xt7dv40jww80 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dv40jww80/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-01-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 18, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 18, 1982 1982 1982-01-18 2020 true xt7dv40jww80 section xt7dv40jww80 M \*____—II_
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Mondav ~ ’
5 ~\ .5 .
Tomorrow, the kernel will mark the IOth E‘ " \ No mof. 9.." '
anniversary of its rndependente from the \ m \ ,‘
r University with I’t'l‘i~itlll~ a 28-page sup- 3 " lodoy Will be mostly cloudy breezy and ‘, '-
plement dealing WIlh higher Eduwllon \ % warmer wrth highs 35 to 40 Look tor
Issues facing the l982 General Assmbly tlouds tonight wrth lows in the lower to
and the specual contributions UK has E‘. mid 30$ lornorfow Will be an improve
made to the people of Kentucky Also in \ merit with portly sunny skies and warmer .
cluded in the paper will be a specral set E- temperatures wrth highs in the lower to . E-
tron re(0untrng the history at the lu-rnrl \ a mid 405 ' ,
\ ,
Vo|.lXXX|V. No.86 Monday. January ”3. ‘982 onivormy ailontucky tunigion “Mum An independent student Hewsuupei tun. W’l \ fl '
\\€:\g%:fii¥e§E"§5§EE - _ 5:55li ». i. ;\§§?§§;v:¢\ (gm {6, Ea.“ ; - 3 v _\ 1 . ?K\§‘E&:§§§iz ‘
.. ~. and.“ ‘ » 3- .T: a » .. . e - it' i f:
,_ t -- ; 3 {J , . '~ t ; ._ _ ——————————, , . . that contributed the other :1 million ,3,‘-'-‘.‘
:E WEE ”ii-WEE ." . . . .. E -E . E 3‘ . ., -&5 . 'E 'E By (“DREW QPPMA‘NN will be released in the near future, '-', '
3,:,e3<..‘-g(-,,V=.,._-.=.-rxg§5, ; ‘.- .3 _‘ ' [a ‘ I ”EEK: ; .“ ‘-_\ ,«fl ‘ . ‘ 3-;- 3-.. . Semor Staff Writer . - f .5
.EEEE.EE1 iii-it’s» T»: -» ‘E ‘ . «J. . 7 ’. E\~;.< ' Singletary said. . . .-;.
“taéeE‘ifg nip/‘5} .3.-.53; ‘T. 5,. \, l 3. s. n ' 3 . . 3 3:..5 ; EE; _. -' ‘3 33 - "a- - - He said a foundation Will be ~
ell“ “E.“ ii: .5 tt i .a- . E‘ .. .- :wig '33 E ~. E - - UK'S mining engineering program eStabilShed to decide how the money .'
if??? ' 5 .0!‘ i, - r T Si“ ; ‘ 3'3TEE . f " E ’ “TEEEEE‘E‘ received commitments for $1.5 will be spent. The foundation's board : j ' ;
@E E S‘E 3E E~E ! l. 1' " one. .s-iiz 5..., i E I E T‘ ' E E .5"..- E I SEE» 5" w- EE’EE-E'E‘EEE rE ’ 3&3“ E. E ‘E GEEK. million from members 0f KenEUCkyES 0f directors M“ COEESESE 0E members u ‘E '
Ky E._»...~3}; Y.- fit/{3.1. f%o§s .- =j " .E 5E, 3“ ‘E “t" knit?“ E'i‘” »» coal industry, University and in- of Kentucky‘s coal industry and ~.j g:
,5 i; «‘5'! $53“? ~ . 5 mi- j- ._ .. ' ’_'_ .- . . ‘T .. "gfifi E dustry officials announced Friday. University officials.
- he .. rd» r3.» 3 . ' . 3- . . i0 .. - - f 3 p...u....o.. Sir-deterr- m a i... funds will be for “personnel-
r; 5%.: .. . 3335;, show :5? '. ; l ' g i, I " . o 3’33 w , ; g conference held at Lexington‘s Hyatt support and equipment“ to improve
$15.11*... .,. .3. 1253.5“ fig » I?” . ' w E 33‘. EE~3 :‘t‘E‘i E-t-hftEE § Regency, Said Kentucky River C081 KentUCky'S only mining engineering 3 E:
“flew f . 3&3 E “EEhTW‘EF EN3t. . 5 C: ‘35” Corp. offered UK‘s mining engineer— program so it can gain accreditation, ' -
‘E E 3 E if“ EE. .5 E . E EE-E' E: . E hotnEEiEne.EE§;,TiE 1.355%. ing program $500,000 on the condition he said. T. '
» ~ ., 3 ”T . -. , _ . were 3; .5“. T" ‘ 3 that other members of the state‘s coal On Sept» 3. 1981- the Kent-mo — - -
s»... - of... e?“ ' ii: " §EE.K. .:t gut-.3. . ,. j’ industry meet the donation on a 2-1 Kernel reported in a Corynght story
WEE” E - 33 if: E '7 EEE EnErEt E E “TT ‘T 3‘33 5...; E 3 .. basis. that lack of accreditation for the pro- ’ 7,.
