xt7f1v5bgd40 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7f1v5bgd40/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-02-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 17, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 17, 1999 1999 1999-02-17 2020 true xt7f1v5bgd40 section xt7f1v5bgd40  


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.‘ . , ,, _,_;._,-----._._

«an anon—-v

mlocal group Funnel has strong following, great music to front I Page 9


i 5.21 inputs:

We love all

Feb. 17 — There will be

a discussion of
communication in
Islam at 6:30 pm,
in 359 Student

Food and refreshments

will be served. A
meeting of the Arab
Students' Union will
be held afterwards
at 7:30 pm.

The UK Muslim

Association invites
you to attend.

Feb. 17 - Video

presentation, "Mike
Tyson: The Inside
Story,” King Cultural
Center, UK, noon.
For more
information, call

Feb. 17 - Movie,

Beloved, 7 pm,
Worsham Theatre.
UK, $1. Preceded by
a ”Beloved pre-
party" at the Martin
Luther King Jr.
Cultural Center, UK,
at 6 pm.

The party will be joined

by Dr. Weisenburger
from the English
department who has
written the factual
story on which
Beloved is based. He
has done extensive
research on the
subject of slavery
and infanticide.

His book Modern

Medea: A story of
slavery and child
murder from the Old
South was recently
published and we
will try to have
some copies of the
book available (cost
$25 per book).
Please come out and
be informed about
the real story
before going to see
the factual story of

This get-together has

been arranged by
Phillis Rambsy in
the English

Feb. 18 - Video

presentation, "The
Education of Sonny
Carson," noon,

Martin Luther King
Jr. Cultural Center.

Feb. 18 - Visual Arts

Workshop on the
theme of
desegregation and
co-existence on a
college campus,
6:30 pm, King
Cultural Center.
Sign-up required.

Feb. 19 - Reception for

the “Legends of
Jazz" exhibit, with
live jazz music
provided by the
faculty and students
of the UK Jazz
Studies Program. At
the Rasdall Gallery,
Student Center.

Feb. 19 — To Live,

THE 411

Japanese Film
Series, 7:30 pm,
Worsham Theatre.

Compiled by Ron





February 17, 1999






Once more

Cats try
to defeat
Georgia for
second time
this season!



UK's black enrollment numbers show increase

By Manish Bhatia

And the results are in.

The Council on Postscx'ondary
Education on minority enrollment
at UK announced its findings
based upon UK's 1997 report card.

"I think UK has made
tremendous progress in African-
American enrollment," said Lau»
retta Byars, vice chancellor for
Minority Affairs at UK.

"We doubled our enrollment
in the last 10 years." site said.

The high enrollment rate.
coupled with the wide array of op-

: Laissez
le bon



Let the good times roll: New Orleans not
the only place for to celebrate Mardi Gras

By Stefan Hendrickson


travel to

student a safe place to party.

portunities available to its stu-
dents has made UK the flagship
institution of the state. Byars said.
The Council set specific stan-
dards for different aspects of the
minority enrollment which a par-
ticular state college or university
has to meet or show progress.
“For UK. the plan‘s objective
is to have at least 7 percent of its
in~state undergraduate enroll-
tnent to be African American."

said Sherron Jackson. a CPE staff


UK showed continuous
progress in this area. enrolling 6
percent African Americans as op-

"Since tnost students can't
New Orleans."

posed to 5.8 percent the previous
year. he said.

The second objective of the
plan dealt with student retention
rates. UK retained 79.4 percent of
its black. in-state freshmen. mea-
sured between successive Fall se-

With respect to the total
black student body. UK retained
about 70.6 percent. Jackson said.
In both aspects. UK outscored the
required numbers of 77.6 percent
and 66.6 percent. respectively.

The council also set goals for
the number of degrees awarded to
black students. expecting at least

57.5 percent of the students to
graduate within six years. I'K
showed advanccmcnt in this re-
spect, awarding 18 more degrees
in 1997 than in 1096. with an over-
all graduation rate (if-12.2 percent.

UK tnct the final objective of

black enrollment in graduate
school by enrolling 6.I percent
minority students. as opposed to
the cutotl‘ number of 5.3 percent.

“Overall. UK is doing a pretty
good job of making higher educa
tion accessible to African Anteri-
can residents of the state.” Jack»
son said.

Since the term “minority”

only applied to blacks. other
groups like Asian or Latino did
not come under these objectives.
he said. "We are currently look
ing into total campus diversity
and having all urider-represented
groups looked at."

