xt7f1v5bg60b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7f1v5bg60b/data/mets.xml Tennessee Louisiana Historical Records Survey 1938 Prepared by The Survey of Federal Archives, Division of Women's and Professional Projects, Work Projects Administration; The National Archives and Louisiana State University, Cooperating Sponsors; Other contributors include: Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.), United States Work Projects Administration, National Archives (U.S.), University of New Orleans; iv, 87 leaves, 28 cm; Mimeographed; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number Y 3.W 89/2:43 F 317/ser.4/no.41 books English New Orleans: The Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Tennessee Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series IV The Department of War, Number 41 Tennessee text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series IV The Department of War, Number 41 Tennessee 1938 1938 2015 true xt7f1v5bg60b section xt7f1v5bg60b E E E 1 E g ”T""s'7°"E"V y» E i ammwv / I@||IIQ@|I |@@WM/ »|M@ P mgm Mmm E E1 N \/E NTORY OF EEDEK AL ARCH } V Eb .N M ST MES w HE 0 e »> mu me NT or wm . }f._&f;:;§f»‘§¥X N ° 41 T EN M 5* E WORKS ‘°R’”‘?§S2 p£`Z“féEL?ENAL PROJECTS INVENTORY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES IN THE STATES Prepared by The Survey of Federal Archives Division of Women's and Professional Projects Works Progress Administration Tho National Archives and Louisiana State University Cooperating Sponsors SERIES IV. THE DEPARTMENT OF WAR NO. 41. TENNESSEE New Orleans, Louisiana The Survey of Federal Archives 1958 ii EEDFAGE The Inventory cf Qederal Archives in the States is one of the products of the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which operated as a nati0n~wide project of the Works Progress Administration from January 1, 1956 to June 30, 1937. The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: Series I consists of reports on the administration cf the Survey, acknowledgments, and general discussions of the location, condition, and content of federal archives in the states. Succeeding series contain the detailed information secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form, a seperate series nurber being assigned to each of the executive departments (except the Department of State) and other major units of the Federal Government. Within each series Nc. 1 is a general introduction to the field organization and records of the governmental agency concerned; the succeeding numbers contain the inventory proper, separate numbers being assigned to each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in each series, the inventory for A Alabama is Nc. 2, that for Arizona Nc. 3, that for Arkansas Nc. 4, etc. For each local office information regarding each series, or u it of related records, is presented in the following order: title, in- clusive dates ("tc date" indicating an open file at the time the information was secured), general description cf informational con- tent, description cf the system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and purpose of use, form of the record it- self (bound volumes, sheets in folders, ctc.), linear footage, description of the containers, physical condition of the records (not stated if satisfactory), location by room number or other identifying information, and finally, the number of the Form 58SA nn which the in- formation was originally recorded by a Survey worker and from which it was abstracted for the Inventory. This form is cn file in the National Archives. When it contains substantial information on addenda sheets which has not been included in the mimecgxaphed abstract, indication of this is given by use of the reference "See addenda." In Tennessee the work cf the Survey was undertaken by Judge Samuel C. Williams with Mr. Lowe Watkins, who later succeeded him as director, as his assistant. In May, 1957, Tennessee was added tc the region under the direction of Mr. Stanley C. Arthur of New Crleans, with Mr. John S. · Luton as state supervisor. This inventory of the records of the Depart- ment of War in Tennessee was prepared in the New Orleans office of the Survey under the direction of Mrs. Norris B. Fezekas, editor-in—chief and assistant state supervisor, and was edited before final typing by Dr• Henry P. Beers of the Division of War Department Archives of The National Archives. Stanley C. Arthur State Supervisor New Orleans, La. Survey of Federal Archives May 18, 1938 in Louisiana A iii Page CHATTANOOGA MW S-baticnlllttl••••••••••••••t••D•I••••UiIIlOl| 1 Organized Reserves, Regulir Army Instructor............. .... . 