xt7f1v5bcv4m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7f1v5bcv4m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19281311 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1928-13-dec11. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1928-13-dec11. 1928 2011 true xt7f1v5bcv4m section xt7f1v5bcv4m Minutes of the Board of Trustees of the University of Ken- tucky in quarterly session, Tuesday, December 11, 1928. The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in regular quarterly session in the office of President McVey at 11:30 a. m., Tuesday, December 11, 1928, with the following present: Governor Sampson, in the chair, Senator H. M. Froman, .r. Louis Eillenmeyer, Mr. Robert Gordon, Mr. E. B. Webb, Judge R. C. Stoll, Mr. James Park, President Frank L. McVey, Enoch Grehan, secretary pro tem. Governor Sampson called the meet- ing to order. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and ordered approved as published.. Mr. Stoll then moved that min- utes of previous meetings of the Executive Committee be approved as published. This motion was carried. Report of the Business Agent was submitted and, on motion, ordered approved. The report follows: 1. Busines .Agent's ReIort: The Business Agent's report was read and approved as follows: Statement of Income and Expenditures Month of November 1928 Prev iously Reported Current Month Fiscal Year To Date General Fund Income Federal Appropriation 42,750.00 State Tax 279,282.38 Int. on Liberty Loan Bonds 850.00 int. on Endow. Bonds 4,322.25 Student Fees 58,020.65 Student Fees - Sum.Sch. `,349.20 Stu. Fees - U. H.S. 1,927,50 Stu. Fees - Univ. Ext. 6,644.21 Miscel. Receipts 2,824.39 General Ed. Board - New Educe Bldg. 1,652.40 Rentals 970.00 Men's Dormitory 3,932.80 Total 435,525.78 72,154. 80 201. 71 (8. 75) 4,415.15 435. 74 140.00 25.00 77,363.65 42,750.00 351 ,437. 18 850. 00 4 , 322 e 25 581222. 36 32,349. 20 1,918.75 11,059, 36 3,;260*13 1,652.40 1j110.00 _ 957. 80 512 x 88CS. 43 2. Exp enditur es Instruction 217,236.41 Adm. ExTn. and Maini 92,992.63 Additions & Bett-erments 9L ,087.04 1 O tb 4C1,3L1.08 Excess of ',xuenditures over Income 34,209.70 Pat-terson Hall Income 3oa.rd 17 ,757.35 IMiscel. Receints 128,15 Room Rent - Sum. Sch.. 4,290.75 Total 22,176.25 74,910.94 22, Sll. 76 30,385.94 127,908.64 (50,544. 99) 16,998.00 13,9_98. 00 292.147. 35 115,304. 39 121,472. 98 5292224.72 (15335. 29' 34,755.35 128.15 4,290. 75 39,174t .25 x-o enditur es E xoP e ns e Additions and Better- ment s Total Excess of Income over Expen-c itures 12, 080.38 285.00 13,193. 38 8,982.87 8,435.41 21,343.79 8,435, 41 8,562. 59 21 ,328 79 17 545.46 General Fund Income General Fund Expend. 4 B7, 70 2. 0 3 414,509.46 94,331. 65 13Si34405 552,063.68 550 .853. 51 ETxcess of General Fund In- coimle over Exnenditures 43,192.57 (41,982.40) Excess of Exp. over Rec. for Gen. Ledn-er Ac- counts Excess of Expendi- tures over Receipots Lor the fiscal year to date - General Fund (5,968.04) 37,224. 53 (5,519. 62) (47 ,502.02) (10,277.49) Excess of Expenditures over Rec. for the f is- cal year to date - Gencral Fund Cas'h- in Bank July 1, 1928- General Fund Cash in Bank Novem.ber 30, 1028 - General 'Fund (10,277.4-9) S33957.7 53 80. 20 ,r39yE0. c ZS L_ 1,210.17 - ... . . = (11,48LE7.66) TTuet Fune Incolze Student Loan Fund Student Notes Paid Totl Recciots 1:coenditures EXpn0iSe Stuc'dent Not'es To a1 Elxoess of Receints over Expenditures 1,096.78 2,333.16 3,429.92 193.C90 2,027.00 2,220.00 1,209.92 Excess of ReceiTs oA;r 3xcoenDci itures for the f'isca-l ycear to date - Tmrust Fund C-sll in Bank July 1, 1028 - Trust Fund Cassh in sank Novae.ber 30, 1928 - Trust Fund Sri~e-,int Sta.tion Income a-Iatch - Fed. A-,ro. 1.illk and 3uttrer - Cash Roceii Qs 3ee-' Cattle Sales Dairy Cnttle Sales Saeep Sales Swine SSales Poultry Soles Farm Produce Sales Hor.t icultur..)l Sales Seed Test Rentals Mliscellaneous Fertilizer - Fees Fe d1-4 -a Stuffs - Fees Adarms - Fed. Appro. S ruin - Sales - Virus Sales - Live Stock Se.le - Supoly Sales - Mfiscellaneous Creamoery - License Fees :- Testers Lic. - Glassware Test. P [rnl - liscellaneous Pulrnel1- Fed. Anpzro. State- Ai.oro - Patt-rson Farm Purchci se 7)500.00 5,491.13 4,857.20 458.04 183. 