xt7dv40jwz35 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dv40jwz35/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1995-08-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 28, 1995 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 28, 1995 1995 1995-08-28 2020 true xt7dv40jwz35 section xt7dv40jwz35  







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on Friday. Photo, Page 10.




WEATHER I lot and humid
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tonight, [021‘ in 60x,- hazy
tomorrow, lug/v ”our WI.

TU8KA xl not." ctr/Jilin on Ibefi‘om of [he
Col/ego ofFine xl 71x Building um mum/rd


August 28, I 995




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Senior hurt scaling campus building

Gun found in backpack;
UK Police investigating

By Brenna Reilly

.Vt’fl‘a‘ Editor

Each day thousands of students walk tip the stairs
of the Funkhouser Building. Early Friday morning,
one student tried to walk up the building.

Gregory Wayne Yates, a chemical engineering
senior, attempted to climb barefoot tip the front of
the building, said UK Public Affairs director Ralph

Yates' attempt was unsuccessful and he fell three
stories, shattering both his heels.

In the early morning hours on Friday, Yates drove
to campus and parked his car in front ofthe building.
He then removed his shoes and began to climb up

the front the building.

He apparently got about halfway up the six—story
btiilding )efore falling

Yates told police he lost his grip on the third floor,
Derickston said.

Before police arrived on the scene, Yates had
landed on the concrete.

At about 4 add, a Physical Plant Division worker
inside the building heard Yates scream for help and
called the UK Police Department.

He was taken to Humana Hospital.

Police found a backpack near Yates that contained
a .23~caliber Smith & \Yesson pistol, Derickson said.

“\Ye do not think he was climbing with the back-
pack,” Derickson said.

Derickson would not say if anything else was
found in Yates' backpack, but that police are investi—

Police suspect that alcohol was involved in the

Beer carts were found in Yates' car, w hith was
parked in the parking lot in front of the Funkhouser
Building, Derickson said.

Yates, 35, of 108 Shawnee Park, Apt. 1, was w can
ing a belt used by rock climbers, but bad no other
climbing gear with him, Derickson said.

“He told police he had just gotten home from a
back iack outing in Utah," Derickson said.

A so, Yates told police he was a climber.

He was listed in stable condition .it Humana Hose
pital last night.

The incident is still under investigation by the UK
Police Department. No charges had been filed as of

Police said Yates could be charged with violating a
University policy for having a firearm on campus.

The (lode of Student (lconduct says that “pos-
sessing a deadly weapon on ['nnersity pioperty
without authorization ofthe Dean of Students," is a
disciplinary offense.


Students can
update listings
by mail and tax

By Alison Kighl

Scmor Sniff ll 'rim’

Few things in life are more frustrating than
looking tip someone's phone number in the his
directory. calling them and having a conversation
with a total stranger.

Unfortunately, this can happen to students
because of a lack of a forwarding address when fre-
quently-moving college students move to a new


Students and UK faculty and staff are able to
change their listing easily
this year. though. by con-
tacting (It)mmtinications

. . Marketing through several

Itbiflk people “‘I think people are

are going to going to hate .H curate

)1 phone numbers ll] the
ave ”(curate phonebook this year,
phone ”1477117675 )ecause everything is so

in tbepbone-
boo/e t/Jisyear,
because every—
tbmg 1550 easy SGA is responsible for
to (Image- ” putting out the photte—
V books, and (lhaney said

easy to change," said Stu-
dent (iovernment Associa—
tion President Shea

Shea Chaney everything is running pret-
SGA prevalent ty much on schedule for

the release of this year's




“\Ve‘re hoping to have
the books out by sometime in ()ctober." (Ihaney

Students who live on campus ha\ e their phone
numbers changed automatically every year, but stu—
dents who move off campus have to change the
number themselves.

Students may send updated information to
Communications .\Iarketing'by fax. e~mail or by
mailing information to Marilyn Suvgielski, (rom—
munications Marketing, 108 Parking Structure #2

Information also can be changed in person or
mailed to Student Records in the I’unkhouser

Faxes may be sent to 2i7-Z45‘). Mail may be
sent via e—mail to ukphone@ukcc.uky.eilu.

Along with updated information, students need
to include their UK identification numbers and
personal access codes.

UK faculty and staff may include pager numbers
and cellular phone numbers in listings this year.








Kicking it Ill)

HELENA HIU lyw ml ‘11"

Two UK i‘nrrcr [)1!!_Yt’7'.\‘ pmnm at the team preparer for in opening game ibiv :i'eckend See rrorjy. page 4.




