xt7f1v5bg592 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7f1v5bg592/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19131106 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 8, November 6, 1913 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 8, November 6, 1913 1913 2015 true xt7f1v5bg592 section xt7f1v5bg592 ' .
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Vol.`VI LEXINGTON, KY., NOVEMBER 6, 1913 No. 8
S ..k"_""""_‘t" .. . .h .-_ - .._...;_E.--.._..l
l- WILDGATS no nr ""*"'“ "*'“’* "‘ SPEARS nu nluunnus '"S ""“ “"*“"'° nnmuv lnnnctn
Allldlllll llllllIWE’El| Tll THE PUBLIB
` e Good Gamu and Trips for Both
Th• Hall Flllcd with 8tud•nt• Eager KENTUCKY LAW JOURNAL. vlrmy md c°_Ed·
. F th WI rd Wlt rt · ;——
’ l M clue ee eee Fmt Quart"' ew- er oe thee Qhoste ery M" veemee' ee Om" hp"' eeeeee Flrat l••ue of th V a ‘• 0 t nd ln _-—
. . I' I
Q ‘d•nt• are Remlndcd of Dr. tm Appni of Hin N•tlv• Land Var 2 csh hl U e MUCH ‘·‘°°° MATEMAL Mw
•**-* f' .
TIgert’• Snake Story. TALENT hm FACULTATEH and Thanks Kentucky for y e e Two WINMNG TEAMS EXPECTED
1- Sending Vorlca. _ °""
soon: wAs wo ron vasrrons, '° eH°wN ye:;‘°O:“1:*;' }:‘;"3*;°‘hy'°;4u‘;;° J‘ trottcit nrnmmngo and Manager n.
—·——·· , C 0 , _
IUT 28-10 FOR KENTUCKY IN END $200 RAIIED HERE FOR THE _ A. Norris have been working on the
The play and entertainment offered suppowr oh THE MISMONARY the ofllclal organ ol the College of basketball Schedule since School
or The Wildcats added another win to ee Us heel-ie ef the Amgen; eteee ....... Le:’ hee eieee he eeeeeee"ee‘ eee opened this your and have arranged
l t ld ht lt t dt tl l l .
their string Saturday by coming up t;ethersh?;e:te)°d’eelI;i liu hgigggux Mr. Yoslnlda, ot Oml, Japan, gave a. eeA:°:];r§theruT:3lh;e;: h;1hcl_;;:e;m “ p“""“l “°h°d“l°· Them Me mk
• from behind and dlstanclng the Earl- ahsthr herformanch and wu unused very lntonmng lecture Tuesday mud in The Oumal are hh Hlsmrv some open dates. and more teams are
- ° J .
Cl 28 t 10. Tl Wild t . ‘ deslred to come to Lexington. A trlp
hem 0 te 0 le ce S much lure Dave Belasco would set lt. memme in ehepel ee the were el Me of the Law C0llege,°' and an article h b d [ t R 1 d
were overcontldent ln the tlrst quar- W. M. Vorles ln the province of Oml. · D as een arrange o a e p ace ur-
_ The costumes were hlstorlc and meta- by Judge Lyman u. ehalkle), which l v th I tt t [J d th
tee eee by dumb eeyme euewed the phorlc feeding the "hoodlums" and Me Veeiee le e Keememee eee went he calls "A Problem for the 'l`ltlr· Bx- ne e e er per 0 eeuery en e
Earlhamltes to round the quarter post __mwd;8s_, ewhh A uhhh of the hui 1 to Japan as a teacher ot English a hmm",. I A wkdeatk will have *° face tm best
· . with ten points lead. Then the Blue muy 4 e tow years ago. He began a class la Jhdgh (Jhhlhhws discussion is based *°*‘"‘“ °[ west v"`8*“*“ and Vhsma
f and White gang woke up and ham- I`. th h td t TH m missions in connection with his school u u n acm I chg t h h from the while they are away from h°m°·
l mered out four touchdowns with all T e e eee e deeeie e Lk work gud tpl; grqugg nucl, enum,. ty e { eh `F e ef h The co·ed schedule is well under
A ¤¤¤¤· hsyilxiszegt eslzuxtclx :1 hggmw The loam among his student; that po gun th; xegureggh Said ;jl;“9_ ml; ees; W¤Y and ln addition to games here
Tm vi°k°" wmed pl°yi°8·f°°tb°u "Shades ot Night" were complete with eu me time te eeeeeeiee eee eeeeel a tangle land titles sometlmes get asieetelet Fvmehese Tm; uklely ele}?