52 848. 84 826. 25 225. 38 1,308.45 6.00 490.* 36 9,072.00 5,728. 75 19,496. 56 7,500.00 2,043.07 111.65 s l10. 3 64... -i 19. i 2 ,391 .50 1 , 438 .00 512 66 158. 58 25,000.00 1,438.74 38.45 143. 79 275.01 54.42 377. 65 9.00 143. 36 30.00 156. 25 5,315.00 S61. 16 25.40 14.45 12.50 96.00 70.00 S9.00 20,000. 00 7,500.00 6,929. 87 , I_;C. 65 601. 83 183. 52 84:8, 84 1,101. 26 279. 80 1,386.10 15.00 634. 32 9,1 02.00 5 885.00 24,811, 56 7,500.00 21 , 704. 23 137.05 1053 78r 85 31,70'3 SY 487 .50 1,503.00 531. e r3 l:87.. oB 25,000, )0 20, 000. .00 3. 121.10 919. 50 1,.0'0. 30 48.50 195.80 244.30 796.30 1,,217.86 3.252.66 4 470. 52 241. 50 2,222.80 2,006. 22 2,00G. 22 1295.60 3,301.82 4. Nursery Inspection - Fees Nursery Inspection - St. Appro. Cronam Grading 0o- on Poultry Total .li- enditure s zXpef3SI Add. and Bettor. Total 3xcess of Expenditures over Income 1,130.00 1,800.03 122, 48 a 130,733.10 1,835.19 132,571.29 (9,888.83) 145.00 1'76.66 300.00 530.00 10,082.14 28 .898. 90 738. 08 29,336. 98 (19,554. 84) 1,275.00 176.66 2,100.00 530.00 132. 74. 60 159,335.00 2.573.27 132,208.27 (294445. 67)_ Excess of ExDonditures ov~r Incolme for the fiscal year to date - T axpeirl.ent Station Cash in Bank July 1, 1928- ExpeAirnent Sta-tion Czishin Bank November 30, 1928 - Exoeriment Station Ext-ension Division Incoriae Federal Smith-Lever Federal Supplementary Federal Capper-Ketchum County and Other Total Expend itures Ex-r ons e 76,120.65 27,321.28 10, 000.00 1,013.96 114,455.89 117,151.13 317.44 317.44 32,283.54 73:,120.65 27,321. 28 10 p000 00 _1 ,531. 4.0 114j773.,3 1L49s,&340 &7 Txcess of Expenditures over Income j(2.S9524) Txcess of Exoenditures over Inco-mer f r the f is- cml yepr to da-te - Ex- tension. Division Cash0 in sank July 1, 1.928 - 'xt ;enlsion D)ivision. Ca,.sh in Bs ?nk Nove mb e r 30. 1928 - Extension Divis-1 on (34,0-61,34) 41.4F3 '. -U'. ii R-y Gnenc a1 ikind Income Trus t TFnd. Inconr:)oe 457 ,70-2 0 0 1) 096. 76 94, 361. 35 12 _1. 0 . 'D 5 50v . o-L ,217 8C 6C 3' ,399.82 (31 lam, lo) (34,331.34) 5. -peerir.ment Sta. Inc. Extension Div. Inc. Total Ganoral Fund Expend. Trust Fund Expend. Tlxper. Ste. Expend. Ext en. Div. Expend. Total Excess of Exnenditunes over Income Excesc of 7-roenditures over Receints for Gen- eral Ledger Accounts 122 ,682.46 114,455.89 695, 937.14 414,509.45 193.00 132,571.29 117,151.13 664,424.88 31,512.23 (5,968.04) 1C,082.14 317.44 104,882.,33 133,344.05 48.50 29,336.98 32,283.54 198,313.07 (93,430. 74) (5,519. 62) 132,764.6G 114, 773.33 800 ,819.47 550,853.51 241. 50 132,2208.27 149a4-34.67 832,737.95 (61,918.48) (11,487.66) Student Loan Fund-Notes 306.16l Excess of Expenditures over Receipts for the fiscal year to date - Coribined Fund ::25,850. 38 (98,226. 66) (-72.376. 28) 'Excess of Expenditures oveT ReceiDts for the f iscal yeat to da.te - Com'bined Fund Cash' in Bank and on hand July 1, 1928 - Combined Fund Cash in Bank and on 'hand Noven'iber 31, 1928 - Combined Fund (72,376.28) 98 . 694 ,65 26.318.37 Abstract of item shown on Statement of Income and Expendi- tures as "Excess of Expenditures over Receints for General Ledger Accounts $11,487.66.1" Debit Accounts Receivable Credit 22,846.30 Insurance Paid in Advance 1,593.75 Sundry Accounts 6,740.21 Notes Payable 28,000 .00 34 333.96 22,846.30 11,487.66 72`3. 70 1,029.86 22P,846.30 6. 