xt7dv40jtg0n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dv40jtg0n/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19261217 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December 17, 1926 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 17, 1926 1926 2012 true xt7dv40jtg0n section xt7dv40jtg0n fJHl '-v THE KENTUCKY KERNEL MERRY CHRISTMAS UNIVERSITY LEXINGTON, VOLUME XVII OF HAPPY NEW KENTUCKY YEAR NUMBER 13 KY., DECEMBER 17, 1926 'CATS OPEN NET SEASON WITH BEARCATS k .trustees; u. Warning Issued CONFER DEGREES ON 74 STUDENTS Advises Against Missing Classes Christmas holidays begin one-tent- Board Hears Report on Will of the Late Dr. James K. Patterson ht (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) Y. M.-- W. TO BE Y. HOSTS TO 1IDS Children of Lincoln School Will Be Guests at Christmas Party on University Campus BIG 'N'EVER'THING TREE For the last few years the custom has been observed and will be this year of having a Christmas tree on the University of Kentucky campus for the students of the university to share their Christmas with the children who have not the opportunity to enjoy the pleasure of Christmas in other ways. This year the Christmas tree ex ercises will be held on December 21, at 3 o'clock. The exercises are spon sored by the Y. W. C. A. and the Y. M. C. A. of the University of Ken tucky. The first, second, and third grades of the Lincoln school have been selected by the committee as the ones to enjoy with them the Christmas party. Every child's name is procured and suitable gifts are selected for them. In addition each child re ceives an orange, apple and package of candy. A large tree will be dec orated with Christmas emblems and wired with incandescent lights of green and red. The committee in charge of preparations is composed of Irene Morgan, In accordance with the; usual custom of the paper, this issue will be the last published before The the Christmas holidays. next issue will appear on the campus the Friday morning following the resumption of school on Tuesday, January 4. The Kernel takes thi3 opportunity to extend to student body and Wed- Students missing either the last class before or the first class after h the holidays will have taken off their standings. Older students at the university are acquainted with this penalty for missing the last class before or first class after the holidays, but this penalty is not always understood by new students. Consequent-- y the registrar's office issues this warning to all students not to miss these classes, j NAME BASKETBALL COACH right-of-wa- Next Issue Will Be Published January 7, 1927 nesday, December 22, at noon and end Tuesday morning, January 4, 1927, according to an announcement made by the registrar's office. ht The University Board of Trustees, meeting in session Tuesday, December 13, conferred 74 degrees on recommendation of the university senate. Forty-eigstudents will receive bachelor degrees and six, master defollowing announcement The grees. Miss of honor students was made: Frieda Heller and Mr". James Long, "with high distinction," and Mr. Gordon Pennbaker and Misses Virginia Estill and Marion Elizabeth Parsons, "with distinction." At the same meeting the board disposed of considerable other business. The offer of an annual medal from the Southern Society of New York City, to be given to the student who makes the most progress during his college career, was accepted, and the society was voted thanks for its generous gift. The winner of the medal will be chosen from the graduating class each year, and the medal will be presented at commencement. The board accepted a deed to an y on the uniabandoned versity's experiment farm in Breathitt county from the Louisville and .NashThe strip of ville Railway Company. land runs through the Robinson Foundation farm, and was formerly a logging road. The resignation tendered by Miss Last Kernel GREETINGS Registrar Will Receive Bachelor Diplomas and Six Will Be Made Masters; Five Honor Students Named Sixty-Eig- YULETIDE faculty of the university, and to alumni throughout the nation, the old, old wish that they may one and all enjoy a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. ROMANY TICKETS. TO BE REDUCED NEW FORGE SHOP Double Season Tickets, Admit ting Two Persons to Each Performance, Will Be Priced at $5 TO BE EQUIPPED Machinery Now Being Manufac tured and Will Be Shipped Soon ; Be Ready for Use After Holidays IS GIFT TO WILL ENGINEERS The new forge shop in the College of Engineering, at the university will be completely equipped by the time the students return after the holidays, according to a letter to Dean Ander son from