Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: William B. Matthews family papers


The William B. Matthews family papers (dated 1894-1978, undated; 5.6 cubic feet; 12 boxes) comprise letters, papers, and photographs that document the work, educational, and life activities of an African-American family – William Matthews, his wife Ophelia, and their daughter Louise - and their friends and relatives in Georgia and Kentucky in the first half of the twentieth century.

Descriptive Summary

Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: William B. Matthews family papers
1894-1978, undated (inclusive)
5.6 Cubic Feet
African Americans -- Education.
African Americans -- Education (Higher)
African American college students -- History -- 20th century
African Americans -- Race identity
African Americans -- Segregation
African Americans -- Social conditions.
African American soldiers.
Education -- Kentucky -- Louisville
Great Depression
Women in education -- Kentucky.
World War, 1914-1918.
Collection is arranged alphabetically into three series: Correspondence, Papers, and Photographs. The Wade Hall Collection of American Letters has been processed into discrete collections based on provenance.
Finding Aid Author
Sarah Coblentz
Preferred Citation
2009ms132.0283: [identification of item], Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: William B. Matthews family papers, 1894-1978, undated, University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.
University of Kentucky

Collection Overview

Biography / History
William Baxter Matthews (1864-1940) was born in Houston County, Georgia (now Peach County) to Annie Head Matthews (d. 1866), and after her death was raised by his Baptist preacher stepfather. He was sent to school by his stepfather to learn the Bible better, attending rural schools, the Lewis High School in Mason, which later became the Ballard Normal School where Matthews did his preparatory work, and then entering Atlanta University where he received his A.B. degree in 1890. After graduation he earned a teachers license and spent time teaching in rural schools until he became principal of the Houston Street Public School in Atlanta, Georgia, where he remained for twenty years. In 1896, Matthews married Josephine Ophelia Beale (1874-1957), who was an accomplished teacher and assistant principal of Summer Hill School. In 1899, they welcomed their only child, Florida Louise Matthews (1899-1987). Matthews was heavily involved in his community, he was chairman for the committee of management for the Atlanta YMCA, a member of the Order of Freemasons, a Knight of Pythias, and an active member of the Congregational Church. In 1910, Matthews resigned from his position as principal and became a state agent for the North Carolina Mutual Insurance Company in the state of Georgia, however by 1912; he accepted a position as principal of the Central Colored High School in Louisville, Kentucky. Matthews was principal until his death in 1940, and the Matthews family remained in Louisville through Louise's death in 1987, as she never married.
American Letters collector Wade Hall (1934-2015) was a native of Union Springs, Alabama. Starting in 1962, he lived in Louisville, where he taught English and chaired the English and Humanities/Arts programs at Kentucky Southern College and Bellarmine University. He also taught at the University of Illinois and the University of Florida. He held degrees from Troy State University (B.S.), the University of Alabama (M.A.), and the University of Illinois (Ph.D.). He served for two years in the U.S. Army in the mid-fifties. Dr. Hall was the author of books, monographs, articles, plays, and reviews relating to Kentucky, Alabama, and Southern history and literature. His most recent books include A Visit with Harlan Hubbard; High Upon a Hill: A History of Bellarmine College; A Song in Native Pastures: Randy Atcher's Life in Country Music; and Waters of Life from Conecuh Ridge.
Scope and Content
The William B. Matthews family papers (dated 1894-1978, undated; 5.6 cubic feet; 12 boxes) comprise letters, papers, and photographs that document the work, educational, and life activities of an African-American family – William Matthews, his wife Ophelia, and their daughter Louise - and their friends and relatives in Georgia and Kentucky in the first half of the twentieth century. The Correspondence series consists of letters mainly sent to William, Ophelia, Louise, and Ophelia's mother Isabella Beale from educators and leaders in the black community, and their friends and family. The letters to William are organized by major correspondent where applicable and then the rest are identified as either personal or professional. Many of the professional letters include letters from applicants for vacant teaching positions, letters of support from applicant's references, requests for advice in operating schools, and requests for letters of support from Matthews for past students of his schools. The personal letters include letters from friends and family that discuss religion, education, World War I, the Great Depression, issues due to segregation, and the daily lives of the letter authors. Major correspondents include Edward T. Ware, president of Atlanta University 1907-1919; lawyer Peyton A. Allen, and G. R. Hutto, Grand Chancellor of the Knights of Pythias. These letters discuss operating matters for Atlanta University, business, insurance, the Knights of Pythias, and the state of education in the United States.
The letters to Ophelia Matthews come from family and friends, discussing other relatives/their children, social outings attended, personal health, and attending school. The letters to Louise Matthews come from family, friends and classmates, love interests, and professional contacts. These letters discuss classes taken and grades received, personal health, social activities, church participation, military service in World War I, the effects of the Great Depression, and information on teaching positions. Louise corresponds frequently with many people, including her parents Ophelia and William, soldier Willie F. Savoy, "brother" Harry B. Peters, and her cousins Julia Gaines, Florida Phillips, and Sol.
The Papers series include advertisements and tickets for social events, programs for concerts and presentations, school notebooks, financial information, speeches written by William Matthews, newsletters, reports, and newspaper clippings. The Photographs series include positive and negative images of the Matthews family and friends from the 1900s to the mid-1920s.
The William B. Matthews family papers are part of the Wade Hall Collection of American letters, which includes correspondence and diaries from all over North America covering the time period of the Civil to Korean Wars. The materials were collected by Wade Hall and document everyday men and women.

