’ W'thi th . i th Q m 'c and art
; BY JOHN HARD“ routine chore to most people. may proveto be and OUtSide UK- The answer. however. is not as simple as the I n e soc'o Ong. ea er. us.‘ . .
Q' Reporter quite a problem to a handicapped student. The organization also provides essentials question. The role of TA; is not covered by a departments. each TA '5 “Signed an lgdlwdual ‘
especially in a university environment. such as meal cards. elevator keys and an University-wide policy and the power of each adViser. according to department SP9 Qermen. ‘
' “People think that your‘re not like them.” However. according to both the office of attendent for thOSe persons needing one. TA varies. ' - AS classroom freedom and responsibilitvaary
said Barry Charles. a computer science- Handicapped Student Services and to the “The main 8081. i think.“ Karnes said. “is Delegation of the amount of responsibilitv m “Ch department. so do the salaries Paid to
freshman. “but i don't think of myself as students themselves. UK fares well in to see that the student is fairly well integrated and freedom is left up to individual department TA.S' Department chairmen. when making out '
handicapped. We‘re just likeeverybodyelse.” providing for the services of handicapped into the system." chairmen and TA supervisors. mg". budgets. decide how much TAS M" be
it‘s uncomfortable. said Brian Shaffer. a students and alleviating these problems. Karnes said that. as a whole. handicapped Hilda Saunders. a member of the elementary paid. -
‘ part-time student and coordinator of the The main services for the handicapped at students today are getting mainstreamed into language committee. said she did notthinklhere Salaries range from about $3000 a year in '
wheelchair attendant program. “You would UK are directed from Handicapped Student all levels 0f St‘h00i more than in the past. should be a University-wide policy concerning communication to $6000 in some science fields. - '
like t° know why you‘re not accepted.” he Services (“55) under the direction 0f Jake Much Of this at the college level. he said. TAs because each department is different. according to department spokesmen. The -
said. “The handicapped is not looking for Kames has to do with recent legislation. a law know “You cannot classify a TA in languages the average is around $4000 per year. ‘
sympathy. he‘s 100king for empathy.“ According to Karnes. HSS functions for as section 504. Which requires colleges to same way as in other departments." said The amount of money paid to TAs is one of - ' '
Those arerustafew examples ofhowsome the handicapped even before the students make certain programs available to Saunders. a Spanish teacher. the questions that will be considered in a
UK handicapped students perceive some start at the University. “We help in terms of handicapped Students. The TAs in Saunders‘ department have November meeting of the American Association ‘,
people and their feelings toward them. planning for the handicapped." he said. Only in recent years has the number 0t freedom in their classes as to how they want to of University Professors Committee A. That 5' .
4 The handicapped student at UK. or any He said HSS helps students with pre- handicapped students been significant or. teach. but the lextsthey use are chosen for them committee considers questions on academic ‘ ‘
univerSity for that matter. faces many admission. registration advising. public college campuses. UK included. Karnes said bythe department. Also. the TAs write theirtest freedom and tenure. said John Combs. state ‘
problems. What may seem like a daily 0? safety and other liaison services hOth inside Continued on Pile 5 together so the language usage can be checked. president of the Kentucky conference of the Z .
' Saunders said. AAUP. < ‘
t 0 da! F The Biology departmentalso choosesthe texts Other questions to be considered by the ‘ 'i
used in classes that TAs teach. said Doris committee include the amount of students ' , . '
pentachlorophenol-PCP-whcn a noxious cloud Senate over the controversial issues of a Westerman. lab coordinator for Biology 20l allowed in a TAs class and a definition of the ,-
blanketed part of Madison County Aug, l6. congressional pay raise and government and 203. She said almost allof the labs are taught roles of graduate students and TAs in all ‘ , ‘
State 0”" PeOPie hospitalized in the ineident. oniy financing 0i abortions. by TAs who are also responsible for grading. universities. he said. A
‘ RONALD REAGAN CALLED SUNDAY two have complained of symptoms of PCP The House and Senate have been unable to . '
Q NIGHT for the election of Republican Louie exposure. agree on those provisions. which wereattached tO ’r ‘
, Nunn as Kentucky governor. quipping “if there . an emergency money bill needed to keep the l I '
aren‘t more like Nunn elected around the nation. natlon government fully functioning after the new fiscal U K p rOf q u Its co u n 0' I ra ce _. .
