xt7dnc5sbn7h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dnc5sbn7h/data/mets.xml Kentucky. Department of Education. Kentucky Kentucky. Department of Education. 1968-10 bulletins English Frankford, Ky. : Dept. of Education This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.) Education -- Kentucky Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Kentucky School Directory 1968-69", vol. XXXVI, no. 10, October 1968 text volumes: illustrations 23-28 cm. call numbers 17-ED83 2 and L152 .B35. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Kentucky School Directory 1968-69", vol. XXXVI, no. 10, October 1968 1968 1968-10 2022 true xt7dnc5sbn7h section xt7dnc5sbn7h KENTUCKY SCHOOL DIRECTOR Y 1968- 69 FOREWORD The “Kentucky School Directory” for 1968-69 is published with the cooperation of state and local school leaders. This combined ef- fort provides a service for Kentucky educators and others interested in the schools of Kentucky. This bulletin provides the answers to many requests concerning personnel, schools and enrollment. The 1968-69 publication lists all public and non-public elementary and secondary schools, regardless of the number of teachers in each school. Administrative and supervisory personnel, including chairmen of boards of education, are listed by districts. The membership for each school is the number of pupils in school at the close of the first school month. . Appreciation is expressed to all public and non—public school officials for providing data for this bulletin. It is hoped this “Directory” will prove useful to school ad— ministrators and the public in general. Wendell P. Butler Superintendent of Public Instruction TABLE OF CONTENTS Item Page Organizational Structure of Educational Systemwlnside Front Cover Foreword Section l~— State Data _______________________________________ 5 Elected Officers ~ State and Federal _________________________ 8 State Board of Education — Map and Districts Represented____ 9 State Department of Education _____________________________ 11 Agencies Related to the State Department of Education ________ 21 Kentucky Education Association 7 Map of Districts ____________ 23 Section II — District Data ____________________________________ 29 District Administrative and Supervisory Personnel (Including Board Chairmen) , Listed ‘by Position ____________ 30 Superintendents ___________________________________________ 33 Assistant Superintendents ___________________________________ 36 Directors of Pupil Persounel ___________________________________ 38 instructional Supervisors ___________________________________ 42 Finance Officers ___________________________________________ 47 Directors of School Lunch __________________________________ 48 Directors of 'l‘ransportation _________________________________ 49 Coordinators (Title I ESEA) ________________________________ 50 District Administrative and Supervisory Personnel (Includingr Board Chairmen) * Listed by District _____________ 52 SGCtion lll — School Data _____________________________________ 79 Alphabetical List of Local Public School District Elementary 21ml Secondary Schools ___________________________________ 80 Alphabetical List of Non—District (State-Related, Federal, Dependent, Parochial, Private) Elementary and Secondary Schools ________________________________________ 93 List of all Elementary and Secondary Schools, By Local Public School District, with Certain Data For Each School--- 97 Kentucky State Superintendents of Public Instruction (1838-1972) ________________________________ Inside Back Cover ....‘-__-un.-..- ' SECTION E—— STATE DATA General Information State Department of Education Agencies Related to the State Department of Education Institutions of Higher Education State Vocational and Special Schools .311...- .