xt7dr785mj99 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dr785mj99/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1986 1987 2013ua031 booklets  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Fact Books University of Kentucky--1986-87 text University of Kentucky--1986-87 1986 2019 true xt7dr785mj99 section xt7dr785mj99 7 0 96
, F: 7.7
,1] 60 9t.
, 50% '
I 43" 44.4
' 40% i / _
' ,J// ‘ 77‘“7i/”w'“ 7"" * ..__ ”/777‘" 72,742," ,. , ‘ "T ’7'” _ _ 38.4
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l “\Fz/"f'ir.._ aloft E.err—e._s ,7, J//
l 30% :33}:- '
, '6‘0 '65 ’70 '75 '8'0 '85
, UK Share of State Support of Higher Education
UK Share of State Enrollment

 6‘WU, , ,. H .- -_ -. .._. we. , . .
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October 1986
Th: Governor Collins and Members of the objectives established in our biennial request. More specifically and
Kentucky General Assembly consistent with our request, the 1986-87 budget provides for the 7
I am pleased to provide you with this profile of the University of followmg: ’
Kentucky which contains a brief summary of our 1986-87 budget. This , . . . . . ,
budget is testimony to the fact that the needs of higher education were _ FlrSI’ fixed COS! increases for fringeflberfiefiés an? “antic? a 3%
recognized during the last legislative session and considerable progress Increase 1n_ Operitlfig fipenseslalnfld e “11.1? (if g" am enlach _
was made toward the adequate funding of the University of Kentucky. 3n .opefratlolns 0 t138t6 Esme“, mgsw 1c M ecomp e e ,
I would like to thank you for your support, urge a similar commitment uring isca year ' ' l
in the next legislative session which would bring us to full formula funding, — Second, a total salary increase p001 for faculty of 7% and for staff
and delineate just how this most recent appropriation will benefit our of 6% supported by a combination of general funds and the salary
University. incentive funds.
The 9.5% increase in the state appropriation, the 8.2% increase in — Third, additional funding for the centers of excellence — areas
tuition and fees revenue, the reallocation of funds, and the modest of current academic strengths which will serve critical areas of I
increases in other sources of revenue included in our budget will permit need in Kentucky and enhance the region’s and state’s economic .
the University to make considerable progress toward achievement of the efforts.

 — Fourth, a two-pronged effort to address our graduate and research Owensboro Campus, an Agricultural Engineering Building, a

program needs — funding to improve graduate assistant stipends Regulatory Services Building, and a Robotics and Manufacturing
. by approximately 25% and, within the capital budget, Systems Facility. The bonds for these projects will be sold and the

$20,370,000 for academic equipment and $10,000,000 for a projects started as soon as possible so as to take advantage of the
‘ supercomputer, one-half of which will be supported by a special current favorable interest rates. Other special emphases in the
i state appropriation for debt service. capital budget include the Hospital Expansion and Renovation, life
, —— Fifth, program enhancement for the Community College System safety pr0jects, and a VOICC data communicatlons system.
i to support additional full and part-time faculty positions, addi- Taken together, the 1986—87 budget constitutes a significant step
I tional support staff positions, and Weekend Colleges on several forward in our continuing quest to become a truly comprehensive
campuses. institution nationally recognized for the quality of its scholarship,

— Sixth, the special appropriations for continuation of the desegre- research, and graduates.

gation program, the Owensboro Community College program, the .

Center for Public Administration, the Small Business Develop- Sincerely,

ment Center, and funds to allow for comparable salary increases _
l for the federally—supported agricultural employees. 04 _ W
7 — Seventh, the capital budget includes critically needed capital
[ construction projects which were approved by the legislature -— Otis A. Singletary
‘ five new buildings on the community college campuses, the new President


