xt7dr785j17t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dr785j17t/data/mets.xml National Association for the Promotion of the Interests of the American Trotting Turf. 1876 books b97-24-37872731 English Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co., : Hartford : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Horse racing United States. Official record of penalties imposed and removed during six years, ending December 31st, 1875 ... text Official record of penalties imposed and removed during six years, ending December 31st, 1875 ... 1876 2002 true xt7dr785j17t section xt7dr785j17t The National Association for the Promotion of the Interests of the American Trottinl Turf. PF4 ':S' 1 f(I -X I N1l) g1) ISNX ID1R)40 V t' Dlrirr Six X'ears, [WITH COMPLETE INDEXES OF ALL NAMES OF PERSONS AND HORSES WHICH APPEAR IN THE RECORD, AND OF MEMBERS UPON WHOSE ORDERS THE PENALTIES WERE IMPOSED.] 11 A R T F ) R D J'lle ,ase, Ioeolsoet &; trainlard (J., lrinter8. l 876. This page in the original text is blank. PREFACE. From a consultation of the following pages, it will be observed that the penalties imposed (luring the years 1874 and 1875, occupy more than fimr tillies the space taken up for similar matter during the preceding four years, or ex- actly stated. 2 2 1 pages of this printed record against . '2 pages in a total of 273 ; showing an average of iffice work for the past two years exactly ety/it and a half t'tetes as large as the average of the preceding four years. The gradual enlargement of the necessary records, from year to year, is associated with a corresponding increase of accounts and transactions which must pass through the office, the nature of which necessitates the strictest care and accuracy in the administration of the details, and applied to the extraordinary volume of business incident to the matters of record herein reported, involves an amount of labor which is simply enormous and almost wholly hidden from the observation and knowledge of those most interested in its results. The matter contained in the Record herewith, is so ar- ranged as to exhibit each re-instatement, conspicuously in the margin and against the penalty to which it applies, thus affording ready means of ascertaining not only what penalties have been imposed and what removed, but pre- cisely when and how each re-instatement was effected. Separate indexes are presented of all the names of per- sons and horses appearing in the record, followed by an index showing the names of those members upon whose orders penalties have been imposed. Attention is called to the head note of each index. Each member can easily possess full knowledge of all changes which occur in the status of the penalties herein exhibited, by entering in the margin all such re-instate- ments as shall from time to time be reported, which, with the aid of the usual current notices and monthly pamphlets will afford ample information of the standing of each per- son and horse named in the record. For the convenience of members, we have issued a re- vision of the monthly pamphlet for December 31st, 1875, containing the names of all persons an(1 horses then re- maining under penalty, and showing the date and character of each penalty, details of which information are embraced herein. A table of errata will be found at page 275. which em- braces all errors we have discovered, and members and others are requested to report any inaccuracies they may find in any part of the work. THOMAS J. VAIL, '.ecretery anml Ti ewswirer. HARTFORr), Conn., January, 18,76. IVr PROF ACE . RECORD OF PENALTIES, 1870. Record of Persons and Horses Suspended, and of those Expelled, in the year 1870. All reinstatements of the same, down to the date of publication, are noted in the margin. May 24. By order of the Mystic Park, Mor- rison & Doe, Propr's, Medford, Mass.-ALzx. B. WILuBU, Boston, Mass., was EXPELLED for drawing his horse contrary to the ruling of the judges. June 16. By order of the Reading Driving Park Association, Reading, Pa.