Ego EE'EE-E- If“: EEK" E‘TT g ' 3 ”mg... E3 ._ -. . The Universrty received confirma— gram could endanger the job pro- .
r . . 3»- .i’ :33... . ’\- t a... 3. . tion just prior to the announcement seeds of students graduating from ..
. . *fsiifik :3“ .3', ‘t"'~..r- ii,".~.;E-;".z,n;si.~. e1... ‘ ' E“. \w»e_83. . . ‘ from the managements of various the department next year when state
EEEE. EdouatEEtxh‘E E- . Es-.. EE‘T‘T E :- E E W E ‘ “Eh companies and concerned individuals law Will require all people seeking E E
T. . _. it ' I .. “M the m 3 - “T? TTTTTTT‘T i... the st minor needed on be registration as mining engineers robe 3- 2 .
,. ’WVM“°.§§§§§ when 55 3_ ' W 9;.- h” 3“ " 2‘ 5. ”i § Catesby Clay. preSldent and chair- school. j
. {hiiieew - ETE Mm f , f ..~33“".“E .EEETEéi; .3 /“ . .. g man of the board of the Lexington The donation, along with the ' ‘
3.15; a. - . ‘ , 5v “WE :3 . 15.37:)“ NJ... based Kentucky River Coal Corp. renovation of the Mining Engineering f' --
.i 5. p we Maw-35: , .i. , r "r ‘ ' T“ 2 if" " . .V . i. ‘5 . to, . :WN‘" said his company inspired the Building already underway, is hoped
= 5g - e. .. " .. .‘ g i. .3 . - ’ ._ ,_ . E E challenge donation because of the to give the program accreditation ;
-3; g 5 ...... - .Efil "TEE eh To H... w growing demand for mining along with assisting in the Univer- ; 33
p Q . 33......“ g : E-é‘ ; 3‘ ETE. 3 engineers and the low percentage of sity‘s effort to recmit a department I
- 3r 3 he .. a..- . 3 en‘s Kentuckians holding such jobs within chairman,Singletal'y said. -
g; «TEE " g Z . 3 i 5- '3 up - . . _ the state. “This should help us and the in- 3"
Ere ' . 'I; "E - T" at? 5 .5; w 3 g I ”It is unthinkable that the number dustry itself . . . the program ought E. ’3
rm MAVEI who..." one coal producing state in the nation not only be accredited, but superb,“ '3- .3 .,
Up In SMOKE does not have a top notch coal mining he said. _‘ E
Flames and smoke engulfed apartments at Harrodsburg Square, 750 three-alarm fire destroyed l2 apartment units with another six engineering department and the "We will move to create the foun- -.
Shaker Dr., yesterday morning when a grease fire, started on the apartments damaged by water. Each unit was valued at approx» University of Kentucky,"Clay said. dation and that foundation will be the f 2 ..
third floor of a building, spread to the attic and ignited in flames. The imately $50,000. Luckily, there were no iniuries. The names of the other donors focal point in the future." '. ;
Low wages are major problem ' Io t '
——-—-———— SCiehce junior from LexinEton. has availabilities in a central Office- BUt depended upon {0 help make the ted for several years — some more Halsey said that last year appr0x. -.
ESESFJ'FENDLAY worked in the library for Six they must Pay $2.15, that’s the state library work. than once per year — but the results imately 15,050 students worked in the E. -
, semesters and 15 paid $2.75per hour. law. They do not have to pay the “Regardless of my personal feel— never reach the federal minimum program and received at least $335 31,-“,- ‘-
__.._.._—._————__.—— Druggan said he feels “it’s 10W. i'd federal minimum wage.” logs the fact remains that the rate lS wage figure per hour with a 5 cent raise for each
like more money. [don’t get tostudy Foushee said one of the Univer- dictatedtous,"she said. One campus program, however, year worked. “Work/Study federal
Part- and full-time employmentisa on the job or anything like that so I’m sity’s largest units of student employ- Faith Harders, assistant director does ensure students of the federal funds increased by fifty thousand :. ' .
necessity for many students, and an not recompemated.” merit, the Food Services division, for administrative services at the minimum wage. Students entered in dollars this year," he said. .
onoampus job can be ideal for a shi- He said. however. the job has the rays federal minimum wage or library, said about 350 students work the Work/Study program qualify ' :.-3‘
dent ill/“hm" a car. Bl“ some students advantage 0f being on campus and above. in the library and are paid or started through another program —— Finan» Halsey said he COUid see the issue 0f " E
are finding that a major drawback to “that’s one of the reasons I keep com- He said the state pay rate changes out being paid the 3215 wage, “That's cial Aid. student wages from both directions. .
campus employment 15 low wages. ing back to it" according to each session 0‘ the Ken- what the state is saying is fair. It is available to them. said coor- E 2513' -
Under state law. the University 0"“ Even though the state minimum thk)’ legislature. it has remained at “I wish we paid more. We have dinator Bob Halsey, because they “Institutions want to get as much -E‘.'-? ‘
ly has to pay student workers $2.15 wage is considerably lower than the $2.15 per hour for the past twoyears. put in proposals to the University for have demonstrated the need to from funds as they possibly can. . 3',’_ r
perhour. The minimum wage IS $3.35 federal level, some students think more." She said proposals for in- receive higher pay along with finan- Students have their choice. Take it or ‘.
