xt7dv40jwz6x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dv40jwz6x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-01-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 09, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 09, 1998 1998 1998-01-09 2020 true xt7dv40jwz6x section xt7dv40jwz6x .4..-V.-



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* claims lite
0i student

By Mat Herron

Lilo/[mi lit/HIM

If Kimberly .\lartinson had about four evtra hours in
her day. she might have gotten eveiything finished.

The interior design junior “put a lot of life into 22
years." said her mother I‘ileanor, who
tised to call her daughter “my little whirl-
w ind."

.\Iartinson died Dec. 3‘) frotn injuries
stistained from a car wreck.

The 32—year-old was driving her
father's 109] Cadillac to his office in Rock
Hill. SC.

.\Iartinson‘s car hit a patch of ice and
then was hit on the passenger’s side by an
oncoming car. her iitother said.

I ler friends tise several adjectives to describe her: reli-
a‘ile. energetic and more organized tltan she probably
needed to lie.

“She would write down everything she was gonna do
tliai day." said roommate Ixaeey Long, .i fashion merchanv
dising senior.

“She knew the names of her children; she knew where
she was going to get iii-arried and w here she was going to
take her hi ineyinoon."

Long .ind .\lartinson lived together for two years in a
townhouse owned by .\Iartinson's father.

Long said her roommate would get tip at 7 a.m.
sometimes jtist so she could take care of all her errands,
and if a friend was sick, she would bake cupcakes for
him or her.

She was equally methodical abotit picking colleges.

“She knew she wanted to go to a big school but one
with the diversity." Iileanor .\lartinson said. “She tried to
pick something that was drive-able" and visited Kentucky
in her senior year.

“She was very happy to be going out ofs‘tate. iiittch to
otii dismay because we wanted her to stay close to home."
I‘ileanor said.

Iloiiie was a lad warmer than the often frenetic Ken-
tucky winters. a point of contention with Kim. btit quick
relief came in the form oftrips to the Keeiieland racetrack
and listening to Dave .\Iatthews Band. load the “ct
Sprocket and South Carolina natives llootie and the

.\Iartinson had seen Dave Matthews seven times. btit
when she missed one of his concerts, she and Jennifer
Ilardison. a classmate of .\Iartinson's at Northwestern
I Iigh School. improvised.

“(Shel dragged her stereo otit in the backyard and
sang.“ said llardison. a history senior at the College of

“\Ve played croquet a lot. don't ask me why, but we
played it a lot."

\ huge \Vinnie the Pooh fan, .\Iartinson frequently
visited ()rlando several times for the “Vinnie the Pooh
character breakfasts. .\I( i.\I studios and the Aladdin

Rare are the moments when .\Iartinson would sit, and
many are the moments when she wore a smile on her face.

“Kim was go go go. she never stopped moving." Long
said. “She would come home for five minutes" and then
go do something else.

Ronnie Day, who was dating .\Iartinson at the time.
described her as “perfect.

“\Ve never had one argument. I never heard her say a
harsh word about anybody." said I)ay, an interior design
senior who attended the funeral in Rock Hill on New
\ear's Day. “It didn't matter what we were doin' she
always had a smile on her face."

I‘ll)!“ activities in the .\lpha Delta (iainma social
sorority to working at Ilallinark to babysitting for two
families. friends .say .\Iartinson left a lasting impression on
everyone. including those knew to the area.

\\'hen.lulia Peni moved here from Pennsylvania and
was in need of a babysitter. she called sororities looking
for someone to take the job. .\Iartinson called back and
stayed Peni‘s regular babysitter for two and a half

“\Vhen you have children, it’s hard to find sotneone
outside of your own family to take care ofthe most impor-
tant people in your life, and Kim was that for us," said
Peni. a doctoral student at Portlhain University.

“She was really the most responsible person I‘ve ever
met for any age," I’e'/.7.i said. “She really loved children.
She had a lot ofenthtisiasm. She was incredibly responsi-
ble. She bahysat two or three times a week. among the
million other things she had to do. I marveled at how
much she did."

To other design majors, who work closely with their
professors and other students, Martinson's death was like
losing a sister.

“\Ve‘re all a family, and we feel like we've lost a mem-
ber ofotir family.” said Allison Carll, an interior design
professor. who tatight Kim in the junior class studios of
the interior design progratn. “She was a lovely young


jason 'I'homas. who met Martinson when they took the
writing for the mass media sophomore year, remembers
two distinct features about his close friend.

“It‘s gotta be her smile (and) her eyes. Just looking at
them, she always made things better."

“hen he found out she died, “I didn't want her back
because I knew she was in a better place, but I wanted her
to take inc with her."






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PHOTOS BY MATT BARTON [xi/iii. (,i!‘

WHNI BREAK? Keith Price. 11 general contractoI' rut/.7 the EC. .\lilttlieti‘x Co. (More) II.\‘(‘.\' (I .\‘lcii/ loader to break out concrete in Pillft’I'AlIII I’ll/:i'l (II/ring tlve lio/irlilv lire/IL.
Building operator Clilrr}:]clinek rep/mm light [ml/ii~ on the Patterson ()ffiit '1 iltl't'l‘ oz'crlwug.


By Jill Erwin

Sen/or Sniff ll 'riti'r

off for Christmas break.

Not everybody got a month

the buildings with staffin them."

The work was not easily accom-
plished. however. The workers had
to deal with the notoriously chang—
ing Kentucky winter.