then the 5500- r- rs ' ' year be n last Monda . ,
mun,pneeoit’edtfic.",';;i’~"'°"‘“°Mi" A COLLEGE SOPHOMORE CHARGED 3‘ y , ' - ' -
The former uniform.“ governor was the WITH KILLING two students and wounding work, *Q . ‘ Q
second big political gun used by Nunn. who is ii", i", " week“ ti'tefti‘ty Petty 't the TENS or THOUSANDS or IEREAVED By MARK GREEN Lyons‘ candidacy petition did not have the 55 _
. . Within! against Democrat John Y. Brown Jr. blelihved‘dhiedf 51.":3‘ Cf.;;|hmii 2;“ :pset 0"" INDIANS flocked to the home of Jayaprakash Copy Editor required l00 signatures. 3. ’i '
. A COMMUTl-llt AIRPLANE LOST "Q03” pm; Lhuum‘Lm “:0 :«litzledf’ligtffi: ii.:r:tye:?hy?ici::y7i,n fifoifiliitiggiitigyii Q Q Q There have been rulings on the matter issued :‘Q .
Q POWER in one of in two e ngines during takeoff roommate said yesterday. ind: ndence r. hterywho later tur ed Q . _ UK professor Bill Lyons yesterday decrded from legal bodies all over the state. The Fayette E Q Q . Q
' from the Greater Cincinnati Airport yesterday But Donald C. Riven. roommate of the hole?“ and ended his ublic life b " ll 9nmt’it‘e not to seek re-election to his 8th district seat on Circuit Court deCided that Lyons was ineligible ; .
and plunged 200 feet onto-field of gran. killing alleged gunman. Mark A. Houston. l9. said that forces that to led lndiia Ghandi iriiiny‘ a" the Lexmgton-Fayette Urban County CounCil. because of his faulty candidacy petition. but the r: ‘ .- Q .
. the pilot and all seven passengers. San Jun Houston had not tried to join the Kappa Alpha The U S {mute d N". an died of fohcu't Lyons. tangled in legal battles With an State Court of Appeals ruled that Lyons' name i s
~. Romero. chief controller at the sirport. said the Psi fraternity. and had not mentioned disliking attack ailment in his ilec at” esterda at his opponent over his eligibility asa candidate. had be put back on the ballot five days before the ._ Q Q ,
‘, "uh Pt°hlbiy occurred about 45 seconds after any 0t it' memt’ett- . - ~ p y y y considered conducting a write-in campaign. rimary. - . ' '
takeoff. Q WITH MUCH OF THE Fl: home In the Indian City Of Pm“ Lyons. a political science professor now p Lyons won the May 29 primary. more than 5‘ . Q
~ ' c0332; filzilmenctzzfenfllugtonfldlnds‘ih: GOVERNMENT technically brOIEERaAnld weather “Wing his “”0“ “'m °'l ”‘° °°"“.°“~ “i“ “Win! it“ w“ mt" °t “i‘ ‘” °i’i’°""“" 3 , "i
'. , _' pilot were killed by the cmhiirthe amt! Piper tovsrnmem Peyt‘ilysfutlppfmching. Congress MOSTLY CLouov WITH A CHANCE of “this“ i" i“? h‘ “mid w'" ti“ °"°"°" “t“ The W "w V°‘°"‘.‘“" “m“ ‘° W .; ' . ‘ ‘
Q . Navajo. which w” h“ d ed for Nashville Tenn. be”, searching today for a solution to the showen today. turning thlrpiy colder duringthe write-in votes. I am Qconvrnced that any result November general election. Q Q Q .Q Q _.
' internal dispute that has blocked .pprovll ofnew day with temperatures in the low to mid 60‘s. would be contested iii court...and that thin! The Kentucky Supreme Court. in conjunction j_ '
- Q AN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH financing. During the afternoon the temperatures willdrop could take months and months.“ Therefore. he with the state attorney general‘s office. then ’Q - ‘.