-JoHN TROUT, Lambertsville, N. J., and the horse " BEN," and pacing horse " FRw HUNT," were SUS- PENDED for non-payment of entrance money. June 24. By order of the Mystic Park, Mor- rison & Doe, Propr's, Medford, Maws.-HARRr Big.DLET, Boston, Mass., was SUSPENDED for non-payment of fine. June 24. By order of the Institute Driving Park Association, Easton, PL-JOSEPH FISHER, Easton, Pa., was SUSPENDED for non-payment of fine. June 30. By order of the C(enhe Ayrimltural Society, Trenton, N. J.-Isiao YouwG, Perrin- ville, N. J., and the a. g. "Boiin," were SUS- PENDED for nonpayment of entrance money. Reinstated July 25. 18lO, by payment of entrance. Reinstated July 25, 18O, by payment of fine. RECORD OF PENALTIES.-1870. July 13. By order of the Scranton Driving Park Association, Scranton, Pa.-JoHw BIXBY, Whitney's Point, N. Y., and the b. g. " BAY GEORGE," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. July 13. By order of the Scranton Driving Park Association, Scranton, Pa.-WILLIAM H. SAUNDERS & Co., New York City, and the b. g. "WESTERN NEW YORK," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Aug. 13. By order of the Binghamton Driving Park Association, Binghamton, N. Y.-JAmEs COLLINS, Morristown, N. J., and the b. m. "LADY EMILY," were SUSPENDED for non- payment of entrance money. Aug. 30. By order of the Mystic Park, Mor- rison & Doe, Propr's, Medford, Mass.-J. P. SILLSBY, Boston, Mass., and the br. m. " BESS," were EXPELLED, he having drawn said horse without the consent of the judges. Sept. 10. By order of the Auburn Park As- sociation, Auburn, N. Y.--JOnN A. CHAMBEzRs, Long Island, N. Y., and the s. s. " HICKORY JACK," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Sept. 12. By order of the Rensselaer Park Association, Troy, N. Y.-R. REAMER, New York City, N. Y., and the ch. g. " COL. FISK," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of en- trance money. Sept. 12. By order of the Rensselaer Park Association, Troy, N. Y.-H. L. CLARKE, Boston, Mass., and the b. g. "NYMPH," were SUS- PENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Reinstated Oct. 4, 1870, by order of the Board of Appeals, npon a decision that said claim forentrance mon- ey was unjust. Reinstated Sept. 10, 1870, by payment of entrance. J. P. SmLLsBY rein- stated Dec. 9, 1873, by order of the Board of Appeals. Reinstated Sept. 10, 1870, by payment of entrance. Reinstated Dec. t. 1870, by payment of entrance. 2 RECORD OF PENALTIES-1870. Sept. 12. By order of the Renaselaer Park Association, Troy, N. Y.-GzoRoz SOBY, Spring- field, Mass., and the horse "DuiTcnxw," (for- merly "NIMBLE DICK,") were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Sept. 17. By order of the Point Breeze As- sociation, Philadelphia, Pa.-ALEX. PATTERSON, Newtown, L. I., N. Y., and the s. g. " CnAnLE- MAGNE," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Sept. 17. By order of the Scott County Agri- cultural Society, Davenport, Iowa. - CLARK McALLISTER, Tipton, Iowa, was EXPELLED for using insulting language to the judges, and for endeavoring to gain unfair advantage in a race. Sept. 21. By order of the Orange County Pleasure Grounds Association, Middletown, N. Y.-WILLIAM H. SAUNDERS, New York, and the b. g. "WESTERN NEW YORK," were SUS- PENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Oct. 4. By order of the Board of Appeals.- CHARLES RECKORDS, East Stoughton, Mass., and the br. h. " BROWN PINCE," (since called " NEW HAVEN Boy,") were EXPELLED-the horse for being entered in a purse in which he did not belong, and said Records for being privy to the entry in such manner as to involve him in a fraudulent connection therewith. Oct. 13. By order of the F7oeehood Park, West Chester, N. Y. BARTON, Port Chester, N. Y., was EXPELLED for using in. sulting language to the judges. Reinstated Sept. 24, 1870. by payment of entrance. Reinstated Jan. 9, 1872. by order of the Board of Appeals. Reinstated March 9, 1871, by order of the Board of Appeals. CHARLT: JICRORDS reinstated Sept. 4.1874, by payment of fine as authorized by Board of Appeals. 