 O I I
Use of Increase In State Appropriation“
UK RequestJCHE Operating
Community College System Recommendation Budget
1. Fixed Cost and Continuation Needs $ 1,580,200 $ 1,753,400
2. Faculty Salary Catch-Up 910,900 680,000
3, Staff Salary Catch-Up 633,200 85,000
4. Enhancement, Development, and Adequate Support of the Academic Program
Faculty Position Catch-Up 473,500 4l3,500
Support Staff Position Catch-Up 622,500 502,200
Current Expense Catch-Up 340,100 -0-
Student Access to Higher Education: Weekend, Evening, and Off-Campus Programs 830,400 52,800
Computer Resources/Data Processing Program Support and Ancillary Activities 550,000 -0-
Communications Network 10,300 ~0-
Developmental Studies and Adult Literacy 842,800 -0-
Counseling and Job Placement 600,000 -0-
Job Training and Retraining 600,000 -0-
Library Services and Learning Resource Centers 600,500 -0-
5. Special Requests/Appropriations
Continuation of Desegregation Funding 3,800 2,600
Owensboro Community College Program 1,094,500 1,094,500
Southeast Community College Coal Document Preservation Program -0- 30,000
Total Increase $ 9,692,700 $ 4,614,000
*lncludes Salary incentive Funds. 2

 I O I
. Use of Increase In State Appropriation"
1 1986-87
UK RequestJCHE Operating
Lexington Campus/Medical Center Recommendation Budget
11 Fixed Costs and Continuation Needs 3 7,901,800 $ 6,962,800
2. Faculty Salary Catch-Up 3,234,000 2,300,000 1
3. Staff Salary Catch-Up 4,717,500 600,000
4. Centers of Excellence
Center on Aging 300,000 300,000 3
Center for Cancer Prevention, Education, Research, and Patient Care 300,000 284,000 '
Center for Pharmaceutical Science and Technology 717,200 283,000 1
Biotechnology Center 400,000 -0-
Graduate Center for Biomedical Engineering 300,000 50,000 .
Center for Equine Health Care —0- 100,000
5. Enhancement, Development, and Adequate Support of the Academic Program 3,296,900 719,100
6. Special Requests/Appropriations
Continuation of Desegregation Funding 100,700 17,800
Center for Public Administration 300,000 300,000
Small Business Development Center -0- 200,000
Debt Service: Patterson Office Tower Fire Safety -0- 129,000
( Debt Service: Supercomputer -0- 890,000 ‘
Total Increase $21,568,100 $13,] 35,700 ;
*lncludes Salary Incentive Funds.
. 3 ,
. 1



5335 5347 L

4—5396 —————-———————__—_‘_________ ,

3687' 4629 . .5726 i


41.125 471.25; 41.16, i





——*—*—_—_—___ 3

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86

 i ,
1.1 6.144.131 / :J -1111; .13
(111119511;1575:3041}; 31111111.:1'1‘31 1112131313135)
3. 3:131 .1511 31:11 111:111:4..11,;,:,«’_/11 :15 .;.;.1 '3 _-;;r1
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-5251 : , g j , ,1 , 1 ‘
T —SSZ7 . 1 1, 1 , «5578 4636 ' . :
1 .., 7 ' j ' 1 1 I ’ i i J
1 _51,175 W: ’2 ,2 ,1 '
} ——__.—___SL405—___;___.¢_——__ 41.361————‘
“W” 31,660
71 72 75 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86

 Financial Record

Budget Request Budget '7
Sources 1985-86* 1986-87 l986-87**
State Appropriation $187,334,100 $218,594,900 $205,083,800 i
Tuition and Fees 42,878,100 45,735,500 46,405,000 ‘r
Federal and Local Appropriation 16,432,800 17,417,300 15,905,500 1
Sales and Services/Educational Activities 9,588,000 9,947,100 11,079,900 .;
Endowment and Investment Income 9,904,600 9,904,600 10,180,000 37’
Sales and Services of Auxiliary Enterprises 23,858,500 27,464,000 24,817,200
Private Gifts, Grants, and Contracts 8,556,600 8,126,200 10,425,600

Hospital 91,746,000 94,357,200 79,760,000

Fund Balances 14,571,300 12,238,700 8,281,000
Affiliated Corporations 38,863,200 40,662,800 41,528,300 ,

Restricted Funds 34,440,800 32,223,500 34,915,300
Total $478,174,000 $516,671,800 $488,381,600 ?
*Revised 1985-86 Budget.
**Includes Salary Incentive Funds.