2. President's Report. President McVey then made his quar- terly report oard. This report, which upon motion duly seconded was/ibRagred spread upon the minutes, is as follows: Flood and Fire Damages to University Property. At the beginning of this quarterly report I am calling attention to two instances of damage to University property occasioned by flood and fire. In June after a heavy rainfall the water on the lower campus reached such a height that the basement floor of the lien's Ggmnasium was flooded to within a foot of the ceiling. The book store stock and the post office fixtures in the building were materially injured. There was a possible salvage of from $1500 to $2000. The loss to the stock amounted to about $25000. The injury to the building from water damage was estimated at $800. In November the Men's Gymnasium was injured by fire. The damage done amounted to about $10000 covered by insurance. The origin of the fire is not certain, but likely developed fSoro waste paper in one of the rooms. Very scow the University will find i.t necessary to reorgan- ize its nightwatchman service. It now takes more than two hours to make one round and with the increasing number of build- ings the time required will be still greater. Building Projects. I have to report that the recitation building which you have so graciously called McVey Hall is near- ing completion. Arrangements are now being made to furnish equipment for it and for the cafeteria on the top floor of the building. A similar statement can be made regarding the Memo- rial Building. When completed this building will have an ex- cellent auditorium and be equipped for most of the affairs at the University. It will be a most welcome addition to the nunm- ber of University buildings. For some time the executive committee has been thrashing out a plan for the erection of two halls for men. It is now proposed to erect these buildings under the Act of the Legis- lature in Chapter 64 of the Acts of 1928. The Security Trust Company has indicated its willingness to provide the funds and to make a contract with the Combs Lumber Company for the erec- tion of the buildings. The plans have been prepared by the Uni- versity architects. I have to report also that the Dians for the Dairy Products Building and the Educational Building are completed and ready for advertisement. Authority should be given at today's meet- ing to call for bids so these buildings clay be pushed along as rapidly as possible. 7. During the year the Department of Building and Grounds has found it necessary to ma'ke repairs and to extend underground connec'ions for water, sewer and light lines. Such connections for new buildings have necessitated a considerable expenditure. I have also to report that the Dlans for the new library are progressing and conferences have been held with some of the leaeing librarians of the greater institutions, notably Mr. Bishop of the University of Michigan. A more definite report will be made in the near future. Attendance of St-udents. The attendance of students in residence during the first semester of this year amounted to 2456. This number does not include 220 men and women taking work in evening classes offered on the campus. In all the colleges of the State there are approximately 10000 students in attendance. Of this number 24.7% go to the University of Kentucky. I make this statement because it shows the relative importance of the University in meeting the needs of the State in `the field of higher education. Publications. For several years the University has issued from ,he Law College a high class journal which is issued quar- Qerly. It also -publishes from the College of Education the High School Quarterly, and the Experiment Station and Division of Agricultural Extansion issue a large number of pamphlets upon the results ofL research and 'he application of agricultural and home economics demonstrations to she problems of the State. A new periodical was started a year ago, called "Letters". This is a literary publication under the direction of the De- partmentu of English and published in cooperation with the De- partment of Journalism and the student paper, The Kernel. This periodical has taken a high place in university publica- '.ions and is well edited by Professor E. F. Farquhar. The students through the Department of Journalism issue a weekly newspaper called The Kentucky Kernel. The results are highly creditable t- the editors and the paper has a high place among college periodicals of the country. in addition to these publications the University publishes