5 Organized Reserves, 65d Cavalry Headquarters.. ............ ... 5 GREENVILLE Andrew Johnson National Cemetery (not surveyed)..... ...... ... 25 JACKSON National Guard, Regular Army Instructcr.... ................ .. 24 KNOXVILLE Army Recruiting Substation (not surveyed).................... 24 Knoxville National Cemetery.................................. 24 National Guard, Regular Army Instructor. ................... .. 26 Organized Reserves, Regular Army Instructor..... ........... .. 27 Reserve Officers’ Training Cozps Sul~VSy6d)OlOOlII§O|OIOIIOCOII MADISON ‘ Nashville National Cemetery (not surveyed)......... ..... ..... 29 MEMPHIS Arm Recruiting Substation (not surveyed)... ..... ............ 29 Offj.C€3»•e¤¤••r••¤¤•·»•o·»·»•e•¤¤-¤¤•¤•a•¤•••••••••••••• Memphis National Cewetery (not survcy¤d)» ...... ... .......... L 58 National Guard, Regular Army Irstruetrr.,.......... .... . .... . Z8 ‘ Organized Reserves, Regular Army Instructor. .... ..... ..... ... 42 MURFRELSBGRO _ Sky Harbor Airport (not surveyed).. ...... .................... 42 NASHVILLE Army Recruiting Station....... ......... ..... .... . ........... . 45 I District Engineer. ...... ,.,.... ¤.............. .. ............. . 43 Motion Picture, Photographic, and Scund Record Collections....... ......... .. ............. .... ......... 85 National Guard, Regular Army Instructor (net survoyed)....... 86 iv _Ci@I_TEI\YTS Page NASHVILLE Organized Reserves, 510*bh Cavalry Headquarters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Organized Reserves, 317'ch Field Artillery Headquarters . . . . . . . . . . 87 PARK FIELD (MILLINGTON) Su1'VByBd)|••••I•q•••••••••••••••••••|••¤•••••••• E? I 1 cxnrrnwcoca ( RECRUITING STATION A Post Office and Court House I 9th St. and Georgia Ave. T is agency was established July 1, 1927. It was housed in the old Post Office Building, East Eleventh Street, before moving to its present » address. All records have been retained; none have been lost, destroyed, ( or sent to Washington. l 1. RECORD BOOKS OF RECRUITING OFFICES, Aug. 5, 1920 · May 27, 1950. Minute records of accounts and events during certain periods. See addenda for subjects and dates. (Rarely, official.) 10 x 15 vols., 8 in., on floor. R. 50. (478) 2. SPECIAL ORDERS RESERVED, 1922 — 1925. Show transfer of men from one army post to another. (Rarely, official.) S x ll bundle, 2 in., on shelf of wooden cabinet. R. 50-A, (542) I 5. SPECIAL ORDERS, 1922 - 1950. Show transfer of men and recruits from one army post to another. (Rarely, official.) Variously sized bundles, 1 ft. 9 in., on shelf in wooden cabinet. R. 50. (555-541) 4. SPECIAL ORDERS FOR 51OTH CAVALRY, 1925 - 1950. Show assignment of men and officers to various cavalry units. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 12 bundles, 2 in., on shelf in wooden cabinet. R. 50. (551) , 5. ENLISTIENT AED APPLICATION REOORDS_ Jan. 1, 1924 - Dec. 51, 1950. Show complete information of applicants. (Rarely, official.) 5g x 6 , bundles, 15 ft. 4 in., in wooden boxes. R. 50. (521-527) 6. GENERAL ORDERS FOR 65D CAVALRY DIVISION, June 25, 1924 - Aug. 50, 1929. Show assignment of officers to various cavalry units. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 12 bundle, 2 in., on shelf in wooden cabinet. R. 50. (ees ) · 7. SPECIAL ORDERS FOR 509TH CAYALRY, 1925 - 1950. Show assignment n of officers and men to cavalry units. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 12 bun- dles, 2 in., on shelf in wooden cabinet. R. $0. (550) A 8. SPECIAL ORDER FOR MISCELLANEOUS UNITS OF 65D CAVALRY DIVISION, 1926 — 1950. Shows assignment of officers to engineering and field sfiillcry units. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 12 bundles, 1 in., on Shelf of wooden cabinet. R. 50. (529) 9. SPECIAL ORDERS, Jan. 18, 1926 — Dec, 51, 1927. Authority orders naming reserve officers assigned on inactive status to inactive units of regular army. (Rarely, official.) 9 X 12 bundle, 2 in., Ou shelf of wooden cabinet. R. 50. (552) (A Army Recruiting Station, Chattanooga 2 1) 10. PROPERTY RECORDS, Feb. 22, 1926 - Jan. 15, 1927. (Rarely, I official.) 8 X 11 bundles, 2 in., on shelf of wooden cabinet. R. 50. j (555) 11. SPECIAL ORDERS 1-158, Ian. 2 - Dec. 50, 1927. Transferring men from one station to another. (Rarely, official.) ll x 18 envelopes, 1 in., on floor. R. 50. (484) 12. APPLICATION ENLISTHENT RECORDS AND DECLARATION OF APPLICANT FOR REGULAR ARMY BRANCHES, Sept. 21, 1927 - May 10, 1951, Of infantry, cavalry, and artillery. (Rarely, official.) 8; x ll sheets, 6 in., in drawer of wooden filing case. R. 50. (501) A 15. SPECIAL ORDERS 2 - 256, Jan. 2 · Dec, 51, 1928. Transferring army men from one station to another. (Rarely, official.) 11 x 15 envelopes, 1 in., on floor. R. 50; (435) 14, SPECIAL ORDERS 2 - 259, Jan. 2 — Dec, 51, 1929. Transferring army men from one station to another. (Rarely, official.) 11 x 18 envelopes, 2 in., on floor. R. 50. (481} A 15. PURCHASE ORDERS, Jan. 51, 1929 - July 28, 1955, Showing items necessary to maintenance of local office (duplicates). (Rarely, official.) 11 x 15 envelopes, 2 in., on floor. R. 50. (480) 16. DUPLICATE REPORTS FOR SUPPLIES AND SERVICES FOR RECRUITS AND APPLICANTS, Nhy 25, 1929 — Juno 15, 1955, (Rarely, official.) 8 x 10 sheets, 6 in., in drawer of wooden filing case. Scattered. R. 50. (500) 17. CMTC ENROLLMENT, 1950. Shows 4th corps area rules and regula- tions, (Rarely, official.) 10 x 18 bundle, 2 in., on shelf of wooden A cabinet. R. 50. (545) 18. SPECIAL ORDERS, 1950, For 65d cavalry division, (Rarely, official.) 9 x 12 bundles, g iu., on shelf of wooden cabinet. R, 50. (554) 19. SPECIAL ORDERS 1 — 218, Ian. 2 ~ Dec. 50, 1950. Transferring ` army men from one station to another. Filed numerically. (Rarely, A official.) 11 x 18 envelopes, 1 in., on floor. R. 50. (498) 20. SPECIAL ORDERS l · 194, Jan. 5 — Dec. 50, 1951. Transferring . army men from one station to another. (Rarely, official.) 11 x 18 envelopes, l in., on floor. R, 50. (499] 21. BULLETINS AND WEGULAR FORM LETIERS SETTING REQUIREMENTS IN VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS, Jan. 6, 1951 — June 15, 1955. (Rarely, official.) 11 x 15 envelopes, 2 in., on floor. R, 50. (479) 22. RECRUITING ACTIVITIES, Jan. l0, 1951 - June 50, 1955. Daily Féports of activities, enlistments, and distribution of applicants. §Rare1y, official.) 8 x 15 envelopes, 5 in., on floor. Dirty. R. 50. 495) A li Q Organized Reserves, Chattanooga 3 Q 23. GENERAL TELEGRAMS FOP DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS ON VARIOUS ARMY ( ACTIVITIES, Jan. 21, 1931 - Apr. 19, 1933. (Rarely, official.) [V 11 x l4%·bundles, 2 in., on floor. Dirty. R. 30. (491) p 24. FEDERAL STANDARD STOCK CATALOGUE, Nev. 3, 1931. Shows des- 1 cripticn and standard requirements of all stock of supplies and mu l- } tions used. Indexed. (Weekly, official.) 10%-x 12%·vol., 3 in., on table R. 30. (463) 25, SPECIAL ORDERS, Jan, 2, 1932 — June 30, 1933, Orders 1 · 135 A for 1932 and 1 - 87 for 1933, transferring army men from one station y' to another. (Rarely, official.) 12 x 15 envelopes, 1 in., on floor. I- R. so. (482) o 26. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING ONE YEAR ENLISTMENTS, Jan. 11 1932- June 17, 1933. (Rarely, official.) 11 x 14%·bund1es, 2 in., on floor. R. 30. (490) 27. PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS OF CCC APPLICANTS, May 5 - 31, 1933. Show charts, names of men accepted for service, and physical descrip- i tion. See 2 page addenda for counties, dates and number of men ac- A cepted and rejected. (Occasionally, official.) 4 x 10 envelopes, 2 in., in wooden filing case. R, 30. (462) 28. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION OF MEN FROM VARIOUS COUNTIES FOR TENNESSEE CIVILIAN CONSERVATION CORPS, May 9 - June 1, 1933. Records shew names and number of men accepted and rejected. See 3 page addenda for counties end_dates. (Rarely, official.) 