xt7f1v5bgb9t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7f1v5bgb9t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-09-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 02, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 02, 1986 1986 1986-09-02 2020 true xt7f1v5bgb9t section xt7f1v5bgb9t _ V V
.w.._____._._. . .mm.___________._____,____ -....-.-..-___________________________
‘ Vol. XCI. No. 5 Established 1894 UIVIVPlSIly oi Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky Independent slnco 197] Tuesday, September 2 War, I , .,
C 'tt t ' Re ulation f 'd ” "
2 omml ee 0 discuss . . g s or a!
- have slowed rocess
0 BS 3 llCflIltS ’ ' " '
6 ’ . . ‘ ’.v. i. l V.
i - for waitin students ' ’ J
' it» ltlu\(.l l-is‘s (lt‘.\. a British colonial pioneer and [lilikt's t'iilllpt‘lllltlll ht‘t‘lt llom-u-ix ', " i- ' 'V
"4” “V7” ”4‘1””‘41’1 “hmlledm “303 \ltltlt‘lil> iii‘t- giwii the t'lllllt't' iii .ip- ' 1' ‘- ,Vi; ‘ .‘ 7' , .'~
l “ ‘ ‘ “ l“ ”1 _ ‘ ' l‘ W” "' ”"m ll“ "““ '“ “mm ”1“” (‘ontributinthriter alrcadx applied “in: far , , l '5 ‘ ‘. t
V i. iii will put an t‘lltl iii thi- l ll‘.\t‘I\l dreamed of bettering the lot of \l'll‘t‘lll>ltN'.ilt‘(l.llt'\lltl tainedi “UV.“VHV «ht i-ii» , . _ . i '1 j .
VV.VVVVVV_VVVV\VVi:VVVViViViVTViViVi.i .ii in HM, Alllltttll ViiVViViViVlViVinttVVVtVttrtVtVliinVtVVtVtVtVtVVVVdVinfgiViViVinVVVVtVVI “VV\Vt‘t'ttVthVlVll‘it-’, lVthVlVlVlltth‘Vllldlltill iVionViiii-ii Regulations issuedViast spring it} the April 1 :it-mtiim .~ .- -, -, '_=,'V‘,.«"V.,'V'
VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV i.;.in._ VVVVVVVVVVVV VVV the) ti-niporaries trained in contempla V Vi VV «V VsiViiaisiViii aiViniia .oii. the Department of Education have hil\t‘ltlpl}l'ltii-i", hrs: .‘ .V ,
V A l iizii-i‘sil‘. lliiiiiii‘s l’iiiiii ,ii: ”1.1 ”n [no life of the mind ’ind broadened “-11.1 it 1“" mm” “'5 "- “ll 1:" llht- ,’ slowed dOVWD the Ftroce>5 ”l “4935’ . _ . V i _ , .‘ " '-‘ j' ‘ ‘-. '. . f..
V . ._‘ . ,. . i . V V . tiiiilitiii tliiliiiii_ Idln)[nlllHV‘i iitiil ,, ingfinanCialaidt0students M‘Kkh‘m- ‘1‘” "“‘ ' -' " V -.'
. iiitiiiii..il Ili\t'll\\iltli iiii-i-tiiiu will llt' W ”W” “C(lUdmtilm" mm (”11’ im- t't‘ll.iill other tot-s Jll‘t‘ paid on the ‘ V . being taken g" “Vil' “V" ' “ ' ii ‘ ‘ ‘ -t '
ltt‘hl i! a l’ iii '.i:;..ii;ii-.i, .ii lllt' othci‘ and by their exposure to cul scholar s ill-hall lit lilllklt's ’liiist— f‘. (Olleges and lelVL’rNUt’S are WM process Tht' rt-giiiai‘ s'a‘i 1 i- ' i-4‘ ‘V-V'V'X. i.
(lie‘llt‘\ i t‘lllt'l' lltl' lllt‘ lliiii.,iiii'.t-s on iiirt-sdillerent than theirown " i-t-s [ii iiililillllli. tuii'h .st'htllill re required t” verify information on ll' working (l\t‘rlifllt' llt' xii: ' . ' '3‘ 1’ 3'-
. . lint ,\l.i\.irll,\ti'i-w Rhodes received his degree from (viii-c V”. Vuipqmn. nmmwmmg. Vii. nanCIalaidapplications tinn- ciiipioVu-t-s haw . . i t W." 3 Win":
lht- inn-«tans. i.~.:i'i hi» to 22m lls. tlii- imord in 1881 Mum.“ m ”MN I“ ”it.“ ”HWV‘VH‘ RAYMOND BE'I‘Ts According to David Stockham. «h. added. . V; .i
. Jplilik'ulltlll iii-om.“ in, ii". mm, in all. 77 scholarshlpg are “WINK M lt'l‘ll‘. mm, VVM ‘.ill'.l . _ V V , rector of student financial aid. yen. The “Mk that _ n. V .V,V»V .
. iiit-stiuioiis iiiiiicicimliiiiir sthol VmeiM annually to students from lltllls saiti \tt. ale holding an informal fication is intended to lll‘lpf‘OVE’ the also applies to lllt‘ «,ro . ~ . .
.t! si..i,i .l'. tho '.\til hi :it s.i.il 1:: countries and five continents Hummil. the scholarship V\ “VV. ”it'll”? I" ”“1“. ‘3“th “h" 5 1” accuracy "l llllant‘ldl ind iiW'dl‘ds but so chances of tlii-st- I" .. ' , l V'- '3."