Nate Brown. Student (lovem-
ment Association president. said
there was still work to be done to
make UK congenial toward mi-
nority students.

“We need more minority fac—
ulty members at I'K." Brown
said. "All students. regardless of
race. need to learn from classes
taught by minority professors."

It's the greatest free show
on earth.

Yesterday was Fat Tues-
day. It was the culmination of
the Mardi Gras season. a his—
toric annual party held in
New Orleans. I.a.. from Jan. 6
to the third Tuesday of Febru-

The custom we now know
as Mardi (Eras began in its
tnodern form around I718 in
French New Orleans with pri-
vate masked balls. The Mardi
Gras season itself is filled with
humor. mockery and a gener-
al sense of hedonistn as thou-
sands of people flock to New
Orleans to partake in the fes-
tivities. There are parades.
parties. drinking and displays
of raw sexuality everywhere.

In honor of the end of the
Mardi Gras season. the Stu~
dent Activities Board sport-
sored a Mardi Gras~themed
karaoke party last night in the
Student Center Gameroom.

The purpose. according to
Student Activities Program
Assistants Anita McGiII and
Matt Dwyer. was to help pro-
mote the gameroom and give

McGilI said. “this is a good al-
ternative and basically. just a
good theme for a party."

The gameroom has been
trying to host periodic events
since its renovation last year.
Marissa Fugate. a Spanish in-
ternational economics and
marketing sophomore and
chairperson of Indoor Activi
ties. is responsible for the
gaineroom activities.

“Last semester we did
karaoke every Wednesday
night," Fugate said, “and we
wanted to do something spe-
cial this semester involving
karaoke. and Mardi Gras just
happened to be the nearest
special event."

Most students do not get
to take the trip to New Or-
leans to experience the party
first hand.

However. Ginny Booher.
a nursing freshman. did get to
visit the celebration this year.

“I heard it can be pretty
dangerous but I didn‘t have
any problems." Booher said.
“I had a really good time." a“

See LAISSEZ on 2

l3 ,; g“ [g a.“

Amie Giles (left), spe

it}? it:

Med Center shows talent

By Pat Clem


Medical students

have NO

architecture sophomore. “They are
with scientific

more concerned
things. things that are exact."
Medical students



4.4 2?

The weather continues
to surprise, as it keeps
moderately warm. But
have no fear, nasty rain
and snow are on the way.

VOL. itI04 ISSUE #102



News tips?

artistic abilities!

That is exactly the opinion that
the Medical Center is trying to

UK‘s Medical Center held its
second annual College of Medicine
Humanities Festival last night at
the UK Hospital auditorium at 3:30
pm. The event was a display of
medical students. faculty and staff.
and their artistic abilities.

“It's an opportunity for people
to reveal their hidden talents." said
Sue Fosson. assistant dean of Stu-
dent Affairs for the Med Center.

It is a common assumption that
those in the medical profession are
not artistically inclined. she said.

“That's not where their inter-
ests are." said James Schetting. an



Call: 257-1915 or write:


study" with all of their free time."
said Jason Diuguid. a communica-

Others showed some leeway to
those of the medical profession.

“I know some that are normal."
said Sarah Walker. an undeclared

The show contained various
forms of art. from cello. guitar and
piano. to vocal accompaniments
and paintings.

Siraj Sayed. a first-year med
student. had a painting of an ole
phant on display.

“I think it's a unique opportu-
nity for the medical community."
Saved said. "Everybody thinks that
medical people are very cerebral.
not talented."

"“‘*MWvA-os°‘ A

. - - . sou-«.msesgsfiasnasx-t:mt s

Artists also have their work
displayed in the Medical (‘entcr I.i»
brary display case.

Participants were glad for the
opportunity to showcase their talr

“It helps us realize the human
side of ourselves. said Meredith
Landorf. a second-year med student
who performed in a clarinet and
flute duet, as well as a solo dance
routine “This is how we get in
touch with that."

“We are trying to foster these
people's artistic abilities," Fosson
said. “They're so diverse. and wide
ly talented.“

Observers were impressed by
what they saw (and heard).

“It's neat to see another side of
them." said Francine Mosley. “And
You even get to see what sortie of
your professors do in their spare




HOBIE HILER j krimri Sim

ecli pathology junior and day manager at Jozo’s, prepared crawfish with operations manager Myra Vlathen.