 Budget Request Budget
Program 1985-86* 1986-87 1986-87
1. Instruction $134,493,900 $150,959,500 $140,885,000
‘1 Research 52,445,500 56,923,100 57,181,300
1 Public Service 45,149,600 46,760,100 46,008,900
: Academic Support 30,745,600 34,837,400 33,794,400
1’ Student Services 10,406,600 12,182,100 1 1,469,800
Institutional Support 17,670,100 18,525,000 18,863,800
= Operations and Maintenance 28,136,600 31,435,100 30,615,100
Student Financial Aid 20,986,100 19,892,900 20,087,800
Mandatory Transfers (Debt Service) 12,426,700 12,809,600 13,867,200
Auxiliaries 32,858,500 36,876,800 34,735,500
Hospital 92,854,800 95,470,200 80,872,800
1 Total $478,174,000 $516,671,800 $488,381,600
5 Category v
Personnel Costs $269,481,300 $297,661,600 $290,706,400 ,
.4 Operating Expenses 172,111,700 178,067,900 161,341,900
Mandatory Transfers (Debt Service) 12,426,700 15,056,800 13,867,200 .
Capital Outlay 24,154,300 25,885,500 22,466,100 1
Total $478,174,000 $516,671,800 $488,381,600 '
*Revised 1985-86 Budget. 7 j

 Cei‘fpij’::1l :5”- £133” '9 3 1&3 2/
_, >21 3:111 my Fun Jul 81' 3mg;
Community College System Lexington Campus/Medical Center/Hospital
Equipment A r m A - Equipment 3“
. Academic and Other Equipment 3% 1,908,800 Academic and Other Equipment $13,577,300
Hospital Equipment 4,618,000
Renovation Voice Data Communications .System (bonds) 5,466,000
. Academic Equipment'lnstituuonal Match (bonds) 10,185,000* ’1
L‘fe Safety/Other. $ 290,000 Supercomputer Institutional Match 5,000,000**
Program Renovations 675,000
Lexington Campus
— Life Safety 3 2,725,300
Note: Agency funds include recurring and non-recurring operating Deferred Maintenance 1’191’100 3
funds, gifts and grants, bond proceeds funded through Program Renovations . 323’600
institutional sources, and current plant funds. Patterson Office Tower Fire Safety 725’000
* , Medical Center
The General Assembly authorized the sale of bonds for Life Safety 1,108,000 5
academic equ1pment totalling $20,370,000 With a speCIal Program Renovations 1 150 000
appropriation for one—half of the debt service. Hospital Y i
** The General Assembly authorized the sale of bonds with debt Renovation/ Expansion II 50,000,000
service for one-half the cost of the supercomputer. Program Renovation/Other 3,150,000

 Capital Budget 1986-87
Special State Appropriation for Debt Service
Community College System Lexington Campus
Bonding Authority Bonding Authority
i Lexington: Academic/Technical Building* $3,600,000** Academic Equipment $10,185,000**
Elizabethtown: Academic/Technical Building 3,600,000** Supercomputer 5,000,000*** :
Hazard: Technical/Leaming Resource Center 2,900,000** Patterson Office Tower Fire Safety 1,050,000***
Prestonsburg: Technical/Leaming Resource Center 2,900,000** Agricultural Engineering 11,000,000**
'1 Madisonville: Academic/Auditorium Building 2,400,000** Agriculture Regulatory Services 3,500,000** 2
(Total Scope $2,900,000) Robotics and Manufacturing Systems Facility 10,000,000**
Owensboro: New Campus 12,500,000** V
*Main Campus Consolidated Educational bond issue; to be reim- *** Debt service appr0priated in 1986—87.
3 bursed from community college appropriation. ** Debt service appropriated in 1987—88.
5 §