H‘“ “NW“ N llt'hll‘t‘itl‘ "W“ Th'”)”‘““ awards are reserved iii-sii‘iiahui ioi ’iiicic lititih‘ikiii‘llls H“ \I‘ d m the unusual and (lt’llflhh has added a complex data COHWUOF- againare unlikeix . hi ‘.i ' '9 15>" . .' .‘ ‘I, :1
' ‘ iVi VlVlt‘IiVVlVlVl tV-iiiVi V lliil out. i WM“, lith' the timed States alone. the larg 12“.”: mm ’ rillltlxliiiiltllIiiiidifsiittummg “W _WIH‘S task that has put the Office of Stu- Improying mi .ii i i::. ‘s- V ',VV i-V ’
.t .i Him, i'll .iisi. \ii with .i'lttlitil l‘\t number of >Lht)ldlshlp.\ that one 'i‘mi “ppmdzfl,” also ”WNW m. ‘ dent hndmldl Am behind m paper (‘ial aid awards .~ - -. i .,V’ . . a; V:
V...\,.‘ -_V “V, . .) .... V - i . r i .v ‘.-n‘_
iil‘wt:’~‘~i“soiis] ’iil 'tht ‘l‘l'iillll‘j: l‘iiilitlf‘ \‘Itlriitispir:Sdfliidillwihtd[eitvrfi‘t ummwn‘ “hm“ :" mumml' H“. ‘ippllmmm '5 tnailahlc U) any Mira result significant numbers of bikahdih‘ slim} 1'“ , h '. '9‘} ~. .- 1" ‘ vi
V VVVVVV VV VVV-VVV VVV V ViVVViViVVVV ..V.VVV_ VVVVV VVV VVVVVVVV. ‘mih VVVVVVV (llsll‘lt'l VVVVVtsVV Vl\Vlllilllt*\\ tillil pt‘rsitlliil t'll.il'.it‘lt'r trial; or \oman under the age of 24 parents and students will I . toingm )ch iaViii. .i,.i.,, V . . V. . V.VV VV _VVVV
, ,A A . “ t. ,H j , \ ‘ V‘ ‘ V l , \ V . ‘ i ‘ d” H“. l""""' ‘ J!“ l‘ltthiflfl ltll llltll‘tlll 'Al‘i‘l “ill hth‘ a bachelor 5 degree the man d V V ft ‘ VnOVV recfnf‘ ‘\ >lf‘tlliL1 it‘lil'V..i’.» .' - V V Vs“ .V, ‘
i wt: i H In”) I‘: : hm“ ”HUM“ .mardsV . _ Uiiis tho uni: Him to ltt‘ outshiiiitiiiu it} the- lllllt‘ the scholarship W!” l)“ u ; Ud . d emf?“ de. mine made a! th.- firm...“ ' I C
_ ‘ “”‘l'd‘flu‘ f1 om bentucky must it-iirlci‘s lli ‘tii-:: i.ii't-i'i‘s and (“illlllltl- awarded. Belts said Any student k? titlem 0“ id time } harsh (onse- “”0mele m "I" ’x' “ 7 kf'. ” ‘-
. '[ :iiwtui'? (it 3hr it ' .~: in ‘li‘IHihde iiwl llhltii Baits "icknowhid cl: ltlini I m” S” w m (h I“ m} imh h wamgm m apply Tht ”Chol' However» Stockham said that P'i\~ il ”'b j’lt-H. iiK if. . " ‘ I V I il‘i,
,,.V,g,..i H vi“. in. ,,.V .i .l “h“ ‘Kci‘tiicsz )V‘ ‘VV . gVV V“ lllt' Hii'f' lilt‘\iiV:ltttl\ schimirship ai‘sh1ii competition is open to candi- nwm d- dl ‘ .- \ ld l‘ V_ d d ”1“,“le ’V“ “‘V‘V"' " ' \V ‘V » V' V ‘T 3’ ‘_,
. ‘ ' . - bulgldphlt Pld“m‘ m axiai‘iit-it ‘lli‘lt iui‘iiiluiitt-s hc 'ldlt‘\ ti‘iini am iieldof stud\ N m“ cou )8 (xten ( m “mm” "' ‘m'll""" ‘ ‘- .‘ ~V' - ’-
Mi.‘ M -..-w, ~— ‘ Con t . .VV,5VV.W VilV
. M V _ W was greSS 0 CC] 9 .V . .;
Jr a ’ ' ‘- ' " ' ' ‘ '
$3 ’ ' ‘ ‘ i ~ , ," . ‘
«‘3 g' a a“ . . i .r, V. i ."\v x.
___:—--r W on bill concern
M "g“ ”a. . .’ V " lng ' Ai.‘ - '.".
' ‘5'“.- sm «...... ,
“it." -- .e .. .... . -. ~ -- --~ -- war on dru -usa e , _ _
' *N “fits-rats: _' n rev-1 _ .. ,, ,~ ~ ~ ' h 5 '
r--- . “Q ‘ a . u. VVVVVV ... . . ~ , ‘ Q’V g g v. .. -~ '.
V . . . V ...- ”WV ,.‘ VVVVVV Na,.,.~..u . V ».,P§. V ‘V‘ 2». VVVVVVV.VVVV
___:ch th. gi,..._,_.i. V _ at... . - MW“ _V. a: House, Senate leaders expect clash . _2 ~ , . . g =
‘VW‘ .3 .. mun». .~. V V V V - - . s. 2:- VV i .. V V,
w ' ..x, ' . ~ i - - \ \ . ‘. ~ . '
i; .-...._ .. . -~ ’“ ”v .‘ . , ___ , . . W ~ . am. over newly proposed anti—narcotic \ oi ., .. V- , . .. V. .
_ « ’ . Q. away; VV ‘ W - V VV ' .. . VvV. ,‘ .
s ...—”___” ' ‘» x“ f. ”3"“ . ...-ll . , Wm” “M B) Linin' \l.\lt(i.\S.\K l’ttlltit'al iiispiius ., > . .. V' .
“smu‘ ‘ u a. M“ m ,. " r»- Associated Press drugs art- iiot :zw. Iii" vi ,‘ * , I ' ' V
. -,.... ' _ ' “mm ‘29-!" ”" "* ......“ ,. . w imth houses haw . ” ,. - ; '.
m . Ni “O- A? . ‘ “M "m a» WASHINHTHN .. Soon after re- Reagan attiisi l\lf}i" , ' t - - 'V .