Hour Him I KIRth STAl’r

Meredith Landorf (left) played the flute and lynn Cerrlco the clarinet
during I talent show at the UK Medical Center's Humanities Festival.






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The Low-down

g that has

a lot of

inl . .
ishow he


Kurds seize Greek missions

ATHENS, Greece *— Kurdish protesters
seized Greek missions around Europe yesterday
in mass protests over the arrest of a fugitive Kur-
dish leader. The Kurds accused Greece of allow-
ing guerrilla leader Abdullah Ocalan to be taken
from its embassy in Kenya and transported to
Turkey. Turkey wants to prosecute Ocalan for
waging a 14-year war for autonomy. Protesters
took hostages in the Netherlands, Austria, Ger-
many, Italy and the Kenyan Embassy in Paris.
U.S. embassies in Europe increased security pre

“.5. taking Iraq threats seriously

WASHINGTON — Iraq’s threats against
Turkey, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia for supporting
recent US. air attacks are being taken seriously,
a Defense Department official said yesterday. A
spokesman for Defense Secretary William Cohen
said Iraq could try three ways to carry out its
threats: Scud missiles, air attacks or terrorist
raids. But. he added, but there is little chance
Iraq's depleted air force could launch attacks deep
into neighboring territory.

Trial opens in Texas dragging death

JASPER. Texas —-» Alleged white supremacist
John William King went on trial yesterday on
murder charges in the dragging death of James
Byrd Jr. Byrd, 49, who was black, was chained to
the back of a pickup truck June 7 and dragged for
three miles as his body was ripped to pieces.
Sheriff Billy Rowles testified that a lighter with
three interlocking K’s was found along the bloody
trail left by Byrd. King, a 24—year-old unemployed
laborer. is the first of three white men charged in
the crime to stand trial. The jury consists of 11
whites and one black. Jasper County, from which
the jurors were drawn, is 18 percent black.

N. Ireland government plan OK'd

BELFAST, Northern Ireland — Legislators in
the Belfast Assembly voted 77-29 in favor of plans
for a new Protestant-Catholic government for
Northern Ireland yesterday, 10 months after
striking their historic peace accord. All 40
Catholics and eight “neutral” politicians voted in
favor of the blueprint, which outlines plans for
the transfer of some powers from the British gov-
ernment. Protestant leader David Trimble, the
new government's designated head, also kept the
support of exactly half the Assembly’s 58 pro-
British Protestant members.

Riley backs teacher licensing plan

WASHINGTON -— Education Secretary


leiland. former
lead singer for
the alternative
rock band Stone
Temple Pilots,
yesterday to
possession of
heroin and
admitted he
purchased the
drugs last July
at a New York
City housing


Samuel l.
Jackson is in
final negotia-
tions to play
the title char-
acter in a
remake of the
1971 action film
Shaft. Daily
Variety report-
ed yesterday.
Pictures will
update the
original film,
which was
adapted from a
novel by Ernest
Tidyman and
starred Richard
Roundtree as a
private detec-
tive enlisted by
a Harlem mob
boss to rescue
his kidnapped

Richard Riley proposed a national model for
states to use in licensing teachers as a way to im-
prove schools. Riley devoted much of his annual
address on the state of education to describing the
model, but insisted it is not an attempt to man-
date a federal policy on teacher quality. Under the
model, new teachers would get a three—year maxi-
mum initial license afier passing a written exam

and an evaluation of classroom performance. '

Teachers who perform poorly could be fired.

Tomatoes may lower cancer risk

WASHINGTON — A new study confirms a
long-suspected view that eating lots of fresh and
processed tomatoes can lower the risk of some
kinds of cancer. The summary study in the Jour-
nal of the National Cancer Institute found there is
now enough data to show convincingly “that high
consumers of tomatoes and tomato products are
at substantially decreased risk of numerous can-
cers, although probably not all cancers.” The data
are most compelling for cancers of the prostate
gland, lung and stomach, said Dr. Edward Gio-
vannucci, author of the report.

New Orleans marks Mardi Gras

NEW ORLEANS — It was estimated that
more than 2 million people, many wearing outra-
geous and often naughty costumes, jammed New
Orleans and its suburbs yesterday for what has
been billed as the world's largest free street party.
The Mardi Gras partying began over the weekend
and escalated as Lent. which arrives today, drew
nearer. A total of 14 parades were scheduled.