Restrictions on Access and Use

Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open to researchers by appointment.
Use Restrictions
The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.

Contents of the Collection

Correspondence, 1896-1978, undated

Personal letters to William B. Matthews, 1901-1908

  • Box 1, folder 1
To top

Personal letters to William B. Matthews, 1911-1916

  • Box 1, folder 2
To top

Personal letters to William B. Matthews, 1917-1919

  • Box 1, folder 3
To top

Personal letters to William B. Matthews, 1921-1929

  • Box 1, folder 4
To top

Personal letters to William B. Matthews, 1931-1937

  • Box 1, folder 5
To top

Personal letters to William B. Matthews, undated

  • Box 1, folder 6
To top

Professional letters to William B. Matthews, 1901-1906

  • Box 1, folder 7
To top

Professional letters to William B. Matthews, 1911-1915

  • Box 1, folder 8
To top

Professional letters to William B. Matthews, 1916

  • Box 1, folder 9
To top

Professional letters to William B. Matthews, 1917

  • Box 1, folder 10
To top

Professional letters to William B. Matthews, 1918-1919

  • Box 1, folder 11
To top

Professional letters to William B. Matthews, 1920-1925

  • Box 1, folder 12
To top

Professional letters to William B. Matthews, 1926-1928

  • Box 2, folder 1
To top

Professional letters to William B. Matthews, undated

  • Box 2, folder 2
To top

Peyton A. Allen to William B. Matthews, 1899-1930

  • Box 2, folder 3
To top

Isabella Beale to William B. Matthews, 1912

  • Box 2, folder 4
To top

J.B. Davis to William B. Matthews, 1916-1918

  • Box 2, folder 5
To top

J.W. Hamilton to William B. Matthews, 1921-1922

  • Box 2, folder 6
To top

G.R. Hutto to William B. Matthews, 1919-1919

  • Box 2, folder 7
To top

E.H. "Lige" Holmes to William B. Matthews, 1905-1928

  • Box 2, folder 8
To top

Josephine Ophelia Matthews to William B. Matthews, 1896-1928, undated

  • Box 2, folder 9-10
To top

Louise Matthews to William B. Matthews, 1911-1929

  • Box 2, folder 11
To top

C.C. Spaulding to William B. Matthews, 1911-1915

  • Box 2, folder 12
To top

Edward T. Ware to William B. Matthews, 1902-1921

  • Box 3, folder 1
To top

Atlanta University to William B. Matthews, 1902-1928

  • Box 3, folder 2
To top

YMCA letters to William B. Matthews, 1902-1926

  • Box 3, folder 3
To top

Letters to Ophelia Matthews, 1912-1918

  • Box 3, folder 4
To top

Letters to Ophelia Matthews, 1921-1929

  • Box 3, folder 5
To top

Letters to Ophelia Matthews, 1931-1957

  • Box 3, folder 6
To top

Letters to Ophelia Matthews, undated

  • Box 3, folder 7
To top

Letters to Ophelia Matthews, undated

  • Box 3, folder 8
To top

Letters from family to Ophelia Matthews, 1914-1953, undated

  • Box 3, folder 9
To top

Isabella Beale to Ophelia Matthews, 1901-1902, 1912, undated

  • Box 3, folder 10
To top

Letitia H. Hogan to Ophelia Matthews, 1922-1923, 1954-1955

  • Box 3, folder 11
To top

Louise Matthews to Ophelia Matthews, 1918-1944

  • Box 3, folder 12
To top

William B. Matthews to Ophelia Matthews, 1916-1922

  • Box 3, folder 13
To top

W. Albert Robinson to Ophelia Matthews, 1916-1927, undated

  • Box 3, folder 14
To top

Annie Day Shepard to Ophelia Matthews, 1916-1922, undated

  • Box 3, folder 15
To top

Letters to Louise Matthews, 1911-1915

  • Box 4, folder 1
To top