» ,,\_. - ' ~ . 5M ”w' VV - s - turning ncxt week from it:- recess. traitcli '~ 31': . . ‘ j . .
“T N“ " \ a. f , z. - ’1' ‘ W,“ . the House is to vote on an ambitious merit of i‘csoiiiu vs . ‘ . 'V - '
VV ....» " , w " V "“- ~ _ and expensive bill that would give Money is the i'IztfrH. . *' ‘ , '
-* ‘ 1““ = ‘ . as“; . . . m the nation a new generation of weap- ltcp (ilenn English it - m , V .. " ‘ . _ ,v
.. ‘ g: , , " _ -'*'*- .--~. ‘ -..; m V . onstnthe waron drugs HOUM‘ tliiiei‘iiiiivm My = Y . _V , ;.
‘ * w -« ___. w ‘ s . ii .. m w But despite bipartisan agreement committe has llt'.‘. 1 ., .- V' k . . . .V' V
' b E, 1 an» '3" "‘ waist-m. “ V's? - among House leaders to pass the bill the drug issue . . - V' > . ., .. .v"
. ‘ a " H * - m this year. Senate Majority Leader English recentl} redraw-n . . VTV 5 5, . '3
- “a . . mass-s, ,3“; »- ~ w.» , ...... M, ‘9 g V " Bob Dole has no plans to rush con- based on his ht’;il‘ll‘.Ls “na' '7' . V ‘ ' -.
i, éw ‘ 'Q V. ' ‘ . -. . sideration of a costly escalation of war suffers iroiii sliiii'uiui-s . V. . . ', L.
. .s . , . _ _- i ‘ the federalantidrugeffort and equipment and .t Lick i.; ; ‘ V. a ' ' ; a
‘ While the Republican V' 1‘ '. ' ‘ ‘ ‘i .'
' . .. . V - - . V v. V u i, House Majority Leader Jim to house drug Violators s .. - . ," . ' J
; to Speak at l IK ton] ht _ 3 ”v; .~ . I’. \Vfl Wright has scheduled floor action the bill‘s new inandiitoi-- v~ :‘ ,i . " _'V,. ‘~'Vi.g.':.
.' g V V i " .2 ‘V J . 19; , for Sept 10. but Dole spokesman prison terms that prin‘iiv : ~ .i . Vv V ‘ f 1,
~ A : , ‘ ‘ 3’ ‘ f Walt Riker said House action would bation. noparolc '- ' 3’ l '.
' ltx l\ \kli- l itt Ii ___-_— ’ . 1 t meanlittletotheSenateschedule .xPurchase six .ii-i ' . ' ' > "
\,VV.V, “H,” . . . . . . l l I -. -" ‘ “Our plan is to take care of imme- thered radar balloons 7H! -. -, ‘ - “ . - ._ ' ’
. Splrltllal healinghas ' , ! ‘ 4. 1 " 34.; ‘ .' diate needs for short term. We want lance along the \Hlltlimz. a . V .; “ ' .‘y ' -_ .
i~ his mm mum; hi- is it still! bCC‘ll used as a primary . ., t I :‘ , V ,9 " ‘ to be cost effective in getting a ban modify military .lll‘t i.it' - ~ , '
that Etuiilci oi: ll‘it' imoi oi i'liiisi oi - - ' ’ ' F i 5 - ' ’V q' dle on what really is needed besides civilian agencies, hiij. .iii ..- ‘ . , V. '.k L
' mo mi,“ {_imV. " lllelhOd 0f healing ll] -. u. _',. r ' 7 just dumping in a couple billion dol- dars to detect sniiigclvi .ii'w , ,i‘ - _ ‘ 9V .' .
ltlllt fll‘ilt‘h .\kiii'tr .l ‘i\t'>lt‘l'll ,\t VAt‘rica Since long . P 4,; l‘ ‘ :3 ’ lars.“Rikersaid s3 Hlll . . , ’ V ~ . V‘. .
. ‘. my; s')l"l'lldl llt'illt‘l .iriil mash-r , V .... “ ' .‘ ‘ . ' r ' . .
wi' s viii» loam-ii in hit bctorethe advent of ~ ' f" is, ”Uni-i . .
it‘\i',:lit‘l‘: host latlH't lii‘iiiiiici‘ .i ',. ' ' 'a - ‘ Last da ‘4‘ m t I ' i h ‘
’ ' h il\\tK l.llt’[il’tllt‘\\ltl oi iiiiisit' \\ (Stern SClentlfiL 9‘ . i i y {éfiifiw ’ DE l ‘ i .‘r I ‘ i
\hlll‘lt' ~\.:l im'tiiit- .i? i. tonight in lllCdlClnC. j , l i . ‘ " *‘W .
,’3»\iiiili-iitttxiiie-i' “.5- p 1- ... .— to add class i . ~ V. ' .
sli iii \H"\\ ‘is ‘ ‘ . 3* ‘ a“; l :
“if ”Sill; i[tiieliillil iktiiiii Pli'oi‘liillh i'iii‘: 1 i- . l ‘(‘d h 'l . ”ff“ ’ » ~ it»: ... V M.“ k'dOO‘ Joe Worley - '. V . .
.. V . V .f V V i 1an. pomis iii\o\ int e ritVuaVistic Q“ JQVVV'VVV , .5 j .‘ ‘ VVVVV Jaw-Vs? mode waves at Saturdays 1 V ‘. .
illt . tllll piiiVui .\l\iiitt. hoiwici. piayer and herbal method is ‘An- ' 14,, .-...1- . 2 l ~ .
isllllttlllt‘lllllllstllst'lltllllt' imisiin." the belief that every oh- .- a (. tomorrow football scrimmage. For the i ~ .