O. K. Dyer, an official of the Buffalo Forge Company, who is a graduate of the college. Mr. Dyer outlined a description of all the machinery to be placed in the new shop and stated that all of it is now being manufactured and will be shipped soon. The equipment is the gift of Henry W. Wendt, president of the Buffalo Forge Company and friend of the university. The equipment consists of 24 stu dent forges of the latest type each with a separate motor, so that it will, not be necessary to operate the large exhaust fan when quiet is desired for verbal instruction; 25 anvils and 21 complete sets of Atha tools, obtained from the Stanley Rule and Level Company are included. Other machinery for the shop in. n eludes a iron worker. a hand punch and shear, and a high speed riveting hammer, made by the High Speed Hammer Company of Rochester. A steam hammer, made by the Erie Foundry Company, and a fifty pound electrically operated hammer, completes the hammer equipment. A complete arc welder, with all the tools and accessories to operate it is included in the equipment. Two fur naces, one of them gas for tempering motor-drive- (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) To Hold Try-ou- ts Speakers' Bureau Will Select Seven New Members Sbon Tryouts to select seven men to fill vacancies in the Student Speakers' bureau will be held Friday night, Jan uary 7, according to an announcement by W. H. Hanratty, president of the bureau. Candidates must be prepared to give a 10 minute talk on some phase of higher education in Kentucky. The speakers' bureau was organized several years ago and has for its purpose the advertising of the university. Members of the bureau speak before luncheon clubs and societies in nearby cities in behalf of the university and (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) To all Good Wishes and a Merry Christmas. May the home coming be all you hope and may you bring joy to your parents on this return to your home. Coming back to the University bring to it new purpose and a determination to hold the best in Christmas and the New Year. FRANK L. McVEY, President. (Editor's Note Dr. McVey also drew the sketch that accompanies his Christmas message to the student body.) j I 10 Bfc, IftUfi&UiHehapWilleIhstallea Sociology Department of University Sponsors Annual Meeting Which Will Be Held Here Saturday much-vaunte- Afternoon at C. and P. Building m DELTA TAU DELTA HEADS STANEHNGS Thirty Per Cent of Fraternity Men Presidents of all honorary fraternities on the' campus hnve received invitations to the Pi Mu Epsilon banDR. BEST WILL PRESIDE quet to be held Saturday evening in the Phoenix hotel at 6:30 o'clock. The Important questions of social wel- banquet will follow the regular initiafare in Kentucky will be discussed tion exercises of installation which will tomorrow at the University of Ken- be held in room 310 of, the C. and P. tucky, at the second annual meetiner building, this chapter to be known as of sociologists sponsored by the sociol- - the Kentucky Chapter of Pi Mu Epsi ogy department. The State Board of Ion. The following speeches have been Charities and its work will constitute the theme of most of the speeches on scheduled for the banquet: Dr. J. B. "College ,Honoraries," Dr. Miner, the program. Suggestions and plans for the ex- Terrill, "Phi Beta Kappa," Willy tension of the work done in charit- King, "Departmental Honoraries," and McVey. able institutions and the advisibility a welcoming address by Pres. of the of creating separate institutions for Dean Boyd the chief speaker subject, special types of state patients, furn- evening, will take as his Experishes the topic of five of the seven "Mathematics as a Personal ience." speeches scheduled. Pi Mu Epsilon granted a charter to The meeting is not an official one the university last spring, the follow and will be in the form of an infor- ing to be charter members:: Paul mal discussion with time allowed for P. Boyd, J. Morton Davis, E. L. Rees, questions and suggestions after each H. H. Downing, Flora Le Stourgeon, speech. D. E. South, M. C. Brown, E. J. Can Speakers Prominent aday, D. O. Srayfeller, Mary H. Coop The speakers are all prominent in er, Vada Lee Nelson, Mary E. Botts, social welfare work and include such Elizabeth B. Hahn, A. C. Prichard, C G. Soward, Emma Cudgel, Pearl E (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) Martin, R. R. Scott and Leonora Outstanding math alumni Downing: are to be initiated also SENIORS! Writer Believes Coach Answer to Grid Question : SIX PLAYS Because of the increase in capacity of the Romany theater, the Romany, during its season ticket campaign which begins January 