, . Q, l SCIENTIST. Dr. Roger Staci-k. said yesterday The House Appropriations Committee to the mid 50‘. Clearing and very cold toniuit said. “i will not put the voters of the 8th district decided in August that the Circuit Court's < _ . ,
Q Q in Richmond. he expected to find more people scheduled a meeting for this utemoon to decide with low in the 30‘s. It will be iunny but chilly through such an ordeal.“ decision to remove Lyons‘ name was correct “ ' . ‘
. Q . who were exposed to the toxic chemical how to resolve its continuing battle with the tomormW-highl in the 50‘s. The legal questions arose when J. L. Thomas. while the attorney general‘s office issued an if . . y
Q . .Q one of Lyons‘opponents. filed suit chargingthat Coathucd on page‘ :j - ' i Q,
i a
‘. Q I << .
.~ _ . Q....’. . - v..‘,-.,~_.-,....--,‘ Q Q_ -_‘.,s one...“ ‘ -’.Q_Q‘ Q_ __ . ‘
, Q Q ‘M“. 04‘ _ “VOW Q Q "It“...mm O U \ ‘ “ Thaw-wow __

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_———-——-—————-——-—-————————-————-————-————————————-——-————— I“ l
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KENTWKY Debbie MeDanlai Jay l-‘oaaett 5“" Milli! _ Marl Green. Thomas (‘iarb Gary Landau r"
lidiwr in ('hir/ (‘ampus lei/inn Teresa Young Pall Mann Entertainment Editor Humor 0] Photography 1; 1
Assuriatr Editor Richard McDonald .,
('ary Willis Lisa Douuard Cindy McGee John (‘lay David Maynard
Managing Mum Editorial Mum Kirby Stephens Sports Editor Photo Manager '
. . . t Copy li'tltturs In." ”the“ »-
ed ltwlals & Comm” 5 Assistant Sports Edllul .
We deserve better ._
i T ' I db B N fl tl k f
actlcs emp aye y rown, unn re ec ea a respect .
Kentucky is less than a month away from its number of bookies whose bread and butter is betting suitable to hold the office of governor of Kentucky, is serious doubt about the state‘s ability to finance any 3
gubernatorial elections. Yet. neither candidate forthe on UK basketball and football. Nunn is telling the people. further bonding. Kentuckians clearly have to think
office has done an adequate job of giving the voters Even Louie Nunn admits he has placed bets at It is an insult to the people of Kentucky to believe long and hard about what they want to spend their .-
enough information to make a logical. informed Churchill Downs and Keeneland. But. he‘s quick to they would actually take this patently ridiculous money on. it's time to stop recklessly promising to
choice at the polls. add, he has never placed any bet greaterthan S2.while example of quasi-fundamentalist muck seriously. provide everyone‘s dream project with the .‘ .
instead. Republican Louie B. Nunn and Democrat Brown. wagers‘thousands in a night. Louie Nunn‘s most serious campaign shortcoming. Commonwealth's cash. . _ _ i
John Y. Brown have force-fed the voters alternate Again.whatsthe pomt? Brownisawealthy man.he though. has drawn muchless attention. Nunn has Worse. though. Nunn is not. only promismg to - '
doses of irrelevant attempts at character assassination can eaSily afford the bets he places. He has never traveled the state. unendmgly promismg to spend spend money. but at the same time is talikng about -
and slick. but vacuous media hype. placed himself in finaneial danger. Brown‘s $100 bets state money. limiting taxation. He's talking from both sides of his
_- . ' . are the equivalent of many people‘s nickel slot- in Lexington, he said he supports more than $100 mouth and adding absolutely nothing to the
The CXPIO".S ofthe Nunn campaign have been more machine wagers. million in state-financed projects for the city. in the campaign.
wrdely chronicled. Spearheaded by the candidate 5 Kentuckians. thankfully, don‘t appear to have northeastern corner of the state, he has promised to Brown‘s shortcomings are much less obvious than
brother. State GOP Chairman lee Nunn. the responded to this tactic. But the Republicans haven‘t build a state highway from Ashland to Alexandria in Nunn‘s. The Brown organization has decided to bring
Republicans have tried from the beginning Off,“ race stopped. Campbell County. a venture that may cost more that “modern" techniques to Kentucky politics; Brown‘s
to WW Brown as a . high-stakes gambler. Now they‘re distributing copies of Penthouse $300 million. In Maysville. he promised to build a campaign is based on television advertising rather
Brown ‘5 no strangerin Las Vegas casmos. they say. magazine to ministers and other religious leaders in resort lodge at Blue Licks State Park. in Salyersville. than the traditional personal appearances.
