xt7dz02z426c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dz02z426c/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19460118  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January 18, 1946 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 18, 1946 1946 2013 true xt7dz02z426c section xt7dz02z426c ON PAGE

Mao land Students Strike
When Bryant Leaves








Students To Stage
Welcome Pep Rally If



Coach 'Bear' Bryant
Arrives Here Today

University as he came to Kentucky
in the fall of 1934 where he was assistant coach in football and baseball coach until March 1942, when he
entered the Navy. He is 34, was quarterback on the Alabama team for
three years and
1933. He reported at the University of
Maryland in October, 1945 as assis-


22 Prelabs



(1) Stories
should not be
given to Kernel staff members
on the campus, but should always be given to Kernel reporters.
(2) If the story is brought to
The Kernel newsroom, it should
arrive not later than 5 p.m.
3 News may be 'phoned in
any Monday or Tuesday afternoon after 1 p.m.
Stories arriving later than
the set dates are not guaranteed
space In The Kernel.


To Highlight Kentuckian Ball
In Union Tomorrow Night

For Tenants



Yearbook Queen Selection

Are Ready


students and
faculty organizations wishing to
have stories printed in The Kernel should observe the following:

7 !:;. m

Kentuckian Queen
Crowned At Ball


Want It Published?

Other Units

Expected To Be
Available Soon

A mass meeting of the student
body will be held in front of the
Twenty-tw- o
of the prefabricated
Alumni gym at 12:45 this afternoon
temporary dwelling units in Cooper.
to greet the University's new footVillage on the Experiment Station
ball coach, Paul (Bear) Bryant, who
farm are ready for occupancy today
will arrive here today from the Unitant under Bryant.
and tomorrow, University officials
A coed will be crowned University
versity of Maryland.'
Laslie attended the University of
announced. Another 46 of the units
Beauty Queen for 1948 and present"He left the University of MaryAlabama and was on the football
should be completed soon.
ed with a bouquet of red roses to-Yut- - '
land under the protest of 2.000 stu- team in 1930. 1931 and 1932. He was
Because of the severe shortmorrow night at 10:30 pan. as the
dents, and we want to have a strong
assistant coach at Alabama and at
age of houses facing student
high-poiof the Veteran club's
welcome for him when he arrives
before entering the Navy in
Kentuckian dance beginning at 9
at the University of Kentucky." ac- VJU He served 18 months and was
houses will be made available in lots
p.m. in the Union ballroom.
cording to Cornell Clarke, president assistant to Bryant after his disof ten as soon as they can be comFive of the six finalists, chosen in
of SuKy, who stated that an ex- charge.
pleted, T. T. Jones, dean of men.
December as queen candidates, will
tensive advertising campaign has
Whitlow, 29, is the youngest of the
said today.
be named attendants and presented
been carried out on the radio and in group. He played on the Rice InstiNew Units Obtained
with roses after being escorted to
the newspapers.
tute team in 1938, 1939 and 1940, and
Approximately 325 veterans atthe throne at the north end of tho
Students will not be excused from was
center in 1940. He
tending the University asked for
ballroom by Veterans' club members.
I o'clock classes, however. Clarke entered the Navy in 1941 and after
houses before it became necessary
CoL O. T. Mackenzie, head of the
29 months service was discharged to
to halt applications, Dean Jones
University military department, will
Athletic Director Bcrnie Shively take up coaching duties at Marysaid. It the University succeeds in
make the announcements and pressaid that Bryant is driving to the land as Bryant's assistant. .
Group, YMCA
obtaining an additional 100 strucUniversity but will stop at Ashland
Dr. Donovan concluded by an
Sponsor Worship Week
tures. Dean Jones said that applinouncing that the financial campaign
before continuing here tomorrow.
Six Contestants
cations would be taken again beSororities, fraternities, and other is a success as over $60,000 has been
The six finalists, selected from
By Elizabeth Ann Bicknell
ginning March 25. These new units
Athletic Association.