 . 2,4);211'11'113w' 37:21:23 2,, ' ' 11 #,,, 4;; z 1,,
Fall 1986 Headcount
' 50
3 Community Colleges Full Time Part Time '1me 45
Ashland 977 1,014 1,991 40 1
Elizabethlown 1,028 1,063 2,091 3“
Hazard 415 361 776 35 ,
Henderson 473 572 1,045 : 30 25 569 1
Hopkinsvillc 573 495 1,068 '3 ’ ~11
Jefferson 2,400 4,596 6,996 g 25 mm 24,0“ 23,742 23,767
Lexington 1,227 1,360 2,587 pf 19,245 20'3”
Madisonville 403 953 1,356 ' 2° ,
Maysville 390 337 727 15 , 1
Owensboro 383 712 1,095 g '
Paducah 866 1,139 2,005 10 i ,
Prestonsburg 758 747 1,505 5 . 3‘
Somerset 680 622 1,302 '1 i '
Southeast 394 631 1,025 0 1 ‘
10131 10,967 14,602 25,569 Fall 80 Fall 81 Fall 82 Fall 83 Fall 84 Fall 85 Fall 86 5
5 10

45 22.2
r 40 ACT* 21.7 21.2 , ,. , Fall 1986
1 35 20.1 9.9 20.2 '
‘ I 19'8 Lexington Campus ‘
" 1: 30 and Medical Full Time Part Time '1th ,
g 25 23,509 23,441 22,829 22.055 Undergraduate 13,330 2,915 16,245
E 20 “’2” 209“ “‘2‘” Graduate 1,647 1,897 3,544
Professional 986 13 999
15 House Staff/
Postdoctoral 452 0 452
6 10 Total 16,415 4,825 21,240
5 ,
.~ Fall 80 Fall 8| Fall 82 Fall 83 Fall 84 Fall 85 Fall 86
*American College Tesl composite score of entering freshmen. I"
1 1 "

903 owns“.
xmrou 1,002
33 ummnow
EAIIOLL 155 “12;?“
. TllMILE 131 .
by County of Resvdence 74
388 now
snzuv 1.729 I
519 1' i
Woooron: “er: newcomu '
91511:“ “any," 87.. 16,1[5 736 305 ’:
“mm 293 11mm; “W 392 1
‘ mam 18' 88l % 10mm
WM [.036 ”Sb? 196 mm 815 Q ”7‘3""
369 . » 1.663 manna 869
. nova
189N 233 IOCXCASYLE “‘0”
98 398
lechsmN "‘11
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g 2'71:
M roan a”
Gm“ 86 59 cumuuw a
* 7
3112 mm” Mo...“ 1‘
Q 222

, V , munm
, ,. : I [7 IINDLETON
FQCAIIOLL 46 ““5“"
, YlIMILE 44 155
1 r : , , r , 1 1 ‘ 36 IDIEIYsUN
,, . .. , , , , . 1”,. , . mausou 30 '0 D
188 '
, omnm 1408
a], hr, , ¥ H13 383 "“4me
A ,_r ' ' " W .15; u ' '-v ‘UFEISDN 5mm 490 ”"9"“
‘ ’1 _ 8308 ‘70 “47
J ,, _ , , 4 ,. , WOODFOID “um MONYGOMIRV
1 "Egg“ Annusou 379 7129 320 124
”322'? 127- JESSAMINE cu“
\ mucocx 497 % 103750"
HENDERSON 95 “scum-111m w "12%" “‘0'30" mannm
765 DAVIESS 119 "no”; Asglgawn ‘ 451 137
1330 1810 my“ 6";ng 745 '
4 268 nova
omo ' meow
cunmom 160 “5 "”0””
87 47
E To” CUMIEIL No « '
q “3;: 82 E 9 m E
Q m

 = 1985-86 Degrees Conferred
‘ (By Field of Study)
V First
, Field Associate Undergraduate Graduate Professional
Agriculture - 117 53 - ,
Allied Health 653 - - -
Architecture - 45 - —
Area Studies — 3 - -
Biological/Life Sciences - 60 36 -
Business/Management 626 653 70 —
Communications 14 246 12 -
Computer and
Information Sciences 157 76 14 -
. Dentistry — - — 42
Education 29 233 149 -
- Engineering 86 305 77 -
Fine and Applied Arts - 42 13 -
V Foreign Languages - 29 6 - .
. Health Professions - 284 96 —
Law - - - 135
v 14