Letters to Louise Matthews, 1916

  • Box 4, folder 2
To top

Letters to Louise Matthews, 1917

  • Box 4, folder 3
To top

Letters to Louise Matthews, 1918

  • Box 4, folder 4
To top

Letters to Louise Matthews, 1919

  • Box 4, folder 5
To top

Letters to Louise Matthews, 1920

  • Box 4, folder 6
To top

Letters to Louise Matthews, 1921

  • Box 4, folder 7
To top

Letters to Louise Matthews, 1922

  • Box 4, folder 8
To top

Letters to Louise Matthews, 1923

  • Box 4, folder 9
To top

Letters to Louise Matthews, 1924

  • Box 5, folder 1
To top

Letters to Louise Matthews, 1925

  • Box 5, folder 2
To top

Letters to Louise Matthews, 1926-1929

  • Box 5, folder 3
To top

Letters to Louise Matthews, 1930-1939

  • Box 5, folder 4
To top

Letters to Louise Matthews, 1940-1947

  • Box 5, folder 5
To top

Letters to Louise Matthews, 1950-1958

  • Box 5, folder 6
To top

Letters to Louise Matthews, 1960-1969

  • Box 5, folder 7
To top

Letters to Louise Matthews, 1970-1978

  • Box 5, folder 8
To top

Letters to Louise Matthews, undated

  • Box 5, folder 9
To top

Letters to Louise Matthews from family, 1911-1918

  • Box 5, folder 10
To top

Isabella Beale to Louise Matthews, 1911, 1917, undated

  • Box 5, folder 11
To top

Bud to Louise Matthews, 1915-1926, undated

  • Box 5, folder 12
To top

Vinia Clayborne to Louise Matthews, 1921-1926, undated

  • Box 5, folder 13
To top

Edith H. Coate to Louise Matthews, 1913-1925, undated

  • Box 6, folder 1
To top

Tourgee DeBose to Louise Matthews, 1922-1923, undated

  • Box 6, folder 2
To top

Julia W. Gaines to Louise Matthews, 1913-1929

  • Box 6, folder 3
To top

Preston Gazaway to Louise Matthews, 1917-1920, undated

  • Box 6, folder 4
To top

Florence Gloster to Louise Matthews, 1922-1926, 1953, undated

  • Box 6, folder 5
To top

Susie M. Goin to Louise Matthews, 1915-1916, undated

  • Box 6, folder 6
To top

Suzanne "Sue" Y. Goin to Louise Matthews, 1918-1924, undated

  • Box 6, folder 7
To top

Ethel Howard to Louise Matthews, 1916-1928, 1958-1968, undated

  • Box 6, folder 8
To top

Josephine Ophelia Matthews to Louise Matthews, 1915-1943, undated

  • Box 6, folder 9-10
  • Box 7, folder 1-5
To top

William B. Matthews to Louise Matthews, 1914-1933

  • Box 7, folder 6-7
To top

Loring B. Moore to Louise Matthews, 1915-1925

  • Box 7, folder 8
To top

Willie E. Mosee to Louise Matthews, 1914-1920

  • Box 8, folder 1
To top

Victor H. Penman to Louise Matthews, 1919-1922, undated

  • Box 8, folder 2
To top

Harry B. Peters to Louise Matthews, 1916-1923, undated

  • Box 8, folder 3
To top

W. Albert Robinson to Louise Matthews, 1916-1919, 1935, 1962, undated

  • Box 8, folder 4
To top

"Neddie" Rucker to Louise Matthews, 1912-1916

  • Box 8, folder 5
To top

Willie F. Savoy to Louise Matthews, 1918-1925, undated

  • Box 8, folder 6-7
To top

Eloise Scott to Louise Matthews, 1911-1938

  • Box 8, folder 8
To top

Sol to Louise Matthews, 1913-1918

  • Box 8, folder 9
To top

Alzada S. to Louise Matthews, 1915-1922

  • Box 8, folder 10
To top

W.J. Wallis to Louise Matthews, 1918-1922, undated

  • Box 8, folder 11
To top

Roberta Tyler [Whedbie?] to Louise Matthews, 1915-1922, undated

  • Box 8, folder 12
To top

Josephine Ophelia Matthews to her mother, Isabella Beale, 1907-1910

  • Box 9, folder 1
To top

William B. Matthews to Isabella Beale, 1908