i {mm me met wm°u°’ eee seen rushed fantasy and mysterious enchantment. le eeee leee' Ie wee eee lee: eeeeee a. result of Ignorance of the law ot ;h_;8p‘:d thirmgre 1;; 0:1 ereutwemmhg
the ball to St,ate’s 8-yard llne,·whe¤ce’ we were surprised to we our chow he had over three hundred students nhl property. The case chad indeed h th I
Bogus place-kicked for the lndla¤a¤‘¤,im.y deem,. md em. lluguleue pre. “"°u°d in Chdmu °tm°° me °e°"' evolves a problem which is worthy of team, eee ee ey me est yeee
· fl h l t Th G It t thing seemed favorable when the Jap- MOH of last years team ls back, hav-
mt t ree p° n °‘ ° "ye er ·°e lessor, Dantzler, powdered and painted . the consideration ot every law student ing lost only one of iu Bt".
4 hammering the dezee wkdeete me in dazzlln dis nine and rivallu the eeeee eeveeemeee interfered eee ee and practitioner e
e e K f d t. it hl k, Att ` As f0l‘ the Varsity team, prospects
~ in tw° minutes had me ben en Kel" stellar lights on Broadwa lt we ro- wee eeee 0 ee e wee er Henr·· L Spencer ls editor-in-clnlet
, y' D il hl t uu. ‘ ' ‘ were never better. The tollowlng old
wckys 4°‘·"“"d u“"· B°K“° ¥’““° tensed to be dramatic orltlcn ot the wee ee ee ee eee eeet er ee of TM UW ·l¤¤l‘¤¤l· ·l°h¤ H- $*1******* men wm rem"- K zenno. scott
t°w°rd St°°l°y’ and Hue intercepted first order we might go into detail of yeere he wee eeeeuee eee e greet ls associate editor, and Harry B. Mil- Tame (Capt.) Phemgh Morém hl;
it Lewis empped the °v°· em °f the the phautoms and tollles, but lt ls too were wee begum which eeeey eee ee- ler ls business manager, and ln vlew of whom wom ..K,s., than lan hear
Kentucky b°°k’e hence' eeught it in falry·llke to risk poor judgment. eemee eeermee. prepemeee Among ot the fact that all ot these men are I ·
th rt Ml. Y md who Many others were expected to report,
°‘ l°°ky b°°“°° end ut °“t me the mel The orchestra was managed and dl- e eeeee e wee ° ee e' experienced ln newspaper work, a and from the reports the 01 d ex,. meh
une with the eetemehee Cate ee epee rected by Tyler Watts Miss Margaret eeme ee Ameelee het yeee ee eee eee- most successful year ls predicted for
° r t r of Mr Vories at the Y M C are going to have the time of their
l t°'t°re‘ The ruling ef referee Henry Gulllet was director of the dances and e e y ` ' ' ` their publication. lives holding their berths
Was correct; Baflham D¤¤¤€· Jas lleieegenpreerem 8 ee 0 ewe-
eed and Eerlhem eee°veeee` Well' Misses Gulllet and Nichols. Mr, Har- C` A' of Seeee egreed te give elee scrlbers, and The Journal ls fast be· Jan. Lh_l7_Ohh¤
B°gu° kicked geek e°°ee_E‘mhem lowe F Dean director ot the Glee teweeee teie were Elgmeeewe eeuere coming recognized as authority on e I
I ` · • D I that amount was lodged at the JRR- 2l—M&rSh¤ll College, Hunting-
10· ‘*°¤t“°kY °· rule q““·m"` endeu tjlnp and Cho;-al sooloty, pondered o ° D matters legal throughout the Common- hm W va
with no more scoring. group Ot Songs Mr Edward Saxton Nlcholasvllle Conference last week by `vhahhr J· - Z ·b i it I W I I
· · _ _ an. 2‘ — 'n vers y 0 ’ rg n a,
Fur flow il. uio Second period- The gave a reading which had a savour or me eeleeetee ee eeete Ueivereeee At I .._...._________, Cl
. iarlottesvllle, Va.