4 and continues until Febraury 1, is able to offer substantial reductions on prices of season tickets to all students and faculty members of schools and colleges in Lexington. The double season ticket, which will admit two to each Romany perform ance of the season, will be sold for $5. The new tickets will not only admit all subscribers to five plays of the fourth season, but also to the last play of the third season, to be given early- in February. This means that two persons are entitled to attend six performances for $5, thus making. the cost of a single admissioa only 1 4 cents more thaa the adntiwion to a moving picture show. Another feature will be the reduc tion of 25 per cent of the cost of any or all tickets to members of any organization already in existence at this date who have 100 per cent of their members subscribe. This applies to any club, fraternity, or organiza tion of any kind whatsoever, provided there at at least 10 members. If the student is a member of more than one organization, his subscription counts in the quota of every or ganization to which he belongs. The single subscription, which will be 3, will entitle the subscriber to attend each of the five plays of the fourth season, in addition to the final play of the third season. A double subscription may count as subscriptions for two members of an organization. Those who have been granted mem bership in Romany organization and are therefore entitled to 10 per cent FL00RSATURDAY Buckeyes Won Ohio Conference Championship Last Spring; "Wave Already Defeated Berea This Year AT 8:00 TIP-OF- F O'CLOCK Wildcats Will Meet University of Indiana Team Tuesday Night (By WARREN A. PRICE) Basketball will be of paramount in terest in Lexington tomorrow night, when the strong University of Cincinnati quintet will play the Wildcats in the opening game of the season at the new gym. The contest will be called at 8:00 o'clock. The Cincinnati artists, who won the Ohio Conference basketball championship last year with one of the best teams in the North, have already set sail for another championship season. Last Saturday night they quelled the strong Berea College outfit by a 75 to 24 count, while two week3 before their practice periods have been spent intermittently in beating strong independent teams around Cincinnati. Although the Wildcats have not re ceived the opportunity of demonstrat ing their wares in a real game, they have shown to good advantage in practice sessions, but they will have to improve appreciably by tomorrow night, if they expect to cope on equal terms with the Ohio aggregation. In scrimmages with the freshmen, the Wildcats are unable to hold their own consistently, but in shooting and pass ing they are about on the average with any other team which has been practidas a little over three weeks. Out of the 17 men who are on the - All seniors who have not yet filled out information blanks for the senior section in the 1927 Kentuckian, get blanks from the postoffice boxes To at the Campus Book Store, fill them out, and return immediately to the needs. Kentuckian box. Blanks must be rePresident Russell of Kentucky jitsThe exact time and place of the try-- turned before the Christmas holidays Wnrmnl pnH Industrial Col- j outs will be announced in the first if the information is to appear in the lege Asks Cooperation issue of The Kernel after the holidays, yearbook. The recent complete destruction of the Kentucky Normal and Industrial! College of Frankfort has created the Red-Head- ed immediate need of a great amount of Clonics anu ueuuiug iu uc sciik ut uuvt to the school. The Kentucky schools and colleges have been called upon to send clothes to the school, and the university has always come across 'They're So Dynamic," She Remarks and Then Thrashes Out with its quota. Football Problem Gratuitously for Athletic Council ; Students The need is very great. Free Mascot and Cage Team .Is and faculty who have clothes or bedOther Suggestion ding to give toward this worthy couse will please bring same to the office of Mr. Crutcher, superintendent of (By DOROTHY STEBBINS) the team. The coach, himself, would buildings and grounds, which is locat draw the fire. He should be asked in In the first place, this is an indig-o- f the beginning, however, if he knows ed in the white frame building east nant protest. We are insulted be- - what to do with it. Moreover, we White hall. The following is the telegram sent cause no one has asked our opinion feel that his being a millionaire in his bv Doctor McVey on the part of the of the football situation. We have own right might be a factor worthy students and faculty of the University the "right" suggestions right on the of consideration, since such financial tip of our tongues but nobody has security would be a defense against of Kentucky. asked us to offer them. Our feelings any criticism of the gentleman's moPresident G. P. Russell, are grievously wounded, but we con tives, mercenary or otherwise. Kentucky Normal and Industrial Oh, sole ourselves with the thought that indeed, he must be a gentleman, above EIGHT) the athletic authorities, in the stress all else. Reformed, of course. Oth(CONTINUED ON PAGE and strain of the situation, have tem- - erwise we fear that he would be unWILL HOLD VESPER SERVICES porarily overlooked us. So, remem- - able to best comprehend and cope d bering the freedom of with the "lure" of the gentlemanly The Y. W. C. A. of the university the press, we are supposed to possess, "spree." It has occurred to us, though refuse to be offended, and hasten, we hesitate to endorse the idea, that will hold special Christmas Vespers Sunday night, December 19, at 6:30 before the authorities commit some the athletic authorities might subject o'clock in Patterson hall. The Y. W. Srave error' to submit our proposition. all candidates to an undergraduate In the first place, (only it's really intelligence test. If any man regisassisted C. A. cabinet and by Phi Beta, girls honorary musical! the second), we think that Kentucky ters below the average mentality they coach for a might be reasonably assured of the sorority will have charge of the pro-- 1 should try a Anyone gram which is to consist of readings, change. They're so dynamic. . And sincerity of his intentions. music, and tableaux concerning the if they'd pick a handsome one they above the average might be suspected birth of Christ. All students' are in- - would speedily eliminate the danger of the feminine element demoralizing (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) vited to attend this vesper service. University Students Contribute Asked GIVE CINCINNATI WILL PLAY ON LOCAL Make Below One m Last Semester of Year 1925-192- 6 GENERAL AVERAGE 1.464 More than thirty per cent of the fraternity men in the university failed to make their standings in the last according to a semester of 1925-2report issued from the office of the dean of men, last Saturday. Eight per cent of the fra and ternity men made standings over 2.2, while 30.8 per cent were above the university average of 1.464. The list is headed by Delta Tau Del ta, with five honor students, and 12 with standings above the general average. The report is as follows: Second Semester 1925-2- 6 University general average 1.464 c b a d No. Frat. 8 1 3 6 18 A. G. E. four-tent- A. G. R. A. S. P. A..T. O. D. C. D. T. D. 19 3 27 27 22 30 0 1 1 5 9 10 5 7 2 10 9 9 8 10 12 4 7 10 3 (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) MISS DYER HONORED 3-- (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) Postpone Concert - PHILHARMONIC CONCERT SUNDAY University of Kentucky Orches tra Will Give the First of a Series of Programs in New Gymnasium MISS SCOTT TO BE SOLOIST The Philharmonic Orchestra of the university will give the first of a series of concerts Sunday afternoon, December 19, at 3 o'clock in the new gymnasium. Miss Mary Campbell Scott, who won a scholarship with the Julliard Musical foundation, will appear as soprano soloist. Miss Scott received her degree from a prominent musical school of- New York, and specialized in pedagogy and harmony. She is a pupil of Adelaide Gechudt. She appeared in a song recital in one of the New York concert halls where she was well received. While in New York Miss Scott con ducted classes in vocal training and Band Will Play at Theater After had charge of the Girls Glee club of more than fifty voices. This club Holidays gave a very successful program in .The university band will not appear New York city. Miss Scott will select her cwn pro on the program of the Kentucky theater this week as was formerly an- gram. The program to be given by nounced, but will play at the theater the orchestra follows: for three days soon after the holi 1. Overture, "Barber of Seville," Ros days, according to an announcement sini. of Band Director Elmer G. Sulzer (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) made Wednesday. Students who wish to practice on the piano may now use pianos reTo Give cently acquired by the department of music for that purpose, according to 30 Mr. Sulzer. A nominal fee is charged for such practice and all that is ne Famous Negro Tenor Will Ap cessary to be allowed such privilege pear at Woodland Auditoris to apply to the department in us ium During Holidays building on Winslow street. Louise Dyer, of