student organizations are asked to raised for the
a field of 35 contestants last quarter
have placards welcoming the new
include: Sally Branch and Sylvia
Religious Emphasis Week, spon- would take care of two families,
Kentucky Beauty One of these UK coeds will be chosen Kentuckian
Mayer. Kappa Alpha Theta: Ruth
Council, making a total of 200 apartments
sored by the Inter-Fait- h
beauty queen at the Veterans' dance to be held tomorrow night front
Bryant is a graduate of the UniverDamerron, Delta Zeta; Joan Ruby.
will b recognized on the University available for married
9 to 12 in the Bluegrass room of the In ion. Candidates are, hu row,
Yes, the University of Kentucky
sity of Alabama, receiving letters in
Kappa Kappa Gamma; Marian
campus January
with daily
left to right: Joan Ruby, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Sally Branch. Kappa
is proud, not only of our new
Apartments Furnished
Varsity football In 1933, 1934 and
Dr. William A. Benfield,
Slater. Alpha Delta Pi; and Nancy
lectures and discussions concerning
Alpha Theta; Nancy Catherine Taylor. Alpha Gamma Delta. Front
coaching staff, but of our radio
Con1935. He was
The apartments will be furnished
of the Presbyterian Theo- the theme of the week: "Religion
row. left to right: Sylvia Mayer, Kappa Alpha Theta; Ruth Dameron,
Catherine Taylor. Alpha Gamma
ference for two years, played in the station. WBKY. and our paper, The logical seminary, Louisville, will be Its Meaning for You." A
Delta Zeta; and Marian slater. Alpha Delta Pi.
number of stove, electric stove, coal heating
North-Sougame two years, and Kentucky Kernel. We're proud of the speaker at the first convocation organizations
icebox, showerbath and other
The dance win be
will participate, inplayed in the Rose Bowl in 1934 for them for their splendid coverage of of the winter quarter at 10 a.m. cluding
necessary furniture.
cabaret style. Thirty tables, each
the Veterans club. PhilosoMonday night of Tuesday, January 22, Dean Leo
grad58 minutes. Immediately after
the announcement
The 68 houses, of which the 22
seating ten guests, will be arranged
phy club, home economics. Phi Beta,
uation he became assistant coach at the new head coach.
Chamberlain announced. The sub- Pitkin club. Y.W.OA, Y.M.C.A, and are a part, start near Rose street.
around the ballroom. All table reserWBKY claims an exclusive scoop ject of Dr. Bcnfield's address will
the University of Alabama for four
The other 132 dwellings approach
vations have been sold, according U
years and in 1940 he was appointed on the nation on the story when be "You and the Future." All third Weslejl Foundation.
Woodland avenue. Half of the 220
Joe Beard, ticket chairman; but
General arrangements for the pro- houses contain one bedroom; the
line coach at Vanderbilt. He entered they interrupted their broadcast at hour classes will be dismissed for
general admission tickets selling at
gram are in charge of Helen Hutch-craf- t, other 100 are furnished with two
service In 1942 and served 42 7:17:15, and O. C. Halyard Jr.. or the convocation.
$1.30 may be bought today at a booth
Navy, 16 in the Euro- the station's sports staff, flashed the
months In the
chairman; Jo Ann Scott, Mary bedrooms for veterans with
The program is part of the Uniin the Union great hall.
pean threater. He was appointed news over frequency modulation. versity's Religious Emphasis week, LcMaster, Ed Bary, Imogens Combs,
Bob Bleidt, Navy veteran, will
coach of the North Carolina Pre- - The name of Paul "Bear" Bryant sponsored by the YMCA cabinet. Mildred Moore. Miss Dorothy ColForty-Fou- r
furnish music for the dance. His
The first meeting of the United
Flight School and in practice games was released to WBKY listeners Dr. Benfield will be introduced by lins and Bart N. Peak.
orchestra, the Blue and Gold, feaNations Organization Assembly in
and less than ten minutes after Dr. Edward Bary, Arts and sciences
Fourty-fou- r
beat Duke twice, 0 and
men have signed up
Initial Event
London has been successful so far for the advance ROTC infantry tures vocalist Jean LeCompte and
defeated North Carolina twice, but Donovan made the name known, senior and president of the UniverIn Its effort to complete the struc- courses and seven have signed up Bill Peavyhouse at trombone. A