4 x 10 sheets, 6 in., in drawer of wooden filing case, R. 30. (Asc) 29. ORIGINAL APPLICATIONS AND ACCOMPANYING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EN- LISTMENTS, June 7 - 30, 1933. Regular forms with recommendations in correspondence form for each applicant. (Monthly, official.) ll X 14% envelopes, 1 in., on floor. R. 30. (492) ORGANIZED RESERVES REGULAR ARMY INSTRUCTOR · R Post Office and Court House Corner 9th St. and Georgia Ave, . This office was established in 1921. It was housed in the City Hall from 1921 to 1931; in the James Building from 1931 to 1933 before mov- ing to its present address. Useless records are placed in storage ao- cording to directions from the War Department. Personal records are usually transferred with the enlisted men to other posts; all other records are retained, and none have been lost, destroyed or sent to Washington. E gi Organized Reserves, Chattanooga 4 in 50. PERSONAL RECORDS. Oct. 10, 1896 · 1956. Giving information of ( men enlisted in service. Arranged alphabetically. (Weekly, official.) - 9 x 12 folders, 8 ft., in wooden filing case. R. 222. (99) ( 51. WAR DEPARTMENT DECIMAL FILE, 1918 · 1956. Correspondence and ( information to authorities in charge. Index. (Older records, rarely; 1 later records, frequently, official.) 9 x 15 folders, 6 ft., in filing 1 case. R. 222. (100) ‘ 52. ARMY EXTENSION SCHOOL PROGRESS RECORDS AND LESSON ASSIGNMENT , CARDS, 1921 - 1956. Reports and tabulations. Arranged alphabetically. ( (Daily, official.) 6 x 8 cards, 2 ft., in drawers of wooden filing N case. R. 222. (105) 55. INDEX TO DEAD 201 FILES, 1921 to date. (Frequently, official.) 6 x 9 cards, in wooden drawers of card cabinets. R. 222, (98) 54. INDEX TO SUSPENSE FILES, 1921 to date. Records on individuals who have served in this branch of service. Arranged alphabetically. I (Daily, official.) 5 x 5 cards, 2 ft., in wooden filing case. R. 222. ( (102) A 55. SERVICE RECORD ON RESERVE OFFICERS, 1921 to date. Reports on individuals having served in this branch of service. Arranged alpha- betically. (Daily, official.) 5 x 5 cards, 2 ft., in drawers of wood- en card cabinet. R. 222. (lOl) 56. COMMON SUBCOURSES, 20 SERIES, AEC, 1955 — 1956. Instructions and information to those being mobilized. Index. (Frequently, official.) 8 x 10 1oose—1eaf books, 4 ft., in filing cases. R. 222. (94] 57. PERSONNEL FILES, 1955 - 1956. Correspondence pertaining to enrollment and assignments to extension courses. Filed alphabetically under War Department decimal system. (Frequently, official.) S x 10 sheets, 8 ft., in filing cases. R. 222. (97) 58. TEXT MATERIAL, 1955 - 1956. For study, organization, and mobilization. Index. (Frequently, official.) Folders, 4 ft., in I filing case. R. 222. (96) V E wi (? Organized Reserves, Chattanooga 5 F? t I ORGANIZED RESERVES g 65d CAVALRY EEADQUTRIERS ) Post O;i`i‘ice and Court House 9th St. and Georgia Ave. This agency was established July 7, 1922, although the survey reveals a few records dated as early as 1920, Quarters were maintained at Poland ( and Dauphine Streets, Non Orleans, louisiana, from 1922 to October 20, ( 1925; Ft. Oglethorpe, Georgia, from October 20, 1925 to May 26, 1927; il in the Pound Building, Chattanooga, from May 27, 1927 to May 19, 1951; ( and in the James Building, Chattanooga, May 20, l95l to December 20, ) 1955, when the office was moved to its present location. A majority of the records are filed according to Ear pengrtgent Correspondence File. All records have been retained; none have been lost—or—des:— troyed. Copies of all orders are sent to Washington. 59. RECORD OF TRANSFERRED OFFICERS, DEAD FILE 201, Aug. 15, 1920 - May 26, 1956. Correspondence, general orders, and reports of organized reserves and individual personal record of reserve officers. See 45 page addenda for names, case numbers, and dates of transferred officers. , 5 X 5 card index, 2 ft. 6 in. (Weekly, official.) 9 x 15 covers, 26 ) ft. 6 in., in cardboard cabinet. R. 252. (686 eso) 40. INDIVIDUAL PERSOKAL RECORD OF RESERVE OFFICERS, Doc. 15, 1920 - Aug. 15, 1955. Correspondence and. general orders. Indexed. (Weekly, official.) 