Blue machine picked up momentum _ , the close of Mr. Yoshldas address the.
Heueeeem 0 ortunit was offered to all to sub- PHILOSOPHMN AND UNION eo' ‘I““· 23"WaShmgt°° end L°°· Lex'
with acceleratlve motion. Parks Was lu Part II or the program, we had pp Y (351155 TO HAVE JOINT MEET'} V
theebattcriu mm that tore up the scribe and the sum of $200 was ¤8t0¤» 8-
g the delight am mgm Ot Beeiug an umlplodsed On next Saturday night there will Jgu_ 24-v, M_ 1,_ Loxlngton, va,
Eariham defense for States velvet. usual phantom ln Doctor Daniels and ° be A lelm meellug of me Unlen and Jam 3M1__0pen_
T““’° “`““ °“&°“'°· b“‘ h° °°“;d h“"° Wl¤if¤‘¤d Y¤¤¤>r· ¤l¤Y<=¤ by Ruth l‘l¢· Me Yeemee ie e member ee ee m` rntnnsopnlan Literary Societies. The ron. 7-university of Lonlsvllle, at
added meeh more ground hee he nee Chesney- was executed wlth “°°“S' euemiel {emily end wee et one time procram shows at goodly mixture of home
slipped repeutcdeye Parke bueked Over komed gl-ace' Professor Dankzler care manager evnh the Standard Ou com- lllllell', ;0lll.‘§ illlll OFZIIOI')'. Thi} S€‘FSl0ll [<`(3b_ 13-14—()p9[]_
° *°“°hd°“’“ and Tume kicked g°“l· rled thc part of CaDt¤l¤ T€l`€¤¢6 peek eeeiemee ee me eve et e greet tls to be open and the friends of both Fen, lx-19—Unlverslty ot Tennessee,
• SC0r€_-Earlheun 1U' Kentucky Trevltt with hltl military garb and promotion, to resulue his IuiSSl0nary`S()(§i€[i0S 8.I`t" ('OK`dlU.|l)' iUVl[(*d· home,
. · — . w rr. .
Durlng lh*~ “""t f"“ '“i"“**°” IW'! paint to match- ee .|wh0 attended last years joint meet- Feb. 26—Marletta College, at home.
ham “*‘°“""’ S°""’ “‘""‘g“‘ but “‘° °"‘ Wlll¤¤l· it WM all ¤v¤‘<>¤*l¤¤¤ Success S“*‘° """'“"“"· by I"' “°“°" "‘ lng enjoyed lt very much, and this iunrcli 6.1-opcn.