the team was disbanded before they and while he was still talking to the sity YMCA. The invocation and The Initial event will be an
concession will be operInterdenominational meeting,
regulation game. He held press conference about the new benediction will be given by Howard
The Union Board met Monday ture of the organization, according for the advanced signal corps work
the rank of lieutenant commander coach.
and Sciences 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 30 at the Jan. 14, to appoint new committees to Dr. Amry Vandenbosch, head of being offered this quarter for veter- ated by veterans.
Ceremocy 31 Yean Old
Maxwell Street Presbyterian church, and to discuss social activities for the University political science de- ans of World War II. These men
when discharged.
Later, at 4:45 p.m. still before sophomore.
partment and a member of the will take physical examinations Jan.
He reported as head coach at the other stations in this vicinity had
Accordincg to Byron Reed. Jr..
Dr. Benfield is a graduate of with Dr. Thomas C. Barr. pastor of the coming year.
University of Maryland September carried the news, they gave a
publicity chairman for the dance,
Davidson college and of the Pres- Trinity Presbyterian church, NashResignationes were accepted from American . secretariat at the San 23.
19, 1945. During the two previous
ceremony was
report on the coach, his byterian Seminary at Louisville. ville, as guest speaker.
Reginald Bowen, chairman of the Francisco conference last year.
Four Army officers have reported the
rears Maryland had won only one biography and record.
The work for his dostorate was
On Monday, Jan. 21. there will be Terminate committee, and Nancy
Especially has the organization to the University to instruct in initiated 31 years ago at the Uniwon six, lost
game, whereas his team
speakThe Kernel bad a staff standing done at the Southern Baptist Sem- a dinner for alt
0Rear. chairman of the Activity made ai excellent choice in its!
courses. They are: First Lt. I
two and tied one game during the by along
Chairmen who arranged the dance
bpaaic. aeie-- 1 Joseph P Rose. CaDt.
with men in the print shop inary, Louisville, and the University ers, discussion leaders and student committee.
election of
It was decided that the Termi- gate from Belgium, as president of Ocdrich, Capt. Alvin Von Halle, and after consulting Kentuckian staff
started working on an extra of Chicago. He was professor of workers in room 204 of the Union
His three assistants are Carney and
at the building.
(editor Mary Lillian Davis and bui- as the news was released. Hebrew and Old Testament
nal and the War Effort committees the nrst assembly, ur. vanaenooscn CaDt. Robert t Ellison.
Laslie, Frank Moselcy and Kenneth as soon
for four
broke up about 7:30 Presbyterian
Convocation will be held at 10 were- to be merged and placed under recalled that Spaak made a great
Lieutenant Rose is replacing ness manager Jean Shirley Crabb.
Whitlow. Moselcy is not new at the The conference
and a.m. Tuesday,
impression on the assembly while Capt.
p.m. and by 9:30 p.m. they had the years. He is now
Jan. 22 in Memorial the direction of Nancy Taylor.
Robert R. Duggan. who will are: general chairmen. Bill
and Freddie Kastner; tickets.
presses rolling with complete cover professor of practical
hall. Dr. W. A. Benfield. of the h Emily Jones, the president of the head of the Belgian delegation at receive his discharge from the Army
"The assembly at the end of this month.
Joe Beard: decorations. Jack May.
age of tlie news about the new coach
Presbyterian Seminary, .Louisville, Student Union Board, was placed in San Francisco.
couldnt have made a better choice,"
and publicity. Byron Reed. Jr. and
along with the results of the Wildwill speak on "You and the Future." charge of the Activity committee.
All new officers are combat vetercat game with Xavier.
Also scheduled for Tuesday is a
The Dance committee, headed by he added.
ans, having served either in the Henry Ford.
Immediately the staff hopped into
joint meeting of the Freshman club Jack Banahan, has made plans for
Security Council Choices
European or Far Eastern theaters
cars with the papers, and had them The following rules governing and upper class members of the a Valentine dance to be held Feb. 9. As to the United Nation's choice of operations.