Dow ends up 22.14, NASDAO dips

NEW YORK w The Dow industrials ended
slightly higher yesterday, but the NASDAQ fell
amid concerns about Dell Computer's earnings.
The Dow rose 22.14 to 9,297.03. On the NYSE.
losers led gainers 15501539. The NASDAQ closed
down 7.95 to 2,313.94. After the bell, Dell reported
it posted a 49 percent jump in quarterly profit, but
sales fell short of Wall Street predictions.

NFL to add I..A. or Houston team

ATLANTA — The NFL will most likely add a
32nd team in Houston or Los Angeles in March,
returning to a city that lost a franchise this
decade. Commissioner Paul Tagliabue said yes-
terday the 31 owners seem in agreement on the
plan and will vote on it next month in Phoenix.
The team. which would be the NFL’s fourth ex-
pansion club this decade, could begin play in 2002.

Costas to return as ‘Later' host

HOLLYWOOD —— NBC sportscaster Bob
Costas is heading back to late-night television.
Costas, the first host of NBC‘s “Later." has agreed
to return to the 1:35 am. show in May for several
weeks of segments devoted to his most memo-
rable interviews. Daily Variety reported yester-
day. '

Compiled from wire reports.




Bands to do battle
for kids’ charities

By W Scott

Rock and roll, coochie :00.

It‘s Battle of the Bands
time again, but this time it’s
for the kids.

Kappa Delta sorority will
be hosting its second annual
Battle of the Bands to raise
money for the Nest, a Lexing-
ton-based children’s home,
and the National Committee
to Prevent Child Abuse.

The concert will be held
Thursday in the Student Cen-
ter Ballroom from 6 pm. - 10
pm. Tickets can be purchased
in advance for $3 at the Stu-
dent Center, the Complex
Commons, the Fine Arts
Building or at the door for $5.

The Schuers, last year‘s
competition judges, will set
the stage for the battle. They
will not be actively involved in
the competition again this
year but will set the scene for
the audience. The Norm,
KeltiK Rage, Poole’s Creek
Band, Sulfur. Private Blend
and Maelstrom will wait in the
backstage barracks for its per-
formances after the Schuers.

Most of the bands are al-
ternative. but some of the mu-
sic borders on punk or heavy
metal, said Melissa Brown, a

pre-physical therapy sopho
more and Kappa Delta mem-

The competition will be
refereed by Z-103.3, who will be
on-location to do a live remote.
Bands will be judged “by crowd
reaction and overall musical
performance,” said Lauren
Barrett, KD member and com-
munications sophomore.

The winning band will be
rewarded with free recording
time, Brown said.

Last year’s Battle of the
Bands was quite successful,
featuring bands such as the
Schuers, Catawampus and
Barefoot Charlies. The event
raised over $1,000.

“This year we hope to
double that,” Barrett said.

Bands in this year’s com-
petition are all local and were
selected long before the event
was set to go.

“A lot of us knew them
(band members), and we told
them about it,” said Allison
Rachford, KD member and ac-
counting junior. “We adver-
tised to get bands to partici-
pate and some even sent us
demo tapes.”

“It is an extremely good
way to make a lot of money in
a really good atmosphere,”
Barrett said.



Continued from page 1

People from all over the
world travel to New Orleans
for its Mardi Gras celebration.

“I got beads from Jim
Belushi," Booher said. “There
were all kinds of interesting
people there."

Even without visiting
New Orleans, you can still get
a taste of what it‘s like. Jozo’ s
Bayou Gumbo is just one es-
tablishment in the Lexington
area that thrives off of Mardi

“It‘s the biggest day all

year for our restaurant,” said
the Jozo‘s manager Ami Giles.
“We start preparing for it a
month in advance and try to
stick to some of the New Or-
leans traditions.

“We just try to make sure
we have plenty of beer and

So, even if you can’t quite
make it to New Orleans, there
are still local celebrations to
attend next year. Chances are,
there will be something
around to fit your tastes.

As political science sopho-
more Eliz Himmler, who at-
tended the Mardi Gras party at
the gameroom, said, “Mardi
Gras is just a good reason to









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.. .,. ma” ~—
















Matt May
SportsDaily Editor
Phone: 257-1915 | Email: mimayO®pop.uky.edu





UK avoiding
NCAA talk

Cats trying to remain focused despite rumor
mill as NCAA, SEC tournaments approach

By Jen Smith

One game at a time. That's
the Cats' plan anyway.