Morganfield, was given a medal at the tea of the Phi Upsilon Omicron, honorary home ecoNoted American Poet To Speak nomics sorority, last week, for being the outstanding freshman student in at University Convocation the department last year. Miss Dyer, is a member of the Al Carl Sandberg, noted American poet, will address the university convocapha Gamma Delta sorority, and has herself in the past by tion on February 12, in the new gym- distin uiil-ed nasium on "The American Miscellany." her billlla..t ccadcniic .orl:. Sandberg will also give a lecture for the public in the evening, the subject of which has not yet been chosen. Mr. Sandberg is one of the most noted of the modern poets and his works have been widely enjoyed by the students of the university. His Rootbaga and the Liconistic series are his most noted works, and he is Great God of Love Unable To Withstand Pressure of Holiday a frequent contributor to the periodicals. His presence will offer an opSeason; Collegiates Hold That a Broken Heart portunity for his many admirers to Is Preferable to a Mutilated become acquainted with his dominant Pocketbook personality. languishing eyes at window displays (By KATHLEEN PEFFLEY) of jeweled vanity cases and imported Club Time to get out old socks, size 16. perfumes! Merchants are heartless and see if they're properly mended as in expensive novelties, lit Is Organized on Campus by Stu to heels and toes. If you should have tie displaying care that the student's do they dents of that Language new socks, don't on any account use j pocicet book is weary and thin and them for it is conceded by the best meals few and far between. This Dean C. R. Melcher has announced authorities that Santa Claus will be "better to give than receive" phi'.os- the organization of a German club at kinder to those whose footwear has ophy is a beautiful doctrine originated the university. The organization was iong s;nce paSsed the stage considered by the idle rich and exploded- - by the perfected at the first meeting of the elite for the college foot collegiate poor. club held on Friday night. Still, according to Rex Beach, a fra But seriously, this Santa Claus busOnly faculty members of the uni- iness is a real problem for the col- ternity jeweler, this giving business is versity and students who have studied legiate mind. All the gay Lochinvars a la mode; a fraternity ring on every German for at least two years are eli- of tfhe campus are drooping their finger, a fraternity tie pin in every gible for membership. The student knightly plumes and concluding love tie, a fraternity flask on every fra members are from the chemistry and affairs pledged to eternity since last ternity hip, should be the motto or. departments, which re- November. For even the great god every earnest student during the holiquire German in their curricula. love falls before the onslaughts of the day season. And at that this giving Charter members of the club are world's materialism. Better to break business isn't so bad There's a sort of exhilarating, jolly Dean C. R. Melcher, Prof. Adolphe the vows of love eternal than to break Bigge, Prof. O, A. Lampert, IVof. B. one's pocket book purchasing presents good fellow, let me do you a favor feeling, in the air around Christmas W. Schick, Prof. A. C. Zembr I, L. B. for faithless fair ones. Ah, the heartfelt cordiality with time. That is the one season when Turner, T. C. Droak, G. S. Willey, H. H. Houser, J. L. Keffer, E. S. Hill and which one is welcomed by the campus Janes and Janets, the way they cast (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) Richard Elliott. Carl Sandberg- (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) Lochinvars Begin Squelching Love Affairs, Writer Finds German I Roland Hayes Recital December Roland Hayes,- - a negro singer, and reputed to be one of the world's great est lyric tenors, will give a recital Thursday, December 30, at the Woodland Auditorium under the auspice of the Leixngton College of Music, of which Miss Anna Chandler Goff is director. A large number of music lovers from this section are expected to hear this artist, who has raised himself to high position in the world of music (Qayes procured his education at Fisk university, studying music in Boston and abroad, and making his debut four years ago in London, where his success was immediately assured. He possesses a lyric voice of great flexibility and beauty with a scholarly understanding of music and literature. A master of eight languages, a gracious and compelling interpreter, a great artist he is hailed by two continents. His program includes the old classics, modern English, and a group