per hour. their pay is justified by the degree 0f Roxanna Jones. assistant head of creasing the wage have been submit- cial aid. leave it " 4
“I don‘t think that it’s worth it, work they perform. the circulation department at the
because I think we work harder than “For the amount of work I do, yes library, said she would like to see . - .E '
that,” said Jayne Metzger, who is a (the pay is enough)," said Deanna working students paid the federal ampus "lg t "S serVIce : 5.11:7.
student working in the periodicals Stanford, an A&S senior from minimum wage. “There’s no getting . EL»
and microforms department of the Louisville who receives $3.10 per hour around that. Nobody is happy with . I - :3.“ ,3
M.I. King Library. for working at the Student Center’sin- student wages_ to be In 0 eratlon ton, ht i E-
She receives the University formation desk asan attendant. “pm always embarrassed telling g p g E? ’
minimum wage and said she feels “If She said, however, that she did students (about the $215 wage). We 3'E.2E-. -.,E
K30“ worikt sgofmeuhereblillke “:3 ygu ngt feeiethe ”'60 starting pay was (the Circulation department) are pro- ——_T— Through the combined efforts of initiationofstudentparking fees. "‘51:”
ve a 0 responst Ety a y u a equa ' bably the largest employer Of all the By TAMI WORKM SA Blanton and Padgett a seemingl Brewster said a combination of con- ' 3"
shouldbepaid more." “The rate 0E pay ““6 from units 0f student assistants. Each REPOEEEEE unattainable oal of obtainin‘ a mini: cerns m kes the new route essential E E‘
The $2.15 minimum is the starting organizational unit to organizational semester we have on the payroll __.__“_ b has becmg ea realit 5‘ to the :‘n -'. g. .
pay for nearly all students working in unit depending upon the job." between fourty-five and fifty student "5 y' ca pus‘ .‘R '-
the library and "5 branches, but saidStudent Employment Director assistants." While student services are being The 13-passenger, handicapped . . ' ’ ."
usually students are given raises on a Chet Foushee. Jones said that because of Gov. cut to the bone at most universities, equipped vehicle replaces the original msafety {or the Students (Printer ‘13“ 35.5 if
semester basis. “Each organization can do its John Y. Brown’s state hiring freeze, UK is addinga new one. suggestion of continuing current bus e women students) and service for .j t‘
Terrance Drussan. an Arts and ownhiring. They don’t havetolist 30b her student assistants are heavily At6:30tonight, acampus night-bus routes into the nights. To run a :?§e$?:'n:apppregv$: Eh: 3:?cgog
. I . service will start operating. regular-sized day ‘bus would have cost every student who is 0‘3“ on campus at . El 5..
Students support the presrdent s policy Ter- Peeeet ereeer of pi... rewrite- reek-"eme-deeww endoscope... he...
" safety, and Jack Blanton, vice presi- ble, said Davrd Brewster, assrstant “ _ 5;.
on continuin r ' t t' n f th d ft dent for business affairs, will turn director for public safety. parking The CATS route schedule is Sunday f
g egls r a I O or e r a over a set of symbolic keys to Student and transportation. through Thursday, 6:30 to “:30 pm. -.V .
Association President Britt Brewster said the $23,000 needed to Running every half hour, it will begin '_
_______— . . . . ,, . . . Brockman at 10 am today in front of purchase the CATS (Campus Area at the top of Administration Drive and
By N-A- BROWN 5.8““ ““88“ ‘5 "may ‘95“‘3 m9‘““‘ I sup?" the "5‘53”“ “r. “5 Administration Drive. 'ITansit Service) bus came from the follow the genera] campus layout. ~._
Senior Staff Writer tion as a safety devrce, Kathleen purpose, Carter said, but the final 5 5 _ . .5 _.
Knight, an assistant professor in decision about registering should be . - . ',fl
————————-—-— political science, said “Reagan is up to the person involved. We've got E EE‘ . E , ~ 1‘ i ._ '
_ more concerned about the likelihood freedom, so it should be up to the in" . - " '3
President We“, 3938,“ has “Pk' of war." dividual whether he wishes to fight or . . ,1
eddownononeofhismalor campaign not." . SES‘E ~ 5. ‘
promises — to end peacetime Lewis disagreed“! doubt we would Instead of repealing the peacetime { " ,‘iE,
registration for “19‘1”“ —3hd many get into war unless there is a tilted registration act, Reagan has an- :5 “RE .-
UK students and faculty members actOf waronthe United States." nounced a further restriction. He has V t. .e 3
are supportinshisdecision. Tinsley said he felt the us. would promised prosecution of all citizens ' in!!! E 'E E
Reagan has denied rumors that "0‘9“” “1"“. “me“ he? WWW“ who declinetoresister. “3‘ r ‘. ; 3
~ ~ . anlssue‘thatpooedathreattomr 3 . 5
registration is a proxy for the draft, , . . , . I an? -.
and saidhewmid mmumieiheamfl vital reamed. ourofl fields, ourdm- Thomas P. Lewts, College of Law 9' .. 3 3
. . . n . . _ r . ‘ .
only in the event of a “national lyllvellhOOd- _ _ _ ' dean, said he was against prosecu A v “3' _
emu“ .. Most people vowed thetroounon tion. “Iwouldhopethey would finda ': ‘1 . . .- . »
E that the registration, while it is not better solution.” 3-3». o - _ .. _ ’ _ .