a series of monographs and bulletin$. Tle monographs are special studies of state problems. f.l-ey are the result of care- ful research and scholarship and should prove very valuable to the people of the State of Kentucky. Establishment of Bureaus. Last year two new bureaus were establi.shed at the University, one in the College of Education and one in the Collegc of Commerce. The bureau in the Qollee- of Education is called the Bureau of School Service. It is under the direction of Professor F. W. Reeves. This bureau is engagd in investigations in the field of public education S. It has already a~cco- .i'lished sormie notQable things in -the service of a nurndber of sch-ools and colleges, The Bureau of Business Research in t-he College of Com-merce is carried on under the direction of an advisory council. The oTganizattion- and -prograrm of the bureau are stated in the follow- ing ic.morandum; Organization and Piogn of the Bureau of Business Research I. E':PLOYEES: AdvisoTy Council: President Frank L. 11cVCy, Dean Edward Wiest, Professor R. D. McIntyre, and Pro- fessor Jar-f^,cs W. y artin. 1. Edward '7iest-, Director 2. Jamnes W. MTar-tin, Professor of Economics, Assistant Director. Hours 1:30-5:00. 3. Martha Duncan, SccretGary. Hours, 8:30-5:00. 4. If.. R. Sullivan, Instructor in Economics (half. time to t.he Bureau). Hours M.W.F. 8:00-11:00; T.Th.S. 8:00-10:00 and 11:00-12:00; 2:30-5:30 H.. through F. 5. George W. Patt;on, Rcsearch Asst. Hours, T.Th.S. 9:00-9:50; N.T.Th.S. 8:00-8:50; H. 10:00-10:50; T.Th.F. 1:00-1:50; T.Th.S. 2:00-2:50; F.T.Th.F. 3:00-5:00. 6, Albert Pearce, Research Asstq Fours 8:00-12:00 Al'. F.; 1:00-5:00 T.Th. F. II. PROJECTS UNDER WAY: 1. Resources of Kcntucky, just now being undertaken. 2. Credit Condit ions in the Blue Grass Section of Kentucky, just under way. R. G. Dun' s and t he Credit 'Meon's Association are cooperating. 3. Taxation of Intangibles in Kentucky, practically comoleted. 4. Inhoritance Taxat ion in Kentucky, well toward com- pletion. 5. Special TaxatVion of Motor Transportation in the Unit ed States, well toward cOmpletion. 6. The Lake-Cargo Coal Controversy, just under way. III. PROJECTS DEFINITELY PLANNE-. 1. Growth and Control of Local Expenditures in Ken- tucky. 2. Financial Support of Education in Kentucky (jointly with Bureau of School Service). IV. 1F7LYi'S CF PUBLIC SERVICE: 1. Publication of reports of soecial studies0 2. Press releases. 9. 3. Answers to queioEs.- 4. Accumulation of teaching materials. 5. Maintenance of small but highly specialized library in which business men, investors, members of teach- ing staff, and others interested may secure up-to- date information on economic, statistical, general business, and investment developments. 6. Aid in finding material for speeches and papers on business and Economic subjects. V. FORMS OF COOPERATION 17ITH '.-f1BERS OF STAFF: 1. Secure ddvice with respect to desirable projects for special study. 2. Exchange advice, including the securing of super- vision of slecialized research by specialists in college faculty. 3. Secure publicity, thus increasing usefulness, of addresses and papers by members of the staff. 4. Tn so far as resources permit do typing work for members of the faculty in connection with original research they may have under way. 5. Publication of appropriate monographs by members of the college teaching staff in the Bureau's series of special studies. Prizes and Championships The University of Kentucky has been represented for a number of years through the Agricultural Experiment Station at the International Live Stock Exposition held annually at Chicago. This year prizes and championships won were notable, and for the information of the board I am including a statement of what they are: Southdown wether lambs, first, fourth and fifth. Pen of Southdown wether lambs, first, Champion Southdown wether. Shropshire wether lamb, first. Champion Shropshire wether. Hampshire yearling wether, fourth. Pen of Harapshire wetheT lambs, second. Cheviot yearling wethers, first, second