3 RECORD OF PBNALrIES.-1870. Oct. 13. By order of the Feetwood Park As- sociation, Morrisania, N. Y.-A. H. SAUis, New York, was SUSPENDED for non-payment of fine. Oct. 13. By order of the Mystic Park, Mor- rison & Doe, Propr's, Medford, Mass.-THOS. Haumy, Brookline, Mass., and the b. m. "AG- N8s LAYS," were SUSPENDED for non-pay- ment of entrance money. Oct. 13. By order of the Mystic Park, Mor- rison & Doe, Propr's, Medford, Mass.-H. C. BURLEIGH, Fairfield, Me., and the g. m. " LADY BuxLzGu," were SUSPENDED for non-pay- ment of entrance money. Oct. 13. By order of the Mystic Park, Mor- rison & Doe, Propr's, Medford, Mass.-J. EcK- ERsoN, New York, and the b. m. " TAGLAROO rA," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Oct. 13. By order of the Mystic Park, Mor- rison & Doe, Propr's, Medford, Mass. -R. RBEBxR, New York, and the c. g. "COL. FiSK," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entraMce 'wniey. Oct. 20. Br order of the Narragamedt Park Association, Providence, R. L-D. W. BzcK- LER, Boston, Mass., and the b. h. " SHAWNUT," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of en- trance money. Oct. 20. By order of the Narragansett Park Association, Providence, R. L-Joam A, CABu BEE8, Long Island, N. Y., and tha s. 8. "HIICKOwY JAcK," wen SUM=EDRD for non-payment of entrance money. Reinstated Nov. 20, 1871, by payment of entrance. Reinstated Dec. 24, 1870, by payment of entrance. Retnstated Nov. 7, 18'70, by payment of entrance. Reinstated June 14, 1871, by payment of entrance. 4 RECORD OF PzNALTIEs.-1870. Oct. 20. By order of the Narragansett Park Association, Providence, R. I.-GEoRGE M. Da- LANY, Augusta, Maine, and the b. h. "BULLY BROOKS," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Oct. 20. By order of the Narragansett Park Association, Providence, R. 1. - IURnXsoN RoGERs, N. Bridgewater, Mass., and the b. s. " YOUNG WEBSTER," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Nov. 7. By order of the Bay District Agri- cultural Association, San Francisco, Cal.-WiL- LIAM HAZELL, San Francisco, Cal., was SUS- PENDED for one year, for foul driving. Nov. 7. By order of the Springfd Club, Springfield, Mass -GEORGE H. FRieK, Spring- field, Mass., was SUSPENDED for balance of season, for pulling his horse. Nov. 19. By order of the Rensselaer Park Association, Troy, N. Y.-ALEXANDER PATTER- SON, Newtown, L. 1, and the ch. g. "DREAD- NAUGHT," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Nov. 28. By order of the Canandaigua Driving Park Association, Canandaigua, N. Y.-B. W. KELLY, Greece, N. Y., and the b. s. " KELLY HORSE," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Dec. 27. By order of the Binghamton Driving Park Association, Binghamton, N. Y.-Wm. H. SAUNDERS, New York, and the b. m. " BELLE OF CLYDE," and b. g. " WESTERN NEw YORE," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of en- trance money. Reinstated Aug 28 1871, by payment of entrance. Reinstated Aug. 23, 1873, by payment of entrance. Term of suspension expired Nov. 7, 1871. Term of suspension expired with season of 1870. Reinstated May 20, 1871, by payment of entrance. Reinstated July 10, 1875, by payment of entrance. 5 RECORD OF PENALTIES.-1870. Dec. 27. By order of the Binghamton Driving Park Association, Binghamton, N. Y.-CLARK Cowax, Galesville, N. Y., and the s. g. "MA- JOR BIRT," were SUSPENDED for non-pay- ment of entrance money. Dec. 27. By order of the Binghamton Driving Park Association, Binghamton, N. Y.-C. CAM- EROW and J. W. COTTOx, Boston, Mass., and the br. m. "JENNIE," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Dec. 27. By order of the Mystic Park, Mor- rison & Doe, Propr's, Medford, Mass.