9 x 15 covers, 10 in., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 2:52. (617) V 41. CORRESPONDENCE AND REPORTS, Aug. 28, 1921 — Mar. 2, 1956. With various general orders of activities. See addenda for names and dates ( of subjects, Index. {Weekly, official.) 9 X 15 covers, 6 in., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 252. (579) 42, CORRESPONDENCE, REPORTS, AND GENERAL ORDERS, Nov. 21, 1921 · Jan. 1, 1956. Reports of activities. See addenda for names and dates I of subjects. Index. (Weekly, official.) 9 x 15 covers, 6 in., in drawer of steel filing case. R.252. (580) 45. ROSTER OF RESERVE OFFICERS, Jan. 22 — Nbr. 22, 1922. General orders, 5 x 5 card index; see abstract 851. (Dead file, rarely, offi- cial.) 8 x lO folders 1/48 in., in pasteboard box. R. 252. (777) 44. CORRESPONDENCE AND REPORTS, kar. 16, 1922 · Mar. 19, 1956. See addenda for names and dates of subjects. Index. (Weekly; official.) 9 x 15 covers, 8 in., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 232. l578) Organized Reserves, Chattanooga 6 is ( M 45. ACTIVE DUTY TRAINING, July 1, 1922 — June 50, 1954. Correspond- i once. general orders, and reports of activities. 5 x 5 card index; see { abstract 851. (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x 10 folders, 2 ln., in Y pasteboard box. R. 252. (811) I 46. 'GORRESPONDENCE, GENERAL ORDERS, AND REPORTS, July 24, 1922 — Jan. 16, 1956, See addenda for names and dates of subjects. Index. I (Weekly, official.) 9 x 15 covers, 2 in., in drawer of steel filing ( C&S6. R. 232. (577) ), 47. ARMY EXTENSION COURSES, Aug. 16, 1922 - Mar. 51, 1956. Cor- “ responda¤Qe and reports. See addenda for names and dates of subjects, ) (weekly, official.) 9 x 15 covers, 6 in., in drawer of steel filing )" case. R. 252. (552) I 48. APPLICATION‘ADT, CMTC, Sept. 14, 1922 — Aug. 15, 1955. Corres- pondence, general orders, and. reports of activities. See addenda for case and decimal file numbers, identification, and dates. 5 x 5 card index; see abstract 851. (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x 10 folders, ( 2 in., in pasteboard box. R. 252. (810) ( 49. GENERAL FILE, CORRESPONDENCE AND REPORTS, Oct. 25, 1922 - Aug. 51, Q 1955. See addenda for names and dates of subjects. (Weekly, official.) ) 9 1 15 covers, 9 in., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 252. (546) z 50. CORRESPONDENCE AED REPORTS, Oct. 25, 1922 - Feb. 5, 1956. See ( addenda for names and dates of subjects. (Weekly, official.) 9 1 15 I covers, 9 in., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 252. (545) 51. MOTOR VEHICLES, Nov. 1, 1922 — June 50, 1926. Records show , number on band and accounted for. 5 x 5 card index; see abstract 851. 1 (Dead file, frequently, official.) 8 x 10 folders, 1 in., in pasteboard ) file. R. 252. (712) ( 52, STRENGTH REPORTS, Nov. 7, 1922 - Dec, 21, 1955. Correspondence, 7 general orders, and reports of activities. See addenda for case and deci- ) mal file numbers, identification, and dates. 5 x 5 card index; ses abstract 851. (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x 10 folders, § in., in pasteboard bo:. R. 252. (768) V 55. CORRESPONDENCE, Dec. 2, 1922. With general orders and reports of activities. 5 x 5 card index; see abstract 851. (Dead file, rarely, of- . ficial.) 8 xv 10 folders, § in., in pasteboard box. R. 252, (722) 54. PROCUREMENT QF QURRTTRLESTER SUPPLIES FOR 0FFICERS' RESERVES, Jan. 1, 1925, Correspondence, general orders, and reports of activities. 5 x 5 card index, see abstract 851, (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x 10 folders, g in., in pasteboard box. R. 252. (759) (E Crganized Reserves, Cnatsennoga 7 ( 55. ANNUAL REPORT GF STATUS ERC, Jan. 1, 1925 · June 50, 1926. { Correspondence, general orders, and reports of activities. 5 x 5 . ( card index; see abstract 851. (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x 10 ( folders, 1/46 in., in pasteboard box. R. 252, (746) 56. LTONTHLY REPORTS OF ELERCISE, Feb. E, 1925 - June 50, 1927. 1, Correspondence, general orders, and reports of activities. 5 x 5 card index; see abstract S51. (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x 10 I folders, 1 in., in pasteboard box. 3. 