8t¢t¤¤n¤t Kane ta tha 3¤•a¤t1v• ¤¤¤¤&t1a• at tha $¢¤th••stc2¤ » V ¤¤¤r•r•¤••, Auguat 11, 1951 H. L, Hmavm, Prasmant ¤¤1v¤r»1¤y»¤! Kentucky fxrat , va wash tn axprasa za yan aur nvprnaigtacn tvrryvuv .»‘» v111£¤g¤••• ta ns¤•sb1¤ again ana hun: nur nppcnx tar n aaré ¤ 4•v¤tnn&1ng verdict thnn yam v•r¤ nbnut to p¤¤¤¤¤n•• upon tha Unlvornity at H•nt¤¤xy wh¤¤ wm nppaarot b•t¤r• ynu at yuar lnat nneting. Farina: &•g1u&•t1¤n at ear institution an • r••¤1t at tha bnnkntlnli scandal ¤¤¤¤¤t p¤¤¤1h1yy aervv any gan! purpcaa, an vn have alrunay pmncgna ta ywu ana to tn; eoa tvy · major rwfurus in au: athlstia p¤11¤1•¤. Qhrough tha unnnvuitul publxatty wv hmvo r ¤•1v•d, tha 1¤nt1tmt1¤n sh¢ th¤•• ¤¤n¤•¢t•l with Aa havn axraaay au:t»r•d untala usury. Ys trol nav that we are entitled t¤ ¤¤me g¤n¢r¤¢1¤y·and aynputhctic ¤¤¤•»»s•¤d1¤g ¤¤ the pari cf cnr anilnaguea wiatn vhs: vm ¤¤v• b#•u asaentnftl - nxnee who turnetxnn at tmc $¤u¤h•a¤¤ern Gnntovguca. At ¤¤v !¤rn r nesting tha v¢prn¤¢¤¤m¤1v¤¤ at tha ¤¤1v•rs£ty of Ktntuaty dtd not came b•f¤v¢ yaa asking for a *¤h1t¢vaah'. I We entered u plea at guilty to al1 af t¤¤n¤ charge; to w¤1¤¤·w• {ara guilty ana w• r•qu•»$a¤ you to 1¤p¤•• pnnxshnnnt upon as ucmu nnur te with the artanuen wm had ¤¤¤¤1¤t•&. It is m mnttcr at tant that sx: at any basketball playuru nid tnte hrtbnu ren IIIUIIFI tc fix gunna by controlling tha paint sprvné. Tha University at lantunty vnu dnspiy n¤n111nt•¤