Allen TlmleymbiOlogy senior, said perfect, is M6387? and cannot be Tinsley disagreed. “If they break a 5...... ”T“ we . , Q ‘e g ;_ ._ Tc- I \~- .‘ ‘ ~
he felt Reagan originally and disregarded. law and everything it implies, then ' . _ . , . ,T . '3 a. 3 . ,
“idealistically” intended to end , . . . theyshould havetopaytheprice." l” ‘ £5 ‘ ., M "' t f “i
registration, but once in office found . “1 "link “flotation is o 800d Idea if Should a draft take place, there is ""3‘ -; . a b - 3 3 v .. l 2.. “~-
fheslfuotion impossible. He also said it Wild save 81* weeks to “lease of some question as to whether or not ' .1... (,1 — L - ‘ 4 e ,-
Reaun was only taking a pm“- anatlonalemergency,"'l‘lmleysaid. collegestudents wouldbeexempt. ‘ ‘. ' ' ’ 5 ' .
“m mm‘ He am, Weir. thlt m didn't E LEE E . no 3 E
. think the draft should be im- M0,. 0; the people questioned said 3 " .. I 3- -
MWJMOUMOI'JW plemented unless “someone declared they believed "ever-yme" should be . E q . - t .
3 that the motivation ls only I “or warorwedeclarodwu-" included. Several individuals said it . 3. Q 3 - ,».
mm “mm mm" WW3 - depended on the field of study and the i =2 - l
‘W come “9- Mn N hid ‘0 Betty Marshall. staff secretary for acadenlic status of the student. ,, i . _
adjinttothesltlntlon.” thepolitical science department, said M this “everyone" include ___. J 4 .
GmCartermsocialworkwdor, shedidnotthinkthernilltarycmld women? _ 5 5 M "T".......' . ,
mmwtneopnhodmeontto whmi Wilma” bu“- Men tended to respond “no" while _ ,_ . .. . . . .
I” hi. W m. but With MS. Who VIII "Wt up to be the majority (1' women said they Ki ca‘ebfafion no MAVII KornelStofl
such iota-ultimo] cries u Poland patriotic," said he supported wuddbemgins ”cmE 'd 1 n9 ‘3
hm" down 3 u " r sat . “
mammal! Ill been fiflmmg lynch“: “1mm tiEdo my part whether it The lnterdenominotional Mass Choir, directed by Charles Little, sang Friday at Memorial Hall in honor of T
M the majtl'lty 1! people American.” behaeorlbroad." Martin Luther King's birthday. Despite the bad weather, 50 people did turn cut to partrcrpate.
I“ ~ ,. s‘ \ . 0

 . i It my
. Ke
rm] Managing (duo: M. (haul-v ”I." W" McGo-
- Illl svoldon Alon Crouch ""‘ Am" 2"”, 2.3:" Nulfly I. onl- ”‘0'“ ”W“ SW" “"0,
I I (dun: III (We. Aruhi-‘w Day tdimi '09 ' krl‘ltrln Mauls the." “N." 5.". Llwflnv
o n V O "s not
. Llnllodcb- lulloMlzholm Dol- tmliw Imam. isaisizn'Monownu Editor: ChietPho'oorapmi AnlsvomSpo Ed
.l i i . (our Edi-u: Asa-slomAiis iditot “"0""
. \I .
~ - ' " ' the nitedStates uestioned' .
.. - l
. . . 7 Rewew of the major universities in U l I: of . .
00 ----isphtotackprofesclonallsm
- '- - ‘ Blg B - survey methods used to compile guide d y
l r n V' ” . l ' l, a 0 RT.