delivered to all the dormitories, girls who did not make a standing Y.W.C.A. and the Y.M.C.A. at the
of Its six
fraternity houses, sorority houses, last quarter have been passed by Union building, led by the Rev.
of the Security Council, those chos.
any other the House Presidents' council of the John E. McCaw.
and Rose Street before
en were Australia. Brazil, and PoDance committee . . . will hold an paper in
the vicinity had an Issue women's residence halls:
two years, while Mexico,
land for
Faculty Tea
important meeting at 4 p.m. TuesdeFreshmen will have no nights out
Egypt, and the Netherlands were
day in room 204 of the Union on the street. In fact the staff to during
On Wednesday, Jan. 23. a tea for
A dinner was given by the Canterlivered copies of The Kernel
the week: sophomores, one
elected for one year. These nations
Mrs. William Sporborg. representbuilding.
newspapers, as a joke, some night per week; juniors, two nights members of the University faculty bury club last Monday evening at were elected to serve with the five ing the National Confederation of
Oating club . . . skating party at local
down-tow- n
seniors, three to meet the guest speakers has been the parish house of Christ church.
per week until 10:30;
45 minutes before the
permanent members. Great Britain, Women's clubs, will be presented on
8 tonight in the Great hall of the
arranged for 4 pjn. in the Music
Robert Stockcr, president of the
papers went to press.
nights per week until 10:30.
By Lucy Thomas
Russia, China, and the January 22. under the auspices of
Union building. Everyone is Invited
room of the Union building. That Canterbury club of the University of France.
Under the old ruling, freshmen
the Kotfee Klub. Her topic. "United
to come.
evening all dormitories, sororities Louisville, spoke to the group on United States.
received no nights out each week;
YWCA Membership committee . . .
At this first meeting the United Nations General assembly in Ac- WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE
sophomores, two nights until 10:00; and fraternity houses will entertain "Meaning of Canterbury."
will meet at 4 pjn. Monday in room
elect 18 tion." will deal with the present ASKED IN "SO THEY SAY"?
Assembly will
The next meeting of the organi- Nations
juniors, two niijhts until 10:30; sen- dinner guests, following which the
205 of the Union building.
groups will discuss the theme of the zation will be held at noon next members on the Social and Eco- meeting of this assembly which is
iors, three nights until 10:30.
Betly Brady, A AS. sophomore:
psiloii Omkron . . . luncheon
Phi I
week: "Religion It's Meaning for Thursday in the Colonial Bowling nomic council whose function is to being held in London.
Elmer G. Sulzcr, director of public
meeting at 12:30 p.m. Saturday In
As a delegate to the San Fran- Where did all these "Joes" coma
improve the social and economic
Lanes. A luncheon will be served.
relations of the University of KenMrs. Sporborg from on the campus?
the Home Economics building.
conditions of the world. If the stan- cisco Conference,
tucky, last week notified city ofThe Rev. Norvell E. Wicker will
SGA . . . will meet at 5 p.m. Monf'ranVlin P. Coir, Engineering,
dards of living are improved there worked with all the women dele
ficials that the University has ac
conduct a meeting of the Koffee
day in room 204 of the Union
scphomore: When are the sweater
is less likely to be war.
cepted for its own use the two radio
Klub at 4 o'clock on Thursday.
The Koilee Klub invites everyone swings going to be resumed in the
Rev. Gentrv Shelton, assistant
now part of the
The week's activities will close
Art and Poster committee . . . will towers which are
to attend the lecture which will be Bluegrass room, as before the war?
pastor of Central Christian church,
department radio
Sunday, Jan. 27. with
meet at 4 pjn. today in the Union police towers
Another important election will held in the Union building at 4 p m. With a band or juke box?
The faculty of the College of Law
will be removed at the will speak at a meeting of Phi Beta
Sunday," each individual announces
Jail. 22.
Tuesday In the
Elaine Ashler. AAS, freshman:
the appointment of John be the choice of a secretary-generp.m. expense of the University when the to be held at 5 p.m.