IlEl rim tllE tor UK Cbanre/Iorfbr the Lexington Campur Eltmberb

Zinser Harm! berjob on july 1 .

By Jenniler Smith
Allanaging Editor

The new chancellor for the
Lexington Campus has been seen
just 3 out everywhere — from
clogging on a stage to burning at
the stake.

Elisabeth Zinser, the new chan—
cellor, is small in stature —— barely
taller than 5 feet 2 inches tall, but
the former University of Idaho
president said she is not intimidat-
ed easily.

She said challenges and her
“adventuresome spirit” are what
drive her.

After her ap roval by the Uni-
versity’s Board) of Trustees, she
began her tenure at UK July 1.
President Charles WethinEon
said students will enjoy wor 'ng
with Zinser.


File ybom

“She is just a ver ' ersonable
individual," he said Rollbwing her
appointment. “The advisory com-
mittee and I were impressed with
her energy and enthusiasm. I think
students will be as well."




She said she believes hanging “I
out with students is one of her
less-publicized jobs as chancellor.

However, Zinser said she can
remember a time when student
activism wasn't a thing she rel~




0.8. and china
plan presidential summit

BEIJING ~— American and (Lhiiiese officials
agreed yesterday to begin planning a fall presiden‘
tial summit —-- signaling that (Ihina's release of
human rights activist Harry \Yu may have begun to
repair months of deteriorating relations.

['ndersecretary of State Peter Tarnoff said the
two sides had agreed to discuss an agenda for a
meeting between President ( linton and Chinese
President _liang Zemin in the United States in

But 'I‘arnoff, the highest~level I'S. official to
visit (Thin-a since relations began to sour in May,
cautioned that much work needed to be done
before such a meeting could be held.

(Lhina and the United States remain far apart on
a number of issues that have plagued ties. Tarnoff
said negotiators would discuss “a wide array" of
topics in preparation for the meeting, btit refused
to elaborate.


Plane crashes into restaurant

NIWV SHORFHAM. RI ~ Kyle lot-genson
had just bought a hamburger at J Block Island
restaurant when a seaplane that w as trying to land
crashed into a car, slammed into the caret“. and

He. saw a man lump out the piane and run
tow ‘lltl him in flames.

“He went down on the ground and um laid
still." said_lorgenson. 1%. w ho tried to beat the lire
out with cardboard and his shirt.

"l le was completely charred white. Flames were
inst swirling around him. I was freaked out."

The man died. along with two other passengers
on the plane and their pilot.

.\lso killed in Saturday's trash w ,l\ \‘era
Sprague. "I, w ho was getting her car fueled tip at
the restaurant, which shared a building with the
island's only filling station. The plane narrowly
missed the two gas pumps.

‘Good or Boys' being investigated

\YASHING'II )N ._ TheJustice Department is
tryingr to obtain the original videotape that pur~
ports to show racist activities at a “( iood ()l‘ Boys"
rally for federal agents, a spokesman said yesterday.

“\Ve're in discussions with lawyers to see about
getting the origin:il,"_lustice spokesman (Iarl Stern

The New York Times reported yesterday that
the source of the tape and stories about racism at
the. roundup was Richard Hayward, a former Fort
Lauderdale, Fla., police officer. The Times said
Hayward was upset when he was prevented from
expressing his white supremacist views at the out—
ings. A disgruntled Hayward provided his tape,
taken at the 19‘)” roundup, to the National Rifle
ASsociation this year, as it was gearing up a mem-
bership driye attacking the Bureau of Alcohol,
'I‘obacco and Firearms. according to the newspa-

justice has issued an administrative subpoena for
the tape to the Gadsden Minutemen, a paramilitary
group in Alabama, Stern said. Hayward said he
gave the original tape to the group, the Times

NAMEdroppin g

Gates, Buttett plan to hit the rails

().\I;\l l:\. Neh, The world‘s two
reportedly are planning to take a
tram ride through (Ihina.

.\licrosoft (jorp. head Bill (iates,
his wife, Melinda, and Omaha
inycstor \\'arren Buffett are mak-
ing the trip with friends next
month. the Omaha “odd—Herald
reported Saturday. The group is
renting cars on a [hill].

“It is .i personal vacation for
them ((iates and his wife),"
Microsoft spokesman Mich Mathews told the
newspaper from Redmond, \Vash.

