xt7dv40jwx0v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dv40jwx0v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-10-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 25, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 25, 1983 1983 1983-10-25 2020 true xt7dv40jwx0v section xt7dv40jwx0v _ _ _ _.__ __.._______ .__________.__...._,.-_,-- ,. . U- - ., ..
Vol.1.XXXVI. No.54_-- ~- ~1¢~m ., +~s~i~~a~ :‘MdM.W.Konud-y mmtfli twodoyOcVoborls. ms
is I Death t0“ reaches 191 after Lebanon bomb'n
2 5 BEfilfigallfibganYX-A?) _l\?ane by mffemxt'gn‘eemzmm ttheFrMa- — wllh me and he was trapped l tintiu ‘lJf'llfl‘ '2 wt‘ , .1" i, . l‘jt‘ullt‘ \ -
one. es encan mice n . ii an- a . . .,. . .V g .. , .., V... ,
-. were pun“ from their Shana-a1 COlS Mina-ram mmtafly mid a We go, up ' ' ' 07d we heard about a wmhlgnwu?efl “I‘llfi‘llmi ilfidlrl’t “fl :ilttft‘r illiorrywiltl'ujJJIXl uitiiitii: in:
Beirut command post yesterday. personal visit tohBelrut vale-flay. thousand people, it seemed like, screaming seemed m. screaming n.4,. m.» was at. m. w .t .. WW
pushing the toll to at least 191 killed stoppingbybothsites. , , ,. n ' nod helpme' " 'litlLti lnrn- tn“...,..,.‘ .,,,.
in the bloodiest attack against the Both Iran and Syria rejected U.S. Help "79- 00d help me. In the ['5 capital testt-rttn t-mtttttrui lrtkltlfl‘xr firitt‘ffiii‘mll? t
US militarystnceVietnam 5088*th that those Count-HS House Swakor Thomas l‘ t) \t‘lli trtltiris ll) nuixu-r'. .tltilrul tint 'Jin
. Ill Washington. as 3.901mcalf‘fr0r were “hind Mblngi Sxfia'SVSQV- RObCN Calhoun. said t'ongn‘ss is ‘ going it! haw .I xtme torrimttnti
bUIlt. over the Mannes‘ missmn, ernment newspaper dascnbed itin- (' 8' Marine comp“... “w...“ 0f “h, m. H. mm. “gum... ”“14...” \ms M.”
President Reagan declared that they stead as a blow by Lebanese nation- ” ' and whether it is “t‘fllhbllllt' tn km‘p .m- min tin « .ttntwt ‘tm! impair
will stay because “we have vital in- alistsagainst“occupationforces." — our how there for diplonmttt- rm Stir t-w but» Mr it‘llmrfin‘. .iett-r
terests in Lebanon." An anonymom telephone caller Earlier yesterday. when the death New stories emerged of the horror sons " - mum: .umme .l a iminmi m m
Across America, meanwhile. mili- had claimed responsibility for the toll stood at 161. officers estimated of the first minutes after the t-xplo- But Reagan a! a Wllllt‘ ilouw \llldlltilr .untt-tmu- m ln‘lNWJ sun
tary messengers fanned out to bring attacks in the name of the “Islamic 50 Marines and U.S. Navy men re sum new (“mammal said at m.- ~xi. .'i'll.tliI‘Ograrn' mm: gain 0f salt,” he sald “But i a, ‘ W» -..-..:.’ ’i it“ M? “a? " ‘ Ellis. ._ i i , tiNlIK'll iiillStsls til llir ”ll!“ \ltuil'lll
e o vea int." tie ' 1‘: 5‘ 7E3. at... i - . t v; t x t1
“The film deals With the attacks Tlie film poiiiied out the involve- ' 3'“ I “an.“ ’t; - f f: C " _ ”it lilTi‘rir-nllll; 3-1.. 13:32:14": iii 1 3:0 hill
. on Nicaragua from the north —along ment of the CIA —— militarily and fi- .: t" “MI" V5 ‘V " ,. V ‘ iml' [lhililili mu ll tm‘ inunmtha
the Honduras-Nicaragua border’ nanClally — With the COI‘IU‘flS in HOII- 'k §£ ‘- :WM'I'?‘ ‘ m" ‘e “ “git/3. ~ . :7? 3 ‘ '3 I 5" MG . I M I llrtlllrill \f tt-tit-t-s .ilitl \ll i.ti st Win 0*.