°°¤¤ dl¤l¤¤°° l“h‘”`°"* in T“'k‘*y"* und we defy one to Sneak 0ll1€¤‘Wl¤€ ***5* T""Sd“"· ls faking in km wm' year promises niucli more, espcclal nlarcli 12——\lusklngum College at
"°°*‘“g “*‘°°· ““" “‘° *’°‘"""“‘ ““° 0f it- ““*“y °"‘*"“ °' °“" g'°“‘ "’“‘““"°"s nttsnttnn being paid to tint utnnte on l..,.,..,
¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤l <>¤¤·¤¤*¤ Scott *¤¤·*·=¤ the ......——.- which she M high M *22·°°° *0* c.,....n..-..n..... and tts girls will nun- »n... n,n....·ing nn-ic games have
eve] ee eerlheme 40-elem mere Here. FEATURE ATTRACTION ON teeeien were _ _ _ l have to ditto last ycur`s performance been arranged;
Parks threw the flrst successlhl Wild- STOLL FIELD SATURDAY iI`hls makes a total ot $28Z.o0, near y to make thihgs imhrhhuhhl hh. m_Chdm_vmh College, at
cat pass to Roth that netted Zo yards. twice as much as was originally asked The hmhmm is as fhhohsl home
Then Turkey me through teekle fer fer eee Me Yeemde eee eequeeeee Plano duet-Misses Lols llartlett Jam -»;$.-..l7¤lyel-Elly of Louleyllle
(our yards, Squlrrely made one wlldcin *"d w""“l"9*°"· L°"l”9t°" that the Y. M. C. A. extend his slnccrc and Ahhlh Hhdhhhl gms ht home
through the same place, and Jlm car- Hllll" ind L°'·*l"l"* H‘9h· thanks for their liberal response. R€adihg_,msh Lhh Fslhhl 1 '
pled it Over from 3, fgrmutlgll for Kell. ‘*"' S0l0_ “, J Sandford I
mckys eewnd t°u°hd°“"‘ Tume One of the beet ems of [ee Beeson vm b . i 1 I Donato-"Resolvcd, that t‘o·etluca· The compllmentary reception given
kleked geel_ Score., Earlham 10 ls offered Saturday on Stoll held when_ Tll€‘l‘6 ll 6 8 10 nt mem HS 0 _ _ _ I K _h_ L Y J I h
’ the which and Phuosohhhm Inhrhry tlon Should be Abohshed at kentucky the cutue. y au ourna, oth as to
K°m“°ky 14* e double eeeeer emmen eeme wm e state Uulversltv" {thc general get~up and as to the con-
ln a spectacular rush. tho Kcntuck- b° ““’·g"d· ll “h°“ld drkw the lergem eeeleeee ie chapel next eewreey pl l· ll-l·l ·· l~¤u· ti ll ’tent—i indicates that lt has already
emwll of me Beeson nlght at 8 o'clock. All students and A rmm ke" H Mn ° X an `I "
lm cursed me pigekm Hem mekee ` Y , It re . rdlau invited to {mend ’l‘. Hardin. lmade n place lor ltself and w·lll no
down the tleld ln a scrlcs of first L""k‘g*°" High ““° L°“k"m° 'Hkh eee y e ee y ` N,.g.,tlt.. ll l._ sl..»nt-.~r purl l.cstt·t·Yitsetul both to the llnlverslty and to
· . 1 . . . , , { n' · , ,,
lulm ’¤*”~ butktd °“' "‘=*_ ¤“*‘ ;°*’° ::"i“t:’°"‘ ‘“""‘ °‘*““' “ ""‘ wt ttrtninly tint tnni tn., ann not s.,i.,e.yn.. yn·..nn.. .t..n.·.-t..... asccurlty lu the stats. inn next ntnn.
S“‘“"" umd t"“°hd°“'"‘ lume leme ele! L H L 1 t Hi I Friday night. They swore ln a hun- iteatllng- Miss Ina llnrnttll. lhcr. which will he lssucd on the lll'—
klcked g°°‘l‘ S°°r°"k‘°rmum w' he"` hl we: W le sew _ I? tex ue on h e ll dred guards extraordinary to watch Quartette-—Alisses lilslc Speck and 'tcentli of November. wlll contain some
lucky 2L e euue eeme lem ee Beeson new us. We were lllco "h0odlums" tllat Lel Roberts and Messrs. llnn llobcrls ever} lluicly articles of Interest to the
(Continued on page 6, column 3.) time. and Francis lluyncs. .pcople gcncrally. as well as to the bar.
g I
‘ Bflllg €I‘ to [ G |‘m0|‘)’ 0I110I‘I”()W Ig t
s •
==· —————.-: -: A .;i;: ‘“ ‘ "‘*‘_""‘;. ......._............_*‘——A———·—-’i:......‘*A ———————’ ‘.·.";.:·&‘——-——..A.—. :—-— ——`.Acc·—. ‘.A"——...A"""‘—‘*‘> m...;_....4 d4M_s——_—-
FIRsT·CLASS IN EVERY APPOINTMENT. J. H. ITAMPER. Jr., Owner and Manager. OPEN 10 A. M. TO 11 P. M.