‘AF'IIII... THE SEAL OF KENTUCKY The seal of the Commonwealth of Kentucky shall have upon it the device, two friends em‘hracing each other, with the words “Com- ( monwealth of Kentucky” over their heads and around about them the words, “United \Ve Stand. Divided We Fall”. (Section 4536, K_V. Statutes, 1893) STATE BIRD Kentucky Cardinal. (Section 46181] Ky. Statutes, 1926) STATE FLAG The official State Flag of the Commonwealth of Kentucky shall be heavy silk or bunting, with the Seal of the Commonwealth of Ken- tucky encircled by a wreath of goldenrod, embroidered, printed or stamped on the center thereof. The dimensions of the flag may vary. (Section 461811 Ky. Statutes. 1918) STATE FLOWER Goldenrod. (Section 46180 Ky. Statutes, 1926) STATE SONC “My Old Kentucky Home”, written by Stephen Collins Foster. (Section 4618p Ky. Statutes, 1928) ,. 1 ELECTED STATE OFFICIALS LOUIE B. NUNN ,,,,, , .. . . ..... .. ....Governor of Kentucky WENDELL H. FORD Lieutenant Governor ELMER BEGLEY ........................ ...Sccretary of State CLYDE CONLEY ,,Auditor of Public Accounts 'l'HELMA L. STOVALL ..... ............................. State Treasurer JOHN B. BRECKINRIDGE . ........................................... Attorney General WENDELL P. BUTLER Superintendent of Public Instruction ROBERT MILLER ................. Commissioner of Agriculture DICK VERMILLION ...................................................................... Clerk of Court of Appeals SENATORS JOHN SHERMAN COOPER THRUSTON B. MORTON . REPRESENTATIVES FRANK A, STUBBLEFIELD, First District ....................................................................... Murray WILLIAM H. NATCHER, Second District _..Bow1ing Green \VILLTAM O. COVVGER, Third District _____ Louisville M. GENE SNYDER, Fourth District ....... __Louisville TIM LEE CARTER. Fifth District . ompkinsville JOHN C. \VATTS, Sixth District Nicholasville CARL D. PERKINS, Seventh District . , ............................................................. Hindman COURT OF APPEALS ............................................. Chief Judge Judge SQUIRE N. \VILLTAMS ........................ EARL T. OSBORNE, First District JOHN S. PALMORE, Second District .._.Judge MORRIS C. MONTGOMERY, Third District , Judge SAMUEL S. STEINFIELD, Fourth District .‘l'udga SQUIRE N. WILLIAMS, JR., Fifth District JAMES B. MILLIKEN, Sixth District ........ , EDWARD P. IIILL, Seventh District .................. WATSON CLAY ROBERT K. CULLEN BERNARD DAVIS .. BEVERLY B. WADDILL ASTOR HOGG .. ................... . ..Commissioner ..Commissioner _.Commissioner ..Administrative Director of the CCU-fl ............................................................... Clerk KENTUCKY STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION HECHT S. LACKEY, Chairman ............ Box 418. Henderson MITCHELL DAVIS, Vice Chairman 602 Cleveland Ave., Glasgow R. C. MILLER ........... Rt. #5, Box 155, London HENRY E. POGUE, JR, ..... 82 Henry Court, Fort Thomas FRANK E. SIMON ........... . .4232 Taylorsville Road, Louisville ALLAN M. TROUT ...332 Meadow Lane. Frankfort F. w. WHITESIDE ”1514 N. Eighth St.. Paducah qe 1.10 3[I 581 uo m u )p m .191 Jan .19 19!. 331 93; 931 92; 33; 33; 98; 33; MEI. aIII am am an! uaa in I an: :95; S189 ”“1 non 1919 war suur 9391 mu; hp] I STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION I. E. W. Whiteside ................................ Paducah II. Hecht S. Lackey, Chairman . .....Henderson III. Mitchell Davis, Vice Chairman ...... Glasgow IV. Frank E. Simon .............................. Louisville V. Allan M. Trout ................................ Frankfort VI. Henry E. Pogue, Jr ..Fort Thomas VII. R. C. Miller ................... London .,- 3: 8 ,K n B. A IARREN CALLWAV STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT Frankfort 40601 Telephone No. or Address WENDELL P. BUTLER, Superintendent of Public Instruction ...564-4770 SAMUEL M. ALEXANDER, Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction ,..564-4772 WILLIAM C. PADON Executive Assistant to the Superintendent of Public Instruction ........................... 