xt7dr785mp07 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dr785mp07/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-04-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 17, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 17, 1975 1975 1975-04-17 2020 true xt7dr785mp07 section xt7dr785mp07 Thursday. April l7. I975


Vol. LXVl No. 147 . 6'

an independent student newspaper

University explains
civic center position

Managing Editor
The l'niversity's position in the current
controversy over use of the Lexington
Civic Center was explained in a five—page
“otficial statement" released Wednesday.
In the statement. the l'niversity ex
plained its role from the beginning of the
negotiations. countered recent criticisms
of the l'niversity's role in the project and
offered three options to the parties in

’I‘lll‘i t‘t)\'l‘|tti\ tilt.“ arose last week
when the l'rban County Council and
Lexington Mayor Foster l’ettit publicly
opposed any restrictions on the use of the

l K l’resident titis‘ Singletary then
released details of an interim agreement
negotiated lsst .luly between the
l niversity and the Center
Corporation vl.l‘t' ._
tor the $46 million CHM”
agreement. which expired \lari-h it.
restricted the number of professional
games that could he played in the center to
seven per year and stipulated that none of

the controlling body
center The

those games could be played during l'K s
regular season
The Kentucky
Louisville which
Memorial ('oliseum last season. then with
drew its request to play any games in the

based in

t‘olonels. an
ASSIit‘lillliHl team
played six games in

t'l\'l(' C(‘lllPl‘ ttl' lllt‘ (‘ttlle'lllll

|\ 'l'llr'. \\l§l)\f{.\l)\\' statement. the
l mversity said it was willing to resume
negotiations with LCC. based on a 1972
letter of intent and the interim agreement

tut other options available to the parties
involved in the negotiations. according to
the statement. are'

To temporarily suspend negotiations
so l.(‘(‘ may explore with other groups.
including professional teams the
possibility of securing a financial
arrangement already agreed to by the
l niversity

—— ALIA)“ 'l‘llI‘I Lexington Civic Center
Board to abrogate all agreements and

negotiations with l‘K. This would give LCC
the freedom to schedule any activity on
any date and let the l'niversity play home
games in Memorial Coliseum.

The l'niversity abandoned plans to
expand Memorial Coliseum in 1972 when it
was approached by representatives of the
civic center. according to the statement

Because the l'niversity agreed to play
its home games in the center. the original
plans for the center were changed to make
the tacihty larger The maior feason for
w anting the center for l’K basketball
games. according to the statement. was to
provide "additional seats for many avid
\\ ildcat tans w ho are not currently able to
attend regular season home basketball

games ”

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