‘l - ' ‘d to Col- terviewed a sampling 0f “mYer,Slty ad "I‘M Too BUSY TO FlLL WT ’ TfiE FRCULI Y llElVlBERS 0F MO
-- " The New york T'meshsilegwe Guh saunted ministrators — how many, they didn t say :l SOME lNANi QtESTlONNMRE” ' VlLLE STN’E UNNEKSH’Y, MOSTVOF WHOM
. , . 4‘ - muc - -
- A,» 1 es 1982-83 is not w a e s to 25 students determine __
‘ 5' x ' eg tation of that nevi/Spill“?r would lead us to and sent smell 1' ts to be “representative.” so I JUST pUT DOWN BElNCw ADD’CTED TO THC SYNTHETl C
.. ,. ; ~ . ; 3% “0m encumfgergswas no indication of how some TwiSTED aumeR, YAGE .351 l ADONNA HYBRiD PRODUCE—D
' Published 93““ mist-mime}: Etrusfii‘i’m‘l 322‘; 2532’” we returned. I am; To ea TDSSED gY THE cnmAenicumme Depth/tile
if 1 ~. ‘ stir of indigna ion in - ' ' 't’s as thou h t ey '
' l’ 7' mildew week after the “9”“ 9““ “‘8 ‘“ ‘e’miii‘éfs‘i’ffl‘ei‘i‘i‘ili’e‘iiie iiaystait. The our-'1 MEANxID ”05 rail PROBLEMS WITH no: woman»
‘ KemeIPUbliShed articles “Otitlhgttllletglnldseilltub‘f :tsll‘dlgntlseefaculty and administrators of UK A ,QESPO/VS/w JOUR’ Lt5'l'l0 5mDM BODY/WHILH [5 mm
i. r ‘ the University among e 0 . ’ m dder than hell at l W, W5 ,
V; ' ‘ {$1156 entries in academic ranking. Con- have every fisonezoagg 1e: itbeknown. Such NALlSl W00 gSFDNMHV‘ MRDE UP 0F NEONPRLBlSEXUhLIFWfi
. . II . . h- M to, social life ac- the New YIor im , d t A MEASLY15 QU ' 5 ROM THE PLANE—T
.- , . .x versely, lt ratedIUKI lg .y l'b nt in- a superficial fact-gathering effort woul no -~— (£"’ “ED [MM/C7
I I ‘. companying its findings With iffigdfiatzygrty be tolerated even from a total rookie on any AT 54C"; W MONGO/ mfg INTERESTED IN STUDtES
‘3 ting a picture of UK as a newspaper in the country that pays hp seerAcfi WITHM {WY FURTFER N SUCKle IRON LUNGS Pfr' THE W
.I I, : school. ta t d by the Kernel Art to objectivity. let alone tine that features RESEARCH w- ‘ A of M U 15 WAMHON
I ‘.I , hen con ce . , . , . t Fill In [HR ngns . I t
- V-x 1' Gall/labor vice preSidem for academlC affairs, the ngws thalfififltof) Icluestionable journalism, U T NG TEAM"'¢
- called the Guide's entry on UK “ab“.lutely A“ ”1?. hindling and play of the story , DARDVAKK‘ WRES Ll
, i- ‘ . ridiculous” and “a tremendous diSSerVice to (Steffi: an: equally indignant response. 0n ' ”R Q I , i.
', V of this institution.” . m - - , _; -
. . .- the faculty and Stlflletllds tion to the Guide, the day after a severe winter storm tilt 9:3 t“) , , . , BéLlT‘t fi \th. Do i - .
. - , . . Indeed, The in 1‘ "C . to six inches of snow across the s e a El (8 ‘t v‘ 7’ Fill '7‘.’ \ '
' ' ~ ' detailing the method of survey used ‘0 dr aw its up t Pfime Minister of Poland l g \ l ‘l . it," 1 mwr " 7’ '
‘ ' . ' - - ' an almost unbelievable plC- the Depu y - 1 1 'n that coun- TH ‘ ’ i ll. . EVANS w 7 r Q! 0‘ \i more“ ‘x
V ” = V conclusionS, gives ' 1' m at its best. predicted an end to martia an h .- $1 w ’~\~\_., 5 mp \ j ‘. «50' -
, ture of irresponSibIlIe igirna 1:8 Fiske New try it instead ran the Guide story across t e Q ~ I M, 5111.65,. I I “It :.
lj’ '. For each entry, aut 01' war ' . ’ - l ‘2
. " 3. -, York Times education editor, and hls Staff m' top 0f page one. I I o "'3 — -‘ ' 2’” "'
. . - . . .\ I A .\
j ,' .’ I.‘ TAP-TAP—
proposed gun law aimed at Californians W .. infinim _ ”my"
-- l d ocatos ‘ ' ' ’ " ""/ ” / C V m1, -'
v ixxxxexxxxxexxxxxxxxxx “not” iatfi‘ii‘t’lf'iopioi‘zifififié’iiilnssor \t. . d ,lte—W.LR 12:, w/ / To
' l 1‘ .' v ' C lifornia. where back thecauSeI . V ‘ ‘t' t‘ e — of whiCh Jimmy a t ,,/,x .
' l V ' Eggzrngbgtentlriteatlheir own laws. 1 ButrvaliI’; imgggtitgeudsirgcntgflif alertelllslirlrllbassador for refugee af— F ME AN B/G’TIME @\T°‘\"- m\\%.\\\
i. ‘ ae . .. ---' v , -
" 3 Tl: rhlctnthéagsflsésfljrfiiflhdlzfl: tthCommittee Against Street 0:36: fa®l1?3::::SimlggVancgnllzhfl: /. I o . ( ' . . _ - .. ~ , . I .
