xt7dr785mm52 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dr785mm52/data/mets.xml United States Housing Authority 1940 v.: ill.; 29-40 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 3.7: 1/45 journals English Washington, D.C.: Federal Works Agency, U.S. Housing Authority: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Housing Publications United States Housing Authority -- Periodicals Public housing -- United States -- Periodicals Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing June 18, 1940 text Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing June 18, 1940 1940 2019 true xt7dr785mm52 section xt7dr785mm52 mus. - ’ , ,, . i, [1/ \J ' 7 ”r" \ I}; W'WWFWFW 2277222 W 2 17’ 2 WWW 2 :2 WWW/VN’W’wMfi’Métm‘”"”"2’2"/”2‘”’2‘23”'2 ' 2W2W22’22‘W22’2’W 222222222222 ”Y 2 222 2222 22222“; 22222%:2 2? 2 2 2 2 :22 22 ’2 262222222“ 222’ 2 ’27 '2122 ‘2 ’22? it":‘WWWJQE/flifithfli’vfitfi 92 22 2 2 22’2” 22 2 222/2”W 322 2’2 2: 22L 22 2 2 a: é 22%“.2222222‘22’22’22ghéd; 2” 2 4.12 22‘: 2 2 2222 22 22g2f2ffl2222’2’22 if 2 W 2/2 ’2” ’ ’222/2‘9212 2” ’2 "f’2’22’2xZ’ftct/f2f2’fl’72g’t’gw2‘2a2flw ”W” ”5" ”4’1égww’fi _ 52” ll '1 ' 2’” 2’2 2.2,? ’2 t 12’ 2 2 2/. ” 2/522””21222222222721222w2’fi7222w2; ’2“1422W;2o"~:2f?”’2’£§.fi 2 2" 2’22: 2”22/2’222%2222222/222’222t28wflgéa’22:2W223t22‘w 2' - ““2 $221222 22,» <22 ‘/ 2:22 17;“ :2 222222232122222222Wflwfi‘27WW 222'Wwfiifl2’fi ,2 We: ‘2 s2 ’52 22 ’22 ”:23 ”2.2“ 2’122’22/22292’22’2’22‘222’2‘2’2’23‘2225“ “mw’d‘thXWW : 22“”“2‘; 2“’22a2%2%22%’2%2%wa2222,2222H . ; 22,22“201211521102””Wfiflt’ffist’mmmfi222%,22egfjefim2jag; .r ,1...12.2.2222Mmmewawfi22222We2222222222‘2.222222% 22.2222w22wf’m3 _______________—_______________————-— Federal Works Agency - John M. Carmody, Administrator Vol.1, No.45 - June18, 1940 U. S. Housing Authority - Nathan Straus, Administrator M H S 11 ' T ' t. ope Ina est own Wton [irOJect Sets Low Record I ' I u Wlth Housmg hole“ ‘11 Cost of Annual Contribution With the completion this summer of Sta- dium Terrace, 70-1111it low-rent housing When Cuney Homes, USHA—aided project be the constant, and the subsidy the variable. development in MOUN'C HOPE, W2 Va. (P01): in Houston, Tex., is open to tenants some The local authority’s first task will be to dis- 22750); the little W951? Virginia tOWII Will be- time in July, Uncle Sam’s contribution per cover the existing rental market—what fam- - 001116 the smallest C0111111‘-1111t.‘,’ 311 the United family will be $6.57 per month or $1.52 per ilies now living in substandard housing actu- States to have a USHA—aided PUbliC housing week—the lowest Federal subsidy achieved ally are paying. With this factor as the project. to date on any USHA-aided project. constant, the amount of subsidy will be cal— ‘ To those who are accustomed to associate The phenomenally low annual subsidy of culated to bridge the gap between the rental low-rent housing and slum clearance with 1.862 percent of the development cost of the the tenant can pay and the rental he would large metropolitan cities such as New York, project for Cuney Homes nearly halves the pay if the entire cost of the development the Mount Hope project will serve as a re— maximum subsidy (3.5 percent) permitted were to be amortized from rent alone. In minder that housing for the lower income under the United States Housing Act. It practically every case, this will mean a re— » groups is a problem which confronts all com— was achieved after months of careful study duction in subsidy from the Federal Govern- munities, regardless of size. on the part of USHA officials, and indicates ment. At the same time, it will tend to keep The sturdily built, two—story duplex frame an important advance in the Authority’s project rentals about the same or slightly houses which make up the project are de— financial policy. On the basis of the maxi- below what low-income families pay for sub- signed for the families of miners employed mum Federal subsidy, the monthly Federal standard housing. In Houston, the local in the nearby coal mines. Because Mount contribution for each family would have authority has been studying the problem of Hope is a one-industry