-Wm. H. BOR8T, New York, and the br. s. " GEORGE WILKES," were SUSPENDED for non-pay- ment of entrance money. Reinstated May 15, 1871, by payment of entrance. Reinstated June 8. 1871, by payment of entrance. 6 RECORD OF PENALTIES, 1871. Record of Persons and Horses Suspended, and of those Expelled, in the year 1870. All reinstatements of the same, down to the date of publication, are noted in the margin. Jan. 6. By order of the Fleetwood Park, Morrisania, N. Y.-J. H. MARTIN, New York City, was EXPELLED for purposely pulling his horse in a race. Mar 15. By order of the Mystic Park, Mor- rison & Doe, Propr's, Medford, Mass.-DANIEL BIGLEY, Cambridge, Mass., and the ch. m. ' FANNY," were EXPELLED for improper con- duct of said Bigley in bringing suit in a court of law, to recover entrance money paid for an entry of said mare. June 26. By order of the Canandaigua Driving Park Association, Canandaigua, N. Y.-Jour VISCHuR, Corning, N. Y., and the r. m. "Suit- SHINE," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. July 8. By order of the Avon Park Agricul- tural and Horticultural Association, Lebanon, Pa. -BENJ. RINEHOLD, (residence unknown,) was SUSPENDED for the season, for pulling and improperly driving. July 12. By order of the Cleveland Club, Cleveland, Ohio. -S. MATTooN, Corry, Pa., (7) Reinstated April 11. 1873, by order of the Board of Appeals. Reinstated Jane 20, 1871, upon complying with an order of the Board of Appeals. Term of stspension expired with season of 1871. .Reinstated June 2t. 1872, by payment of entrance. RECORD OF PENALTIES.-1871. and the b. g. " BILLY WAITE," were SUS- PENDED for non-payment of entrance money. July 26. By order of the Horse Breeders' As- sociation, Jackson, Mich.-J. RIPPLE, Galesburg, Mich., and the b. g. " SCALPEL," were SUS- PENDED for non-payment of entrance money. July 26. By order of the Horse Breeders' As- sociation, Jackson, Mich.-J. H-BRowN, Adrian, Mich., and the s. m. " BISMARK," (formerly " LADY CoxproN,") were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. July 26. By order of the Owego Driving Park Association, Owego, N. Y.-JOSEPH and THOS. WHITE, Homer, Pa., the b. m. " MINNIE LEE," and the blk. g. " BLACK GEORGE," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. July 26. By order of the Owego Driving Park Association, Owego, N. Y.-H. S. HASTINGS, Wellsburg, Pa., and the g. m. '"LITTLE GIRL," and b. g. " LEEK HOOK," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Aug. 10. By order of the Boston Trotting As- Reinstated Aug. 23, sociation, Boston, Mass.-ALANSON WARREN, 1871, by payment of ELFentrance. Watertown, Conn., and the blk. m. "BELLE OF WATERTOWN," were SUSPENDED for non payment of entrance money. Aug. 10. By order of the Mystic Park, Morrison & Doe, Propr's, Medford, Mass.- W. WILLIAMS, Ontario, Can., and the b. g. " WHITE MOUNTAIN Boy," were EXPELLED, said Williams having drawn his horse without permission of the judges. 8 RECORD OF PzwALTDM8 1 87 1. Aug. 16. By order of the Auburn Park As- sociation, Auburn, N. Y-P. McN"N, Roches- ter, N. Y., and the ch. g. " CHESTNUT DIcK," and b. m. "LoTTIz TnomPsoN," were SUS- PENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Aug. 16. By order of the Auburn Park As- sociation, Auburn, N. Y.-W. H. MITCEMLL, Rochester, N. Y., and the br. g. " GENERAL MITCHELL," were SUSPENDED for non-pay- ment of entrance money. Sept. 6. By order of the Port Jervis Driving Park Association, Port Jervis, N. Y.-SAMUEL BLoOM, Cornwall, N. Y., and the b. m. " SING SING MAID," were SUSPENDED for non-pay- ment of entrance money. Sept. 7. By order of the Board of Appeals.- SAMUEL FARMER, Farmington, Me., and the b. g. "JoHN FRANKLIN," were EXPELLED, said Farmer and horse having participated in a race in which the time was suppressed. Sept. 13. By order of the Prospect Park Fair Ground Association, Brooklyn, N. Y.-PHILIP COLLINS, New York, was EXPELLED for im- proper conduct on the grounds of the Associa- tion. Sept. 13. By order of the Prospect Park Fair Ground Association, Brooklyn, N. Y.