All Youth meeting
attending the church of his own Coleman Covington to
What's in a rhubarb fizz?
the staff of for the United Nations Organizapresent police radio system is re- Carnegie Music room of the Union choice.
Sunday at MaxwcU Street Presbytion Dr. Vandenbosch said. This
the Kentucky Law Journal.
Edyth Routt. AAS. junior: Are
placed by new FM radio equipment. building.
terian church.
Exhibits on Religious Emphasis
The faculty also announces the is a very important position bccau.se
you in favor of having a course In
Induction of patrons will be held
One of the towers will be used
Veterans' club . . . will meet at 7
the success of the organization deimmediately following the meeting. Week and other Information on the appointment of Doyle Barnett
astronomy, spring quarter, with a
p.m. Monday In the Union build- in connection with the University's
Seniors who entered the UniInclude Miss program and aims of this movement
and Arnett Mann as appren- pend on his abilities. He will be
dark. tall, handsome pspfessor???
will be FM station, WBKY. Mr. Sulzer said. Patrons to be inducted
ing. Rabbi Albert Lewis
versity the winter quarter and
Montgomare on display and are available at tice members of the staff of the nominated by the Security Council
I really mean it!
It will be located at a place desig ery, Penniston, Mr. Ford
the speaker.
who expect to complete their rethe University library.
Kentucky Law Journal
and voted on by the assembly.
and Mr. Frank J. PrindL
Burt f ranklin. AAS, junior: Whr
Philosophy club . . . will meet at nated by President H. L. Donovan
quirements for graduation at
don't stags break, more often at tho
7:30 pjn. Monday. Dr. Thomas C. and will replace the present antenna
the close of the winter, spring
system atop McVey halL
Barr will be the speaker,
or summer quarters, and who
Because FM radio reception is dc.
. . . will meet at noon
Meistcr. A AS. senior:
hare not at a previous time
Tuesday at the Colonial Bowling pendent upon height of antenna,
when are the students at UK goim
made application for degrees,
to get to see a Notre Dame game?
the tower will Insure coverage of a
are requested to do so on MonGeorgia Tech . . . Mary Louise Mc fraternities entertained with buffet
Hanging Of The Greens
By Jim Wood
rpperclass Y and Freshman club wider territory, Mr. Sulzer said.
Mary Bennett LaMa.slrr. A AS.
day. Jan. 21. This applies also
. . . will hold a Joint meeting at
Tills is the second in a scries of Kenna Knapp, former University suppers following the Kentucky-We- st
junior: How can we take care of
to graduate students who exstudent, presented a musical pro
6:45 pjn. Tuesday. Rev. John E.
articles to acquaint
the cafeteria line?
Virginia game . . . Carolyn hanging of the greens took place
pect to complete their requireMcCaw will speak.
with happenings on the University gram in Memorial hall . . . Professor Marsteller became engaged to Dr. in the Union building . . . Rumors
ments for graduate degree. All
Anonymous, Home tr, senior:
. . . will meet at noon
war Branson talked on volcanoes, one John B. Floyd of Louisville . . . West were squelched to the fact that the
Pitkin club
of Kentucky campus during the
applications should be filed in
Which vets are married?
of a series of University lectures.
Wednesday at MaxweU Street Presj Period.
Virginia mashed Kentucky . . . Ted University would be operated for
Educating University women to
Room 16 of the Administration
Marie Thompson. AAV senior:
byterian church. Rev. Norvell E.
A formal
Fershirg Rifles March
Weems was engaged to play for a military students only
November, I9tt: Guignols Clau
current state, national and interHow would the students like a.
Wicker will be the speaker.
dance ended the
Pershing Rifles marched in the Christmas dance . . . Several service
As the commencement
Issues is the aim dia" prepared to tour the Army
course in the art of making love.
KolTee Klub . . . will meet at 4 p.m. national political
Dr. Henry Armistice Day parade . . . "Claudia" men selected the Kyian queen . . . at the University . . . Dr. VandenUK League of camps In Kentucky
are made from these cards, it is
AAS, junior:
Thursday in the Carnegie music of the
Hazel Kennedy.