STUDENTS! M h ‘ l E • • sp · .
State €C 3l`|IC2 l1gll'l€€l‘lllg LUBY gr ALEXANDER
Univefslty Ealt•r·ln-Chl•f ........................................... W. C. Cross ’14 --—g.;...
Of A••¤¢•A‘|’| ¤¤lT¤¤• e°m,msUs,°ss_ SEE OUR PIC LINE OF WOOLENS
IS YOUR HEAD QUARTERS. J. Eaton Iolllng ’1l. R · l $22
10 CHA"`. W Us! J H s won In H_ -i»_ wsa. .1* anglng rom .50 Io $35.00
· u ll . _ _.___ __ ___s*
NO Long wAl1·g_ i Roger Thornton '14. A
W- ¤· Irvmmlns 17- ouAl.lTx w0R•___ __
• , IA ‘”°”° °" "'*°"°"’ l.liX=N(i ION DOLLAR SAFETY mszong,
. . d .... CR AM FLOUR, eo ¢¢¤ utter.
what IS plyillg IIIS Why will be i|ItEI’€St€ to k|IOW m the lm two mm 8 mmmmm, takes W" shortening and Ever Ready
TH \T WE ARE SELLING has been mma nt the nnwmny, the I _ >»¤·-··—•»~»- JUST wo-on You weep.
. ll _- . cxm ton Roller M'll. ` .
$15.00 Suns hn, ’l0•00 I $20.00 suit for tl t mute object of which ls the abolish A E I W Il I 9 (JO , &
, ment of dnnclng from programs of all
$25.00 suits for $16.50 I f ,
0TmB 0 entertainment given upon I·UH_h'_ and (l__I»_,H_iU_ Sum for mp
We mak `evcry $uit and gUIl'M'lt€¢ Fit Slld Servnce l the campus °f °h" °"""g‘°’· .·.itt•·n¤. ’l lnnnns, un- s|n·1l»y»·11n» cm MMN STREET AND BROADWAY
The originators of thls movement tw NWI. _ r'_ V . l._.l Al ,, """‘;"""‘”‘—1'
H e Price--5 ot Cash-——PIatn l I urcs , " ‘ "‘· " " ""‘* """“"" ‘*"'““
|1 P K can not hope for lt to he looked Ullilll dm-,.,,e;\,.],y_ q ,1,. K;‘,,t,,,; Hm.,] up; 5
. ’ :’“*‘ °¥’:"°";*' ;’Yl'h° ***¤d<*“*:°dY·i *·‘*n·;.n1t, nw.-tn..., .1.~.l;··t nun Wutkills; Im ALL ·r•-ta t.A·ras1· srvtas AT
°"“ ° "" "“"'“"”* °°” Q g‘°°" nnkw. Su sn. 'l`n;·a -r v my nl
I d which will tm the place of d,,..Cl..,;_ Grams uu;m__ Rml;;m Jud Su; REDUCED RATES
aeorpontr ` ‘ ' "’ ‘ ‘ ` _·r0_
, This fact has been amply demonstrnt— M m . (H, .,__. HV I W , 1 I, .
MEN S THING?) Ph _ H I ed (.h¥`0\1§h many ym. of mn, and ,_"'l,_{QCk_' `Q._ " "iimzfffj STUDENTS.