252. (964) (_ 57. MONTHLY REPORTS‘0F ACTIVITIES, 509TH CLVLLRY, rrr. 26, 1925 - ( Aug. 25, 1927. Correspondence, general orders, and reports of acti- §. vities. 5 x 5 card index; see abstract 251. (Dead file, rarely, 5 official.) 8 x 10 folders, 1 in., in pasteboard box. R. 252, (965) » 58. GENERAL ORDERS, CORRESPONDENCE, AND REPORTS, May 5, 1925 - ( Mar. 15, 1955. See addenda for names and dates of subjects, Index. (Weekly, official,) 9 x 15 covers, 2 in., in drawer of steel filing 1 case. R. 252. (581) 59. ANNUAL REPORT OF AURILRBILITY FOR DUTY OE RESERVE OFFICERS, June 21, 1925 — June 14, 1926. Correspondence, general orders, and € reports of activities. 3 x 5 card index; see abstract 551. (Dead file, rarely, official.) S x 10 folders, 1/49 in., in pasteboard box. R. 252. (745) 60. MEMORIAL T0 `IOIEN OI WORLD HAR, June 29 —- Oct. 1, 1925. I General orders. 5 x 5 card index; see abstract 851. (Dead file, 1 rarely, official.) 8 x 10 folders, 1/48 in., in pasteboard box. ( R. zzz. (ses) ( 61. AIRPLANI FLIGHTS BY ENLISTED RESERVES, Sept. 27, 1925, i Correspondence, general orders, and reports of activities. 5 x 5 ( card index; see abstract 351. (Dead file, rdiely, official.) 8 x 10 folders, 1/48 in., in pasteboard box. R. :552. (971) 62. JLNETORS FOR DIVISION KEADQUERTERS. Nbr. 15 — Nov. 20, 1925. . General orders, 5 x 5 card index; see abstract 851. (Dead file, rarely, official,) B x 10 folders, 1/48 in., in pasteboard box. R. 252. ‘ (978) I 65. STRENGTH RIIDETS, RA, Dec. 26, 1925 — July 51, 1926. Corres- pondence, general orders, and reports or activities. 5 x 5 card index; ( ' see abstract 951. (bead file, rarely, official.) 8 x 10 folders, % in., ( in pasteboard box. R. 252. (BOB) I 64. PAY ROLLS, Dec. 51, 1925 - 12r, 51, 1927. Correspondence, general orders, and reports of activities. 5 x 5 card index; see abstract 851, (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x 10 folders, 1/12 in., in pasteboard box. R. 252. (959) Q Organized Reserves, Chattanooga 8 ( 65. NATIONAL DEFENSE TEST DAY INDIVIDUAL REPORTS, 1924 — 1925. 1 Correspondence, general orders, and reports of activities. 3 x 5 i card index; see abstract 831. (Dead file, rarely, official.) 2 8 x 10 folders, Q in., in pasteboard box. R. 232. (751) ) 66. RESERVE OFFICERS, Jan. 23, 1924 — Sept. 2, 1925. Correspon- 1 dence, general orders, and reports of activities. 3 x 5 card index; see abstract 831. (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x 10 folders, § in., in ( pasteboard box. R. 232. (779) 67. ALLOTMEUT OF EFLISTED JERSONNEL TO ORGANIZED RESERVE DIVISION, ( Ian. 29 — Dec. 22, 1924. Correspondence, general orders, and reports I of activities. 3 x 5 card index; see abstract 831. (Dead file, ( rarely, official.) 8 x 10 folders, Q in., in pasteboerd box. R. 232. , (me) 68. INACTIVE DUTY TRAINING, 63D CLVALRT DIVISION, Apr. 15, 1924 - July 28, 1928, Correspondence, general orders, and reports. 3 x 5 card index; see abstract 831. (Dead file, rarely, official.) R. 232. (695) 7 69. ATLAS, May 10, 1924 · Nev. 26, 1934. Correspondence pertain- _ ing to ordering and receiving. 3 x 5 card index; see abstract ( 831, (Rarely, official.) 8 x 10 folders, 1/48 in., in pasteboard , bex. R. ssc. (*244) 70. RAILROAD AUD AUTO TRIPS, may 13 · June 4, 1924. General orders, 3 x 5 card index; see abstract 831. (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x lO folders, 1/24 in., inn pasteboard box. R. 232. (we) » 71. MOTOR TRANSPORT SUPPLIES, Sept. 12 - Oct. 14, 1924. Corres· J pondence, general orders, and reports of activities. 3 x 5 card in- dex; see abstract 831. (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x 1O folders, Q in., in pasteboard box. R. 232. (738) 72. RECRUITING FOR ORGANIZED RESERVES, Sept. 18 ~ Oct. 14, 1924. General orders, 3 x 5 card index; see abstract 831. (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x 10 folders, 1/48 in., in pesteboard box. R. 232. (835) 73. EXECUTIVE OFFICER, 309TH CAVRLRY, Sept. 19, 1924. Corres- T pondence, general orders, and reports of activities. 3 x 5 card index; see abstract 831. (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x 10 _ folders, Q in., in pasteboard box. R. 232. (732) 74. DEML ORGAEIZED RESERVES, Oct. 21 — Oct. 22, 1924. Records show correspondence, general orders, and reports of activities. 