Minutes of the Board of Trustees of the University of Ken- tucky in quarterly session, Tuesday, December 11, 1928. The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in regular quarterly session in the office of President McVey at 11:30 a. m., Tuesday, December 11, 1928, with the following present: Governor Sampson, in the chair, Senator H. M. Froman, .r. Louis Eillenmeyer, Mr. Robert Gordon, Mr. E. B. Webb, Judge R. C. Stoll, Mr. James Park, President Frank L. McVey, Enoch Grehan, secretary pro tem. Governor Sampson called the meet- ing to order. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and ordered approved as published.. Mr. Stoll then moved that min- utes of previous meetings of the Executive Committee be approved as published. This motion was carried. Report of the Business Agent was submitted and, on motion, ordered approved. The report follows: 1. Busines .Agent's ReIort: The Business Agent's report was read and approved as follows: Statement of Income and Expenditures Month of November 1928 Prev iously Reported Current Month Fiscal Year To Date General Fund Income Federal Appropriation 42,750.00 State Tax 279,282.38 Int. on Liberty Loan Bonds 850.00 int. on Endow. Bonds 4,322.25 Student Fees 58,020.65 Student Fees - Sum.Sch. `,349.20 Stu. Fees - U. H.S. 1,927,50 Stu. Fees - Univ. Ext. 6,644.21 Miscel. Receipts 2,824.39 General Ed. Board - New Educe Bldg. 1,652.40 Rentals 970.00 Men's Dormitory 3,932.80 Total 435,525.78 72,154. 80 201. 71 (8. 75) 4,415.15 435. 74 140.00 25.00 77,363.65 42,750.00 351 ,437. 18 850. 00 4 , 322 e 25 581222. 36 32,349. 20 1,918.75 11,059, 36 3,;260*13 1,652.40 1j110.00 _ 957. 80 512 x 88CS. 43