(fompi/rdfrmn u'n‘r rrporn.

t best men



Zinser to stay active in llll student community

wasn't really offended,"
Zinser said. “I understood the stu-
dents' pain and l sympathized.
They burned me to make a point.
It really wasn't a personal attack.”
Two days after her burning,

Zinser said students can exgect ished. Zinser resigned asdpresident and
ener ' and enthusiasm from er, Zinser served as the president the board appointe a deaf preSi-
but t at they should expect more of (iallaudet University in \Vash- dent, who is still at the schoo.

than that, too. She wants them to
expect her to be open to their sug-
gestions and invitations.

“If (students) take the initiative
and get acquainted with me,” she

said, “then they're oing to find rquuirement.

ington, D.(I. for four days. The
students at the University, a
school for the individuals who er

cannot hear, wanted a deafpresi-
dent and Zinser did not fufi l

Zinser said she considers the
(iallaudet incudent one of her larg-
accomplishments in her life
because she was a key player in the
“major deaf revolution for fair
treatment and equality."


someone who is rea ly interested
in them.”

She said if students are involved
in some group or activity during
the year, then she can almost guar-
antee they will run into her ——-
whether it be at student picnics or
campus volleyball games.


n protest, the students activat-
ed and blocked entrances to the
campus. Zinser said they slashed
car tires and pushed them in front
of the tcs. The students also
made li c-size dummies of Zinser
and a Gallaudct board member
and then burned them.


“I had a lot of sympathy for
their cause,” she said. “Students
should get everything out of col-
lege that they want. Those stu-
dents wanted a deaf president —-
they got one and I'm proud of

See ZINSEII 0: 1|

aw..-“ .. e,



2 .llariday. .111ng 7‘". 199‘. [\mmili Ken/r!




































