Just about everyone in the
Bluegrass is worried about UK‘s
remaining four games. Everyone
is thinking about the Southeast-
ern Conference and NCAA tour-
naments. Everyone is consider-
ing seedings and RPI ratings.

Everyone. that is. except UK
Coach Tubby Smith. who says
he is only worried about the
Cats' next opponent, Georgia.
who ventures into Rupp Arena
tonight at 8.

Bulldogs against UK the first
time. He did that shooting 5 of
11 from beyond the arc.

“We know we‘ve got to be
ready to defend a good shooting
team with Jumaine Jones and
DA. Layne." Smith said earlier
this week. “We've not been very
good at defending outside shoot-

The team knows it has to be
with the Bulldogs, who made 50
percent of its treys in the last
contest. The team is first in the
SEC in three-point percentages
at 38.8 percent.

“(Georgia) has the capabili-
ty to have a




“We don‘t great night."
even talk about 5 o p h o m o r e
(tournaments Saul Smith
and seeding and '#°"" said. “They

stufl‘) in the of—

fice.“ Smith
said. “Lord
knows I have

enough to do.
We‘re a team
that has played

Rupp Arena
1': JP (live)
more: 590 AM

Last looting: UK won 91—83 (OT) In Athens

#6 Kentucky (2%)

know what it
takes to win.
We have to go
out there with a
pride check
and say. ‘We‘re
going to stop

a tough sched- "MSW PPG “’6 you from out.
ule. “(lie have o Wayneiurner 109.0 2.3 sidethe arc."'
stumpe our ()9 G Desmond Allison 3. 1. .
acouple offinles F Heshimu Evans 119 5.5 Speaking 0f
we shouldn't F Scott Padgett 11.7 5.8 Saul. "3 hard
have been beat- c Mike Bradley 117 54 to forget about
. the subplot of
en Its tough
to sta focused M W (1440) father vs. son
but 3we try: vs. brother. etc.
everyday" ‘ "'“M' “m." m “'6 G.G. Smith
lVIUGh 0f 6 (2.6 Snilil’i 8.8 4.2 (Tubby Smlth‘s
. G D.A.Layne 12.9 3.0 son and Saul
that focus this r. .
G MichaeiChadmck 10.5 .8 S th‘ b th
week has been -n n S ,9} 97 ml .5 1‘0 '
. FJumaIeJoe 6 llbl d
on GEOFgIa (14~ r Jon Nordin 42 2.3 er) W1 e ea '

r 7 SEC) and
its leader Ju-
maine Jones.
who scored a ca-
reer-high 34 points against UK in
its 91—83 overtime scare in
Athens. Ga. Jan. 26.

Jones, the leading scorer in
the SEC at 19.6 points a game. is
not someone the No. 6-ranked
Cats (20-6. 9—3) take lightly.

“If you give him a lot of
touches.“ Scott Padgett said. “he
gets a lot of points. He hits
some pretty diffith shots."

But Padgett and his team-
mates didn’t forget to talk about
Georgia’s other offensive
weapon. D.A. Layne.

Freshman Layne. a sur-
prise scoring phenom in the
SEC. scored 21 points for the

ing Georgia in

what is proba-

bly his last

game vs. the
Cats. That adds extra incentive.
He had nine points and nine as-
sists in the last game.

"It’s always tough to play
against people you respect and
know and love." Coach Smith

The younger Smith doesn't
seem as worried about hurt

“It’s gonna hurt to see
(G.G.) leave this league." he
said. "But we plan to go unde-
feated against him. That‘s what
we plan on doing."

The Cats might not do it
with offense — the team is last



Center Mike Bradley went up strong over South Carolina's BJ McKie last
Saturday. The sophomore center is averaging 11.7 points and 5.4 rebounds.

in three-point percentage at
30.5. But they are confident they
can do it with defense.

"Our guys are confident
on defense.“ senior point
guard Wayne Turner said,
“(good defense) really makes
the guys on the team realize
that if they're really aggres-
sive on defense they're going
to get some easy layups or a
fancy dunk. if they can jump
that high."

Learning that defense leads
to offense has helped the
younger members of the team

“Once again Coach Smith
got on us at halftime." fresh-
man reserye Tayshaun Prince

“(He wanted us to learn)
that as far as if you play hard
on defense. the offense will
come to you."