564—4353 RAY CORNS Director, Division of Legal and Legislative Services .................... 564- 4474 DIVISION OF INFORMATION AND PUBLICATIONS MRS. MARY S. MARSHALL. Director ....564-4964 ....564—4964 564-4964 564-4964 ....564—4964 . .564-4964 GENE C. COMPTON, Publicity Specialist CHARLES W. FRAZIER, Publicity Specialist MRS. ANNE HAMILTON, Staff Librarian H. B. LITTELL, Photographer MRS. NATALIE OLIVER, Staff Artist DIVISION OF PERSONNEL DANIEL W TERHUNE, Director ................................ . ......................... 564—4672 DIVISION OF DEPARTMENTAL FINANCE AND SERVICES EARL E. GARRISON, Di1ector ROBERT D. COAKLEY, Assistant D1rector ROBERT L. GREENE, Assistant Director ROMMIE SMITH, Principal Administrative Analyst ................. MRS. BERNICE NOEL, Senior Administrative Assistant . . MRS. AUDREY S. MARTIN, Principal Accounts Examiner . ........... , 564-3966 GARY ADKINSON, Budget Analyst .................................. 564-3966 DIVISION OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH DR. D. E. ELSVVICK, Director .................................. . .564—4398 564—4398 SAM POLLOCK, Assistant Director DIVISION OF EQUAI EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES W. C. SHATTLES, Director .................. .. . . ............. 564-4779 BERNARD C GRAVITT, Technical Ass1stant . , . 564-4779 BUREAU OF ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE JAMES P. MELTON, Assistant Superintendent ............ ., ,, 564-3930 DIVISION OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS PAUL W. THURMAN, Director ............. . .. . .. ,. . , ..... 564-4326 '1‘. 0. THOMPSON. Assistant Director ,. ., , .......... 564-4326 ....564-4326 564-4326 564-4326 . 564-4326 HAROLD K. DOANE, Assistant Director GEORGE W. MASON, Engineer ............... . WALTON H. LUTTRELL, Supervisor ........ JAMES H. SANDLIN, Supervisor ......... DIVISION OF COMPUTER SERVICES CHARLES L. BRATTON Director ...... .. ...564-3932 WILLIAM S. SAMS, Assistant Director for Systems/Programmmg W564-3932 WILLIAM G. SUMMER, JR., Assistant Director for Operations .. .....564-3932 JAMES G. THOMPSON, Programming Supervisor ........... .564-3932 RALPH CHELF, Systems Analyst ............ JOHN EVINS, Systems Analyst ......... . JACK THOMPSON, Systems Analyst . RONALD BARBOUR. Programmer . ,... DON DAMPIER, Programmer .......... . .................. ”.564-3932 THOMAS L. LUTES, Programmer ,, . , .. ...564-3932 ROBERT PAFFORD, Programmer ., .. 564-3932 DIVISION OF FINANCE J. M. ALSIP, Director , ......... . . .. ..... C. E. RALL. Assistant Director .. ,,,,, FRED JOHNSON, Assistant Director EDWARD SPENCER, Assistant Director ...... .. .. ., ...554-3932 ..... 564-3846 564-3846 564-3846 564-3846 11 no.....-. MRS. JOANN AKERS, Accounts Examiner ............................................................. 564-3846 GAYLE BOWEN, Accounts Examiner ..Carlisle DONALD BUCHANAN, Accounts Examiner .. ...... Berea BURDETTE DAILY, Accounts Examiner .. .Ashland VIRGIL HARRIS, Accounts Examiner CORDELL HUFF, Accounts Examiner WILLIAM C. JOLLY, Accounts Examiner ........ WILLIAM C. THOMPSON, Accounts Examiner ..Sandy Hook SHELBY WINFREY, Accounts Examiner .............................. , ................... Campbellsville DIVISION OF PUPIL TRANSPORTATION LOUIS A. YANDELL, Director ....................................................................................... 564-4718 FRED B. CREASEY, Field Supervisor 564-4718 ....564-4718 ....564-4718 PAUL E. JONES, Field Supervisor JAMES W. READ, Field Supervisor DIVISION OF STATISTICAL SERVICES JAMES W. DANIEL, Director ....................................................................................... 