-EDWARD CLARESON, New York, was EXPELLED for improper conduct on the grounds of the Asso- ciation. Sept. 14. By order of the Widhanr County Park Association, Brattleboro, Vt.-A. G. EN- einstated E 18Mi, by paymeto entice. Reinstated Jan. 10, 172, by payment of entrance. SAxuxL FABxmn, re- instated Sept. 7, 1871 by order of the Board of Appeals, and the b. g. JJOE FRANKLIN,' SO far reinstated as to make him eligible in classes not slower than 2.34. Reinstated Aug. 24, 1872, by order or the Board of Appeals. 9 RECORD OF PENALTIES.-1871. swIO, Schuylersville, N. Y., and the g. g. " CHARLIB," were SUSPENDED for non-pay- ment of entrance money. Sept. 14. By order of the Windham County Park Association, Brattleboro, Vt.-JAMEs BRT- ANT, Greenwich, N. Y., and the br. g. " FAN- c1o10," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Sept. 16. By order of the Prospect Park Fair Ground Association, Gravesend, L. I.-G. W. & W. H. SAUNDERS, Clyde, N. Y., and the b. 8. "JAMES S. REASE," and bMk. c. "Z. E. SAN. DERSON," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Sept. 16. By order of the Prospect Park Fair Ground Association, Gravesend, L. I.-DELL & CUARLES SAMMIs, Hempstead, L. I., and the ch. m. "BBARAOW MAID," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Sept. 16. By order of the Prospect Park Fair Ground Association, Gravesend, L. I.-JOHN PAR- KER & J. L. DOTY, Shrewsbury, N. J., and the br. m. "LADY AUGUSTA," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Sept. 19th. By order of the Rensselaer Park Association, Troy, N. Y.-JA.Es McKEE, Pater- son, N. J., and the b. m. "YOUNG THoRN." were SUSPENDED for non-payment of en- trance money. Sept. 25. By order of the Union and Middle- sex Counties Mutual Agricultural Association, Plainfield, N. J.-J. C. SMITH, Perth Amboy, N. J., J. C. VAN FLEET, Elizabeth, N. J., G. W. SArNDERs re- instated Ju]y 9, 1878, by Board of Appeals. Reinstated Oct. 17, 1871, by payment of entrance. Reinstated Sept. 25, 1871, by payment of entrance. Reinstated Sept. 30, 1871, by payment of entrance. 10 RECORD OF PENALTIES.-1871. and the g. m. " MuDoz," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Oct. 9. By order of the National Park, Kala- mazoo, Mich.-W. R. ARMSTRONG, East Sag- inaw, Mich., and the b. m. " LADY KATE," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Oct. 9. By order of the National Park, Kala- mazoo, Mich.-W. R. CLARKE, Leavenworth, Kansas, and the b. m. "KANSA MAID," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Oct. 9. By order of the National Park, Kala- mazoo, Mich.-E. GRAY, Chicago, Ill., and the ch. g. "KING'S EXCuSE," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Oct. 9. By order of the National Park, KRala mazoo, Mich.-P. D. PECK, Niles, Mich., and the b. m. "LADY PECK," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Oct. 9. By order of the National Park, Kala- mazoo, Mich.-E. D. PIERSON & - COLLINS, Marshall, Mich., and horses " PETE" and "T.A P," were SUSPENDED for non-pay- ment of entrance money. Oct. 9. By order of the National Park, Kala- mazoo, Mich.-THoxAs ELWOOD, Cleveland, Ohio, and the b. m. "EVELINA," were SUS- PENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Oct. 9. By order of the National Park, Kala- mazoo, Mich.-JomN McKzz, Greenville, Pa., and the br. g. " WILLIAM," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Reinstated June 4, 1872, by payment of entrance. Reinstated March 15, 1872, by payment of entrance. Reinstated Jnne 26, 1872, by payment of entrance. Reinstated June 2 1872, by payment Of entrance. Reinstated Jane 25, 1872, by payment of entrance. 11 RECORD OF PENALTIES.-1871. Oct. 9. By order of the National Park, Kala- mazoo, Mich.-B. F. COWAN, Galesville, N. Y., and the g. g. " ED. EATON," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Oct. 9. By order of the National Park, Kala- mazoo, Mich. - CALviN PREDMORE, Niagara Falls, N. Y., and the br. g. " DENMARK," wcre SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Oct. 9. By order of the National Par', Kala- mazoo, Mich.