Kemeth Coleman. dlreCtor Of the duras. It explained that the Reagan ‘ V . a? i 1Q . Re? i; 5;? 7’32 : i ”11%”? \f?‘ . "'3; 2. 3" 'I'llti \( . \ rt‘pit-‘u‘lilnlixo‘s ‘4 hit li
LatmuAmerican Studios 5033“}5 administration set aside “$19 million ‘ . ‘_ t , “”1... 3.3, fl: -. 5 ' ’7»; if " wm- ..\ ”unit-m int-mt“. ..r«
I said. This Is not a neutral film, it IS for a covert action 2,000 miles south . . if: 4 f: , feds. ~ ._ V; s1,» .- .- .“f' l‘htl hum, mm“ W“ M“ .md
; very partisan. of Washington, D.C.. along the Nica- . y __ View: a, gigs,” , . . . ,3 s . .‘t‘ i-H‘1F.ai n3: {3 5 ~‘ , John Burn-es
” ..It was designed to persuade” rafiuafimgmugrduggais { the MW . ' »’ "‘4 3 §M¢< ‘ ” " ‘ is; will: i “As I Llnlll'f‘stdnli it, lit-lorr— any
ple about the presumed errors of . fa 0 rel”: t' _ ts 0 the J"- ,. _ ~,\\:j-—* .. .. . y :‘52‘ ,1: k s 3,: new at‘nrit-mtt' [Illll‘lf'h df'f' going to
U.S. policy (toward Nicaragua).” yvlgrlms 0 an par lClpan In - ' ~ " -- mun.“ k N :1 unplvl’iryiltril U: 'l'ti'rlsi'tt-Ll tin-Ix) '1”:
. "ml in" ~ .it NU t'i Ill ‘v- .t l
Two panelists. Scott Breckjnridge A discussion session that followed A" wrapped up Bradford \ln'iprl'sltii'iil end
and Kathleen DeWalt, who were in. the film turned lntO heated debate . . . . ”-Thi. represent the trill-nests of
vited to discuss the film. also found on the right of CIA intervention in Dan tvlason, an undec‘ided‘ sophomore (left). and Doug Bowling, an engineering sophomore. sludvmsml‘,“ ltrmtimdwd
ittobehighly biased. the internal affairs of other coun- havent given up on the _Wildcats and they prove it by waiting in the cold and rain for tickets .1 m”, mums“, ML, W W.
tries with some accusing the pan- to the football game this weekend. The Wildcats are hoping to stage a comeback alter a paM “M "w, h“... mum", ,,
“The film is very skillful propa- elists of being prejudiced and not disappointing loss to the Georgia Bulldogs. UK faces the Cincinnati Bearcats Saturday at mm... m... u...” h, w“... m ”N. ,m
ganda." .Breclsingridge. a former knowing enough about Central home. The game is at 7:30 pm. Tickets went on sale yesterday at Memorial Coliseum. ull) l'mmt'll John l'hrislnphpr u,
CIA offic1al. said. “It is a sad story; America. , Mx‘iall'lk‘dll of MA said
l'lirisliipht-r mill llii- idl‘llll‘v ttuin
, O O 0 ('ll tit-nix ‘Allll ‘xtltll lllitllf‘f\ to pro
swa s term brou ht chan e to administration
léilllm lll‘grl'l' [Migrants and nurse ,
rt-tismns It \ \t-r) important to
By ALEXCROUCH oping stronger programs in re- , ~ . « wald upgraded faculty more rapidly essary latitude to perform a com l’inw- student input for time
SeniorStaff Writer search. ' i4; . thaninanyotherfive—yearperiod " prehenswe function I look to t-hanttt‘.‘i lwv‘ml
“I also came in with a new gover- _‘ ,4;er V , , , “He changed faculty composition the Community College system ultl w. n. looking forward tr. lull-mg
In a recent telephone interview. nor (Edward Breathitt) who was ’,' y ' tremendously by attracting produc- mately to be the midergtrding of n mum-ll of students ntlxisr if. on
John w, Oswald, now president-eme- very education-oriented. He was a , 43%,. tion-oriented faculty members." higher education in Kentuckv ’ lht'lr nN‘d-a. “a"! will
Vitus of Pennsylvania State Univer- friend 01' Terry Sanford, then gover- or I; said a College of Education profes- Oswald's administration's“. the There needs in he in mum-ii to
sity. talked about his life in educa- nor of North Carolina who became tr ' sor who preferred to remain anony- establishment of it) of the system‘s Riv" alimit-tits input U" NW
tion and his term as president of UK president of Duke (University). . if” , ;* mous. “'l‘hey were the kind we call current l3 colleges ' champ-s and give student opinions
from 1963toi968. “So I felt there was a desire to I“ . "M" 'V ‘cosmopolitans,’ ones who are loyal His achievement, for whit-h n... and Views, ‘Aithcraftsaid
strengthen the University's academ- ”g: to a discipline. not an institution Lexington Technical Institute build Ashcroft and Bradford both lndl
ic offerings, to broaden them and to " V Many came. stayed a short time and ing was named in his honor. is h“, rated that the last active (‘oum‘ll
E make UK more national and inter- .' fit left—the'upward mobiles‘ most important accomplishment~ was during lxmld Sands term of
ven though he was adminis- national in reputation." Oswald , .. . L man Gi er dean of the (hilt l' associate- tit-am til Add 'We were re
. . . . . H . . _V i It was healthy to stir up the fac- y rig . "l .