V \' tlit‘ .ltlt‘ oi i \hllt"t' l'\lllllllt‘tl Vicct. animate or inanimate, is an in» ’ “OW. :«m. PageA. l - 'i
sll.llll.llllsll(' poiicis iiiit he sltllllt‘tl tci‘mediarytothespirits “mum me“ S‘affrepor‘g l . ‘ I '
\\t'\it‘ll1 lt‘it'tllt‘lllt‘ in lil'llllillH .ind V ~, . V VV Durchbock Akoete a western African spiritual healer and master OI!" ' ' Jogl cflw." of E . ‘. VV .
- l‘l.tllt't‘ .illci’ lttL‘ll \(‘llHUl lwioro ”1‘" -‘ “h.“ N’m §ald~ when Shaman, w,“ speak atUKtoni ht . h l d . _ . l .
“NHL. “mum-- hack ,0 Mm.” to you enter one of our Villages. you 9 ' Tomorrow '5 [ eVast :3 for sull loxlngtons East Cotter has l . ~
\lllil\ lltt‘ slldlllrlll s All “I“ ‘99 5“ch "WK sacred groves spiritual iziti~ hut * ‘.\llt'll tiod calls. daylong workshop yesterday at Arts— dentthVo add a class for t e 1986 fa l0“ tho bond. For details ‘ ‘
\kiiv'i- .lil\l\t‘\ his si'llll‘ _{iioii lol (”l‘l “MS The Afncan pays no Obol' youaiisxtci‘ l’ll'lt‘t' The workshop . included semes er :0. "Stag. Left" of DIVER. ‘_ ' ‘
looms in all .lli'iis iii lllt' l'i‘oiii spir “”W“ l” these objects but 5995 ”‘9’“ \k . . . diinco chanting and drumming exhi Anyone “"Sh'ng ‘0 add a course "“3 Pogo 9.
. _ , . ,. ; uctc does litil .11\(‘ his ic-ligioii a . . '
llli.il questions to iii.i. ital squiitihlt‘s it"“t rt 'mf’rmm'dm’s nmmm. n V lt‘ i. i t ~i- V t .. . hitions and slides of Village ceremo- must get an add'drop slip from their l
His \llltlgt‘ is loiatml iii iiiiles iroiii Mum“, himself. as a highly pow liiahsm" “ ' ” ‘ ” 5 ' 59'“ nies college dean‘s office After getting «tags .34 ‘£
”Vt" WW.” PM «it l.0lllt‘ in his native 0m” human intermediary who says Br inn‘r VVV l h V h V V Alt t . the instructor 5 Signature. return the Vt . wu-mV‘M THE“
“”1.” he has used the spirits to cure cane Akuetc tiniwls with and speaks to .l if " ( S a( Veen ,‘ue e S Slip along mm a computer card for :{f‘e‘t z ‘-»«.- l
“WW" "’llm‘“ Ml" ‘Y‘lt‘l'l"“““r cer does not physically present the English .iiidivnt-t-s through Koffi Erwin 1mm}? sari ”ammo and each course or section added. My‘M“
9:313:12 maria: ‘3 ft" m mm or an ratifittrégst :13. 3:12:12: imam“ ‘° °°“°t° M w... b- mw'v am, i
' . . ‘. . t .i i t t . , , , . _ . . U - ' .
\wx i.itioii oi Humanistic l’sVH‘litilI: shaman thtV'rsVV.ViiViVil oVitViisVVVi lli\l\(‘ll)(‘(:lllp£l\f:V\ dom and knowledge of herbal medi- Tom rrow V also the last da to with 0 high of 78 and a 60 l
i u" l“ ‘h‘mmmr‘nv "M “Tm“. 0" h” “.110”, one might expect a tribal hrdlfttflsrlh .l‘l‘ltghlllllnnkfli‘. 11:35:11 (iii fines” and named to. use the 9”?” officially Withdraw from the Uniier- W. chant. 0' rain. To l
piiiiosopm that “using lhq‘ spirit to mask. his calm Visage does not ”mm ”Hm“ niteds‘t- [V tunitx “l ”1‘ shamanst 5 HS” '0 my or 'reduce course load and re nlflfl M will be a 20 par
llt‘Jl is part .lntlpéll't‘t‘l iii llft‘ " begin to demonstrate his 39 years ‘ l ‘ A (5 have [W‘Pk‘ m lextngton exposed ‘0 L mg m 0} rain 'th
. -- ceneantwpercent refund. W' 0
\pil'lllldl hullllifl has been used its His dress is not traditional African. in ,Itltllllttll Iii l1tn|uh'\ true lec ”"5 ..., d a fmnow will be
A human Hit-thud tit healing in All! but Western ”9 speaks French. turt- .it l'K. “hlt'h is sponsored by In addition to his work in the The last dav to pay registration with m t
in \HM' Ions N‘tm't' the adu‘nt of (k'rmiinandfnur Africanlanguages the office «it \imoritx student At music department. Brunner holds a fees or housing and dining fees and my o ”rt."
\‘t‘slt‘l‘ll \i‘ll'llllllr lilt‘tllt‘lllt‘ Koffi ltaised by strict (‘alholic parents. {mm and the dawning..." of behav Kellogg National Fellowship for his avoid cancellation of registration or m 0' filth and a high of
\.ilil lht‘ \plrlllllll lhlsls ltil' lh(‘ hPal Akuete said he dld not ask for hlS tom] lllPdlClnf‘ Akllf‘l“ conducted 3 study Of natural delClne meal card is &pt 10. .‘t

 , \ ' x ' . i
s I I‘ ‘ y i
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. . \ o
, . i L .“ 2- ‘
‘ ' ‘ .~ R‘ ' tion on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through
' X n orma
‘ iii-l ‘.- the Student Center Activities Office. 203/204 Student Center, University of Ken-
]? tucky. The information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor. With
f" ' i \ 7" editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga-
1-"; nizations or University departments to make entries on the calendar, a Campus
‘ l: ‘ ‘ “. ‘ '3' . Calendar form must be filled out and returned to the Student ActiVities Office.