community, it was been $12.36. subsidy reduction for months, and has given necessary, before the project could be ap— Originally, due to a lack of complete in- USHA oflicials complete cooperation. proved, that there be some reasonable as— formation on local rental markets and to a The annual incomes of the Negro fam- surance that the coal industry in Mount desire to attain the lowest rentals possible, ilies admitted to the Houston project are Hope will continue to provide employment contracts called for the maximum sub— expected to average only $618 a year as com— during the 60-year amortization period of sidy permitted under the law. More and pared with the $758 annual average income the project. Following a study of the re- more, however, USHA and local officials of Negro families living in substandard sources of the mines, it was disclosed that have been impressed with the fact that Fed- housing throughout the city. Project ten— the Mount Hope coal fields and those in the eral subsidies might well be lowered and ants will pay an average shelter rental of adjoining county should be workable for rents still kept within reach of the lowest only $18.03 a month; whereas Negro fam- approximately 125 years. income groups. ilies living in substandard housing in Hous- . In order to cut cost of the project to the Until a few months ago the maximum an- ton pay an average shelter rental of $16.34. minimum, the city of Mount Hope gave the nual contribution from the Federal Govern- Thus both rentals and incomes in the proj— local authority excellent cooperation. The ment was considered a constant factor by ect fall well within the low—rent housing site of the project was donated by the city; means of which rents could be driven down market for the city as established by the (Continued on page ,1) as low as possible. In future, the rental will local authority’s thorough going survey. This housing project, which provides new homes for 70 , . f2, 1 2 ' , ‘ . ' _ - - low-income families, marks blount Hope, W". Va., as ' ‘ " "*V ‘ . ‘ V‘ - i one of the most progressive small towns in the country. 7 ’ l 5 2 2 . g “’3- ”: :.=-”x=...=» :As22» ' . l” l ‘ 2 I "I 2 ’- 2f , :" . i 1V. i . i I :i ' A . l i V' I .. ””7' ,K'i . . ' a . ' . . (ff: 2 " ’ ' t: “ ’ ’1 1- . -- ._ 4‘15”“: 3 E 3:2.”2“ ' ‘3” “W” i 1| J 22222? ”I "’1’" W ‘ . 1m stilt} w g 2’ I " ~' a 2 . $2 22 2 2% ,_ _, WWW“ *x‘e‘efi‘fl mtg, “a? :22 wwlmfi2“ ~22 22» 4 . - H 2"?“ w”... “2’2" 1 ‘ UK memes 2 2 . . . i o _- . o 9’ . Judge J. R. King Upholds Rent-111001116 Relal101151111J "Housmg and Welfare ; 1110‘ . , Columbus Contract suble“ Of Recent Meet 0 Publlshed by USHA I Meeting in Washington recently, a group - Judge «101111 R- King, Of the Court Of Com— of local housing experts, including Dr. Edith “Housing and Welfare,” recently pub- i mon Pleas 0f Franklin County, recently “1* Elmer Wood, well—known writer, and Dr. B. lished USHA booklet, is the report of a sur— held the validity 0f the contract between the J. Hovde, Administrator of the Housing vey (first of its kind to be undertaken) con- . city 0f Columbus, Ohio, and the Columbus Authority of the City of Pittsburgh, dis— cerning the relationships between public . , . ‘ Metropolitan Housing Authority f01‘ three cussed a new approach to rents and incomes. welfare and public housing agencies. Con— more low—rent housing projects in the CitY- Although details of the new policy have ducted by USHA in cooperation with the The decision was made in e Shit bTOUg‘ht not yet been finally approved, at least two Social Security Board, the survey was un- by City Attorney JOhh 11- Davies, at the re- important suggestions were made: (1) That dertaken “in the belief that public welfare 01119513 0f Thomas J- POttS, taxpayer, seeking in every community applying for USHA as- and housing officials are seeking the same to declare VOid an ordinance passed by city sistance, a thorough analysis of the current goal, namely, an adequate standard of liv— 001111011 covering various services the city is rental market should be made in accordance ing for all persons who are unable to obtain to furnish without COSt. with