-B. B. LYON, Sedalia, Mo., and the g. g. " WEST DINGxMAN," (formerly " WILKES SPIRIT,") were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Oct. II. By order of the Fleeiwood Park, Morrisania, N. Y.-JAMES MCKEE, Pateraon, N. J., and the b. m. "YOUNG THORN," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Oct. 14. By order of the Canandaigua Driving Park Association, Canandaigua, N. Y.-D. C. WELLS, Seneca Falls, N. Y., and the br. a. "YOUNG MORRILL,` were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Oct. 14. By order of the Canandaigua Driving Park Association, Canandaigua, N. Y.-W. SpzwCEx, Albion, N. Y., and the g. m. " SNow BIRD," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Oct. 14. By order of the Canandaigua Driving Park Association, Canandaigua, N. Y. -S. SOTrEARD, Oaks Corners, N. Y., and the b. g. " STRIDEWAY," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Reinstated Oct. 8. 1873, by payment of entrance. Reinstated Oct. 24, 1871, by payment of entrance. Reinstated June 1. 1872, by payment of entrance. I 12 RECORD OF PENALTIES.-1871. Oct. 14. By ordner of the Canandaigua Driving Park AssociA, Canandaigua, N. Y.-N. S. BumLzw, Seneca Falls, N. Y., and the b. g. " NoRWOOD," were SUSPENDED for non-pay- ment of entrance money. Oct. 14. By order of the Canandaigua Driing Park Association, Canandaigua, N. Y.-J. E. LFIGH, Cayuga, N. Y., and the b. m. " MAG- GIE," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Oct. 14. By order of the Canandaigua Drg Park Association, Canandaigua, N. Y.-S. H RaY, or HALsEY, Lodi, N. Y., and the s. g. " HuNKADoR," lwere SUSPENDED for non- payment of entrance money. Oct. 14. By order of the Cuba Valley Poit Agricultural and Mecharical Society, Cuba, N. Y. -TuomAs WHITE, Homer, Pa., and the b. m. " MINNIE LEE," were SUSPENDED for non- payment of entrance money. Oct. 14. By order of the Cuba Valley Point Agricultural and Mechanical Society, Cuba, N. Y. -C. VAN BUREN, SCio, N. Y., and the g. 8. " JOHN A. BASHAW," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Oct. 17. By order of the Narragansett Park Association, Providence, R. L-M. CARROLL, Boston, Mass., and the b. g. " BE: STARR" (formerly "N. B. PALYxw,") were SUSPEND- ED for non-payment of entrance money. Oct 18. By order of the Morris County Agri- cultural Society, Morristown, N. J. -W. T. THoxPSoN, Stamford, N. Y., and the ch g. "JurITER," were SUSP'ENDED for non-pay- ment of entrance money. Re stated Sept. 25, 182, by payment at entrance. Retustated Je 2S, 187, by payment of entrance. ReAnstated MTy 25, 1872, by payment of entrce. 13 RECORD OF PENALTIES-1871. Oct. 18. By order of the Springfield Club, Springfileld, Mass.-DANIEL BIGLET, Cam- bridgeport, Mass., and the br. In. "LADY WENTWORTH," were SUSPENDED for non- payment of entrance money. Oct. 26. By order of the Earl Driving Park Association, Earlville, III.-C. SCHWEITZER, St. Charles, Ill., and the s. g. " BILLY," were SUS- PENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Oct. 26. By order of the Earl Driving Park Association, Earlville, III.-A. W. MCMILLAN, Lockport, Ill., and the bl. h. " HARRY C. GooD- RICH," (formerly " NIGGER Boy,") were SUS- PENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Nov. 3. By order of the Prospect Park Fair Ground Association, Gravesend, L. I.-JoHx A. CHAMBERS, Long Island, N. Y., and the s. s. "HICKORY JACK," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Nov. 3. By order of the Prospect Park Fair Ground Association, Gravesend, L. I. - JOHN SPLAN, Paterson, N. J., and the g. g. " ED. EATON," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Nov. 6. By order of the Morris County Agri- cultural Society, Morristown, N. J.