was described as a pretty good play SGA investigated the Union Com- bosch left the University for a war4 p.m. Beaumont of the psychology acparo-mcmeets at
very important to file an appliroom of the Union building. Rev. Women Voters which
What's the big attraction at Rose
captain . . Twenty students were named mons, stating that football players time position with the state de
was promoted from
Monday in the music room of the
cation at this time.
Norvell E. Wicker will speak.
to major in the Army. He was to Who's Who in American Col- were shown favoritism In food at partment . . . ratncia sniaer was
Candidates for the bachelor's
Wesley Foundation . . . banquet at Union building.
John VioleUe. AAS. junior: What
in Washington, D. C. . . . leges and Universities . . . The Uni- meals . . . Jim Crowley and Betty reappointed Kernel editor . . .
degree will be charged a gradustationed
5 pjn. Thursday in the Home Ecodon't you want to be. when and if
Rupp and
entertained the Sigma versity war chest drive passed its Proctor were to be crowned queen Adolph Rupp was
$9 00. This will cover
ation fee of
nomics building. Rev. L. C. More-hea- d
you get out of college, and why?
Ready," according to the heading
Chis with a Halloween party . . . quota by $200
A Pershing Rifles of the Ag fall festival . . . The band
the rental of cap and gown,
will be guest speaker.
Myrene Sic pp. AAS. junior: Wh?
went sponsor was to be presented at a left for the Tennessee game which of an article in Esquire magazine
diploma fee, the Kentuckian.
The book store coke machine
BSU . . . will meet at 6:45 p.m.
don't the dorms have more social
havwire and coughed up several ball . . . Professor Lewis Horton, was played in Nashville . . . The concerning the University's basket
senior dues. Candidates for
Thursday In the Union
All Kernel reporters and stuin other words,
A monthly campus
The 'Cats beat of Morehead State Teachers college, SGA constitution was revised to ball coach
cokes for a nickel
will be activities the new vets? how can
John Carter wiU be the speaker.
dents interested in becoming
we meet
University . . . replaced Donald W. Allton. who re- eliminate rules which conflicted news resume was being prepared
George Washington
charged a fee of $15.00. which
Cosmopolitan club . . . will meet at
will meet In the newsGwen Petrey. AAS. senior: Why
Betty Jane for the University alumni and form
will cover the above with the
Thankstrivine holiday was cut to one signed in the music department to with faculty rules
7:30 pjn. Friday In the Union
room at 1 p.m. Monday, if
er students then in the armed forces
reisn't there some place close to the
take a position at Mary Baldwin Pugh, Kernel news editor, wrote a
day to meet government travel
exception of the Kentuckian
classes Interfere with the meetcampus where students can dance?
White Mathematics Society . . . will
strictions . . . One hundred and college . . . The first University feature explaining that UK women . . . SGA proposed a poll among
and in addition the cost of the
ing, be sure to come to the
Tom Harris,
AAS. freshman:
made 2.0 standdance for soldiers stationed in Lex- had more "courage, bravo" than students to determine their opinion
fifty-tw- o
entertain with a party from
hood to be presented the candistudents
office as early as possible on
Why can't the students get ticktU
until 9 tonight in room 204 of the Monday afternoon for an asings or over during the second se ington was given . . . The Kernel men . . . Vols beat the 'Cats, as of the. Union Commons . . . Men in
dates. Graduation fees are payfor the Notre Dame game?
Jim caiawen editor answer complained of several usual
Games will be
Union building.
mester of 1941-4- 2
UK graduate. David R. the service were offered University
able not later than the fourth
signment since all stories must
played and refreshments will be
Betty Tevis, AAS. senior: Do you
day preceding the
former Kernel editor, was an ap- Lexingtonlans who accused Univer- Berry was decorated by the Navy extension courses.
be turned In by Wednesday
. . Servicemen
All math students are
think that the Panhellenic system
prentice seaman at Great Lakes . . sity girls of snubbing soldiers staare not wolfish,
(To be continued next week.)
'of rushing is fair?
'rats went to tangle with tioned In Lexington . . . Several said University coeds.