H5 E' MAIN ST' pp' Oemx Om if MY form could **6 ¤¤b¤U¢¤i€d which M,.i,;,,m,,.;,m»r nnn Shmo%l\l(\9htF·l H1 (YIHY 6
an suggest ve orms 0 enc ng mv· Hu I ,_ d_ I _ I. __i I M 13 WEST MAIN STREET
• • Imported Line of Macklnaws and Sweaters .,,8 ,,6.,., bgrred_ The dances have at E"L ;f;;‘S`;‘;r_Q;a;)T‘;)lT;f1‘;;,°Qi°C A" 1...;.....
ci" NW Wt W ”‘|k• YW" FMI W"- w°y° b°°° pr°p°l-ly °hap°r°n°d’ and organlzed :1 Bible study class. Last
PHOENIX HOTEL BUILDING LEx|NG·|•°N’ KENTUcKy objectionable characters and Outsiders )’€8.l‘ [IIB b0}'S lll the "llttle dormitory"
have found lt nearly impossible to gain [ m d n r, I W. f I
. t admittance mss things have was °' ° “ ° ““" "’ "" "“" '°°°"”"“ "’“‘“°"
DOSG of (‘ll4ff)lll`{\§.Zlll}.§ Ouch 0th0I‘ lll and
to make the State University dances a more careful and thumugh study of LUNCH $T·*ND$
source of pleasant memory to students the Sunday S__lmO\ lmwn and in more we South nmewy.
of the past. rc ` 5 , , —`“"`"—"`"*“_“"`t"" ‘"t _
gular uttvmlnn :0 at sunday School, ..-;~—-——
c0• lt seems than that the real question and elected ur (Je W Worthington ""’" "
Im be settled is whether it is better president. '1`ho nu·rnl»•.»rs of last year's /'/ — 4~}" _ *· I
FOR EVERYTHING IN THE DRUG LINE. *";;";“ "‘:‘°*';¤ “:°“ “‘° °°‘“:’““ °‘ organization um responsible for the _
° u vers y' n t 9 °rm°ry ° gym` reorganlzatlon under the auspices ot ` M" ] e Z
naslum, where s strict censorship ls ,. _·?.t ` _
the Y M, C. A. M.-·~·» ·¤¤·¤·»-·;y,,
, BEST SODA WATER IN THE CITY. "°°‘ “°°“ ““ “’° °°"‘°‘°“°‘°· °' '°’ Mr. xtmnnngton prusided at thc / ’ c - ji?
· Phones Phoenix Block the students to Suk amusement in first meeting this year and the follow- YA yl,
public dance halls or private dances mg Omcers were elected; p[.€Sm€m_ RU; - ,»
—- —— I n nowlse connected with the Univer- J. H' Coleman; vice president, C- T. ` 13 ,
sit; or University mo' Dotson; secretary-treasurer, E. C. . ·
we the originators of this move` Hendricks. The charter members are: I / - ;..\_ "
Q umm me best Interests °f th° Univ"` J. W. Worthington, G. E. Jones, C. T. t I
sity at heart or are they simply using Dotsom J_ H_ Colemanl w_ C_ Nmgle, _` = ,
! th: mimgiiy which th°ylp°Sj€i; H; C. C. Watson, Carlin Gregory. E. C.
ca. er o er own persona preu ce. Hendrick W W Owsley ‘ _ In
HE \DOUARTERS ——————— . ' " j ` = J ,
, THE KITTEN8 WALLOP Any student ts ho desires to join will N (Q.
FCP be welcomed into the class, which I
. _ SHELBYWLLE meets every Saturday evening at 7 I °p"*°*'*©
· M d { K 0`clovk. Mr. li, L. Hall will address —;——..-·—-——————-—
. on ay aternoon the ittens . —'”“_‘” "
· the class ut tl 0 mcottug this week.