' .l \s s . .
i"? Deadline: Forms “’1” be accepted no later than the Monday preceeding the '
{ff-i3“: publication date. .
79‘. i517 ‘
"* it" Elfin
«.9 4:...
"J, ‘. X fr“ \\
2"“ ; ”a; 1:
"1 fig'hjxlfi." 1 MON DAY 2 MOVIES 9 6: Movies: Caddyshack: $1.95; Worsham Theatre-SC;
‘13: '3 13 52-3. l: . 3:00 pm. rCoii 7-8867
‘.‘\;‘7i"."'\i; 9 6: Movies: Jagged Edge: $1.95; Warsham Theatre-SC:
. - 'i .‘ 1 s; - -
:5‘i‘,‘\s . 0 Academics Art in Vienna at the Turn of the Century 9 3 MOVleS Caddyshock $1 95 Worsham Theatre—SC: l0.05 p.m., Call7-BB67
Er..- \':~" , 300 photos at art tram the time of Freud Rasdell Gallery- 8 00 m Coll 7-8867
,‘it‘K‘ 5C 11.5p m ColI7-7012 . ’ Q 3 panM Jagged edge 51 95. Worsham Theatre-SC
17:21,»; Kat‘s; ; - tntramurals lug-o-war deadline Seoton Center. Call 10 05p m. Call7-8867
."i..i.' “3 if - r 2898 . .
'tiI‘Azg-Rz‘hé 0 Sports 1986 Volleyball Dig in exhibition match 3040 Movigs“ 7nggyshack $1 95 Worsham Theatre-SC.
351:?" "5 .r r i 1 do ersonolities‘ $1 00 Memorial Co|~ pm 0 '
151:1.5151'21,‘ 191:: 7 1:0: mmecgll 7pm”) 9 4 Movies Jagged Edge $1.95. Worsham Theatre-SC:
tilti‘v 1’15' 3 00pm Call 7 8867
' “Pt; 15“! 9 5 Movies Caddyshock $1.95: Worsham Theatre-SC:
Eff-'1‘“ Eli-f3“ Q 8 00 p m. Call 78867
li:",~",'svf;‘v:‘_;3t"3 Q 9 5 MOVIeS Jagged Edge $1 95 Worsham Theatre-SC:
“1':\’..§-6 i IO 05 pm Call 7-8867
f}: ‘Ci- :53 ‘1'.
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. .2 2" ,_’ I“. }
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iiéfii‘ifl'jej’; ' ARTS & CONCERTS
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Jr; '9“ *1
~ ,; -.vi.. [i “i .
”2, t; y _ _
' .3 I“: i'E'V'U" 9 6 Concerts A Shaker Worship Service by University
,.-'. li'§(:i’;-f Choristers Free Shakertawn' ”am 2:30 8 4 p.m.. Call
.1.-';'-‘.‘ ~39" 7.4900
',:- '. "J.- .-,-_;
.f'4 g 9 7 Concerts A Shaker Worship Service by University
:1 ,. 7979'“ Choristers Free Shakertown, 2 308 4 00pm Call 7-4900
,, 'v.-‘i.'ti' ’r‘ ~57'
'-’.,flu‘, % 9 6. Concerts Faculty recital-Margaret Kennedy soprano
'21-" "1 f3: 9:". g 8. Lumen Stark piano Free CFA Recital Hall 8 00 p.m.
‘1. 1’ {‘33. ‘5 ‘
a’.:it'-7..l’i,v':"\ '«
.3: .‘L’ltfi‘ii‘fgi'lffiil" i '
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Hi :‘25i‘ . . _\,.
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2 r - \ SPORTS
.k‘svl‘agzgiwlg.‘ ‘1. ' M“ 5 M _ , vodka“ 'euc'W‘WC k, rm. . ”"0,“on i 39 .ootba‘il Entry deadline-entries «a;
i‘x’” 3 - :~ I— n: (3.. ‘ 2‘9 ‘ 1umed '1‘ 0' "10"099'5 ”’9 WW 5C Old ”‘90"? 5-00 a?) 9 4: Sports. Japan Karate Association Free Class Alumni
S’ce’ \“lt‘f 5 ’ - 1' ' “" '90” "'9 K Old E‘F’e"9"‘° 9 '7‘ C0“ 7 2898 Gym Balcony: Free, 11K Kastle Hall: 6:00 p.m.4 Call 7-6834
_'f.’i‘-‘."FILK-#¢H 1; . x ‘r‘ '5 x; Co ' T‘Q‘ ' Meetings Fellowship at Christian Athletes Meeting ,r 9 5 Sports: UK Women's Volleyball (KY -Kick-ott ClOSSIC‘i
.écisgzlzfiisaf é , , ._ Q .0. Q. wrgortjeo gloss tor n,eet every Thursday at this time and place Basement at UK vs. Morehead. Free w UKlD Sit-Pub: Memorial Cal-
'-; (“iv a - KIVWOM 9 009-?“ CollB-6822 9 2 lntromurals Tug-o-war deadline Seaton Center Call iseum, 7:30pm.; c°||7_1419
is‘td‘ a . ,. - _ ‘.\' 2.2. ~. Ania” withdraw item the ' Mavies Caddyshack $1.95 Worsham Theatre-SC, 8'00 7-2898 9 5‘ Sports: UK Womens Volleyball (KY Kick-oft Clossrc)
2,9 g . .» wt. u: D W Coll7-8867 9 2 Sports- 1986 Volleyball Dig In {exhibition match EKU V5_ WKU: Free w UKlD S3-Pub; Memorial Coliseum-
3;," i . ~ ~ - g ‘23- vvv‘pet-t-on Seat-on Center 0 Movies Jagged Edge $1.95. Worsham Theatre-SC 090”“, local media personalitiesl 5100- Memorial Col- 5.00 p.m.;Ca|l7-1419
-'; HHawk.- '53 I t 8 00 p m Call 7-8867 7 30 C II 74419 9 . ‘ r , A
-. _.r.,.._~ m g _ iseum . pm. a 6. Sports UK Womens Volleyball (KY Kick off Classic)