of Negro Spirituals. The program will begin at 8:15 o'clock. Tickets, ranging in price from $2.75 to S1.10, are now on sale at the Lexington College of Music. SNAPSHOTS WANTED The Kentuckian is offering a prize of $1 this week for the best snapshots of campus scenes or pictures of university life, students or faculty members. Pictures should be turned in at once to Fred Conn at the Kentuckian office in the Armory. * PAGE TWO THE KENTUCKY KERNEL ALUMNI PAGE Subscribe for THE KERNEL And Help the Association HOLIDAY GREETINGS 1926-192- This Kernel will leave our office just one short week before Christmas day. With this issue goes our last chance to expound our views and ideas as to how each and every one of you could be more loyal and actively interested in your Alma Mater. With this issue also goes our last chance to wish you a M,erry Christmas. It is our sincere wish that each and every one of the Alumni of the ' University of Kentucky will have the Merriest Christmas of your lives and that the new year will be filled with happiness, joy and prosperity. Note; This goes for you all, even if you do still owe your dues. A GIFT Speaking of Christmas and Christinas present it seems to us that there could not be a more acceptable present to any classmate or dear college friend than a membership to the Alumni Association and subscription to The Kernel. It will awaken to his memory the days when he and you were students on the campus and might awaken in him a greater and renewed interest in the affairs of the university. Just send in his name and address and your name with the dues and we will place him on the lists of the active ones and tell him all about what a fine fellow you are. 7 Lexington Seed Company and is living at 406 Rose Lane, Lexington, Ky, Harry Raymond Allen is a chemist o in the Fertilizer Department of the o Kentucky Agricultural Experiment 1917 Station, Lexington, Ky. 'the Farmers Union of Carroll county Ruth Belle Branham, (Mrs. G. N, r" Branham) is teaching in the Central and lives in Worthville, Ky. Dr. Harry D. Abell is a physician High School of Washington, D. C, ana nas oinces in me inuliuiiui xjuun. Her address is 1101 Euclid street, N. W. building in Paducah, Ky. John Alfred Brittain is district William M. Adams is county road r E. F. Houghton 'engineer for Fleming county and sales manager forhas offices at 508 & Company and lives in Flemintrsburcr. Ky. Carrie Frances Blair (Mrs. Arthur Mining Exchange building, Denver, Keaton) lives at 232 Irvine Road, Lex- Colorado. Emile B. Cavallo is assistant bridge ington, Ky. Leo. S. Borders is a development engineer with the Mississippi State engineer with the Western Electric Highway Department and is located Company and is located at 3210 Arth- - in Jackson, Mississippi. Virgil Munday Chapman is Con ington street, Chicago. A T 'RrnHfnrH ic n fnrmpr gressman from the seventh Kentucky and also is teaching agriculture in district. His Lexington address is the high school at Flemingsburg, Ky. 315 Transylvania Park. Horace B. Clark is a civil engineer Manfred V. Burgin is manager of the Whistling Bottling plant and lives with the United States Government at 626 Central avenue, Lexington, at Maysville, Ky. His address is 246 Kentucky. West Third street. Lena Rivers Clem (Mrs. J. A. Neb- Helen Pauline Burkholder is teaching in the Fort Thomas High School. lett) is living at 966 Baxter avenue, She is living at 42 West Southgate Louisville, Ky. 1919 avenue, Fort Thomas, Ky. F. Paul Anderson, Jr., is assistant Edwin R. Burnley is in the general merchandise business at Bandana, to the president of the Irvington Var Kentucky. nish and Insulator Company of Irvington, New Jersey. He is living at Jerome V. Chamberlain is an with offices in the Western 94 South Munn avenue, East Orange, New Jersey. Indemnity building, Dallas, Texas. Robert S. Arnold, Jr., is sales eng Clarence Clark, is principal of the Hopkins-AnilHopkinsville High school at ineer with the York Heating and Ventilating Company of Philadelphia, Ky. William Thomas Clark is a farmer Pa. His address is 1502 Locust street. and lives at Vanceburg, Ky. George I. Barnes is director of voMarion Uri Conditt is a Presbycational education with the Departterian minister and is located in ment of Education of Frankfort, Ky. Texas. Cecil N. Batsel is a distributor of Willard Frederick Cramer is living at 595 Sumatia avenue, Akron, Ohio. Lee Automobile Tires at Sixth and Vie Tolen Cramer (Mrs. Maurey Jefferson streets, Paducah, Ky. Louis H. Bauer is assistant sup Crutcher) is living at 421 Rost street, Lexington, Ky. erintendent of Power department of Albert Byron Crawford is .acting the Louisville