  • Box 9, folder 2
To top

Lizzie Simmons to Isabella Beale, 1911-1918

  • Box 9, folder 3
To top

Letters to Isabella Beale, 1914-1917

  • Box 9, folder 4
To top

Anniversary and wedding announcements, 1922-1929

  • Box 9, folder 5
To top

Christmas cards, 1919-1931, undated

  • Box 9, folder 6
To top

Commencement announcements, 1915-1923

  • Box 9, folder 7
To top

Easter cards, 1920-1922, undated

  • Box 9, folder 8
To top

Funeral announcements and sympathy cards, 1940, 1954, undated

  • Box 9, folder 9
To top

General letters, 1902-1929, 1947, undated

  • Box 9, folder 10
To top

Letters from William B. Matthews, 1901-1923

  • Box 9, folder 11
To top

Letters from Louise Matthews, 1920-1931, undated

  • Box 9, folder 12
To top

Postcards, 1905-1936, 1951-1958, undated

  • Box 9, folder 13
To top

Reception invitations, 1922, 1927, undated

  • Box 9, folder 14
To top

Papers, 1894-1971, undated

Advertisements, 1901, 1916-1928, undated

  • Box 9, folder 15
To top

Atlanta University, 1912-1928, undated

  • Box 9, folder 16
To top

Biographical material on Florida Louise Matthews, 1913, undated

  • Box 9, folder 17
To top

Biography of William B. Matthews, undated

  • Box 9, folder 18
To top

Business cards, undated

  • Box 9, folder 19
To top

Central High School, 1912-1929, undated

  • Box 9, folder 20
To top

Choir progams, 1966-1969

  • Box 10, folder 1
To top

Congregationalist church materials, 1923-1926

  • Box 10, folder 2
To top

Dance invitations and programs, 1920-1929, undated

  • Box 10, folder 3
To top

Film and theatre calendars and tickets, 1927-1928, undated

  • Box 10, folder 4
To top

Financial documents and receipts, 1894, 1910-1928, 1944-1971, undated

  • Box 10, folder 5
To top

Louise Matthews chemistry notebook, 1914-1915

  • Box 10, folder 6
To top

Meeting announcements and programs, 1912-1928, undated

  • Box 10, folder 7
To top

Membership cards, 1912-1923

  • Box 10, folder 8
To top

Negro Young People's Christian and Educational Congress contract, 1902 July 7

  • Box 10, folder 9
To top

Newsletters and reports, 1911-1926, undated

  • Box 10, folder 10
To top

Newspaper clippings, 1916-1927, undated

  • Box 10, folder 11
To top

Notes and notebook, undated

  • Box 10, folder 12
To top

Pamphlets, 1915-1929

  • Box 10, folder 13
To top

Poll tax fact sheet, undated

  • Box 10, folder 14
To top

Receital and concert programs, 1916-1928, undated

  • Box 10, folder 15
To top

Speeches given by William B. Matthews, undated

  • Box 10, folder 16
To top

Photographs, 1907-1925, undated

Unidentified young black man in a football uniform, caption reads: "Just me", undated

  • Box 11, item 1
To top

Two unidentified black men, caption reads: "Owaley is so tall, I made him sit down in order to get his feet", 1925 October 4

  • Box 11, item 2
To top

Unidentified black man in a field, caption reads: "try and laugh this off", 1925 October 4

  • Box 11, item 3
To top

Unidentified black man in a field, 1925 October 4

  • Box 11, item 4
To top

Unidentified young black man in a football uniform, caption reads: "on our gridiron", 1925 October 4

  • Box 11, item 5
To top

Two unidentified young black men in football uniforms, caption reads: "Ole long shot and myself", man on left identified as a fullback and man on right is identified as a guard, 1925 October 4