and third. Cheviot wether lambs, fi - second and third. Pen of Cheviot lambs, fil's&i Champion and reserve champion Cheviot wether. John Clay Specials wether lamb, first and seconds Pen of five lambs, first. Champion wether and. reserve champion wether. Grand champion wether of the show on the Southdown -amb. Reserve grand champion of the show on the Shropshirx. lamb. Angus steers - Third prize summer yearling. rxoth 10. prize senior calf. When the sim-all number of sheep and s tock that t-he Univer- sitr owns . is taken into consideration the accomplishments of 'The S tatGion in breeding and :oreparing animals for the show are unusually notable. University Publicity. In the long run -the reputation of an institution depends unon t1he work which it is doing. At the sa;me timle, in these modern days it is necessary to get to ,,he oeople of the Commonwealth informat.ion about the things whichi are haappening in te University. The University has not had adequate publicity in regard to what the State needs tso know about the University a.nd particularly what will build up a larger confidence in -he instlitution. This does not- mean .hat no publicity has been given to bhe University; for instance, the Progress Magazine maintained by the Progress Conmission has given considerable publicity to the University and 'the work it is doing. But There should be a continuous publicity and to that end a bureau should be established which would keep a con- stant flood of publici ty flowing fromn the institution. I am, therefore, recormmending at this meeting that such a bureau be established. The Louisville Times and Courier Journal have invited -the Universit, - to present a program from their radio station on December 19, and the University has accepted with thanks for the opportunity. From ti.-me to time requests and someti-mres demands are made uoon -hLe University to advertise in various periodicals. This type of advertising is not. particularly effective and t-he Uni- versity engages in it largely as a matter of assisting the various organizations that support these periodicals. Restoration of the Peabody Fund. About 1908 the Universi- ty of Ken-tucky recei`ved-$40000 from the Peabody Educational Fund. This money was used. for t-he construction of -t-he Educa- tional Building on tvhe campus. In the survey of the University, made in 1917, a criticism of the oolicy of the University in the use of tJhis fund appears. The Board of Trustees restorqd the fund and purchased t40000 worth of United States bonds in 1918. There- was owing $26000 c... this purchase, but I a.n glad to report that the Business Ageni. 'L :C. the remaining amoint so t'hlat the fund stands intact toc . Purchase of Land at _r"rcen. This stcatiorn at Prince on Is a valua'ble addition to Tjnsc ivers` ty a_ .;tvities and it a.-&ooeared c'istinctly advantageous to add lar.d at this place. Consequent- ly, fifty acres of land, co .m.prising -.-,he Luttlell iarm. and II. a strip of land 190 feet wide which completes the boundary of the University farm were added. The purchase price was $12500, $6500 of which has been paid out of accumulated funds. The remaining amount will be paid in the next three years from earnings of the farm. Organ for lllemorial BuileingE In constructing `lhe Nemorial Builfin, space was provTided for a pipe organ. The building will not be complete without such an instrument, so the Exe- cutive Committee some time ago authorized, its purchase. Lett'ers have been sent to Various builders throughout the country and six proposals have been received. I have talked with many o-f the reOresen tfatives and visited one of the fac- tories. These ,)roposals have been analyzed and turned over for further consideration to an excertv who will advise the University as to the best instrument. I hope to have a recommendation to make at the next meeting of the committee. Action of Students on Prohibition. One of the most iriF cor-vant, things that has happened at the University in a long time is the determination of the Men's