564-3508 GEORGE RUSH, Assistant Director ............... JOE SABEL, Supervisor WALTER POWER. Supervisor 564-3508 BUREAU OF INSTRUCTION DON C. BALE, Assistant Superintendent ................................... EUGENE W. TALLENT, Coordinator of Evaluation ................ MRS. MARTHA ELLISON, Coordinator of Curriculum Development . DIVISION OF ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION D. C. ANDERSON, Director ............................................................ 564-3363 G. W. KEMPER, Assistant Director EUGENE ROBINSON, Assistant Director WILBUR SMITH, Assistant Director ............ MISS NELLA BAILEY Consultant, School Lib1a1y Services . RUSSELL BOYD. Consultant, Mathematics .. WENDELL CAVE, Consultant, Science ,. WILLIAM HAMPTON, Supexvisor Gene1a1 Education and conservation ”564-4324 CONLEY MANNING, Consultant. Health and Physical Education . .. THOMAS McCOY, Supervisor, General Education .. ............................ W. M. MCQUEEN, Consultant, Music Education ................................. JOHN E. MILLER. Consultant, Health and Physical Education MISS BETSY MYNHIER, Consultant, Reading JOHN B. SI-IOEMAKER, Supervisor, General Education WILLIAM SMART, School Organization Specialist MRS. JOY TERI-IUNE, Consultant, School Library Services J. O. VINCENT, Supervisor, General Education , H. M. WATKINS, Supervisor, General Education . PATRICK WEST, Supervisor, General Education ....................... MRS. RUTH WEST, Consultant, Art Education ,, ., ,, . ...... DIVISION OI" SPECIAL EDUCATION DR. STELLA A. EDWARDS, Director ., ............................................... 564-4970 THOMAS H. ROBESON, Assistant Director ........... -- MRS JEAN BELL, Consultant , MISS HILDA CATON Consultant MISS ELIZABETH PARKER, Consultant MRS. JO ANN WILLIAMS Consultant DIVISION OF TEACHER EDUCATION AND CERTIFICATION DR. SIDNEY SIMANDLE, Dilectol‘ .. . . . .. ...564-4605 W'ILLIAIVI C. SANDERS, JR Assistant Directot .. ..... . ........ 564-4606 JOHN LEE, Assistant Director .. ,. . . ....... 564-4606 MRS. DOROTHY ARCHER, Consultant ....... , ~ ES’I'ILL DAVIDSON, Consultant JOHN LEDFORD Consultant ......... MISS CLARA DeMOSS Administrative Assistant .. ....564-3010 564-3233 ...564-4305 564-4869 :564-4970 12 64-3846 Iarlisle ..Berea .shland VIurray iondon ayfield Hook llsvllle i4-4718 54-4718 54-4718 i4-4718 54-3508 34-3508 i4-3508 {4-3508 14-3010 4-3233 4-4305 4—3363 4-4705 4-4299 4-4299 4-4507 4-5614 4-5614 4-4824 4-3435 Iurray 4-3839 1-3435 4—4869 4-4824 1-3839 1-4507 dvflle llvifle 1—4824 1-4869 [-4970 i-4970 l-4970 i-4970 1-4970 [-4970 E4606 t-4606 L-4606 l-4606 r4605 DIVISION OF TEXTBOOKS AND INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS ROBERT E. WOOSLEY, Assistant Director 564-3913 KENTUCKY SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND L. P. HOWSER, Superintendent ............................................ , ................. Louisville 897-1583 KENTUCKY SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF JACK W. BRADY, Superintendent .. ...................................... ,Danville 236-5132 BUREAU OF PUPIL PERSONNEL SERVICES MARSHALL E. SWAIN, Assistant Superintendent ...................................................... 564-4488 DIVISION OF GUIDANCE SERVICES DR. KEARNEY CAMPBELL, Director 564-3678 ....564-3678 564-3678 564—3678 564-3678 ....564-3678 BILLY BRADEN, Assistant Director WAYNE ASHLEY, Area Supervisor DON BURCHETT, Area Supervisor JOHN COLE, A1ea Supervisor ................ . . . MRS RUBY GUNN, A1ea Supervisor ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, CHARLES E MORGAN Supervisor of Testing ................. ....564-3678 MRS. LINDA RATLIFF, Supe1visor, Elementary School Guidance ., ....564-3678 WILLIAM STEINHILBER, Supervisor, Secondary School Guidance ............... 