5’ KtNTHCKV Z 6 10
Lance VVilliams.... ..... ........... Editor in Chief g I n 8 up 0" e a "HII
Jennifer Smith ......... .........................Managing Editor By Laura Boehmer replaced by Chm Hurley, and in
Brenna Reilly..... . ............ .....Ncws Editor IJIIIIIIII-HIIIip iI'IIm 1904 were signed m a (hm..-
- - record deal “lth Saliehous'e
JaCOb Clabcs """"" """" Executive Edl'tO!‘ l.oc.il rock trio Stiningliiiartin is Records. They then recorded their
1" 0 on........ ..... ....... . ............. am us l or setting 1 ie stiilre or 'ioI .l\. .‘ .s t in a min, 'urt e.‘a e u i. r -
Adell C but 1i r.iLer hill rosr 4g“
. . . . a . part ol the Music lii Your \eiglrr [He’ll].
Matt Fallce’ """" “ “““““ """"""""" “Edltorlal hdItOI‘ horliood series, Strangliiiartin is At the time of the change, But- 4
Jason Dartilo ............ . ...... . ...... . ............... Sports Editor the first of several local hands to ler told the Lexington—Herald .
, , 1. . play the Student (it'lllc‘l’ l.l\\ll. Leader, “one ol the neatest things .*
Brian Privett.. ................... . ........................ Arts Lditor [M1 1)), gmmm ““1 finger about Salehouse is that (hey do“ :1
Erin Bachcr ............ ................. , ......... Destgn Editor l)a\id Butler, with the comliina— go sticking their nose into the if
. - tion ot‘_l.i.son Russo on drums and recording process at all." .
Scott Drakc.. ...................... . ............ ....On—lme Editor (3th Hurley (m bass, 5mm After the release (If this album. 1
Ashley Shrewsbury .................... Asst. Editorial Editor glmartin produces an expressive Shearer left the band and was
. e . . sound crai ed in tans throughout replaced by the present drummer,
Claire Johnston ........... . ......... ..... . ....... KLCI Editor [hr WNW . . . .1350” Ruw)‘ The new £0,"me W 1
“Hon Tham. .............................. Photography Editor I he hand originated in 198‘) tion of Butler, Russo and Hurley ‘ I...
. . ' a . With a ditterent bassist, a different has made local fans happy who f' ‘
Tracxe Purdon.. ........ . ................... Asst. DeSIgn Editor dmmmcr and 1, (“f-Mm. "amt. have been anxiously awaiting 1. , .
Rastalish was their original name, another release from this hand. i
presented by then drummer Mar— The unique mixture of sole-inn i
U“ Shearer. _ _ . to almost humorous lyrics joined 1
”\lttl L‘Ulllllllltillsly l)t.‘lng HHS- u'ith a SltWVCI‘, almost punk rock
Mk?" l‘”' ’J rcgrzuc l)311(lI_Blltlt‘r grind appeals to fans looking for .
decided on “strangle martin” not an “unfit,“ out” sound. Such
:is a name liut ;Is an idea. [ronical— songs as “Hello \Vickedness" or '
ly. the ndlllt‘ has stuck ever since. “Mean ()ld Skeleton," reveal the
‘ Stranglniartin released their upbeat personality Of this “1101* i
first disc in I‘m] on the ‘Dragon punk" band. of 1
Street label and the following year Though 0,1111”er m hands l
> on .\lusidisc in laurope. Fhen, in like the .Vlinutenien and the i
. 1993 they independently released Replacements, Stranglmartin's i.
, . theirs‘ccoiid allium. ll'll‘t’g'l'llyfiil', due diversity through their powerful ; E
1 we re IOOklng for lmdcnll to work to difficulties with Dragon Street. almost-Ramones type riffs reveals é
. . 83““ “I“ lii'uening “'35 a sound of their own. Butler’s '-.
for the UK Annual (llVlllg Phonathon II~IIIItlIy guitar lilasts .IIIIIIt- the
' rhythmic heat of the melodic bass ‘4‘, t
I I and drums. 7 a
_ _ Butler is not only a sixsyear yet, I f
The lab one“ 300d pay» llClelf lIOllfi, and all eran of his hand, he also on us the 1 l
on cam or location in addition to rovidin areal “ H """I Wm”) ”' ' I
- i t I l. t I ' " ‘ :
I p . . . p 8 1:11.31? 1:: 11“!)1211i{?:lljn:1‘{)l:n:k” SNAP, CRACK“, PUNK Strung/man!” ‘ 11/ In plum/q «w the III: II of flu l :1
work CXDCHCHCC l" 3 “WW aUTIOlDllle. l i.\e \\ students are l)L'lllir (vixen Snub", ( ”If” ”‘1‘”, ‘I IV" "I II“ S III-”1““ ”I IN“ \lIK’I-IWI’WI/ \ilul l
ll" l’clrl“: ‘Il’lmng’llillilll‘i’ I)!“ Music in \our \eighliorhood noon. - A
. . . . ""l’m‘U I" .exmgton ‘ "‘1‘ “I“ 5 Series. Stringlm .irtin the first So he lookingr and listening for ”
iOUflll llkt your lllfa Ola gOOd [Jail illnCJOllI lllfll tliroillel I‘llt‘ 5““an ACUVIUQ‘ hand to pl .1\ in the series \\ ill lie the sounds of ‘ Stranglmarti‘ii :is ‘ I
llUl'lYOll ovcrm llOOlll 1120f “WWI (.oncert (.ommittee ‘ in the Stude nt ( enter lmn at you're walking to class. 'F'
1 Sturgill Development Building > s E < ..
to old up an application I NEED CASH 71: WAL :
'r, 'F‘ IlNl’l()()l(lll’\‘$ I ‘
today or (all bob-2575118 PART- I lMl; CASHIEKE TILL U barstools ado/vii...“ 09} f.
- ' . i ,o; ,S ,- 7
7 .J for more Informanon. Flex“ ;; - 0P” . PAYDAY? E7: “mg. mgofaglightin It . 0
eBay 5x :thlll’lg Shitte h ll 1'
W , a C airs ta ) c-stlocks
“diorama mu ' O ALTERIORS ‘ "
f A _ ' rt
I *fluoHTiNcs ACCESSORIES . 11
1 ~ . 1,. 2;?1 2: lll“..ilrllrl. "
| Share a tree KEG With a friend every Thursday in the Kernel! I at all .sOWaHy RdQ‘ ,4 ‘ " ' w
___..777__ in
I . ail
.. . 7 7-7 .7 _7. .. .77. 7 . 77 . , pi
RI (RI mum mass at 6 Q_0p_ir_i_ l at
-Tuq O- War Competition. 4 00pm. UK R y 9/ "74”“ iWVWWV VH7~¥ i i _
intramural Fields _ _7 . 77,___ __ I: ID“ I SPURTS i L}
pom/100355, 8 00pm Alumni Gym Loft “RTS S. mUUIES -UK Men‘s Soccer vs. Valparaiso. Noon; 1 U‘
7 .
25 3988 ——- -SAB Concert Lawn Series: ted bundy’s Flelri/litonLKYS . l Pi
volkswageri. 12'00-1:00pm. UK Student omen s occer VS Indiana. l
IHURSDM 8/3] Center 1am 2: 009m Lexington KY _ 7-7 1
. UK Football vs. Loursvrlie 7: 00pm EDT l
rm l I INGS 8 ll (TURES —UK Deadline for undergraduate .
*Campus Crusade for Christ's weekly International applicants to submit 1996 i
meeting. 7 30pm. Student Center Small Syring 58018519! application 1
Ballroom 7 SPORTS Slllllllly 9/3
SDI ("u [ UL N '5 -UK Volleyball @ Colorado Tourney: Georgia
baidinal Crush. 7:30pm. Memorial Tech. Ohio State. Colorado. UK (thru 9/03) $p[(|nl FUENTS l
l eum
—Catho|ic Mass at the Newman Center. 5 f:
I I I'NSTfEQHmURnlS SlllllRDllll 9/2 9:00 8. 11:30am. 5:00 8. 8:30;;m lei
- n ramura o a manager's meeting. 1 li.
5.00pm. Student CeiiterWOrsham SPE‘1‘\1Iy§elv'0 will ‘1.»
v man «i 11.11 1 2.1-: i n Point to Mtiii 5.55
«Fry 11 a u, . ...v. . . ,
r r AL iii . ‘
tuft *wkrMK‘ At L. ‘ .11 .31, 40:“, ”no 5:“ 1 1.1 fl. 5 65 ;
EMlESE {thymus ”Fl-l5" . 155 in' ion: MARIN (Hot 5 Spray) 595
James it. it .vau‘ i 1 5,513,131,331. ', ,1i' . '1 » ‘rv
'os’w-‘K iiii‘ ‘11 r
Inoccou wmr ovsmt sauc 4.55
‘2“ .m. [1,1,4 m" SEAFOOD
"u .0 Fae . , _ . . cum {:3 $1 swm lino soon snnmr s 15
11“: u ' .1' r 1, nugm' . . ."a ..._ .
s; iIOIG sue 511mm 5.15
DAILY LUNCH SPECIALS 53 muffin,” ‘ ' ' “5
i 1. Sweet and Sour Chicken $3.15 ' ' 'l
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2. Chicken Chow Main $3.15 5 .5" . co . . 95
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4. Green Pepper Steak $3.45 - ’ ' . i . ~ -
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1:) Egg" 83ml: 3;: l in GREEN rtrrcn stun 5.45 I
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With Arty Purchase of
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Kentucky Kernel classified advertisin
Call 257-2871 to place