gl'i‘fi § . _. i . tn Eltieptic‘JWJ- Chndmn 0 Other Alpha EpSilon Delta Pre-l'leollh ProleSSIOF‘ Hon- 9 3 lntramurals. Tug-O-Wcr competition. Secton Center: Consolation game, Free w UKlD $34,013. Memorial Col-
;Jnjgfis‘rd-é’xt’ 3 _ - ., . E . 8 do 1 xi C re (Ju V orory Organization Mtg. Biological Seience 7.30 p in Call 72898 iseum: 5:00pm., Call7-1419
i’({‘-£,$ 5 I Other College at Nursing Convocation Free SC Ball 9 4 lntramurols ' )0 Footbol Entry deadline-entries 9 6: Sports: UK Women's Volleyball (KY Kick-o“ Classwl
"""gd 3 ' ‘ ‘v '9 ' 5 “‘5 “‘"""‘°" ”‘90"9 5C 8 DC room 2 3059"" Coll3-5108 . _ turned in at managers ., tg oi ly SC Old Theatre 500 Championship game. Freew UKlDS3-Pub:MemoriaICol-
7.’{-’i.‘".‘1";§”§7“ f 7, - I Sports Japan Karate Association Free Class Alumni p m Coll7-2898 iseum 7:30pm.: CaII7-1419
"\ ”‘frt' l; . 3;.» r‘ 1. S 35 i‘i‘orsnam Yheave SC Gym Balcony Free 11K Kastle Hall 6 00 pm Call 7-6834
.;'\i'.;‘;,,'f(<¢‘v f , . m, ~ - Meetings Amnesty international Meeting-First Campus
--‘-.";€5}"-'*?”-“? 1 . . . - -; . m» p M» 9C a 91"“: Meeting 205 New StudentCtr 7 00pm. Coll255-l740
. . ,. T; '12.‘ v ' ‘
" r‘ d " 53" a 5 .c. ie.oo‘ Meet a‘ K Hause at
»-.".. ‘,:',..‘i:ti=- 0,} 3 ’ , , q . . '
LA 5 ~ " Z r " = ’~ ‘5‘ 85‘ MEETINGS & LECTURES
5?.i.-z‘¥;i.5f 2
t" l5
<1?! ii‘ 9 3' Meetings Student CounCIl tor Exceptional Children
2’ :3, :31. § monthly meeting 236C Taylor Ed. Bldg 700 p.m.. Call 7-
31‘: i1} '3“ 4,. 8594
t' ,-\‘ji‘\".,“ c ‘
“Ch-A i 9 4: Meetings Fellowship at Christian Athletes Meeting
{Ev-:13; fi ‘1‘". ', (meet every Thursday at this time and placel Basement at
a. g Kirwan l, 9 00pm. Calla-6822
‘s‘fydj's ,3 9 4 Meetings. Amnesty International Meeting-First Cam-
‘ Sail-{33‘5” é pus Meeting 205 New Student Ctr 7 oo p.m Call 255.
(q. ‘* 7",”. 62:“.
1:415. 1740
“‘3: 3"}: 1' 9 5. Meetings German Stammtisch-speak with German
s; .‘Cg‘i‘ 3‘ 5 FRIDA i SA I I IRD faculty and students (meet every Friday at this time and
S.—;"-};‘};‘>j;is ' place‘i. UCLub, 381 s. Lirsie icing} :bCall7-4641 ' "d d
"1"”- ’. , 9 5 Meetings UK Bo minton u equipmen provi e
siftufiif‘; 5:4” if, (meets every Friday at this time and place): Seaton Gym:
frgi‘fifh’ivli‘?‘ ; ‘ 8:30-l0p.m. Cal1233-5157
‘:"‘gi’i‘ . . L“ 51v , ~ QDDlICC'xCrVS to‘teoche! ecu 0 Concerts A Shaker Worship Service by UniverSIty iii; 9 7, Meetings UK Badminton CLub equipment provided
.23 "ll-{39:59:}? I , - ~.> :. r: 1 8 :19 Cal; 7 279- risters Free Shakertown lla m 2 30 E 4 p m Ca - (meets every Sunday at this time and place). Seaton Gym:
33'1": é‘f'i‘itlié 32 ' ‘ 2 i'a'm'w‘ch speck W” 09"“0" 4900 2 30-3 30p m Cal1233~5157
if; ‘2“r.-.£.§i'.}7r.;. ,3 . <. - ‘ inf)!» Friday at this t rm; and ‘ Movies Caddyshack, $1 95 Worsham Theatre-SC 8 00 '
:1: ,‘w i} - :— , s t .3 Co'1 7 464‘ p m Coll 7-8867
1,3“? g - “ - ' : . - 53 :~ . . 4 C up equipmet‘l pinioed ' Movies Jagged Edge 5195 Worshom Theotre~SC
ofjxvléz‘z y , - '7. r' " i- ' "we and place Sea'ci' Gym 10 05 p m Call 7-8867
:f'ffiji; {"{-“’i“, E - A ‘ ‘ ° Other Kappa Sigma Road Rally Call 73151
.'. i? {iii-.2355 : * ' .j.‘ -- 2 - S‘ 75 i‘w‘rsl‘o" lhea‘ie St 21-5 00 9 Sports UK Women 5 Volleyball (KY Kickott Classm‘
"filly”??? “ >-' Consolation game Free w UKlD SIS-Pub Memorial Col-
: ."|.;.“"t“ ,9 - ' . JJ_4‘>4 < i ice 5' 95 Warmer“ rheo‘re SC iseum 5 00 pm Call 7-1419
X'N‘fi'i ll ' ~35" 0 Sports UK Women's Volleyball (KY Kick-alt Classml
“it; 1,“? 't.’ :3 ' ‘ " n' - vibr‘i' KY K :k r“ C assii UK Championship game Freew UKlDS3-Pub Memorial Col-
91.42;; $3}??? 4 ,. ». . f». .- ‘JV'? 57 ”it Momma" Co‘seum iseum 7 30pm, Call7-1419
it "'3 it $1.131; g . 4 :
‘1'?‘§:,(’E:: ‘ ~ - v \vv-i - _ , pybo“. Kt Kick 0“ Classic NTS
.;::-;o.i.'.}t.i;:i.-';t , _ , A we 53 “r meo Cohseum 3::
“.:;21‘,.,<:.s.;,‘.‘-,f¢. l .. . ” TX SPECIAL EVE
'1‘ x.” '30:? 2513- ' ¥
‘X ‘f ”#43. HIV-g“
.i.-. ,1” , r a
_i'» 1' “ t runs 1.
