CK mar VOL. XII M I CHAEL ADES ELECTED CKJF‘ ; PRES I DENT Michael Ades was elected President of CKJF at the May board meeting. He assumed the title from Gail Cohen who remains on the board and serves as ex-officio. Mike is an attorney and partner with Greenebaum Doll & McDonald. He is ex— tremely active in his professional Bar Associations as well as many civic associ— ations. He is a member of both Ohavay Zion Synagogue where he has served as President twice, and Temple Adath Israel. He was honored this year by the National Confer- ence of Christians and Jews with its Brotherhood Award, and has been a board member and past chairman of that organiza— tion. He is also active in B’nai B’rith. Mike served as Chairman of the Mayor’s Advisory Committee on Growth Planning from 1977-1980, is a member of the Downtown Optimist Club and board member and secre- tary of the Blue Grass Foundation, Inc. This is Mike’s second term as a board member of CKJF. He was also a board member of CKJA in 1977—79, representing Ohavay Zion Synagogue. @oamjflrfl Komtoieky Jamish Fedmmtim AUGUST 1989 NO. 2 F°l=2EEZESIIIEJIEEI\I'I' ’ £3 I'IEEISSEEEIEiCEiEE CKJF stays active through the summer with the Passage to Freedom campaign, Camp Shalom, meetings of the Forum, Budget and Allocations, Executive, and other commit- tees, the search for a new part-time Program Coordinator, board meetings and numerous other activities. The CKJF office remains open and busy every weekday morning. lhe CKJF Board, after much considera— tion, authorized the employment of a part—time Program Coordinator and applica- tions are now being considered. This person will work primarily with Community Activities and Community Relations pro- grams, but will assist with other programs as needed. Over the years with the increasing needs of Israel, Jews in other countries, Jewish charities and activities in the U.S. and in our local community, this new position becomes necessary and will provide much needed professional support for our board, committees, and volunteers. 0n beginning a two year term as CKJF President, I am excited about our ongoing activities and the challenges of strength- ening our programs and activities. I welcome your ideas, participation, support and input at all times—-for it is your Wane Michael L. Ades