  • Box 11, item 6
To top

Two unidentified young black men in football uniforms, undated

  • Box 11, item 7
To top

Portrait of two unidentified young black women, possibly Annie Louise and Alzada, undated

  • Box 11, item 8
To top

Portrait of an unidentified young black woman, undated

  • Box 11, item 9
To top

Two unidentified young black women, undated

  • Box 11, item 10
To top

Group photo of three unidentified young black men and five young women, undated

  • Box 11, item 11
To top

Four unidentified young black women posing together, undated

  • Box 11, item 12
To top

Unidentified black man holding a dog in front of an unknown house, undated

  • Box 11, item 13
To top

Unidentified black man in a swimming costume, caption reads: "your brother", undated

  • Box 11, item 14
To top

Unidentified young black woman, undated

  • Box 11, item 15
To top

Group photo of unidentified men and women, undated

  • Box 11, item 16
To top

Group photo of unidentified black men and women, undated

  • Box 11, item 17
To top

Group photo of unidentified black men and women, undated

  • Box 11, item 18
To top

Unidentified young black woman holding a camera, undated

  • Box 11, item 19
To top

Unidentified young black man and woman holding each other, undated

  • Box 11, item 20
To top

Unidentified group of black women sitting on steps, undated

  • Box 11, item 21
To top

Unidentified group of black women sitting on porch, undated

  • Box 11, item 22
To top

Unidentified black man with a dog on a leash, undated

  • Box 11, item 23
To top

Negative of a group photo of five unidentified black men and women, undated

  • Box 11, item 24
To top

Negative of a group photo of six unidentified black men and women, undated

  • Box 11, item 25
To top

Negative of an unidentified black man with two black women, undated

  • Box 11, item 26
To top

Negative of three unidentified black women, undated

  • Box 11, item 27
To top

Negative of unidentified black man with two black women, undated

  • Box 11, item 28
To top

Negative of unidentified men and women in graduation regalia, circa 1919

  • Box 11, item 29
To top

Negative of unidentified man and woman, circa 1919

  • Box 11, item 30
To top

Negative of unidentified elderly woman in a park, circa 1919

  • Box 11, item 31
To top

Negative of an unidentified woman lying in a field, circa 1919

  • Box 11, item 32
To top

Negative of entryway of unknown house, circa 1919

  • Box 11, item 33
To top

Negative of two unidentified men in front of an ivy-covered wall, circa 1919

  • Box 11, item 34
To top

Overexposed negative, circa 1919

  • Box 11, item 35
To top

Negative of two unidentified women sitting on porch steps, circa 1919

  • Box 11, item 36
To top

Unidentified young boy in a yard, undated

  • Box 11, item 37
To top

Negative of unidentified woman sitting on a wall, undated

  • Box 11, item 38
To top

Negative of unidentified woman sitting on a wall, undated

  • Box 11, item 39
To top

Negative of unidentified woman sitting on a wall, undated

  • Box 11, item 40
To top

Negative of two unidentified women, undated

  • Box 11, item 41
To top

Negative of two unidentified women, undated

  • Box 11, item 42
To top

Negative of unidentified woman sitting on steps, undated

  • Box 11, item 43
To top

Negative of two unidentified women sitting on a wall, undated

  • Box 11, item 44
To top

Negative of two unidentified women, undated

  • Box 11, item 45
To top

Negative of two unidentified women sitting on steps, undated

  • Box 11, item 46
To top

Portrait of an unidentified young black woman, undated

  • Box 11, item 47
To top

Portrait of an unidentified black woman, undated

  • Box 11, item 48
To top

Portrait of an unidentified young black woman, undated

  • Box 11, item 49
To top

Portrait of an unidentified young black woman, undated

  • Box 11, item 50
To top

Portrait of two unidentified black women, undated

  • Box 11, item 51
To top

Portrait of an unidentified young black woman, caption reads: "Louise", undated

  • Box 11, item 52
To top

Portrait of an unidentified young black woman, undated

  • Box 11, item 53
To top

Portrait of an unidentified young black woman, undated

  • Box 11, item 54
To top

Negative of an unidentified woman, undated

  • Box 11, item 55
To top

Negative of three unidentified women seated on a bench, undated

  • Box 11, item 56
To top

Negative of three unidentified women seated on a bench, undated

  • Box 11, item 57
To top

Negative of view of body of water, undated

  • Box 11, item 58
To top

Negative of unidentified man and woman, undated