And he isafrequenter oftheSlOOtables. Many ofthe the state. There‘s a photo story in the magazine. he said he would build a new entrance to the As a result. the voters really have no sense of who
“mos he “med and hotels he stayed in.they add,are featuring women in typical Penthouse poses. about Mountain Parkway for Magoffin County. Brown is or what he stands for. Brown has been .
owned by figures '“ organized crime. Brown. they New York discos. The most fantastic of his proposals,though. wasthe reluctant to schedule personalappearancesthataren‘t .
Poll“ 0”“ even belongs toaprivate club m Florida or The photos were taken in Xenon. a popular New one to build coal-fired generating plants in the coal completely controlled. He'll appearat rallies and fund .
Wh‘Ch a man under investigation by the federal U'S' York nightspot. Lee Nunn and his helpers explain, the fields. The electricity would be sold to various utilities, raisers. but won‘t attend question/answer sessions '
Department Of Justice ‘5 also a member. same place Brown and his wife. Phyllis George which would eventually buythe plantsthemselves. No with voters or debates with Nunn. V
What Lee Nunn and his cohorts (Louie Nunn has Brown, attended a private party. Never mind that the one knows how much this proposal would cost. but it His cancellation of an appearance at Student
curiously stayed out of the Chorus) have failed to dOiS Browns aren‘t mentioned in the story; never mind that potentially runs into billions. Government‘s Gubernatorial Forum is a perfect
to“ how any OithiS affects Brown‘s abilityto lead state the story is actually about Studio 54, not Xenon; never it is somewhat of a tradition in Kentucky politics example. .
government. mind they weren‘t there when the pictures were taken. for a gubernatorial candidate to make promises he has This reluctance serves no purpose. When a man ,
Brown acknowledges he has visited Las Vegas a The Republicans say the photo spread and no intention of keeping, especially when talkingabout with no experience in government asksthe people of a ,
number of times, and gambled while there. But accompanying story show the extent to which morals capital improvement projects like state roads and state to elect him to the state‘s highest office, he hasto
. thousands of other Kentuckians have visited the have declined in parts of the country~“Goingto hell buildings. Nunn ought to recognize. though, that it‘s demonstrate why he is fit to hold that office. .
Nevada city and have placed wagers. Gambling. in in a handbasket." in the words of Lee Nunn. time for change in Kentucky. Kentuckians deserve better than either Nunn or ’
fact, is a resolute part of life in Kentucky. with six race A person who would lower himself to the point of The state‘s bond debt is approaching $2.7 billion. Brown has offered so far. We hope the offerings will f
tracks that allow paramutuel betting and an untold actually entering one of these dens of sin just isn‘t the second-highest per capita debtinthe nation. There improve. .
Wild and wonderful weekend In West Virginia -: .
K t k' t ff b d b b' it '
. the ridge next to a gas station, post We missed the exit. so Craig made down your body. Chris said he had a As we were leaving Huntington. we The rest of the trip was. thankfully.
By TERRY KEYS office and general store.”We drove off one of those U-turns across the constant fear during his shower of were almost stopped at anintersection uneventful. '
Five Kentuckian staff members [en feeling pretty confident that we could medians that you‘re not supposed to sliding down the drain. when the traffic light turned green. A We dropped off Chris athis home in .
Lexington Friday for a wild and buy gas. make. Amazingly enough. our skin didn‘t police car was stopped at the Ashland. Ky, and arrived in ’
wonderful weekend in West Virginia. The woman did not tell usthatJohn The gas station was open! “Big Otter fall off. intersecting street. red lights flashing Lexington at 2:45 am.