X breezed over to Shelbyville, and took l
, we any me {uw, Imk J Llbmmy Snwnu in the U_ S_ a. local grldiron organization, yclept BROOKS C. E. SOCIETY ’
» · · . "The Shelbys," lnto cam l 13 t MET MONDAY NIGHT ·
Q Ftftt nlllllty $l||I|J|| S 0nIy Pnlmllt SCWICE 0 game D R 8, O The Brooks Civil Engineering Socie- 1
AHBIYHCBI BEHIDCES and Wei hts_ Owlng to the pastoral character of [Y mm in YBSUNY m€€m¤8 M°¤d&Y E
. . g ¤
One of Our t.¤nd¤n3Sp•c1•lties. the Held the Kltteuy team work was evening. The [)l`Og·§l'2.lll1 lltcludéd 8
y ESTB Ibm somewhat ragged, but even at that MMS <>i’\\¤‘llD¤‘¤l>¤F~e·d1>¤l>*‘YS*>y S¤1·
- hey easily outclugged [hg "[0wu d€l1[l1l€Il1bL*l`¤,1llld talks by Professors
205’2\l·THlRD·AVE t t _ I IS THE
I Ew.y0RK.cl team" and kept the gcrgp well inside Currel uml Terrel, uml ll. ll. Reese 'U4, {
• ` [hg Shg|by’g (_g"·|[0ry_ l Thx? [\l`l);.Ll`lllll {OF Illt‘ ll<·X[ lllt)€Illl§ ’
...---—-——-——————— E FELLUWS
• ___ The Kittens were unable to score ‘° °" I°H"“‘·
-;··:.T-fl during the mst mma periods. but in ty M_ Sehm,,·tZ. t··mum, yi,n`.y bm-.
_ C. C. APPLEGATE, Vt n ger Goods Csl‘•d For and D•Ilv•r•d me last quarter muy got together and vey." I Tliiif
crossed me enemys une www. The l., L), t`el¤lnnn-—"s¤wex· Uuustruc-I y W Mew *’M>_m" emu _ Q
t. l ___, __ _________ __ _____ _ _______
flggtrig Dry (leaning (0_ nm .... t me tm. t www ¤»·» ll
to Peak, and u new minutes lutcr A‘ `L H“*l"'”'"m“"" Tubmn In °—
picked up u fumble and raced Hylllitll l"l`iLJd··*·"l{t'\'lc\\' of l';llL§iIl*}€I`·\y;
_ _ , over tor the second touchdown. mg N°““·H y Hats l
C|¢’8Il]ng " DyCIHg " PfCSSI¤g The She1by's played an archaic U- ·}· “*‘“k‘““"““‘"‘°"' M "·“$"‘“°”` Q, ° I
_ _ _ style or to tb ll nw nt a t (1 u M1- ***5 **“°°*`*'·"
Men, We Press Your Salts Whale You Want. grim Fault: mi; :8; anim";} uu ......-———-----—·— M Shoes etc' {Or S
' ` N Ph 1550-Y 152S.L` t lll i
NEW PHONE 1843-Y OLD PHONE 527-2 aware of open tactics. The 33~yer¢i ew) OM , Imasgm l`l kIIOW
5 5_. ___________| . — t , I . 1;. l\()l;.\l{US uq
5 r.._._..i-—- spirals of Dutch bhraeder llllcd the In (_ IK __t (Www M “ H
l•:\•i•:t!i\ .tl.. l‘._
lyokels with awe and Hedges5 4U·yar______’V ____
Spectal Attention Gwen to Ladnus Tallorlng , ~—~----—~»—-- ~——— --—» —~»·—---·--
9 D 1 th d R d tl t
S u wor an 0 ¤1¤·¤ WW0 W ° ‘ Mgwmk t;,,,._,m.l Altersllcns A Sp¤•~|1l\vf]] L k I
‘ _ _____________________e_____ _e_ p __ vs_ ________| gt 00 CIS BIC 3 W3yS
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Fall ;St5iles m Hats, Shoes and Wglcgmg
F\\l‘I\\Shlllg goods 811% l\0W In I H E A M E A E lll; t
'“ Y ""‘ ey ¤GHAVES CDX
_]_ & M_ and Miner and 3 Shows Dally Prices y
` Florshiem Shoes Stetson Hgtg 2:30 - 7:30 - mm uv, - 2••, - sw. V- not- y
“ ’ t 5 - Acts and Kinemacnlur · 5 2
I Yes Tom Robinson thinks he will manent re ldence there it uarters \ WWRPUNTEU
• I I ° I ° q Sec Reading Notice.