UK, Wait shatter

Cats have 12 players score, force 35 Colonel
turnovers during 87-47 romp in Richmond

By Adam Spaw

women's basketball team got
some quality airtime on the Fox
Sports Network last night at
EKU‘s McBrayer Arena.

And so did EKU’s Lady
Colonels. along with a few air-
balls ~ about six of them. to be
exact ~ all in the first half.

“That was by far the best
Kentucky team I've ever
faced." EKU Head Coach Lar-
ry Joe lnman said after his
Lady Colonel‘s 87-47 loss to

“1 know what Custard felt
like now ,1 man. they really
came at us hard."

UK made good use of its
full-court press. which caused
18 first‘halt" EKU “air-headed"
plays. (a.k.a. turnovers). and
jumped out to a commanding
18-3 lead in the game's first 12
minutes from which it never
looked back.

Bernadette Mattox‘s club
kept building its lead. captiliz-
ing off Lady Colonel miscues
and missed shots ~ EKU post-
ed a miserable 20 percent from
the field in first half.

Eight UK players scored in
the first half. lead by junior
guard Tiffany Wait's 13. The
Lady Colonels went into the
lockeroom down 39-15. gasping
for air, after all. they were
pressed for 20 straight min

And the cause for UK's
domination of Colonel Cus-
tard‘s (a.k.a. Coach Inman)
Lady Colonels? Maybe practice
really does make perfect.

“That‘s the kind of defense
we want to keep playing." Mat-
tox said. “We‘ve been seeing it
in practice and it just carried
over to the game tonight.“

Kenya Young. a sophomore
forward who chipped in 8
points for the Cats. said press—
ing is an everyday routine on
the practice floor.

“We hadn‘t run our press
in a while.“ Young said. “Coach
told us this would be a good
game to use it. because we defi-
nitely know we‘ll be using it in
the SEC Touranment.“

If practice is any indica~
tion. the Cats have picked a fine
time to gel.

With only three regular
season games remaining. UK
has a legitimate shot to


qualify for the NCAA tour»
nament. as they are 17—9
overall and ranked in the
RH top 20.

“Our practices have been

outstanding.“ Mattox said.
Young echoed Mattox’s

“We run our press in prac-
tice against guys." Young said.
“So the press was really a lot
easier tonight than it is in prac-

Wait finished with a team-
high 15 points. while sopho-
more forward Laura Meadows
contributed 12 points and seven
rebounds for the Cats. All but
one UK player failed to make
the scoring column.

UK junior guard Erica
Jackson dished out five assists
and scored eight points.

“Erica‘s a gamer. a war»
rior." Mattox said. "She brings
all the pieces together we
owe a lot to Erica Jackson."

EKU committed 35
tumovers for the game and end-
ed up shooting 32 percent from
the field.

“Defense was the big differ-

ence." inman said. “They're a
nice club; they‘ve got size.
quickness , all the things you

like in a basketball team."
Mattox was definitely
pleased with her team's perfor—
mance. but sees greater things
for her program down the


last stand


“We're going to take a (lay
otf anrl mentaly prepare for
South Carolina." Mattox said.

“Eventually. we want to be
a national championship team
some day. but to get back to
this point. we are very

As for making the big
dance this season though. it
might be safe to say. it‘s still up
in the air.

Eastern Kentucky (47)
NAME mi fg-a 31f ft-a rt to
Sizemore 36 6- 22 0 3 6 16
Finley 17 2-6 0- 0 0 4 3 4
Wall 16 0-1 0-0 273 i 2
Bond 37 17 H 00 4 3
King 28 25 0-1 1—1 10 5
Browning 12 16 0.2 0-0 0 2
Dues 20 3 3 00 22 5 8
Hatcher 21 3 5 1 i 0 0 5 7

Mm.“fl1&5§2«8 $16 ”.17
Kentucky (87)
m lilo-a 31f ft-a rt to
Wait 24 5‘6 22 3-3 5 15
McDole 21 37 0-0 2-2 2 8
Jackson 30 2-6 00 4-8 1 8
Owens 12 0-3 0-0 1-4 5 1
Meadows 22 5714 0.1 273 7 12
Martinez 20 2-4 1 3 2-2 2 1
Alexander 19 3-6 0 3 2 2 3 8
Keith is 3‘3 00 0'0 1 b
Barnes 14 14 070 274 5 h
Vieth 13 2 3 (10 (i 0 2 2
Young 7 23 0-0 416 1 8
374 O 0 0-0 6 6
3H! 33 M3“?- 87
Walnut-sly . 15 32-41
M ........ 39 46-07


‘Wooooooobeeo~‘ec" 1.-..