 1985-86 Degrees Conferred
(By Field of Study)
First 1
Field Associate Undergraduate Graduate Professional
, Home Economics 10 109 21 -
Letters - 51 22 -
Liberal/ General Studies 932 —
Library Science — - 55 -
Mathematics — 27 15 —
Medicine - — - 99 V
Parks and Recreation -
Pharm D. - - - 16
Physical Sciences — 60 33 - '
Precision Production 38
Protective Services 19 ;
Psychology - 61 16 -
Public Affairs 49 64 86 -
. Social Sciences - 120 64 -
Interdisciplinary - 87
Total 2,613 2,672 838 292

 EEOC; E E- EWW, E.-.-_ 1 EW E EW E W.
“‘ E - = E E E E E E E
. a E E E E E E E E E E E
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‘ E-‘fg i EEK-E ‘ ETTE E5 :E E E771»: r—g E
, . . E"‘ E E E'E E
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E E :19. E ; If? . E ‘ ‘E .-,.“;-E 3.. E E E - .E
500_E E E ‘ E E E.-- E E ‘. E3; | E 2‘ EW E E;"E""’ 1-..4 Assocxate E WE Graduate
' E ".1 _, Er _ E; E A. gm E #7 '
. E E‘... "1-2.? . , ng-E; E1.--"-. E “9.43;? ‘ E553": E E gE";E -
1 E E. GEE . E 7. ‘EEiE-TE . E. ‘EETEEE E EEEiE ; E E»FE _ IKE-I...“ LA Baccalaureate LEE Professnonal
E E EEbE . t * E? E 'E E E E EgE'EEr-E ‘ Ee‘iEEEE
8081 81-82 8233 83-84 84-35 85436
E: 16

 ‘1'”) 1“.-. 77777 ...H w—ii ,3 -.—m.r....7.v.m.ri7. . _—_.—."._.. ".11. a«——._.r:7:2.._77."
1 1.12197
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, ,1 ~ 1, 5 . .14 .- -- ‘41
2 1:31 1 1: 1 t 1 1
: 1“": i 1 1
; int; 1 1 1 1 ‘ .
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' , 2 1 1 j t g :
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an : 3 1 1 5. z -
1751,14: , i i t , 1 E , i 1 ‘
'7": w . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3,0,,- 3 a... , 1 1? 1 i--.- l 1 1 L 1 Full Time Resident Non Resident
t s 1 z s = ' in 1 .
1 1 1 2 ; 1 1 , E .. ;;:—;E{ 1 E: , j: 5 , g Graduate $1,452 $4,172
1 a , 1, g » 1 14:3: t 11', 1 a
we 1 1 m , 1M 1 5:5. 1,; , t: , tr; 1 g [l Undergraduate 1,332 3,812
r v:':r: ,‘,':7T .:;.:' 1 1.1'1' t I . * «1 . . a y "’
2. t 1 I“; :r': t 1.9% 1 :zi : in: s a: .
1 1 1 t" ;_ : 1 ,g I i ~;, g 1,: i 1’ 3 L1 Community College 540 1,620
1:3: 1 1' 1" 1; :11 13".1‘ 1 3. ,
,mEC-LEJ-Efiw-Q-"L-L‘L- . ,
l980 1981 1932 1933 1984 1985 I986 I987' ii'AiA- V " ' ' H ' 7 '
Annual Resident Tuition and Fees *CHE recommendarian,‘ includes Estimated UK fees.

 '. “3



Lexington Campus7Medical Center Community College System 3


Full-Time Employees 1985 % '1th 1984 % 'lbtal 1985 % '1me 1984 % "Ibtal ‘2

Managerial 351 4.4% 319 4.0% 66 5.3% 62 5.2% g

Faculty 1,507 18.7 1,543 19.3 682 54.7 673 55.9 3:

' Professional Non-Faculty 1,946 24.2 1,898 23.7 81 6.5 70 5.8 s;
' Secretarial/ Clerical 1,804 22.4 1,776 22.2 276 22.2 259 21.5 1;
Technical/Paraprofcssional 772 9.6 788 9.8 16 1.3 15 1.3 E?