“ onl a 0 led Weapons. sayS —W1 . . . .i 5f / ' ' ' _ « , - .
u ., . . .. . , uld re- and Concea . - ~ 11 break ,4 . I, / ., I... , . ,
V‘ ', " . .' lmllamfi ashrfgtilfnmolxhgrsntowgegister control advocates are losmg ground thinshhfikcfilllhxenghqlcdghlywhhiCh has ,’ é / W Cb (. W_.l‘s' a V
" qwea e da anyway- . . . ’ - . -' 7/, _ of ”a“
,x 'I . ;I,I'I.; their weapons bethore Nilllfealigllfée: evFI; illilstancei the mOdest 1968. intimidated gastnof our public of , /, a.
:2 . ' oprr1130.1983. {$an ms The on- handguncontrol bill is under attack flClalSiI :ays t hgslanti-gun forces
. I . on the purchase° th Existingsupp- m Congress. Abill sponsored by Sen- 330““? sablis to get the 346119 '_—___—_-—
. 1y salesml'befrom 9 James McClure, R-Idaho, and Rep. will be ma 8 I “I ham Biilots
. ‘ . .- ly of regiSLered handguns. Harold Volkmer D-Mo., shoots holes signatures nefdedoftougIe 13:1“ :ays the Doux
-' '., a . . ’- - , hnAcquiino e
_ .. . m its record-keeplng requirements J0 n t uld W
.. I. .. i - .. ll wrongheaded effor w0
, . , . And in response to an Ordinance “mm y - - .. , . . - th greatest social adVOCateOHhe
7 " _’ _ 3 “ “‘4 against handgun saleIsfaIiItIid $2531? dgxgfimmfféflgg‘fi'out by pm Writers wanted down in mwmimszrfm :2 (tlifyen‘tieth century. 0,, Friday,
,7 ‘- otedb thecitizens or , . .. . correSPO - the name of
’ ’ V «7' My; ht. Seny- Steve Symmsx R'Idamx Wh° Men's °f theulmnfiwe‘ $th 33:; IhOpe this letter finds you in good needOf aIfrIiend. Please hear my out- January 15, a man by
.; Ii: I _, I . Mc rorv always rides shotgun for the gun lob- makes a Icompe mghangmllhs killed 8 health. I’m an inmate at s_0_C.F. in cry for this is my hope. Write Mr. J9 - Martin LutherKingshould have come
1 l by has announced plans to dig“ contllaljllilGil'galggf-itain zgiin Sweden Lucasville, Ohio. I need your help in my D. “S; 2105:9945“. ”52-2% acrosstothe readeisof theKernel. A
I . ‘, . ‘n ei . , . . Inca ' ‘o, .” i
,I I. ,.' The outraged giin lobby held 1;: lznglaltl?lTn(tisha:o v{5:11:11ti(::smtylizictehalle $30; S witzerlandi 42 in West GeIF- plating Unsuag‘.) not judge me because m:;kfll;d\?sincerely. paragraph or two shouldnt be too
.‘ ‘ ll emergency meeting {it the f erameritv to eliminate traffic of many, 48in Japan,521n Canada, 58m I ope y this is my leSl time in much to 35k 0‘ a student publication
- - Angeles International AJFPOI't 1" late the “3 ' Israel and 10 728 in the Umted States. ofwhere I am, _ need of JefferyD Reed . . l findstheillegalpark‘
.~ . bers of 13 state gun firearms. I I . . ‘ d ’t ind being prison. I’m very lonely and in - which obVloust . -
. . . Novembeg. Mem sentatives of the The NRA is contributing to the Califormans,twho :1)? thle in the friends Io nly get mail from my mom No.152-241 ingofstudents cars andthe175th bir .
. . I. J clubs an repre . , . 1 to a federal thought far-ou, mg I . ‘ l tto et mail M45699
. ' ,1, xi . . ‘ th Ri ht to financmg Of an appeal , . - t nd dad. It means a 0 8 , . .
V V V ' l gatingogfte‘frg arid “gs big court ruling that upheld the..M0rt0n :eghgpzmfiebggugafidéhflgguld no talecause that is the only way In??? Lucasvdle, Oblo' thday of Robert E. lee mol'etlmpor.
, ' 1 Rifle Associa- Groveordinance. . . - k in Contact with the 00 1e _ tantthanthebirthoftlusgrea man
x ligmerwllfii b32335 two million The gun lobby is always stricéeiiét, (9 1982,UmversalPross Syndicate wild. This is a cry from a lonely Kim remembered km
“=1”. ‘ ar b t latel there has been a new e . t. . - Mar e
~ I‘ ”.1 'j members endujndaggzrmous w t: its prolhaganda. Recently, the NRA Mary McGrory won a 1?” Pang; heglease place this ad in your Once again The Kernel has tam: Undecidedfmhman
.' chest.wel‘€!lnIa " . ~ _ news r ads to for her commentary while W' __.. ION: Rebel report oreven recogmzethebu' _,
. _ «.; Alan Gottlieb chairman of the took Out full page PaPe , h“ ton Star newspaper A'I'I'ENT
‘3 5- 4 ‘ Citizens Committee for the Right to suggest that If FI‘018nd ItIiIidnctItIzhaeiI/I: Was mg . . . n t
1 , . . ‘ C
,i.:i .‘ " *V (1 Bear Arms. proposed that tough handgun aws. - n 0’ t w
reps: in xaxxxx x W. somehow W 3:381:22 f ionallsm of survey, a ' 9' ues '0
" 5‘; T - V offensive to add to the California con- martial law that is cur e y ’0 ass - wh ttend schOOl
'V ‘t't t‘ n the Second Amendmen‘ “we" “W“ the” t ‘t cumbedtothewillies and, with $115 in other 22,975 of us 0 a
s i u 10 . . .. l n astheSecond Amendment , . idlik i you the reader a chance 0 st . . - t' t here and the editors of the Herald
. x, of the US COnstitution, As 0 g _ . - AsamatterOfintroductlonil e ng . ' ' this In ket hookedahalrplnl'lgh JUS a . . ,
language on “A weiixregulated is not infringed. what is happening in . tacouple ofthings. back and think about coping in )f'pocthe. Phone store and buried bought those opinions liketheprover.