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positive attitudes toword school
week tor l2 weeks Some JK nstructors give extro credit to


September l i - November 30

Homewow Pots is o voiur'eer tutuor ng progrom whrcx ccrnects UK students ‘c
schools and school age ‘x ds 'wlih the goal of promoting ocodemic success end

The minimum commitment .s 2 hcurs one dcr o



community Service Finorciol did work-study ossrgnments :dn be orronged it you
already quality for studect tincncrol did


Classroom Tutoring Opportunities, 2 hour sessions ]

. Qom - 3 pm, ony M-F. Winourn Midde School, i060 Winpurn Drive. I mile north of
Russelll Cove and New Circle . ol! subiects, 6th, 7th, or 8th grodes

. 80m — 2pm, ony M—F, Bryon Station High Schoo|,Edgewcrth Drive, ‘l mile north of
North Lime and New Circle Roods, moth ond science tutors tor students or risk of

school dropout

[ Afterschool Tutoring Opportunities, 2 hour sessions

0 3pm - 5 pm. ony M-F, Winburn Middle School, tMO vyinpurn Drive, oft Russll Cave
Rd Some transportation is available. All subjects all ages. mostly (1th -8th grades

. 4pm ~ opm, ony M~Th. Bluegross-Aspendote Teen Center, near E or: ond Shropshire,

oil subjects, mostly din-8th grodes A
. 4pm - 6pm, ony M—Th, Micro-City Government, 522 Patterson Street, rn cor» or
Community Center, all subjects. mostly 4th >8th grodes


1. Pick up application forms at the information Desk in Gillis Building
(on Administration Drive nedr UK’s Limestone Street entrance).

2. Bring completed application form to 1 of the required orientation
sessions: Monday, August 28. 4-5pm 104 Gillis. , .
Tuesday, August 29, 45pm, 104 Gillis
Wednesday, August 30, 4-5, lOA Gillis . .
Thursday August 3 l , 4—5pm, lOA Gillis

for additional lnlornmlon. or alter locust 31. call ioii lirowiev, 251-8942. 1080 Gilli: Bldg



Fayette Count