Skilled Crafts 253 3.1 241 3.0 1 — 1 — 5i

Service/Maintenance 1,419 17.6 1,446 18.0 124 10.0 124 10.3 g,

'1me 8,052 100.0% 8,011 100.0% 1,246 100.0% 1,204 100.0%


 Library Collection
1986 Main Campus College System
, Bookstock Volumes 2,000,000 400,149
Government Documents 890,008 2,321
Periodicals 23,602 2,971
Microforrns 3,030,608 104,749
Audio—Visual Materials 24,643 34,344
Other 488,221 44,866
Total 6,457,082 589,400
Library sites include the Margaret 1. King Library, 14 main campus branch
libraries, and 14 community college libraries.
The library collection includes 181,381 maps, 2,000 Oral History Program
interviews, 267 state and international newspapers, the Photographic
Archives, the Modern Political Papers Program, the Government Documents
Depository, the Appalachian Collection, and the W. Hugh Peal Collection.

 Land and Space
Community Main
College System Campus Other * 'lbtal
Acreage 908 671 21,460 23,039
Assignable Square Footage in Buildings

Classroom 173,980 224,652 2,200 400,832
Laboratory 299,585 764,075 25,121 1,088,781
, Office 227,264 1,059,985 21,651 1,308,900
Study 148,531 289,151 0 437,682
Special 32,493 440,586 497,978 971,057
General 156,817 578,144 66,925 801,886
Support 37,449 1,134,744 158,733 1,330,926
Health Care 276 288,839 2,728 291,843
Residential 0 1,258,909 202,660 1,461,569
Unclassified 16,330 213,440 270 230,040
Total 1,092,725 6,252,525 978,266 8,323,516

*Includes research farms, Robinson Forest, substations, 4-H camps, and Adena Park.


 i a .a'ii ,
.1 ,1 1/ 511.1111} T»; 7.

Funding Anticipated
Project Scope Source Online Date
Under Construction
Parking Structure #3 $2,400,000 Revenue Fall 1986
Animal Care Facility 2,200,000 Agency Spring 1987
Combs Cancer Research Building 8,500,000 Gifts Spring 1987
Gluck Equine Research Center 9,000,000 Gifts Spring 1987
Hilary .1. Boone Faculty Center 2,000,000 Gifts Spring 1987
Football Training Center 5,500,000 Gifts Fall 1987
Mining and Minerals Building 14,000,000 State Fall 1987
Aquatics Center 5,700,000 Gifts Spring 1988
In Planning and Design
Agricultural Regulatory Services 3,500,000 State Summer 1988
Elizabethtown: Academic/Technical Building 3,600,000 State Summer 1988
Hazard: Learning Resource Center 2,900,000 State Summer 1988
Lexington: Academic/Technical Building 3,600,000 State Summer 1988
Madisonville: Academic/Auditorium Building 2,900,000 State/Gift Summer 1988
Prestonsburg: Technical/Leaming Resource Center 2,900,000 State Summer 1988
Agricultural Engineering Building 11,000,000 State Spring 1989
Owensboro: New Campus 12,500,000 State Summer 1989
Robotics and Manufacturing Systems Facility 10,000,000 State Summer 1989


 Administrative Organization
President Administrative Executive Officers
D” OHS A‘ Singletary James 0. King, Vice President for Administration t
Chancellor David 1. Carter, Associate Vice President for Business Services
Community College System Edward A. Carter, Associate Vice President for Planning and Budget :2
Dr. Charles T' Wethmgton, Jr' John C. Darsie, Jr., General Counsel
J. Robert Heath, Associate Vice President for Information Systems E
Chancellor Planning and Policy g
Lexington Campus ,7;
Raymond R. Hornback, Vice President for University Relations 3
Dr. Art Gallaher, Jr.
Henry Clay Owen, Controller and Treasurer
Chancellor Nancy T. Ray, Assistant Vice President for Administration and
Medical Center Coordinator of Affirmative Action f;
Dr. Peter P. Bosomworth Paul G. Sears, Special Assistant for Academic Affairs 3
22 '

 Administrative Organization
Board of Trustees
Vice President Administration
' Affirmative Action Legal Office
/ Controller Associate Vice President Associate Vice President Special Assistant Associate Vice President Vice President
and Treasurer Planning and Budget Business Services Academic Affairs Int—”mam" 5’59"“ University Relations
Planning & Policy
' Chancellor Chancellor Chancellor
Community College System Lexington Campus Medical Center
. 23