Members of the Physical
Plant Division spent their time
improving the campus in ways
that aren't always possible with
students around.

(ieorge Brown. _Ir., assistant
superintendent of custodial ser—
vices. has been with the universi—
ty for seven years. This break,

the workers had a definite set of

goals to achieve.

'I‘hey wanted to remove the
trash from public areas, such as
stairwells, and perform general
maintenance in the restrooms.
making sure everything was
working and well-stocked.

They also stripped and waved
the floors in campus buildings,
trying to get ahead of schedule.
while repairing venetian blinds.

“\Ve pretty much got every—
thing done," Brown said. “\Ve
went into every building at least
once. and were able to monitor

Brown said the group got off

budget when the weather forced
them to change their plans. Ile

cited Dec. 3‘) as one example of

snow and ice interfering with
work to be done.

“It interrupted us some. with
the weather the way it w as,"
lil‘own said.

Some ofthe crew was fortunate
enough not to have to report back
until .Ian. 3. However. they don’t
always view themselves as lucky.

“I'm originally from I.etchci'

County. and l had to come all the

way back here for one day of

work." said Patrick (laudill. a

plumber .iiid welder who has

been with (K for three years.
'I'he workers returned on a

I’ridav. turned in a ftill day of

work,- then had the weekend off.

The schedule caused some long

travel times for short work lllllL'.
lake Caudill. his partner I.arry


Usual holiday tll'ill

Workers improve campus over bred/c

(Iriss is from outside Lexington.
\Vest Virginia. to be man. [he
schedule t or into his time with his
family. and shorieiied his break.

(Laudill and (.riss were work—
ing in the I lcctrical I'ingineerA
ing ,\iine\ \Vednesday, erecting
a platform for a cooling unit to
be installed in the building.

'l‘hey had already been into
.\IcVey Hall and I‘itlnls'lttlll'scr,
and were trying to complete the
work tliL‘)’ could before the stu~
dents came back.

“It‘s easier for us because
some of the buildings we have to
go into. without the students
here, we tan shut off the steam."
(.audill said.

Jack \pplegatc. director ofthe
I.e\ington (:ampus Physical
Plant. said that the PH) employ ~
ees are granted lotir bonus days
like all other campus employees.

This year. they were the days
between Dec. .‘(i .mdlan. I. Dur-
ing those days. between Hill-l Ill
people were working on campus.

People who worked o\er the
break will get a chance for a break.


Registration SVSIBIII may move to WEI)

By Matthew May
Staff I I 'ritcr

L‘K students may eventually be able
to register for classes on the World
Wide \Veb in addition to the UK
voice information processing network.

Michelle Nordin, assistant registrar.
said VIP could move to a web-based
system in the future but only in con—
junction with the current phone system.

“The phone system won’t change
much in the future.” Nordin said.
“Eventually, we may introduce a web-
based computer system, but it will be
in conjunction with the phones, not in
place of them. Most peo le still want
some interaction when t ey re istcr,
the phones allow that to be possi Ie."

Students canuse the web to check
the status ofa course during schedul~
ing. The site. in the University’s home
page under students and academics.
shows the number of slots open in a
given course, as well as meeting days,
times and sites.

For now UK will continue to use

the phone system that has worked well
for several years, students said.

After four years it has become a sta-
ple at UK. and students say it has
eased the tensions that come with try—
ing to register for classes.

“I‘ve heard the horror stories from
my parents and relatives about having
to wait in line to schedule." unde-
clared sophomore Kevvn .\Icrten said.
“It really relieves a (it of pressure
when you don't have to waste time
waiting in a line.”

UK introduced VIP in the fall of

“MS a system where any student with
access to a touch-tone phone could
avoid standing in lines to re ister. The
new phone system was wel ~received,
despite several technical difficulties
and constant busy signals.

Undeclared sophomore Lee jones

“It really helps people relax about
scheduling and free u more time for
other things by not aving to go to
campus to schedule,” Jones said. “It
allows great flexibility.”


. -. c . a..-.a~mo.~.~—,~~ » v‘w —

Despite mixed reactions to [K VIP
at first. mainly because of a consistent
busy signal. UK has improved the sys—
tem to where few problems occur, said
.\Iichelle Nordin, assistant registrar.

“\Vhen we first introduced the sys-
tem. there were some technical prob—
Ieiiis that left a bad impression with
some students." Nordin said. “'I‘hosc
problems no longer exist and students
seem to be more confident with using
it now. The system really offers
tremendous benefits to everyone."

Nordin said L'K took student coin-
plaints about busy lines and have
worked out the kinks as best it could.

“There are 62 phone lines. which is
plenty sufficient for the size ofour uni-
versity," she said. “\\'e have fine tuned
the system by adjusting the three—day
windows accordingly so there is not an
overflow of calls at one time."

Despite being in the age of ever-
changing technology, Nordin said the
phone system is here to stav, but that
other ideas, such as the web schedul-
ing, may be used in the future.

. - a .

1 . . . ~
4 . D "


“0.13: Advising Conference

and registration for readmitted and
nondogm students. UK-VIP add/drop
(1 p.m.~ a pm.)
maytoofliciallydrop a course

or carted mutton tor a lull rotund.
any? to w W using

M44: mum.

Jun. 21: mayhem-u



































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I 00340 soc 241 401 00220 As 701 000 1' 10 TBA . g
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OHall Drrector application accepted from March1 untrl m 5°C ,5 .0. 0.1.. .2 m m .. .1. g
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