  • Box 11, item 59
To top

Negative of five unidentified women in a park, undated

  • Box 11, item 60
To top

Negative of an unidentified man and woman seated on a bench, undated

  • Box 11, item 61
To top

Negative of an unidentified man and two women seated on a bench, undated

  • Box 11, item 62
To top

Negative of view of water over railing of boat, undated

  • Box 11, item 63
To top

Negative of two unidentified women, undated

  • Box 11, item 64
To top

Negative of two unidentified persons in graduation regalia, undated

  • Box 11, item 65
To top

Negative of an unidentified woman pointing to unidentified man lying underneath a tree, undated

  • Box 11, item 66
To top

Negative of an unidentified woman, undated

  • Box 11, item 67
To top

Negative of an unidentified woman sticking her head out a window, undated

  • Box 11, item 68
To top

Negative of group photo of unidentified women, undated

  • Box 11, item 69
To top

Negative of three unidentified women, undated

  • Box 11, item 70
To top

Negative of two unidentified persons in graduation regalia, undated

  • Box 11, item 71
To top

Negative of an unidentified woman, undated

  • Box 11, item 72
To top

Negative of three unidentified women in a park, undated

  • Box 11, item 73
To top

Negative of an unidentified woman in a field, undated

  • Box 11, item 74
To top

Negative of two unidentified women in a park, undated

  • Box 11, item 75
To top

Negative of an unidentified person in graduation regalia, undated

  • Box 11, item 76
To top

Negative of four unidentified women, undated

  • Box 11, item 77
To top

Negative of an unidentified man and woman, undated

  • Box 11, item 78
To top

Negative of an unidentified man and woman, undated

  • Box 11, item 79
To top

Negative of two unidentified persons in graduation regalia, undated

  • Box 11, item 80
To top

Negative of a crowd in a field, undated

  • Box 11, item 81
To top

Negative of a crowd watching a baseball game, undated

  • Box 11, item 82
To top

Negative of an unidentified man and two women, undated

  • Box 11, item 83
To top

Negative of three unidentified women, undated

  • Box 11, item 84
To top

Portrait of an unidentified young black woman, undated

  • Box 12, item 85
To top

Portrait of an unidentified young black woman, undated

  • Box 12, item 86
To top

Portrait of Jean Frederic Yaues, undated

  • Box 12, item 87
To top

Portrait of Cleopatra, undated

  • Box 12, item 88
To top

Exterior of Unitarian Church in West Newtown, Massachusetts, undated

  • Box 12, item 89
To top

Portrait of an unidentified black child standing next to a potted plant, undated

  • Box 12, item 90
To top

Portrait of an unidentified young black man, undated

  • Box 12, item 91
To top

Photo strip [L to R]

Two unidentified young black women, undated

  • Box 12, item 92
To top

Portrait of an unidentified black woman, undated

  • Box 12, item 93
To top

Portrait of an unidentified black woman, undated

  • Box 12, item 94
To top

Portrait of an unidentified black woman, undated

  • Box 12, item 95
To top

Portrait of an unidentified black woman, undated

  • Box 12, item 96
To top

Photo strip [L to R]

Two unidentified young black women, undated

  • Box 12, item 97
To top

Unidentified young black woman posing with a racket, undated

  • Box 12, item 98
To top

Unidentified young black woman, undated

  • Box 12, item 99
To top

Unidentified young black woman, undated

  • Box 12, item 100
To top

Unidentified young black woman, undated

  • Box 12, item 101
To top

Photo strip [L to R]

Unidentified young black woman, undated

  • Box 12, item 102
To top

Two unidentified young black women, undated

  • Box 12, item 103
To top

Unidentified young black woman, undated

  • Box 12, item 104
To top

Unidentified young black woman posing with a racket, undated

  • Box 12, item 105
To top

Unidentified young black woman, undated

  • Box 12, item 106
To top

Portrait of an unidentified black baby, note on back reads: "With love, Fannie Louise Allen", undated

  • Box 12, item 107
To top

Portrait of an unidentified woman, undated

  • Box 12, item 108
To top

Portrait of an unidentified young black girl in front of a house, undated

  • Box 12, item 109
To top

Portrait of an unidentified black toddler, undated

  • Box 12, item 110
To top

Portrait of an unidentified young black man in graduation regalia, undated

  • Box 12, item 111
To top

Portrait of an unidentified young black girl and baby, note on back reads: "from Julia and Anna Elizabeth Madison, to Mrs. Matthews", undated