approved techniques; and (2) that for themselves the minimum necessities.” The Shit attacked the furnishing 0f ShCh an attempt should be made to allocate units Findings of the study are presented under services as fire, POhCG 311d health, street which are inevitably more desirable, be- three main headings: A—The housing situ- maintenance, 311d garbage 311d refuse collec— cause of differences in outlook and attrac- ation of relief and public assistance recip— tiOh, WithOUt COSt; and the privilege 0f build— tiveness of layout, to the higher rent grades, ients; B—What has been done about the ing WithOUt payment 0f building and inspec- and those which are relatively less attrac— housing of relief and public assistance recip— tiOh fees. Judge King, in denying Davies tive to the lower rent grades. ients; and C—Major problems in the hous- the relief sought and ordering the petition According to a preliminary statement ing of relief and public assistance recipients dismissed, said: which eventually will become a revision of which confront both housing and welfare ‘ “The evidence discloses the need in the Bulletin No. 24, Establishing Rent Sc/zed— officials. city for slum clearance and also for houses ulcs for USHA—Aided Projects, “With rents Conclusions are separated into two main V, of low rent. The authority, by its contract, established according to the needs of low- divisions: A—What can welfare agencies 9 agrees to furnish houses to families with income families and with annual expenses do? and B—What can housing authorities ‘ low income, and the city agrees in the coop- held to the lowest possible amounts, it has do? The answers are stated in terms of eration contract to eliminate houses which been found that few, if any, projects immediate and long—time programs for both are detrimental to the safety, health, and require the maximum annual contribution types of agencies. morals of the community. The two objects . . . and that most projects will require An extensive, annotated bibliography is here indicated are concomitant.” very much less than full subsidy.” appended to the report, together with a —————-—-————— “List of National, State, and local agencies, 9 O C O ‘ _ ,,' . ‘ ' Harvard lees Course In Reglonal Plannlng 3331,13,:33Hgggee’ ”Deemed ‘Vlth housmg A new course in Regional Planning is be- land use; soil conservation, including re- In the “Foreword,” signed by Nathan ing Offered for the first time this summer forestation; flood control, including compre— Straus, USHA Administrator, and Oscar M. in the Harvard University Summer School hensive water planning; transportation (all Powell, Executive Director, 800131 Security by the Department of Fine Arts. To be forms); zoning, with an introduction to Board, the purpose behind the study is d15- known as Fine Arts 87c, the course will county zoning; housing, or the design of res— cussed. . . count as related work in Government, Geog— idential areas, under both private and public “In the extension 0f each program—hous- raphy, and Urban Sociology. initiative; recreation; public works pro— ing and social security—the establishment The lecture schedule will include: gramming and budgeting; fiscal policy. 0f the legal right to disburse security bene— lNTRODUCTION.——-Natu1‘e and Scope of Course. IV. THE PRACTICE OF REGIONAL PLANNING fits and to construct public housing has been I. GENERAL THEORY OF REGIONAL PLANNING. As REVEALED IN THE WORK OF SE— only the first hurdle. The real task has II. THE METHOD OF REGIONAL PLANNING. LECTED AGENCIES. been and will continue to be the establish— Surveys, presentation of survey data, National, regional, State, and local plan- ment and maintenance of standards on which analysis of problems, design of possible ning by such agencies as The National Re— these programs can be soundly and efficiently solutions, provision for administration of sources Planning Board, The New England administered. recommended solutions. Regional Planning Commission, The Ten— “Through the joint efforts of persons in- 111. APPLICATION OF THE METHOD OF RE— nessee Valley Authority, The Massachusetts terested in these two fields, we may discover GIONAL PLANNING T0 SPECIFIC PROB— State Planning Board, The Boston Metro— the answer to the problem of adequate pub- LEMS. politan District Commission, and The New lic assistance standards which include ade- Land use, with an introduction to urban York City Planning Commission. quate housing for all.” 9 ‘H : ' ' v ' - ,"3 . ‘. A'- ‘ ’g. ’ A , ‘ bk V 1"... arm“: Mr, “’53’1‘9 «483* " ' IQ" ( x I“? “film/M . ' ”*1 . :Prw ,. ‘ v.3“ ’ / -.' . i f ##1’539’ >9 .. M '/ ,.