564-3678 DIVISION OF PUPIL PERSONNEL ATTENDANCE AND ACCOUNTING LEE TYLER, Di1ector LLOYD E GOOCH,Supe1viso1 of Attendance and Pupil Accounting ROSS MILLS, JR., Supe1vism of School Social Wo1k Seivices DIVISION OF SCHOOL LUNCH C E BEVINS, Diiector ........... JAMES E. DURHAM Assistant Director MISS ANNIE MARY BOTTS, Consultant . .. MISS MARTINE COLLIER, Consultant JAMES W. HICKS, Consultant MISS LAURA P. MOORES, Consult LUTHER PATRICK, Consultant . . ERIC REYNOLDS, Consultant ..................... . . ............................................. Jackson MISS AGNES RICHARDSON, Consultant . .. . .. .. ., Louisville . ....564-4310 __..564-4310 .Louisvllle ,..Paducah BUREAU OF REHABILITATION SERVICES BEN F. COFFMAN, Assistant Superintendent ................................................................. 564-4440 WENDELL TAYLOR, Director of Training and Finance ...................... ....564-4440 W. HICKMAN BALDREE, Director of Coordination and Planning 564-4440 FRED REECE. Supervisor of Facility Planning ., ......... 564-4440 STEWART GATEWOOD, Chief Planner for Facilities .. 564-4440 DIVISION OF DISABILITY DETERMINATIONS HOWARD P. JONES, Director .......................... . . .. ....564-3710 CLIFTON A. RICE, Assistant Diiector ., BEN F. FANNIN, III, Supervisor ...... . ....... , .. .. GRAHAM DUVALL, Chief Disability Determinci ........................... JIMMIE CROS'I'HWAITE, Piincipal Disability Determiner MRS. PATRICIA DAMPIER, Principal Disability Determiner . FRED FERN, Principal Disability Determiner MRS. LOIS KIMBLER, Principal Disability Determinor GEORGE LaFRANA, Principal Disability Determiner MRS HARVEY CROWE, Senior Disability Determiner . .. .....564-3710 MARSHALL FLETCHER, Senior Disability Determiner . , . .. .564-3710 JOE GIVENS, Senio1 Disability Determinm .. . ....564-3710 MISS MARY GUTHRIE Senlo1 Disability Deteiminer , ., ,. . ..... 564-3710 MRS. LORRAINE HUGHES, Senior Disability Dete1:ni11er . ....... . . .......564-3710 MRS. WILMA JONES, Senior Disability Determiner ....564-3710 WILLIAM MINTER, Senior Disability Determiner ....... ...............i.....564-3710 KENNETH B. MITCHELL, Senior Disability Determiner . ,. . .564-3710 13 .‘IIbI_ -.-....‘_ PAUL MITCHELL, Senior Disability Determiner ............... W. CREIGHTON NEWTON, Senior Disability Determiner . ALBERT SMITH, Senior Disability Determiner .................... MRS. VIOLET STANSELL, Senior Disability Determiner JOHN H. ADAIR, JR., Disability Determiner .. MRS. NILDA L. SCHLEIFER, Disability Determiner CLIVE S. WHITE, JR., Disability Determiner ..... JOHN B. CLAY, M.D., Medical Consultant .......... JOSEPH LIEBMAN, M.D., Medical Consultant . KENNETH PHILLIPS, M.D., Medical Consultant . KENTUCKY INDUSTRIES FOR THE BLIND CHARLES E. “NED" COX, Director ....Loulsville WALTER R. JONES, Supervisor ....Louisville DIVISION OF REHABILITATION SERVICES IRVIN K. WHITE, Director 564-4440 WILLIAM J. COX, Assistant Director ...... ....564-4440 WILLIAM E. WILSON, Assistant Director .. ....564-4440 T. P. LEONARD, M.D., Medical Consultant . . CARROLL BURCHETT. Supervisor JOHN M. BURKHART. Supervisor ...... Harlan CHARLES COFFIELD, Supervisor . Danvilie ROGER MEECE, Supervisor ............. Lexington BASIL MULLINS, Supervisor .. Paintsvilie JOSEPH PIERCE, Supervisor ....LaGrange L. EDWIN SMITH, Supervisor .. ..Hopkinsville J. WISTER WALLACE, Supervisor ...... ....Bowling Green MRS. ISLA D. WEITING, Supervisor ....Louisvilie GERALD WILLIAMS, Supervisor ......Lexington RANDALL WILLIAMS, Supervisor ....Lexington MISS LOUISE LYNCH, Chief Counselor .. .Louisville MRS. ESTHER K. MASON, Chief Counselor ,,,,, Lexington JAMES B. ADAMS. Counselor ..... ...Paducah NORMAN ANTLE, Counselor ..Somerset MRS. ZELLA ARCHER, Counselor .. ,Prestonsburg MRS. SUSAN ARENA, Counselor ..... Frankfort WILLIAM AUGUSTYN, Counselor . ....Lexington MRS. MILDRED AYRE, Counselor ......Madisonville JOSEPH BAKER, Counselor ....... ...Middlesboro MRS. MARY BANDY, Counselor ._ ....... Bowling Green MRS. JOAN BARKER, Counselor .......................... ....Ashland MRS. FAYE BEST, Counselor ..... . ....Danviile