Jii.uiii giijui.llj





Veterans Club
Sponsors First
Winter Formal




UK Religious

Dr. Benfield
Will Speak
At Convo




Emphasis Week
Begins Sunday

Theologist Opens

Winter Quarter

We're Very Proud

Talk Series

20-2- 7,


semi-form- al,

UNO Assembly Meeting
Has Been Most Successful


Vandenbosch LaudsT
Choice Of President Advanced ROTC

SUB Appoints

35-1- 3.


New Committees










Rules For Women
Without Standing

Canterbury Club

Delegate To Speak

Holds Dinner Meeting

On 'United Nations

University Accepts
City Radio Towers

Phi Beta To Hear
Reverend Shelton

Covington On Staff
Of Law Journal




Make Application

In-m- an

Catching Up With The Campus

UK Women Voters

Organize League






Kernel Cubs
Meet Monday










* The Kernel Editorial Page




at the

Poet Office at Lexington. Kentucky, a
m.tter under the Act of March S. 1.79.


Kentucky Intercollegiate Pre.. Anoetathm
Lemngton Board of Commerce
Kentucky Pre-- t Association
National Editorial Association

""""T" '


National Advertising


Weirs Editor






Casey Goman

Pat Burnett



cwi.f rwu,tn towiuM
New Yoon N. Y.
4 to MacxeoN Ave.
CIWH4 aearoa . im aaattcs -


Feature Editor
Business Manager
Circulation Manager

Assistant Managing
Assistant News

Peggy Watkins

ewe.ewe ,T




Students Will Be Students

By Dor

Jane Hammersley
Anita Levy, Betty Tuttle, Allene
Reinschreiber, Mim Cohbn... Advertising Solicitors
Rewrite Editof
Jim Wood
O. C. Halyard, Jean Paxton
Stall Assistants


.10 One Quarter

it. One of them asked how old he
was and received the reply. "Oh, ten
or twelve." From some of the exclamations one would have thought
the girls were disappointed.


difficult times. This program. ad- vocated by Mr. Enteman and the
Interfratemity Conference, how- Is a good sign that Greek- With an eye to the postwar future
ftrMnition. are -j-de awake
Interfraternliy Con to their responsibilities. Their sin- the National
ference, representing sixty national cere efforts to adjust themselves to
fraternities, has released a three- the postwar campus life and its
fold program to rehabilitate Greek-lettproblems will go a long way t"
organizations which suffered establish their future success.
during the war.
Its postwar plan calls for the efof fraternity It's the Law:
fective functioning
chapters in campus and community
Speaking of rules and regulations:
life, serving substantially the war
Two freshmen women at Michi- pro- veteran in school and. in the
,an state college recently ap- cess, establishing the chapters in
Droacherl their housemother with a
new position of campus and general loo. of hopeful questioning, and
aslted lf they might take a bath.
The conference's chief concern. Very baffled b7 this request (nathowever, is with the elimination of urally)
she inquired why they
"the old collegiate snobbery" by should ask such an unusual thing,
broadening fraternity membership. The girls answered that the
C. Enteman, conference book stated that there could be no
chairman, stated. By this act. re- - tubbing without the permission of
-- .1
ncu . U
vtrbciatu, as ..all o uic iiuuaviiiumcr. T.' iiir u&w, Iuc- nil iiii if
ivs k.
students not in the service, will And lieve it or not.
fraternities a "true manifestation
of the democracy for which the war
was waged."
The south wing of Woman's Hall
"To best serve the needs of the at West Virginia U. had a scare the
colleges and universities and their other evening when a young man
entire student bodies" that is Mr. was freely roaming through the
Enteman's desire for the future halls. After he left, the doors were
local and national fraternities.
checked to see how he could have
The fraternities have been hit gotten in, and those who hadn't
hard by World War II, and face seen him wanted to know all about
New Fraternity Policy:
Excerpt from an Editorial
At Wert Virginia IT.

timed articles and eolmnae ere to M eoniMered th
opiafoet of the. writer them$elet. ant to not neceaiarUw

$1 50 One Year



Words te I View




reflect the opinion of The Kernel.



'Tain't Funny

When the newcomer to dormitory living is
fust short sheeted or finds cracker crumbs in his
led be lias Ik'CH initiated into the fine old institution of pranking;. As much a part of college as
the Ixxiksand old buildings, are the water fights
and ghost stoiies told over the loud speaker

the Wildcats play at least once
Of course, all of these crowded
conditions will lie remedied when the new field
house is built, which will seat approximately
a chance to sec
during a season.

12,000 people.
I hope this explains the information that I
have secured as a member of SuKy.
Corky Clarke

It's a lot of harmless fun. Cut sometimes these
little tricks go Umber than the funny stage.
JlememlxT the siege of gold fish swallowing?
That was foolish instead of funny.



Something Called School Spirit

Last week when some of the gills in Itoyd hall
lolled a trash basket clown the steps, rousing the


:md no fire! The gills in both Boyd and Patt
had been evacuated in the cold night for

Would school spirit include a desire to learn?
After all, the purpose of a university is to educate rather than to amuse, bore or otherwise disconcert the student. A real desire to learn on
the part of the students and an equally wholehearted desire to get across knowledge to the
students on the part of the professors will go a
long way to raise educational standards in a LIFE:



Life, Liberty, and Pursuit

And at 1:30 a.m. a fire alarm was turned in.

The fire department screeched to Boyd hall


seemed like a huge joke.
Now, this is only a very mild example of when
jokes go too far, but