‘ “.I _|" i. 4":- .1
4‘3'512'1‘3- i‘i
Til-'2‘}; § 9 2 Academics: Art in Vienna at the Turn of the Century 9 8: lntramurals: Otticials Clinic tor Flag Football: 135 Sea-
11"II'7'VE‘3'.‘ 't 300 hotos at art trom the time at Freud‘ Rasdell Gollery- tori Center: lzmp,m.; Call 7-2898
. Ii _i _u. s H p . . i
i'fti.'?‘.'.‘i:l-Vv't,"f 22 SC. 11-5 pm, Call 77012 9 8. Sports: Football ticket distribution for Rutgers I(9-13).
I; iiii'.':"‘,“.. 9 3 Academics Applications to, student teaching for Fan Free w'UK tulll-time student 10: Memorial Coliseum:
;l}':l{;§‘lf§'sjl‘ I986 104 Taylor Ed Bldg. Call7-2791 Ba.m.—BP-m- Col 7-3151
.IC'V‘f'f‘ ‘ 9 3 Academics Applications tor Teaching Field Experi-
‘fi'rt'i'lg-i‘.}tf-i' ence available 104 Taylor Ed. Bldg. Call 7-279l
“16:; 7 "3t 9 3 Academics Last day to enter an organized class tor
.lt'fl'ai'; .f "It? the Fall semester
'3 1:91-17:30?!” " 9 3‘ Academics: Last day to attic-ally withdraw from the
32:31:5‘11- - University and receive a 80°. retund.
ifinghfi ‘ 9 3 Other Wed Evening Fellowship: well go on a picnic
Chi-ILJ’L"; 'V w tree toad tellowship 8. volleyball. Meet at K-House at
Kip???" ‘45,. ‘ 7 S I N DAY 8 MONDAY 5 45pm, Wiii return by 8.15pm :Call 254-1881
’2’3'3 ‘t/ ’ 9 4‘ Other Alpha Epsilon Delta Pro-Health Pratession
[1""(9'1'4-7? ' Honorary Organization Mtg : Biological Science. 7:30 pm.
i‘lq’Iiflfil‘f‘ 9 4' Other College at Nursing Convocation: Free, SC Ball
1 Is. 5.. ,, ' , ,
til-744,1".J‘fi ' ‘ *' 1"“ """""F 39"” F‘ 'I‘v U"W9'5"v 01C ' Workshops Learning skills program Reading tor room. 7'30 ' 5pm. C0" 3 5‘08
315,2. ?1_'.,‘;_’ . . . an ri'towr‘ 2 39 E A 00 p tr Call 7 4900 Speed STO-UK Stu. $25-Non UK 201 Frozee Hall 3 3.30 9 5 Academics Distribution at applications to teacher ed-
..’.t'~;,f..-,-,3 5...)" . . y ,4 pain- “tr ’- nut- equipment p'Ovided p m Coll 7.870] ucation program 166 Taylor Ed Bldg Call 7-2791
_ [fl/,1: : b '
-".’i,,-_v‘..‘,’w£' . .. ,' so, 1‘ ”Ms ‘ime O90 p'oce SGCI’Op Gym 0 Other Art Print Sales SC Rm. 245 100 m -5p m Call
sis-531%: , _. . t. .. innmvsis: 7-8867 - . .
" 5'15; £3311 . Academics lnte rotive Studies Seminar on Susanna 9 B Workshops Learning skills program. Reading tor
-.- t' I 9 s d sio ux sm $25~Non UK 201 Frazee Hall, 3330
3,1,) 1-599: Free 137 Chem-Phy 7 309 m Calm-5563 ~°°° c “7'8701 '
"' ‘- 25". -" o Cancer’s Faculty rental-Margaret Kennedy soprano 8 p m 0 ' ‘ _ ,
’I ..”.-' ll
(.33 {5711;}, f, Lucien Stark piano Free CFA Re(l'°| Hall a 00p m :gabgther Art Print Sales SC Rm 245. 100 m 5p m Ca
" ,r'rr’i'f ,I-i 0 lntrainurals OttiCials Clinic tor Flag Football 135 Sea- ‘ . , ,
" I" ' ‘ ’r ' - ' ' 5 sanna:
. «‘Jfli,,,{_- ( ,0" Center A-OOpm Call 7-2898 9 8 Academicsfll‘ntigragtive Stzdiltla; fSzbtginor on u
' 11"" ’- 4‘ 7.‘ ' Sports Football ticket distribution l0r RU'QQ’S (943). Free 137Chem- y pm. a '
i i" j :1} ', " Free w UK full-time student ID Memorial Coliseum
’f‘m- fit?" I
rj. . ‘ l 7: 3 30 m 8;; m Co.l 7 3l51
I - - ‘ A' ' t
,5 ‘ AHEAD
'i- ', ." U
'. 5 i"-..". '1/
.‘ ‘p ; , f .