MRS. JEAN BRAND, Counselor ..Lexington MRS. AUDREY BRYANT, Counselor , ...... Lexington WALLACE KEITH CALVIN, Counselor .. .OWensboro JACK L. CASSELL, Counselor ................... ....Louisvilie MRS. PHYLLIS CASSELL, Counselor .. ..Louisvilie BERT CECIL, Counselor ....... . . . ..Louisviile JACK CLINE, Counselor ..... .. ....Paintsviile ROBERT COLLINS, Counselor .............. ..Whitesburg TED L. CONLEY, Counselor ........................... Ashland THOMAS E. COOPER, Counselor Owensboro JAMES E. CRANGLE, Counselor .. Covington BYRON A. DALTON, Counselor .. .. ,Louisville MRS. JOSEPHINE A. DARDEN, Counselor . . Hopkinsviiie MRS. LAVINIA DARNELL, Counselor ................ Louisville WILLIAM DAVIS, Counselor . . .. , . ...Lyndon MISS CAROLYN DOTT, Counselor ....Harlan DONALD L. DUNN, Counselor .. .. ........ Harlan EDWARD ECKENHOFF, Counselor . Lexington MISS ELEANOR FERGUSON, Counselor ........... ,Louisviile MRS. MARTHA FIGHTMASTER, Counselor . Lexington 14 789—3217 573-3890 236-2200 233-5000 789-3843 279-5431 886—4431 842—0389 245-4121 252-0851 254—6740 584-7720 252-0851 442-0282 678-8922 886—3557 564—5420 252-0851 821—8875 248—1426 842-0389 325-4665 236—2200 254-6740 233-5000 684-4874 245-4121 585-5911 585-5911 789-3843 633-7506 324-6343 684—4874 291-1116 636—2851 886-4431 585-5911 425-4737 573-3890 573-3890 252-2478 585-5911 252—0851 896-8557 896—8557 Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext, Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. 271 5803 413 297 271 297 5803 451 321 298 413 230 32‘? v '3710 MRS. JOYCE E. FORREST, Counselor ‘3710 MISS ELLEN FOX, Counselor .. '3710 JAMES FRAZIER, Counselor .. '3710 ROGER A. GAMBILL, Counselor . '3710 RICHARD GARVIN, Counselor ..... -3710 JAMES G. GIBSON, Counselor . '3710 GAIL W. GILLEM, Counselor ..... '3710 . MRS. KATHERINE GOODMAN, Counselor "3710 DONALD HABIG, Counselor .......................... CLARENCE HETTINGER, JR, Counselor 3557 KENNETH HOLT, Counselor .......................... 3557 GERALD HOPPER, Counselor ......... ' MRS. POLLY IRVING, Counselor . WAYNE JERNIGAN, Counselor ..... CARL JOHNSON, Counselor CHARLES E. JOHNSON, Counselor WAYNE JONES, Counselor .. CLARENCE KILLION, Counselor . SAM KIRKLAND, Counselor MRS. MARY LARKIN, Counselor . 371 ' LESTER LAWLESS, Counselor ....... 3803 MRS. SANDRA LAWSON, Counselor GEORGE A. LIDBERG, Counselor TOMMY H. MINK, Counselor ............. l13 MRS. ANN G. MITCHELL, Counselor MRS. MARY L. MOORE, Counselor . :51 OSCAR MORGAN, JR., Counselor ..... MRS. LINDA V. MUNSON, Counselor 97 IRVIN NAYLOR, Counselor .......... SIDNEY P. O’NAN, Counselor .. CHARLES V. PENN, Counselor ......... MISS CHERYL PHIPPS, Counselor . LEWIS R. PLUMMER, Counselor MRS. MARTHA POLK, Counselor . MRS. LYNN RENFRO, Counselor . MISS ELIZABETH ROSE, Counselor JAMES D. ROSE, Counselor ......... NORMAN ROGER ROY, Counselor . ALBERT SCHNEIDER, Counselor MISS MARGARET SCHOO, Counselor ‘1 MRS. MARY E. SCRUGGS, Counselor ...... :3 ROGER D. SHORT, Counselor .. JOHN D. SHUGARS, Counselor JAMES SKELTON, Counselor ...... RALPH J. SOULEYRET, Counselor ....... MISS UNA MARION SPENCER, Counselor . PAUL STIGALL, Counselor MRS. MABEL SUITOR, Counselor GLENN SUMMERS, Counselor ...... JAMES R. THOMPSON, Counselor ROBERT TIP'I‘ON, Counselor __________ DENNIS WILLIAMSON, Counselor DAVID L. WILSON, Counselor .. l DON E. WILSON, Counselor ........ MRS. EMILY H. WILSON, Counselor . MRS. ALICE \VORLEY, Counselor JOHN WILLIAM BAKER, Vocational Teacher. CLETUS BRANSTETTER, Vocational Teacher. MRS. MARTHA BURGER, Vocational Teacher.... MRS. ANN CHAMBERLAIN, Vocational Teacher DAVID COTTON, Vocationnl'reacher l5 ....Lexington .Louisville .Ashland aintsville ....Covington ....Louisville Paintsville ....Lexington ..._LaGrange Louisville ..Somerset .............. D anville Bowling Green ..... Madisonville ...Harlan _..Harlan ...Lexington Louisville .._.Frankfort ....Louisvi11‘e .Mt. Vernon ...Lexington Lexington ...Lexington ....Louisville ...... Danville outh Williamson Painisville ...Danville ...Louisville ...... Harlan ...Lexington .Dawson Springs .Madisonville ., Bowling Green ...... Lexington .,Hor>kinsvillc Louisville ..Louisville Louisville ............... Louisville 233-5000 245-4121 324—6343 789-5662 431—3052 585-5911 789-3217 254—6740 279-5431 584~7720 678—8922 236-2200 842-0389 821-5174 573—3890 573—3890 585-5911 573-3890 233—5000 254-6740 585-5911 564-4530 245-4121 256-2171 233-5000 252-0851 233—5000 254-5701 585-5911 254-6740 585-5911 254—0576 291-1116 826-6174 236-2200 237-1010 324—6343 678-8922 254-6740 585-5911 573-5730 780-5662 236-5132 585-5911 573-3321 585-5911 252-0851 797—3791 821-5174 442-1697 254—3844 279-5431 886—4431 425-4737 842—0389 252-2478 886-4431 245-4121 245-4121 245-4121 245-4121 Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. 5803 451 298 297 271 320 5803 297 320 451 5803 5803 320 297 320 271 233 297 320 320 320 267 41.3 413 451 451 451 451 .......-__ MRS. ELIZABETH EDWARDS, Vocational Teacher ......................................................................................... Danville 236-2200 Ext. 271 GERALD GILPIN, Vocational. Teacher . Lexington 254-6740 Ext. 297 ALLAN HICKS. Vocational Teacher ....... .__.Danville 236-2200 Ext. 271 MRS. CAROLYN JORDAN, Vocational Teacher.... ...Hopkinsville 886-4431 Ext. 413 JOSEPH LECKY, Vocational Teacher .......... .,.Hopkinsville 886-4431 Ext. 413 JAMES McCORMICK, Vocational Teacher Lexington 254-6740 Ext. 297 OWEN OGLESBY, Vocational Teacher ..LaGrange 279-5431 MRS. ISABEL RANKIN, Vocational Teacher . .Danville 236-2200 Ext. 2'11 MRS. SENA SWORD, Vocational Teacher ....... Lexington 254-6740 Ext. 297 MRS. ROXIE WENDELL, Vocational Teacher .. ,,,,,,,, Louisville 245-4121 Ext. 451 MRS. CAROLYN WOLFF, Vocational Teache Hopkinsville 886-4431 Ext. 413 J. ROGER BURKE, Workshop Manager ...................... Danville 236—2200 Ext. 295 TERRY SHOCKLEY, Workshop Manager ............. ...Hopkinsville 886—4431 Ext. 304 LARRY WOOLDRIDGE. Workshop Manager . Lexington 254-6740 Ext. 348 JACK BALDWIN, Workshop Foreman ..... Louisville 245-4121 Ed. 455 PAUL S. CHANDLER, Workshop Foreman __ ....Danviile 236-2200 Ext. 295 RONALD DUNNING, Workshop Foreman .. Lexington 254—6740 Ext. 348 JAMES N. SANDERSON, Workshop Foreman, "Hopkinsville 886-4431 Ext. 304 BRUCE MILBURN, Contract Procurement Officer Danville 236—2200 Ext. 295 RICHARD SMITH, Contract Procurement Officer Hopkinsville 886-4431 Ext. 304 RICHARD N. TURNER, Contract Procurement Officer ..Lexington 254-6740 EXt- 343 JOHN P. WILSON, Contract Procurement Officer ...................................................................................... Louisville 245-4121 Ext. 455 MRS. ANN P. BROWN, Houseparent ..... MRS. GISELA BURGER, Houseparent MISS DOROTHY BARTA. Assistant Houseparent MISS JOAN DUNN, Assistant Houscparent DIVISION OF SERVICES FOR THE BLIND T. V. CRANMER, Director ............................................................................... 564-4440 ROBERT E. LAWRENCE. Supervisor, Business Enterprises Program ....................................... JORDAN W. HOWARD, Vending Stand Counselor MISS EUGENIA LINTON, Vending Stand Manager .................................................................... DONALD WENDELL,, Placement Counselor .. MISS JENELDA SANDERS, Home Teacher—Counselor .................................................................. Louisville 585-5911 EXt- 320 MRS. BETTY J. GISSONI, Home Teacher-Counselor FRED L. GISSONI, Home Teacher-Counselor R. CHANDLER HERRICK, Counselor ..... Louisville 452-1225 Lexington 252-8654 ..... Louisville 452-1225 ....Lexington 252-8654 564-4440 .__.564-4440 ..... Louisville 585-5911 Ext. 320 ..... Louisville 585-5911 Ext. 320 ....Lexington 277-5564 Lexington 252-0851 ..... Louisville 897-1583 Ext. 67 BUREAU OF STATE AND FEDERAL RELATIONS FRANK H. VITTETOW, Assistant Superintendent _.,....