_ _ i move to Pat. Hall and make his per- can be had. The basement wtll do! I ________e_e_,___ _____
’ A
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T I E I C : { _ `Y A 7 `_ 7**7 M A -7N-*
Published every Thursday throughout the College year by the student body ¢
ol the State Unlvorslty ol Kentucky, lor the benellt of the un-
dergraduates, nlumnl and taculty ot the lnstltutlon. I {
._.‘;:;.. ‘—"‘ "';‘*‘._.......‘*‘*‘*:...“‘*"* :;T‘.·.__..··· ·_ , , _ ,
THE IDEA ls the othclal newspaper ol the llnlverslty. lt ls issued 2 _ 15 To SCWO YOU Wllh "Kuppcnl:clm¢rtt Flnc (lolhmg, ·
with the vlew ot lurulshlng to lts suuscrlbers 8II the college news ot NBII- ’» H
tucllyi, together wlhh a dlgest ot items ol Interest concerning the unlverslllen I, "E. & Shirls, Rpgel Sho", ·
ol OIIEP States an Uanaua. ~
*———1··?—·*·*.*._.*;f*·_,_.__,_*·j··1··*;._.___..··——*;·;:,;.; .;:2:.Ti: I °° It “ t ’
IUIICHIPTION, ons ¤ol.l.An rn vnn nv: cams on com . K Z ew M“"°'Y '“'t St°t’°“ Hm ° = ‘
Entered at Lexlngton Post umce as second class mall matter. '
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STONEWALL JACKSON, Editor-ln·Chlel'. CLYDE TAYLOR, Asst. Editor l
Associate ldltors. I
RUTH McCl~lE8NEY, Society Editor R. A. NORRIS, Mgr. Editor Cl¤•••. Posbody Q Co., Iss. Mal"! ‘ l ll' H l Y,
E. F. DANFORTH, Athletic Edltor J. O. REYNOLDS, Humorlst t
¢•ntrlbutor'• Club. J e,
W. F. WRIGHT, Editor A. S. BEHRMAN, Asslstant. S I l e Coe,. Main and Limestone I
lu•ln••• Staff. · j
V, A, BABBAGE, Business Manager. C. H. SCHWARTZ, Sub. M8?. Y l
C, 8, ROLLINGS, Assistant • J. T. GILDER, Assistant · mw • ,
-— _L,,,_ . ""‘;*"*;'.;
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EDITORIAL ln the protectlou and sympathetic dl- \ S I I I D E N I S
———-—·— "°°tt°“ °t the mtmtctpu °m°°" °t to excclin any nportis rendered easier l _ _
JU··n;|cA1-IDN Op •»H°°g, Lexington, in the watchful care and by be-neg [1r9pg|·|y§quippgd_ 6 l YOU? Wants sul plled here. We carry a new and upto-date line of _
Msn AND nnowmggw generous toreslght ot the men and A. U. _pa dlngdz los. are out tters to , _
LU women sl Lexlngton, th.; they be 9h¤r¤l·¤3{l¤._w:e¤e(5mr‘l_emcnt¤ must be P¢|\S, P€I\C•|S, Tablets and fine Stallongry l
did I I th ih f lnvsrla yrlg . ually coun.s. _ · ·
*’"°* *° °°*°"°¤ °°"°°' "°€? “‘° f““’,°,, “"§“j °,, §‘,,‘f°'}°°§, °. S.,.s...,,-..;.....,,,.,...,,.,, For Lunches we haven msn supply of rms, cms, ples,
Kentucky y0\lI.h {B DBVBT ¢8u€d h00d‘ amp A on' 0 v ca' an 0 B! pa On' r•¤dy—frec for the asklng. Sandwiches and Canned Goods
lem"- ne,. le he styled by any Buch that they shall not be ensnared by the A G `PALDH\G& BUOS I
oomonolemre as ··,nwdy_·· after he dg. open toleratlon and sanction of dog- ' ‘ ` ‘ ° • •
parts. lt ls ln Lexington alone that 8e¥`l€¤· b¥`0lh€l¤· 8|¤¤bll¤8 hell!. ¤¤¤l8· 327 w' t•"'”°” st- Leulevn-LE- KV- € n I
he att