’. ":',I."-'., .
i I; .V'«' ’1' 9 9 Sports UK Women's Volleyball vs. Ohio University; 9/10: Sports: Football ticket distribution tor Rutgers .(9-l31;
..-' Free w UKlD Sit-Pub. Memorial Coliseum; 7:30 p.rn.; Call Free w/tull-tima UK student ID; Memorial Coliseum;
'1 'l A " 7-1419 9a.rn.-4p.m.; Call 7-3151
' .. ' ’ 9 9 Sports. Football ticket distribution tor Rutgers (9.13); 9/12 to 9/20: Academics: Teacher Education Entrance Tests
' I I: t’ Free w full-time UK student ID: Memorial Coliseum; administarod
-.-' '. "’1' 9am-4pm.Call7-3151
“ '. /. ' ' t 9 10. Academics. Last day tor payment at registration has
' , .. .--' and or housing and dining toes in order to avoid cancella-
. . - ' ‘ ‘ tion at registration

 l i V ,
KENTUCKYKERNEL Tuostby, W2, 1986-3 ' .
C O ' , . . ‘
RlOtln breaks Ollt on beach' ' V
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C O O f . 17""".§'.flf 2 - ~
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The Associated Press Police car. a DOIice van. a lifeguard Who W35 walt‘hmg "‘9 5‘1” meet .‘Ji‘i‘? ‘ “ ,,.' i w" ,
jeep and a three-wheel, all-terrain from an observation tower, dis- 1 2" ' I" V ‘2 2' ' -‘ ' ’ .. '
HUNTINGTON BEACH. Calif. - scooter.Jenkinssaid. agreed 2 .. . l ’. ,. . 2 - :
Thousands of people watching a Thirteen people were arrested. ”1 have nothing but pride for the ~ :5 i .5 I .l . .— ‘ . ’ , 2;
surfing contest went on a rampage three of them juveniles, f0,- investi- way the police acted." McAllister ""’" 9" | l i 9 § __ ,_. .— . . L". 2 ‘ ,_-‘
after police tried to rescue several gation of charges ranging from re- said V ' l I ' "‘ I , . II .eV 2 2 . . -
women whose bikini tops had been sisting arrest to assault with a dead- "I was trapped up there and l ’ '2 ~ ‘ '55: . . ~ J ’ . i“: i . V' '_ V-Iv-Vi'n;
torn off, and 13 people were arrested ly weapon for allegedly pelting could see the police as they were _r ”I: - :éztt'r , ‘ l ' '” ' ’. '. :
before order was restored. police with rocks and bottles. surrounded below us “ . I5 ‘ Mthfi 1(‘1 7 -. ' 2} 2',‘ ’VV' 7."- ~V
Six emergency vehicles were All but five of them had been re- The melee began when officers ' -’ ’ 2 "“2 _-: . .. ' .1 " - '-.'2.'«i
burned and a lifeguard station was leased on bail by yesterday morn- went to the aid of five or six young ' V: 2 ’ .2 , 'VV- .‘
looted during the three-hour distur— me. said Senior Detention (){ficer women whose bathing suit tops had ‘ ~ 2. V V 2 2' .V '.l .VVVV
bance in thesandon Sunday. Jaspeh Marucci. He said both men been torn off.Jenkins said . ‘y "7.» _ ‘ 2 -’.~' "I, ~-"."
About 10 officers suffered minor and woman were being held "I heard someone behind the ' ‘ ,2 2 i . V _5‘5. _ 5 372:9.
injuries. police Sgt. Ron Jenkins Some witnesses said club-swinging bleachers yelling. “Take it off. take . ~ , l \ . £5 . w 2 ‘4 2 .".2' 57".."
said. officers overreacted. it ”ll ‘ H ""‘l “Mk Railwrmém» 23. ’ 7' ' ' ‘ ' 2 ' "~"' 3 ~ 2“” _ . ‘ ' "' "2., :u <‘..- 1“,.3'
The rioters 2000 to 5000 teen- . . .. a student at nearby Golden West 1 " ‘ 222"." r
‘ ‘ ‘ "The officers were om crazv. . ' , .‘ 22., "1‘ 2 2-: -'- '-
agersV and young adults, surrounded said Paul Donovan ofgWesgtminster (ollege ‘ \ i; ;‘ .‘ "w 3'; ’.
the lifeguard station chanting "An- who had one to the beach with his The band 0, office” by then / X ‘ t-VV,V~.V.V.- !. .71.“: r :,-_
archy! Anarchy,"authorities said. .- . g . II about 30 strong, took refuge in the v 7,21" Z"-'.,’-."-",'. 2.13
wife and three children. People on . . . I . . I ~, .- ,,' .. . .I ~,-
ch 'cles were beln kicked over and two-story lifeguard station at the , Y] - _. V’f-V’VV‘VVV.‘ '.. .t .V .2"?
They broke Windows in the station bea‘ten Thev wgre . t hitt‘n Huntington Beach Pier, and the :V V V . .VyV',.VV.VVV,V.-VVVV'.‘,~VVV,VVVIVVVV,
with rocks and bottles. they over- them ' Jus I g women apparently disappeared into £ ”V 2 Y‘ _--V,‘V -2‘VV-~".V'-Vi‘:fI'.-"_'.'¢“-ZV'.V
turned and set ablaze the two black- ' the crowd as rioters surged around / 5 t .‘ t. ~72: , 2 If; Ii"-":1.I".' 1'. 2"?"
and-white police cars. an unmarked City Councilman Don McAllister. thelifeguardstatioii,.lcnkiiis said " .3 3'22 "‘ V " ' . ;:' I V- . "L'" 'l.2f;e't.V,-‘f
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eorge own 'l'oyo a p an ma mg . -r . ¥
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TheAssocwtcd Pr?» Kentuck