and Interurban Rail principal of the University High road Company of Louisville, Ky. His school, Lexington, Ky. address is 2217 Slaughter avenue, Nelle F. Crawford is living in Som- Louisville. erset, Kentucky. Frank H. Bell is a salesman for the Philadelphia Quartz Company of Thomas L. Creekmore is .an Philadelphia, Penn. and is practicing in Kentucky. Trice M. Bell is a salesman for the Elizabeth Crow is living at 616 Wesco Supply Company of Memphis, Belle Air avenue, Lexington, Ky. Tenn. He is living at 216 West Broad Frank M. Crum is with the Jake way, Madisonville, Ky. Issac A. Bowles is an attorney-at- Henry Coal Company of Williams-towIaw in Hazard, Ky. W. Va. 1918 Emmit E. Bratcher is teaching agri William K. Adkins is with the Fire- culture in the high school at Science Company of Hill, Ky; stone Tire and Rubber Julia Y. Burbank is teaching in the Akron, Ohio. Hiss address is 304 Long street, Akron. Essex County Vocational school at Louis Irvine Ammerman (Mrs. Bloomfield, New Jersey. Laura Cassidy is living at 146 East Kenneth C. Frye) is living at Ky. Maxwell street, Lexington, Ky. Sarah Mildred Collins, (Mrs. Stan Paul M. Andres is in the engineering department of the Community ley Dickinson) is living at R. R. 1, Paris, Ky. Traction Company of Mumer, Ohio. Marie Collins, (Mrs. Lawrence R Everett Price Bleidt is with the . w e, Mes-quit- e, w e, n, e, Encloccd find check for Name ' ' j$.r $3, alumni dues. $50, life membership " Class Business Address Residence Occupation Degree Employment maiden name of wife, date of marriage, names and ages of children). (Give ALUMNI HONORED AT COLUMBIA U. A. With this issue of The Kentucky Kernel this office will sound off until the first issue after the resumption of school on January 4. In ending the year of 192G another page has been written into the records of the Alumni Association of the University of Kentucky. This page will recount some little failures and some little successes, all leading to the ultimate goal of the university and the Alumni Wi here in this office feel that it mt Wn a Vaar well snent. We have done our best and we have some little advancement to show for our efforts. However the year 192G, which we close now will not be comparable with the year that is coming. The year 1927 is going to be a banner year for the Alumni Association of the University of Kentucky. Here are some of the things that we are going to work and strive for When we use the word "we" it means every graduate and former student of the University of Kentucky. We are going to build up our membership manv times its nresent size. We are going to see to it that the univer sity receives more money for its op eration, maintenance and expansion That is a real need. Last and not least we are going to tell the world that we have a university here in Ken tucky that is second to none. In other words we are going to show our loyalty in every way that is possible and to spread the fame of the University of Kentucky all over the world. This is a big order but it is one that we can do. All that is needed is you cooperation. Class Personals Pike-vill- RAYMOND KIRK Published By And For University Alumni ALUMNI EDITORIALS j Edited by 0. Bowden, '08, and Mark Godman, '17, Are Made Officer of Teacher's College Clubs BOTH STUDY EDUCATION A. O. Bowden, who NAMED CLUB HEAD Mark Godman who was graduated from the University of Kentucky in 1917 and who also is pursuing work in Secondary Education in the Teachers College of Columbia University recently was elected president of the Secondary Education Club of the Teachers College. The election ito this office at Columbia University is a signal honor and goes only to those whose work is so outstanding as to merit it. Mr. Goodman until recently was supervisor of the High Schools of Kentucky with offices in Frankfort. This is one of the departments of the Kentucky State Board of Education. IS SECRETARY TO SENATOR Miss Marie Beckner who was graduated from the University of Kentucky with the class of 1926 recently was appointed secretary to Senator Richard P. Ernst. She left her home in Winchester last week for Washington to assume her duties. She is the daughter of Col. Lucien Beckner, one of the most prominent geologists in Kentucky. Alumni Assn. s. KERNEL STAFF TO REST OVER XMAS CALENDAR Chicago Alumni Club, luncheon third Monday in each month in the Men's Grill, Marshall Field Co. Off FEW Alumnus Attends Meet L. S. O'Bannon, '15, Is Widely Known for Heat and Ventilating Research 35c Press January Eighth ISSUES ARE MISSED According to custom this issue of the Kentucky Kernel wil be the last until after the Christmas holidays. The fi