trative Vice president of the Umver- said. To accomplish this there had it“ ult who had been "mam I0_ of Education for most or mum t invigorating ll from a long sin-p
Sity of California system. Wthl'l he tobechange." g"; ca]: he also said ”me hisyem- tenure. said. However. some Ken Sands. mm Vict- chancellor for an:
COHSldel'ed “one Of the StmngeSt . M phasis on research and the tuckians atthe time feared that Us demic affairssnid
- academic lnSlltUthllS “1 the com“ ,5! ~ ~ ~ ‘ ' wald was atlblishi l'(T .‘t in 'I worked With them in Will it
n - institution of merit pay. rewarding . _ "8 a ’5 y It "it
try, John W. Oswald l)“t his name I production created consternation multiversityintl‘iestate organized and writing the rules for
l“ the running for the presidency 0‘ n his 1964 inaugural address. among V I h h d bee _ Oswald also said he feels good i' inward
. . peope w 0 a n pro
UK. . Oswald sketched an academic moted for longevity -~ about the system he initiated “They “MW", “MFA", m . I.” {m
“UK interested me.“ Oswald said. blueprint outlining the changes he _ (the community colleges) give an . .t ' impuls. ,‘iw’ n“
“I knew it was an institution that thought necessary for the first de- . In his speech. Oswald continued added element of strength. attach «i putt. ion on M f at?!” (nun
was determined to move up the lad- cadeofUK'ssecond century. “(Secondlyi the Lmversrty must merit and affiliation wrth L'K .. He ,8 9". (an will up didwlim ml." the
tier in academic strength. There was “ping we must realise that. when JOHN W. OSWALD open the door to quantity and recog- pleased that the system Is w" ”80 so; «flair-y in l .' sltwiel-nt earlier
areadiness. pared to its core. the University is mac that “mm" the next 10 years ciated with UK “They're so tied to QTIQ ”7".“ ,.""."n‘(§‘h;,’,"‘.'m W
“And (up) 00 the year I came, its faculty. Long before the concept faculty accordingly. 'l‘heuniversity‘s student 8'1”"!let may QOUble. In the landgrant minim." he said. il t’ "'19.“: d " "m
1963, was the peak of a five-year of the ‘multiversity' and the great role is to teach. to do research and thisregard. we must realize the po- ”M help the overall university 3'98” "u M ”a that
time span. from 1960 to 1965. called service roles of the landgrant col- to provide service; the quality 0' “3m"! value 0‘ the “mm"m'." perform its mimon of gerVicQ and “if dfladlln' '07 “1mm! in «wit
the golden period of higher educa- lege idea. a university was recog- eachof thesedepends upon thequal- colleges. They "lust be developed 30 mm“ m yea!“ depth Mir, cations is Hot Z1 Elections are to
tion." Oswald continued. “'l‘here nixed as a community of scholars. ityofthefaculty." 8* to he responsive to the needs both very hem“, in cm regard . take plau- rm No» it and a at the
was strong confidence: Universities Let us accept this principle as the Classics professor lawrence 0f the state and 0f their mmumly Patterson Tower Mezzanine during
had responded to Sputnik by devel- matrix of our institution and build 8 Thompson said he believed that “05- . . . t and they) must have the nec- Seem“ All). past ‘ preregistration
ts; ° .
a; .
Percentage of Mama people Number of U.S. Singles increases, meme
.: Willow-h— ’2
w 2‘s ’ ' " but prOfessor contests 1980 census on “I“ he I. M vino Rod
.::.;V;-{§ In $9,? that a Wildc- MI: View - '
1970 a“? . ‘3 . j‘ By KAREN BROWN amines and commercials seem to ex- willing to live tenths to make sure in has n. sch-Hui " h"
waaawx - '_ ” Reporta- aggerate cohabitation, which leads they are mflyd“t3;ody Williams. a mum”;
".,,, _ ' people to believe that it is common psychology ommunicatiom ..