 University of Kentucky
Mr. Robert T. McCowan, Ashland (Chairman)

Professor Raymond F. Betts, Lexington (faculty) Mr. Henry E. Hershey, Lexington

Mr. William R. Black, Paducah MI. Brereton C. Jones, Midway

Governor Albert B. Chandler, Versailles (honorary) Mr. R. Larry Jones, Louisville

Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mt. Sterling (Vice Chairman) Mr. T. A. Lassetter, Lexington '
Professor David R. Driscoll, Jr., Louisville (faculty) Mr. W. Bruce Lunsford, Louisville

Mr. Tracy Farmer, Lexington Mr. Frank Ramsey, Jr., Madisonville

Mr. Ronald G. Geary, Louisville Mr. James L. Rose, London

Ms. Donna G. Greenwell, Morganfield (student) Mr. Bobby Watson, Owensboro

Mr. George W. Griffin, Jr., London (Secretary) Professor Constance P. Wilson, Lexington (faculty)

Mrs. Edythe Jones Hayes, Lexington

Note: Of the twenty board positions, one vacancy exists. U13 1 1 08—1 186 I


 4 33,134; //
1865 Agricultural and Mechanical College (A & M) 1947 College of Pharmacy moved to University of 1966 College of Allied Health Professions
established as part of Kentucky University Kentucky established
1869 James K. Patterson became president of A&M 1956 Medical Center authorized by General 1967 College of Home Economics established
, 1878 A&M separated from Kentucky University Assembly, Frank 0- Dickey became President 1968 Albert D. Kirwan became President,
1882 A&M moved to current location in Lexington 1957 Ashland Extension Center established Jefferson Community College established,
1885 Agricultural Experiment Station opened 1959 Patterson School of Diplomacy established, Paducah Community College established,
1889 College of Agriculture established Honors Program initiated galar‘lllc‘kmmunltxtc‘élefie midi???) d
1 0 C lle f rts nd ie es a i h 1960 Medical Center opened, College of Medicine 3Y§V1 9 ommunl y _ 0 ege 65 a 15 8: ,
P 9 8 C3163: 3f fa,” :staglcishlecd, {Eh/EJ112151? admitted first class, College of Nursing MadisonVllle Community College established
changed to “State University, Lexington, admitted first class, Henderson Extension 1969 College 9‘5 500181 Work CSIabllSlICd,
Kentucky" Center established, Southeast Extension Otis A. Singletary became Presrdent .
1909 A collection of books was moved into the Center established 1970 College of Library and Information Scrence
Carnegie Building and named University 1962 College of Dentistry admitted first class, established _ ‘
Library University Hospital opened 1976 College of Communications established,
1911 Henry S. Barker became President of State 1963 10h" w Oswald became President College Of Fine Arts °§t3b115hed .
. University 1964 Community College System established, 1979 Martin Center of Public Administration
1916 State University renamed University of Elizabethtown Community (201168": established ' .
Kentucky established, Prestonsburg Community 1982 University reorganized With a Central
1917 Frank McVey became President of University College established, College of Architecture Administration and three sectors headed by
of Kentucky, Graduate School established 65‘3““th Chancellors (Dexmgtqn Campus, Medical
I 1918 College of Engineering established 1965 Hopkinsville Community College established, Center, and Community COIICgC System)
‘ 1923 Colle e of Education established Somerset Community College established, 1984 LTI became Lexrngton Community College
1925 C u g “3 - dE . b]. h d Lexington Technical Institute (LTD 1986 Owensboro Community College established
0 ege o usmess an conomics esta 15 6 established
1941 Herman L. Donovan became Presrdent

 Mavsville o 2'.
Jefferson 1' i o Ashland V
Downtown 1
Southwest (30 Lexington i
O (3077.! Jnia/ersiisj of lien‘tuck; §
(3 Lexington Campus

0 Medical Center

0 P e t b
Henderson °Owensboro O Elizabethtown : r S ons urg
(a '
H ard O

O Madisonville 82
O . Somerset 0 0 Southeast “
' Paducah o Hopkinsville ,

, 0 Community Colleges
(3 University of Kentucky Research Farms

. Robinson Forest and Substations ,