3 x 5 card index; see abstract 831; (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x 1O folders, Q in., in pasteboard box. R. 232. (718J é Organized Reserves, Chattanooga 9 )§ 75. HUNTING LEAVES, Nov. ll - 19, 1924. General orders. 5 x 5 (Q card index; see abstract 851. (Rarely, official.) 8 x 10 folders, (_ 1/48 in., in pasteboard box. R. 252. (785) ( 76. ENLISTED RESERVES, Dec. 4 - Dec. 5, 1924. Correspondence, § general orders, and reports of activities. 5 x 5 card index; see ;, abstract 851. (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x 10 folders, f { in., in pasteboard box. R. 252. (775) 77, FLIGHT SURGEONS, Dec. 10, 1924. General instructions. I 5 x 5 card index; see abstract 851. (Dead file, rarely, official.) ( 8 x 10 folders, 1/48 in., in pasteboard box. R. 252, (788) 1 [ 78. MAILING OF RETURN POSTALS, Deo. 12, 1924. Correspondence. ( 5 x 5 card index; see abstract 851. (Dead file, rarely, official.) { 8 x 10 folders, Q in., in pasteooard box. R. 252. (720) Q 79. RIDING CLASSES, 1925 — 1953 Correspondence, general orders, I and reports of activities. See addenda for case and decimal file numbers, identification, and dates. 5 x 5 card index; see abstract 851. (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x 10 folders, Q in., in pasteboard box. R. 252. (765) ( 80, DIVISION BULLETIN, Nar. 5, 1925 — Sept. ll, 1951. Correspon- § dence, general orders, and reports. 5 x 5 card index, see abstract t 851. (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x 10 sheets,·5 in., in card- I board box. R. 252. (704) ) 81. CHAPLAIN'S SCHOOL, Nay l · Dec, 51, 1925. Correspondence, I general orders, and reports of activities. 5 x 5 card index; see ab- A stract 851. (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x 10 folders, § in., in pasteboard box. R. 252. (725) ( 82. DUTY TRAINING, 510TH CAVALRY, May 18, 1925 - June 14, 1926, § Correspondence, general orders, and reports of activities. 5 x 5 ) card index; see abstract 851. (Inactive file, seldom, official.) j 8 x 10 folders, Q in., in pasteboard box; H. 252, (694) 85. CORPS AREA RESERVE 0FFICERS’ COMMITTEE, June 29, 1925 - Feb. 1, , 1926. Correspondence, general orders, and reports of activities. j 5 x 5 card index, see abstract 851. (Dead file rarely, official.) 8 x 10 folders,-5 in., in pesteboard bex. R. 252, (689) 84. DIVISION BULLETIN, July 8 - 9, 1925. Correspondence, general orders, and reports of activities, 5 x 5 card index; see abstract ( ‘ 851. (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x l0 folders, Q in., in paste- , beard box. R. 252, (725) 85. GENERAL COIZPQSSPONDENCE, ORDERS, REPORTS, !—.ND ACTIVITIES O.]? ORGANIZED RESERVE OFFICERS, Sept. 25, 1925 — May 51, 1956. AGO Form 21, Enlistrsnt Record, Regular Army, shows name, address, enlistment record, declaration of applicant, statement of applicant, physical examination at place of enlistment, and oath and certificate of en- listment, with instructions. See 8 page addenda for subjects and dates. Index. (weekly, official.) 9 x 15 folders, 5 ft. 5 in., in drawer of Steel filing case. R. 252. (685) , 5 gd Organized Reserves, Chattanooga 10 l-A, E7 ( 86. CORRESPONDENCE, Nov. 4, 1925 - Oct. 51, 1929. Relative to [ destruction of obsolete publications. 5 x 5 card index; see abstract j 851. (Rarely, official.) 8 x 10 folders, é in., in pasteboard box. }‘ R. 252. (*255) I § 87. SOLICITATION OF ENROIIJMETT, Nov. 25, 1925 - Jan. 50, 1951. ( Correspondence, general orders, and reports of activities. 5 x 5 § card index; see abstract 851. (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x lO ( folders, § in., in pasteboard box. R. 252. (805) ( 88. RECRUITMENT FROM ROTC, Dec. 25 - 50, 1925. General orders. ( 5 x 5 card index; see abstract 851. (Dead file, rarely, official.) ( 8 x 10 folders, 1/48 in., in pasteboard box. R. 252. (855) ( 89. RESERVE OFFICERS WITH CRTC, Dec. 29, 1925 — July 5, 1955. j Correspondence and reports of activities. 5 x 5 card index; see abstract 851. (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x 10 folders, § in., in pasteboard box. 3. 