II , which reIa . '. 1 nd can never happen m these tosay JusI tfour- craz societywe’reapartOf- beore . We bial NewJersey swampacreage- .
., . .x militia being necessary to the securi Po a .. I l . line of 1m 801118 to try for the nex y myself in the back of the books , tudent there’s this
. i l‘ i' 7 ty of a free State, the right of the 990' united States. ‘5 the c osing teen weeks to comment on the world And one more thing —— if you as a next door. As for this s the l! rald' I’ve
J V'V ? V' 'l k nd bear arms shall not be this astomshlng call to arms. ll live in and deal with daily. I earn for lengthy detailed ex- reply to Flske and e - .
l" " PdfnlfigSP‘a And in Point Blank‘ the newsman? gull guarantee the tone of my work. flights and analysos of com- I combed through the volumes, had a year and a half toevaleulaet; t3:
' .‘ V~ ' ' ‘ l . I t . . ' a . . , .
, . . Citizens Committee for 6 PI . ts ou . thin to astethree university and Ive discov
; a t'. The national Rifle Association of the Arms the piicated world issues and even .y looking for some 8 w . ’ d or 't p 1e get
' “ed“ca‘ “‘8'" ‘° Keep and Bear ‘ i bebetterottskippmg when I spied In my good and the ha 1. cap
.. ..-. . presently favors merely an . h- 'n readers to would probaby . hours on, . . . . this lace. From what
-x ~ - : x . ,. - editor urged churc goi g - ’ derm selfa - n a bland-looking kicked out Of P
._ . ton cam ign. . . . .i _ this column. Idon tconsx y I pheral Visio I I
f ., " ‘f’. . lProponelfiats of the big handgun “who” contributions t: d gin: " great authority on every issue coming 531mm with a catchy title. With an Ive heard- there are daffnn firing:
i".‘«l.7,~ .' freeze have been told by allies and snatching clergymen. Ins ia. ' t' y . down the pike and I’ve got no itchtofind out what others thoughtof fessors in mostIdepar e . to
ll” friends that they have gone ‘00 fa" were told Q P"! m a note. ts'latilng ' '9 ‘5'" business pretending to be. This is not is I Picked up The New York Times There is work being doneIhere, goter
’ l: "ll" that while 80 percent of Americans you're not givmgIany moretIun l “0?; .. x‘ Harris tosay that I’m a dope—I’m not by a Selective Gui d etoColleges 1982-83. the library on most fili-ls-senk‘ifick-
, favor handgun resistration — and renwfncet‘ltea“;fi‘§£fli?iiisiop Ionsshot- 1"" 1““ “°‘ EM“ °“t i flipped through the b°°" mghutianmgtttogztcgoodmdes
, . _ . a - ' ‘ ir '
“ '5, J, have for the last 59 years they are the p :1 Hicke was singled out for t' ~ t sa that my work will be chancestolooklike one.I _ ding the reviews of the schools 1 meet,“ e deans P°lnt proudly to the
, 7mm." . 0 edtoan outright ban onsales. James . . Y . Le s 108 Y . t I Now listen. Let’s learnsomething 1‘88 I 0 when I 88 the
i' i . ppos ha' h of Handgun Control special mention because he '5 0“ emotional. I'm an emotional sor. the applied to two years as of number of students who make, .
V, ‘ Will I The c1 Errwhte”) Shields, flew record for the “elimination of Mn cry at movies if the 5P1“? moves me' toge r. started my trek b?“ to pr a: dean's list - and the number 15In t m
' Inc" Ne 5°. ' . t m rtune dgunsfrom society." andlalso yellandstomplfsomethmg , i . ttl- sionalism. I was a little angry the megammamk. either. Its not
~ ' ', to California this week tfol inllltliative So far no nasty notes have been makes me mad as hell. Ive got a problem. Ive nth”? ‘ some writer had the bazongas w “it even above 200 in each of the three
.V 7" " 4': "V the manigt‘elosmmtl'lgllrc‘3xtreme” DOSi- found in thecollection Plates Sometimes I'll be somber. mg ll; the body count on M S] as ls down my future alma ”5‘" but “:2: wgfit undergraduate colleges here.