__.564—3936 TITLE 1, ESEA FRED WILLIAMS, Coordinator . ,_,.564-3301 MORRIS W. CHAPMAN, Assistant Coordinator "564—3301 KENNETH GOLDSMITH, Assistant Coordinator DON HART, Assistant Coordinator HARVEY MARKSBERRY, Assistant Coordinator ROBERT LLOYD OGDEN, Assistant Coordinator HOWARD SMITH, Assistant Coordinator .................. LAWRENCE M. STAMPER, Assistant Coordinator CLARENCE SALYER, Budget Analyst ...................... TITLE 11, ESEA RICHARD BETZ. Coordinator t. 271 t. 297 t. 271 t. 413 ‘2. 413 t. 297 . 271 . 297 . 451 . 413 . 295 304 348 455 348 304 295 304 348 20 !0 .fi._,_,...,_. TITLE III, ESEA RICHARD L. WINEBARGER, Coordinator (PL. 815 and PL. 874) GORDON O’BANION, Executive Assistant .................. MALCOLM PATTERSON, Director of Information JOHN C. PADGETT, Field Supervisor ......... TITLE III, NDEA MALCOLM G. McCULLOCH, Coordinator ................................................................. 564-4909 DIVISION OF CIVIL DEFENSE NORRIS B. VINCENT, Coordinator ..... MRS. EVIDEAN PICKETT, Instructor . DIVISION OF SURPLUS PROPERTY J. B. WILLIAMS, Director ............................................................................................... 564-3676 E. L. PALMER, Assistant Director ______ “364-3676 WILLIAM L. BALL, Supervisor—Screener ........ _ MRS. SARA H. BODKIN. Administrative Assistant , W. W. FOLEY, Administrative Officer ..... 564-3676 WAYNE SAMPSON, Screener 564-3676 GILBERT WALLACE, Screener .. r564-3676 ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM (liaison) . ......................................................... 564-3936 BUREAU OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION DR. CARL F. LAMAR, Assistant Superintendent ............................................................ 564-4286 BOBBIE R. GROGAN, Deputy Director lWhit-4286 EDGAR E. HUME, JR., Director-Fiscal Control and Accounting .564-3974 PAUL R. CRISWELL, Assistant Director-Fiscal Control and Accounting. 564—3974 JAMES R. McGOWN, Director-Interagency Relations .......................................... 564—3921 LYLE M. NEIKIRK, Assistant Director-Interagcncy Relations .............. 564-3921 JACK R. HATFIELD. SL1pervisor-Interagency Relations (Veterans) .564-3921 HERBERT HUNTER, Supervisor-Interagency Relations (MDTA) ............. 564-3921 JOHN LOYD, Supervisor-Interagency Relations (MDTA) .......................... ....564-3921 ROBERT W. SALLING, Supervisor-Interagency Relations (Veterans) 564-3921 W. E. RAY, Coordinator—Facilities Construction and Maintenance .......... ....564-4426 MRS. MARY ALTA TUCKER, Supervisor-Informational Services ............................ 564-4286 Program Planning and Development Unit CHARLES D. WADE, Associate Director for Vocational Education ......................... 564-4286 DIVISION OF AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION W. C. MONTGOMERY, Director ...................... I164-3775 ROBERT L. KELLEY, Assistant Director ....564-3775 D. E. BAYLESS, Supervisor . ............ .Morehead JIMMIE JUDGE, Supervisor r564-43775 JAMES D. MADDOX, Supervisor and Director Kentucky FFA Leadership Training Center ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Hardinsburg J. ERNEST THRELKELD, Supervisor .. “Simpsonvllle DIVISION OF BUSINESS AND OFFICE EDUCATION CHARLES L. BRIGHT, Director ., 564-3285 DON GUNTER, Assistant Director . 564—3285 MRS. MELISSA BRISCOE, Supervisor 564-3285 DIVISION OF DISTRIBUTIVE EDUCATION K. KENNETH CARTER. Director ............................................................................. 564-3285 ROBERT TALBOTT, Assistant Director .................................................................... 564-3285 DIVISION OF HEALTH OCCUPATIONS EDUCATION JOHN W. RANDOLPH. Director ...... .. I164-4426 MRS. DORIS SCHMIDT, Assistant Director ........... . .....