Our group traveled to Morgantown had a dog. nor that he would answer has saved us." we cheered as we pulled As we were leaving the hotel in its front grill. This city had never looked so great _»'.
to watch the Wildcats lose l0-6 to the door wielding a pistol (both “put in. After stocking up on gas and M & elevator. Glenna(who wasalittle slow Craig slowly pulled into the before; we cheered as we drove into
West Virginia University. Our 50"“ flight" into Chris and Craig). l M‘s, we left for Clarksburg. getting out) pushed the “door open“ intersection. Bypassing the details. we town, .-
illustrious entourage consisted of opted to stay in the car and protectthe Chris and Craig went to the desk of button. As luck would have it, she were pulled over by the city officer. While plagued with problems. the
Photographer Craig High. Sports females (actually. i suffer from a the Clarksburg Sheraton lnn to pick missed and hit the little red “l'm questioning your driving trip was worth it. ‘,
Editor Chris Cameron. Assistant severe case of chickenitis). up our room keys while Anne. Glenna “ALARM!“ button which sent an ear ability . . . you failed to yield the right I don‘t know if we're stupid orjust
Sports Editor Anne Charles. Portraits and l. guarded the ear. piercing rinnnngggg through the of way to me,“ he said. He asked if we gluttons for punishment. but we‘re .5 l
Assistant Editor Glenna Major and , . Thirty minutes later. they returned lobby. were from Kentucky and searched the looking forward to another wild and i ;
myself. a p In ’0 n to tell us that we had a room but no “Get me out of here!“ Glenna ear with his flashlight. crazy weekend in New Orleans when t '
Our trip was wild all right. but key. screamed as she ran outthe hoteldoor. He never showed us a badge. He UK takes on LSU, .'
definitely not-so-wonderful. The seedy-looking clerk told Chris The rest of us felt like fools as we never told us where we failed to yield (Material {or this story was also ';
We decided to stop in Huntington. —————.—__ and Craig that he had aeeidently walked through the lobby. the right of way. in other words, he contributed by Ann Charles. Chris i l
, W.Va. for something to eat. Now I John said neither of his gas stations rented ourroom thTCC timesthat night. The bell hadn‘t stopped ringing was a prejudiced. harrassing Cameron, Craig High and Glenna j i
don‘t know about the other Burger would open until 6 am. ~ he added A drunk in the lobby proclaimed that when we left. policeman. Major. Terry Keys is an Undecided f l
Kings in West Virginia. but this one that the next gas station was 40 miles our room belonged to him. ltseems he When we arrived at Morgantown, After threatening to give Craig a sophomore and a Kentuckian staff .
sold “Whopers” instead of Whoppers away. rented the room, went to the bar and we parked the carat the base of a small citation, he let us go. member.) ‘
(they twsted like Whoppers, anyway), “What kind of a dog was it?“ Anne when he returned to his room mountain. We didn‘t know we had to -——‘——___————_'——‘ ‘
It was a classy place to eat as far as asked when they returned. “A big discovered they had evicted him. climb the mountain to get to the . 4
. hamburger joints go, but the rices one,"Chrisre liedshakil .Obviousl . He asked if he COUld sleep 0“ 0‘" dila idated football stadium. L fl t th Ed t l
were outrageously high. p neither he ntfr Craig stiyed arounyd floor. They politely said no. niekrihmed “the Hole." 9 6,8 0 e I or , I:
We paid the price at Burger King, but long enough to find out (I‘m glad I Forty-five minutes later. after many Weary from our climb. we entered .-
We weren't about to pay $1.09 per stayed in the car). more hassles. we were in our room. the ticket office to get our press pass ————-——— —» .4.-.,_-__________ .‘ .