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room 5159 en WEEK"

‘llallJ-J.1‘l; :2...“1.12.41:st.44i.)4ii.u_ké...n.

‘HOM! “GWIW sanctum W

SGA Scholarship


Applications Now Available!


Stop by the SGA ol‘ticc. Room 120 .Siuclcnt (‘1 our. and
pick up an application tor the follow me Scholarships and

°Child Care Grant

0Constitutional Scholarship
OZumwinkie Award

0Academic Excellence Scholarship
°I1yman T. Johnson Odyssey Award

Applications for the Child Care Grants are due February
12 by 4pm
Applications for all other awards are due February l9 by

Pick One Up Today!


The Campus Calendar is produced weekly by the Office of Student Activities.
Postings In the calendar are free to all registered student organizations and UK
Departments. Information can be submitted in Rm. 203. Student Center or by
completing a request form on line at httpzzwww. uk y. edg/LudngenLer.
Posting requests are due ONE WEEK PRIOR to the Monday information is to
appear In the calendar. For more information call 257— 8866







OL.E.A.P. Learning Skills Program. 1-150 and 2:50 pm. 203 Frazee Hall


tFeilowshIp of Christian Athletes meeting. 9 pm. CSF Bldg. (corner or Woodland
81 Columbia)

OStudent Meal and Discussion 5pm. Newman Center

OFrench Conversation Table 4:30—6pm. Ovid’s Cafe

OUK Snowski and Snowboard meeting. 7pm. Rm 228 Student Center

-Psi Chi meeting. 4 pm. Rm. 213 Kastie Hail

OMuinm Students' Assoc. meeting. 6:30 pm. Rm. 359 Stud. Ctr.

0W.S. Webb Archaelogicai Society meeting featuring guest speaker Anita
Coleman. 730pm. Lafierty Hall

Beloved. 7pm. Worsham Theatre. 51

OAIkido Classes/ UK Aikido Club 630- 8'30 pm Alumni Gym Loft. call Chris @ 245-
5887 for Info.

-UK Women's Tennis vs. Purdue. 2pm. Hillary J. Boone Tennis Center
OUK Men‘s Basketball vs. Georgia. 8pm. Rupp Arena




eMatb 109 81123 Tutoring. 203 Frazee Nail. FREE call 7 6959 for more info.
elob Search. interviewing. and Resume Writing. 6pm Rm 248 881E



-(ampus Crusade For Christ weekly meeting. 7230 pm. Worsnam Theatre

-UK lambda meeting fro lesbigaytrans people. 730 pm. Room 231 Stud. (tr

Oihursday Night Live. 7pm. Christian Student Fellowship. call 233—031 3 for Info.

~Finanrial Management Assoc. meeting. with guest speaker Molly Stone. 6pm. Rm 248 BM
oPre‘Law Assoc. meeting. 4pm. Miller Hail Conference Room


OSenior Recital: Tony Granados. tuba. 8pm. Singletary Center “I“
5.119815 ‘
-Uk Ultimate Frisbee Practice 6-8pm. Band Field call Nick at

281— 1256 for Info



"Visual Arts Workshop. 6:30pm. MLK (ultural (enter





0(annes and thcI South—eastern Region of Trance. 50m. Biandlng I Basement


'Kentucky Jazz Repertory Orchestra: Duke Ellington ~ The Early Tears. 8pm. Singleiary
Center. call 257-4929 for tickets

tiexlngton Gallery Hop: UK Art Museum and Singletary (enter. 57-8 pm. call 7—1706Iorln10
elegends of Jazz. 6—9 pm. Rasdall Gallery

IPeaI Gallery Series presents chamber music concert. moon. Peal Gallery of King library


eUK Women's Tennis (8 UNC. 2 pm
~le Softball @ East Carolina. 10am
OUK Softball @ Temple. 2 pm

-Uf( Baseball 6-) The (ltadel. 5pm


eMaster Student Program. S35 cost. (all I—695910r sign up Info and times
11511151. EECEEA 119E


eioble Tennis Tournament. Seaton (enter

ICavin Trip to Carter (eves. meet at Newman (enter 111830 am. lor more into (all Beth at