  • Box 12, item 112
To top

Portrait of an unidentified black man in graduation regalia, undated

  • Box 12, item 113
To top

Portrait of an unidentified young black boy, undated

  • Box 12, item 114
To top

Three unidentified black women posing with a cow, undated

  • Box 12, item 115
To top

Portrait of an unidentified white woman {India?], note on back reads: "Lovingly, India", undated

  • Box 12, item 116
To top

Portrait of an unidentified white woman, undated

  • Box 12, item 117
To top

Portrait of an unidentified baby, undated

  • Box 12, item 118
To top

Portrait of an unidentified young black boy, undated

  • Box 12, item 119
To top

Portrait of India DeLaine [L] and Moses [R], 1912 February 14

  • Box 12, item 120
To top

Portrait of an unidentified young black boy, undated

  • Box 12, item 121
To top

Portrait of an unidentified young black woman [Leonora?], note on back reads: "To Louise, Love Leonora", undated

  • Box 12, item 122
To top

Portrait of an unidentified baby, undated

  • Box 12, item 123
To top

Portrait of three unidentified women, undated

  • Box 12, item 124
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Portrait of an unidentified white man, undated

  • Box 12, item 125
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Portrait of an unidentified young black girl, undated

  • Box 12, item 126
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Portrait of Winfred Octavus Bryson, Jr. as an infant, note on back reads: "To Aunt Ophelia and Uncle Will from Winfred Octavus Bryson, Jr. (4-20-15)-(7-27-15)", 1915 July 27

  • Box 12, item 127
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Portrait of an unidentified young girl holding books on stair, undated

  • Box 12, item 128
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Portrait of an unidentified young black girl [Margaret?] reading a book, undated

  • Box 12, item 129
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Portrait of an unidentified young black man, undated

  • Box 12, item 130
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Portrait of an unidentified black man, 1907

  • Box 12, item 131
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Portrait of two unidentified young black men, note on back reads: "To my devoted Aunt. From Sol.", 1914 January 7

  • Box 12, item 132
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Portrait of an unidentified young black man, undated

  • Box 12, item 133
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Portrait of Euphrasia, undated

  • Box 12, item 134
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Exterior of an unknown house, undated

  • Box 12, item 135
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Portrait of an unidentified black toddler, note reads: "Dear Ophelia, Accept with best wishes, Mayme", 1907

  • Box 12, item 136
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Portrait of an unidentified black man, undated

  • Box 12, item 137
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Portrait of an unidentified black family, man and woman with infant; note on back reads: "R.M. Thompson, Jr, born Jan. 5, 1915", 1915 June 3

  • Box 12, item 138
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Portrait of an unidentified white woman and child, undated

  • Box 12, item 139
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Portrait of an unidentified black man standing next to a seated white woman who is reading a book, undated

  • Box 12, item 140
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Portrait of an unidentified black woman, undated

  • Box 12, item 141
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Portrait of an unidentified young black woman, undated

  • Box 12, item 142
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Portrait of an unidentified young woman, undated

  • Box 12, item 143
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Portrait of Lester B. in military uniform, undated

  • Box 10, folder 17, item 144
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You may come across language in UK Libraries Special Collections Research Center collections and online resources that you find harmful or offensive. SCRC collects materials from different cultures and time periods to preserve and make available the historical record. These materials document the time period when they were created and the view of their creator. As a result, some may demonstrate racist and offensive views that do not reflect the values of UK Libraries.

If you find description with problematic language that you think SCRC should review, please contact us at SCRC@uky.edu.

UK Libraries Special Collections Research Center is open Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm. Appointments are encouraged but not required. Schedule an appointment here.

Researchers must have an SCRC Researcher Account to request materials. View account set-up and use instructions here.

Questions? Contact SCRC via our Contact Form.


No items have been requested.

You may come across language in UK Libraries Special Collections Research Center collections and online resources that you find harmful or offensive. SCRC collects materials from different cultures and time periods to preserve and make available the historical record. These materials document the time period when they were created and the view of their creator. As a result, some may demonstrate racist and offensive views that do not reflect the values of UK Libraries.

If you find description with problematic language that you think SCRC should review, please contact us at SCRC@uky.edu.