Student Council to enforce the University's regulations regarding drinking. This resolution has been suported by the leading organizations on tlhe campus, notably the 0. D. K,, Scabbard and Blade and the Council of the Men's Dormitory. Result s have already been obtained through the action of the council. In doing this thing the students of -.he University have shown courage andl a fine sense of honor. The press throughout the country has hailed it as the most important step taken in dealing with student drinking, and I am'glad to report to the Board of Trustees thlat I am much pleased with this forward-looking ac- t ion. 3. Report of Fire Inseector. President McVey reported to tihe Board that the city fire inspector had sent to his office a digest of regulations required by law as affecting the Uliversity Gymnasium. After brief discussion concerning expenditures necessary to be made to meet requirements of the fire inspector's demands, Mr. Stoll moved that the matter be turned over to the superintendent of buildings and grounds with instruction to report back to this board at a future date the R-pproximate cost of putting into effect the regulations insisted upon by -he city fire inspector. Mr. Stoll suggested this sten so that opportunity mightA be bad to discuss with the Athletic Council its proposal ; put in 1800 new seats on the basket ball floor with the view that these seats be in- stalled in accordance with the fire inspector's demands. 4. Candidates for Degrees. The following list of candi- dates for degrees to be conferred upon students completing their work at the end of the current semester was submitted and, upon motion duly seconded and carried, the board approved 12. the list and ordered it spread upon the minutes. Candidates for Degrees Bachelor of Arts ........... 31 Bachelor of Science.................. 1 Bachelor of Science in Agriculture ........ 7 Bachelor of Science in Belie Economics ...... 4 Bachelor of Science in Txech. Eng1..... Bachelor of Laws ............................ 1 Bachelor of Arts in Education. 46 Master of Arts . 16 Master of Science in Agriculture .......... 1 108 * :4hol0iL of rtp Glenn Sterling Anderson Lorcno L-ana Baskctt Goorgo Allen Boll Roberti Herschell Bond Vaud Miller Briggs Beatty Earl Caywood M-ary Lucile Chaprman Irving Somrimers Cohen Bessie Moore Corman Laurence Curry Dioxie Marshall Dexte.r Ollie Mae Estes Est'her Ray Greenfibld Grover King Gregory Robert James Griffin Joseph Kevin Hall William Sterling Hargan Maudy Lee Head Don E. Hill Itargaret- Rebecca Hill Hugh Leavell Houston Paul Jefferies Jenkins William Alfred Kirkpatrick Lucy Edelin YcCaw John Donald Murphree Jeanette Winston Eula Blanche Procteo Thomas Edison Skinner Thelma Imogene Sloan Anne Whitney Smith Clifford Gray Tucker Bachelor of Science Elizabeth Kirschbaum. Weissinger 13. Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Thomas Edward Ford William Logan Graddy Noel Judson Howard Seth Roth Johnson George Perry Summers James M!undayr Wal-ter, Jr. John Eastin Withrow Bachelor of Science in Hoome Economics Frances Sweeney Carter George Anna Flower Sarah Esther Leet Nellie Sue Pace Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Joseph Dillon Vaughn Bachelor of Laws Nicholas William Klein, Jr. Bachelor of Arts in Education Alva Arthur Edgar W. Bailey James W. Barnhill Edna Shivell Baucom Jay Darwin Bond Hattie Mae Brumback Mary Lucile Bywater Walter Farris Coop Sam Jackson Denney Isabelle Elizabeth Duncan Julia Rice Ewan Sienna Kathryn Fried Anna Dade Gill Mary Etta Grable Henry Dell Harris James Baylor Holtzclaw Clarence Milford IT-'; John Andrew Howaruc, jrt James Albert Inman Volinda Pope Irvine Ward B. Jackson Mabel Jennings Orra Lafayette Kiser Armon Jay Lawrence Wendell Mosby Layman William Franklin McGary Jessamine Yahin 14. Williamr Clifton Mansfield Marion Talrlor Mathers Mary Walker Mills Naomi Woodson Owen Laura Frances Palmer Noah J. Parsons Lacie Cecelia Pennington Jessie Dowis Perkins James B. Picklesimer Cora Lee Ray Elbert Wallace Richmond Avery