-’ v1 \\.~ dw‘ ‘9 f “€59 ,2»; , f » a”; 31' ,3"! {'9 ' _ ,g.’£uf’ ‘9 ~ a”. Eli"- ;f' QTVQV a}; , \NCT 559$“); * as??? _ ,9. '1, “.rfi‘ mi" ., ,y‘ y- 5.: ,, ,o L gaff 1.; ’w' . x i ,7 ‘,f§VU, > a ”W ‘ “fives Y 35‘. ., t3 w a: ,~ . ~ ,. ,.\ "',';..>' ., 7%; a We?» 95% . ~ " x , . “ .ru =2, ., > ,r' ,fi’w n" ‘ r' , ‘« 3'; V. ‘ ‘.-'.. ‘ . ‘5‘ "‘ “ L914, t’r " wish/é“ (5:; 5 ’ " ' a "i", , T "‘ 3‘», 752’ , s- {39, fl / . is my“, . " .. m? s “:5 --$""‘ ass M _- l ., ~~-”%Tw:2?t*_§~i%fifi%file E”: , ' ”Aswaaawmia Ma" r, 1 ' “N as. E l 1 elf; “3%; i n: ii ft “ 6 3%:%.:~ , , “WM 5 -, as» 9 ‘ Z A , . . . “55:? ’ ; flyi'a-«siié : .Z 3-3:: I . : figgfi _ . 1 *’ V, ; ar’t ' find- L 122...“: W5T*""~"7i-—F‘i smug; Wifi-es E15? _ ,- {it They will cost Uncle Sam less by nearly one-half. Dwellings under construction on the Cuney Homes project in Houston, Tex., where the Federal subsidy is only 1.862% of development cost; legal maximum subsidy is 3.5%. 2 i ! l ‘1 Rents and Incomes Average rents and family incomes: USHA-aided projects for which manage- i . ment resolutions have been approved by the Administrator and adopted by . 4:9 PrOJCCt Averages the local houSIng authority, as of June 10, 19401 i This week, PUBLIC HOUSING starts the M publication of average rents and incomes as ll nb Average “mail“? . ‘ ~ ‘ . er of monthlv . they are established in the management res— Regmr" my, and prom” llflllng Shelter “int iriilmly - . . olutions adopted by local housing authori— um S "”33““ anliélillilcd ties. It is planned to publish this informa— ' mpmjm tion periodically upon the receipt of the nec- “W _ 7 r ’ " _ i i if '7 "if *7 Ci“ essary data from local authorities. T 1 . . C l i _ ' Since the USHA regions do not lend ota a all rcglons (49 PrOJectS)——>» 10, 343 5313- 33 $782 themselves readily to statistical reporting it North Atlantic_______o_,,,, i W was decided to establish geographical i'e— , _ ‘ ,— flfl i gions which would be comparable with other IIEllzabctli (A J_3:1) Mm‘Yle mailm— “""'"‘“""“"""’"""" 423 14' 74" 868 statistical data published by the Federal {of}? Eligrcjiéhikgjgl) gal:filc,kl(50111t‘ 1.27 12‘ 92 925 Government, With this in mind the various halal: A: — ) A; 1 ~ 0" ( Ln ‘LOL11t___.-_________,___._____________ 830 17' 86 1’ 000 r . Xenailx (hJ—2~2) lennlngton Court--______c__c___,__c______________ 236 13 79 ‘ States have been grouped accordlng‘ to the Newark (NJ—2%» Stephen Crane Villagec______c__,,_,____________ 354 17‘ 7" l 86% regions used for many years by the U. S. North Bergen (NJ—4—1) Meadow Vicvaillagc"_o_,_____._______:: 172 13- 73 ’90-; Census Bureau. A minor exception is that Trenton (NJa5—1) Lincoln Homes 118 11: 06 3?? information for New York, Pennsylvania, Trenton (15'2“5_2) M3301: Donnell," H0111C5--—-»-—--——~---~----—-—v 376 l5- 47 (927 and New Jersey will be reported under the Blltfalo (§1}_2_1) Lal{e\'1e\;'__,,__m,,4.i.,l_____“_c_,,_u_,_o."Wm 668 13- 35 850 _ heading “North Atlantic States” rather Bugaj“ lid—3:? glnm‘t 1"” 173 12- 91 750 than under the Census heading of “Middle S‘Ell.r3l?qé‘(N§_71_)]) $113310%1011f(PUH‘ 7-22 13' 22 825 Atlantic Stat§s'” The Census group 0f Utica (ELY—64) Adrean 'l(iildllnci_:—fi-“~V- gig lg ii 8:34 l4 f‘Soutl‘i Atlantic States" has been subdivided Yonkers (NY‘CSAI) Mnlford Gardens_ 532 IE). 65 l :98 ‘ into Middle Atlantic States” and “South Allentown (PA—44) HanovcrACICs_ 322 13 99 ‘878 Atlantic States.” It will, of course, be pos- Pittsburgh (PA—k1) Terrace \r’illage L-«~-~—~~-~—~———~————--——. ] - sible to conlbine data for these two regions glttSbUth (PA—1&2) liedford IglveulngS—u-uuv--~--—~~N~~7-~—~ 3r 073 15- 61 778 m order to make comparison with Census 01. lttsburgh