-P. R. HALL, East Orange, N. J., and the br. s. " BROWN ROvER," were EXPELLED under authority of Rule 14. Nov. 7. By order of the Bay District Agricul- tural Association, San Francisco, Cal. -P. A. FINNEGAN, San Francisco, Cal., was SUS- PENDED for six months, for a violation of Bule 46, Code of 1871. Reinstated May 25, 1872, by payment of entrance. Reinstated May 30, 1872, by payment of entrance. Reinstated June 29, 1872, by payment of entrance. Reinstated Sept. 16, 1872, by payment of entrance. Reinstated May 7. 1872, the term of sus- pension having ex- pired. 14 RECORD OF PENALTIEs.-1871. Nov. 24. By order of the Buffalo Park As- sociation, Buffalo, N. Y.-WILLIAM SMITH and WILLIAM McLAUGHLIN, Detroit, Mich., and the ch. g. " BILLY Horsruu," were SUS- PENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Dec. 12. By order of the Lee Park Associa- tion, Scranton, Pa.-B. H. TEROOP, Scranton, Pa., was SUSPENDED for non-payment of fine imposed for not sustaining protest against the b. g. " DxxIs." Dec. 21. By order of the Orange County Pleasure Grounds Association, Middletown, N. Y.-JAMES MCCUSKER, Philadelphia, Pa-, H. D. HAOSE and A. STEWART POTTER, SCran- ton, Pa., and the s. m. " RuBy," were EX- PELLED under authority of Rule 14. Dec. 21. By order of the Orange County Pleasure Grounds Association, Middletown, N. Y.-CHARLES PEIRCE, R. TERWILLIGER, and A. STEWART POTTER, Scranton, Pa., and the b. h. "RATTLER," alias "MORE PROBABLY", were EXPELLED under authority of Rule 14. Dec. 26. By order of the Prospect Park Fair Ground Association, Gravesend, L. I.-M. WHIP_ PLE, Tarrytown, N. Y., and the g. g. " GRKY JACK," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Dec. 27. By order of the Board of Appeals.- 0. S. DORMAN, Lennoxville, Can., JOB HosBNs, Newbury, Vt., and the b. h. " RED CLOUD," were EXPELLED for having participated in races in which the time was suppressed. Dec. 27. By order of the Board of Appeals.- DOCTOR L C. Ivzs, Coldwater, Mich., and the William McIAughlin reinstated by order of the Board of A xpeals, under date of JaI 9 1572. R. TzRWrLLIGER re- instated May 4.1873. by order of the Board of Appeals. Reinstated May 10. 182. by payment of entrance. 0. S. DORmAL and JOB Hoasos reinstated Dec. 27, 1871, by order ofthe Boardof Appeals. The - h. " LAD- SEER," reinstated April 11, 1873, by order of the Board of Appeals. 15 RECORD OF PENALTIE&-187L -h. 'e LEAsmM ," were EXPELLED for par- ticipating in a race in which the time was sup- pressed. Dec. 27. By order of the Board of Appeals.- E. J. & G. W. LAw azw and C. A. Jozas, of Fairfield, Me., and the g. rm. " B TTEr BALL, were EXPELLED, for participating in races wherein the tim ewassuppressed. Dec. SO. By order of the National Park, Kal- amazoo, Mich.-W. Da C. SMITH, New York City, was EXPELLED for an alleged grossly false and calumnious report to the Turf, Field and Farm newspaper, of the proceedings and management of the Fair held by this Association on the 15th, 16th, 17th, and 18th days of August 1871, and for the indecent and scurrilous lan- guage used repeatedly in said report toward the Dec. 30. By order of the New Haven Driving Park Association, New Haven, Conn.-L. L. ALLEN, Norwalk, Conn., and the b. g. " DouG- ," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. B. J. & G0 W. LAw- nzaxcs and C. A. Jozs8, reinstated Dec. 27, 1871, by order of the Board of Appeals. Reinstated July 2. 12 by payment of entrance. 16 RECORD OF PENALTIES, 1872. Record of Persons and Horses Suspended, and of those Expelled, in the year 1872. All reinstatements of the same, down to the date of publication, are noted in the margin. Jan. 8. By order of the Fletwood Park Asso- ciation, Morrisania, N. Y.-SETH T. BANE, Pittsburg, Pa., and the s. m. "'IDOL MAID," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Jan. 9. By order of the Board of Appeals.- .The ch. B. " COL. MOULTON," Was EXPELLED under authority of rule 14. Feb. 26. By order of the California State Board of Agriculture, Sacramento, Cal.