gallon for regulargas. We deeided to Back on the interstate. Billy Joel was .Chns USCd 3_ chair CUSthh for a and reserved tiCkflS- WC 8‘” the pass Latter-Day saints homosexual. Then in the very next 3
get gas along the interstate. mumbling something about “Little PillOW. and Craig. brave soul.slept on bl" no tICketS~ Anne, Chris, Glenna - . - paragraph you say the same thing i
This was our first mistake. Geo“ and his other world being “just a the floor in his sleeping bag. and l shelled outle apiece forterrible The articles about the various ago“! our ga brothers and sisters ‘3
Little did we know that the state‘s half mile away.“ In our case. the world The next morning, Anne was the substitute tickets. "“90“ organizations .0" “am?“ You 53);, there iys safety in numbers and 75
gas stations are few and far between. was gasoline(or. rather. the lack of it). first to take her bath (ShC takes the They were situated in the midst 0f (OCL 3-5) were very informative. that there are 2300 s on campus r'
They‘re even fewer at l0 pm. and it was 39 miles away. longest to get ready). Next was Glenna WVU fans. Apparently. your reporter d“! a 300d Well that leaves “gym 000 of us’ 3'
We exited from theinterstateintoa About l0 miles later. out of the — then me. Glenna is a very vocal fan; when deal 9‘ research on his subject. He Doesn‘t that balance of 0;", tell you :
little town called Amma. The gas darkness appeared Big Otter — not in “It‘s like Florida beach water!“ something good would happen(which effectively F°"“°d what these groups anythin o [f not just win until next .'
station was closed. but a woman the form of a large furry creature. but Glenna exclaimed. “You can wash all was seldom) she loudly voiced her stand for, live for. and believe. week aftger you “"d your boyfriend get V'
across the road told us. “They just in the form of an Amoco gas station. day and still not get the soap off." opinion. This bothered the person There 15 another group. however. back from Washington :
lOCl‘Cd up.“ Actually. the “town" of Big Otter was Anne said. behind us. who reeiprocated by that he must .have overlooked. The You accuse our 83); brothers and i
"Maybe John will open it up for still four miles away, but who‘s They were right. That was the clapping in her ear. Latter-Day Saint Student Assocration sisters of not standin u and bein ,:
you.”she said.“Helives upthe road on counting? slimi'est water i have ever felt. lt oozed This just made Glenna more vocal (LDSSA) has been a part of UK for d H th h "8“ p udo [hast i
and me more angry. because he was over five years. Some people know us cohunte - ow ’tc e 1111):] .g
_ x ‘ also clapping in my car. as the_“Mormons." l‘m really sorry w en you ‘70“ even te. girlifyour t
M’fl’ T i 11:32:? 3:: ' ‘ ' At “the Hole " a little kid attacked you missed "8; we have a 10' to offer. real name In your opinions. you
. ‘ i l ”a w ’ \\‘\\ 3 ‘~\.~~ > ‘ our mascot it started raining one of If anyone wants to know more really felt the way you say you do,you i
; \ ‘ \ F ... i am] . \W"? R A‘. . the baton twirlers‘ h "i -l'k about this group. we have an shouldn‘t be scared of religious ' _
. \ \. - . ‘~ \u . A, . ' a er ' ° information booth in the Student bullies. or what other people think. I, .
\. ‘ - ~ - ‘1 3" ,~ .. . I costumes came unhooked (she caught Sir or Madam or whatever ou are. g
3. . .7 , . t.“ » . the fallin mate ial - t b f Center (lst floor) from 9 to 3 pm. . _ Y ,
.‘ .‘ :- ‘- ‘ . w . \ \‘ \‘ .7 . i g r jus e ore every Thursday. Thanks again. 3‘9““ you 0f be"'8 3 hYPOCTltC- i
*1: . . ~ I ’ ‘ ‘f‘f ’ m/ exposurg, ould “at.“ #0:: “dd I Go ahead and hold hands with your
» " ’\ ‘ ’t' ~‘ 1- .‘Q l s .‘ consum a co 3 l’ _'“ . ° °8 an a ho riend. Nobod is kee in on l
l. \. ‘ .4 . \\ ‘ . \J , N “3‘- ‘” i. 1“} . coke complete With dirt in the bottom 21:23:: mm" “0):; that. and nobyody can iiialfe ion i
. . . ~ . - , or “M ‘ \ of the cup. . hate each other for being different like ;
\ ' l5" ~ \ LD f \l .t‘ \ \ , After the game. some kids attacked you say we do. Nobody can make you l
\ .\ .;. 7 / ' . ‘ Al l ‘ a 3”“ 9°“ and "led t°_ 93’” 'l d°w“- Thanks, Joe do one damned thing that you dont 5
~ ‘ .‘ .