252. (699) 90. INDIVIDUAL TRAINING, 1926. Correspondence, general orders, ( and reports of activities. 5 x 5 Gard index; see abstract 851. , (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x 10 folders, g in., in pasteboard § box. R. 252, (749) ( 91. PURCHASE ORDERS, 1926 - 1952. Correspondence, general orders, ( and reports of activities. See addenda for case and decimal file I numbers, identification, and dates, 5 x 5 card index; see abstract V 851. (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x 10 folders, § in., in pasteboard box. R. 252. (764) j 92. RECORD QF ACTIVE DUTY TRAINING 1926 - 1952. Correspondence, ( general orders, and reports of activities. See addenda for case and decimal file numbers, identification, and dates. 5 x 5 card index; Q see abstract 851. (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x lO folders, § in., ( in pasteboard box. R. 252. (766) ( 95. REQUISITIONS, 1926 - 1955. Correspondence, general orders, and reports of activities. See addenda for case and file numbers, , identification,and dates. 5 x 5 card index; see abstract 851. ( (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x 10 folders, ,-in., in pastebcard , box. R. 252. (767) 94. INVENTORIES, Jan. 50, 1926 · June 50, 1950. Of various items. I · 5 x 5 card index; see abstract 851. (Dead file, frequently, official.) I 8 x 10 folders, 1 in., in pasteboard box. R. 252. (710) 95. REALLOTbEIH‘OF GRADES, Feb, 5, 1926. General orders. 5 x 5 Card index; seo abstract 851. (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x 10 , folders, 1/48 in., in pasteboard box. R. 252. (774) (i Organized Reserves, Chattanooga ll (( 96. TRAINING PROGRESS RESERVE UNITS, Feb. 12, 1926. Correspon-‘ iv dence and report. 8 x 5 card index; see abstract 881. (Dead file, § rarely, official.) 8 x 10 folders, Q in., in pasteboard box. R. 282. ( (758) ( g 97, UNIT Y§2OS'I’AS, Mer. 29, 1926 — Jan. 4, 1951. Cc::es;>e¤;e¤¤e‘, ) éeneral orders, and reports of activities. See addenda for case and . decimal file numbers, identification, and dates. 8 x 5 card index; ( see abstract 881. (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x 10 folders, E in., in pasteboard box. R. 262. (771) ) 98. APPROVED SOLUTIONS, Apr. 6, 1926 — Feb. ll, 1981. Correspon- ] dence, general orders, and reports of activities. 8 x 5 card index; ( see abstract 381. (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x 10 folders, § 1/48 in., in pasteboard box. R. 252. (747) 99. RECORD OF INTEREST SHOWN BY RESERVE OFFICERS, Apr. 18 — May 28, 1926. Correspondence, general orders, and reports of activities. 8?K 5 card index; see.abstract 881. (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x 10 folders, 1/24 in., in pasteboard box. R. 282. (884) 2 100. REVISION OE AR, npr. 14 ~ Aug. 8, 1926. Correspondence, j general orders, and resort of activities. 8 x 5 card index; see ( abstract 881. (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x 10 folders, j in., in pasteboard box. R. 252. (778) 1Ql. <@RDNnNCE SPECIALISTS SCHOOL, Apr. 22, 1926, General orders. 8 x 5 card index; see abstract 881. (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x 10 folders, g in., in pasteboard box. R. 282. (960) , 102. CHbPLA1N'S REPORT, Apr. 25 - May 26, 1926. Correspondence, i general orders, and reports of activities. 8 x 5 card index; see sb- stract 881. (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x 10 folders, 1 in., I in pasteboard box. R. 282. (759) I 108. GEKEQAL TILE, Lay ll, 1926 - Feb. 22, 1982. Correspondence, general orders, and reports ofaictivities. 8 x 5 card index; see abstract 881. (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x 10 folders, 1/12 , in., in pasteboard box. R. 282. (785) 104. NOTES ON TRnINING, Nay 15 — June 28, 1926. Correspondence, general orders, and reports of activities. 8 x 5 card index; see ( abstract 881. (Dead file, rarely, official.) 8 x 10 folders, ;·in., - in pasteboard box. R. 282. (697) 105. 1©NTHLY REPORTS OT nCTIVITIES OF 81OTH CAVALRY, June 17, 1926 - tar. 14, 1927. Correspondence, general orders, and reports of ac- tivities. See addenda for subjects and dates, 8 x 5 card index; see abstract 881. (Dead file, rarely, official.) 12 x 14 folders, 6 in., on steel shelf.