*4 . J“ ., . , . The I”) census showed an in- practice. Clayton said freshman. “Id. The idea of trial “a, 0'. .2133." flu".-
. M ‘ " . f _' creek in the number of single pet) "‘I‘here is an increase in the num- marriage lifts the burden of respon- in 'md‘ "1' ' "
3‘..'5r:2:-.:.‘ 3‘ ‘ ~ " pie in me United States rim-in. the berdeoupla living together but not mutiny and mic pea-m. he -"' F" ,
«a, g , . ' last to years. figures show that 71.7 a large me.‘ he said ”Only four to said
“ ‘ ' percent of the popiilation was mar- five percent of the total population Anthony Gilvtn. a frslunan in
t .- - rled in mo. but only «as percent in are sanctum." join-slum said he Wt abou
fl " 1m. Claytm said couples are not decid. the unusual side of the sitution
t: ' But Richard Clayton. a mote-or in; agalmt marriage but the age “MW untim- a! marriage
y ., of sudden. said be due not believe theydoget married has increased. are poetical. nun and um penile
q t . :. .- = htmhmthem, He said this could be strum to are ruling that if they can‘t be so 1“. m a h H ,
V_ Vs, ’3 - (Jam laid the m doc not the Mouse in the runbt of people ceptod for thetr own beliefs and feel- * fl . u I. ~. I
7, 43:523.: $21.1 ta; . take into cornideration homolu- maxim college. a period which is ina. than really Ii't a ream for a tan d . w h ~ ‘0 .
a. mic. dvurced people. widows and km on “extended adolescence" mom-Rump." * .. M u h h
g He said penile are led to believe In contrast. m W said likely and to um: um whom I... “I in m u
m the inn- Ma that mar- they dirk that marriage is m the they have cartoon. in common .- . m h . fl .
s. f“ , ; , ‘ rho: h at the Mil. Television decline. “11:: W 1! marriage with. ”Ninety percent of all adults fl“, .
' ' ' ' ‘ mum—omin- m m. m. m- hn’t held up became people are “upstart-datum" . '
- l

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m KENTUCKV KERN“. Tue-by. M a. in J
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1 1 Au I‘O’" Sow" it: c...
. ' 2“"3535 1 ”WNF*?“WZW 3"}. .-.. 11 « ~ i ' ~ 1 '
' Experienced Bond ready for big SEC t t 'th 'I'
\\ ' ByJASON WILLIAMS blocking as her strong pomts. while Mary Jo l’e‘pler guided her for After playitu the match the lata
Senior Staff Writer she considers her sen-mg accurate. three years, Raid 1: playtru along pltl‘lfiullu mayor was mint :1 Mc-
1.1 not strong and her passing de side a player many ctr-raider me 111 111.1.1111 1:1e11gihle Mame her math
.2 If experience means anything. pendahle as well Her statistics back the beat in the college game 11.1114, t‘ttlatn\. :mtructor failed to turn .1
” Marsha Bond should be ready for her up saidthere is nosense of riyalry with 1mm cum: unre aurora he:
:“x: 1 Tennessee tonight The only problem Bond has 640 111115 hits good for 11 her and Kirby 1.1111 enough «ruin hnun 1.1 11111;
{a is she knows the Lady Volunteers point or .1 \lttl‘Out and 1'77 errors “I dont look at it in that rap“: prte \ttrr 111-mum three :tm'the‘
. ‘ " willbereadytoo. out of 1.151 total attempts this sea because I feel like both of us .1111 «tor .1 bus she was reimtatn! .ftri
4 , “I think they'll be pretty tough son for to: efficiency rating. good contnbuting our all to the teem: 111111.11; thetmtagam
Naturally they‘ll be psyched up for the top {1‘18 tn the nation Her Bond tutti Im glad that shes and. When she yoga playing thwh
* - Bond said at yesterday‘s lady Kat 11111 per match lnernge is 17 8 She a good player that she t‘lltrihtltm .1 111mg.» were «111 not wivkmg ~11!
volleyball practice in Alumni Gym. hits 11’? solo blocks. 63 ASSlSlfd lot. because 11 talus a lot of pry-“1111- we 1111111.: haye any mi; wrong
’ “because this will be dectding the blocks 2'.“ serving aces and 291d1gs oftofme lmlierxhip out of any ot the yrmon
‘ SEC tSoutheastern (‘onference1 Volleyball Monthly named Hood. An interesting turn of eyenty mi. and that make- 11 difference t7».-
league champion and it'll also give already Allvsrit' twice. thirdteam sidering t'ly' was the only schm; {1‘ 11».qu plan-n. 10011 11; “mini.
fi;f;j%§§§-f§§i them a chance to knock us down in All Amerna before this season. but offer Bond 11 full scholantnp tout to look up to \l'l‘ Hut «1111 .t the
M' j l I -. . — thepolls." she Is not qtiite ready to accept that years ago She helped her team w;n xenon can 1 take the role 11! tin-111g
I . . a * Bond. UK‘S 6-0 senior middle billing the SEC championship her Ireshlimn the lemleh who can he fugn'tn! 111
. , 9“ blocker. has played against the Vols "I think he only had a couple of year. only to watch Tenor-aw mme dothat‘
“1 ‘ a the past three years. something really good outstanding matches so into conference dominance her toph M111 now talk of making ttw 1.1..1.
J " none of her teammates ca