-BEN. E. HARRIS, San Francisco, CaL, and the b. g. " REGULATOR," were SUSPENDED for non- payment of entrance money. Feb. 26. By order of the Bay District Agri- cultural Association, San Francisco, Cal.-H. L. SPENCER, San Jose, Cal., was SUSPENDED for three months from Jan. 26, 1872, for foul driving. March 1. By order of the Bay District Agri- cultural Association, San Francisco, Cal.-ML McLELLAN, San Francisco, Cal., was SUS_. PENDED for one year, for purposely pulling his horse in a race. (17) Reinstated April 14, 183, by payment of entrance. Reinstated July 9, 1873, by order oi the Board of Appeals. Reinstated Sept. 2, 187., by payment of entrance. Reinstated April 6, 1872, the term of' eus- pension having ex- pired. Reinstated August 1. 1872, he having made proper acknowledg- ment to the Asoci- tion. I RECORD OF PENALTIES.-1872. March 28. By order of the Central Ayricult- ural Society, Trenton, N. J.-A. H. SAMMIS, Brooklyn, N. Y., and the ch. m. " 13ASnAW MAID," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. April 4. By order of the Earl Driving Park Association, Earlville, Ill.-JoJ D)AILEY, resi- dence unknowvn, and the h. g. " IOTFOOT," (for- merly "JOHNNY MOORE,") were EXPELLED under authority of Rule 14. April 16. By order of the Zanesville Driving Park Association, Zanesville, Ohio.-T. 11. BUSH, Fremont, Ohio, and the b. f. " NELLIE Busu," (Runner,) were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Apnri 16. By order of the Zanesville Driving Park Association, Zanesville, O.-FRED. WHITE, residence unknown, and the -horse " ST. LAW- RENCE," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. April 16. By order of the Bay District Agri- cnltural Association, San Francisco, Cal.-Jon-N PFOUR, Petaluma, Cal., was SUSPENDED for six months, for purposely pulling his horse in a race. July 6. By order of the Jackson Horse Breed- ers' Association, Jackson, Michigan.-WILLIAM McLAUGHLIN, Detroit, Mich., was SUS- PENDED for thirty days from June 29, 1872. July 9. By order of the Quickstep Park Trot- ting Association, Toledo, Ohio.-PETER V. JOHN- sow, Jackson, Mich., and blk. m. "MAGGIE CASEY," b. m. " LADY BLAKE;," and b. m. " FANNY," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. Reinstated M[ay 31, 1872, by payment of entrance money. Reinstated Oct. 16. 1872, the term of sus- pension having ex- pired. Reinstated July 29, 1872, the term of sus- pension having ex- pired. Reinstated Auz. 24. 1872, by order of Board of Appeals. 1 8 RECORD OF PENALTIES.-1872. July 10. By order of the Quickstep Park Trotting Association, Toledo, Ohio.-L. V. CALD- WELL, Lewisville, Ind., and s. m. " MILA CALD- WELL," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. July 17. By order of the Northern Ohio Fair Association, Cleveland, Ohio.-JoHN WADE, Edinburgh, Ind., and the b. g. " RED CLOUD," were SUSPENDED for thirty days, for foul driving. July 17. By order of the Northern Ohio Fair Association, Cleveland, Ohio.-EWELL & RED- HEAD, Cleveland, Ohio, and the ch. s. "Tom, were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. July 17. By order of the Northern Ohio Fair Association, Cleveland, Ohio.-B. KIMLIN, Je- romeville, Ohio, and the blk. s. " KIMLIN," Were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. July IS. By order of the Northern Ohio Fair Association, Cleveland, O.-D. SEAMAN, Zanes- ville, Ohio, and the s. g. "WADE HAMPTONr," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. July 24. By order of the Joliet Trotting Park, Joliet, II.-C. H. SPAFFORD, Rockford, Ill., and the b. g. "BAY Tom," were SUSPENDED for non-payment of entrance money. July 24. By order of the Prospect Park Fair Ground Association, Brooklyn, N. Y.-M. MYERS, New York city, was SUSPENDED for ninety days, for purposely pulling his horse in a race. Reinstated July 25, 1872, by payment of entrance. Reinstated Aug. 17, 1872, the term or sus- pension having ex- pired. Reinstated June 2, 1874, by payment of entrance. Reinstated Oct. 22, 1872