5.: 'l V ' {Peril-:3 tor settle for mere registra— There is no dOUbt Iamong pollsters sometimes I‘ll be irreverent- 3}“ about 5050' - a couple days ago lutdrlltlhirare'l‘lwmea I admit I haven't done a lolldot:
,V'Vx" tlonof the some 4million handguns in thatIan outright ban IS regarded as a overall.Ih0petobeentertalmng,81V- Authority frightens me. Strong, Eddie Fist? 8!?th classroomwogkinthepas yeah]; the
in i .5; .-'f.xI"I circulation in California. SulCldal position. e B t d powerful figures intimidate n.“ right mugs had say - half. In‘fa‘rcnlimveAnddonemmy tra 'pt
I. _IiI I‘ ;x' ,‘Vilx [‘me COUNTY I]! B E into the ground. NOW some lInlght say I We up at six in the Ina-nine sure isnit an adverfiment for the
. mwlUlR,WTWOt/WWR that ifIintimidate easily In!" the wmywmepammmy m Ammtatux,mietteri
" '-. [ratio WY, men SAY/FWSMVOU :5 wrong buslnm- The self defense H mid paper route and yf the registrar a few weeks
', . - . M155 HARwa IS in Y£AH .. OH BINKLEY 7 OWHCRE INTH€ SNOWWHH- WERE 1 ns a ychologist gave me Lexington e. t got ,m .
- . w. WELL Au oi/rvouR CAPON’ HERE SHH-’ SPAM 33° ps w the headline on the fron N89 013 testimony tothat.
V‘V '. Logicalxlfillmmu IKNOWIS // yes wTMCHaP HUMOR INMY helpedx but m" years later’ that started me boiling. For once. 1 “So Eddie Fiske, set 0“ 0“? bum
- I,IIIx I. I oer mzev SHE’S 48179,ch MA’AM? I As you. HER HAIR. sometimeslmakeit,sometimos . . deferred to my mlistis cm-iosity and get yourself a round-trip ticket
‘1, . ' ,9. ,' wrm rr 32% \ ”a 'g / l \ and read why “Big Blue” was setting down here to take a look at the ml
III’ g \ W i ll ’, Aboutfourweekaago,ltooka “'BOO" ldmmmenkeymreyq
i _I-" Hm I ’f 'I _ - .Iwasonmyway the 3‘s . w .
,. '. , I F,“ . N k a ‘ #9, (/ miserable mm I . m an“ shut m yW [w I
. -i i i . H“ ”J liq J M - l tobuy my wife“ Mm‘l’mt' Whenlsotallthefactsbelundthe barto them -
. -.I I. . '- if x / t “\J « . i. *5, “V . Rubik’sCubeor - zed the crow .w '
. . , n . v l [ i Era ll» 2 / N41 ’1 i, y/ \Q‘,‘/I Shecouldntaskfora Times article, I was 3"“ And edim of the Herald, get
1" ' ,x, \W‘} O " l‘,’/ 277 \ ,' a." N r l /' M orteofthosewoiiita.wonlta-wmkaTV edignrinistaffottheiiuuiaicouldtliye mifafewbucksandsitinafew .
"’ '. /" / ”as 5/ . I tiff/k?" ' // g 2/ ”/3 f j samesit'msh— adamam' .detnmental “mm“ yd...“ here. Come on up to the.
i fl " - “.., W"! -—-‘ - "' ‘7‘” She asked to have our telephone hometown university such I)w “brat-y mi takeawalkimtmraome:
, .IIII I, - ’. In!— —' b no» I risk ' reconnected. she's been after me to mim on 3 {mt page reachlnx night. And don’t In like 1mm:
x’ , " , by Berke Breathcd get it done for about six months. 8": overilootnmden. moi. by scum 25 pm who sell .‘
x, ' x' a . “'1',” C(wNTY every time [come closeleither spell on your head you a bill of good: about muting -
.1 V I’LL W! the money on something like gasoline Hey. Harald! Where W ions of a youml tabe- muemtnfmed :
. , " m7 some mama [WM/M BABY! and groceries, or I cop out ‘0 the when W“ "‘d ”‘ ""9"" boot I
', . MissianwHAS {wove Hemmr rrwasontv mom 1 5mm. writerwhogothisuiformattonfrorn I - _
x, .v V momentum W’s HELPBEING AMRTI'ER muxue's I“ / Mem“ . mt oniowiiimwuiecanmm :
, ABOUT HER Mew oonw m AN or m WING mom ”WW9 Mmmmfl. ' And we're not talking it nor sum as sources. .ve got to M... pooplc arc hm on thcflVO-Y‘a' .
' . Fm 9 WOW UNEQUALED W346 NM 9 / l d mm either -‘ yard get mmk' Wm thlt I.” y“. tomak [an K07"! Assistant "amine -
f V VI Now €LITI6TLOt/66 mum V ‘3' l bleedifyouhad towalk into GTE and talk to more N “grandad; :dltor Jim Harris to hero on the nix-f2
V I ——_’ -— -— l__ ' r drop ”3 0“ 3“ overdue bill. plus up a 'm' but