McDuffy Setzer Margaret Ann Sims Mary Marguerite Smith Elizabeth Pline Stagner Corinne Sweeney Clyde T. Ward Evelyn Mahin Ward John Henry Williams GRADUATE SCHOOL Mast-er of Arts Alvin A. Allison James William Bowen Ernest Cecil Davis, Jr. Fred Allen Engla Flavious J. Fossit, Jr. Harriet Belt Glascock Rhoda Virginia Glass Kenneth Hill Harding Elizabeth Warner Hart Nall Trafford Hooks Beth Huddleston Francis Mabry Irwin Hubert Howard Mills Mary Bradley Moss Albert Theodore Puntney Eula Davis Young Master of Science in Agriculturp John William Holland Honor List With Higgh DistiGnction Doxie Marshall Dexter Jeanette Winston Pates Anne Whitney Smith With Distinction H.aud' M.11iller Briggs Lucy Edelin McCaw Jamnes Munday Walter, Jr. 15.. 5. Labor Co;2unication. President McVey submitted for the consideration of tee Board she following self-explanatory communication: December 6, 1928 University of Kentucky Lexington, Kent ucky Re: Memorial Hall Gentlemen: University of Kentucky We have the contract on the above job for the cut stone work, and we wish to officially advise you that in the events we are not paid by the general contractor, J. T. Jackson Lbr. Company, for this work, we will look to you for payment. We do not anticipate any difficulty in getting our money, but are taking advantage -of our legal privi- lege by giving you official notice that we will look to you for our money in the event we do not receive any part of it from the general contractor. This is absolutely no reflection on the J. T. Jackson Luamber Company, the general contractors, but is a privilege granted all labor and material men on jobs they serve. Yours very truly, LEXINGTON OUT STONE COMPANY By G. E. Wilder Without motion, the m-att-er was referred to the architect in charge of the building in question. S. Organ for Memorial Building. President McVey report- ed that as the matter of procuring an organ for the Memorial Building would soon have to be attended to, he considered itv necessary to get advice from some expert concerning the kind of organ that should be procured for that building. He asked that he be given authority to employ such a one to advise with the University to that end. He asked specifically for author- it-y to consult with Sydney Durst, of Cir.innati, organist of the Cincinnati Conservatory of Mu' dpon motion duly sec- onded and carried, the board approved this request and ordered the expenditure of such funds as might be necessary to employ Mfr. Durst for this purnose. 7. Dedication of M41emorial BuildinTg. After a brief dis- cussion as to the pz-oriety of amnple dedicatory services for the Memorial Building" on motion duly seconded and carried, Presid:e-.nIt IMcVey was authorized to annoint a committee to ar- range Lhe entire details for the forthComing dedication. 16. 8. Retiring Allowance. Mr. Sa-40l stated that foL a con- sidc-rable `ime tne Boarfl_ of Trustees, assisted by certain other agencies of ,lthe Univorsity, had been seeking t o evolve a ylan by which satisfactory retiring allowance miriht be -rovidca for toachers and adriinis-ira`-ive officers reaching advanced age; that- after many discussions and after due consideration of what lic w' QvTas available upon this subject, the following resolution sco-mAd to cmbody a plan that would bc f easible in t-his institu- 1 G nl Mr. S-toll t-hen submi'tteod The following resolution: Whcnover any teoacher or adiinistrative offi- car shall have rcached .hc age of seventy years he shall no longer perform thc duties that he has theretoforc performed, but he shall perform such euties as may be designated by the President of -he University. For t-he performing of such other duties he shall receive a sum equal to twenty per cent of *the salary-,r received by him at the age of seventy plus one per cent of t'he salary for each year of service in the University. The salary so modified shall be paid as salaries of the faculty of the Uni- versity are paid. After discussion, Mr. Stoll moved the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Mr. G